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69.11% LOTM ?? / Chapter 47: chapter 42

Chương 47: chapter 42

Chapter 88: Zarath can only be wronged

Chapter 178: Zarath can only be wronged

Prince Edsac's butler took off his hat, put it on his chest, and bowed to the room in the most standard manner.

He showed Carlson a special document bearing the royal coat of arms.

"Deacon Carlson, my master is willing to testify for Detective Sherlock Moriarty."

"He was commissioned by us to investigate Jack Darby. He is an extraordinary person hired by the royal family."

Royal family!

After reading that special document carefully twice, Carlson still could not understand and accept this sudden change.

"Sir, your master, I mean, I have not received any similar notification, I..."

His eyes moved between Klein and the housekeeper, looking quite embarrassed.

It is not too easy for the royal family to find a wild Extraordinary who has not been specifically accused and has no illegal record in the past, not to mention that the representatives of the royal family have now produced evidence to prove that Sherlock Moriarty is employed by the royal family.

This proof is undoubtedly true, but it is also this proof that suddenly changes the character of Sherlock Moriarty, who is currently in prison.

After all, the God of Steam and Machinery is an imported faith, and its main power is distributed in Intis. Although Yurun enjoys missionary rights and a series of rights due to the Orthodox Church, his political status is naturally lower than that of the Church of Storm, the Church of Night, and the royal family. On the one hand, this is the tacit understanding of the entire society.

The secret cult's terrorist attack in Loen some time ago has offended the royal family. The church has been implicated by them and is already under great pressure.

At this sensitive time, if the captain and the others really caught a royal attendant by mistake, they would be in big trouble... Carlson wanted to throw the hot potato behind him on the spot, but the responsibilities of the "Machine Heart" forced him to He had to stand his ground.

"Sir, of course you can release Mr. Moriarty on bail, but before that, I would like to ask if you could give me a few minutes and ask Mr. Moriarty to cooperate with us in explaining why he 'visited' Jack Darby today. The whole story, like what he was looking for when he sneaked into Jack Darby's house."

After speaking, Carlson lowered his posture very low, almost pleading.

Unfortunately, his concession was not forgiven by the housekeeper.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Deacon."

"The investigation of Jack Darby involves my master's personal privacy issues. I have no right to make decisions for my master. I can only give you a specific answer after my master meets Detective Moriarty."

Then you won't be able to ask anything!

Just as Carlson was hesitating and preparing to make a final effort, the messy brown hair of Ikanser, the leader of the "Heart of Machinery" team, emerged from the crack in the door.

"Mr. Finkel, my team members were not notified in advance. We were negligent."

"You know the recent special situation. Not only us, but everyone everywhere is a little too nervous. It is inevitable that mistakes will occur."

Ikanse looked exhausted, looking like he hadn't had a good rest for at least a few days.

Seeing that Prince Edsac's butler Fingel nodded slightly and did not pursue the obstruction just now, Ikanser turned to look at his subordinates.

"Carlson, remove Detective Moriarty's handcuffs. He is free."

But, but... Carlson faced everything that suddenly happened in front of him in confusion and looked around blankly.


Ikanser repeated the order again, his bloodshot eyes conveying unquestionable determination.

"I see."

With a click, the silver handcuffs popped open the lock, and almost immediately, Klein felt the joy of spiritual flow again.

He was not overjoyed, but instead had a heavy look on his face. He sincerely bowed to the two members of the "Mechanical Heart" before leaving with Finkel, Prince Edsac's butler.

As a former "Nighthawk" who once had a similar position and identity to Carlson, he can actually understand the helplessness and dejection displayed by this young "Machine Heart".

I really can't imagine what we would have encountered if "Witch" Sharon had used her connections to exert pressure with the power of the Royal Government in Tingen.

People were coming and going in Silveras Field, and there were official members wearing police uniforms or church uniforms everywhere. All kinds of sounds were mixed together, and it was a head-spinning mess.

Klein cleared his throat, followed a few steps quickly, approached Butler Finkel, and asked curiously:

"Sir, why did His Highness summon me?"

