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80.88% LOTM ?? / Chapter 55: chapter 50

Chương 55: chapter 50

Chapter 15 The New Emperor

Chapter 205 The new emperor

Coins jingled and scattered, and the bartender stared at the scattered banknotes and metal currencies on the bar, his face turned pale but he did not dare to move.

He was like a dissolving clay sculpture, waiting for a gust of wind to dry the moisture on his body, and he did not dare to look at the only figure beside the bar.

The black gentleman tapped the edge of the wooden bar rhythmically. His eyes hidden behind the golden frame and lenses were facing the direction of the door. His left foot stepped on something round and swayed slightly back and forth. Like the bartender, he was also waiting. What.

"Sir, sir..."

Two or three minutes later, a panting short man with black hair and blue eyes, with rather vulgar facial features and appearance, rushed in from the door.

He was almost rolling and crawling on all fours, making such a big noise that no one around him even glanced at him. They all stared at their own glasses, as if they had lost their vocal cords and hearing.

The "mouse" of Port Damier held the corner of an envelope in his hand. Before approaching the gentleman, he paused to take a few breaths. After his breathing stabilized, he cautiously glanced at the gentleman's feet, who had passed out, and his head. The big man with a green tattoo forced out a flattering smile and held the envelope in his hands before sending it forward.

"Sir, I bought a ticket based on the route and destination you mentioned."


Gentleman, Gehrman Sparrow took the envelope with one hand and picked up a coin from the loose money piled on the bar with the other hand.

He tossed the coin high and let the brass-colored metal piece circle in the air before it was delivered to the "mouse".

"Tell me about the recent rumors."

"Mouse" breathed a sigh of relief, and even the bartender behind Herman looked better. While wiping his cup, he looked around, confused and anxious.

Someone has been causing trouble for so long, why haven't the guards in the bar come yet?

I don't know where the boss is?

"Sir, I don't know much..."

Intermittently, "Rat" introduced anecdotes about recent events at sea, either vaguely or in detail.

The Royal Navy's "Pryz" and the subsequently developed ironclads have formed a combat force. The fleet group is about to begin the first round of joint regular training. Legend has it that the Royal Navy and the Church of Storms are preparing to select small and medium-sized pirate ships as attack targets in the first training. And make this behavior normal in the future...

There is news that the owner of the "Golden Dream", "Vice Admiral of the Iceberg" Edwina Edwards, recently discovered the legendary "Key to the Treasure of Death" in the Misty Sea area, which attracted the "Admiral of Hell" "Interest, but there are no signs of war between the two pirate groups.

At the same time, there is constant friction between "Admiral of Blood" and "Vice Admiral of Twilight"; "Vice Admiral of Disease" has an erratic whereabouts and no longer travels frequently between the Raging Sea. The last time she appeared was in the Sunia Sea, which she did not often visit. …

All kinds of news, whether true or false, came out from the mouth of the "mouse" one after another. Klein, who was wearing the coat of Hermann, just listened quietly and made no comments on the surface.

He divided the information given by "Rat" into three categories, and also noticed two pieces of information that might affect him.

First, I don't have to worry about the news about the Loen Royal Navy, and I have no power to interfere.

Second, pirate generals who only have sequence five may not be unable to pay attention, and they may gain unexpected gains.

Third, for maritime legends such as "The Key to the Death God's Treasure" whose authenticity is unknown and no one has found any clues for hundreds of years, Klein specifically asked Mr. A for tutoring before setting sail. This is a category that he should not care about the least.

But if the so-called treasure key related to the God of Death is really fake, why would the "Hell Admiral" supported by the "Spiritual Cult" behind it be interested, at least to release a signal of his curiosity to the outside world?

You can ask Mr. Azik. When it comes to the God of Death, I'm afraid no one is more authoritative than him, the son of the God of Death... Klein thought of the teacher who was interested in integrating the "Spiritual Cult" and was close to the True Creator, and had the idea to write a letter.

Suddenly glancing in a certain direction outside the room, Klein drank the remaining beer and slowly stood up.

"Remember today's lesson."

He handed the glass to the bartender and walked out of the bar without doing anything.

At this time, the guards who had disappeared for no reason had come over, but none of them dared to come forward. They just watched until the black figure disappeared.

"I thought you would use a marionette to show up instead of doing such a public thing yourself."

On the street where the fog had basically dissipated, Rosago, who was following Minerva Artois, suddenly whispered.

Klein, who walked openly and side by side with the lady, followed by a female companion, shook his head indifferently.

"Having her show up will only attract more attention than me."

He had no intention of continuing this topic and asked instead.

"The message was sent back?"

"It's a public route. After all, not every port has our liaison station." Rosago maintained a low-pressure voice and said, "The intelligence dealer here is called 'White Shark'. He has served many forces, some like ' There are pirate generals like Admiral Blood, including the Loen Navy, and us."

