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8.69% The Witcher - Uchiha Madara! / Chapter 7: Chapter 07 - Cirilla 02!

Chương 7: Chapter 07 - Cirilla 02!

[Chapter Size: 2500 Words.]

Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



Cirilla and Geralt continued their journey through the forest after seeing that the boy had left. They still had many questions about the strange boy who even made a witcher like him cautious. While Geralt remained silent, keeping his questions to himself, the young woman beside him seemed unable to hold back, filled with questions about the enigmatic red-eyed boy they had encountered. She bombarded Geralt with questions, while he, with his usual calm, answered with short and direct sentences, often admitting he did not know the answers.

"Geralt, have you ever seen someone with eyes like his before? They were red but had dark spots; I've never seen anything like it. Are they magic eyes?" Cirilla asked, trying to keep up with the witcher's pace.

"No, and I don't know." Geralt replied, keeping his eyes on the path ahead.

"And how did he manage to spit fire like a dragon? That's amazing!" she exclaimed, still impressed by the memory.

"I don't know, Ciri. I've never seen anything like it before," Geralt admitted, starting to show signs of fatigue from the young woman's insistence.

However, Cirilla was not ready to give up. "And his jumps, Geralt! He leaped between the trees as if he were flying! How is that possible?"

Geralt sighed lightly, feeling the exhaustion from the girl's incessant curiosity. "Maybe he trained for it, or maybe he has abilities that we simply don't understand."

Cirilla seemed to ponder Geralt's answers, but her mind was still buzzing with more questions. "Do you think he's some kind of witcher too? Or something even more powerful?"

"No witcher can spit fire." Geralt spoke and continued. "There are many things in this world that are beyond our understanding, Ciri," said Geralt, evasively.

"Do you think he's dangerous?" she asked, looking at Geralt with a thoughtful expression.

"Possibly," Geralt responded, "But he helped us against the necrophages. That must count for something."

"Could I do that too?" She asked hopefully.

"Very unlikely." Geralt said, skipping a stone and helping Ciri up a steep path.

"Can you do that?" She asked.


"Do you think we'll find him again?" Cirilla questioned, looking back as if she expected to see Madara following them.

"It's hard to say," Geralt said, his voice revealing a trace of uncertainty.

Cirilla sighed, frustrated with Geralt's evasive answers, but her curiosity about Madara remained. "Geralt, do you think he's part of that prophecy? The man with the changing eye colors?"

Geralt stopped for a moment, looking at Ciri with seriousness. "Remember that prophecies are not everything they seem, so don't just rely on that."

Cirilla nodded, absorbing Geralt's words, but the image of Madara, with his red eyes and extraordinary abilities, remained fixed in her mind.

As they continued their journey, the six-year-old girl continued with her questions while Geralt had even stopped answering the girl many times.

"Geralt, do you think Madara is human or some kind of magical creature?"

"How did he manage to hang from that tree upside down without falling?"

"Did he learn to spit fire or was he born with that power?"

"Do you think the red eyes of his have any special meaning?"

"Could Madara be stronger than a witcher? How does he compare to you in skill?"

"Do you think we could learn something from him?"

The questions finally stopped after a long and exhausting journey out of the forest. Geralt and Cirilla finally approached the outskirts of the city of Cintra. The sunlight began to set, casting long shadows on the road as they spotted the city's first patrols. The guards, in their distinctive uniforms, patrolled the area, keeping a vigilant eye out for any signs of danger or suspicious activity.

Upon noticing the approach of Geralt and Cirilla, the guards quickly directed their attention towards them. Initially, their expressions were cautious, but they soon changed to surprise and relief upon recognizing the young princess.

"Milady Cirilla!" exclaimed one of the guards, a mix of respect and joy in his voice. "We were so worried! Your sudden disappearance caused quite a stir in the court and kingdom."

"I'm back..." Cirilla murmured to herself, somewhat displeased to be back. She responded with a shy smile to the soldier. "I'm fine, thanks to Geralt here," she said, indicating the witcher by her side.

The guards turned their gaze to Geralt with a mix of respect and curiosity. The fame of the White Wolf, as Geralt was known in Cintra. "Master Witcher Geralt, it's an honor to have you back in Cintra by the court," said one of the guards, making a respectful bow.

Without delay, the guards escorted Geralt and Cirilla to a camp that had been set up for the search for the princess before returning to the city.

