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75% Halo Earth's Guardian's / Chapter 3: chapter 3 Defiance Of Four

Chương 3: chapter 3 Defiance Of Four

Authors Note:

Hello readers it's me. I hope you all are ready for this chapter for I have a surprise for you all.

This story of a fanfic will have some slight differences due to the shows and various other books I might add.

And not only that, will have names of every T shows and Novels shown in this story. And I hope you all like it...

TV series

• Wolf pack

• Teen Wolf


• Wolf pack

• Michael Bjorn series

• Halo


Day - Thursday

February - 29

Time - 5:26 pm

One day after the wildland fire.

"You sure, what you saw is real?" A man said to Sheriff Bella.

"Yeah, i saw it alright," Bella said in response, knowing that the man didn't believe her. "Look, I know what you are thinking, but what I saw is as real as anything. He fought that beast without worrying about being eaten or being torn apart."

"So you are telling me that some mythical wolfman was fighting a man. Forgive me, Sheriff, but It sounds to me like your speaking nonsene." A fellow sheriff said as he and Bella were strolling alongside in the buildings hall.

Bella just sighed deeply to herself. She knew from the very start that no one wasn't going to believe her words. When she first saw the first werewolf, she noticed that the beast was battling a man of heightened stature. First she couldn't believe it as well, but after she and Leo fled the burning forest they only came to a traffic with people abandoning their cars, with firefighters and basically any emergency responders dealing not only with the fire but with countless other civilians who has been injured or worse.

However, that changed when she saw one of the beasts. Before she met up with Leo, Bella was doing her best to keep her cool at the time. Somewhat, what made it even more surprising was that Leo ripped a door from the driver's seat and sent the werewolf flying.

No man wouldn't be able to accomplish such feat, especially sending a seven foot werewolf running. Yet the Sheriff doubt that was the reason why it fled for she and the other sheriff's were closing in on the scene.

"Bella!" Someone said calling out to her.

"Yes ma'am," Bella responded immediately as she and her friend ceased in their stroll.

The woman infront of the Sheriff was her superior, captain hellen of the cities town of kasvan. For as old as she looked many mistook the woman as someone in their fifties for they didn't know she was in her late thirties.

Her outfit was like that of anyone in professional clothing of work, it made her hourglass stand out to the eyes of the man and woman of the city's townsfolks especially that of her coworkers. But somewhat they'd made sure she didn't see them turn their necks at any given chance they could, not that she wasn't aware of them.

"How can I help you captain?" Inquired Bella.

"Can I grab you for sec please," Captain hellen asked.

"I'll leave you then," Bella's friend said as he left.

"What is thus about captain?" Bella asked following after hellen as they both walked off to one of the meeting room.

"It's about a certain hero. I'm sure you are familiar with him," Hellen said hinting at Leo.

"Is it about Leo?" Bella told her.

"I'm glad I don't have to tell you his name. I'll inform you and the others about our guy in the room," Hellen popped opened the meeting room's door as she held it for her. "Ladies first,"

When Bella entered the room she was slightly caught of guard by the amount of people inside. Around the sixteen foot long table sat some of her coworkers.

However, they were outnumbered by some unfamiliar faces, ones she never seen inside the building. One of them particularly was some business man and woman. And the others was obviously just an average citizens of the town.

"Please take a seat bella," Captain hellen said with a gesture.

Bella nodded in response as she went and sat down next to captain kras while on her left sat lady Kylie wife of the cities mayor.

Before captain hellen could begin her speech; a hand rose up in question. "Ma'am, can I ask why we have civilians in here with us?" Asked Kelly a partner of sergeant kras inquired.

"Gladly. The reason why I've had them here is because they are the ones willing to help us with our situation," the captain said as she turn the ten foot long square feet tv screen behind her on.

"So that's why!" Bella said in her head.

"As you can see, our cities mall was taken over by twenty or so burglars. Making it difficult for our men and woman to enter, we could've busted in easily, but they had used our people as meat-shields by facing them against the every glass walls and doors in the mall,"

"One of them killed our guys, bastards deserves to die!" A fellow officer said with disdain.

Knowing that some of her people would hate them for what happened to the veteran, captain hellen understood what the officer was going through. "I understand you don't like it either Jack, trust me I do. But that doesn't mean we should have the convicts killed on sight out of anger,"

"That's bull captain, for all we know. We didn't have to do that, he'll, I'm happy some of them died. Though, I do agree with you. Some of them didn't have to die while others, I have no sympathy for," Sergeant kras said.

"Thank you sergeant," hellen said offering her gratitude.

The hand belonging to that of the mayor's wife rose up as she then spoke. "About the convicts that die, may i know who is responsible for it?"

"Sure lady kylie," hellen responded as she turned and pressed a button.

Next on the screen's TV appeared picture of both Michael Bjorn and Leo Kornesean.

"This two here is one of our many suspects. To my right is Michael, I'm sure another of you are aware of who he is... Now on the other hand is Leo Kornesean. Nephew of Rosa Kornesean," Hellen declared earning a murmuring of both surprises and shock at the sudden news.

"Well, I did not realize the famous Rosa Kornesean had a nephew," Kelly said as she flipped through a folder in her hand.

"What about them, Captain?" One of the police officers spoke up.

"Michael and Leo were responsible for some of the deceased thieves.

With some of the convicts dead, we were able to break in only to find half of their lifeless body. We sergeant kras and the others had swept the mall inside and out for any hint of the convicts. Greatly, for us, we didn't have to find any sign for their buddies. We knew that leo kornesean was the one responsible for the majority of the dead bodies due to the footage we obtained from the malls security camera,"

"What about michael? You've said that he was also the one that dealt with the burglars, did he not kill then as well?" Lady kylie said questioning her.

"Michael Bjorn had only detained the men, some were subdued by the ranger. But Leo on the other hand had went a little too far and, well you know what happened to the burglars,"

"I do not understand it, captain; he saved the civilians. I mean, I understand that he killed them, but I bet they wouldn't hesitate to do the same to the people as well," sergeant kras said in disbelief.

Kras said that for he wouldn't have an ounce of hate for someone responsible for saving his sister from her fatful death. And if someone, anyone saved his family, he or she ok in his book.

"Because sergeant, Leo and Michael happened to have been in the wildfire. Michael, the ranger that is says he saw some of the school kids fleeing the forest when it was burning. Now I know some of the parents of these kids wouldn't like it, but I believe that these high schoolers were responsible for the fire as well. Which is why we will have to interview each and every one of the kids that were in those two school buses,"

"I doubt that even if we arrested this kids, their mommies and daddies will bail them out, but hey, who am I to talk," Kelly spoke out as she knew that some of the people in the room agreed with her.

"We won't throw them into jail, but a juvinile and military school is one of the only other option we have for them. But, we will not do that. For we aren't sure of who did it," hellen added in.

"What about michael Bjorn. You said that the ranger saw someone fleeing the forest?" Questioned one of the people in the room.

"Michael said he couldn't see who it was, but he was certain that a bunch of kids were the ones responsible for the fire," Hellen said in response.

"How are you so sure of this captain. Perhaps he is trying to protect this kids our of care for them?" Kylie told her.

