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68.42% Global Descent: I Can Purchase for free in the Lord's Mall. / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: New recruits design, Liam's resolve.

Chương 26: Chapter 26: New recruits design, Liam's resolve.

 Liam's curiosity was piqued, and he paused his hand that was about to dismiss Rudolf, giving him his full attention. 

"What is it, Rudolf?"

"I seek your approval to establish what I call the 'Cabinet of Orders'"

Rudolf explained earnestly.

Liam raised an eyebrow, intrigued. 

"The Cabinet of Orders? And what would its purpose be?"

"It would serve as a body dedicated to recruiting talented individuals to assist in managing various aspects of our territory"

 Rudolf elaborated. 

"With such a vast number of people under our care, it would be prudent to delegate responsibilities to capable individuals. I believe this would lighten the burden on both of us."

"And with more skilled officers in charge of various sectors, we then can further improve the other aspects that are currently lacking"

Liam considered Rudolf's proposal thoughtfully, and he thought deep within.

'The cabinet of order, or in the simplest way to put it, the cabinet of officers'

'There are no disadvantages regarding this, and the gains outweigh the losses in the long term prospect'

After a moment of contemplation, Liam nodded in approval. Seeing no issue with the idea that was proposed by Rudolf.

"I see. Your proposal has merit, Rudolf."

"Proceed with your plans, and we shall discuss this further in due course."

Rudolf's expression brightened with gratitude. 

"Thank you, my lord. Your consideration is greatly appreciated."

With that, Liam allowed Rudolf to attend to his duties, looking over towards his old and frail back leaving the throne room in large strides. Though the old back of his carries the weight of thousands of people. 

As Rudolf gradually exited the throne room after delivering his report, Adhart stood poised on the side, seemingly prepared to perform his report next.

Liam's attention shifted toward him as Adhart took a deep breath, his demeanor respectful.

"My Lord"

Adhart began carefully, seeking permission to proceed with his report. Seeing this, Liam acknowledged him with a nod, granting Adhart the floor to speak.

"You may proceed" 

Adhart stepped forward, his posture confident as he began to outline his observations and proposals for the last few days being in charge as the commander of the army.

"My lord, currently, our military boasts a staggering number of soldiers"

Adhart stated, echoing Rudolf's concerns in his department.

"In light of this, I propose implementing a system of rankings and levels within our military structure to facilitate better management and organization."

"I suggest establishing a hierarchical structure based on merit and experience"

 Adhart continued, his words deliberate and calculated.

 "This will provide clarity in command, improve training protocols, and optimize resource allocation."

"Furthermore, my lord"

 Adhart elaborated.

 "I recommend the creation of specialized divisions within our army to address specific objectives, such as reconnaissance, defense, and offense."

Hearing Adhart words, Liam's eyes fell onto this middle-aged man for a moment with a thoughtful look on his face. And after pondering about this for a while, Liam added in.

"The idea is promising, though the execution is varied greatly from Rudolf's outline, Adhart. Are you sure this will further benefit the territory?"

"This... it is naturally beneficial, my lord"

Adhard remarked and continued with his words. 

"An army composed of loose sand without systematic orders is akin to that of a tidal wave washing against the shore. Through better management with this humble one's proposal, I am sure to strengthen the effectiveness of the soldiers by a large margin"

As Liam contemplated Adhart's proposal, he couldn't help but consider the unique perspective afforded by his abilities within the system. 

While Adhart's concerns regarding military management were valid from a conventional standpoint, Liam knew that his capabilities as the lord of the territory granted him unparalleled control over their forces.

Indeed, the soldiers under his command were not just ordinary troops—they were extensions of his own will, connected to him through the system in much the same way as the slime knights. 

This meant that, in the event of battle, Liam could directly control them, manipulating their formations and strategies with precision and efficiency.

The issues and challenges that Adhart sought to address were, in Liam's eyes, minimal compared to the vast potential offered by his abilities. 

While Adhart's proposal for a hierarchical structure and specialized divisions had its merits, Liam knew that he could adapt and respond to any situation as it arose, without the need for rigid organizational frameworks.

'Though, having an even more in-depth system might provide my people an even more complete system of how a true functional society would look like'

'And also, these soldiers are also human with emotions'

'There should be gains for those who worked for it, and losses for those who abandoned it'

Liam glanced towards the guards that are stationed within the throne room's corners. Standing silently even amidst the talk of the lord regarding their future. 

'Perhaps, there is more to this proposal than what it means to the eye'

'I might have overlooked the bigger picture of the whole thing... '

'So then, it won't be a bad idea to implement this'

Liam murmured within as he shifted his gaze back towards the resolute man in front of him.

