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15.05% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 418: 2

Chương 418: 2

Do You Believe In Karma?

The train pulled into Hogsmeade Station and the students began disembarking and heading towards the waiting line of carriages, save for the first years who followed the bellowing call of "First years, o'er here please."

Hermione gave the faintest of smiles towards the massive form of Ruebeus Hagrid, the Hogwarts gamekeeper and teacher of Care of Magical Creatures. He was tasked with leading the first year students to the castle by boat. A very special introduction to the beauty that was Hogwarts castle. He'd also been very nice to her over the years.

Harry was at her side, giving a curious look towards the mountain of a man that was Hagrid. Hermione noticed his look and asked what was troubling him.

"Well, I was told that I would be with the sixth year students, but technically, this is my first year." Harry said, looking puzzled.

"You're wondering if you should go with the first years." Hermione smiled. Harry gave a curt nod. Hermione stared at him, her heart pounding in her chest, though she really had no idea why. She was sure that as soon as Harry got a look at the other girls he'd stop talking to her.

"Well, the castle is truly magnificent to see as you cross the lake. It's almost a rite of passage to cross the lake. But… on the other hand, you're supposed to be a sixth year."

"Magnificent you say?' Harry quirked an eyebrow. Hermione nodded, unable to fight the smile she was now wearing. Harry nodded again and turned to follow Hagrid and the gathered first years. Hermione felt a slight pang of loss as he walked away. Her personal history said that this would be the last time she spoke to Harry, and she couldn't help but feel saddened as he walked away.

She began heading towards the carriages, looking for one with a few second years on it. The younger the student, the less likely they were to harass her. However she was suddenly grabbed around the arm and quickly dragged towards a carriage.

"Let go of me!" She shouted, ripping her arm out of the hands of her assailant as her survival instincts kicked in. She turned and found herself staring at Parvati Patil, her other roommate in the Gryffindor dorms. She was looking rather excited and deeply curious. She motioned with her head towards a carriage where Parvati's twin sister, Padma, Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott were all looking down at her expectantly.

"We want you to ride with us." Parvati said with a smile.

"Why?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"We have questions for you." Hannah Abbott said quickly. "And we're holding up the line, so get your skinny butt up here."

Hermione looked at them for a moment before she shook her head and started to look for another carriage.

"Oh come on." Parvati said, quickly taking her arm again. "No one is going to hurt you. Just trust us."

Hermione scowled but allowed herself to be helped into the carriage where she sat across from Hannah, Susan and Padma who were all smiling happily at her. Parvati sat next to her, and the carriage began moving forward.

"So," Hannah said, leaning forward. "We heard from Lavender that you were sitting with a really cute and scary boy on the train."

"And Ron said he made Malfoy look like a complete idiot." Parvati claimed

Hermione sighed heavily as realization dawned on her. Of course they were interested in Harry. New students were rare, after all. And yes, Harry was rather attractive, in his way. These four girls were also some of the most boy crazy girls in the school. Parvati alone had dated most of the boys in their year.

"Yes, and yes." Hermione said evenly. "Draco came to remind me of his supposed superiority and he disturbed the person I was sharing a cabin with."

"What's his name?" Hannah asked.

"Harry." Hermione replied, deciding that the full revelation should happen at the sorting.

"Is he as cute as Lavender said?" Susan wondered.

"I don't know." Hermione shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Hannah all but shrieked. "You were sitting with him for the whole trip."

"I don't know because I don't know how Lavender described him." Hermione replied irritably. "Yes, he was attractive, but what I find attractive might be different from your definition…"

"Oh stop it." Padma interrupted. "You're a girl, and we all like pretty much the same things. Tall, dark and handsome."

The other girls nodded in agreement. Hermione said nothing, but stared blankly. She was very uncomfortable at the moment, and she knew exactly why. She'd never been the center of attention, nor had anyone found her so interesting. What made it worse was that these girls weren't interested in her at all, but in the fact that she had spent time with a very mysterious new boy who was supposed to be, as Lavender Brown might say, incredibly tasty."

