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75.76% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2104: 34

Chương 2104: 34

Chapter Text

Power Loader hummed as he looked over the new design for Momo's costume. "This is well thought out. I don't think we'll have time to test out and get the redesign approved in time for your internship."


Momo nodded. "That's quite alright, sir. We were pretty sure that would be the case."


Power Loader stood and said. "I can pass this along to a student to do. During your internships, the Support Course doubles down on projects, so if you don't mind a fellow student working on your costume-"


"Did I hear the words' student working on a costume'? I will gladly take on this wonderful task!"


Izuku and Momo jumped as a girl with pink hair and yellow eyes appeared in front of them. The girl took their hands in hers and shook them. "Mei Hatsume support gear genius and future CEO of Hatsume Industries. I will gladly take on the job of making your costumes wonderful. I've got so many babies that'll make you the best heroes out there."


"Um, babies?" Momo asked as Power Loader groaned.


"Hatsume-" the teacher was ignored as the support girl dragged Izuku and Momo to her workstation and started showing off everything she had made.


"Oh wait, I remember you," Izuku said. "You're the support girl that made it to the third round of the Sports Festival."


Mei nodded. "Yes, I am dancer boy. You and the creation girl are interesting first customers-"


"Hatsume, stop. I haven't approved anything yet." Power Loader said as he approached the students. "First years don't usually get to work on costumes. Also, Hatsume is a lot to deal with, but if you want her to, I can assign your costume to her."


Momo looked at Mei's inventions and then to the girl herself, who looked very eager as she bounced in place. "I was very impressed by your inventions during the Sports Festival, so... yes, I would like Hatsume to handle my costume upgrades."


Mei pumped her fist. "You won't regret this, creation girl. Now let me see what we're working with."


Power Loader gave her a copy of the page Izuku made and returned the notebook to him. Izuku and Momo talked Mei through the changes and the test they needed to run. Mei soaked in all the info, and once they were done talking, she pulled out a pair of scissors and looked at Momo as she said. "Alright, give me your hair so I can get to work."


Momo quickly stepped back as she held her ponytail. "Um, I will go and get a haircut. I'll be back tomorrow."


Mei pouted but relented as the two hero students left. Momo sighed as she and Izuku walked through the halls. "I suppose I should decide on a new hairstyle."


"Any idea on how much you'll get cut off?" Izuku asked as he flipped through his notebook.


"I am unsure. I've always had long hair. I suppose I could speak to the other girls about what they think would look good." Momo said as she twirled a bit of her hair.


The class reps headed to class and were expecting to be berated by Tenya for showing up with so little time before homeroom started, but the serious boy was quiet. Izuku and Momo shared a look, and once they were at their desk, Izuku said he'd try to talk to Tenya after classes.




"Hey, Iida, can we talk for a second?" Izuku asked as he approached the dining table Tenya was sitting at.


Tenya looked up from his school work and said. "Of course, Midoriya. What did you need to talk about?"


Izuku sat across from him and said, "I was just wondering how you were holding up with what happened to your brother."


Tenya's eyes darkened, but he quickly put a smile on his face. "Yes, I am ok. It was hard hearing what happened to Tensei and seeing him injured, but my brother is still alive, so I considered myself lucky. I am sorry if I worried you or our classmates."


Izuku frowned and said, "It's ok, Iida. If you ever wanna talk about it, I'm here. I have... experience with family being attacked by villains. Both with my birth parents and dealing with Nemuri being injured by villains."


Izuku saw Tenya's eyes widen a bit as he seemed to contemplate something before saying. "Thank you, Midoriya. I... am fine right now, but I will speak to you if something comes up."


Izuku stood and nodded. "Alright. Just remember we're all here to help each other."


Tenya nodded in agreement before going back to his schoolwork, and Izuku sighed internally, hoping Tenya would talk sooner rather than later.




