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5.63% Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story / Chapter 4: Arc 1 - Ch 4: Xavier Institute

Chương 4: Arc 1 - Ch 4: Xavier Institute

Chapter 4

Arc 1 - Ch 4: Xavier Institute

Date: Friday, June 4, 2010.

Location: Xavier Institute, Scarsdale, New York

With a cheeky grin, Jubilee flashed Professor Xavier a jaunty salute. "Hey there, Tyson. Welcome to the madhouse," she said, her voice bubbly and enthusiastic.

Her grin was infectious, and Tyson felt the corners of his mouth twitch upwards ever so slightly. "Thanks," he replied, his deep voice starkly contrasting Jubilee's lilt. Her grin grew wider at his response.

Xavier turned back to Jubilee, his wise blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "I was hoping, Jubilee, that you could show Tyson around the school. Help him get acclimated."

Jubilee's brown eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, lighting up her youthful face. "Absolutely, Professor! Consider it done."

"Thank you, Jubilee," Xavier said, dipping his bald head in a nod of gratitude.

Jubilee pivoted to face Tyson, "Ready for the grand tour?" she asked, practically bouncing on her toes. She raised her hands dramatically, splaying her fingers towards the ceiling. With an excited flourish, she released a dazzling array of colorful fireworks that crackled through the air.

As the fireworks faded, Jubilee met Tyson's gaze expectantly. "Well, come on, let's go!" she said, linking her arm through his and practically dragging the towering young man through the doorway. Tyson allowed himself to be led, a hint of a real smile crossing his face at her infectious excitement.

Jubilee led Tyson through the sprawling grounds of Xavier's Institute, her enthusiasm infectious as she gave him the grand tour. She gestured animatedly as she spoke, the rhinestones on her earrings catching the light with each movement. Jubilee's exuberance was like a live wire, electrifying the air and drawing Tyson in despite his initial guardedness.

As they walked the manicured pathways, Tyson felt the tension in his shoulders start to ease. Jubilee's cheerful presence was unlike anything he had experienced since arriving in this world.

Her eyes glittering with curiosity, Jubilee asked, "So where are you from, Tyson?"

Tyson tensed imperceptibly. He couldn't reveal his true origins from beyond this universe. "The Professor said my past was unclear. I have some memories, but the details of my home and upbringing are hazy," he replied, hoping the amnesia story would suffice. If even the telepathic Professor Xavier could not see past when Tyson awoke in the truck, there was little risk of being caught in the lie.

Jubilee nodded sympathetically, her voice softening. "That must be so hard. What's the first thing you do remember then?"

Tyson's gaze grew distant as he recalled his arrival in this world. "Waking up in the back of a truck somewhere deep in the Canadian wilderness," he began slowly. "I wandered into a seedy bar where I got pulled into a cage fight. It was after that when things got... messy."

Jubilee's brown eyes were wide, fixed on him intently as she hung on his every word. She was enthralled by this mysterious newcomer with an unbelievable story of survival against a savage foe. She found herself fascinated, wanting to unravel more of Tyson's hidden past. There was clearly much more to this man than she had expected.

Jubilee's curiosity burned like the fireworks she conjured, and it wasn't long before the conversation drifted toward Tyson's mysterious abilities.

"So, this power of yours," she began tentatively, her voice tinged with awe, "what exactly does it do?"

Tyson's gaze lingered on her a moment, contemplating how much truth to unveil. But Jubilee's wide-eyed wonder radiated genuineness, reflecting her eagerness to comprehend the uncanny. His guardedness receded.

"When I make contact with someone, their life essence flows into me," he explained. "I absorb their memories, their experiences. Gain an imprint of their personality, and their abilities if they possess any. Sometimes their physicality too."

"Whoa!" Jubilee exclaimed, practically bouncing with exhilaration. "So you have, like, all that mutant's powers now? And it's permanent?"

Tyson nodded solemnly. "As far as I can tell. His name was Victor Creed, though he preferred Sabertooth." His voice dropped an octave. "It's not permanent... unless I kill the person I'm touching with my absorption. Since he died from my touch, I took on his strength, his extraordinary healing, and even traces of his feral instincts and skills. Oh and his physique. I guess that's a plus. They're a part of me now."

Jubilee's expression grew thoughtful as she processed this revelation, her exuberance tempering into fascination. Tyson appreciated her open-mindedness. They continued wordlessly, letting the lingering echoes of their conversation fill the void.