The girls started talking amongst themselves now. They would occasionally ask her about Harry and she would give a noncommittal shrug. In truth she had barely learned anything about Harry. Their conversation had mostly revolved around school, and what he might expect. Now that Hermione had a chance to think on it, it was almost as if Harry were gathering information to prepare himself for some sort of fight or something.

The carriage stopped and the girls got out. Parvati, Padma, Susan and Hannah walked on, completely forgetting about her. Hermione just sighed and made her own way towards the castle. As soon as she stepped inside the Entrance hall, she heard her name being called by Professor McGonagall, the head of Gryffindor House, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, transfiguration teacher, and Hermione's most favorite teacher. Hermione stopped, and made her way to the troubled looking professor.

"Good evening Professor." Hermione said as she managed to get close to the teacher, who was scanning all the students as they entered the school.

"Good evening Miss Granger.' The rather stern professor said with a rare smile. "I understand you shared a cabin on the train with Mister Potter.'

"How do you know that?" Hermione queried, her expression one of amazed puzzlement.

"Do you honestly think that we don't monitor what happens on the train?' McGonagall arched an eyebrow, and Hermione smiled softly.

"Yes ma'am." She said. "Yes, I did share a cabin with Harry on the train."

McGonagall gave the faintest of smiles, and Hermione felt a shiver up her spine. Professor McGonagall was the closest person to a friend Hermione had in Hogwarts, and the professor often made it her business to check up on her favorite student to make sure she was doing alright. McGonagall was well aware of most of the bullying that Hermione suffered, but was most unfortunately not able to catch the bullies in the act. It was her deepest wish that Hermione might make a friend at last.

"I wonder if you might know where Mister…" McGonagall's voice dropped a bit as she continued. "Potter is currently?"

"Actually, I do." Hermione said. "He went with the first years across the lake."

"Did he?" McGonagall looked amused and curious at the same time.

"Yes, he… He felt that even though he was going to be a sixth year that this would in fact be his first year. I may have helped him decide to take the boats. I told him the castle was rather a sight to see when you're on the lake." Hermione said, fighting a bit of a blush.

"Did you?" McGonagall asked, looking impressed. "Well, that makes my job a bit easier. Shall I expect you for tea this Sunday, as usual?"

"I look forward to it, Professor." Hermione smiled.

McGonagall nodded. "Off you go then." She watched Hermione head into the Great Hall with a heavy heart. She knew in her soul that if Hermione Granger's life in the magical world didn't change for the better, then it was quite likely that this incredibly gifted young woman would leave it behind when school finished. She had little worry that Hermione would finish her schooling, as Hermione Granger was no quitter. But she was quite lonely, and even though she tried to hide it, she was hurting deep inside.

Professor McGonagall had never in all her teaching career ever been more proud, and simultaneously more heart broken for any other student than she was for Hermione Granger. The Transfiguration teacher silently hoped that today was the beginning for the thing she had wanted most for Miss Granger. A real friendship with a peer. Perhaps, if fate was kind, something more precious.

McGonagall had only met the boy in question once before, on the day he was invited to Hogwarts by herself, Professor Snape, and Professor Dumbledore. The boy had been very quiet as he'd been spoken to. He'd been most pleasant enough, but she noticed how hard he was. She learned later that evening of what his life had been up to that point. She also knew that he'd been involved in the battle at the Ministry of Magic and had heard from Dumbledore just how powerful he was, and how well he handled himself against the Death Eaters.

The stories frightened her. Dumbledore had assured her that the young man would not be going around terrorizing the students that had made Professor McGonagall feel less worried. She confessed herself very curious about the boy. She had taught his parents, and remembered just how delightful they had been. So far, the boy seemed nothing like his parents, save for his physical features. Professor McGonagall knew much better than to judge a person after only one interaction, especially after what she had learned from the headmaster.