There is still some time before the scheduled investigation report.

The meticulously dressed housekeeper kept his eyes straight and maintained the most standard pace.

"Something happened."

Changes...I am being recalled now. Is Prince Edsac finally unable to withstand the pressure and is ready to give up on finding the real culprit who killed Talim? Or is it that those who are against him are finally unable to sit still and are ready to make it more difficult for the prince? ?

It can't be that the Witch Cult and MI9 discovered my true identity, right?

Klein was immediately alert, but quickly denied the speculation.

No, it shouldn't be, no reason.

If they discover my true identity, I mean that I have a close relationship with the Aurora Society, there is no need to send Prince Edsac's butler to take me out of Silveras Field.

Now is a sensitive moment. The three major churches will not let any suspected wild extraordinary person go out. The "Mechanical Heart" searches me and finds out that there are problems with me. It is only a matter of time before they take action and leave traces on their own, pretending not to know. Because of my love, wouldn't it be safer to just go with the flow and let the church erase me?

Unless they confirm that I am not an ordinary Trunsoest spy and discover my connection with the "Secret"...

The divine vessel I saw in my last divination, which was suspected to be the "Original Witch", was exposed at that time?

The answer was about to come out, and Klein subconsciously stopped.

"What's wrong?"

After taking a few steps forward, Finkel turned to look back when he noticed that Sherlock Moriarty was not following him.

"It's nothing." Thanks to the help of the "Joker" ability, Klein did not expose his mistakes easily. "Even though I have been a detective for so long, I have never been to the police station. This is the first time I visit Silveras Field."

He glanced casually and saw an acquaintance, and hurriedly said:

"And I saw an acquaintance, Ms. Armand Stone, the only surviving victim of the Ripper."

In another temporary room separated by a glass curtain wall, Arman Stone's eyes were red from crying. She was arguing with the "punisher" responsible for interrogating her, crying to prove that she had lost her memory of the past few days. I have never seen any Rippers, and I have never participated in cult activities.

Finkel didn't comment on Klein's cold humor. He glanced at him quite indifferently and turned his head.

"His Royal Highness is still waiting for us."

The fooling over... Klein breathed a sigh of relief.

He continued to move forward and couldn't help but glance in the direction of Aman Stone.

After relieving his emotions, he gave up a lot of speculation that the "original witch" had discovered his true identity.

There is nothing wrong with Arman Stone, which he has personally confirmed, but since this lady has appeared at Silveras Field now, it means that today, maybe this morning, something bad happened in Backlund. And still associated with the Ripper.

The official extraordinary person's nerves were stretched to an unimaginable degree by repeated provocations. In a hurry, he even turned his attention back to the suspects that had been eliminated, eager to find useful clues. This was the accident that the prince said.

Moreover, in reality, I have directly communicated with the Eternal Sun with the help of the power of 3-0782, and it is shielded by gray fog. There is no reason for the "Original Witch" to find me. She does not seem to be as powerful as the Eternal Sun.

The gold coins were thrown up and down, and the divination proved that Klein's reasoning was correct.

However, we do not rule out the possibility of being guided by high-level forces and fishing in troubled waters. As soon as I get in the car, I still have to tell Zaratul, otherwise if something happens, I will definitely not be able to run away...

The gate of Silveras Field was getting closer and closer. Klein put away the coins and was about to follow Butler Finkel to the carriage, but his footsteps stopped again.

Fortunately, Butler Fingel was explaining to the coachman this time and did not notice his movements.

The tall detective with light eyes coughed lightly, said nothing, and hurriedly got into the carriage.

"Old man, that was the royal family's 'Sword of Judgment' just now. Is it your old friend?"

Watching the black carriage quickly disappear at the end of the road, Leonard Mitchell tilted his head slightly and spoke in a lowered voice.

"It's the 'Sword of Judgment', but not my old friend." The cohabitant whose age is incalculable said calmly, "I am not familiar with William Augustus."

