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Chapter 93

As Mihawk gently placed the skiff on the water, Borsalino's expression soured slightly at the sight of the pirate's blatant disregard for his presence. Despite his typically lazy demeanor, he disliked Mihawk's attitude of nonchalance, prompting him to move forward and engage the swordsman.

With a swift dematerialization, Kizaru appeared next to Mihawk, his voice a low whisper, "Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?" His light speed kick aimed directly at Mihawk's temple, but the renowned swordsman was already prepared. In a blur of movement, Mihawk drew Yoru with blinding speed and slashed, infusing his blade with armament haki in an attempt to sever Kizaru's leg.

Reacting swiftly, Kizaru dematerialized and reformed a few meters away, avoiding Mihawk's lethal strike. "Oh, the Marine Hunter sure seems scary," Kizaru chuckled, though internally discarding his lazy attitude. He realized that Mihawk was no ordinary adversary.

Immediately, Kizaru unleashed a barrage of laser beams from his fingertips at a rapid rate, but Mihawk expertly deflected each one. Suddenly, Mihawk sent a flying slash imbued with haki toward Kizaru, who swiftly entered his elemental state, splitting himself in half to evade the attack. However, to his surprise, Mihawk's true intention became clear as the slash aimed for the Marine ship behind him.

In a split-second decision, Kizaru moved to intercept the attack, but Mihawk appeared beside him in a flash, swinging down his blade in a massive arc. Reacting swiftly, Kizaru whispered, "Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven," as he formed a long, sharp sword out of light and solidified it.


With a resounding clang, both Yoru and the sword of light clashed, sending shockwaves reverberating throughout the shore.

Meanwhile, the Rear Admiral, a massive Ancient Zoan user, transformed into a formidable beast, wielding a colossal battleaxe. Summoning all his strength, he intercepted Mihawk's slash just in time, though the force of the impact sent him hurtling through the air, crashing to the rear of the ship.

Coughing and staggering, the Rear Admiral reverted to his normal form, now understanding why the Marine HQ had dispatched someone as formidable as Borsalino to capture Mihawk.

"Not bad! You sure are worthy of your bounty," Kizaru remarked as he slashed at Mihawk with his light sword. Mihawk gracefully countered, deflecting the trajectory of the blade away as it tore through the ground beneath them. Kizaru's speed was unfathomable, forcing Mihawk to push his observation haki to its limits to keep up. As the battle progressed, Kizaru's speed only seemed to increase.

"Yasakani no Magatama!" Kizaru created some distance and glided through the air, unleashing a barrage of light-powered projectiles in rapid succession, akin to a gatling gun. Mihawk reacted swiftly, infusing Yoru with armament haki and sending a massive flying slash to intercept the incoming projectiles.

"Boom!... Boom!!!" Each projectile that clashed with Mihawk's slash sent a resounding explosion, shaking the ground beneath them. The two combatants once again began trading blows with reckless abandon. Though Mihawk lacked Kizaru's speed, he compensated with his unparalleled skill.

As the battle progressed, Kizaru grew increasingly frustrated. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't seem to gain an advantage over his opponent. As a glint fruit user, he had never encountered such a formidable adversary before.

He had always considered himself capable of clashing even with the likes of the overlords of the New World. Yet here he was, facing off against a man barely in his twenties who matched him blow for blow, as if effortlessly. To Kizaru, it felt as though Mihawk hadn't even begun to exert his full strength.

"Your speed is impressive, Vice Admiral," Mihawk replied, his voice calm and composed despite the intensity of the battle. With each clash of their blades, the ground trembled beneath them, bearing witness to their titanic struggle.

As Kizaru unleashed his barrage of light-powered projectiles, Mihawk's eyes narrowed in focus. With precise timing, he deflected each projectile with expert precision; his movements were fluid and calculated. Each explosion reverberated through the air, a testament to the ferocity of their exchange.

Sensing an opening, Mihawk surged forward, closing the distance between them in a blur of motion. With Yoru held high, he delivered a series of lightning-fast slashes, each strike aimed with deadly accuracy. Kizaru countered with equal ferocity, his light sword flashing as he parried Mihawk's attacks with lightning-quick reflexes.