"Ha, of course, he thought we were Intis' eighth round and didn't know the true identity of our 'boss'."

Thinking of this, Rosago's smile was a little playful.

He suddenly looked forward to how this country bumpkin on a backward island would react when he knew that one of the patrons he had deliberately alienated was the only empire left in the world.

"Admiral of Blood"...Klein thought for a while.

"How much do you know about 'Admiral of Blood' and 'Admiral of Twilight'?"

"What's wrong?" Rosago was a little surprised, but still shared, "One of these two is an outpost of the Rose School of Thought on the sea, and the other is a lackey supported by Fusac's God of War Church. He has some strength, but not much."

Sure enough, it's from Fusac's side... The dusk of "Vice Admiral Dusk" is taken from the Dusk Palace of Saint Milon?

"Ivan Bulatov is from Fusak?"

"How could it be? He just has Fusac blood and was born in a colony. Rumor has it that he is also a descendant of sea monsters. Although Fusac is close to the polar sea and is rich in pirates, the Church of the God of War also has its own considerations. Compared with the cold forest, A desperado who cannot survive, an independent person who was born and raised on the sea, has never been to the mainland, and has no contact with all parties in their country, is more suitable as a puppet."

Rosago denied Klein's conjecture and added some details.

"Vice Admiral Dusk" actually has the blood of a sea monster. It's not simple... Putting these two things behind for the time being, Klein deliberately slowed down his pace and kept his "eyes" scanning the spiritual line of vision at all times. After a week, he continued after confirming that no one was following him.

"I asked the scoundrel here to buy a boat ticket for us. The boat will sail at six o'clock in the afternoon and find a place to rest."

"Okay, change your face and let's go near the port." Rosago replied immediately.

He slightly discerned the direction, and while the flesh on his face was squirming, he silently changed places with Minerva Artois in front of him, and led the group of people into another alley.

"Dear Mr. Azik."

"...I will leave Damir Port tonight and go to Oravi Island controlled by Roen. This is an island with a large number of navy and demigods... I don't know if you have heard that one of the pirate generals 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' recently unearthed the legendary key to the Death God's treasure in the Sea of ​​Mist... This news has been widely spread, and has also attracted the attention of the 'Spiritual Religion', the 'Hell' under the 'Spiritual Religion' The Admiral is after the key."

"I think you might be interested in this key, and I will continue to follow up with you for further information..."

In front of the desk, Azik put down the letter.

The "Death Archon" who was known for his ruthlessness in the Fourth Age himself didn't even realize the corners of his mouth were raised. His brown eyes, which had seemed to be hidden behind frosted glass and showed little emotion, suddenly became lively and regained a bit of humanity.

But soon, this mortal emotion was suppressed by the alienation of divinity, and the "Death Archon" resumed the thinking mode of mythical creatures and analyzed the students' letters.

He had held the power of the Balam Empire for hundreds of years, and had also been reduced to his father's divine vessel and possible resurrection insurance, but he had never heard of any Death God's treasure.

Several supreme leaders in the War of Four Emperors, including Tudor, died suddenly, leaving endless disasters and enemies for future generations. Solomon came to an end in a hurry, and the Black Emperor was already the entire legacy of the former empire. Trunsoest He died silently, suspected to have been knocked on the door of his life by an alien from outside. With the end of the puppet's life, the ghost empire prepared with all his heart for his children became the wedding dress for the real creator's comeback. Only the descendants of the God of Death, in the fourth After the end of the century, it was still struggling to survive until the early colonial era...

After so many years and thousands of years, even if his father God had left any legacy, with the fall of the Balam royal family crown and the land and people being divided up by the countries of the Northern Continent, there was nothing left... Azik knew very well,

Moreover, will the God of Death really consider his descendants?

He is the king of the dead and does not need living servants. As long as the king of death is still high in the underworld, and the so-called descendants who come and go will always die and return to his throne, then the gifts during life will become unimportant.

Salinger only needs to keep the insurance of his own divine position, and never needs to expect living descendants to fulfill his ambitions.

Russell Gustav ended the Balam Empire. He had just proclaimed himself emperor at that time and needed enough achievements to maintain the throne and quell the dissatisfaction of the "Sun" and the "Craftsman". Under the last monarch of Balam, there were two northern and southern empires. The Grand Consuls respectively guard the front line and the coastline bordering East Balam. One is the former Archbishop Heitel, and the other is his prince...

There is a high possibility that the last Emperor Balam is the "Pale Emperor"... Searching for the recent information, either recalled or explored, Azik reasoned about the whereabouts of Sequence 1 and Uniqueness corresponding to the "Death" path.