Aizawa sighed as he looked over his classes' internship selection. He was hesitant to approve of Tenya's, considering Stain was still in Hosu. Aizawa rubbed his eyes and considered the options. There was a very slim chance that Tenya picked Manual because he saw some value in a smaller-time hero than the other offers he had gotten. This made sense because Tensei was a very down-to-earth hero, much like Manual. The biggest difference between them was that Tensei came from a hero family while Manual was the first in his family to pursue heroics.


The other option that Aizawa saw evidence for in school was that Tenya was angry and trying to seek vengeance for his brother by going to Hosu, hoping to run into Stain.


"Debating over Tenya Iida's internship request, I see," Nezu said as he climbed onto Aizawa's desk.


Aizawa nodded. "Yes, sir. He's most likely hoping to try and get revenge for his brother. I was going to reject it."


"Hm." Nezu rubbed his chin slightly and said. "I believe if we inform Manual about why Iida decided to pick him and let the pro handle it, Iida will learn a valuable lesson. I recommend allowing it."


Aizawa grumbled but said. "I suppose. He won't always have someone to keep him away from the people who hurt those close to him. He needs to learn how to handle those feelings, especially when confronted with the one who did it. If we do this, Manual has to inform the other heroes in Hosu so they can all keep an eye on him and make sure Iida makes the right choice if he runs into Stain."


Nezu nodded. "I'll contact Manual and make sure he understands the situation."


"Thank you, sir," Aizawa said before approving Iida's request. Hosu wasn't a bad city, so nothing huge should happen. The heroes there should be able to keep an eye on Tenya during the week.




"Oh my god... Yaomomo, who broke your heart?" Denki asked, getting everyone's attention. The class was getting ready for dinner when their class rep entered the dorms.


Momo fidgeted as all eyes were drawn to her hair which used to go down to her middle back when it wasn't in her signature ponytail. Now though, it was above her shoulders in a bob. "N-no, why would that have anything to do with my hair?"


Kyoka smacked Denki. "Ignore him... But uh, when you talked to us about haircuts yesterday, I didn't think you'd actually get one."


Momo played with her short hair. "Well, I recently tested if my creations would pass through my hair while they were being created, and it worked, so I got it cut and sent it all to the support course so they could upgrade my costume."


Momo cleared her throat. "Besides, long hair like I had could cause problems in a fight, so having it short eliminates a weakness."


The class murmured in agreement and went back to getting dinner ready while the girls fawned over Momo's new look and talked about costume upgrades.




Toru snuggled between her partners as they laid in Mina's bed. "So where are you guys gonna be for your internships? Apparently, StarBurst is in Fukui, so I got a bit of a train ride."


Mina sighed and rested her head on Toru's shoulder. "Xeno is apparently working in Hosu since they have a developing mutant neighborhood. He wants to make sure nothing shady happens and that the people there are getting treated fairly.


Toru's hand unintentionally drifted to the scar on Mina's back as Toru held her. The pink girl tensed before quickly relaxing as Toru's hand moved away, and she murmured a quiet apology.


Izuku leaned over and kissed Mina's forehead as she smiled and said. "It's ok." Mina looked over to her boyfriend and asked, "Izu, where are you going?"


Izuku laid back and rested his head on the pillow. "I don't know. Shade just said to wait in the station. She'd pick me up and take me wherever."


Toru huffed. "So we have to leave our boyfriend at the station so some lady none of us know can snatch you away and take you somewhere?"


Mina stuck her tongue out. "That sucks. I don't know if I trust Shade. She might try to keep our Izu longer than a week."


Toru nodded "then we'll have to go on a daring rescue to save our damsel in distress."


The two girls giggled as Izuku shook his head and said. "Come on. It's time for bed, you two. We need to be well-rested for tomorrow. It'll be our first day of internships."


MIna sighed as she cuddled closer to Toru. "It's gonna suck sleeping alone after getting used to sleeping with you two."


Toru nodded. "Yeah, but just imagine it's gonna be great when we get back and can all cuddle in bed again."


Mina giggled and kissed Toru's cheek. "Guess you're right... Goodnight, you two. I love you both."


Toru and Izuku reciprocated Mina's love as they got comfortable and closed their eyes to sleep.