Adhart's proposal could serve as a valuable framework for ensuring that their military forces operated cohesively and effectively, even in his absence. There might be some cases where he will have to confront the enemy head-on, resulting in the loss of the Lord's command to control the army against the enemy. 

Though with Adhart's proposal, Liam felt that it might have its usefulness along its means.

With this in mind, Liam decided to support Adhart's proposal, knowing that the territory wouldn't be able to have his full attention at all times. There needs to be a complete system for this.


Liam began, addressing his commander with a measured tone. 

"Your proposal has merit, and I will allow you to implement this plan on your own accord"

"Proceed with your plans, and ensure that they are implemented effectively."

Adhart nodded in acknowledgment.

"Thank you, my lord. I will see to it that the necessary measures are put into place without delay."

With Liam's approval secured, Adhart then continued with the other part of the report. Adhart proceeded to the next part of his report, detailing the allocation of troops and the establishment of rules and punishments within their territory.

'Rules and Laws? Now that's convenient

Liam admitted that this idea would be needed as soon as possible. The soldiers might be loyal but the people... The people's heart is the most confusing part for others to understand. Any wrongdoers should be punished accordingly even to the extent of death.

Afterward, Adhart entered into the details of the troop's assignment from all over the territory.

Half of the Iron Guard footmen were assigned to the castle's walls and the immediate vicinity, tasked with ensuring the lord's protection and the security of the castle itself. 

Liam listened to this part of the report with only partial attention, knowing that it didn't mean much to him. Though for the maids and the chirping Birds, Liam simply acknowledges this position that came from Adhart's planning since they also need some protection during his absence in case of emergency.

The other half of the Iron Guard footmen were designated for the protection of the people, patrolling the streets and ensuring the safety of the citizens within their domain. 

Additionally, Adhart outlined a set of rules and punishments that he and Rudolf had devised, aiming to establish a system of law enforcement separated from the military but still subordinate to its authority. 

Liam listened intently as Adhart outlined the details of these rules, he was quite surprised on idea after idea that they had come up with. 

'This is quite impressive, they have gotten this far just with the two of them. Even to the point of establishing laws and orders'

'My decision was right to leave the matter of governance to Rudolf's hand, he is more suitable for this job than me'

Liam secretly thought within.

As for the horsemen, Adhart assigned them to perimeter security and various other tasks, ensuring that their territory remained protected from external threats. 

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Adhart's report came to an end. Liam breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that the long-awaited conclusion had finally arrived. 

He nodded to Adhart in appreciation, acknowledging the thoroughness and diligence with which he had presented his report.

"Thank you, Adhart" 

Liam said, his tone conveying his gratitude.

 "Your efforts are commendable, and I appreciate the detailed overview of our military deployment and law enforcement measures. Proceed with your plans, and ensure that our territory remains secure and orderly."

Adhart bowed respectfully, his expression reflecting his gratitude for Liam's acknowledgment.

"Thank you, my lord. I will see to it that your orders are carried out to the best of my abilities."

"And also, before you leave"

Liam interjected and continued under Adhart's slightly curious gaze. 

"From now on, the barracks and the stable will continuously recruit troops on their own as I had assigned part of my mental strength to oversee them at all times." 

"Also I will be adding in two more types of troops to be recruited after this, you are to assign them differently compared to the normal iron guard footmen and also the iron guard horsemen"

"If you have any questions, then feel free to ask before I proceed to create the newest two types of troops" 

Liam announced, and with that, Adhart braved himself to ask the most important question that he could come up with.

"My lord, is the recruitment still active during the night?" 

Adhart inquired.


Liam affirmed with a nod. 

"The continuous recruitment of the troops will bolster our strength further."

"I have come up with this plan after several tries of my mental strength to handle multiple tasks at hand many times for the last few days. After succeding, naturally, I wouldn't miss the chance for a 24-hour recruitment of troops"

"I understand, my Lord"

 Adhart replied respectfully. 

"I will assign the corresponding personnel to receive the recruits during nighttime too"

"Very well" 

Liam concluded, his voice firm. 

"Proceed with the necessary arrangements, and ensure that our troops are properly trained and equipped for their respective roles."

"As you command, my lord" 

Adhart replied dutifully, before making his exit to attend to the tasks at hand. 

With a sigh, Liam slumped his back against the throne, feeling the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. With a wave of his hand, he summoned the panel into view once more, the interface materializing before him.