She watched the last students enter the Great Hall, and turned to prepare to receive the First Years, who should be arriving any moment, being led by Hagrid She was supposed to greet the new student, and take him in with the first years, the fact that he had decided to travel with them just made her job a bit simpler. She walked up to the stairs that would overlook the First Years entrance, anxious to see the young man again.

A few moments later, she heard their excited voices, and watched as in groups of twos and threes, the first years came in, eyes wide with awe, voices in whispers of wonder. In the very back, Hagrid walked in, and next to him, speaking to the Gamekeeper who looked as if he was talking to a long lost friend, was the new student. The boy who had been believed dead for fifteen years. The child who'd defeated the most powerful and feared dark wizard in a hundred years. Harry Potter.

Hagrid gave a roaring laugh at something Harry had said, and gave him a clap on the back that usually flattened students. Harry simply stumbled a bit Catching himself very quickly. Hagrid turned his attention to McGonagall, who's face was as impassive as ever.

"The first year students, Professor McGonagall." He said in his booming voice.

"Thank you Hagrid." McGonagall said. She then motioned for the students to come up the stairs and stand before her in front of the now closed Great Hall doors. She looked at each student as if she were judging them, making them all go quiet in apprehension.

"In a moment, I will be leading you through these door into the Great Hall where you will be sorted into your houses. The houses are Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. While you are here, your house will be like you family. You will win house points when you do well. And should you break any rules…" She eyed them all sternly. "You will lose points as well as serve detentions. Now please wait here, while I announce you."

Hermione sat at the very end of the of the Gryffindor table, staring blankly at the far wall, remembering the very pleasant conversation she had had with Harry on the train. He'd been so nice to her, and didn't seem bothered as she kept prattling on and on about the wonders of Hogwarts. He asked questions, which led her on tangent after tangent. He actually appeared interested, which was very different from nearly any other interaction she ever had with a boy, much less a human being.

"Forget it." Hermione told herself as she glanced down the Gryffindor table where Ron Weasley was talking to Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan, his finger tracing a line on his forehead. Hermione wondered if Ron had known exactly who Harry was. She had once read the story of the Dark Wizard Voldemort in a book in her second year. It had told the vague details of Voldermort's fall by a baby wizard, barely a year old, leaving the tike with a scar that looked like a lightning bolt. The book had then gone on to say that the baby had died that night and was buried with his parents.

But Hermione knew now that Harry was in fact alive, well, and very good looking.

"Stop it." She hissed inwardly. "if you get attached, you're just going to get hurt."

The doors to the Great Hall opened and Professor McGonagall led the first years towards the head table. Hermione gave the softest of smiles as she noted a few of the little eleven year olds looking to the ceiling in wonder and remembered how she had informed Su Li that the ceiling was enchanted on their very first night.

It felt like centuries ago now.

Hermione noted Harry walking at the rear of the younger students. He was not smiling, but taking in the Great Hall. His eyes fell on her, and he gave a slight nod of recognition before he went on examining the Hall, almost as if he was analyzing it for escape routes or something.

Hermione watched him as he remained at the back of the pack of first years. She could see every student begin whispering at the sight of him, and even a few people pointing. The buzz of whispers remained even as the Sorting Hat began its annual song. The lonely Gryffindor couldn't remember any time the people ignored the song. Students finally shut up when McGonagall unrolled the parchment that contained the names of the new students, and she began calling them forward to be sorted.

