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72.72% Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic / Chapter 32: Out of the Frying Pan

Chương 32: Out of the Frying Pan

The last of the summer sun had set over the horizon, casting long shadows across the village. Inside Jarl Haraldson's longhouse, a feast was in full swing. It was during this time that the last of the shares from the raids were divided, and the people celebrated their hard-earned bounty. The hall echoed with roars and cheers as men drank and ate heartily. At the head of the longhouse, Jarl Haraldson sat on his throne, his wife Siggy by his side. Despite the revelry around him, Haraldson's thoughts were dark and brooding. His thoughts dwelled on what his son, Magnus, had told him when he returned from the New Lands to the West. News regarding the unmanning of his half-brother Knut and the perpetrator —Thorfinn.

At first, Haraldson hadn't thought much of Thorfinn when they met at the Thing. His interest had piqued when Thorfinn managed to win Hestein's land, but he attributed that to cunning or perhaps skill with a sword. The unmanning of Knut had troubled him, but it wasn't enough to provoke immediate action. However, the situation had escalated when one of his spies reported that Ragnar's wife and daughter had travelled to Thorfinn's lands. With tensions between him and Ragnar rising, Haraldson could not afford for Ragnar to gain more allies.

"Is everything okay, my love?" Siggy's voice cut through his thoughts.

Haraldson didn't respond at first, so lost in his musings that he didn't realize she had spoken until she touched his arm.

"I am fine, wife," he replied, though his eyes were fixed on the doorway where Knut had just entered. It had been over a month since Haraldson had last seen his half-brother. He had tasked Knut with spying on Thorfinn to gather information about his land and his ability to muster men. Haraldson had been close to writing Knut off as dead, especially since he had left at the same time Lagertha journeyed to Thorfinn's land.

"Where are you going?" Siggy asked as Haraldson stood up.

"Knut is back," Haraldson stated.

"Can it not wait until after the feast?" Siggy inquired, concern in her voice.

Haraldson ignored her as he motioned for his ally and friend Mikael to join him. Mikael, seated between his sons, stood up and followed Haraldson into a private room. They clasped arms and exchanged brief pleasantries before sitting down to discuss the matter at hand.

"You've been gone for a long time. I worried for you," Haraldson said to Knut.

"I stayed because there was much to see," Knut replied, his tone serious.

"Well then, tell us what you saw," Mikael said impatiently.

Knut glanced nervously at Mikael but nodded. "Thorfinn has rebuilt the smithy and the smelters," Knut began. "They've been smelting iron ore and crafting weapons and armour. They've managed to stockpile a significant amount of iron ingots."

"What about his men?" Haraldson asked.

"He has been training them vigorously," Knut replied. "They follow a strange training routine I've never seen before, and he's been equipping them with weapons and armour. I saw at least twenty men in training, but there could be more."

"Twenty men?" Haraldson's eyes narrowed. "And their armaments?"

"They are well-armed, my lord," Knut said. "Shields, swords, spears... even a few hammers for the stronger men among them. Thorfinn is undoubtedly preparing for battle."

Mikael's impatience grew. "Is that all?" he demanded.

Knut hesitated, looking once more at Mikael before saying, "There is more, but it might be best if Mikael not be present for the next part."

"Speak, fool. I don't have time for this," Mikael snapped.

Knut looked to Haraldson for support, but Haraldson simply nodded for him to continue. Knut took a deep breath and said, "Mikael's son, Elijah, is present on the farm. He continues to train Thorfinn."

"Lies!" Mikael shouted, standing up and grabbing Knut by the collar, dragging him across the table.

"Peace, Mikael," Haraldson said, his eyes fixed on his brother.

"Are you sure it was Elijah?" Haraldson asked Knut.

"Yes, lord. I'm certain," Knut replied, his voice trembling.

"Impossible. Elijah has gone to Uppsala with my daughter," Mikael insisted, tightening his grip.

"She was there as well, lord, and she is with child," Knut added quietly, cowed by Mikael's fury.

Mikael's gaze turned murderous. He reached for his dagger, but Haraldson intervened. "I trust Knut with my life. He would not lie to me," Haraldson said, placing a calming hand on Mikael's shoulder.

"If this is true, I will go and kill Thorfinn myself," Mikael spat, his anger barely contained.

"He has dishonoured both of us. Rebekah was to marry my son and join our families," Haraldson growled, echoing Mikael's rage.

"She still will. I will go and get her and kill the babe she carries," Mikael said coldly.

Haraldson considered this before shaking his head. "In his home, Thorfinn will be too well protected. If we devote our forces to attacking his homestead, Ragnar would surely strike."