"So you can't touch anyone?" Jubilee finally murmured, her voice heavy with sorrow on his behalf.

Tyson shook his head. He pushed down his problems and attempted to lighten the mood with humor. "Let's just say my love life's on an indefinite hiatus," he replied, summoning a sad half-smile.

Jubilee's gaze softened as she studied Tyson, her brown eyes meeting his amber ones with a look of empathy and understanding. "Well," Jubilee said, breaking their eye contact to glance down the hallway ahead of them. "You're not bad looking, you know. Maybe you'll figure out how to control it, or find a workaround."

The unexpected compliment made Tyson's steps falter briefly. "Yeah, maybe," he replied.

Jubilee continued insightfully, "Otherwise, there's a guy here named Colossus who can turn his skin into metal, and another named Iceman who can transform into ice. Maybe they'd be interested."

Tyson shot her a deadpan look, unamused by the joke. "Very funny. But no, I don't swing that way," he replied flatly.

Jubilee just winked playfully in response. "Good to know," she said with a flirtatious lilt to her voice that made Tyson chuckled.

"Good one, had me going for a second." Tyson asked, "So what about you? Tell me your story."

Jubilee gave a casual shrug as she tucked a loose strand of black hair behind her ear. "My story isn't as...exciting as yours. I was born in Beverly Hills, California. Both my parents were these high-powered business executives. They had money, but they were always too busy for me."

She led him down an elegant hallway adorned with old oil portraits of distinguished-looking people, their footsteps echoing on the marble floors. "My mutant powers first manifested when I was around thirteen," she went on. "My parents didn't know how to deal with me, so they shipped me off to some institution. Not this one, obviously. After a couple of years there, I got fed up and ran away. Lived on the streets for a while, getting by with my light show."

Pausing by a large window, Jubilee turned to look at Tyson solemnly. "But then one day, Professor Xavier found me. He brought me here, to the Institute. This place, these people...they became my family." Her voice was filled with gratitude and affection.

Jubilee matched his long strides as they continued down the expansive corridor, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "This main hall connects all the key areas. The classrooms where we learn to hone our abilities, the training rooms where we practice our skills, and the dormitories where we live."

Tyson nodded, keenly absorbing each detail as his eyes roved over the elegant architecture. He raised a curious eyebrow. "Well, I told you about my powers. What about you? That dazzling light show you put on was pretty neat."

She held out her palm. Vivid sparks in shimmering pinks and electric blues danced from her fingertips, illuminating the hallway with their radiance.

"They're like fireworks," she explained, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "I can generate these pyrotechnic energy plasmoids from my hands. Fancy, right?" She waved her hand, sending a spray of sparks cascading through the air. "I can shoot these bursts out, making a real light show. But when I focus, I can also use them to pack a mean punch."

Tyson watched in awe, utterly captivated by the dazzling display. "That's incredible," he murmured, his voice hushed with wonder. The scent of ozone lingered as the sparks slowly faded. "It must have been quite the Fourth of July when you first discovered that power."

Jubilee laughed, her face alight with humor. "Oh yeah, it was a heck of a show! But like all mutants, I had to learn control." Her expression grew thoughtful. "That's what this place is all about. Understanding our gifts and using them responsibly. Being a mutant isn't the end, Tyson. It's just the start of a different world. And trust me, it's one wild ride."

Tyson found himself admiring the girl. Behind Jubilee's bubbly exterior was a story of grit and resilience. Their tour ended at a modern building, its warm interior contrasting the austere grandeur of the Institute's grounds.

Jubilee swept her arm towards it with a flourish. "Welcome to your new home away from home, the dormitory." She pointed, "Guys on the first floor, gals on the second." She led him to a door.

Tyson asked, "Wait, how do you know this is my room?"

Jubilee tapped her temple. "The Professor told me. He knows everything around here."

As Tyson turned the handle, he paused, glancing back with a roguish smirk. "I'd invite you in, but..." He trailed off, holding up his gloved hands in indicating how dangerous his touch was.

Jubilee leaned into the doorframe. "Oh, so just 'cause you don't swing towards Colossus or Iceman means you're swinging my way?" She arched a teasing brow, matching his wit.

