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Chương 13: ch13

If he departs now he might never be seen in Mondstadt again, "Rah!" Eula let out a enraged shout, and her cryo vision started to shine brightly, unexpectedly enabling her to cut through Signora's frost barrier.

Signora's expression changed slightly, she felt a sense of déjà vu in this familiar outburst of defiance, however she was no longer the young girl Rosalyne who sang in the city square all those hundreds of years ago; now she was the Fatui harbinger la Signora.

Taylor turned back to Eula and said, "don't worry I'll be back before you know it." He gave Eula a reassuring smile.


In Signora's eyes Taylor's words were just a consolation without any real truth in them.

Perhaps because of Taylor's recent actions he had gained some favourability with Signora, as he wasn't given any "special treatment" however, the two agents were still following from behind.

After leaving his store and getting a certain distance away, Taylor suddenly stopped. He looked up to the sky and said to Signora, "Hey you already got Venti's gnosis haven't you?"

Signora's eyes sharpened, "why would you want to know?"

"I'll take it off your hands now."

At those words, Taylor's hand reached out directly towards Signora's chest, no one expected Taylor who is visionless would move so quickly.

The two agents behind them had no time to react.


Signora deployed a silvery-white shield to help her block the attack, however, in the next moment, Taylor's clenched his hand.

The shield shattered in an instant.

"Lady Signora!"

The two agents from behind rushed to attack Taylor.

Taylor smirked, in an instant lightning was zapping around him, making him appear to be wearing armour made of lightning.

Then these Lightning bolts exploded, turning into a powerful energy blast.


The two agents how in agony collapsing to the ground dead, then the lightning, as if having will of its own reformed, and launched attack on Signora.

" You were hiding this much power?!" Signora was beyond shocked.

Just mere moments ago she harnessed the power of her (delusion/vision) and formed rows of sharp ice shards all around her, however, when the lightning made contact with the ice shards thay shattered like fragile glass.

"Give me the gnosis or suffer damnation."

Taylor was now dead serious, not a hint of his fun loving attitude remained, he was nothing like the easy going owner from the game cafe.

Even Signora an Harbinger started to sweat, he wasn't bluffing, she felt genuine intent to kill.


Under Signora's feet a cryo shield quickly started to form, it was thanks to a holy relic bestowed upon her by the cryo Archon, it possessed strong defensive capabilities, it was not only able to resist elemental powers but also absorb them to strengthen her in order to counter attack.

However, she immediately realised that she could only off set a small portion of the damage caused by the lightning, with the majority of the power hitting her body and she was unable to absorb any of it, which defied her own world view.

"Damn it, what kind of power is that red lightning? Why is the cryo Archon's holy relic so ineffective against it?" Signora gritted her teeth enduring the immense pain caused by the lightning, she then used the holy relic and turned into a frost streak flying to the sky.

She didn't risk exposing her body any further, and unleashed her most powerful cryo-elemental abilities, above Mondstadt a white frosty mist appeared, containing ice within. The temperature throughout the city started plummeting at extreme speeds, it was as if they had gone from spring to the dawn of a ice age.

Within the white mist, weapons of various shapes and sizes condensed, some resembled longswords while others took the form of spears.

" How will you hold up against the strongest abilities of this harbinger?" Signora said in a challenging tone.

"Lady signora… we did the best we could…" the two electro cicin mages collapsed from exhaustion.

Jean sheathed her sword, showing a very rare hint of anger, delayed by these two Fatui members, she hoped that Taylor would be able to hold out. If anything happened to Taylor it would be a big blow for Mondstadt and to the Knights of Favonius during Jean's tenure as acting grandmaster.

After all the gaming industry of Mondstadt was finally booming and the game developer Taylor was now a household name throughout the city.

"I hope I can make it in time…" Jean hurried towards the commercial street, however, at this moment a bone piercing cold current spread out.

Jean looked up at the sky and saw a white cloud of mist over Mondstadt and various weapons made of ice hung just beneath it, The one manipulating all of this was the Fatui harbinger, La Signora.

"Fatui…" Jean clenched her hands, feeling Unprecedented anger, these Fatui members were so audacious with their actions within Mondstadt, openly attacking within the anemo Archon's nation! After tonight, Mondstadt would no longer be diplomatic allies with Snezhnaya instead they would be enemies.


Diluc's ember coloured pupils reflected the mist in the sky, he had once confronted a Fatui harbinger and knew that these people possessed truly formidable powers, they were people who could threaten there surroundings at any moment and right now is one such a situation.

He brandished his greatsword and pyro elemental energy began to infuse it within his blade, at the moments, he suddenly thought back to his elemental burst from the game, using a similar move, he should very well be able to bring knock Signora down from the sky.