"Thorfinn is leaving soon, within the week at least," Knut struggled to say. "He is coming to Kattegat with Lagertha and Floki."

"You're sure?" Haraldson asked.

Knut nodded. "I heard it myself."

Haraldson smiled. "Then it seems this will be an easy affair. After all, people get lost travelling all the time."

Mikael growled and threw Knut back into his seat. The man clutched his abdomen in pain but was otherwise unharmed.

Haraldson leaned back, a grim smile playing on his lips. "We will deal with Thorfinn when he is vulnerable. Prepare the men, Mikael. We will ensure he never reaches Kattegat."


Thorfinn stood in the middle of his fields, taking in the sight of his people harvesting the last of the summer crops. Rows of onions, carrots, and undergrown leeks spread out before him, despite not being able to place a proper crop they had done well in what they could do. The air was crisp, carrying the first hints of autumn, and the promise of a cold winter. Floki, standing beside him, watched the workers with a critical eye. "The crops have grown well this year. We should have a decent surplus."

Thorfinn nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "They've worked hard for this, and it's paying off."

Their conversation was interrupted by a woman, who approached with a basket of freshly harvested vegetables. "Thorfinn, the crop is ready. We've gathered most of it."

"Good," Thorfinn replied, nodding in approval. "Take a large supply and dry it. Then store it in the new cellar under the house."

She nodded and headed back to the fields to relay the instructions. Thorfinn turned to Floki, motioning for them to walk back to the house. As they strolled along the path, the sounds of training filled the air. The men of the village were practising the shield wall, divided into groups of ten, clashing fiercely. Floki watched them, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Do you really want to get involved in this fight, Thorfinn?"

Thorfinn frowned. "Why would you ask that?"

Floki shrugged nonchalantly. "You've built something good here. The Jarl might leave you be if you choose not to get involved."

Thorfinn sighed, looking over to the training men. "Maybe he would. But Ragnar and Lagertha are family. Even if they weren't, I owe them for taking me in and raising me. I can't turn my back on them."

Floki giggled but said nothing more. They reached the house, where they saw Lagertha and Arwyn sparring outside. The two women moved, their wooden swords clashing as they fought to beat each other. Lagertha was slower than Arwyn but she made up for it in experience, she was able to almost effortlessly predict every swing and thrust Arwyn could deal with. It all ended when Lagertha parried her sword to the side while sidestepping and kicking her feet out from under her. Thorfinn watched for a moment before stepping forward. "Is everything ready for our trip tomorrow?"

Lagertha nodded, lowering her practice sword. "Yes, we're prepared."

Arwyn, catching her breath, added, "I've packed the cart with all the supplies."

"Good," Thorfinn said, ruffling Arwyn's hair affectionately. "Make sure to rest well tonight. We have a long journey ahead."

Inside the main hall, the warmth of the fire and the smell of cooked meat and fresh bread greeted them. Rebekah and Helga were busy at the hearth, preparing a hearty meal. Blaeja sat by the fire, engrossed in one of her books, while Elijah sharpened his sword nearby.

Thorfinn greeted them all with a nod and a smile before turning back to Lagertha. "How was the training today?" he asked her as they settled down to eat.

"Arwyn is improving quickly," Lagertha replied, casting a proud glance at the younger woman. "She has potential like you said, but she still has much to learn." Arwyn blushed at the praise, but Thorfinn could see the determination in her eyes. "You'll do fine," he assured her. "Keep at it, and you'll be a shieldmaiden worthy of song."

Rebekah smiled warmly at Thorfinn before she approached and hugged him tightly before kissing him on the cheek. Her belly had grown significantly in the past few moons, Lagertha had told him she was only 2-3 moons away from giving birth which excited him. "You must be hungry," she said with a smile as she sat next to him and gave him food.

"Starving," Thorfinn said with a smile.

Gyda, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "I wish I could come with you to Kattegat, I don't feel good about staying here."

Thorfinn looked at her with a smile. "It warms my heart you wish to help, but it would make us all feel better if we knew our loved ones were safe," he said to her.

Gyda felt her heart flutter when she heard Thorfinn call her a loved one, a small blush adorned her face and she could do nothing but nod and look back down to the ground. "

Floki nodded "Thorfinn is right, I would not want the Jarl getting his grubby hands on my Helga," he said pressing his lips on her neck and making her giggle.

"I hope this war ends quickly, I'd very much like to research Kattegat, especially the rune stones you have there," Blaeja commented as she looked over her book. Everyone chuckled, they'd long since gotten used to Blaeja's antics, as soon as she was proficient enough in their language they were subjected to question after question about their lives and cultures, she was especially interested in Lagertha and their rules on women.