She crossed her arms in mock solemnity. "You know, Tyson, it's not all about the physical stuff." Her voice took on a lighter note, eyes dancing with humor. "For the record, there are ways we can get closer without touching." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively, then burst into giggles. "Like, you know, talking, sharing secrets, playing video games?"

"We've been talking. And I already spilled all my secrets to you... amnesia and all that." He chuckled. "But video games? Really?"

Jubilee shrugged, bracelets chiming. "Nothing brings people together like saving a digital world side-by-side. Plus, you learn a lot about someone by how they play." She winked conspiratorially. Tyson nodded slowly, letting Jubilee's words sink in. Jubilee regarded him with a soft, understanding look. "We all have our struggles here, Tyson. But it's how we face them that defines us," she replied sagely, a glimmer of wisdom shining through her bubbly exterior. She flashed him a bright, infectious smile. "Now, about those video games..." she trailed off leadingly, a hint of excitement creeping into her voice.

Tyson leaned in slightly, intrigued. "Alright, you have my full attention. What game has caught your eye lately?" he asked.

Jubilee's eyes lit up, shining with a passionate fervor familiar to any gamer. "Have you heard of Assassin's Creed II? It dropped last year. The graphics, the storyline, and the gameplay are all top-notch. And the parkour!" She threw her hands up excitedly. "It makes me want to run across rooftops!"

Tyson's eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise. "No way, I played that on my PC!" he exclaimed, leaving out the fact that it had been years since he last played.

Jubilee's grin widened. "Get out! I've been playing it non-stop on my Xbox 360. Nothing beats having the controller right in your hands," she asserted confidently.

Tyson let out an exaggerated scoff. "Oh come on, PC all the way! You just can't match the customizability, mods, and precision of a mouse and keyboard," he volleyed back playfully.

Jubilee nudged him gently with her elbow, eyes alight with amusement. "Yeah, yeah, except for all those times your game randomly minimizes because you clicked outside the window. Or when some update or antivirus pops up right as you're about to make an epic kill!" she retorted. "With a console, just pop in the disc and you're good to go. Plus, nothing beats split-screen multiplayer."

"Okay, you got me there with the antivirus alerts," Tyson chuckled. "But there's nothing quite like discovering game-changing PC mods, hunting for the best gear, joining guilds... Don't even get me started on MMORPGs!"

Jubilee's eyes twinkled mischievously, clearly reveling in their friendly debate. "Mmhmm, sure. But have you ever tried playing Halo on PC? Everyone knows console is the only real way to experience it!" she volleyed back triumphantly.

Tyson leaned in conspiratorially, voice lowered to a dramatic whisper. "Between you and me, I may have bought an Xbox specifically for Halo sessions. There's just something about it on console... it hits different."

Jubilee's bright laughter echoed down the empty corridor. She pointed an accusing finger at Tyson, eyes dancing playfully. "Aha! I knew it!"

Then she paused, tilting her head thoughtfully. "Although, isn't it weird you remember Halo but nothing else?" She regarded him curiously. "What kind of amnesia is that?"

Tyson just shrugged, offering her a lopsided grin. "Hey, maybe video games hold a special place in my Swiss-cheesed memory. Like they're too important to be forgotten." His eyes glinted playfully. "Or maybe it's a sign."

"A sign of what?" Jubilee asked, intrigued.

"It must be a sign that you and I are meant to be together. I was fated to remember the one thing that would bring us closer."

Jubilee tried and failed to suppress a laugh. "Ooo, that was kind of smooth, I'll give you that. A solid 7 out of 10 on the flirt scale," she teased.

"C's get degrees?" Tyson replied hopefully.

"Uh uh, this is private school, buster. You gotta aim higher than that." But the sparkle in her eyes told Tyson he was far from striking out. She turned and began walking down the hall, tossing a playful glance over her shoulder as she went.

Tyson watched Jubilee's petite frame disappear down the long hallway, her bubbly laughter trailing behind her until it faded into silence. With a sigh, he turned the handle and stepped inside, eager to settle into his new home.

The cozy dorm room struck a harmonious balance between function and comfort. Twin beds sat on either side, neatly made up with crisp white sheets and plush comforters in muted earth tones. Nightstands flanked each bed, bare save for reading lamps. Against the far wall stood a simple desk and chair, surfaces clear and awaiting use. Across from it sat a sizable wardrobe, doors closed but promising ample space for the clothes he had yet to acquire. The walls were painted a tranquil shade of blue, bare save for a corkboard and a large window.

