Hao stood in front of the green-haired man, a scowl darkening his features.
"Ya gat some balls coming to my face."
The green-haired man smiled politely, his eyes closed.
"As I have said, we came here in search of a boy named Ellis. You should know him very well. After all, you were so driven mad by that incident that you wanted the party leaders to banish the culprits."
Hao raised his head slightly, his scowl deepening.
"Speak in clear terms..." his voice carried a hint of confusion, although Hao appeared reluctant to show it.
But the man speaking before him was tremendously observant and could detect even the slightest twitches on Hao's face.
After all, this 'incident' he spoke of was one that had left Hao utterly angered and displeased with the party leaders.
The man exuded a soothing smile and parted his lips to continue.
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