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Chương 58: What should our child’s name be?

Chapter 58: What should our child's name be?

(PS: This chapter is a bit too long. That's why it took so much time lol.)

Having a good-looking face will always attract the eyes and attention of those of the opposite sex, so apart from Horikita Suzune, Yuto was also stared at by some girls.

"I've never seen you here before, so you must be a freshman, right?" The woman wearing a simple vest, highlighting her attractive 'assets', spoke to Yuto.

"Yes, hello. You must be a senior then?" Yuto answered politely.

"Yes, I'm from the second year, class B. What is your name, junior?"

"Shimizu Yuto."

Horikita Suzune, who maintained a constant jogging speed, glanced at Yuto and the female senior student not far behind.

He really dared to talk while running; is he not afraid of his breathing rhythm getting disrupted?

Running also requires good skill.

One must keep breathing at a constant speed and maintain a proper rhythm in order to be able to run farther and longer.

If someone talks while running, their breathing order will be disturbed, and they will soon be out of breath after a short run.

So, when Yuto was out of breath later, Horikita planned to give him a look of contempt as she ran past him.

'…No, why should I care about him?'

Horikita Suzune put aside these strange thoughts that came into her mind and concentrated on finishing her morning jog.

After running around for ten minutes, crystal clear drops of sweat slid down her cheeks, and her slightly parted lips revealed a faint breath of steam.

Those boys who tried to attract her attention left the way in shame because of lack of stamina.

Originally, they wanted to show off in front of this unfamiliar beautiful girl with their physical ability, but they didn't expect that their stamina was not as good as hers.

Besides, the second-year female senpai also left Yuto's side due to exhaustion.

Since she was feeling tired, Horikita slowed down at a constant speed, and soon Yuto managed to catch up with her from behind.

The black-haired girl glanced at the boy who was by her side and couldn't help but praise him, "Shimizu, you have good stamina. Do you exercise often?"

"Don't talk to me right now. It will interrupt your breathing rhythm." Yuto didn't reply but instead criticized her.

The black-haired girl gritted her teeth secretly, thinking that she was out of her mind and even took the initiative to talk to him.

And what's worse, this guy is so annoying!

Maybe it was because of exhaustion or embarrassment, after she finished her morning jog, Horikita returned to the dormitory building, while Yuto jogged for some more time before heading back as well.

After returning to his dormitory room, Yuto took a quick bath and changed into his school uniform, then walked to the student cafeteria.

According to his past experiences, he felt that his childhood friend should still be sleeping at this time, so he didn't send her a message, so as not to disturb her rest.

After having a nice breakfast in the student cafeteria, Yuto came to his classroom, and it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

Although the official starting time for class is 8:45, Chabashira Sae had sent a group message to every student of class 1-D yesterday informing them to arrive before 8:10.

Therefore, there were quite a lot of students in the classroom of class 1-D now.

Kushida Kikyou, who had a cheerful expression, soon noticed Yuto's arrival, so she hurriedly said something to the female classmate she was having a conversation with, and then she quickly walked towards Yuto.


Yuto looked sideways at the girl with beige-colored-hair, who also had an amazing bust size, and said in surprise, "What's the matter, Kushida?"

"Well, I had something to ask you, Shimizu-kun. You see, I saw you and Horikita walking together this morning."

Kushida blinked her cute eyes at him and said, "So, Shimizu-kun, do you and Horikita-san have a good relationship?"

"To be honest, no. We just happened to walk together because we were both going for a morning jog," Yuto explained casually.

"So, that's it, huh." Kushida's smile widened after hearing this, and Yuto couldn't help but glance at her suspiciously.

Is it just his imagination, or was she happy that his relationship with Horikita wasn't good?

"Well, listen to me, I wanted to get along with my classmates better as soon as possible, so I exchanged contact information with everyone in our class, but unfortunately, Horikita-san rejected me."

"So? What are you trying to say?"

"Uh, well, Shimizu-kun, Horikita-san doesn't seem to reject talking to you, so I wanted to ask you what you think of her? Did she say anything to you about students in our class? I mean, well, something bad I guess."