"In the Fourth Age, Augustus and Castile were just speculators who came forward after the break between Tudor and Trunsoest."

Speculator... His education has kept Leonard from commenting on the royal family's past.

He was still thinking about what the Aurora Society's envoy said before he disappeared.

There is no doubt that Klein Moretti is an apostate.

Although we don't know when he came into contact with the Aurora Society, the reality is that this poor college student who seemed innocent and pure and was forced to get involved in the extraordinary world had other aspirations when he first joined the "Nighthawks". the goal of.

"Old man."

The cohabitant didn't respond, Leonard just talked to himself.

"Tell me, why is it that Klein, a believer in the True Creator, ended up using the power of the 'sun' to kill Megoos and the children of the evil god in her body."

"The thing in Megoose's belly, including the ritual that happened to her, were all planned by the Aurora Society. Why did Klein help us kill her?"

"Wouldn't it be more beneficial to them to wait for the evil god's divinity to be complete?"

When it came to dangerous topics, no matter how lazy Leonard was on weekdays, he did not forget to avoid the flow of people coming and going at the entrance of the police station. He found an excuse and ran to the corner.

"How do I know what he is thinking?" the old voice replied habitually, and then explained, "Use your brain, the 'thief' named Lanerwus hasn't been dead for long, right?"

"You should have heard me say that the targets of 'thieves' are not just concrete items. At high levels, abstract things can also become the targets of 'thieves'."

"Aurora will hunt down Lanerwus, maybe because he targets the true creator and wants to steal divinity."

Listening to the amazed tone of his cohabitant, Leonard subconsciously retorted.

"But Lanerwus only has sequence nine."

"Oh, sequence and ability are sometimes not directly equivalent." I don't know what he thought of, but the old voice in Leonard's mind sighed, "Luck and opportunity are also very important."

What the old man meant was that Lanerwus had other people to help him complete the ceremony... Leonard muttered, shook his head, and said:

"Then what happened when Klein triggered 3-0782 and received a high-sequence power response from the 'Sun' pathway?"

"I remember that the path corresponding to the true Creator is the 'Secret Prayer'."

"'Secret Prayer'?"

The old voice let out a laugh, and his tone suddenly became weird, and the attitude in his words was hard to figure out.

"Who said that the true Creator only corresponds to the 'Secret Prayer', and the 'Sun' must only belong to the current Sun God."

"Who is it now?"

Is it possible that in the past Fourth Age, the authority of the "sun" was not held by the Eternal Blazing Sun?

No, the Church of the Eternal Sun, like the Lord of Storms and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, are the earliest gods to appear in records. After that, there are only legendary ancient gods, such as Ormir...

"Have you forgotten from whom the Eternal Blazing Sun claimed that he inherited authority?"

Suddenly, an old voice interrupted Leonard's guessing and almost pointed out the direction clearly.

This is common sense that every child knows. The Creator created the world and then fell. The Eternal Sun and other gods protected mankind from the cleansing of the cataclysm.

The true Creator does not only correspond to the "secret prayer"...the Creator...

The fall of the Creator, the Cataclysm, was actually a rebellion?

"Goddess..." Leonard was stunned.

A variety of expensive wines are placed in the luxurious carriage. Crystal-polished cups and mahogany wine cabinets are displayed on the right side of the carriage, occupying one side of the brown carpet.

Even though it was the second time he rode in Prince Edsac's private carriage, Klein was still shocked by the luxurious layout. UU read www.uukanshu. net

He looked out the window at the wet street falling backwards, and found that it was not the same road he took when he went to Baron Sindras's mansion last time.

Instead of going to Baron Sindras's residence this time, are you going to the prince's private property?

When the carriage completely left the Backlund Bridge area, Klein retracted his gaze from the window and asked as if unintentionally:

"To Queens?"

"No, Queens is not suitable right now. Your Highness would like you to go to Red Rose Manor for an audience on the outskirts of Queens." Butler Finkel did not hide anything.

The royal family's estate... Klein's brows knitted together little by little. Even with the blessing of the "Joker"'s ability, he couldn't stop it.

