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67.85% COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite / Chapter 19: Chapter 19 - Teamwork

Chương 19: Chapter 19 - Teamwork


Powerstones, please? If you dont have any I'd appreciate a review or even a comment.

Any support means a lot and can hopefully get this story out there.

Also, I started a Discord. If we get enough members, l'll keep it active, upload illustrations there, and maybe even start a group with beta readers.



"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes." ~Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"Earlier, you seemed to be deep in thought," I remarked to Ayanokoji as we retraced our steps.

Ayanokoji glanced at me briefly before responding, "Indeed, I discovered something intriguing while surveying the island. During my walk, I stumbled upon a cave and spotted what I believe to be a keycard."

"I see. No wonder you were deep in thought. Spotting a keycard on the first day is a significant observation. Which class was it?" I inquired.

"It was Class A."

"Then don't dwell on it too much. I'll be able to identify Class A's leader without any problem. I'll share my findings with you, and we can cross-verify our information," I assured him.

"That sounds reasonable," Ayanokoji replied in his usual monotone as we continued our walk. "How did your talk with Koenji go?"

"It could have been worse, but we won't know for sure until roll call," I responded after a moment's consideration.

"And what if he isn't present for roll call? What if he has left the island?"

"There's no point in contemplating such scenarios now, especially when the exam has just begun. I've already communicated my intentions to him, and I plan to stick to my word," I stated firmly.

Understanding the implications of my words, Ayanokoji simply responded, "I see."

"Would you be willing to collaborate with me on this exam?" I asked Ayanokoji. "I can't predict the exact outcome, but if we play our cards right, we could end up with a significant number of class points. I don't expect you to do everything, but I would appreciate it if you could handle class-related issues while I focus on other matters. As long as it contributes to the optimal scenario for Class D, I don't mind how you choose to proceed."

"I'm not opposed to assisting the class, but I can't shake off the feeling that you're testing me, which I don't particularly appreciate," Ayanokoji stated, his tone neutral yet firm.

"That's understandable," I responded, "But haven't you been testing me as well? You've been observing my actions for quite some time now. I believe it is only fair to reciprocate." silence followed for a couple of seconds until Ayonokoji spoke up.

"Alright then, I'll assist you," Ayanokoji agreed, "But I'll be doing things my way, without involving Kushida. In fact, I'd prefer to keep her as far away from this test as possible." It seemed Ayanokoji didn't trust Kikyo. Had he seen her true self? That was a possibility, but unless it happened before I confronted her, it wasn't likely. Kikyo should've grown more careful now. It was more plausible that he had formed his own conclusions about her. Once you understand a bit about her, it would make sense not to trust her.

"I see; you still intend to make Horikita a central figure in the class," I observed.

Ayanokoji glanced at me, then looked forward again, "Is that so strange? She's probably the most qualified for the position in terms of intellect and decision-making abilities. I want to live a normal, easy school life, and I believe I can achieve that through her. Your interest in Kushida is more peculiar than my interest in Horikita if you ask me. You're playing a dangerous game for such a weak piece."

"Is that what you think?" I mused, "I suppose you're right in a way. If that's your condition to help me, then so be it." I considered the exam. Kikyo might not be opposed to the idea of having Horikita be the keycard holder for the class. Despite her disdain for Horikita, Kikyo was still capable of being logical. And while Ayanokoji didn't specify that he wanted Horikita to be the cardholder of Class D, she would likely be pushed into that role anyway. Most eyes trying to expose the cardholder of Class D would probably be on a group of favored students such as Hirata, Kikyo, and Karuizawa. After that, suspicion would lead to me, someone who has gained some notoriety in the class. But Horikita was a talent the other classes had little information on due to her lack of popularity. Horikita could easily be accepted as Class D's cardholder with just a little push, as at the least, our class understood her potential.


Before long, Ayanokoji and I made our way back to the main gathering area of the students. Shortly after our arrival, Hirata appeared, leading his group, and quickly spoke to the class.

"The area we found was quite favorable. It had a river, the land was flat, and there seemed to be an abundance of fruit," Hirata informed the class, his tone steady and informative. "However, we need to exercise caution with what we consume. There appear to be some poisonous fruits and plants on this island, though nothing lethal." But it seemed the group that discovered the spot wasn't Hirata's, but Ike's.

Soon, Hirata approached Ayanokoji and me. Two groups were yet to arrive, but ours was the only one with a missing member. "Where is Koenji?" Hirata asked, his expression reflecting his concern.