After the death of the emperor, the Church of Death completely collapsed, and the remnants of the Spiritual Religion had many factions. Heitel won over the past priests. Rumor has it that a junior named Shia Palenque Eggers inherited the orthodoxy of the royal family and called himself " Pale Queen", the rest is nothing.

The basis of the "Artificial Death God" is its uniqueness, which is likely to be accompanied by a Sequence One characteristic. The child named Shia, at most, has mastered the Sealed Artifact corresponding to Sequence One, and should not have had time to be promoted...

The path of "Death" is similar to that of "Tyrant". Low positions are extremely sensitive to high positions. Azik, who did not feel the emergence of a new "Emperor", judged this.

In the hotel room, he paced slowly, lingering in front of the desk and bed. The snake-like features were obvious and then disappeared, leaving only loneliness in the end, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Oh, he has been in the Northern Continent for too long, and he has lost the qualifications to guide the priests and the royal family as a consul in the past. Now compared to the heir of Bailang, he looks more like a Northern Continent person in every aspect. .

"Bailam must be restored to the country."

As if to cheer himself up, Azik said with great determination.

After experiencing the Backlund incident, he smelled the flavor of divine warfare.

It has been more than two hundred years since Bailang was subjugated and was colonized by the Northern Continent for two hundred years. In these two hundred years, no monarch or god in any country has ever been willing to treat the people of Bailang as human beings in the true sense.

Bailang people can be property and means of production, but they cannot be citizens protected by gods and monarchs.

The coffin of the "God of Mystery", which was once the nightmare of all the late True Gods, is faintly shaking. As the end is approaching, the true Creator and the "God of Mystery", the eternal allies, can no longer sit still. They want to take back what belongs to them. It is necessary to complete the aggregation of pathways as soon as possible...

Once the war between gods begins, Balam without the support of the true god may be able to escape the first wave of impact, but what happens after that?

No matter who wins, it is necessary to sweep away the believers of the outer gods and destroy the "Rose School".

Over the years, the Bailang people who have been second-class citizens have also suffered enough oppression. Too many people have defected to the "Rose School of thought". During the liquidation, they will not distinguish the reasons, and the butcher's knife will fall on everyone equally.

"Death's treasure..." Azik suddenly walked back to the desk, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net picked up a pen and paper.

He needed to find a shelter for Balam as soon as possible, and he could not give up as long as there was a little hope.

In just a few dozen seconds, Azik had already written a long article on the paper, making his first request to the students.

Whether it's a treasure or a scam, everyone is happy with the former. It's also a gain for the latter to control the "Admiral of Hell" first and try to contact the "Spiritual Religion Group".

The "Artificial Death God" and the "Pale Queen" cannot confront each other rashly for the time being, leaving only the loot that Russell might have snatched away.

Lifting the pen tip, Azik looked at the letter hesitantly, but after all, he didn't write anything too explicit.

He wants to become the "Pale Emperor" and raise his prices.

Only in this way can Bailang and him be sold at a good price and have a future.

It is precisely because of this...

"It is precisely because of this, Father God, Father..."

With a ferocious expression and covering his head, Azik was in great pain, as if he was fighting against something, and he almost squeezed out a sound from between his teeth.

"For the people of Balam, and for me and my past, Salinger must not be resurrected."

He wants to become the new emperor and completely block his father's return!

Some people may say why the people of Balam cannot be independent. I can only say that when Salinger used the country and himself as a bargaining chip and bet all on the future, Balam's fate was already doomed.

Having lost the protection of the true god, they can only be the flesh and blood ravaged by other gods. When their origin becomes original sin, the subsequent events are no longer something they can control like duckweeds.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 16 Tristan Eugen

Chapter 206 Tristan Eugen

"You may have to take a long trip."

"Far away?"

In front of the bookcase, the young man who was playing with a delicate gear ornament stopped.

"There is a gentleman with a special status. He hopes that I can do something for him, and that thing is probably what we also want to see."

Behind the long mahogany table, Viscount Hunter pushed the tea made by the servant to another guest sitting at the table.

Seeing the shy lady with curly black hair thanking her for her kindness for a cup of tea, Viscount Hunter, who was over fifty years old, couldn't help but smile more naturally.

Meeting old friends in his later years was also an extremely precious experience for him.

"A gentleman with a special status, you want me to help him..."

The young man looked at the young lady who was sipping tea.

"What is his belief? Which monarch does he serve? Is he a demigod?"

"Not a demigod."

Viscount Hunter smiled mysteriously.

"He is considered a follower of the Lord. Well, he is a potential favored person of God, or a subordinate of His Excellency who really needs my service." Zarath, wearing Hunter's coat, looked at the hanging on the wall of his office. The map on the wall said, "According to your Excellency, the gentleman who needs your help may have gotten into trouble with the descendants of the 'Black Emperor'."