"If there's one other thing that Michael Bjorn dislike, it is having people messing with his forest. So I doubt that he'd even try protecting any teenagers. Of course that doesn't mean he'll let then get hurt, or worse that is," Hellen answered doubtful of the woman's suggestion about Michael.

"And what of this Leo kornesean?" Kelly stated that she gave it some thought even though he did kill someone out of defense for the hostages.

"We will question Leo as well. However, this does not imply that we will put him in a cell," Helen stated.

"And what of the upcoming town's meet and greet. Surely we couldn't just stand by and let another fire happen again. Especially when the event will be hosted nearby a forest," Sergeant kras added.

"We'll have some of our boys and girls posted, they'll keep watch of the event. The fire chief and others will be ready just in case the same thing happens again." The captain spoke in response to the sergeant's suggestion.

"Now that's something I'd like to hear," sergeant kras said in reply to the captain's statement.

"So, anyone of you guys got questions?" Captain Helen said as she glance around at each and every one of the people in the room.

When she said that a hand rose up in response to her inquiry and Helen nodded to the pixie haircut woman. "Yes Ms. Lyra?"

Leo's P.O.V.

It is been an hour, and the sun has been shining since about noon. Most people in town were wearing clothes that they would normally wear during the summer, while others wore basic ones like white or brown to keep the heat off their bodies.

The town's people were doing the usual thing that they always do, either visiting shops from here and there.

Traffic however wasn't as worst as some state. Unlike some of the others, the traffic in town had remained normally as always. A certain vehicle belonging to a man can be seen driving at the speed limit posted in the side of the road.

Leo was driving his variant ford f150 raptor when from his right side up on the sidewalk he noticed a couple kids waiting to pass the road.

He could see that there weren't any traffic light in his front view, so doing what any citizens would do he stayed where he is and let the high schoolers walked on through to the other side.

The kids waved thanks to him as they then entered a store. Leo just nodded in return and proceeded on in the road.

"Why do you do that?"

Next to him was the girl he had rescued from yesterday's occurance. He could've taken her to the police but was uncertain they would be of much help, especially when he knows that whoever that thing was he fought in the forest would for sure come back for her. He didn't doubt the officers at all.

"It's called being generous. Or rather, being nice," The spartan answered.

"Can I ask you if something," the girl asked.

"Sure, go ahead," Leo answered.

"Why did you not send me to the policeman? Surely they have numbers and are well armed?" she said pondering on the issue.

"Let's just say that they wouldn't be safe. Especially when the creature will be after you once again... Besides in afraid some wouldn't be fond of the existence of werebeings," Leo said to her

"You are aware that people like me exists?" the girl said surprised that the spartan knows of prefer natural beings.

"Yes," Leo answered simply as he turn the car and took the left intersection.

"Ok, but can I ask another thing please,"

"Sure, I don't mind," Leo responded.

"How long will i be in hiding from the man and his friends. I also wanna know where my familia has been taken to. I don't want to lose them," the girl said as she tried to keep the tears away from appearing on her face.

"Look gi- I'm mean. Can I know what your name is?" Inquired leo, reprimanding himself for forgetting about her name.

"Sandi, my name is sandi,"

"Okay sandi, can I ask you something," Leo said said asking her.

"Yeah," sandi replied.

"Why we're you and your family here on the US in the first place?" Inquired Leo.

"My mother and and my siblings, we were fleeing our home from mexico. It was no longer safe for us there, no matter how much my madre care for it... Here on the US was the better option for us four," sandi exclaimed as she looked through the passengers window.

He could've known that at first but since he didn't watch the news in the past few days, Leo figured that she and her family were immigrants looking for a better and safer home. However, that doesn't mean sandi and her family weren't the only ones coming over to the US. Some wanting job and some for a better life for either themselves and their family.

"Any idea why that man in the forest wanted from you?" Leo inquired of her, wondering on why someone would go hunting down the girl across the state.

"It is because my father," Sandi said timidly.

Name: Sandi

Hair: Black

Eyes: Light Brown

Height: 5 ft5

Weight: 216 lb

"What of your father. What did he do?" Leo asking her straightly.

"You see. The man that you fought in the forest, he wasn't the only one of his pack. There were others like him. The moment my father and those loyal to him had fallen in battle, the new alpha of his took over and reigned a part of the cities as his own. That was one of the many reasons my madre and siblings wanted to leave mexico," Sandi said as she clutches her blanket around herself for comfort.

"I believe the only way to keep you safe, is if you live with a us," Leo said to her.

Sandi shifted her head and glanced at the spartan's way. "Why, I dont want to be seen rude. But why help someone you've only met a day before?"

"Well, I could always hand you over to the cops, but I dont think that would be the best option, especially with the situation you are in... However, with me and the others. I think it is the best option for you," Leo told the girl who was looking at him questioningly.

Sandi was thinking why she should trust the man, even though he saved her from the man turned werewolf. She at first thought he was going to die knowing a normal human wouldn't be able to hold up against the beast. But after the whole burning forest occurence she was shocked to see him alive and well.

She suppose that he wasn't that bad as she thought him to be. And so decided to accept his offer. "Alright, but. I want to find my mother and siblings,"

"We will,"

"What about the lady Bella, she said to me that she'll visit me later for question?" Sandi said to the spartan.

"Almost forgot about her. Don't worry, if she shows up. I'll deal with her myself," Leo said to nonchalantly.

It wasn't out of hate nor anything negative towards them, but what that beast could've done if he had bursted into the building and starts to slaughter the cops.

The others like karhu and joseph suggested that the girl should be handed over to the cops for witness or house protection. However Michael and Leo disapprove of it, as the two of them knew that whoever the man was in the forest he would still come after her.

So knowing the best way to protect her, Leo offered to help. Both Michael Bjorn and Karhu questioned him, asking if the girl could not be turned over to law enforcement, and Leo simply replied that he knows somethingone who can help him. Though the two didn't know that he was taking her under his care for he was familiar with the kind of beings that hides among st the people of earth.

Despite the planet filled with humans being other wise known as the dominant species in the world, what they don't know is that there were others who walks the very land disuising themselves as one of them.

Leo had for a while drove from one place to another. One was place for certain was target. Leo and sandi went there to buy some clothes for her. Not ones that the High schoolers wore to show themselves. Sandi wasn't into the type of clothes so tight that it looks like it going to burst out at anytime. She prefers baggy ones, like jeans and long sleeve shirts especially beanies and colorful sweaters.

At first she didn't want to over do it seeing as how it wasn't her who has to pay for all the clothes but that of the man. Yet, Leo told her that it was fine. Saying his doing this out of kindness, plus, his aunt had urged him to take the girl and buy her the clothes she'll need.

And here he was, loading the trunk with a box full of shirts and pants, the majority of which were baggy and loose jeans with sweaters and hoodies added. Leo did not understand why, but a friend of his was correct about Sandi being a tomboy, something he and the common people was aware of.

It didn't take long for them to arrive in leo's home. The car slowly trekkes towards the driveway where it then enters a garage, or more likely a backyard.