As he navigated to the recruitment panel, Liam noticed new [Design] columns, indicating that he could now design new types of troops for both the barracks and the stable. 

Carefully, Liam began to consider the attributes and abilities he wanted these new troops to possess, envisioning how they would complement the existing forces and enhance their overall effectiveness.

For the barracks, Liam decided to create a unit of elite warriors, highly skilled in close combat and capable of executing precision strikes with deadly efficiency. 

He designated them as the "Shadow Guards militia" envisioning them as swift and silent operatives who could move unseen through the shadows to eliminate high-value targets with ruthless precision. 

Compared to the iron guard which only possessed common grade armor with the lowest of rarity. The next design for the barrack allows Liam to choose from a lot more diverse options up to uncommon-grade armor and weapons.

The realization of this gave Liam quite a good start while creating the shadow guard. Scrolling through the pages of armor to be chosen from and finally settled down on a set of armor that suited best for how Liam imagined a shadow guard to look and perform.

For the stable, Liam opted to create a unit of mounted archers, skilled in hit-and-run tactics and capable of delivering devastating ranged attacks from horseback. 

He dubbed them the "Wind Riders horsemen" imagining them as swift and agile warriors who could harass enemy forces from a distance while remaining mobile and elusive.

With his designs firmly in mind, Liam began to input the necessary parameters into the recruitment panel, carefully configuring the attributes and abilities of each troop type to ensure that they met his specifications.

Liam leaned forward on his throne, his eyes fixed on the newly designed troops displayed before him. 

The Shadow Guard stood tall and imposing, their sleek black armor gleaming in the dim light of the throne room even being a picture depicted on the panel. 

Liam admired the intricate design of their helmets, the faceless visors adding an air of mystery to their already intimidating appearance. 

As he shifted his gaze to the Wind Rider Horsemen, Liam couldn't help but be impressed by their swift and graceful silhouette.

 Clad in lightweight armor adorned with feathered motifs, they seemed to embody the very essence of speed and freedom. The hooded cloaks billowing behind them added to their mystique, hinting at the untamed power of the winds they rode upon.

"These troops will serve us well"

 Liam thought to himself, his confidence bolstered by the formidable appearance of his newest creations.

With the Shadow Guard Militia and the Wind Rider Horsemen at his command, he felt that his troop's lineup was a little bit more complete than before. At least, he finally has long-range troops to supplement the lack of long-range attack.

"An archer on the back, guardman on the front, and shadow guard on the rear. It's a good battle lineup"

Liam eyes gleamed at the thought of this. 

Once satisfied with his designs, Liam confirmed his selections with a decisive gesture, initiating the recruitment process for the Shadow Guards and Wind Riders. 

Then the panel changed with two currently ongoing recruitment within the recruitment panel, and to Liam's expectation. 

"The amount of time to recruit this second-tier unit has doubled"

He murmured at the sight of this.

"And also twice the amount of resources required"


1.[Iron Guard footmen][Level 5][Recruitable quantity]: 400

[Recruitment requirements]: 5700 wood, 5700 stones, 11200 foods.

[timer]: 4 hour

2.[Iron Guard horsemen][Level 5][Recruitable quantity]: 400

[Recruitment requirements]: 5400 wood, 5900 stones, 11500 foods.

[Timer]: 4 hour

3.[Shadow Guard Militia][Level 5][Recruitable quantity]: 400

[Recruitment requirements]: 11400 wood, 11900 stones, 21500 foods.

[Timer]: 8 hour

 4.[Wind Rider Horsemen][Level 5][Recruitable quantity]: 400

[Recruitment requirements]: 14700 wood, 15700 stones, 21200 foods.

[Timer]: 8 hours.

Liam also tried to recruit all four simultaneously, though it failed. It seems that the recruitment panel also works the same as the building panel, only allowing two recruitment at one time. 

After meticulously configuring the recruitment panel and ensuring that everything was in order, Liam's attention shifted towards a particular column within the lord panel. 

There it was, displayed prominently: [Experience points][624000].

"Now, I wonder just how many levels can this amount of experience points push me"

He muttered with eager anticipation. However, this time, he didn't intend to upgrade within his territory. 

He was wary that the movement might be too conspicuous. 

Contemplating his options, Liam opened the map interface, scanning the surrounding area until his gaze settled on a secluded valley—a perfect spot for what he had in mind.

Rising abruptly to his feet, Liam's sudden movement startled the maids and Elera, who were attending to their duties nearby. 

"I will be heading outside the territory for a quick walk. Inform Adhart and Rudolf of my absence" 

He commanded with unwavering resolve.