"Son of Solomon?"

Chewing on Zaratul's vague description, the young man - Tristan Eugen, who had just woken up from the three hundred years of slumber attached to the ceremony, was a little surprised.

In his memory, Solomon's descendants had to die or escape, and not many of them were still alive, let alone the descendants who were promoted to demigods and made some achievements.

"No, not just the descendants of His Majesty Solomon." Still with that mysterious smile, Zaratul tapped the table.

He looked at the peers at the table who were roughly the same generation as him, who had experienced the final glory of the Solomon Empire, survived the great changes at the end of the Fourth Age, and finally settled down in the Fifth Age. He felt even more grateful that his grandfather had left him He received enough inheritance to become an angel first.

"Tristan, you have been sleeping for too long, and the world has changed too quickly."

"You always said in the past that the slow rhythm of the Fifth Age would always break people's bones, but it was after you fell asleep that the trend of the times finally began to flow..."

"You missed exactly what you were expecting."

"Wait a minute, are you saying that during the three hundred years since I slept, a new 'Black Emperor' was born?" Tristan ignored his old friend's sarcasm, his blue eyes filled with disbelief.

At the beginning of the Fifth Age, the Seven Gods carved up the Northern Continent. The so-called royal family was more like a hereditary consul pushed to the forefront by the gods to appease the people than the emperors of the past. They were vassals of the Seven Gods.

How could these people have the courage to withstand the rebellion of the Seven Gods and rebuild a country on earth ruled vertically by an emperor?


All kinds of novel things he had seen during his previous high-speed travel, all kinds of fresh news obtained from browsing the spiritual world records, and the huge and complicated information was sorted at high speed in Tristan's mind.

Soon, the newly minted "ancient scholar" found a possible target.

"Intis, the new favored one of the God of Craftsmen, the one who overthrew the Sauron family, Russell Gustav?"

Unlike Tristan, who frowned slightly and nodded slightly, Zarath-Yun said calmly.

"He is the God of Steam and Machinery. Russell was called the 'Son of Steam' before he became emperor. He helped him digest the redundant potions. Almost all the new things you see now are his inventions and inventions. Legacy."

"So, he is the new 'Black Emperor'?"

Obviously, Tristan didn't have much interest in the so-called steam machinery. He was more concerned about the change of gods.

It's not that he is also a stubborn old antique. On the contrary, in the past time before he fell asleep, he has been an excellent local governor of the Second Empire of Trunsoest. Like Friedrich Zaratul, he was fond of An enlightened person who puts aside his body and learns how ordinary people behave and deal with things, but now there is an extra three hundred years of window period, and it is really difficult for him to immediately accept the earth-shaking changes in the world.

"he died?"

Tristan asked, thinking back on what he already knew.


Zaratul's answer was still ambiguous, causing the lady who was concentrating on drinking tea to look up at him.

"Even after two hundred years, we still can't accurately determine whether Russell is dead."

"After all, you also know that the specialness of the 'Black Emperor' path lies in the strength and stability of the emperor's throne."

There is no doubt that Roselle's ritual was successful. At that time, a new symbol corresponding to him had appeared in the star realm. However, before his ritual was completely completed, he was strangled by the Eternal Sun and the God of Steam and Machinery, and the subsequent mausoleum was also destroyed. It was destroyed only because achievements such as the steam engine and the Civil Code were far-reaching enough to prevent even the remaining order from being overthrown.

At this point, although there is still a chance of Russell's return, it is already quite slim. If the influence of more secret factors is not considered... Zaratul drove the figure of Bernadette out of his mind.

"Then what does this new emperor and his heirs have to do with my need to travel far away?" Tristan asked.

"Because the gentleman who asked for our help, his boss, who is the true favored one of the Lord, got the blasphemy card made by Russell some time ago - you can understand it as an item similar to the principle of the blasphemy slate, and It just so happens to be the 'Black Emperor' card."

Looking at the lady with piercing eyes that kept moving between him and Tristan, Zaratul's face gradually gained a look of memory.

"Roselle's daughter, Bernadette, I grew up watching..."

"That child is very complicated. She admires her father but cannot accept the dark side of order. When her father was alive, she often had bad tempers with Russell and ran away from home. But when Russell really fell, , she became the most unacceptable one again, and for the next two hundred years she has been busy investigating the truth of that year and looking for opportunities to resurrect Russell."

"The descendants of His Majesty Solomon, Nast Solomon and his father were former ministers of Russell. Now they are cooperating with Bernadette. They are eyeing a subordinate of His Majesty the Blessed One, a special meeting before the gods. One member."

"Bernadette and Nast are both Sequence Three demigods. One is the 'Master of Prophecy' and the other is the 'Crazy Mage'. There are not many people who can deal with them..."

Having said this, Zaratul glanced at Tristan and smiled.