One by one, nervous little first years stepped up to the stool, took a seat and had the hat placed upon their heads. The hat took a moment and would then shout out the house the student would belong to until they graduated in seven years. Hermione felt a bit of anxiety growing in her belly as the students were widdled down. They passed the P's and Hermione began to wonder if Harry had lied to her about his identity. It wasn't until the final First year, Michael Watson was sorted into Ravenclaw that Hermione, and the rest of the school were officially introduced to…

"Harry Potter." McGonagall said clearly and loudly. All at once, Hermione felt as if the Great Hall had somehow made every person turn towards the front of the room. There was a thick air of anxious tension as the hat was placed upon Harry's messy black hair. She wondered what the hat might be saying to Harry, remembering the confusion the Hat had when it had sorted her. It had seen that she was incredibly intelligent, and loved learning, but it also felt her deep drive to prove herself. In the end, it had seen something it had found most intriguing, and finally placed her with the Gryffindors.

Suddenly the silence was ripped asunder as the Hat shouted "GRYFFINDOR!"

The lions erupted in shouts and cheers as Harry returned the hat to Professor McGonagall and gave her a slight bow. Hermione watched as Harry passed all the first years and moved up the table. Many students offered places beside themselves, but Harry continued past until he walked around the table and took a seat directly across from her, making her eyes bulge with surprise not to mention a wave of whispering throughout the Great Hall.

She wanted to say something, but her mouth refused to work. This was probably a good thing as her brain seemed to have shorted out as well. Harry didn't smile, or say anything, but gave her another nod as he turned to watch as Professor Dumbledore rose from his seat and greeted the students before announcing the start of the feast with a few silly words.

Hermione watched Harry as he saw the platters fill with food. She guessed that he was impressed by this as he took a moment to take it all in.

"Is it always like this?" He asked, motioning to the steaming dishes.

"Pretty much." Hermione managed to say as she pulled a bowl of mashed potatoes to her. Harry gave a nod and lifted his plate towards a platter of roast chicken. They both filled their plates and began to eat in relative silence. Hermione felt the stares of the other Gryffindors on her as she ate her pork chop across from Harry, who took tentative bites from everything he'd put on his plate before diving in with gusto.

"You were right." Harry said after about fifteen minutes. Hermione looked up with questioning eyes. "The castle was quite impressive from the lake."

Hermione smiled softly at this. Harry continued. "It gave me a chance to talk with Hagrid. Quite the character.'

"Yes, he's nice, but you know…" Hermione said, looking towards the mountain of a man who was talking animatedly to Professor Flitwick, who was laughing quite hard. "He scares me sometimes."

Harry looked up with an inquisitive look and she shrugged.

"His classes are… well, dangerous. He's got sort of an obsession with really frightening creatures." She explained. "I was nearly mauled by a hippogriff in my third year. I bowed and everything, but it didn't seem to care for me."

"They can sense fear." Harry pointed out. "Like a dog almost. You need to be confident when you bow to them. They don't like rudeness, or people who are afraid."

"I guess Neville had the same problem I did. At least he got to pet one." Hermione shrugged.

"Don't feel to bad." Harry smirked. "Their nice enough animals, but they can be more trouble than they're worth. Messy damned things."

"Messy?" Hermione asked very curious now.

"Long story." Harry waved it away. "So, what happens now?" He said looking down the table.

"We finish dinner, and then we go to our Houses. Usually people hang out for a bit and catch up, others go to bed because classes start tomorrow. Breakfast starts at around six and ends at nine which is when classes start." Hermione explained.

"Six." Harry confirmed. Hermione nodded and Harry looked pleased. "Good, that's plenty of time."

"Plenty of time for what?" Hermione asked.

"Morning routine." Harry said simply. "I don't suppose you're an early riser, are you?"

"Um, early enough. I usually get up by six so I can get to breakfast by seven. Most everyone else comes down by eight, and I don't really like being around…" She drifted off.

"Well, if you're up earlier, say around four, I wouldn't mind a bit of company. I'm not used to running on my own." He said evenly.

"Four?" She asked incredulously.

"The butt crack of dawn as my Godfather calls it." Harry smirked. "Up at four, running by four-fifteen."

"Running?" She looked as if she might faint.

