The fiendish devil stood imposingly before Northern, its quartet of eyes viciously boring into his very soul.
Ellis slightly raised his head to once again behold the monster's terrifying visage.
He had indeed seen it before, but no matter how many times he laid eyes upon Dark Terror, the reality that Northern commanded such a formidable monster always struck him anew.
'How is this even feasible?' he pondered to himself. 'How is he able to tame and control a beast of this caliber?'
If Northern was truly a tamer, as Ellis suspected, that meant he had defeated the monster to the brink of death to successfully subjugate it.
Since taming typically involved overpowering the beast. And not all monsters were tameable.
'Does that mean...he battled a monster like this and prevailed?' He gulped, 'Terrifying, truly terrifying, I really should hold my tongue.'
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