"You just woke up, and I can't leave Backlund casually."

The two Sequence Threes who had been promoted for a while... did not agree immediately. Tristan first glanced at the lady who had been watching silently and cast an inquiring look.

Putting down the teacup in her hand, the young lady with curly black hair showed curiosity in her eyes. She tugged at the corner of Zarath's clothes and pointed at the map on the wall.


It is extremely rare that the "angel with a lantern" who always wears a "mask" with a smile that is almost welded to his face has his cheeks twitching unnaturally, showing some sympathy and some regret.

"In the Sea of ​​Mist."

The false meaning at the corner of his mouth became a lot more serious, and he threw out a piece of information.

"Eve, let's go."

Zarathul, who has the same appearance and mentality and has already entered the age category, but Tristan, who has the same longevity, still maintains the vigor and resoluteness of a young man.

After receiving the specific address and the exact identity of the person asking for help, Tristan's body was instantly shrouded in starlight, and dreamy blue ripples spread outward, wrapping him and also embracing Evelin, who was taking small steps towards him. .

The child-like, ignorant female demigod drifted away before she could even finish greeting Zarath behind the desk.

The burst of crimson gradually dissipated. On the deck of the Blue Avenger, Alger's feet, which had been looking far away, felt buoyant. He stumbled back a few steps amidst the ups and downs of the ship caused by the waves.

Suddenly, he exerted force with his right foot and stabilized his figure. There was no trace of embarrassment in his eyes, but rather an uncontrollable excitement of ecstasy.

The protection promised by "The World" is found!

When he heard the news, Alger almost cried.

God knows how tortured it was for him to be in fear of unknown dangers for so many days!

But when he thought about the price he had paid to obtain asylum, Alger quickly calmed down.

The reputation of the Aurora Society is not good at sea.

The "Shepherd" who can make the enemy's soul unable to escape, the "Secret Puppet Master" who silently eliminates the identity of others, and the Trunsoest Royal Navy with a full range of equipment, each of them is a terrifying object that makes pirates frightened. .

If the person responsible for protecting me makes too big a move, I'm afraid I can say goodbye to my status in the Church of Storms and my own ghost ship.

I have to think of a way to ask "the world". Even if I think of my value as a spy, I can't...


Suddenly, Alger's whole body stiffened as his brain was frantically thinking about countermeasures.

A hand, a fair and soft hand that did not belong to anyone on the ship, patted his shoulder.

His instinct told him to draw the knife and slash behind him, but as soon as he lost his movement, his quiet and weird spiritual intuition restored his calmness and rationality.

The people behind him are far stronger than him... If you try to resist, you may die.

Taking a deep breath, Alger turned around abruptly. As he turned around, he found that the other crew members on the ship were in the same weird silence as him, although they didn't have a hand on their shoulders, and they didn't have a hand on their back. No one either.

Alger guessed something.

With uncertain hope, he tried not to close his eyes due to fear, and saw the mysterious visitor behind him who put great pressure on him.

It's a woman.

With curly black hair and green eyes, her delicate face has the maturity of time and the innocence of a girl. The slightly raised corners of her mouth give this lady the first impression of being easy to get along with.

His field of vision widened, and before Alger could continue to look at it, another tall and thin figure, mostly black, caught his attention, and he guessed the identity of that person almost immediately.

"You are, which Holy Spirit under Mr. Fool are you?"

The Holy Spirit can not only describe angels, but is also often used as a title for saints in holy scriptures.

"Tristan, Tristan Eugen."

The man with a mellow voice looked at the ghost ship at his feet.

As his gaze swept across, the invisible spirit sailors appeared one after another, and a lavender eyeball that was incompatible with the ghost servant also appeared above the "Blue Avenger".

The source of the uneasiness I feel?

Looking at the eyeballs looking downward, Alger understood clearly.

He is indeed a "secret peeper"...

Different from the reaction of the little "Wind Blessed", Tristan didn't even glance at the "Peeping Eye" floating in the air. With a casual touch, the space around the eyeball suddenly distorted, invisible ripples combined with the illusory barrier, The eyeballs are temporarily exiled outside of normal space.

Immediately afterwards, on the deck of the "Blue Avenger", sailors who fell into coma for no reason flew up one after another, and pairs of leather boots left the deck and swayed in the wind.

The eyes of these "living people" suspended by invisible threads were dull and numb. Half of them slowly turned to the direction of the owner of the eyeballs, and the other half twisted their necks and looked at Alger.

Raising his hands slightly, the former "Secret Mage" who was not yet familiar with the abilities of the "Secret Puppet Master" turned into an "ancient scholar" and controlled the newly acquired marionettes to fall neatly.

Starlight rose from his body and quickly enveloped every crew member on the ship, including Alger. Different shades of blue exploded, giving these low-sequence Beyonders different levels of "secretness."