"Sure." Harry shrugged. "Running builds stamina, and stamina is your greatest weapon in a duel. If you can out last your opponent, you win every time."

"You are very strange." She shook her head.

"Funny, I've been thinking the same thing about you." Harry remarked. Hermione looked offended for a minute, and then realized that to Harry she was likely very strange. Given what she knew, which admittedly was very little, about his life, everyone in the school was likely very weird to Harry Potter.

"You're welcome to join me anytime you like.' Harry said, closing that line of conversation.

It wasn't long before the dishes cleared momentarily and desert began. Harry looked very puzzled by the array of sweet dishes before him now, and began looking up and down the table.

"Are you looking for something in particular?" Hermione asked.

"I know this is going to sound bizarre." Harry began, and Hermione gave a light laugh which made Harry turn to regard her, making her stop laughing. "I'm not a huge fan of sweets."

"You're joking." Hermione said quite seriously now.

"Not in the least. It could be because I never got them often when I was growing up because I was on kind of a strict diet." He said, looking up the table again. "The only thing that I really like is chocolate chip cookies really. I usually got them as treats when I did exceptionally well at something. Good test score, take down an opponent in a duel… take Lucius Malfoy down at the Ministry of Magic…"

"I get the point." Hermione smirked. "Maybe you should look at your own plate."

Harry turned and saw three chocolate chip cookies had appeared on his plate. He gave her a look of joy as he lifted the first and his smile widened.

"They're warm." he grinned. In that moment he looked like a little kid, and it made Hermione do something she hadn't done since she was eleven. She giggled. Harry looked up, eyebrow arched in question, but Hermione simply shook her head and continued eating her sundae.

When everyone had finished and the plates had cleared themselves, Headmaster Dumbledore rose from his seat and stepped from around the Teacher's table to the podium at the front of the head table to address the student population.

"Good evening." He began jovially. "To our new students, welcome. To our returning students, welcome back. I have only a few notices to give out before I release you to the comfort of your waiting beds. First, Mr. Filch, our caretaker has asked that I remind you that magic is not allowed in the halls, and that the list of banned items consists of some five hundred items which can be examined on the door to his office. Next a reminder that the Forbidden forest is exactly as the name suggests, forbidden. Last I would like to announce the return of Professor Horace Slughorn, who will be taking up his old post of Potions Master while our former potions teach, Professor Severus Snape will be stepping into the post of Defense against the Dark Arts. Now, I bid you all, goodnight."

Hermione rose, just as the rest of the Great Hall.

"I'll show you to Gryffindor Tower, if you'd like." Hermione offered. Harry nodded, turning as he heard several voices calling first years to them. He saw a girl with red hair and a boy with sandy blonde hair waving the Gryffindor first years to them.

"Prefects." Hermione explained. "The fifth year prefects show the first years to the dorms. Sixth year Prefects get the first patrols with the Seventh years."

"Are you a prefect?' Harry asked. Hermione shook her head.

"I thought I would be, but Professor McGonagall told me that she felt I would have much more trouble as a prefect than…Well, she felt it best that I not have the extra responsibility." She said. She saw Harry looked at her out of the corner of his eye. He was giving her a very strange look that made her shiver.

They were halfway up to Gryffindor tower when A few other Gryffindors caught up to them.

"Hi ya Harry." The first boy said, offering his hand. "Seamus Finnegan, this here is Dean Thomas, Parvati Patil, and that there's Neville Longbottom. We wanted to welcome you to Hogwarts and to Gryffindor."

"Uh, thank you." Harry said, his eyes quickly looking each person over. Hermione wondered just what it was he was thinking when he looked at people. She made a mental note to ask him if she ever got the chance.

"So, we were wondering where ya been all these years.' Seamus went on squeezing between Harry and Hermione as they continued up the stairs.