Tyson's gaze settled on the desk. He slid into the chair, opening the top drawer to find pens and stacks of fresh paper. He withdrew a pen and a single sheet, spreading it out before him. Staring at the blank page, his mind turned to his extraordinary powers. Then, he began to write.

The words flowed swiftly from his pen, cataloging his new abilities.

Absorption - Draining the life force, memories, skills, and powers of others through skin contact. Permanent if they die from the touch.

Healing Factor - Rapid regeneration, can regrow limbs.

Increased Longevity - Extended lifespan, agelessness?

Superhuman Strength - Needs testing.

Superhuman Speed - Needs testing.

Superhuman Agility - Needs testing.

Heightened Senses - seeing, hearing, smelling with animal-like acuity,

Claws and Fangs - Razor-sharp talons

Tyson regarded the list of extraordinary powers he had cataloged, his mind turning over possibilities to understand and control them. As dusk's golden light faded outside his window, he set down his pen, eyes settling on the first item.

Claws and fangs.

Unlike his other abilities, this one required no special circumstances to test. He pushed back his chair and crossed the sparse room to a full-length mirror leaning against the far wall. His reflection stared back; a tall, muscular young man with light brown skin. Though he guessed his age around sixteen, his imposing height, muscular build, wild hair, and facial hair lent him a dangerous air and made him look older than his actual age.

Leaning closer, Tyson bared his teeth. Ordinary human incisors and canines greeted his inspection. Furrowing his brow in concentration, he focused on awakening the same deadly traits he'd seen in Sabertooth. Pressure built along his gums, a strange tingling sensation. Squinting, he watched his teeth extend and taper into wicked points.

After a few tense moments, the tingling subsided as he willed the fangs to retreat. Tyson let out a slow breath, meeting his reflection's ordinary teeth once more.

Steeling himself, Tyson unfurled his fingers before the mirror, recalling the vicious glint of Sabertooth's claws. Prickling tension gathered at his fingertips, building to a stronger jolt that raced down his palms. Claws erupted from above each knuckle, curving three inches long and razor-sharp. He flexed them experimentally. Despite their sudden manifestation, they felt natural, as if they were always meant to be part of him.

With a thought, Tyson retracted the claws, leaving unbroken skin behind.

One power confirmed and within his control.

Tyson stared at his hands for a moment longer, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he flexed his fingers.

A brisk knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. He strode over and cracked it open to see Jubilee peering back at him.

"Stop playing with yourself, it's time for dinner," she teased, mirth dancing in her eyes.

Tyson quirked an eyebrow at her. "How'd you—"

Before he could finish the question, Jubilee swung the door wide open, revealing another girl standing just behind her. Tyson's eyes widened slightly as he took in the newcomer. Fiery red hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. Her deep green eyes were rimmed with long lashes. She wore a fitted emerald dress that accentuated her slender yet toned figure, stopping just above her knees to reveal long, lean legs.

As she looked up at Tyson, her lips curved upward, and faint dimples creased her cheeks. "Hi," she greeted softly.

Tyson blinked, momentarily taken aback. She was not who he expected. "Sansa Stark?" he mumbled absently.

Jubilee's brow furrowed in confusion. "No," she corrected, "this is Jean, Jean Grey." After a pause, she added, "Who's Sansa Stark?"

Tyson chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sansa is a character from a book, 'Game of Thrones'..." He trailed off, realizing his mistake. He quickly tried to move the conversation along. "Anyway, sorry about that. I'm Tyson," he added, extending his gloved hand. "Nice to meet you, Jean."

Jubilee gave Tyson a knowing look. "Watch out for this one, Jean. He has amnesia, but now he remembers books and stuff. That must mean you two are destined to be star-crossed lovers."

Jean's eyes widened, a pretty blush blooming on her cheeks. "W-what are you talking about?" she stammered.

"Don't mind her," Tyson said, waving it off. "She's just trying to goad me into a Halo match so she can try to assert her dominance over the newbie."

He turned back to Jean, meeting her gaze directly. "Since Jubilee seems to know exactly what I was doing, I'm guessing you told her. So your power is...stop me when I get it. X-ray vision, remote viewing, precognition, reality manipulation, astral projection, mind reading..."

Jean laughed, the sound light and melodic. "Telepathy," she confirmed with an amused nod, not at all surprised by his rapid-fire guesses.