The clash of their blades echoed across the shoreline, the sound mingling with the thunderous explosions of Kizaru's projectiles. With each passing moment, the intensity of their battle only grew, and the combatants locked in a fierce struggle for supremacy.

Despite Kizaru's frustration, Mihawk remained composed, his focus unwavering. With each movement, he anticipated Kizaru's next strike, countering with precision and skill. Though the Vice Admiral's speed was unmatched, Mihawk's mastery of the blade proved to be a formidable match.

As the battle raged on, both combatants pushed themselves to their limits, their determination unyielding. With each clash, sparks flew, illuminating the air with the intensity of their duel. Though the odds were against him, Mihawk remained steadfast, his resolve unshaken in the face of adversity.

As the storm clouds gathered overhead, casting an ominous shadow over the battlefield, Mihawk and Kizaru continued their relentless assault, each determined to emerge victorious in this clash of titans.

As the fight between Kizaru and Mihawk raged on, the sea responded in kind, growing more chaotic with each passing moment. The waves rose higher and stronger, crashing onto the shore with alarming force. Observers could only watch from a distance, unable to get too close due to the intensity of the clash.

"Why is the sea so chaotic today? Didn't Aqua Laguna end just yesterday? Are we going to face another storm today as well?" A veteran seaman pondered aloud, his gaze fixed on the massive thundercloud looming overhead. Even the anchored ships swayed dangerously in response to the tumultuous waves.

"I don't know, but this storm feels different. It was clear just a moment ago, and now I can't even see the sunlight," another bystander remarked as large raindrops began to fall, the sky rumbling ominously with the approach of the downpour.

"It seems like luck is on my side," I murmured to myself, hidden among the curious crowd. Manipulating the massive lightning storm above, I marveled at the unexpected turn of nature. It was a reminder that the Voice of All Things was not as straightforward as it seemed; there was much to learn and master.

"Everyone, make sure to delay bringing out the ships that were sealed due to the Aqua Laguna yesterday. It seems there's a storm coming," the veteran sailor warned, his expression grave. For Water 7, already struggling with declining popularity, frequent storms could spell further trouble for their businesses.

Meanwhile, at the center of Water 7, a temporary court was established for the trial of Tom, who had helped build the Oro Jackson. The judge contemplated Tom's words carefully. Tom spoke with unwavering resolve about his plans to build something called the Sea Train, connecting Water 7 to the major islands in the first half of the Grand Line. Though the project seemed ambitious, Tom's confidence left a lingering impression on the judge.

Hidden amidst the crowd were two cloaked figures, Doffy and Iceburg. Doffy was ready to act if the trial didn't go according to plan, but from the looks of it, the trial was unfolding as Tom had envisioned.

"Are you sure that you will be able to deliver on the so-called Sea Train that you have mentioned?" Judge George questioned, probing for any signs of deception.

"Yes, sir. With the Sea Train, not just Water 7, but the entirety of the surrounding seas and kingdoms within it can prosper," Tom replied confidently, outlining more details about his vision for the Sea Train.

Some of the CP agents nearby felt impatient, eager to simply execute the criminal and be done with it rather than entertain what they saw as eccentric ideas. However, they dared not challenge the authority of Judge George, who held significant power within Enies Lobby and reportedly had direct connections with the Elders from the Holy Land.

The judge contemplated Tom's words, weighing the potential benefits against the risks. If Tom could truly create something as revolutionary as the Sea Train, it could be advantageous for the World Government in the long run. After considering all aspects, Judge George made his decision.

"Fine. In that case, I will give you exactly a decade to implement your idea and bring your project to reality. Your judgment will be held until ten years from now. During this time, you are to dedicate yourself wholly to the project, and I will also be assigning a group of government agents to monitor your progress," Judge George declared.

The announcement surprised many who had attended the makeshift court, initially expecting a mere formality before Tom's execution. Tom was a well-respected shipwright in Water 7, so there was a mixture of relief and skepticism among the crowd. While some were delighted that Tom was temporarily spared, others doubted the feasibility of his ambitious plan to build a sea train route that floated on the sea.

"Let's move. Now that we know your master is safe, we need to depart," Doffy commented, pulling Iceburg alongside him. Iceburg resigned himself to fate, knowing it was his teacher's command, and soon he would embark on a journey with an uncertain destination.