Sandi opens her door and walked to the back and helped unpacking. She held in her left hand two box while with on the other was just a bag. She was going to get more but Leo stopped her from doing so and told her to just go on ahead.

Looking up she couldn't believe she was now staying in a house, like the ones she sees on movies. She tried reaching for the door knob, and suddenly one of the box slipped off, she cursed at herself for her carelessness.

But then suddenly she sighes in relief when someone caught it just in time.

Her head tilted up and saw a someone holding the box.

"Careful there sandi. You should've waited before I could reach the door!"

Chuckling to herself sandi was greatful for the save as she spoke in greetings. "Thank you Nalia."

"Leo, you could've waited till I come down to help carry the box?" Nalia says as she eyed the spartan.

Name: Nalia

Eyes: Black

Hair: Dark Black

Height: 5 ft9

Weight: 181 lb

"I had it, but I see she did not," Leo said as he knew sandi would eventually drop one box.

"He did not mean that girl. Here, let me help you," Nalia told her as she went and took two boxes while sandi had a few.

"Where are the others?" Leo said seeing that one of the Marines is gone.

"Oh Carlos! He went to help a friend of his, he says he'll be back in three days. As for aesia, she went traveling, I don't know how long. But assuming that we are basically on vacation aesia will come back when she wanted to... What about you? How's the babysitting going?" Inquired Nalia.

"It wasn't bad." Leo responded as he entered the house.

"Hey, i'd say you were lying, but seeing as how you are willing to help her, is kind of awesome of you." Nalia complimented as she walked alongside Leo.

"Yeah, it was alright,"

"I don't mean to bother you two, but can you guys tell me where I'll sleep in? Or I can use the living room, I don't mind it!" Sandi said as she started dismount the things in her hands.

Nalia immediately rushed for the girl and stopped her from doing so. "Hold up there girl! Come on, I'll show you your room,"

Both Nalia and sandi passed by leo while they then went off in the other side of the hall.

Leo took sometimes to get used to the surroundings. It's not everyday that he walks into a room, and everyone else in there would either be in uniform while they are desperately communicating in the middle of combat. Or two, he and the others would always hang with one another during training.

Suddenly something caused the spartan to bring himself back to reality when his head turned to the left, right there was where he could see Nalia coming back towards his way.

"Leo, could you do me a favor?" Nalia said, looking at him with a plea.

"Yes, what is it?" Leo responded in an inquiry.

"I need you to go to the local supermarket and get me some Tydonal. The girl doesn't seem to be looking well," Nalia said explaining to him her request.

"Next time, try to notify me so that I can also get medications," Leo responded as he spoke once more, "I just got done dealing with yesterday's crisis."

"You are correct about that. But you must understand that we only arrived here a month ago. I went and bought food and nourishment for the house," nalia said in response to her demands.

"Okay, I will go get it. Help the girl while you can,"

"Thanks, I will let you do it then," Nalia said as she left to assist Sandi.


It was now around 7:51 p.m., and everyone in town was either going from one store to another, while partygoers looked for the nearest bar or, secondly, their vehicles or Ubers.

In his rearview mirror, Leo could see a line of cars forming behind him. Fortunately, he was saved when the right turn signal changed to green.

It was not long until Leo arrived at his destination. The supermarket entrance was fifty yards away from him.

After parking his Ford Raptor, Leo exited and proceeded to the store's entryway.

For as long as he had been in this large store, Leo had imagined it as a place where civilians would frequently come to spend their earnings. He does not judge them for it; he figures he has no say because he has never dealt with the issue himself.

Walking from one isle to the next, the Spartan discovered the one thing he was looking for. Tydonal, or medicine, that is.

He reaches out and takes four bottles of it... And just as he turned to leave for the checkout, his arm pumped into another person, eliciting a surprise from the voice of a woman.

"Ahhh!" exclaimed the woman as she fell backward.

She felt two hands grab her by the shoulders. Then she was pulled back onto her feet.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar face and said hello. "Oh! Hello, Leo. Sorry about that. I did not think I would fall back so hard."

"It is not your fault vellana. I should have seen you coming," Leo responds, taking a step back to give the woman her space.

"You might be right about that, but I believe we are both at fault," Lopez responded.

"I guess we both are," Leo told her as they walked side by side.

"Ah, dammit! Looks like the checkouts are all full!" Lopez commented as she saw how many people were in front of them.

"We can join that one over there," Leo said, pointing to a checkout with the fewest people.

"That is good to hear; would you like to join? Unless you are not a very patient man?" Vellana told him to which she smiled when Leo nodded for her to walk.

With three people in front of them, Vellana-Lopez and Leo waited quietly, taking occasional steps.

Vellana was thinking about something in her head before striking up a conversation with the Spartan.

"Well, Leo. If you do not mind me. I just wanted to thank you for your help... I could not have imagined what would have happened," Vellana said as she and Leo began assembling their items, unaware that one must pay for the remainder.

"There's no need for that. I only did it because you appeared to be in trouble." Leo replied, sensing the man's intent to harm her behind closed doors.

"I know that. I just wanted to say this, I needed it to get the stress off of my chest. It had been bothering me for a long time, and I knew I needed to address it now." vellana said in obscurity.

"Well, I accept your words of acknowledgement," Leo said to her with formality.

"Do you always speak in a gentlemanly tone?" Vellana remarked, and just as she was about to speak again, the cashier lady interrupted her in mid-sentence.

"Are the two of you together?"

Her gaze shifted from Leo's Tylenol items to the fact that their contents had been mixed together, and Vellana exclaimed in a rush.

"Oh no! We aren't. You see, we aren't; we simply forgot to place our items in a separate order; you will have to forgive me for that," Vellana sputtered out.

"I will pay for it," Leo replied, pulling out his brown leather wallet.

"What! Are you sure about that? "I could pay myself." Vellana said.

"It is fine, I will do it," Leo told the cashier as he handed her his debit card.

Vellana, or Lopez, sighed in relief as the man slid his card back into his wallet, thanks to Leo's offer to help pay for the items.

After paying, she and Leo left the building altogether. She assumed his car was parked in the same parking lot because he walked in the same direction as her.

"Here, take this. "I have everything I need," Leo said as he handed Vellana the cart.

"Thanks... Say Leo! Hold up a minute," Vellana said, halting Leo in his tracks.

"What is it?" Leo answered with a simple question.

As she was about to speak vellana couldn't get the chance to when the back of someone's car flashed for a short moment ceasing her from uttering a word.

A sudden slam of a car door causes Lopez to jump in shock while she repeatedly rubs her eyes to relieve the blindness.

"Leo, is that you?!" A woman's familiar voice spoke up.

"Sheriff bella. It's good to see you. But what is it you wanted from me?" Leo spoke clearly.

"Right to the point. I like it... Oh! Who is your friend? Bella commented when she saw Vellana Lopez getting herself together.

"This here is, vel-

"Vellana Lopez. Please to meet you Ms." Lopez said as she shook hands with the sheriff.

"The pleasure is all mine. So are you two in a relationship or something?" Inquired Bella surprised to see Leo with a woman and couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy towards the nice woman.