"Y-yes, My Lord"

One of the maids stammered, her voice tinged with concern.

 "But, My Lord, I beg you to bring soldiers for protection."

Liam shook his head, his determination unwavering. 

"There's no need. I have an important task to fulfill."

The maids could only offer helpless smiles in response to their lord's resolute decision.

"W-wait, Liam"

A voice called out from the side, halting Liam in his tracks. He turned to see Elera, her expression hesitant yet determined as she met his gaze.

"What is it, Elera?"

 Liam's voice was calm, though inwardly he was surprised. It was the first time in two days she had addressed him directly by name. 

'She's stepping up her approach'

'This woman is becoming bolder and bolder by each day'

He mused silently.

Elera took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking again. 

"P-please be safe and return home safely"

She said, her voice tinged with concern.

Liam's eyes softened at her words, a flicker of emotion passing through them.

For a brief moment, he was reminded of what he had left behind. Something that he had abandoned long ago...


He murmured to himself, a pang of longing stirring within him. He nodded in response to Elera's plea, silently acknowledging her concern, before turning to leave.

Exiting the castle's grand entrance, Liam's gaze darted towards the towering wall that stood proudly before him. As he made his way past the formidable defense line, Liam couldn't help but admire the imposing beauty of his domain.

Despite the bustling activity within the castle walls, Liam moved silently without making a sound. Looking over his area from his perspective instead of using the map all the time.

 It was as if he possessed a silent cloak of invisibility, allowing him to come and go as he pleased without attracting attention.

Once beyond the wall's perimeter, Liam's gaze shifted toward a group of motionless figures standing not too far away. Towering over the landscape like ancient sentinels, these were his loyal giant slime knights, guardians of his realm. 

Like a bunch of giant statues, they stood still like a mountain entrenched in the earth.

Feeling the Lord's gaze upon them, the slimes stirred from their dormant state, the heavy steel plates adorning their massive bodies emitting a low, ominous clanking sound as they began to move.

Each step they took was deliberate and calculated, the ground trembling beneath their immense weight. Their movements were slow and deliberate, yet filled with a sense of heaviness.

Seeing this scene, Liam then ordered. 

"Follow my steps"

"We heed the Lord's orders"

 They intoned, their voices booming in the surroundings.

Liam's gaze drifted skyward, his thoughts swirling with existential ponderings as he mumbled softly to himself, the words barely audible to any but his ears. 

"Sometimes, I wonder whether I am a human or a dragon" 

He murmured, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

 "Possessing two titles, the Lord of the humans and the Lord of the dragon race... which one am I? Or... am I both?"

A pause filled the air as Liam contemplated the weight of his identity, the conflicting aspects of his existence pressing upon him with invisible force.

 Then, with a subtle shift in his demeanor, his body began to undergo a dramatic transformation, an unseen power radiating outward and enveloping the surrounding area.

As the invisible pressure expanded, Liam's form contorted and shifted, his human guise giving way to the awe-inspiring visage of a black dragon. 

With each passing moment, his body elongated and expanded until he stood before them in his true draconic form, a majestic creature of immense power and presence.

Standing over 15 meters long and 8 meters tall, Liam's muscular draconic body exuded an aura of primal strength. His obsidian scales gleamed in the sunlight, reflecting the depth of his inner turmoil and the complexity of his dual nature.

With a heavy voice, Liam addressed the question that had plagued his mind before. 

"What is the true backbone of the territory?"

He rumbled, his eyes narrowing to slits as he spoke. And then, without hesitation, he delivered his answer.

"The true backbone of the territory is me, the Lord, and none other" 

Liam declared, his voice thundering the area like a bullet, echoing towards the whole territory as the townspeople lifted their heads towards the sky. Seemingly confused by the sudden noise. 

Liam spread his massive wings to both sides, the expanse spanning twice the size of his body with a width coverage of over 20 meters. 

In this formidable form, his strength and presence were vastly different compared to his human guise.

Observing the changes reflected in his panel, Liam murmurey to himself, his voice carrying a hint of fascination and anticipation.

 "[Lord level]: 3 (+15)... Such differences"

 He remarked, his eyes glinting with a mixture of curiosity and satisfaction. A smile tugged at the corners of his draconic mouth, though the expression seemed more eerie and intimidating than joyful. 

Shaking these thoughts off, Liam then shifted his eyes back to the original agenda.

"Now then, follow my trail"

 Liam commanded in a deep, resonant voice, his words reverberating through the air like a solemn decree. 

With a powerful beat of his wings, he launched himself into the sky, the force of his ascent stirring the air around him.

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