Ayanokoji remained silent, prompting me to prepare a response. However, before I could utter a word, a voice reverberated through the forest. "I have returned!" Koenji announced, his voice echoing with his characteristic confidence. He was perched atop a tree branch, a large assortment of fruit bundled in his tracksuit sweater. His grand entrance was as flamboyant as you could expect.

"That's a relief. I was beginning to worry," Hirata expressed genuinely concerned. He glanced at Koenji's collection of fruits, "Did you gather these for the class?" he asked.

"Absolutely not! HAHAHA," Koenji responded, his laughter echoing through the surroundings. His voice was loud and confident, a reflection of his self-absorbed and cocky nature. "I need at least this much nutrition to maintain my flawless physique," he declared, flexing his muscles.

I was confident that Koenji could track us if he remained on the island before roll call, but he seemed to have decided to make an early appearance. That was one less thing to worry about for now. With the last group arriving shortly, we were soon able to make our swift departure to Ike's group, where our base camp would be.


It appeared that Hirata's assessment was accurate. The area found by Ike's group was decent. It had water and a nearby terminal for the cardholder. There were also many trees surrounding the area, which was both a blessing and a curse. It could serve as cover for us, but also for anyone who wanted to observe us.

"Well, there's just one question left. Who will be the leader or cardholder of our class for this test?" Hirata posed the question to the class. Kikyo was quick to respond.

"I've been thinking the leader should be someone the other classes won't expect. So people like me, Hirata, Karuizawa, and even Eru Chan are out. So, for that reason, I think Horikita would make the best leader. She is capable and the most inconspicuous figure in our class."

Most of the class turned their gaze to Horikita after Kikyo's words. Horikita hadn't seemed to have expected this scenario. But I noticed something more than her surprise. She seemed… cold. The way she clutched her arm, kept her body bundled up as if to warm herself with her own body heat, hid the bottom of her chin below her tracksuit. But no, that couldn't be right. The sun was out, and this island wasn't exactly a cold place. The breezes that rarely passed by were actually a welcome relief. Was she sick? She must be, but it seemed like no one else took note of this fact.

"I agree with Kushida. I think you'd make a great leader for this exam if you're up for the job," Hirata said, his voice filled with sincerity.

"It's alright, Horikita. If you're not up for it, I can take the-," Sudo began, his voice filled with determination. But before he could doom Class D, Horikita interrupted.

"I'll accept," Horikita declared.

Upon hearing her words, Hirata promptly went to Chabashira to inform her of our chosen leader. He returned surprisingly quickly, a keycard in hand.

Before handing the card to Horikita, Hirata had us form a circle. This was to ensure that no outsider could identify the true owner of the card.

Once that was done, another argument broke out between Ike and Shinohara. I chose to avoid their trivial dispute over water.

My gaze then shifted to Koenji, who was perched atop a tree, basking in the sun. It seemed he had no intention of leaving, at least for now. Ayanokoji appeared to be following Ike into the forest. Perhaps it was time for me to attend to my own matters as well.

"Horikita, accompany me," I instructed Horikita, but Horikita merely glanced at me, her expression unreadable.

"Why?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of sassiness. "I believe you already know the reason," I responded, meeting her gaze.

"Wait, if you're going to claim the spot, you should take a group of students with you to cover for the real cardholder," Hirata suggested, his voice barely above a whisper. His plan was far from perfect. If someone were observing us closely, they could easily deduce the identity of the cardholder by noting who was at or near the camp and who was at the keycard terminal. There were certainly more effective ways to protect the identity of the cardholder, but looking around Class D, I didn't see many individuals capable of executing those methods, as they were also more complex. However, I supposed Hirata's plan was better than nothing, so I decided to let him proceed as he wished.

"Why did you ask me to come along? Don't you trust me?" Horikita inquired, her voice barely above a whisper to avoid being overheard by potential eavesdroppers.

I shook my head in response, "It's not a matter of trust. There are certain things I want to verify."

"Verify?" Horikita echoed, her interest piqued.

"Yes, understanding how these terminals operate is a crucial part of this test," I explained as we arrived at the terminal, the chatty students of Class D forming a tight circle around us.

"First, hand me the keycard," I instructed Horikita, who complied without hesitation. I took a moment to examine the machine. It displayed that the land was claimable and seemed to be equipped with a camera. Given that Chabashira had stated only the class leader could claim a spot, I deduced that these cards must transmit some kind of code to the terminal, indicating which student was claiming the area. With that code, it could likely access student information for facial recognition, ensuring that the leader was indeed the one claiming the spot.