They continued to make small talk and eat dinner together. Thorfinn felt a bit sad, knowing this would be the last time they'd all be together until the trouble with the Jarl was over. The firelight flickered, casting a warm glow on everyone's faces. The laughter and chatting around the table felt bittersweet. One by one, they left and returned to their rooms for the night. Rebekah, who was one of the last to leave, kissed Thorfinn on the cheek and asked him to come to bed soon.

"Don't stay up too late," she whispered with a soft smile before heading to their room.

Elijah and Thorfinn were the last ones there. Thorfinn stared into the fire, lost in thought.

"Elijah," Thorfinn began, his voice low, "the conflict ahead... it's possible I might have to kill your father."

Elijah remained stoic, his face unreadable. "Whatever the gods will," he said simply, standing up. "Get some rest, Thorfinn. We'll need our strength."

Thorfinn nodded. Elijah walked away, leaving Thorfinn alone with his thoughts, the flickering fire the only companion in the quiet room.


The next morning, the sun barely crested the horizon as Thorfinn, Lagertha, Floki, and Arwyn prepared for their journey. The air was crisp, carrying the promise of the approaching fall. The small courtyard in front of the longhouse bustled with activity as everyone gathered to see them off. Rebekah, her hands resting on her growing belly, stood close to Thorfinn. She looked up at him, her blue eyes filled with concern. "Promise me you'll be careful," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Thorfinn smiled, cupping her cheek with a rough hand. "I promise. Take care of everyone here. We'll be back before you know it."

Hild approached, her belly also large with pregnancy, she trusted in Thorfinn completely and knew he would be okay. "The village will be in good hands, Thorfinn. Just make sure you come back to us," she said as she kissed his cheek.

Floki, ever the one to lighten the mood, clapped Thorfinn on the back. "Aye, don't worry, Hild. I'll make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble." He chuckled, earning a faint smile from everyone.

Gyda stood nearby, her arms wrapped around herself against the morning chill. "I wish I could go with you," she said, her youthful face serious beyond her years.

Lagertha walked over and placed a reassuring hand on Gyda's shoulder. "You would be targeted by the Jarl, stay here and help maintain the land, it would make me feel better knowing you're safe."

Arwyn, adjusting the straps on the cart, turned to face the group. "Everything is ready," she announced. She had started wearing her hair in a braid similar to Lagertha, she braided the sides of her head joining them into one large braid that flowed down her back.

Thorfinn nodded, giving her an approving look. "Good. Let's get moving then."

Elijah stepped forward, clasping Thorfinn's arm in a firm grip. "Be careful out there Thorfinn, my father is not one to cross lightly."

Thorfinn returned the gesture, his grip equally strong. "Thank you, Elijah. Keep them safe."

With final hugs and farewells, the small group climbed onto the cart and began their journey. The cart rumbled away from the longhouse, Thorfinn couldn't help but glance back, taking in the sight of his home and the people he was determined to protect.

However, unknown to them, a group of men watched from the tree line, hidden among the dense foliage. These men had been hired from a neighbouring village by Mikael and Jarl Haraldsson. Their leader, Knut, stood at the forefront, his eyes fixed on the departing group with a vicious smile curling on his lips. He had waited for this moment, his heart burning with a desire for vengeance against Thorfinn and Lagertha. "We'll strike soon," Knut whispered to his men, his voice filled with malice. "Let them think they're safe. We will bring them to their knees when their guard is down."

The men nodded, their expressions hard. As the cart disappeared from view, Knut's smile widened, the thrill of imminent retribution coursing through him. He had suffered humiliation and loss, and now, he would make sure Thorfinn paid for every slight. He'd also make sure every man here had their turn with Lagertha; he couldn't enjoy her himself but he'd make a whore out of her and sell her body for next to nothing every night.


The first few hours of the journey were uneventful, filled with light chatter and the rustling of leaves underfoot. The path to Kattegat was familiar to Thorfinn, yet it was still a hassle to undertake. As the sun climbed higher, they decided to take a brief rest and have lunch. At the six-hour mark, they found a suitable spot by a small stream. They set down their packs, and Floki quickly started a small fire to warm their meal. As they ate, Lagertha brought up their plans for when they arrived in Kattegat.

"There should be a Thing occurring in the next few days," she mentioned between bites of dried meat. "Ragnar will be there, along with Rollo, Torstein, and Erik. They're staying at Rollo's house near the edge of the city, and we will stay with them."

Thorfinn nodded thoughtfully. "We need to be cautious. The Jarl won't be pleased to see us, especially with the current tensions."