However, the worst part was that they were in Mondstadt, Diluc couldn't guarantee how much the impact a clash at this magnitude between fire and ice would have on the city.

But then he saw someone was quicker than him to act, A streak of red lightning shot up into the sky like a speeding arrow instantly destroying all the ice creations, furthermore, that powerful attack struck the pale mist and vaporised it.

{Boom} due to the high temperature of the lighting, all the frost turned into water vapour, forming a large cloud in the sky. then the red lightning continued to zap all around the cloud, giving an apocalyptic feeling it was a truly frightening sight. Diluc's pupils dilated because he had seen it, that the red lightning was actually the owner of the mobile game café, Taylor, " he actually possesses such immense power."

The commotion happening outside, obviously attracted Eula's attention, she had helplessly watched as Taylor got taken away by the Fatui, causing her to feel a deep sense of anger and despair, she had initially thought about seeking help from the knights of Favonius.

However, right before her eyes, Taylor turned into a streak of lightning and shot up into the sky, like a god, impervious to any type of attack, in the sky, the red lightning exploded and the thunder roared incessantly, Eula was beyond shocked.

"Taylor are you sure you are just an ordinary game developer?" he was practically a god with that much power who could go against him? Eula had a hunch that Taylor was powerful, but never suspected that he would be this powerful. "Taylor please hang in there!"

At the top of a windmill, Venti sat on the railing , witnessing the battle unfolding in front of him. " is this, the power that was bestowed upon a Fatui harbinger by the Cryo Archon? It seems her power has grown even stronger in the last 500 years."

"Ah, i'm sorry Taylor, I'm afraid I can't help you here." But he got a quick reality check. Under the pale mist, red lightning pierced through the sky, destroying all the ice creations, as though they were made of glass. And finally it reached Signora with a hand grabbing her by the throat, all of this happened in the blink of an eye, and Venti was left dumbfounded.

Such a rapid attack, and the immense power of the lightning made him wonder if he would be in the same situation as Signora currently is. "Taylor you…" it's truly a shame you did not become the electo Archon in inazuma.

But the most astonished person would have to be Signora herself her pupils dilated. Even when she displayed her most powerful cryo abilities her opponents not only didn't choose to temporarily retreat, but instead soared right into the sky arriving before her in an instant, for the first time in many years Signora remembered what it felt like to be insignificantly weak.

Her opponent was just the owner of a mobile game café, he didn't even have a vision, so why was he so powerful? The anemo Archon's gnosis was already in her possession and she would have easily completed the mission. However, everything started spiralling out of control because she wanted to capture this man.

"Now where is the gnosis?" Taylor asked while slowly tightening his grip on Signora's neck, becoming the Herrscher of Thunder was very useful, everything Signora tried was as fragile as paper before him.

The only drawback was that he currently didn't have a suitable weapon right now, so he had to rely purely on his own strength for the fight, he couldn't say "lightning heed my call" and summon forth the Narukami sword.Taylor only had the herrscher's powers not the skills or equipment.

There were corresponding abilities and items in the system store, so we could consider exchanging for the Narukami in the future. But of course, now was not the time to be thinking about these things, even with just his own abilities He was more than capable enough to deal with Signora.

Suddenly he felt some sort of heat in his hand, Signora's body began to undergo a peculiar transformation with it. Pair of giant butterfly wings spreading out behind her Her clothes also turned dark red.

"I am the Crimson witch of embers" Signora was using her last Trump card. Taylor felt his grip loosening. Signora then turned into a flaming storm surrounding Taylor. " can you feel it this is my pain… my ever burning flames!"

Taylor looked at his hands, a herrscher's body was strong enough to withstand even the most extreme situations, but within this blaze he barely felt a mild warmth, " it would seem your flames, just don't burn hot enough."


For the people of Mondstadt, tonight was destined to be sleepless night. Such an extreme weather phenomenon had long caught the attention of the citizens, ordinary People could only be amazed by this terrifying weather, and had no idea what dreadful events were currently transpiring. First the cold wind and frost descended and then a dark red lightning storm with thunder came quickly after.

Now in the night sky a scene of blazing clouds appeared. The people of Mondstadt we're not only frightened, but also panicked, many had already begun to pray to the Anemo Archon, but a few vision bearers could barely make out that this phenomenon in the night sky was not natural; it was two people engaged in battle, this in turn left them, even more panicked. If their battlefield have been within the city itself, it would have undoubtably been a disaster for Mondstadt, who where the ones fighting? Could it be two legendary Archons?

"Incinerate… everything!" In this state Signora's emotions had become somewhat chaotic, it was, as if old wounds had been torn right open, and she was reliving the pain and sorrow from all those years ago, she was in an extremely fragile emotional state.