Hermione grimaced as Seamus all but shoved her, and sighed as the Irish boy began leading Harry away from her. They didn't go to far before they stopped, and Seamus took a few steps from Harry, looking rather startled. Hermione hadn't heard Harry say anything and was even more surprised to find him looking at her expectantly. She caught up to him again and they continued on with Seamus falling behind a bit, but the others still next to them, asking question after question. Hermione couldn't help wonder just what in the hell was happening. No one had ever so much as bothered to say a word in her defense, but Harry clearly didn't like seeing her bullied. He must have said or done something to make Seamus look so anxious, and then he had waited for her to catch up to him.

Hermione wasn't given much time to dwell on it as they reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, and Dean gave the password. One by one they filed into the Gryffindor common room and spread out a bit. Hermione watched as Harry took it all in with a somewhat approving look on his face. It was almost like someone who'd heard all about Disneyland their whole life and finally got to go there and found it didn't quite live up to the stories. It wasn't that he looked disappointed, just… indifferent, really.

"So, your room will be up the stairs and on the right. Just look for the door with the Sixth Year sign on it." Hermione said, pointing to the stairs. Harry gave a nod that he'd heard her and she began to head off.

"Good night then." She said.

"Good night.' He said with a soft smile that made her shiver again. She was starting to wonder what was wrong with her, as it was the second time he'd made her do that. She quickly made her way to her dorm where she found her trunk in front of her bed as usual. She made to open it when the door to the dorm room opened and Parvati and Lavender, her roommates entered, looking at her with unveiled interest.

"Ok, you need to tell us what's going on with you and Harry right now." Lavender said leaping onto her bed and staring at Hermione who was pulling out her bed clothes and her toiletries.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hermione said evenly.

"Oh come on." Parvati said, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "He walked all the way to the end of the table to sit with you at the feast. He looked like he was going to destroy Seamus for pushing you aside on the stairs, and Lav says he defended you against Draco Malfoy."

"Looks to me like he fancies you.' Lavender said idly, though her eyes were sparkling with mischief.

"For your information, he didn't defend me against Malfoy. That great prat woke Harry up on the train and apparently he's not very pleasant when he first wakes up. As for why he sat with me, perhaps he's a bit shy. I've been the only person he's talked to whom didn't offend him in some way, or disturb his peace, for that matter.' She said looking hard at Lavender who had the good grace to look a bit sheepish. "As for Seamus, maybe he doesn't like rude people."

"And what about you?' Parvati went on as if Hermione had just taken a long time to think about something rather than argue every point she had made. "You looked quite cozy at dinner, not to mention at his side."

"How do you work that out?" Hermione asked standing up straight and looking very confused. She hadn't felt remotely cozy with Harry at dinner. In fact, she had never felt more self conscious and uncomfortable, due in large part to everyone staring. Once she and Harry had actually started talking, she had relaxed a bit, but no where near cozy.

"Oh come on." Lavender said, throwing her hands up in frustration. "The way he looked at you, like there was no one else in the Great Hall. Except for his food, he didn't look at anything else but you. And on the way up here, you were walking so close to him."

"You're imagining things." Hermione sighed heavily. "In a few days, he'll get to know all of you and he won't even glance at me anymore. Things will be back to normal in no time at all."

"Hermione, why are you so sure of that?" Lavender asked. Hermione turned cold eyes to her roommate and glowered.

"Because that's the way of things. I've learned to accept it, as none of you has ever tried to change it. Everyone is so much happier mocking me, and… and…" Hermione felt five years of frustration boiling up and immediately suppressed it, snatching up her toiletries and her pajamas before snarling as she stomped towards the bathroom to prepare for bed.

"Forget it." She snapped.

Parvati stared at Lavender who stared at the door Hermione had slammed behind her.

"Do you believe in Karma?" Lavender asked, turning to Parvati.

"Of course."' The Indian girl shrugged.

"Do you get the feeling that we're about to pay for everything we've ever done wrong to her?" The blonde asked, looking a bit nervous.