"I still hope there might be a chance to avoid a fight, it'll bring our people nothing, we should be more focused on the new lands to the west," He added with a sigh. Before they could delve deeper into their plans, Arwyn's nose twitched, and she abruptly stood up, her eyes scanning the surrounding trees. Thorfinn noticed her sudden change and looked at her with concern.

"Arwyn, are you okay?" he asked, his hand instinctively moving toward his weapon.

She shook her head, her expression serious. "There are people here."

Immediately, all four of them stood up, drawing their weapons. The air grew tense as they scanned their surroundings, listening for any sign of movement.

"Where are they?" Thorfinn asked, his voice low and steady.

Arwyn pointed to the tree line to the east. "Over there," she said, her voice a whisper but firm.

The group moved into a defensive formation, their eyes trained on the indicated area. Floki's grip tightened on his axe, while Lagertha and Thorfinn held their swords ready. "Stay close," Thorfinn whispered to the group. "We don't know how many there are."

Two arrows whistled out of the woods, slicing through the air. Thorfinn's eyes caught their glint and in a flash, his sword was out, cutting both arrows in mid-air before they could hit him and Floki. The next moment, roars erupted from the treeline as a group of men burst forth, charging towards them. Realizing their disadvantage, Thorfinn shouted, "Run into the woods!" They all listened, turning to flee, Thorfinn bringing his shield up just in time to deflect another volley of arrows.

As they dashed into the cover of the forest, the group quickly became separated in the thick underbrush. Thorfinn found himself alone, the sounds of pursuit close behind. He spun around, sword ready, as two attackers lunged at him. He sidestepped the first, slicing his sword across the man's belly, then parried a strike from the second, countering with a swift thrust to the throat. Blood sprayed as the man gurgled and fell. Another enemy charged, swinging a heavy axe. Thorfinn ducked under the swing and slashed upward, cutting deep into the man's arm. The axe fell from his grasp, and Thorfinn finished him with a strike to the heart. He spun again, catching a fourth man off guard with a powerful kick to the chest, sending him sprawling. Thorfinn pounced, driving his sword into the fallen man's chest, and pulling it free just in time to block another attack. A blade grazed his arm, drawing blood, but he ignored the pain, driving his sword into the attacker's side, twisting it before pulling it free.

Lagertha, separated from the others, found herself facing three men. They advanced with smirks on their faces, underestimating her. She used their cockiness to her advantage, darting forward and slashing one across the face. He screamed, clutching his wound, and she followed with a quick stab to his heart. The other two attacked simultaneously. Lagertha blocked one sword with her shield, then ducked under a wild swing from the other, countering with a brutal slash to the attacker's thigh. He fell with a cry, and she finished him with a thrust to the chest. The last man hesitated, giving her the opening to bash him with her shield, knocking him off balance. She drove her sword into his gut, pushing him to the ground with her weight. Panting, she pulled her sword free and scanned the trees for more enemies. Another attacker rushed at her, swinging a club. Lagertha deflected the blow with her shield and slashed at his wrist, severing it. He screamed in agony, and she silenced him with a quick strike to the neck, feeling the warmth of his blood splatter her face. She turned just in time to see another foe charging. She sidestepped his attack, tripping him with a swift kick and plunging her sword into his back as he fell.

Arwyn, her senses heightened, detected movement around her. She braced herself as two men came at her from different angles. With a powerful swing, she parried one attack and kicked the other man in the chest, sending him stumbling back. She engaged the first attacker, their swords clashing. Using her superior strength, she overpowered him, pushing him back and disarming him with a swift twist of her blade. She slashed his throat —nearly decapitating him— and turned to face the second man. He recovered and came at her again. She grabbed his wrist, twisting it until she heard the bone snap, and drove her sword into his chest. More men approached, and she met them head-on. One swung at her, but she ducked and tackled him to the ground, wrestling his sword away and stabbing him. Another tried to grab her from behind, but she elbowed him in the face and spun around, slicing his side. He fell, clutching his wound. Two more men approached. She parried one's strike and punched him in the face, breaking his nose. The other man tried to tackle her, but she used his momentum against him, flipping him over her shoulder and stabbing him as he hit the ground.

Floki danced through the forest. He evaded an arrow and slashed at an attacker who got too close, cutting him down with a quick slice to the neck. Another man lunged at him with a spear, but Floki twisted aside and kicked the man's knee, tripping him. As the attacker fell, Floki drove his sword into his back. He giggled, eyes wild, as more enemies closed in. One swung a sword at him, but Floki ducked and stabbed upward, piercing the man's heart. Another came at him with an axe, but Floki sidestepped and slashed his tendon, dropping him to the ground where he finished him with a stab to the throat. He dodged another arrow, rolling to the side and coming up behind a tree for cover. He spotted two more men advancing and leapt out, slashing one across the chest and stabbing the other in the gut. He spun around, narrowly avoiding a sword strike, and countered with a quick slash to the attacker's arm, followed by a deadly thrust to the heart.