Upon arriving at the camp, Cirilla, who had not left Geralt's side, turned to him tugging at his clothes, "Geralt, I really don't want to go back to Cintra," she said, her voice laden with hesitation. "I wanted to go with you, to learn about monsters, about being a witcher."

Geralt, knowing the dangers and the cruel fate awaiting those who chose the witcher's path, replied firmly. "Ciri, I've told you, I can't take you. The witcher's path is not for everyone, especially not for a princess of Cintra."

At the center of the camp, a middle-aged man dressed in a robe like a mage and wielding a staff came to greet them.

"Princess, it's great to see you safe and sound. You gave the queen quite the fright. She will be relieved at your return, much more than she might admit. And you, my old friend, who would have thought it would be you of all people to find the girl, but I'm not surprised." Mousesack greeted them with relief and nostalgia.

"Mousesack." Geralt greeted with a small nod.

"Princess, you're dirty. There are some servants who will take care of you, while I take your friend here for a moment." Mousesack spoke to Cirilla, and she was directed to a tent with servants while Mousesack would go to his personal tent with Geralt.

"Geralt, it's been many years..." Mousesack said, serving a glass of wine for both. He looked at the witcher with a serious look after those words.

"What is it?" Geralt replied, taking the glass of wine.

Mousesack looked directly into Geralt's eyes. "You and Cirilla are bound by fate. It's not just a coincidence that you met."

Geralt, always skeptical of the forces of fate, responded coolly. "Coincidences happen, Mousesack. I was just in the right place at the right time."

The mage shook his head. "It's not that simple. Fate has plans for the two of you, whether you believe it or not. You are intertwined, for better or worse, you will be together. There's a paternal bond; you might even consider her your own daughter."

Geralt remained impassive, though internally he pondered Mousesack's words. "Even if that's true, I can't take care of a child. My life is too dangerous for someone like Cirilla."

Mousesack hadn't given up as he drank his wine. "Geralt, consider staying. She needs a protector, someone with your skills and experience."

Geralt shook his head. "Mousesack, you know I can't. My journey calls me elsewhere. Cirilla will be safer here, with you and the others."

After a brief silence, Mousesack nodded, acknowledging Geralt's resolution. "I understand. But remember, Geralt, fate has a way of bringing together the most unlikely paths. I just hope that when it does, it's not done through tragedy."

"Maybe..." was the only thing Geralt said as he finished his glass of wine.

"Before you leave, there's something you should know," Geralt began, capturing Mousesack's attention. "In the forest, we encountered a rather peculiar boy... he called himself Madara Uchiha. Have you heard of him?"

Mousesack seemed thoughtful. "Madara Uchiha? That's a strange name. What was so special about him?"

"For starters, he was in the middle of a forest killing necrophages, and he's no older than Ciri," Geralt spoke, making Mousesack raise an eyebrow.

Geralt continued, describing the encounter with precise details. "He had abilities I've never seen before. His eyes were red, glowing... and he could hang upside down from the trees as if he were glued to them."

"And there's more," Geralt added. "He could spit fire from his mouth. He did it after performing a series of strange hand movements, as if he was forming signs or symbols."

Mousesack pondered Geralt's words. "That sounds like magic, but unlike anything I know. Hand movements... that could indicate some kind of sorcery or ritual."

"He said he was hunting necrophages. He used a strange type of weapon he threw with his hands, neutralizing the creatures and fire to finish them off, I've never seen anything like it," Geralt concluded.

"Interesting," Mousesack murmured. "This Madara Uchiha seems to be someone with exceptional abilities. I'll keep that in mind. If he's here in the Cintra forest, some rumors may arise."

Geralt nodded. "Stay alert, Mousesack. I don't know if he's a threat or an ally."

"I'll investigate," assured Mousesack. "And Geralt, be careful out there."

"There's something else, Mousesack, when I found Cirilla, we were ambushed by the Dryads and they made us drink a strange liquid. It caused us visions, many of them about the future," began Geralt, his expression serious and thoughtful.

Mousesack, had a genuinely curious look. "Visions, you say? That's typical of the Dryads. They have methods to bind women to them, it's no surprise they tried using it to catch Cirilla, since you also took the potion, what did you see?"

Geralt hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I saw a great frost, one that could destroy everything... And there were other visions, prophecies about a man with various types of eyes. The prophecy said he would bring a great impact to this world in the future, that even the gods would fear him."