Jubilee gave Tyson a stern look, though her eyes still danced playfully. "Jean knows everything that goes on around here, so you better behave yourself, mister."

Tyson nodded, but inwardly he mulled over the implications. If he had actually been doing what Jubilee had implied, Jean would have known. The thought made him shift awkwardly. Then an entirely different, somewhat amusing notion entered his mind. Given his increased musculature, he wondered if other aspects of his anatomy had changed proportionally as well... Before he could stop himself, his gaze flicked down. When he glanced back up, Jean's fair skin had transformed from a peachy hue to a brilliant crimson that spread all the way to the tips of her ears.

Jubilee seemed oblivious at first to Jean's sudden discomfort, until she looked over and noticed the telepath's flaming cheeks. "Hey, what's he thinking about that's got you so flustered?" Jubilee asked.

"N-nothing!" Jean stammered hastily, face still aflame. She quickly seized Jubilee's arm and began steering her friend down the hall. "Come on, let's go get dinner."

Tyson watched them go, lips quirking in a barely suppressed grin. This place was already proving more interesting than he had anticipated. He stepped out and pulled the door shut behind him.

— Rogue Replacement —

The cafeteria of Xavier's Institute was abuzz with energy, the air filled with the enthusiastic chatter of young mutants. Tyson followed Jean Grey and Jubilee, pausing to take in the scene around him. The students were a kaleidoscope of unique appearances and abilities; some had different-hued skin, while others levitated trays of food telekinetically as they conversed. It was an extraordinary sight, but to them, it was simply an average dinner.

What captivated Tyson most was the aroma. As they entered the cafeteria, the scents washed over him invitingly. The savory, herbaceous scent of roasted chicken mingled with the tang of crisp romaine and sharp Parmesan from the Caesar salads. Warm, yeasty notes from freshly baked garlic bread completed the medley of smells that made his mouth water. This was nothing like the bland, overcooked meals he remembered from school cafeterias from his past. It must be his superhuman sense of smell enhancing what nuances he could pick up.

Tyson's eyes widened hungrily as he took in the spread of delicious food laid out before him. He eagerly filled his plate, piling it high with the fragrant chicken and salad.

Jubilee remarked, "Not bad, right? Trust me, the food's as good as it smells here."

"I'm just surprised," Tyson replied with a grin. "Most cafeterias I've been to served stuff I wouldn't feed to my worst enemy."

A name surfaced, unbidden within his mind.


But no, that wasn't right. Logan wasn't his enemy...

He realized that remnant thought came from Sabertooth, the feral mutant whose psyche Tyson now possessed. Creed's influence was creeping in. He shook his head slightly, dispelling the stray notion.

Jean added, "The chefs try to cater to the unique needs of our mutant students, preparing special dishes if required."

Jubilee chimed in enthusiastically, spearing a forkful of salad. She regarded Tyson's piled-high tray with an expression mingling awe and amusement. "That's way more food than I could eat in a whole day."

Chuckling, Tyson balanced the hefty tray in one hand with ease, the sculpted muscles of his arms flexing. "Well, I'm about three times your size. Gotta fuel these muscles somehow." He raised a questioning eyebrow at Jean. "So where are we sitting? Do you guys have a regular spot? Give me the social layout around here."

Jean pointed toward a table occupied by some familiar faces. Cyclops, Storm, plus a few others he hadn't met yet and didn't recognize immediately. "That the professors' table. The ones you haven't met will likely be curious about you. The new student who got into a fight before even arriving."

Jubilee gave Tyson a playful wink. "Word's gonna spread fast about the huge new guy who took down a villain solo. Everyone's gonna wanna know how you managed to win. You've got some serious street cred already."

As they walked to an empty table, Tyson felt like he was among peers who understood the challenges of being different. He was about to dig into his meal when Jubilee's hushed voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Uh oh, here comes Magik."

Following Jubilee's subtle nod, Tyson spotted a young woman approaching with an air of aloof confidence. Her skin was pale, offset by piercing blue eyes that glinted with a hint of mischief. Platinum blonde hair hung in a sleek, modern style that framed her delicate features. Her heeled black boots clicked authoritatively against the floor with each step. Her outfit blended edgy punk aesthetics with high fashion in a way that made a statement. More than one head turned to follow her progress through the cafeteria. The young woman reached their table and paused, her gaze moving dismissively over Tyson before settling on Jubilee and Jean. When she spoke, her words carried the trace of an exotic Russian accent.