The four fighters, despite being separated, fought fiercely. Thorfinn, now facing another group, deflected a blow aimed at his head and countered with a quick strike to the enemy's knee, then a killing blow to the neck. He saw Lagertha through the trees, battling two men at once. She blocked one strike with her shield and slashed the other across the chest. Thorfinn moved to assist her, cutting down a man who tried to flank her. Together, fighting back to back as enemies swarmed around them. Arwyn, not far off, fought with relentless strength, dispatching enemies brutally. She broke a man's arm and kicked him to the ground, then slashed another across the chest. She saw Thorfinn and Lagertha fighting together and moved to join them, cutting down an attacker who tried to stop her. Floki, darted through the trees, he slashed one man across the face and stabbed another in the back, his laughter echoing through the forest.

As the battle raged on, Thorfinn, Lagertha, Arwyn, and Floki found themselves momentarily united. They formed a defensive circle, fending off attackers from all sides. Thorfinn deflected a sword strike aimed at Arwyn and countered with a quick stab to the attacker's chest. Lagertha blocked a blow with her shield and slashed at the enemy's legs, bringing him down. Arwyn, overpowered another foe, throwing him to the ground and finishing him with a swift stab. Things seemed to be going well as they seemed to have beaten back the enemies.

Just as it seemed they had a moment to breathe, Knut emerged from the trees, leading a fresh group of men. He sneered at Thorfinn and his companions. "Finish them off!" he yelled, sending his men charging forward. The group was forced to separate again, each taking on multiple attackers.

Thorfinn found himself facing Knut, who grinned maliciously. "You think you can defeat me?" Knut taunted, raising his sword. "I've been waiting for this for a while, I'm going to kill you but not before I unman you and make you watch as every man here fucks Lagertha and that girl!" He growled out.

Thorfinn ignored his taunts and instead spat on the ground in front of him as he squared off against Knut, but the fight was far from honourable. Knut had brought two other men to flank him and an archer who kept a distance, ready to fire at Thorfinn. Thorfinn dodged the first arrow that whizzed past his head, focusing on the two men who attacked him simultaneously. He blocked one strike with his sword and deflected the other with his shield, then countered with a swift slash that cut deep into one man's side.

Knut took advantage of the distraction, lunging at Thorfinn with a thrust. Thorfinn parried the blow and struck back making him spin as a deep gash was carved on his face, but another arrow flew towards him, forcing him to duck. The second man attacked again, and Thorfinn managed to stab him in the gut, twisting the blade before pulling it free. Blood sprayed, and the man fell, clutching his wound.

Knut's grin faltered as Thorfinn advanced on him. He swung his sword wildly, but Thorfinn sidestepped and delivered a powerful kick to Knut's chest, sending him sprawling. The archer fired another arrow, and Thorfinn barely raised his shield in time, the arrow embedding itself in the wood.

Thorfinn charged at the archer, ignoring the burning pain in his arm from a glancing blow. He threw his shield like a disc, striking the archer in the face and knocking him down. Thorfinn was on him in a flash, stabbing him through the heart before turning back to Knut.

Knut scrambled to his feet, desperation in his eyes. He picked up his sword and faced Thorfinn again, but his confidence was gone. Thorfinn feinted to the left and then lunged to the right, cutting a deep gash in Knut's leg. Knut screamed in pain and fell to one knee, clutching his wound.

"Fight me like a man!" Thorfinn shouted, but Knut's eyes were filled with fear. He swung his sword weakly, and Thorfinn batted it aside, slashing Knut across the chest. Blood poured from the wound, and Knut fell back, gasping for breath. With a final roar, Thorfinn plunged his sword into Knut's heart, ending the coward's life. He stood over the body, panting heavily, blood dripping from multiple wounds. The battle around him had slowed, the remaining enemies either dead or fleeing into the woods.

Thorfinn looked at his companions who were covered in blood and slightly injured. "It seems like peace was never an option..." Thorfinn stated.

(AN: So Thorfinn is going back to Kattegat, I know what you guys must be thinking. Why isn't he taking his army? Well, why would he, taking 20 armed men into Kattegat would be an incredible show of force. Things had not devolved to that point yet, and if Thorfinn did do that then it's likely the Jarl would take it as a threat and attack first. Now things are a bit different, Thorfinn will need his men close by since he knows the Jarl has chosen war. His men will be close by.)

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