"We aren't. But, how we came to knowing each other is, well kind of an interesting story." Vellana told her feeling a slight sense of displeasure for the second time of being mistaken as the partner of Leo.

"I'm sure it's a long and unique one. But you'll have to forgive me. I need ask Leo some question... perhaps you can join us in the nearby foodstand?" Bella stated as she shot the the two individuals a look of confirmation.

"Uhm, sure. I'm off for today, I don't see the problem. What about you leo?" Vellana said asking him.

Sometimes Leo wondered how he began to keep getting pulled into something he despises, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to linger around it with dissatisfaction any longer.

"Ok," Answered Leo as he followed after the two ladies.

Across the street, Leo, along with Bella and Vellana, entered an area, or more specifically, a hundred-yard square-foot food stand. All around them were people dressed in night and warmth outfits, while the rest were mostly dressed in sweaters and shirts. Whether long or short sleeves, jeans were also worn.

Because of his height of seven feet seven, Leo found it difficult to duck whenever he came close to a string of lights. Not only was that the problem, but everyone, including customers, would steal a glance at him. Some people were surprised to see someone of his size and stature. Which is something he does not blame them for because he assumed that the people on this type of Earth were unaware of the existence of the Spartans, the UNSC, or the United Earth Government.

"Come here, that table appears free," Bella said as she approached an empty food stand.

The three walked along until Bella approached the stands where the menu was.

"Hello and welcome to Tahiki, the BBQ food lover! How can I help you tonight?" A cook lady spoke up while holding a notepad and a pen in her other hands.

"I will have a teriyaki chicken with white rice and four slices of bacon," Bella replied.

"I got it. And what about your two friends?"

Turning back, Bella addressed the two and requested Leo and Vellana's orders. "Do you two have anything you want?"

"I will take a mainland burger with a pop of sprite," Vellana responded.

"Two chicken legs and a water bottle," Leo said, eliciting an earful of questions from the other two women.

"That's it?" The lady said.

"Yes, that's it," Leo repeated.

"Alright then, that will be fifty-six dollars and twenty-nine cents," the lady said aloud as she accepted the change from the three people. "Since you are ordering together, why do not you give me a name so I can call you once we finish your food?"

"The PD'S would suffice," Bella said after receiving an OK response from the lady.

"Alrighty, I'll do my best to hurry. "You three will have to wait for a few more minutes," the lady said as she popped to the back, where the kitchen is.

"Come on, let me show you two my favorite seat," Bella said as she led them.

"You appear to be familiar with this town, Bella. Had you previously grown up here?" Vellana responded in an inquiry.

"Indeed I have. Though I have only came back to the hometown a month after eight long years in the United States marines," Bella said to the two of them.

"Marines," Leo said, expressing a slight interest in hearing from the former soldier.

"You seem very interested, Mr. Leo?" Bella said giving the man a scandalous look. "Were you also a soldier?"

"I have. But not anymore," Leo responded.

"For how long?" Bella said, urging the man to continue.

"Fourteen years," Leo said, aware that the woman was now covertly questioning him.

"Oh, I did not realize you were military!?" Vellana said, slightly surprised.

"Some people can come with very different appearances and backgrounds, Ms. Lopez," Bella said.

"That you are correct about." Lopez says as she perks up at their request for their name. "About time, my stomach aches. I'll go get it, you two continue ahead without me,"

"Alright, thank you girl... So, if you don't mind me intruding you leo. You know, as a marine, what branch were you in?" Inquired Bella.

"Ranger," Leo replied answering her.

"Nice. I never expected to meet a fellow rival!" Bella said jokingly.

"Rival, Is something I am familiar with... But I have never encountered marines looking for trouble, and I am not the type to seek it out. And how did your years as one go?" Inquired Leo.

"It wasn't bad. I mean, at first, I was scared of my first boot camp training, but after days and months of spending my time there, I eventually found my strength and continued on... my eight long years in there was pretty fun, though of advant-

"Hey! What the hell!" A woman's voice sputtered out.

The two ex-soldiers turned around to see a commotion between two very angry-looking teenagers, while on the other side, eight children of the same age were seen standing on the grounds against eleven others whose numbers far outweighed them.

Vellana Lopez stood between the teenagers, attempting to defuse the situation, complicating matters even more.

"Stop it! You kids need to go—

"Oh, shut up, lady. You do not have a say in this, you damn illegal!" A boy said as he threw a cup of smoothie at Vellana, striking her in the head.

Bella sighed deeply to herself and rubbed the edge of her nose in frustration before looking at the scene and rising from her seat. "Care to join me Leo," Bella said as she trekked towards the scene.

"Yeah, I do not see why," Leo thought as he followed her.

"I do not understand why she had to put herself in such a terrible situation... Okay, kids, that is enough! "You get back now!" Bella said yelling out in demand to one of the kids.

"Why should we do that?" one of the girl's friends said, refusing.

Bella approached the girl, stood in front of her, and spoke into her face. "Because I said so, little girl, now if you do not want to be in any more trouble, I would suggest you and your many friends go and find a place to calm yourselves in okay."

When the intimidating lady stared her in the face, the high schooler was about to reprimand her, but she backed down.

"Come on guys, let us go," the young girl told her friends, giving one of the boys a knowing look that seemed to say go ahead.

Relieved that the outcome was over, the Sheriff took a step back and turned to face one of the other groups of children. The girl, a blonde with curly hair, went to thank Bella when she noticed one of the boys throwing a plate of food her way.

One of the other groups of boys smiled as they threw their plate in the direction of the sheriff. However, their plans were thwarted when a man reached out and used his own hand to shield the Sheriff and the other children from the food.

"That is enough," Leo said as he stood between the Sheriff and the other kids, facing the girl and her group of scoundrels.

"Oh, and what are you going to do about it?!" One of the boys responds.

"Nothing, except if you must continue in your failure to perform an action. Then, I recommend that you stop. For this is not something you want," Leo replied.

"Is there a problem here?" a man asked as he approached Leo.

"Dad! I am glad you are here. "That girl over there threatened me, and now she has called her friends and bodyguards to protect her!" One of the girls said.

"She's lying. Her friends, including a boy, threw plates of food at us," said the blonde haired girl in the jean jacket.

"Is that so? It appears that your big friend over here was the intended target. Isn't that right sir?" The middle-aged man replied with a wry expression on his face.

"No, I was not the target. But your daughter's friend was aiming for those children. Perhaps you should take her and her friends somewhere else to avoid causing any further trouble," Leo said with a clear expression on his face.

The man, impressed by Leo's words, slowly walked forward, hands in his pockets, and stood six feet away from the Spartan. "Is that so. Then tell me why I should believe you.

"Because, she's a trouble maker, and she and her groups of friends seems eager to start one. I am sure you would not like that either. Sir." Leo finished with a stern tone.

"As you wish big man, I'll let you to it then... Jillian! With me now. And tell your friends to go home right now!" The man said as he grabbed his daughter's wrist and walked away.

"Well, I never expected the rich old Kyle to back down so easily from someone," Bella said as she stood next to the spartan.

"It was nothing much," Leo replied simply.

"Thank you," someone said from behind them.