Kushida couldn't help but show a bit of urgency while speaking the latter sentence.

Yuto thought it was weird that Kushida seemed to be very concerned about whether Horikita would speak ill of others behind their backs. Is it necessary to be this concerned?


The next moment, Yuto's eyes flashed with beautiful colors, and his mind-reading ability was triggered passively.

[Did that bitch Horikita tell Shimizu about my past!?]

Although he read her mind for a short time, he still discovered such great news.

Yuto looked at Kushida Kikyou in front of him, who had a sweet and cheerful smile, feeling that his intuition was correct.

The girl named 'Kushida Kikyou' does indeed possess an unknown dark side.

In reality, she is not as enthusiastic and cheerful as she appears on the outside.

After briefly reading her inner thoughts, he could deduce that she actually knows Horikita Suzune from before entering this school.

Otherwise, why would she be worried that Horikita would tell him about her past?

But Yuto was also a bit curious about what kind of past Kushida desperately didn't want others to know.

So, under her expectant gaze, Yuto replied casually, "Well, I'm not that familiar with Horikita to talk about our past. We have only spoken a few words to each other, so I don't know what kind of person she is."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Look, Horikita has arrived as well. Kushida, if you have any questions, you can just ask her directly." Yuto pointed to the black-haired girl who had just stepped into the classroom.

Kushida looked over and hurriedly walked towards her after noticing her arrival.


"What's the matter?" Horikita Suzune looked coldly at the seemingly enthusiastic girl in front of her.

"I was hoping to exchange contact information with you…"

"I reject."

Before Kushida could finish her words, Horikita refused without any second thoughts and walked past the dazed girl.

Yuto saw their conversation and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Horikita Suzune really had a straightforward and somewhat rude character.

The black-haired girl came to her seat with her schoolbag in hand.

She also took a shower after returning from her morning jog, so she had a fresh scent of shampoo on her body.

Sitting in his seat, Yuto looked at the girl with short beige-colored hair who had a forced smile.

She seemed to be hurt by Horikita's flat refusal.

At the moment, nearby girls were comforting her and staring at Horikita with dissatisfaction for her rude actions.

This situation surprised him, thinking that Kushida's social skills are really good.

In just a day, she had managed to become friends with many girls in their class.

Otherwise, those girls would not look at Horikita with such a dissatisfied look because of just a mere classmate's grievance.

"Horikita, if you continue to reject Kushida like this, you may soon be isolated in our class. At least, the girls might do so." Yuto said, holding his chin while thinking.

The black-haired girl who took out a book titled 'Crime and Punishment' responded indifferently to him, "Well, that's just what I want."

"By the way, Horikita, did you know Kushida before? I mean before entering this school." Yuto couldn't help but ask.

"Nope. I don't remember her." Horikita replied without giving it much thought.

"Is that so…" Yuto nodded.

As far as he knows, the aloof Horikita will not lie so easily, so that means she really doesn't know Kushida before entering this school.

So, what's with Kushida's inner voice…Why did she think that Horikita Suzune knew her before?

At this time, Sakura Airi, in her school uniform, also stepped into the classroom.

She first showed a shy smile to her childhood friend who looked over, and then silently sat in her seat without saying a word.

Since Airi took the initiative to lower her sense of existence, most of the students in the class didn't pay much attention to her.

After taking her seat, Airi immediately took out her school phone and started contacting her childhood friend.

She had a wonderful dream last night.

She dreamed that she married Yuto and had two children with him.

And, they lived in a single-family apartment like the one they're planning to move into.

So, she sent this message to Yuto:

"Yuto, what should our child's name be?"


Yuto looked at this text message full of misleading information in astonishment.

Although he had hugged his childhood friend before, he hadn't 'eaten' her, right?

So, why did she send him such an inexplicable text message?

After some questioning, he finally understood why his childhood friend asked him what their child's name should be…she dreamt about it last night.

Dumbfounded, Yuto didn't know how to reply back to the unexpected message from Airi.

At this moment, his eyes flashed with beautiful color, and his mind-reading ability was triggered passively once again.

