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Captive Heart [2]

– Earlier that day –

"...These are the forms you all will need to fill in to apply for your group project this semester. Carefully go through them in your free time and then decide which one you want to go with..."

Inside a university classroom full of students, a stern-faced lady was distributing a thick stack of papers among the raucous crowd of young learners one by one.

She wore a pair of round eyeglasses over her deep turquoise eyes. A black-colored v-neck top barely covered her explosive upper body, exposing the deep, sensual valley on her protruding chest; while the skirt she wore tightly wrapped around her supple thighs, showing everyone a small glimpse of the milky pair of legs hidden underneath.

"...And make sure to consult with your group members. Once the projects are assigned, you won't be able to change them later."

She was speaking with her eyes narrowed and her lips twisted in a slight grimace, looking quite a bit irritated by the constant noise her students were making all this time. 

'These noisy, indecent brats...!'

The job of an educator was already stressful enough for her, and these unruly youngsters were making it even more unbearable, making all kinds of lewd remarks in their barely subdued voices, and even openly leering at her body with their horny gazes.

'I should really get going after distributing these papers...'

Her mood had already plummeted to the bottom because of an idiotic co-worker spilling an entire cup of black coffee on the usual attire she wore to her classes everyday. 

And now, the continuous overt whispers of the horny whelps in her class were quickly draining whatever remained of her limited patience.


...It was truly unfortunate that she couldn't slap the daylights out of them for the obscene ruckus they were making. 

She heaved a rueful sigh, thinking that the blame for this partially belonged to her. 

...As expected, she shouldn't have come to class wearing her casual clothes. Even the girls in her class were looking strangely at her now.

Her usual attire already struggled to conceal her curvaceous figure from people's eyes, and now that she was wearing normal clothes for once, those alluring curves on her body were exaggerated even more.

With a body this provocative, even if she did respond to their whispers, it would only serve to damage her image as a stern professor, not even mentioning the public embarrassment such an incident would bring her. 

In the end, it just wasn't worth it. Especially when it was heavily debatable whether their behavior would really change or not.

'Keep laughing now. Let's see who laughs after the mid-term exams!'

...But that didn't mean she was going to let their disrespectful remarks fly by completely unpunished.

Those impudent brats thought she couldn't notice their indecent behavior, not knowing that she unerringly caught everything they said or did, before marking them in her mind for the most difficult projects she could possibly assign to them.

As the stack of papers in her hand slowly lessened in thickness, her gaze wandered off to a distant corner of the classroom. A brown-haired young man was sitting there alone, blankly looking out through the window.

"Alaric. Alaric, come and collect your papers!"

After she loudly called his name a few more times, the young man seemed to suddenly jolt awake from his reverie. 

"Oh, Miss Helen..."

He seemed a little disoriented at first, stupidly blinking his eyes while staring at her for some time before nervously offering her a smile.

"Umm, thank you. Sorry, I was a little out of it."

As Helen observed this young man's slightly odd behavior, her eyes widened a little.

Unlike the other male students – or even the female ones, this guy's gaze didn't wantonly roam around her body like a depraved pervert for once, staying firmly fixated on her face.

"...Hm. Make sure you consult with your group members before the deadline."

Despite feeling a bit surprised inside, Helen simply nodded, handing him the last batch of papers left in her hands.

The students were already leaving the class in droves. Going back to her desk, Helen took one last look at the corner window seat, and started packing up the teaching materials she brought to class.

That slightly odd student had already returned to his previous posture, looking out of the window with a blank look on his face. 

His hands were clutching onto the papers she just handed over to him.

'...Am I supposed to do something here?'

Helen hesitated a little, thinking of conversing with this young man about whatever difficulties he may be facing. 

But then she suddenly remembered that she had to prepare the documents for her next class in a few hours.

'Dammit, maybe later...'

She quickly grabbed all her things from the desk and stormed out of the door, leaving the brooding young man all by himself in the now-empty classroom.


A few more minutes passed in silence, when the young man finally showed signs of movement once again. 


He pulled out a smartphone from his backpack and rapidly dialed a number on it. A faint sheen of sweat appeared on his forehead as he anxiously waited for the call to be picked up.

– [The person you are trying to reach is unavailable at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone.]



The young man clicked his tongue, before swiftly hanging up the call. His face twisted in an ugly grimace. 

"Ugh, what did I even do...? If she was just avoiding me before, now she's not even picking up my calls!"

Alaric closed his eyes, trying to remember what exactly went wrong between him and his girlfriend. Everything seemed to be just fine last week, and there were no arguments that took place between them at all.

Not to mention, Sierra was such a kind and lovely girl. She wouldn't ghost him for no reason at all now, would she?

'Something must be wrong. I know it!'

Maybe it wasn't his place to stick his nose into her business, but the least she could do was to tell him something about any problems and difficulties she might be facing. 

It might be a little presumptuous for him to think this, but... he might've been able to help her solve those issues.

"The last time I saw her, wasn't Milia trying to take her to a party somewhere...?"

He vividly remembered that conversation because of how uncomfortable Sierra looked back then. 

He always knew that she had never been a big fan of such parties. But this time around, because of her best friend's intense persuasion, she had reluctantly agreed to go with her.

Of course, he had also tried his best to be there with them at that party. But for some reason, Milia didn't seem very keen on that idea, stopping him from coming with them.