Aizawa yawned into his capture scarf before saying. "Alright, you're all about to board the trains and head to your respective internships. Behave yourselves, you're all young adults, so I better not get any complaints from the heroes. If I do, you'll be in detention until you graduate."


The class would have chuckled, but their teachers' eyes kept them quiet. "Good. Now, get going and be safe, all of you."


As they started to disperse, Izuku kissed Toru and Mina goodbye before jogging over to Tenya. "Hey, Tenya. You're headed to Hosu, right?"


Tenya nodded. "Yes, I am. I heard Ashido is as well."


Izuku nodded. "Yeah... keep each other safe if anything happens, alright."


Tenya smiled. "I doubt Ashido needs anyone to keep her safe, but I will do my best."


"Good, and thank you," Izuku said before letting Tenya head to the train.


His classmates and teacher were gone, and Izuku was still standing here with his backpack and suitcase, trying to ignore the stares from the station goers. He had seen the tabloids questioning if he was holding hands with his fellow third-place participant in the sports festival despite kissing the second place girl. It clicked that he had also just casually kissed both his girlfriends, so people were probably slightly confused about him.


Arms wrapped around his shoulders, and for a brief moment, his mind was brought back to before UA and how Himiko would sneak up on him and hug him like this. He felt disappointment and confusion when he looked to his left and saw a woman who looked a bit older than him smiling as she rested her chin on his shoulder. Her red eyes were full of playfulness, and her short black hair barely went past her ears in a bob-style cut.


Before Izuku could say anything, she giggled and stepped around, grabbing his hand in the process. "Hey, sweetie. Sorry for making you wait. Ready to head to the agency?"


"Uh... what-" Izuku nearly stumbled as he was pulled along to one of the trains. He wasn't even sure what train they boarded. The woman was a head shorter than him and had a petite frame, but he could feel the muscles and power beneath her dark plain clothing as she leaned on him.


 The woman hummed a bit as a suffocating silence took over, and the train started moving. Izuku was debating if he should say anything. Had he just been kidnapped? Or... he glanced at the woman who smiled at him sweetly. Was this Shade? If so, why was she acting like this? Should he just go along with it? This felt weird. Izuku tried not to grumble as she leaned on him more. "Who ar-"


"I'm so glad you decided to come with me. It's gonna be great. We get a whole week of getting to train your quirk and spending time together." The woman said, cutting him off.


Izuku chuckled nervously. "Y-yeah. It's gonna be great." 'please actually be Shade and not some crazy person who just kidnapped me.'




Mina waved to Tenya as they went their separate ways after getting to Hosu. She followed her phone's directions to where Xeno King was set up while working in the city. As the roads got a little less well maintained and some storefronts changed from lines of shops to the occasional shop that wasn't boarded up, she spotted her hero.


Mina spotted Xeno King standing in the middle of the street talking to some police officers. His hero costume consisted of a gray body suit with angular plum-colored lines going down his chest and legs, as well as plum-colored gloves and boots. His skin was a soft shade of heather, while his short-cut hair was a darker plum color. He didn't look angry, but he definitely wasn't happy if his whip-like tail fidgeting behind him was any indication. As Mina approached and the officers left, she said. "Um, Xeno King... sir."


The man turned and smiled immediately, his black sclera and lavender irises shining with genuine happiness. "Ah, you must be Acid Queen, my intern. Good to meet ya."


Mina shook his hand and tried not to show how nervous she was as he started walking and talking. "Sorry you had to come meet me out in the middle of the city, but I've been pretty busy lately. I'll take ya to where my people and I are staying."


"It's ok, sir. It's honestly amazing what you're doing out here." Mina said, trying to remember Aizawa's warning about being respectful.


Xeno laughed. "Sir? Nah, drop that. I'm just Xeno or King, whichever one you wanna use; I don't mind and loosen up a bit. You're walking and talking too stiff. Be more like how you were at the Sports Festival. Relaxed and confident enough in yourself to kiss someone on national television."