He might have seen that manor in his dream above the gray mist.

There are magnificent houses, large pastures, vast golf courses, and... the divine vessel of the "Original Witch"!

The "Original Witch" may not have discovered him yet, but what if he took the initiative to bump into the territory of the "Original Witch"?

With almost no hesitation, Klein recited the honorable name of "Angel with Lamp" Zaratul in his mind.

This is the one in the best condition and the most relaxed situation among the angels he is familiar with.

Will Auceptin was not familiar with him, and the last time he met him, he probably meant that he did not want to get involved in the upcoming crisis.

As for Mr. Azik, it is impossible for Klein to harm his teacher.

I can only struggle to find Latu, and I feel wronged and become the "angel with the lantern".

Not a false shot.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 89 Praise the Almighty and Almighty Lord, Holy

Chapter 179 Praise the Almighty and Almighty Lord, Holy

"The Bearer of Miracles and Terrors."

"The dependents of the master of the spiritual world."

"Witnesses to the marks and traces of the fallen empire."

"The great 'Angel of the Lantern' Zaratul..."

The familiar cold fog enveloped the frightened praying people. The carriage driving on the suburban road came into view far away in the clouds, and the glorious shadow carrying twelve pairs of wings shone brightly.

The moment the dream took shape, Zaratul's consciousness took over the projection. He raised the lantern in his hand. The surrounding fog suddenly became thicker and deeper, and boundless gray rolled out.

"what happened?"

He knew that Klein Moretti would not call him casually.

"'Original Witch', I suspect that she discovered my identity." Feeling the cold pain coming from his fingertips, Klein unexpectedly felt relieved.

He briefly described his guesses and a series of recent changes, while carefully paying attention to Zarath's expression in the foggy sea field, speaking neither too fast nor too slowly.

"He didn't see through your identity." Zaratul judged.

Although he said this, the angel's face was not pretty, and his completely white eyebrows and beard were pressed downwards, as if they had merged with the cold fog that was everywhere around him.

Based on the experience accumulated in his long life, Zaratul believed that if "Original Witch" Chick really discovered the subtle connection between Klein Moretti and the Lord, the reaction would probably be much greater than it is now.

The Lord of Disaster and Yin was not a good-tempered one. At the end of the Fourth Age, if Salinger had not been surrounded by six gods and had attracted most of the firepower, he would have been the one who died at the hands of the Creator and Lord.

Unlike his grandfather, he did not have the honor of meeting the true form of the Lord, and had only served another great being. Even though he was crazy, he thought he still understood part of the thoughts of the Creator who was hiding under Aarons.

For example, among all the true gods currently, except for the hateful traitors, the ones least likely to be accepted by the Creator are Chike and the two who are tortured by the "Mother Tree of Desire". The "Hidden Sage" can consider wooing them.

After all, the kingdom of heaven will come to the earth again one day, and then the "Father of All Living Things" will also need a new secretary. It is difficult for the current His Majesty the Pope and the "Red of War" commander to fulfill their responsibilities.

His thoughts were a little divergent. This was not Zaratul's style. He couldn't tell who was the real driver of the abnormality, fear, nervousness and excitement at this moment.

Maybe both? The "Angel with a Lantern" smiled with difficulty, and gave an incomprehensible instruction to Klein.

"Keep the status quo, don't try to escape, and don't act rashly. I will notify you to leave at the appropriate time."

His dark and pure black eyes reflected the spreading astonishment of the "faceless man", and there was no wave in the ancient well.

"You, you mean, let me walk in front of the 'Original Witch'?"

Klein shook his head in confusion and stepped back.

"I have reported to you before that there is a divine vessel of the 'Original Witch' lurking around Prince Edsac, and I was discovered by it while I was doing divination."

"With the Lord's protection, He cannot determine the source of the prying." Zaratul said calmly, with an affirmative tone that left no room for doubt.

But "Secret" didn't protect me. It couldn't affect reality. It was just an empty frame. Even above the gray fog, it couldn't do anything to me... Klein wanted to explain, but he couldn't reveal his biggest secret. He was in a dilemma. Opened his mouth.