"So, this is the newbie I've heard so much whispering about?"

Tyson bristled slightly at her casual dismissal of him. Clearing his throat, he said, "I'm Tyson."

She looked him up and down languidly before replying, "Illyana Rasputin. But around here, they call me Magik." One corner of her mouth quirked up. "For obvious reasons."

Tyson glanced around in puzzlement. "I'm not seeing a wand, or robe, or crystal ball. What exactly makes you magical, unless you're going to pull a rabbit out of those giant boots you're rocking?"

Beside him, Jubilee snorted, barely avoiding spitting out her soda.

Jean's voice was warm and diplomatic. "We were just finishing up an overview of the Institute for Tyson. He's had quite an eventful first day."

Illyana's piercing blue eyes narrowed to slits as she stared down Tyson. "I thought I'd come to see what all the fuss was about with the new kid. But honestly?" She scoffed, tossing her long blonde hair over one shoulder. "Color me unimpressed."

Jean's patience seemed to wear thin, her brows drawing together. "Illyana, if you don't mind—"

But Illyana silenced her with an imperious, dismissive wave of one manicured hand. "I was just leaving. Enjoy your meal, newcomer."

With a final mocking flourish, she extended her hand palm down toward Tyson in a clear challenge, as if expecting him to kiss it like some medieval knight. Tyson hesitated, his expression unreadable, muscles taut beneath his shirt.

As he gazed at her outstretched fingers, a darker urge stirred within, seeping into his thoughts like a poisonous fog.

Slowly, Tyson clasped Illyana's hand in his own gloved one, lifting it toward his face. But before his lips could meet her skin, an invisible force halted his movement.

Jean's voice rang out in his mind, clear as a bell. This isn't you.

Her words pierced the haze clouding Tyson's judgment. Shame flooded through him as he realized his actions had been manipulated by the fragment of Sabertooth's psyche, goading him toward petty spite.

Tyson stared down at Illyana's pale hand still gripped in his.

Using his abilities to harm others out of anger wasn't who he was.

With a deep breath, Tyson gently lowered Illyana's hand, giving it a light, conciliatory shake before releasing it. Her eyes glinted with amusement, unruffled by her newest opponent in the battle of high school hierarchies. Illyana turned and sauntered away, hips swaying, clearly dismissing Tyson as a worthy threat.

Tyson's eyes darted to Jean whose delicate features radiated concern.

Sensing the tension permeating the air, Jubilee tried to lighten the mood with a nervous chuckle. "Well, that was...intense," she said, shifting her weight between feet. "Tyson, remember, we're all trying to get along here."

"Thanks, Jean," he finally managed, "I almost lost myself there."

Jean simply nodded in return, her eyes softening with empathy. "Just remember, every choice we make defines us," she said gently. "It's a constant battle here, where we're all trying to find ourselves and our place in the world."

Tyson realized now that Sabretooth's insidious influence ran far deeper within him than he had ever imagined. The feral mutant's psyche was dark and vicious and could influence him heavily if left unchecked. He knew he would need to be vigilant, constantly on guard against the seductive pull of his baser instincts.

Steatoda Steatoda

Behind the Scenes

- This scene is inspired in part by New Mutants (2020) and the X-Men and X-Men Evolution cartoons.

- When Tyson guesses Jean’s powers, the ones he mentions are other powers possessed by Jean Grey in the comics. 

- Jean Grey was played by Famke Janssen in X-Men (2000) but I decided to go with a younger, student Jean in the image of Sophie Turner as seen in X-Men: Apocalypse (2016).

- Assassin’s Creed II was released in 2009, but not on PC until March 2010. Tyson slipped up saying that he’d played it and Halo, after saying he didn’t remember anything before waking up in the truck. He tried to cover it up with flirting.

- Magik’s name appears on Stryker’s computer in X-2 so she exists in the X-Men (2000) continuity. Her backstory is a twist on her movie and comic backgrounds and will be explained gradually, so please try to keep an open mind there.

Support Plug

For those of you interested in supporting my writing.


For Arc 5, every chapter had its own cover image.

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Ten bucks membership gets the same as above, but two chapters ahead, an exclusive what if, and a preview of the Arc 7 cover (next love interest)

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