Both Sheriff and Spartan turned around to see the same blonde girl standing alongside her sisters and brothers.

"No problem, kid. Could you tell me what your name is?" Asked Bella.

"My name is Luna, or you can call me Luna Brock. "I am sure you know of my father." The girl spoke as she stared at the Sheriff.

"Who's your friends?" Bella said, looking at each of Luna's siblings individually.

"We are not actually her friends. All of us are brothers and sisters. That over there is tora, Harlan, Argus. And noble. Those Over there are our two friends," Luna said introducing them.

"Uh, hello, my name is Everett. "This is Blake," said the red-haired curly boy, gesturing to a girl with black and brown hair who was waving at the two.

"Well, can I ask what you brock kids are doing out here so far? Don't your parents live twenty miles away from town?" Questioned Bella.

"They do. But Noble is the one who drove us here; we needed to see our friends about something urgent," Luna explained to her.

"Urgent matter, you say," Bella said with interest as she then ask. "May I ask how serious this matter of yours is?"

A boy, a blonde hair kid reaches forth and touch his sisters shoulder. "Luna, you don't have to tell her anything,"

"It is okay, kid; I will not do anything harsh like take you to jail. But I do feel responsible for looking after the children of a colleague of mine. You see, your father, Mr. Brock, is a friend of mine, and I am sure he and his wife have no idea you kids are out here... Am I correct?"

The boy or luna's brother noble stepped forth with his hand rubbing the back of his head in defeat. "Yes, ma'am, our parents have no idea we are even here... But we can explain. Just please don't tell them about this,"

As the Sheriff stared at the boy, the upper right corner of her lips curled into a wry smile. "I will see what I can do about it. As long as you kids are going back home,"

The dark skin kid with short red curly hair stepped forth and quickly spoke. "Uh, it was not their idea, ma'am. It was all mine. You see. Luna and her siblings only came to drop me and Blake off at home, but we got hungry along the way. So I asked Luna and her siblings if they wanted to join me and Blake for a quick dinner.

"I suppose that is a fair point," Bella muttered, her arms crossed. "But after this. Yall better head on home, or else your father will ground each and every one of you brock kids, got it,"

Vellana who was trying to keep three plates of food in her hands almost dropped it, she was relieved when Leo reached forth and caught it for her.

"Oh! Thanks Leo! I appreciate the help," Vellana says.

"So that's his name," tora said whispering to her sister.

The spartan heard that and turned his head to where he saw one of the boys silently chatting to his sister. The kid noticed the Spartan looking at him and nearly widened his eyes in surprise at how the man could hear him from seven feet away in complete silence.

"Well, I will leave you kids to it; take care," Bella said aloud as she walked away with Vellana and Leo.

Luna's P.O.V.

Noble, the leader of his pack pulled his group back into their own table eleven feet away from the sheriff's and her two colleagues.

As he and his siblings settled in with Blake and Everett, he noticed his sister Luna glancing in one direction from time to time. He could tell she was looking at the man he had seen in the traffic yesterday.

"Luna, what is it. Why do you keep looking that way?" Questioned noble.

"Because you idiot, he's the one I've told you about," The girl said as she took a bite of her food.

"What do you mean by that, I'm mean I'm sure his just some guy that joined the two ladies?" Argus brock added as he munches down on his bacon and pickled sandwich.

"No idiot. He's the one I've told you guys about before remember, you know when the time we were stuck in traffic due to the wildfire," Luna told them

"You mean him. You mean to tell me his the one responsible for injuring the other werewolf!" Harlan said getting a confirmed nod from his sister.

"So, a werewolf tried attacking him in traffic. I don't doubt you Luna, but how are you sure his the one?" Asked Harlan.

"You don't have to believe me. But what I saw him do, no other humans can do either  I saw him ripped a car's door and smacked the werewolf with it, you tell me if any human man can do the same with one hand," Luna said feeling a slight sense of irritation due to her siblings and two friends doubting her still.

Glancing at one of his siblings noble then opend up to him. "Harlan, you got the best smell out of us all. Can't you, ya know, smell him?"

"If you mean by scent, then i don't see why not," Harlan says as he began displaying one of his many skills as he breathed slowly all the while he focuses on a certain spartan.

"So, how's it going?" Asked Blake as she leaned in along with Everett and Argus.

"That's strange; I can not seem to catch any normal scent of a human from him." Harlan said muttering under his breathe.

Those of his brother's and sister as well as the two new members of their pack all looked at him questioningly.

"What! What do you mean by that?" Tora said.

"It means, that our guy doesn't seem to have exhibit a smell similar to that of an average human. Which is weird, my smell can't seem to react as normal as it used to be," Harlan said with a slight sense of uneasiness.

"Should we be worried. Harlan is our best scout, especially with him having the best smell out of us all. And if he can't seem to catch that Leo guy's scent, then we might be in trouble," Tora said getting a sign of agreement from her pack.

"Maybe we should deal with him," Argus said jokingly.

"Oh yeah, and how will you do that. In case you forgot argus, the man hasn't done anything wrong," luna said causing her bigger brother to slump down in retreat.

"We aren't going to do anything to harm the man. Besides, he hasn't done any wrongs, and second he helped save people from the werewolf," Noble said easing the sudden tension between his siblings.

"Should we ask Dad to help us look up the man? Tora suggested, "I mean, dad is a ranger as well, perhaps he could find something for us."

"Yeah, that sounds like a better option. Other then argus idea," remarked Harlan as he got a punch to shoulder from his brother bigger brother.

"Deserved it," Blake added in.

"Yeah yeah." says harlan as he and his stopped messing with each other.

As the group were chatting with one another they were cut off by the sound of luna, they could see that she was dealing with something of great hinderance.

"What's wrong luna!?" noble said as he and the others surrounded her.

"Something is wrong!" Luna says grabbinh into her head as if something was hurting her there.

"What, tell us!?" Argue said feeling worried for his sister.

"It-it's not me. It's dad... Something has gone wrong, and he seems to be in trouble!" Luna told them sputtering out in an effort as she tried to hold off the slight headaches as she can.

"The spell," Argus said aloud gaining blakes and everett's attention.

"Spell, what spell?" Blake asked as she didn't know what to do at the moment, yet that didn't mean she wasn't worried about her friend.

"A witch friend of ours. She's an old lady. She helped cast a spell, that whenever each one of our family member is in danger. Luna would sense the danger before it could even happen... We need to move, now!" Tora answered as she and the rest of the group quickly got up from their seat and rushed to the pick up truck with argus who being the strongest of his siblings carried Luna in his arms carefully.

"What's up leo? Is something

Wrong?" asked bella wondering what gotten him to act discreetly all of a sudden.

"I think something is wrong!" Leo said to the sheriff as he gestured for her see what he meant.

Looking at where the kids are in such a hurry for. Bella was going to speak out to them, but they did not stop and kept going. 

"What's going on! Hey kids, what's going on!" Shouted bella but was instead ignored by them.

"I suggest we follow them instead of yelling," Said Leo as he went for his car.

Stepping into the driver's seat Leo closed the door and went to turned on the ignition. Just then he turned his head watching as both Bella and vellana entered the vehicle.