...And it was after that day that Sierra started to behave strangely around him. Always trying to avoid him, not looking him in the eyes, speaking awkwardly with him, and so on and so forth.

Still, at least she came to attend her classes a day ago. 

But today, she had even ditched her classes...

"There's only one way to know."

With a pensive expression on his face, Alaric stared at the darkened screen of his phone for a few moments in silence, before gritting his teeth and calling someone he really didn't want to call.


– [Yes, who is this?]

"...Hello, is this Milia?"

There was a small pause on the other end of the phone, before a bright and energetic voice answered him in a slightly nervous tone.

– [Oh, hey Ricky. How are you doing?]

"I...I'm doing fine. Hey, uh....I just wanted to know if everything was alright with Sierra. She has been avoiding me lately, and I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with her."

– [Uh-huh...]

"So, I thought that maybe... you would know something about that? Maybe it was something that I did, perhaps...?"

– [Oh. Hehe, uhm...]

Alaric heard an awkward laugh coming from the speaker of his phone, and then Milia went silent for the next few moments. 

Alaric anxiously gulped down his saliva, feeling like a boulder was suddenly placed above his chest. But when she started to speak once again, the awkwardness in her voice was gone.

– [...well, it's nothing too serious. Sierra is probably a bit too embarrassed about drinking too much at that party I took her to. Just... give her some time and she'll come around. Okay?]

Alaric was starting to feel a little nervous now. Milia had never spoken to him so nicely before.

His instincts were ringing alarm bells left and right inside his mind, screaming at him that something was up.

"...Okay. I got it."

But unfortunately, he didn't know what to make of that vague feeling swirling within his chest. 

He was feeling a bit lost. He couldn't go ahead and accuse someone just because his....'instincts' were telling him something was wrong.

'What instincts... I'm not a wild animal, dammit!'

...And even if he did listen to these instincts, what should he even do? 

Should he start pressing Milia for some answers? Or should he just visit Sierra's home and talk it out with her?

Because at this moment, none of the ideas or options he had in mind seemed very appealing to him. All they did was announce his insecurity and baseless suspicion against Sierra.

– [Oh, great! Listen, I have a very important assignment left to finish, so I'll call you later, alright? Don't worry too much about Sierra. She'll be...fine.]

"Yeah, I understand. Bye."

Alaric hung up the call with a worried look on his face. 

Despite Milia's repeated reassurances, the anxiousness swirling within his heart had only increased after this conversation.

But for now, all he could do was to simply wait. He didn't believe that a pure-hearted girl like Sierra could keep any big secrets from him for too long.

He looked out of the window once again, noticing that the sun was soon reaching its zenith position in the sky.

"...Right, I had another class coming up next."

Taking a deep breath, Alaric put away the papers he received from Miss Helen in his backpack, before leaving the classroom with a heavy heart.


Back at Damien's house, sometime earlier...

*Vrr~* *Vrr~!*

A white-haired man pulled out a vibrating phone from his pocket, his lips curling up into an amused smirk when he looked at its flashing screen.

"Looks like Mr. Boyfriend here is getting a little worried, huh."

Damien laughed, throwing the vibrating phone on top of the couch in his living room, before expectantly looking towards the closed door of the washroom.

The sound of splashing water reached his ears from the other side of the door, causing his mind to conjure up some risky images of the girl who was taking a shower inside right now.


Looking down, he saw the fabric of his oversized trunks slowly being stretched apart by a monstrous slob of swelling meat, impatiently urging him to grant it the release it had been seeking for a long time now.

"Tsk. I got it, I got it. No more waiting..."

Clicking his tongue, Damien stood up from the couch, heading towards the locked door of the washroom while licking his lips with a smile.

He then unlocked the washroom door with a gentle clicking sound – which was quickly drowned out by the noise of water flowing from the shower, and silently slipped inside without the girl finding out.


Under the flowing water of the shower, a moderately tall girl stood upright, thin streams of clear water running down her naked body. Her wavy blond hair almost reached down to her willowy waist, persistently sticking to her milky white skin due to all the moisture. 

From the back, he could only see her round, perky ass jiggling around as she vigorously rubbed her body with soap. But even if he couldn't directly see it, he could easily imagine her full breasts doing the same at the front.

Damien then took a step forward, stealthily slipping his muscular arms around the narrow waist of the oblivious girl and forcefully pulling her back towards him into a tight hug.


The girl squealed in surprise, before stiffening like a statue when she felt a burning piece of meat burrowing itself deep within the gap between her plump thighs.

"Here, let me clean you up..."

Damien's hot breath tickled her ears as his rough hands wandered around her fully exposed body, freely groping and mashing her twin mountains together, all while gently rubbing his burning meat rod against her puffy lower lips.

"Uhh... Damien, wait. Let me clean up first...uhmm~!"

Hearing her words, Damien simply grinned like an evil fiend, pinching both of her gradually stiffening nipples with his thick fingers and pulling them ahead, while at the same time playfully biting down on her fair neck.

"...No, I've waited long enough already."

Sierra shivered as a wave of pleasure hit her like a speeding truck, and the burning mass of meat squeezed within her legs knocked on the swollen doors of her leaking pussy.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to clean you up nicely. Including every nook and cranny of yours..."

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