Alger looked at this extremely terrifying scene, which vividly demonstrated the strange abilities of demigods. He tried his best to control his expression so as not to lose his composure, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net screamed out.

What he applied for from "the world" was obviously protection and asylum!

The demigod who calls himself Tristan kills his crew!

In fact, it doesn't really matter to kill the sailor Alger on the ship. After all, most of the so-called sailors are spies sent by the Church of Storms to monitor him...

What really frightens him is, after killing these people, what will he do when he has to return to the church to return to his life?

"Your Mightiness..."

He was about to say something when Tristan suddenly raised his hand.

"It's not over yet."

Tristan looked along the edge of the deck in the direction of the fence, his sight penetrating the surface of the sea.

He exchanged glances with Evelin, who was counting the number of clouds in the sky. The latter quickly approached the edge of the ship, pointed her palms under the water, and gently turned her wrist.

The sound of splashing water sounded, and countless round water drops rushed out from the water, floating at the same height as Alger's shoulders, with many colors.

Pink, white, transparent, light yellow, all kinds of water droplets floated in the air. The smell of blood was barely caught by Alger's nose in the salty cold wind.

Even without the view under the boat, Alger could guess what might be happening there.

Some force overturned the rules of physics, sucked out all the liquids in the living body, and turned the carrier originally used for surveillance into a mummy.

Sure enough, a strange-looking fish carcass floated on the sea surface, proving Alger's suspicion.

He somewhat regretted his decision in this week's tarot meeting.

Sorry for being late today.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 17 The Bare Captain

Chapter 207 The Bare Captain

A thick layer of white mist filled the sea, as if shrouded in gauze.

On the boat, Bernadette stood up from her seat when she saw the "Eye of Peeping Secrets" whose contact was suddenly cut off and her vision was only blank.

But before she could do anything, the other "eye" used for surveillance disappeared at the same time.

She was hiding in the sea, and the spirit servant attached to the fish familiar was dead!

The crisis was caught off guard, but Bernadette didn't panic too much. Her excitement outweighed her fear.

This proved that her guess was right...it was indeed Trunsoest who had been fighting with the Augustus family and preventing the birth of the new "Black Emperor".

"Is it a warning, or..." Bernadette looked at the sea that began to surge in the distance, and unconsciously touched the horn slung around her waist.

There is the medium she usually uses to summon sealed objects.

The cold penetrated the wooden boards. As the temperature inside the captain's room dropped, the mist on the sea in the distance began to rise, gently embracing the sea breeze. The unusually separated water droplets danced in the air, like elves in a fantasyland showing their graceful dance. .

The freezing cold has frozen the heavy fog, and the water droplets have frozen into crystals. The already blurry sea surface has become more and more clear, and the connection between the sea and the sky seems to have disappeared.

The magic of fairy tales spread out with the captain's cabin as the midpoint. Bernadette did not stop moving immediately. Her ship sailed slowly through the thick fog, and the movement appeared in the diffuse sea fog.

Against the background of this thick fog, the sea surface became mysterious and strange. The "Blue Avenger" she was monitoring should have been far away beyond the limit of vision, but now, Bernadette clearly heard the sound of the ship's side nearby. Swinging sound.

The hull passed through a thick fog from time to time, and the waves rolled under the hull, making a low and deep sound. The only thing visible in the field of vision were a few faint rays of light, hazy like the guiding lights lit by Poseidon.

Only then did Bernadette lower her palm and let a soft veil wrap around the boat, stopping and avoiding the influence of the cold fog.

Something is obviously wrong.

More than one demigod came... or did he bring a special sealed item?

With years of knowledge and experience, Bernadette identified that the sudden increase in fog on the sea at this time was a change in the "divineer's" high-sequence extension ability.

But there were more signs that the fog that filled most of the sea was just a deception. What really gave her a sense of urgency was the sudden approach, crossing an unknown distance and breaking through the normal speed limit of the "Blue Avenger" "Number.

She had seen this technique on Nast's ship and on the "Black Throne". It was the distortion of distance by the "Crazy Mage".

Bernadette suddenly realized that she was probably facing an "ancient scholar"!

If the entanglement continues, the "Emperor's New Clothes" maintained on the surface of the ship, although it can avoid the threats lurking everywhere, will disappear as her spirituality is exhausted.

Instead "scholars of antiquity" have at their disposal the means by which they can borrow power from history.

They can summon their past selves to temporarily return to their best condition, or they can summon other demigods and even angels to serve as personal assistance. Although it only lasts for fifteen minutes and will feedback a huge burden, the angels who come consciously will also be reduced accordingly. Even if Bernadette uses a level 0 sealed object, it will be difficult to compete with her.