He couldn't say anything to refute or refuse.

A few days ago, Will Auceptin had reminded him that this was destiny.

Indeed, compared with the "original witch", Gostars is not even as good as an ant... Klein smiled self-deprecatingly, the curvature of the corners of his mouth was a bit exaggerated.

"I see."

On the field, the angel who received the answer nodded slowly. The lantern in his hand gave off extra light, beating like lightning, subverting the dream.

Fate... The bumps of the carriage became real again. Klein, who was pretending to be asleep in the carriage, opened his eyes. He first looked at the old butler who was sitting across from him with his mechanical eyes staring straight ahead, and then he looked out the window.

The scenery passing by the carriage was no longer the gloomy one he was familiar with. There was no pungent smell of sulfur here, and there was no permanent haze. The air was much better, and the outline of the sun could be vaguely seen in the sky through the clouds. Everywhere was green. one slice.

In Backlund after winter, it is a very difficult luxury to retain a little bit of summer, and it is indeed worthy of being a private manor owned by the royal family.

"Are we almost here?" Klein asked casually.

"We have entered the manor, Mr. Moriarty, while you are resting." The butler Finkel, who was sitting on the cushioned armchair, came to life instantly.

He pointed with the palm of his hand at the wide area with hills and water outside the window, and explained patiently.

"There is the gate ahead. Just like last time, you need to be checked at the gate."

Check... Klein was counting the items he could hand over.

A barely used revolver, fifteen rounds of ordinary bullets, the paper mannequin used as a stand-in will definitely not escape inspection, only one or two can be saved, and the matches...

The extraordinary ammunition obtained from the "Artisan" is stored above the gray mist. The "Creeping Hunger" and "Yellow and Black Eyes" have their own special features and will not be discovered. The "Poisonous Wine Brooch" was lent to Miss Sharon. No chance to get it back yet.

Generally speaking, those handed over are those that will not have much impact.

As long as Mr. Azik's copper whistle and Will Asceptin's paper crane are not taken away, even if the "original witch"'s divine vessel attacks me, I can barely struggle.

The carriage came to a slow stop. Klein followed Butler Finkel's steps and was inspected by the soldiers at the gate of the manor. He actively cooperated and handed over the less important weapons.

Similar inspections were conducted three times in total. Only after it was completely confirmed that there were no guns or ammunition on Klein's possession was he allowed to follow the butler further.

The grand and symmetrical main house is quiet and different from what Klein imagined. It does not look like a prince's long-term residence, but more like an idle palace.

"Quiet," he said, looking into Finkel's face.

Passing by the golf course and horse farm, Finkel nodded and paused for a few seconds on the unsupervised horses, as if he didn't notice anything unusual.

"His Royal Highness does not like noisy environments."

He looked around and finally got his bearings, arms forward toward the main house.

"Your Highness is enjoying afternoon tea, please come with me."

The main room was even quieter, even a little unnaturally quiet, almost dead silent.

The servants who maintained the mansion were like sculptures, standing still in the shadowed dark places and corners. They watched Klein and the housekeeper move around, only their eyeballs following them, and their bodies showing no signs.

Seeing this scene, Klein, who was already nervous, could no longer pretend to be ignorant.

He did not choose the "yellow and black eyes" that might allow him to see things he shouldn't see, alert him to danger in advance, and bring disaster. Instead, he turned on his spiritual vision and only observed the space close to the ground, lingering on the servants around him.

As his spiritual vision turned on, the colors of the surrounding world became imbalanced, revealing twisted blood and rust. Klein could clearly see that all the stationary servants were sinking into densely packed transparent threads.

Even though it was his first time seeing it, he still guessed that it was a thread made by a witch based on its transparent and colorless appearance.

It's too exaggerated... His fingertips pierced the skin on his palms, and Klein became increasingly certain that the "Original Witch"'s divine vessel had torn off its disguise and was waiting for him to come to his door.