"Don't make such a gloomy face. It's not like you'll never see your master again. It's just a temporary separation," Doffy chuckled as they made their way toward where the Caravel was anchored.

On the southern shoreline, the entire area was devastated due to the clash between Mihawk and Kizaru. Despite Kizaru's best efforts, he couldn't gain even the slightest advantage over Mihawk. Mihawk, in turn, used the pressure from someone as formidable as Kizaru to hone his skills.

"We Marines sure seemed to have underestimated you, Marine Hunter. I have no idea why a monster like you has such a low bounty," Kizaru commented as he skidded through the ground, leaving behind a deep trail as he clashed head-on with Mihawk's sword.

However, Mihawk paid no heed to the Vice Admiral's jests and taunts. He was wholly immersed in a different realm. His blade, after years of waiting, finally started showing signs of blackening. He couldn't contain his delight, channeling it into his attacks and sending massive flying slashes at Kizaru, who dodged and leaped around like a monkey.

The intensity of the battle heightened as Mihawk sought to use this opportunity to hone his blade.

"Dimensional Slash!" Mihawk whispered, and with lightning-fast speed, Yoru tore through the air, leaving a black trail. It seemed as though the very fabric of space was being ripped apart. Kizaru immediately felt the threat of the incoming attack. His instincts screamed as he realized that even if he turned himself into light, the attack would cause substantial damage. So, Kizaru chose to dodge.

But then, the slash, as if with a life of its own, turned toward the direction in which Kizaru moved. "Yata no Kagami!" A stream of light flashed away from Kizaru's palm as he detected the slash cornering him, using his observation haki to reposition himself and dodge the attack that tore through space.

However, Mihawk anticipated such a maneuver. He rushed forward at breathtaking speeds, channeling his armament haki, and even his haoshoku surged like the raging tide, catching Kizaru off guard and making him pause momentarily. That was all the window Mihawk needed.

He charged forward, and a massive apparition of a Shura avatar holding a massive blade manifested behind him as he roared, "Ittou Shura!" and lunged forward, impaling Kizaru. A massive pillar of sword energy blasted out, engulfing Kizaru completely. The attack left a massive ravine, destroying everything in its path for hundreds of meters.

"Vice Admiral!" all the Marines, including the Rear Admiral, shouted in panic as they saw one of their Admiral candidates being engulfed by the blinding beam of sword energy.

Mihawk squinted his eyes, realizing that the enemy had escaped at the last moment. Just then, Kizaru rematerialized on the marine ship's railing under the surprised eyes of the Marines.

However, what many failed to notice was that Kizaru's face had turned pale, and he was sweating heavily. His Marine coat seemed to have been punctured next to his shoulder. Kizaru chuckled as he wiped the bloodstain from the corner of his mouth.

"That sure was dangerous. It seems like you've been holding back all this while and are a Haoshoku haki user. You seem to become more and more dangerous with each passing second," Kizaru remarked as Mihawk eyed him warily. Despite landing a solid blow, Kizaru still seemed to retain most of his fighting strength, putting a frown on Mihawk's face.

"Amaterasu!" Borsalino dropped all his nonchalance as the last attack from Mihawk almost got him. If not for the Glint Fruit's unmatched speed, he would now be gravely injured or worse. The threat level of Mihawk in Borsalino's mind climbed up a few notches.

A blinding beam of light fired from Kizaru's finger, aimed at Mihawk's heart, but he dodged. However, Kizaru was not letting go. With renewed vigor, he jumped into the fray once more. The heavy downpour was making it difficult to track their opponents with sight alone. Without observation haki to aid them, they would have been running blind in such a climate.

"Quick, load the main cannons!" The Rear admiral roared, ordering the Marines to move while they stood confused. There was not much they could do in such a fight. But then the Rear admiral's next words made their eyes shine. "Load those new shells we got from the scientific division!" he bellowed. Soon enough, the cannons were loaded with special shells. They did not have to harm Mihawk; all they would have to do is distract him, and Kizaru would take care of the rest.

Just as they lined the cannons, Mihawk's observation haki detected the movement of the Marine warship. But right before they could fire the main canons, the sky overhead rumbled, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a massive lightning bolt struck the Marine warship, tearing through it and breaking the massive battleship in two.

Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

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