Bella puts on her seatbelt, looked at him and just spoke. "No question, just get moving!"

Leo without even uttering a word drove right over to the exit of the driveway and followed after the pick up truck.

"What do you think is going on?!" vellana said in concern for the kids.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, I hope it isn't anything worse," Leo told her as he reached out and caught lopez in time when he brought the car to an immediate stop.

This cause the unexpected vellana to let out a sudden yell of shock, but thankfully she chuckled relieved that Leo had catched her just in time from falling face first into the radio.

"Thanks leo," Bella said as she slumped back and strapped in her seatbelt.


Speeding through the highway, the pack or tora to be more precise can be seen driving as fast as she could hoping they would make it on time.

As she neared an intersection tora saw an exit on her far right. Her foot pressed down onto gas pedal and immediately the truck accelerated with fifty six miles per hour of speed towards it.

"How far is she. Is she home or lost!" Blake said asking noble.

"I don't know?" noble replied hoping his mother wasn't hurt or worst.

"Luna, can you tell us what you can sense!?" Harlan said awaiting a response from his sister.

In her head luna had tried her hardest to concentrate focusing with a will that rivaled someone in a battlefield.

In her corner she reached forth and sped forth hoping this would get them there quickly.

"Everybody hang on tight!" She told them as from the corner of her eyes was the speed thermoniter small black arrow going past ten from twenty and to sixty one.

Leo P.O.V.

"Jesus, those kids are a reckless driver!" exclaimed bella as she looked ahead watching as the truck they were following took a sharp right turn.

She was called out to Leo when seeing one of the cars passing by trying to cut Leo off even though he hasn't tried cheating his way through. Yet, that's when he did one thing that one of his spartan sisters were good at. Which was to cut them back.

The f150 ford raptor that Leo has was modified with unsc technology. Which means that looks wasn't ecerything. As he changed lanes Leo watched as the car that had cut him off had slowed down in the farthest end of the lane. Beginning to drive to the left, Leo stomped down onto the gas paddle, and just as he does both bella and vellana eyes widened in pure shock and enjoyment watching as the vehicle speed thermoniter reached a hundred and twelve MPH.

For most civilians they wouldn't have come down to the decision at driving in such a dire moment. But due to the circumstances Leo assumed that alot of them would've  agreed with what he's doing now.

For as long as they followed the kids Leo had made sure that neither he or the other two wouldn't get caught by the high schoolers, whereas he chose a better idea and decided to stay far but close enough to where the kids wouldn't see his truck.


It had taken them quite short amount of time before they finally reached the same place that the kids had parked their car.

The driver's door opened and out first stepped Leo who went back and grabbed two backpacks. Within the two bags was what most people would need to survive being lost in the forest for a week.

Leo had chosen the bigger one and gave Bella the least smaller one, seeing that it at least fit someone of her size.

After the three of them readied themselves they then headed off to dark forest, following after the kids track thanks to their footprint.

"Can't believe i'm back to this forest again," vellana muttered as she shivered at the thought of it.

"You've been around here before?" Bella said in interest.

"Yeah. Used to, after I and some stupid high school kids had a party just a mile from the city... Unfortunately, one of the students had gotten lost in the forest for more than three days," Vellana explained to the two women.

"I've heard about that story. Poor girl; after reading about her, I discovered she had overdosed on some drugs. However, others claim she was intoxicated by a large amount of alcohol," Bella explained as she stepped over some rocks.

"Yes, the story was tragic. On the other hand, the person responsible for her death is currently in prison. That is got to count for something," Vellana told the sheriff.

"Yes, at least we did her justice."

"Quiet!" Leo suddenly spoke in a low, quiet voice.

Bella stared at the man. Wondering what it is he caught up in. "

What is it?" The sheriff asked as she and vellana both followed after the lead man.

"Can you hear that," Leo says looking around at whatever it is it's out there.

Bella's face expressed that of someone confused by what she's

hearing while that of vellana powered around at what the spartan was trying to tell them.

As she looked around she focused her hearing, waiting for the slightest strange sound. She then picked up on the sudden loud sound of a gunshot transpiring all around the forest. It didn't stop there for the next few seconds three more shots happened causing birds and bats all happening at once.

"I guess you were right Leo," Bella said as she and vellana were racing towards the direction the third shot came from.

"Damn, of all the time. They just had to do this during the night time!" Vellana spoke out in a huff as she was having to duck from the tree branches and multiple tall plants and grass.

"Just make sure to keep up, and don't fall behind," Leo said replying to her statement.

"Yeah no problem. Just that im not much of a fan of running!" Said vellana.

"Your in a good fit. I doubt you'll fall behind. But big guy is right. Do not fall behind," Bella who was two steps ahead of her.

Motivated by the woman's words vellana lopez slowed her breathing as she took each steps of a breathing form she learned from her class. As she does vellana sped up with quite an amazing speed that she manages to keep up with bella.

Surprised by that bella went back to running as she and lopez came to stop where they saw Leo slowly come to a halt when someone popped out from the dark part of the bushes. The three of them veered around looking on as four more figures appeared can be seen trekking right behind the man who was aiming his crossbow at leo.

Bella sees this and quickly she stepped forth holding her hand out as if to tell them to wait. "Hold on, we aren't the enemy. And this guy is my friend, so please, can you all lower your weapons!" The sheriff told them as she breathe in and out.

"Tell me why we should listen to you! Or is that a lie you'll use to tear us apart!" One of the armed man spoke out.

The lead person, leader of the fifteen groups held his right hand out into a sign to stop, then afterwards he slowly lowered his crossbow with his finger outside the trigger.

"Please do tell me why you three are out here in the middle of the forest?" The man said.

"We were following after a group of kids. We saw in the food stands that they were in some trouble... So we chased after them hoping to see if they are okay," Leo said responding to the man.

Chris argent unafraid by the large size of the seven foot seven Leo, he stepped forth until he stopped four feet away from him. "I'm afraid we didn't see them. We just arrived here just a few hundred yards away, but then gunshots happened. So we rushed to where it might have come from,"


Name: Chris

Last name: Argent

Hair: Dark Brown

Height: 5 ft10

Weight: 213 lb


"Understand. But due tell me who you people are first!" Bella told the man as she eyed him.

A smile crossed over Chris argent face as he powered back to his group and then back to the three of them. "We, well. It's kind of a problem. You see, we are looking after a wolf, a very large one. It's a grey wolf one of the largest species of its kind."

"A wolf, tell me why in god's name you and your groups of vigilante armed with actual firearms are after this wolf. I mean, for all I can get from y'all is that you all look like your after something more then just a wolf," Bella said causing Chris to chuckle.

"Lady, as much as I want to agree with you on that. I'm afraid I can't tell you. As you can see, we are responsible for it. Yes it's a problem, which is why we are armed, incase the wolf brings more of its buddies. And trust me when I say this, you and your two friends don't wanna be here when they come," Chris told her glad that at least the woman wasn't aware of what exactly he and his group are actually hunting.

"Responsible, I'm assuming you were supposed to have deliver it?" the sheriff says slowly catching up on what the man was talking about.