But what would happen if more than one face was present in front of the terminal? "Stand close to me," I told Horikita, who raised an eyebrow at my request but complied nonetheless. With her standing right next to me, I took the keycard and placed it against the terminal.

The camera activated swiftly, but the terminal flashed red and displayed a message, "More than one student detected." It made sense; only one person could be in front of the terminal. I had deduced as much. After all, it would be easy to conceal the identity of your leader if you could simply have three people stand in front of the terminal while it scanned your card. However, I needed to test my theory to ensure that Classes couldn't fake their leader with such a method.

"Here, you do it," I told her, stepping away from the terminal. Almost instantly, the moment Horikita placed her card against the terminal, I noticed the activation of the camera. A low sound, barely audible to anyone more than a few steps away, signified the successful use of the terminal. Now, an 8-hour countdown could be seen on the terminal.

"Interesting…" I murmured under my breath.

"It seems only one student can be present in the immediate vicinity of the terminal," Horikita observed, her hand on her chin as we began to walk away.

"Horikita, when do you think these terminals were installed?" I asked, curious to hear her response.

"Is that really important?" Horikita retorted, her tone laced with mild annoyance. I simply stared at her for a while.

"You're quite dull, Horikita. Fine, I'll tell you what I'm thinking. The machines don't look old, and they appear to have been recently cleaned. After all, while there seem to be no animals here, this is still an island. If they weren't clean, I'd expect them to have some dust, pollen, or even be damaged from erosion. Also, the metal wasn't very polished, so I can only assume that they have been cleaned various times in the past or they have been here long enough for the metal to lose its luster. Given the technology used in these machines and that information, I assume they were installed around 3-5 years ago, so from 2010 to 2012, give or take."

"Why are you even thinking about this?" Horikita continued to question.

"I just have an interest in technology," I replied. Horikita looked at me at those words, but I leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear, "Horikita, once we get to the base, you must make it a rule that we won't talk about the terminal or cardholder at all, and no one will go with you to reset the timer on our camp. Ask Hirata to back you up if necessary. The class should just trust that you will handle the situation, alright?"

Horikita looked over at me, and given that this wasn't a place to question me with these other students around, she simply nodded her head.

Soon, we were back at camp, and the students were already setting up the tents. I quickly split up from Horikita and the other students who went to the terminal with us. Horikita went and talked to Hirata, probably regarding what I had told her. Soon, the class would be told not to mention the leader or worry about claiming the area.

Knowing that, I made my way towards Ayanokoji to fill him in.


Once the tents were set up, everyone began to arrange their sleeping areas. Unfortunately, the girls had claimed both tents, leaving the boys to sleep outdoors. When we were all settled, one of the girls emerged from their tent and approached the boys' sleeping area. It was Kikyo.

"Apologies for the intrusion," Kikyo began, her voice sweet and apologetic, "I was hoping to borrow Eru Chan for a bit if he isn't needed or busy at the moment?" She asked, addressing all the guys. As expected, I received a few hostile glares.

"I believe we've pretty much finished up here, so if Eru is willing, he's free to go," Hirata responded as he glanced at Kikyo, then turned to me. I nodded in agreement and made my way towards Kikyo.

"I thought this day would never end," Kikyo sighed, her voice carrying a hint of exhaustion as we strolled together. She glanced at my wrist, "Where did you get that watch?" she inquired, referring to the Casio-branded watch I was wearing and not the school-issued watch/wristband.

"I purchased it with some class points shortly after returning from the terminal," I explained. "A watch like this could be quite useful in this kind of situation, especially one as durable and multifunctional as this. Given that it's sold as a device on the island, it's designed to be useful here."

"I see. I don't see how someone like you would need something like a watch, even in a scenario like this," she remarked, a note of surprise in her voice.

"Well, it has its purpose… Anyways, where are you leading us?" I asked, shifting the topic.

"The shore. I want to relax a bit. Quiet places like this are the best. There's nothing to worry about. You can let loose a bit, you know?" she responded, her voice softening as she spoke of the tranquility she sought.

Reflecting on her outburst on the otherwise serene school roof, I couldn't help but find a certain humor in the situation.

Before long, we arrived at the shore, the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the sand filling the air. As we neared the water's edge, Kikyo laid down on the sand, letting out a sigh. I crouched down to her left, my gaze fixed on the vast expanse of water before us.

"I presume this is related to our earlier conversation," I remarked, my voice barely above a whisper, my eyes still focused on the ocean.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter I think you guys will like what U have in store for the near future.

please join the discord if possible.


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