"Why do you say that?" Parvati asked, going to her own trunk and popping it open.

"I can't explain it really, but ever since Ron and I met Harry on the train, and the way he looked at Ron… I can't shake this feeling that Hermione's been sent like a guardian angel or something, and he's about to reap vengeance on everyone who ever said one bad thing about her. Like this is her reward for being so strong, and suffering all these years, because of us."

Parvati had stopped and had begun staring at the bathroom door.

"Wow, when you put it like that, I'm starting to feel really bad about… everything. I mean, it's not like we picked on her a lot, but we never defended her, or made other people stop… Oh wow, I just felt like someone punched me in the gut."

Parvati sat down looking rather ill as Lavender also appeared to be fighting nausea. They were so silent, one might have thought they had died, save for the fact that they kept glancing at each other guiltily.

It was nearly twenty minutes before Hermione returned from the bathroom, dressed in her flannel pajama pants and her t-shirt. Her hair had been taken out of the tight braid and brushed out, and Lavender noted that it wasn't as frightfully bushy as it had once been. It was almost as if Hermione's maturity was taming it.

Both girls gave soft gasps when they saw the Hermione slightly reddened eyes. She had been crying, though she was clearly trying to hide it from her roommates.

"Her-Hermione." Lavender spoke first. Hermione didn't turn around. She simply kept rummaging in her trunk, preparing her things for the next day.

"Hermione, we owe you a long overdue apology." Lavender said. The words seemed to freeze Hermione in place.

"She's right." Parvati spoke up, sounding very disturbed. "We've been horrible to you. Not as horrible as some, but it doesn't excuse our behavior. We never tried to stop anyone from picking on you, and well, we've never been anything but unpleasant to you."

Hermione turned to stare incredulously at her two roommates, both of whom looked to be close to tears themselves.

"W-what?" was the only thing she managed to say.

"We don't deserve your forgiveness by any stretch." Lavender continued, looking to Parvati who nodded. "But I think we'd like a chance to earn it, if you'd let us."

Hermione's defenses were up immediately as she eyed her two roommates. "What do you mean?" She took an unconscious step backward, turning to her bedside table where she'd left her wand.

Lavender got up from her bed, grabbed Hermione's wand and walked up to the pariah of Hogwarts, cringing inwardly as the girl back up even further as she approached.

"Take it." Lavender said, handing Hermione's wand back to her. "You look ready to climb the walls."

"Because she doesn't trust us." Parvati said bitterly. Lavender glowered at her best friend over her shoulder. "Put yourself in her place. After five years, would you?"

Parvati looked down at the floor and sank back on her bed.

Hermione took her wand, feeling immensely better once it was in her hand. Lavender turned and went to her own trunk to prepare for bed. She collected her things and stood up to smile at Hermione. "Just give us a chance. You don't have to trust us until we've earned it. We can figure it all out as we go, alright?"

Hermione was far too flummoxed to do anything other than nod. Lavender smiled and with a bit more pep in her step, headed to the bathroom, with Parvati following right behind her.

Hermione kept watching the door as she climbed into her own bed and began pulling the curtains shut. She cast the protection charms she'd learned in third year, as was her habit. Lavender and Parvati had never tried to do anything to her, but her paranoia had grown so much that she could not sleep at Hogwarts without the protective charms.

As she lay down, slipping her wand under her pillow, she shut her eyes and let out a long slow sigh in an attempt to calm her racing heart today had been the absolute strangest day she'd ever had in her entire life. She didn't even want to try and figure any of it out, because she was afraid her brain would explode. However, she was certain that it all had to do with the new addition to Hogwarts.

Hermione wondered idly if any of this would have happened if she had simply sat with some first years instead of the last cabin on the train. Then she wondered if things were going to continue to change, or would fate right itself and have everything back to normal by the end of the week.

Hermione felt her heart break at the thought of being alone again after spending the day with someone as nice as Harry had been.

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Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

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