She transformed into a storm of flames launched indiscriminate attacks all around the sky, any fireballs felt towards the city below, Taylor began his own transformation.

" if you could act like you please in front of me, doesn't that make me a joke?" Taylor said his eyes now had red eyeshadow at the corners of his eyes, his short hair became waist length and two red horns appeared on his forehead.

In his right hand a dark red lightning sphere condensed and the next moment all surrounding matter, energy, disregarded all of the rules, and was forcibly attracted towards Taylor as the centre, The flames, the storm, and the fiery butterflies all got pulled in.

He then crushed the lightning sphere, and the resulting light illuminated the entire night sky making Mondatadt below, as bright as Day, in the illumination, a fiery butterfly trembled as a reverted back to Signora's form, she covered her chest, her face extremely pale, and clung to her last bit of consciousness.

She looked towards Taylor he was truly terrifying, before him neither the holy relic of the Archon nor her crimson which form had any real impact on him. Signora had previously believed that she was approaching the power level of the seven, but today's battle shattered her self-confidence. Taylor's Power exceeded everyone's expectations. She need to take this information back and let the cryo Archon know that there was a formidable enemy currently in Mondstadt.

Then a black vortex appeared behind Signora, it was the space teleportation technology that the Fatui had been researching. Although it was not anywhere near as mature and perfected as the abyss orders spatial corridors, with proper preparation, it could still handle some unexpected situations.

Before Transforming into her crimson witch form Signora had secretly communicate her spatial coordinates to a receiver. She realised today's move had been a major mistake. She been severely injured, severed all diplomatic ties with Mondstadt and her subordinates had either died or been heavily injured, The only silver lining was that she still had the gnosis in her possession, which Taylor had not yet taken from her.

With that thought in mind, Signora immediately entered the vortex, not during to spend any longer with Taylor refigure disappear on the spot, in the next moment, Taylor appeared in her place, staring at the empty space.

" Spatial teleportation?" Extended his finger a bolt of red lightning shot out seemingly trying to find something, The power of the herrscher of Thunder was not just about controlling lightning. Overall, it was about manipulating electricity and magnetism. In Taylor's View, this kind of teleportation technology seems to be based in electromagnetism. So he used his own power to understand this technology.

Send Taylor smiles, with a simple stroke in the air. The previously closed till presentation channel was opened once again Taylor did not hesitate to enter, before until he obtains the Gnosis, even an Archon won't be able to stop him.

"Hehe, quite rare sight indeed, Rosalyne. Who could've introduced to this extent?" At the research desk, a man with a black and white mask, spook in a mocking tone, enjoying the misfortune of his fellow Harbinger. The other Fatui members Blue were silently doing their tasks, not daring to speak after all these two were both harbingers and if they dared to interrupt, they may as well ask for death's hand in marriage.

The man with the black and white mask, was none other than the Fatui harbinger [the Doctor]. This was a secret base he had established outside Mondstadt, serving as one of his experimental facilities, just now Signora had surprisingly use the escape teleportation channel meant for emergencies, which picked the Doctor's interest.

What had happened in Mondstadt? Did the Anemo Archon fight against Signora? In the Doctor's view.Mondstadt's current military power was weak, and only the returning Anemo Archon could've inflicted so much damage on Signora.

" Quickly close to teleportation channel!" Sognora ignored the Doctor's mockery and gave the order immediately.

" Don't worry, they'll never be able to find this place," the Doctor appeared perfectly composed, he leisurely descended the stairs, " I have medicine that can heal up your injuries, but I am curious. What were you doing in Mondstadt…" the Doctor's words were cut off abruptly, his footsteps also came to halt. The expression beneath the mask was incomprehensible. " They really managed to track us down here?!"



Bolts of red lightning seeped out from the spatial cracks, as if invisible hands were forcefully tearing open space.

"Doctor Dottore!" The Fatui researchers looked to the Doctor with eyes full of fear. He quickly regained his composure after his brief shock.

"Calm down if they come in here, it's just a one-way ticket to death. I don't mind having another wonderful specimen for my experiments."

Beside the Doctor, three Fatui members held specially crafted weapons and acted as guards. These three individuals were subordinates the Doctor put some real trust in, providing assistance in his experiments and each possessing high-level combat abilities.

The red lightning continued to zap and pop until it reached a critical point were it suddenly stopped. Everyone's heart in the experimental base also missed a beat.

"Has it stopped?" Just before they could let out a sigh of relief, The kraken, spear, suddenly blasted, apart and ball of red lightning sped out from the void.