Unfortunately, the saints of Trunsoest are most in need of familiar angels... Bernadette suddenly took the initiative to open a corner of the mysterious reappearance magic, allowing the ship that was originally disconnected from the outside world to appear in space. A hint of connection.

Immediately afterwards, Bernadette kept her palm on the horn and slowly retreated, until she reached the farthest distance from the gap she opened.


Tristan's slightly surprised nasal voice attracted the sidelong glances of Evelin and Alger.

His gaze transcended the limitations of space and landed on the boat, which was mostly covered by a transparent barrier, with only a small area showing the true color. A slight smile appeared on his lips.

"She compromised."

Without explaining the meaning of this sentence, Tristan turned his head and asked Alger.

"What do you want to do next?"

What do I want to do... Alger was stunned for a moment before he realized that the strange demigod in front of him was actually adopting his own opinion.

He was a little scared, but also a little happy and grateful.

"Sir, may I know who has been following me these past few days, hoping to discover the secret Mr. Fool cares about?"

"Bernadette Gustave."

Tristan saw through the little thoughts of the "Wind Blessed One" in front of him, but he didn't expose it.

It's the "Queen of Mystery"!

After hearing this answer, Alger suddenly had the idea that this was indeed the case.

Is it because of the "Black Emperor"? he thought.

Apart from Bernadette coming here for the "Black Emperor", he couldn't think of any other possibility.

In the past month or so, the topic surrounding the "Black Emperor" has been the focus of the Tarot Society. Mr. Fool has also been sending his followers to follow up on the private plans of the Augustus who are suspected of seeking the throne of the "Black Emperor" .

There is also the diary of Emperor Russell, which Mr. Fool has been collecting.

"The World" guessed right. I was too conspicuous by selling him the characteristics and formula of the "Arbiter" path at the pirate conference... His thoughts flew by, and Alger felt that his judgment was becoming more and more difficult and he was hesitant.

His sequence is too low, his status is too low, and he lacks too many key details to support.

Besides, when Lord Tristan asked for my opinion, he might just be testing my ability to figure out the situation, and not really trying to act according to my likes and dislikes...

After bowing, Alger handed back the heavy decision-making power in his hand.

"Sir, I have just converted to the Lord's faith, and I hope you will guide me in making my choice."

Seeing Alger's humble appearance, Tristan only felt a little strange.

He said "ha", half honest and half self-mocking.

"You don't understand Bernadette, and are you afraid that your suggestions will cause big trouble?"

"This is not a problem."

"I just woke up from a deep sleep. Well, I have been sleeping for three hundred years. I understand the current world even less than you do. A young child like Bernadette Gustave, I even told her a minute ago There's no concrete concept."

"On certain issues at the moment, you should be more confident. You are more authoritative than me..."

Tristan took Alger's shoulders and lifted him upright.


Feeling the undeniable attitude from the demigod, Alger continued to take deep breaths, his chest rising and falling violently.

He neither dared to delay time and bore Tristan, nor did he dare to make a decision rashly, lest he unknowingly destroy the future that Mr. Fool expected to see, and could only speed up the speed of summoning Qi and calming down. , repeated the cycle several times before finally calming down.

"Your Mightiness..."

Alger mustered up the courage, straightened his back, raised his head, and looked straight into Tristan's interrogating gaze.

"The 'Queen of Mysteries' is following me to investigate some matters related to her father. It is not to be hostile to the Lord or Mr. Fool's beliefs. I think as long as this misunderstanding is solved, the conflict can be completely avoided."

"In other words, you think settling the matter is the best option?"

Tristan nodded, seeming to agree with Alger's idea.

He had just woken up from a deep sleep and was out of touch with the times. As he said himself, he had zero understanding of juniors like Bernadette and everything that happened in the steam era and beyond. It was easy for him to make errors in judgment due to lack of information. , causing unnecessary conflicts.

But... Friedrich doesn't really want me to let go of the child he cares for...

Thinking of this, Tristan felt a little moved again.

He heard that the child carried multiple level 0 sealed objects, one of which was 0-05 that had been collected by "Night King" Trunsoest in the past. It was an item corresponding to the "Miracle Master".

Although the "Last Feast" collected by the church can also be restored to its pure characteristics, and is probably still hiding in the land abandoned by the gods, the "God of Wishes" Cotal, who once pretended to surrender and then decisively betrayed him during the Cataclysm, can also be regarded as Hunting target.

But the former requires sufficient merit, and the latter, a true mythical creature, is more difficult to deal with than a demigod like Bernadette...

Forget it, just watch it first... Tristan suddenly gave up thinking.

He took the initiative to dispel the fog, and Evelin on the side also acted at the same time, distorting the position of the "Blue Avenger", making the ghost ship instantly travel several nautical miles through the fog like a real ghost.