Mousesack listened to more details of the prophecy and murmured. "A man with dark, red, and purple eyes... that's unusual. Do you think..."

Geralt interrupted him. "I think this man might be the boy we met in the forest, Madara Uchiha. He had red eyes. I don't know about the others, but something in him makes me believe he could be the one the prophecy mentioned. I've never seen anything like his abilities and methods."

Mousesack pondered this. "That's concerning and fascinating at the same time. This prophecy... did it mention Cirilla in any way?"

"Yes," confirmed Geralt. "The prophecy seemed to intertwine her destiny with that of this man. I don't know what that means for Ciri, but I felt it was important to tell you."

Mousesack nodded, visibly concerned. "I'll investigate this further and try to find this boy named Madara Uchiha."

"I'll continue my journey," said Geralt. "But if I find more information or come across this boy again, I'll inform you."

An hour later, Geralt approached a cleaner and tidier Cirilla, but with a look of sadness and apprehension. "Ciri, it's time for me to leave," he said, trying to offer a reassuring smile, but that wasn't a very good look for a witcher.

Cirilla looked at him, her green eyes reflecting a bit of disappointment. "Do you have to go?" she asked, her voice slightly tremulous.

"Yes, I have missions to fulfill and monsters to hunt. You'll be safe here," Geralt replied, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Cirilla nodded, trying to be strong. "I'll miss you, Geralt, the last few days were so much fun," she said, with a glimmer of tears in her eyes.

Geralt crouched to be at the same level as Cirilla. "You're strong, Ciri. And you have Mousesack and the others to look after you. Remember the lessons you've learned and stay safe."

Turning to Mousesack, Geralt extended his hand. "Mousesack, take good care of her."

The druid firmly shook Geralt's hand. "I will, Geralt. And thank you for bringing her back safe and sound, you're always welcome here, as much as our queen doesn't like you much, she still knows to be thankful."

With those words, Geralt bid farewell to Mousesack and Cirilla, embarking on his journey beyond the domains of Cintra. Mousesack had invited him to the castle, but Calanthe never liked the witcher who was connected to her granddaughter through the Law of Surprise he invoked on Pavetta and her husband at the time as payment.

Cirilla watched until he disappeared from sight, feeling a mix of sadness and hope. Perhaps, at some point in the future, their paths would cross again. Meanwhile, she returned to the castle, ready to face the challenges that awaited her in Cintra as its princess. She also did not want to marry another prince, which is why she had fled from the carriage and into the forest. The memories of her adventures with the witcher in the last few days would be kept close to her heart.

"Cirilla, let's go to the castle to see your grandmother," Mousesack said, leading the girl to his carriage.

"Do I have to get married?" The girl looked up at him, practically pleading for the answer to be no.

"I don't know, but some things have happened, I think not," the druid admitted.

"That's great!" She celebrated.

"Did you have fun? Did you find anything interesting on this adventure?" The Druid sat in front of the princess, waiting for her to start talking about the mysterious boy.

"Yes, Mousesack, I can't stop thinking about that boy we met... Madara. Who is he? Where did he come from?" Cirilla asked, her curiosity overflowing in every word.

Mousesack, walking alongside her, replied: "I'm not sure, Ciri. The abilities you and Geralt witnessed were certainly unusual. Perhaps I can look into ancient books or ask other druids."

"Do you think he's dangerous?" Cirilla continued, looking at Mousesack with inquisitive eyes.

"He might be. Or maybe he's just a young man with unique abilities, slaying monsters in the forest. Magic and power can be strange, Cirilla. They aren't always a sign of danger but should be approached with caution," Mousesack advised.

Cirilla nodded, soaking in the druid's words. "He reminded me a bit of Geralt, but in a different way. As if he had a type of magic I've never seen before."

"The world is full of mysteries, Cirilla. And sometimes, we find more questions than answers," Mousesack said, gazing thoughtfully at the sky.

Cirilla sighed. "I wish I could understand more about all this. About magic, about monsters, about people like Geralt and Madara."

"In time, you will learn, Ciri. Knowledge comes with experience and patience, and you have great magical potential within you. Perhaps you could be a sorceress and make your own magic," Mousesack spoke, offering an encouraging smile.

"But magic is so boring, you have to spend all day reading..." She complained.

"Indeed it is, but it's the way," Mousesack said as the carriage, surrounded by guards, took care of them on the way.


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