The Doctor's trusted subordinates reacted, swiftly, shielding the Doctor. The lightning Went directly through the first two people, and when it reached the third person, the lightning transformed into human figure, and at the same time an arm struck directly into their chest.


only three scorch marks remained on the spot. The subordinates hadn't even had a chance to to strike they perished in an instant.

"— —!!??" The surrounding researchers scattered like a sudden ghost had appeared. Who was this person? He was like a living nightmare, taking life in an instant.

"Where is Rosalyne?" Taylor stared at the black and white masked man before him demanding an answer.

"Who…are you?" The Doctor was Feeling puzzled. According to his intelligence about Mondstadt there was no record of such a powerful individual more over the red lightning and lack of a vision was beyond understanding.

This left the Doctor with numerous doubts and extreme curiosity. As a scholar, one's greatest ally and enemy was more often than not is their own curiosity. This endless thirst for knowledge could drive a person insane.

" do you think you have any qualifications to ask me a question?"

"Huh…?" The Doctor looked down in disbelief at what he was seeing.

A bolt of red lightning, like a spear pierced directly into his heart. There was no exciting battle beforehand, The opponent didn't care about consistency, The Doctor felt he should've had more of a performance, at the very least he shouldn't have been scared through like a kebab.

On the Doctor's body, dark purple lights started to emerge, he had once modified his body, so that any lethal injury like this one through the heart that would have killed an ordinary person 10 times over would not kill him. However, the opponent seemed somewhat dissatisfied with his lingering existence. The spear of lightning turned into destructive electric power, surging All throughout his body from the inside to the outside, destroying his entire body, in barely a breath.

The Doctor's expression froze in an expression of disbelief. But in the next moment, his body turned to ash. "The Doctor is dead!" This news struck like lightning out of the blue.

All the Fatui members and researchers present were left dumbfounded, they had thought that with two harbingers overseeing, their safety would be assured, who could've known that the Doctor would be killed in practically the blink of an eye? This made everyone feel that the situation was so unreal to the point of forgetting to escape.

Taylor appeared again in front of a Fatui member and asked softly, "where did Rosalyne go?"

In front of a massive circular instrument, Signora performed a series of complex operations, and finally she Completed all the activation conditions needed to open this massive Teleporter, this door could teleport her directly from Mondstadt back to Snezhnaya.

Inside this research base, red alert lights were constantly flashing and sirens blared, they were only used during major accidents, some mechanisms and circuits were spewing out sparks, as if the arrival of that person had caused this entire base's electronic systems to malfunction.

On the device, a ripple like water surfaced started to converge. Success! Signora was about to step through it, but the sudden bolt of lightning struck down in front of her. "Did I say you could leave?" Signora covered her chest, and looked at Taylor with shock in her eyes.

"W… W… Who are you?!" She asked

"Hand over the Gnosis" Taylor said, with the same commanding tone.

Signora fell silent for two seconds, and then laughed in hysterics. " I think you underestimate the determination we harbinger's have, for the ideals of the Tsaritsa, even sacrificing our own lives, means nothing!"

Taylor nodded. " Very well if that's what you want, I will grant your wish, I will send you to meet [The Doctor]."

Signora's Pupils dilated, didn't explain her promotion to come true the Doctor had been directly killed. Thinking about that man who constantly plotted conspiracies and plans had died just like that, Signora not only didn't feel sad, but instead felt the sense of irony.

Just then, from the circular device in the rear, a majestic and authoritative voice sounded full of power.

" Give him the Gnosis, Rosalyne."

"What!?" Signora looked at the circular device, and, although there was no one's figure, she knew exactly who the speaker was.

The first fool,

The chief harbinger of the Fatui,

[Pierro] the jester.

After a long silence, Signora spoke, " okay, I understand."

In her hand, the anemo Archon's Gnosis appeared. Taylor took it directly out of her hand.

Signora's was pissed, but she didn't say anything more preparing to step into the teleportation channel.

However, Taylor still grabbed her shoulder, Signora shivered, only to hear him whisper softly in her ear, " you know it would've been easier if you handed it over from the start, but I do look forward to the next time we meet."

Next meeting? What did he mean? Taylor wore a meaningful smile, and Signora Felt somewhat eerie.

' when I get to Liyue I'll need your help to get big daddy Zhong Li's Gnosis,' Taylor thought. Signora had no idea that she was being treated as a treasure hunter by Taylor.

Entering the teleportation gate, Signora disappeared into it, on the other side should be snezhnaya. Although his actions had already created a rift between him, and the Fatui Taylor didn't mind because sooner or later he would have to go and obtain the Cryo Archon's Gnosis.

'Have I become the honorary knight now?' Taylor felt that maybe he had underestimated the abilities he got from the beginning.

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