It is no secret that Bernadette carries treasures, but the fact that she has been able to hold those sealed artifacts safely for so many years is not all due to the ability of the sealed artifacts. There must be a deeper reason.

There is a famous proverb in the Fourth Age.

"Don't believe in coincidence and luck. Everything that seems accidental is actually an inevitable result."

Tristan's wrist was buried deep in the sea of ​​fog, suddenly sank, and he pulled heavily.

The strange thing is that nothing appeared out of thin air where he dragged his palm, as if what he did just now was just his random activity.

"What was your original sailing plan?"

Suspended by invisible silk threads, the sailors suspended in mid-air landed neatly, and moved at the same time as the invisible spirit servants, rushing to their respective posts. Some pulled the sail, and some held the rudder tightly, driving the "Blue Avenger" to turn. travel.

"Recently, the church...the Church of Storms has not given me any specific tasks. I only need to return to the Church of Storms' port in Bayam every month to report on my work."

Alger answered truthfully.

What he didn't expect was that his words, which contained almost no important information, actually aroused Tristan's alarm.


The blond-haired, blue-eyed demigod looked a little stunned, and Evelin, who was in sync with his mood, also made contemplative movements.

But soon, he got rid of the excess emotions and returned to the state of concealing emotions.

His sight that could penetrate obstacles swept across the cabin and patted Alger on the shoulder.

"I don't have anywhere to go for the time being. I'll stay on your boat for a while. But don't worry about it. You can continue to act as your captain and everything will be as usual."

"Set sail, Mr. Captain."

The figure slowly condensed, and starlight covered his body, making the long black trench coat shine.

The young gentleman with blond hair and blue eyes looked around at the interior of the cabin. He was essentially a projection of history and was not afraid of "death" at all. With a gentle expression, he sat on the only free chair in the room.

That was originally Bernadette's seat.

"Come on, let's talk."

Queens, in Earl Hall's luxurious villa.

Audrey continued to study psychology.

Recently, she cannot go out to attend occult gatherings and afternoon teas organized by friends. She can only study psychology in her room in preparation for trying to be promoted to a "psychiatrist".

Fortunately, the chaos of the outside world has obviously stimulated some extraordinary people who had actively hidden themselves in the past. For example, the day before yesterday, she discovered that the psychology teacher her father had found for her might be the same "audience" as her.

A member of the so-called psychological alchemy society?

Next to her feet, Susie, a big golden retriever dog, squatted there with bright eyes. She would wag her tail from time to time and seemed to be enjoying herself very much.

The psychiatrist Esilante finished the introductory part and mentioned casually:

"Actually, there is such a theory.

"It believes that human beings will inherit a certain consciousness from their ancestors and from past generations, thereby forming the underlying logic of their own behavior patterns. For example, although many people have never seen a poisonous snake, they will instinctively feel it as soon as they encounter it. Afraid, wanting to avoid.

"Why is this? This is the feeling that we inherited from our ancestors and is hidden in the deepest part of our consciousness. In ancient times, people continued to fight against poisonous snakes and various ferocious animals, and gradually this memory was engraved in their consciousness. Here, it's been inherited."

"How is it inherited?" Audrey asked with interest.

Isilant, whose hair reaches her waist, smiled and said:

"That's a very good question.

"Some people's explanation is that everyone's consciousness is actually connected and integrated at the lowest level, and the traces and characteristics left here will affect their own consciousness upwards.

"For example, the lowest level of consciousness is like an infinite sea. UU Reading www.uuknsst.nettThe unique consciousness of each of us is the islands in the sea. It can be divided into two parts, hidden under the water. , more and greater subconscious, revealed on the sea surface, the surface consciousness that can be noticed at ordinary times.

"That's part of the theoretical foundation of this school of psychology."

Audrey glanced at Susie, touched the golden hair on its neck and said:

"So, we can use the interconnected sea to influence the consciousness of others and achieve the purpose of treating certain mental illnesses?"

"You are really talented in this area!" Isilante praised in surprise...

With appropriate questions and echoes, she quickly captured Esilante's most basic affection.

But until the end of the agreed time of the course, Isilante, who was already quite satisfied with Audrey, did not put forward any further temptations. Instead, he said goodbye and left after saluting.

It has been three days and they still have no intention of letting me join the club...

While Audrey was thinking, a figure that was familiar in her memory but had become much blurred was slowly approaching the door of her room with gentle steps.


With Susie's surprised bark, Audrey suddenly woke up from her deep thoughts.

She turned to look at the door, and there was a young man in a black trench coat. He was twenty-three or four years old, with bright blond hair and blue eyes like lakes. He was quite good-looking and had a long life.


After not seeing each other for several years, her brother finally came back.

I'm so hungry. I really can't just eat vegetarian food. I'll starve to death...

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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