Xeno laughed as Mina blushed. "So I gotta ask, was that guy your boyfriend before or after you beat him up?"


Mina chuckled. "My boyfriend before the fight. We've been dating since high school. His hero name is Hypno."


"Hm," Xeno said before pointing at her and asking. "And the invisible girl? What's her place in the picture? Because some of those articles my sidekicks talked about are wild."


Mina's face felt like it was on fire, and Xeno's grin let her know she was blushing as hard as she felt like she was. "That's our girlfriend. Her hero name is Prism."


Xeno whistled. "You must feel pretty lucky, huh? Having two partners and all that."


Mina chuckled as they came up to a small apartment complex. "Yeah... I feel really lucky to have both of them."


"Well, be sure to take care of them and let them take care of you. Now come on in and I'll introduce you to the rest of the team." Xeno said as he headed up the steps. Mina nodded and followed her hero into the apartment complex.




Toru stared up at the three-story brick building tucked between an electronics repair store and an old gym, both with housing on the floors above them. StarBurst's agency was an unassuming building in an unassuming part of town. Toru checked a couple times to make sure she had it right before heading inside.


The inside was more of the same. An unassuming and sparsely furnished seating area with a front desk directly across from the doors. Toru walked up, and the man behind the counter smiled. "Prism, I suppose?"


"U-um, yes, that's me. I'm here to intern with StarBurst." Toru said. That was the first time someone called her by her hero name; it brought a smile to her face and helped ease her nerves.


The man reached down behind the desk and pulled out a lanyard with a card that said intern on one side and had Toru's school photo on the other side. "Here's your badge. Be sure to keep it on you at all times, and don't lose it."


Toru took it and hung it around her neck as the man continued. "The elevators are down the hall on your left. Scan your card once you're inside and head up to the third floor. On the other end of the hallway up there is the stairs to the roof. Head up there and wait; StarBurst will be there soon."


"Thank you, sir," Toru said before following his instructions and headed for the roof.


Toru looked around at the other roofs and the bit of cityscape she could see from her relatively low vantage point when compared to the other buildings in Fukui. A sort of fwoosh noise made Toru turn around, and her jaw nearly fell off at the sight.


Descending from the sky practically skipping on rainbow light was a tall woman with a figure to compete with Midnights. Her blonde hair was pulled back into an intricate bun, and her golden eyes looked like twin suns. Starburst wore a long sleeve white bodysuit with rainbow gradient angular lines going down her torso and legs. Reinforcing and providing protection for her were plates of golden armor on her chest, legs, and arms.


StarBurst smiled as she landed gently. "I hope I didn't make you wait too long, Prism. I was on my way back from patrol when I ran into a villain. He put up a bit of fight before going down."


"It's ok, ma'am. I wasn't up here long." Toru said as they moved back towards the door, and she regained her senses.


"Good. Now, as I heard from your teacher, you're struggling with lower levels of output for the lasers you can fire. Is that correct?"


"Yes, it is. I've been kinda stuck on this for a few weeks now. I really need a less dangerous short-range ability."


StarBurst nodded. "Alright. Well, first I'll show you around, then I wanna get a good idea of your baseline so you'll run some tests and spar with my sidekick Flare... who should be here."


Toru saw StarBurst's eye twitch as the woman looked in several rooms on the third floor before grumbling something about Flare. "Alright, guess you'll spar with me then. Any questions?"


"No, ma'am. I'm ready for whatever you have planned."


StarBurst smiled. "Good. Now come on. The third floor is mostly file storage and my office. The second floor is sleeping quarters, so let's go put your stuff down."


Toru gave an affirmative and followed the hero to the elevator as excitement bubbled up in her stomach.


I'm surprised by how much I've written recently. two chapters of Watching Over you and one of Hypno. feeling good about that.

I watched the anime 86 recently and wow that was good. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait for season two.

um... no new ideas to talk about. tell me though how do you feel about Xeno King and StarBurst designs? I think they're pretty good also I cannot wait to show off their quirks because I think they're cool.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
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