He caught a thought not from Airi, but from another direction entirely:

[In order to prevent those things from middle school from happening again, I need to find a reliable boy to be my boyfriend. I don't want to be bullied again…Huh, he's so handsome, how about choosing him?]

The inner voice diverted Yuto's attention from his school phone, and he raised his head to look in the direction from where the inner voice was coming.

He saw the owner of the inner voice standing on the podium of their classroom.

She was a stunning young girl with exquisite facial features and long, lustrous hair that shone like royal honey, neatly tied back into a ponytail.

Dressed in her school uniform, she wore a light blue dress shirt beneath a red blazer, the sleeves of which she had rolled up, and a short white skirt.

Unconventionally, she wrapped her school blazer around her waist and rolled her dress shirt sleeves up far beyond the norm.

This unique style of dressing lent her a hint of a Gyaru temperament.

And this seemingly Gyaru girl appeared to be in search of a dependable boyfriend to support her.

From the way she looked at him, it seemed Yuto perfectly matched her ideal choice for a boyfriend.

Thanks to his good memory, Yuto easily recalled the girl's seat and the nameplate on her desk.

Her name was - Karuizawa Kei.

Karuizawa Kei also noticed Yuto looking at her, and she subconsciously averted her gaze.

But then she felt that such an action would make her seem weak, so she immediately looked back at him, showing him a charming smile.

The corner of his mouth twitched after seeing this, but Yuto still responded to her with an awkward yet polite smile.

Karuizawa Kei was shaken by his smile, and she mustered up her courage and walked down from the podium towards him.

She decided to ask for this handsome guy's contact information and see if he was suitable to be her boyfriend.

Yuto looked at the blond-haired girl walking towards him and couldn't help but feel a bit of a headache. 'Is she coming for real?'

After reading Karuizawa Kei's inner voice, Yuto could probably guess her past experiences.

Judging from her inner voice, she was once bullied in middle school, leaving her with such a psychological trauma.

So, after entering this school, the blond-haired girl decided to find a reliable boy to be her boyfriend and a backer, all to ensure she would not be bullied again.

Yuto didn't know how much Karuizawa Kei had suffered in her middle school, but he felt that she must have endured significant bullying to have developed such psychological trauma.

'Only after suffering a lot of abuse and bullying will she have thoughts like finding herself a backer…' Yuto thought to himself.

While he was lost in thoughts, the blond-haired girl came in front of him, slightly opening her lips while holding her palm nervously, wanting to say something.

But at this moment, their homeroom teacher, Chabashira Sae, entered the classroom with awe-inspiring steps, clad in an OL (office lady) uniform, exuding a dignified and serious demeanor.

"Everyone! Go back to your seat. I have something to announce."

The reason why students in class 1-D arrived at the classroom ahead of time was entirely because of their homeroom teacher's notification yesterday.

After their homeroom teacher had entered the classroom, Karuizawa Kei had no choice but to postpone her plan to exchange contact information with Yuto.

"Well, I have something to ask you. I'll talk about it later." The discouraged blond-haired girl left after saying this and returned to her seat.

Yuto rubbed his brows, thinking about how he would refuse her later.

Although this girl named Karuizawa Kei looked cute and had a good figure, it's not like Yuto doesn't have a girlfriend now, so how could he casually agree to become her boyfriend?

And being her boyfriend is most likely to be in a fake relationship…Who wants to date a girl just for the sake of dating?

Chabashira Sae leaned on the podium with one hand and scanned the entire class under the curious eyes of the students.

Gradually, she frowned because there were still five vacant seats in the classroom, which meant that these five students didn't take her message seriously.

'Obviously, I had sternly reminded them to come to the classroom in advance yesterday, but I didn't expect some students still didn't take my words seriously. And what's worse, there are five such students…' Chabashira Sae thought silently.

In yesterday's group message, her words were a bit stricter, making others realize her seriousness.

Even so, some were still late and absent.

If Chabashira Sae remembers correctly, the names of these five students are:

Koenji Rokusuke, Sotomura Hideo, Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudo Ken.


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