Tilting his head slightly Chris argent huffs glad that the sheriff doesn't know of what he knows of. "Yes, however. I'm have to ask you to please leave, the wolf we are responsible for is not your average wolf,"

"Then hopefully it does not hurt anyone," Leo said as he walked off to another direction.

Chris argen and bella both stared on as Leo walked off and immediately the two of them sped after him, with of course their very own set of groups.

"Hey, wait up leo!" Bella called out as she evantually caught up with him.

"Im afraid we don't have the time to be waiting sheriff. The longer you two talk the farther those kids are away from us all," Leo said as he pushed through some bushy trees.

"Now wait, I know that you think you can handle yourself. But trust me when I tell you this. The wolf we are dealing with right now, it's dangerous and must be avoided at all times. Which is the reason why me and my group are more fit to deal with this situation," Chris said talking to him.

"No disrespect mr. But I don't have to listen to you. You are no officer of this place. So, we will deal with this wolf situation all together. Or you and your group can go on your own," Leo said straightforwardly as he continued on trekking through the forest.

Seeing that the man got a point. Argent knew that he was no officer nor some FBI or swat. He wasn't worried about being arrested no, he wanted to get the wolf before anyone stupid enough gets themselves killed.

Coming up with the best solution for this he nodded in agreement with leo's statement and signaled for his team to follow along with the spartan a sheriff and that of an assistant.


"So, how far are we from the kids?" Bella said to chris.

"Not so far. We've only just got a piece of wolf fur a moment ago. On the other hand, we might be close to the kids and the wolf!" Chris said hoping that the wolf wouldn't infect the high schoolers with its curse.

Meanwhile Leo was walking in the lead along with vellana and two other members of Chris teamates.

"So, I hope to know what it is you two would do once we find this kid's and our wolf?" the man said to both vellana and leo.

"We'll never know," Leo said half lying as he knew the man was trying to antagonise him.

While on the other hand vellana lopez seemed to have been irked by the smirking man.

"Oh I'm sure we could surprise you all." Vellana said replying to the man as she also saw the woman next to him laughing.

"What's so funny makayla!?" the man said disturbed by his partners laugh.

"Oh nothing. It's just that the woman is pretty hilarious," Makayla said as she and lopez laughed alongside eachother.

"Yeah laugh all you want," the man said trekking ahead of the two woman.

"Shhh, quiet." Leo said signaling for them to silence while he was looking out at where a hill is.

"What is it?" Bella said as she pulled out her M1917 revolver.

Wondering what the man was saying Chris headed for Leo and spoke out to him. "What did you see?" He questioned.

By answering everyone Leo pointed with right hand at the the top of the hill. They were all now glancing at the top of the hill and right there they saw three shadowy figures running in the mist of the smoking darkness.

Just then they were all shocked by the sudden speed of Leo. The man had sped of in an amazing speed that caught them off guard, and not a moment later each and every one of them were running after him.

"Wait Leo, hold up!" Bella shouted as she was having trouble trying to catch up with him.

Considering the sheriff's call Leo didn't however ran as fast as he wanted to, whether if he knew he would have to slow down and let the others come.

But, he didn't need to for he slid into a fullstop boots digged deeply into the dirt.

As he stood there, Leo then turned his head looking at where he saw a kid. Instead of looking at them for long the boy just had started at them for three seconds then all of a sudden his head shot forth where something big with black and dark gray furs of hairs covering it from all over its body.

Without questioning what it is his looking at Leo ran off the moment the kid left as the very beast chased after him.

"What the hell is that!" vellana sputtered while running.

"The wolf I was talking about!" Chris said responding to her.

They continued running after the beast that was chasing the kid. And after having to be on foot for a while they evantually slowed down when Leo stopped ahead of them.

Wondering what it is he saw bella glanced forward, and right there she saw two fairly large wolves fighting it out in a scuffle of deeply loud growls and teeths going at each other. Her head then veeres around until she caught sight of a boy leaning with his back against a tree.

The other wolf was the one she and everyone saw back then, but the second was different. It was obvious to everyone that this was a another of the other beast kind. It's body of fur was that of a deep dark grey without an ounce no other color in it. Though that didn't mean the sight of it was not dirty with dripping bloods.

Yet the other beast wasn't so far behind it, for its whole body seems to have some claw marks all over with a couple of furs missing. The beast was on its back while the other one was on the top trying to bite down on it.

However their battle was interrupted when Chris stopped beside Leo and aimed with his crossbow, then not a moment later he pulled the trigger of his weapon and the arrow went flying and struck it's target.

"Nooo!" The kid said calling out to the wolf that was struck by the arrow.

The wolf that was struck tried fighting off its opponent but seemed to have been weakening. The Grey and black fur wolf tackled it's enemy down with its head and bit down on its shoulder by then twisting it side to side. This caused the downed wolf to be slammed head first against the ground. It tried leaning it's head up in a refusal to defeat but was then once again slammed in the ground.

"Nooo!" yelled the kid as he ran and slammed a tree log down on the beast's back.

The boy jumped out of shock when the wolf turned with its maw chomping at him. It then left the injured wolf slowly walking towards the scared boy.

As the kid continued stepping backwards slowly his foot bumped into a rock and he fell back, but before it does a girl exit the dark part of a forest and caught him in time.

The girl stared on as the wolf eyed her and the boy. The girl, who was none other than Luna, winces as she pulls the boy back from the wolf. And not a moment later it moved back, it's head followed where its right pawprint had been when an arrow was driven into it.

Just then her eyes widened in shock when the wolf leaped at her. However Leo ran fast enough where he came down just in time. He saw the scene and immediately ran forth. With enough reaction time, Leo took a final step with his right foot digging into the dirt ground and jumped towards the wolf, tackled him, and landed twenty feet away from Luna and the boy. 

Chris argent along with bella and the others came to a stop upon the scene they were seeing.

Infront of them was a very large wolf. They thought that from afar it was just a big grey wolf. But no, standing from where they are, they could see that the wolf at least nine feet long in length, on all fours that is.

From the way they were glancing at it. They could reckoned that it weighted around at least eight hundred pounds. On the bottom they saw as Leo punches it right in the ribs and then followed after with three strikes on its throat and one to the side of its head. The wolf angered by this it went to bite the unarmored spartan once again. Yet it missed when Leo rolled to the left. On his right Leo sees a slap of rock. Reaching for it, he grabbed it and swung it down on the wolve's head.

The wolf let out a growling roar at Leo for a short amount of time... And then it leaped at him with its mouth wide open wanting to tear the man apart. However Leo had expected that as he could see through the beast intention very easily.

In a situation like this, time seems to slow down at a rate where the spartan's eyes moved to the right. His right arm came forth touched the wolf's first and then began to spin it around two times and sent it rolling away from where he is.

"Woah!" one of the Chris argent's colleagues said aloud in awe of Leo easily throwing a wolf the size of grizzly bear to the side.

"Everyone step back!" Chris said as he aimed his crossbow at the wolf.

The wolf growl's while it glanced at the numbers of hunters aiming their weapons at it. Leo understood that the wolf was considering rather to attack them all at once. But, it changed its decision and ran off into the darkness with arrows and bullets flying it's way.

After a while later, Chris halted in his action and signaled for his group to ceased firing.

As he does Chris turned around and walked towards Leo who was seems to be talking to vellana and the girl luna.

"What did the boy say?" inquired vellana.

Bella handed her warmed coat over to luna whereas she appreciated the offer and wrapped it around the young kid.

"He said that before he was chased off by the wolf, a couple of kids older then he is had came and held of the wolf over there and one of its own kind," Leo said responding to her inquiries.

"He must be talking about the high schoolers... Wait, but another one, is he saying that there's one more of that thing," Bella added in sounding frightenly irritated.

"Sounds like it," Leo commented as he saw Chris argent aiming his crossbow at him along with his entire group.

"What, hey. What's the meaning of this!" vellana said out to them.

"Relax lady, we don't think your the problem here. But for your big friend here. Well we might just find out who he is," one of the people told her.

"Ms bella, I'm going to have to ask you and everyone of this people to step aside. But your friend here, stays," Chris says in a demanding tone of his voice.

Without fearing of the outcome bella pulled her badge from her left pocket and held it out to Chris and his groups of armed man and woman to see.

"And I'm afraid I can't do that. I'm mean vellana and the two kids can leave, but I'm staying here. And you Mr. Argent are going tell me exactly what the hell that thing was... And please do not tell me it's a wolf. Because I too am very familiar with every type of wolf that now lives in this planet... That one over there is no average wolf," Bella said telling the argent hunter.

Although she had seen two other onworldly creatures back in the burning forest and in the traffic all in one day, the sheriff was wanting to know what else there is hiding in the world she knew of.

Sighing out of defeat Chris couldn't help but lowered his crossbow and spoke. "I can't tell you exactly what we are dealing with sheriff, but I will say that back there was exactly not ordinary wolf. It was an experimental wolf, one a friend of mine wants me and my team to be brought in, before anything worst could happen,"

"Experimental? So what is it, some sort of a scientists mistakes. I do hope you tell me whatever it is you know about that wolf. Because trust me, when I find out that a bunch of people in this very city is either killed or injured by your so called experimental wolf. I will expect you and this hiddened leader of yours to answer me and the department," Bella said stern look at the hunter.

"Funny. Whether you are a sheriff I want to know exactly what you're friend over there is. Because what I saw, no normal human. Man or woman can just throw a wolf the size of a got damn bear," Chris argent said standing his ground.

"Then you'll be very dissapointed. I am not the same as that creature or wolf," Leo said cutting in on the two's conversation.

Holding onto his crossbow pointed to the ground Chris argent tilted his his head sideways and answeres. "And how are you so sure of that. How do you expect i should listen to someone who obviously isn't speaking the truth as well,"

"Funny you say that. Because I can tell that you and your fellow armed groups aren't no authorities within this state, or country," Leo said straightly at the man who shot him a smile.

"Hilloy, is that you my boy!" A woman said catching everyone's attention.

To their sides everybody saw a woman dressed in ragged and torn clothes shakingly walking towards the boy as her arms reached out for her son with tears in her very eyes.

The boy or hilloy ran for his mom and hugged his mother with his arms wrapped around her.

"I think we just found the mother," Vellana said with sympathy for the two of them.

In spite of the lovely scene infront of them a couple more people exited the forest as they walked out from the dark and into the moonlight part of the area.

"Mom," A little girl said in fluent spanish.

"Vy'illa come here my girl," The mother said bringing her daughter into an embrace.

"This must be that girl sandi's family," Bella uttered.

"Should we bring them in boss?!" one of argent's man said catching leo's attention.

"Bring them in, you can't do that!" Vellana said staring at Chris argent and his group's.

"Lady, this is none of your business," a hunter said knowing that he can't exactly tell vellana and the sheriff's group about the werewolv'es existance.

Sadly for him bella wasn't easily fooled, and just stood there as she put her gun in its sheath. "The lady is right. You aren't taking this family back to wherever it is you are staying in. This woman and her kids are under protection," The sheriff stated out loud for them to hear.

One of Chris argent team members stepped forth eyes staring down at the shorter woman and spoke in a demanding tone. "Oh, under who's protection," She said smuggly.

"Under mine," Leo said as he was helping the mother and her kids.

"And how exactly are you going to do that Mr. Big man," The long curly blonde haired woman said.

"Because I can. I know what that creature was. Some call it a myth some calls it a beast of unknown features. But, im sure you and your group of hunters knows that. Am I correct," Leo said standing beside the sheriff while still holding onto the tired mother to assist her.

"Well, I'm not sure if whether you are aware of those so called creatures. Or that maybe, just maybe you are one of them," The blonde woman said clicking her teeth together.

"Kate that is enough," Chris argent said to his sister.


Name: Kate

Last Name: Argent

Hair: Brownish Silver

Height: 5 ft7

Weight: 137 lb


Tilting her head to the side she just chuckles while looking up at the man infront of her and then stepped back to her brother.

"Whatever you say dear brother," Kate argent said chuckling.

Chris argent strolled forth and stopped in his track and spoke out to the sheriff and leo. "Look, you'll have to forgive me. My sister can be quite the problem,"

"It's alright, I don't mind the attitude. I'm very good at ignoring those types of behavior," Bella responded nonchalantly without care of what the two argent's think.

Chris put his arm out stopping his sister from causing any further problems. "I'll take that as peaceful goodbye from you sheriff. And you Mr?"

"Leo kornesean," the spartan answered.

Chris's breathe in deeply as he could also knows that his sister was as surprised as he was of hearing that last name. "Kornesean. Heh. Never thought that woman had a brother,"

Leo huffs as he thought of how funny that was. "Something like that. But I am not her brother. Nephew would be something of more useful word you could say,"

Kate argent let out a laughs as she strolled off with some of the hunters joining her. "I'll be heading off right now chris. It's almost nine and the others, or should I say the boss is waiting for us,"

He glanced at his devilish sister then back to both sheriff and leo. "Well, I'll be on my way then. You and your crew of Friend's take care,"

"You two," Bella said eyeing the man as he left the area with his group of hunters.

"Who are they?" Leo said looking on as both sister and brothers were gone.

"The argent siblings. They are bunch of rich and very formidable part of a family, that even Im afraid I can't deal with for very long... Why do you ask?" Replied Bella interested by the spartan's question.

"Nothing much, we should help the mother and her kids," Leo said as he led the family.

"Taking them to a hospital would be a problem. Those argents, will try and take the mother and her kids," Bella suggested.

"I'll take them in," Leo added.

Intrigued by that bella could not help herself but questioned leo's offer. "Why. No hard feelings, but what made you so sure you can help them,"

"Because her daughter, the eldest one is now currently living with me and some others in the house," Leo said answering her.

"Some others?" Repeated the sheriff.

"Friends, and family," Leo told bella causing her and vellana to laughed suddenly.

"I never thought you'd be the type to have friends and family," Bella said.

"There are many things you don't know," Leo told her.

"Many things, you have no idea how right you are Leo," Bella said.

---Until Next Chapter---


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