With just a cursory glance, he could see that the entire mansion was completely shrouded in silk threads, like a miniature model sinking into the center of a spider web.

The witch's tentacles threaded and intrigued in the beautifully designed building structure, locking most of the area, leaving only a path leading upstairs. And with every step Klein took, more threads swam and interacted. Interspersed with each other to block his retreat.

The butler Finkel, who was leading the way, gradually lost his agility and moved like a puppet, moving slower and slower.

Good news, now I only have to face one enemy. Bad news, my enemy is another divine vessel... Klein joked with a wry smile to cover up the anger and panic in his eyes. He held the pen in his pocket and started writing. Writing quickly on the white paper.

He no longer concealed the fact that he had been alert for a long time, and started making small moves openly.

Based on his experience with these mythical creatures, Klein believes that his adventure is completely feasible, because a superior divine being will not care about the struggle of an ant.

After confirming the path given by the silk thread, Klein simply passed the slow Finkel, took two steps at a time, quickly crossed the stairs leading to the second floor, and came to a bright floor-to-ceiling window. It was Edessa. The place where Prince Ke usually enjoys afternoon tea.

The two-person-high glass is spotless, and the bright sunlight is dispersed in the air through refraction, creating a veil-like light curtain.

In the heartwarming scene, the girl with the same round face as Prince Edsac had a calm smile, and her slender eyes were completely separated from the curvature of the corners of her mouth, showing obvious despair, grief, and a weak prayer after seeing Klein.

She just "laughed" and interacted with Prince Edsac, who kept his last expression, singing a one-man show that would not get a response, like a little girl's play house, calling out non-existent emotions intimately.


Klein's mind almost went blank. He looked at the strange scene in front of him and could only think of this only adjective.

Finally, the "little girl's" tea party ended. The girl with a bright smile and despairing eyes reluctantly removed her hand from Edsac's face and looked at Klein.

"What a nice boy, isn't he?"

It was only then that Klein's thoughts returned to normal and he remembered the name of the person in front of him.

He has seen this girl before.

"Triss...are you...Triss?" "The Faceless Man" tried hard to secrete a little saliva so that he could pronounce it normally.

"It's Trischik, my dear." The girl tapped her chin sweetly, "It's been a long time, why bother pretending to be so cool?"

My dear... He was talking to "Secret"... His spiritual intuition kept screaming, and tiny bumps appeared one after another on his skin. Klein denied it despite the numbness of his scalp:

"I am not Him."


The girl's smile deepened, and her slender eyes, which were filled with despair and pain, slowly shed tears.

With two completely different expressions on her face, she looked at Klein's side and shook her head sarcastically.

"As expected of the 'God of Thousand Faces', do you still have to pretend when you are in front of me?"

"Don't you think it's ridiculous that you brought your attendants to the meeting but denied your identity?"

She ignored the tears flowing down her cheeks and became more and more uncontrollable. She gently raised her finger. In the blank space she pointed out immediately, an old man wearing a black robe with white beard and hair was forced to reveal his figure. Clutching the lantern in his hand, he looked almost as nervous as Klein.

"He is different from his grandfather. The old Stella is loyal, but the little Friedrich is a complete careerist."

"If you are not the master of the spiritual world that I am familiar with, it is difficult for me to imagine how you, with only such little power, can conquer him to serve you."

Seeing Zaratul being forced to appear, Klein struggled to mobilize his already stiff body, reluctantly took a step back, and looked at him with uneasiness.

The performance of the "Original Witch" shattered Zaratul's judgment on the road to pieces. I don't know how the great "Angel with a Lamp" will respond next... Klein thought as he gave up on himself.

"A fool who does not belong to this era."

"More distant than far away..."

The rhythmic prayers were low and steady. Zaratul raised the lantern in his hand and bowed gently in the direction of the girl.

"Your Majesty Chike, please forgive me for being so reckless during my first visit."

"The Lord's favored one is young, so I failed to explain to him the etiquette that should be followed when meeting the gods. I am negligent. Please don't blame me."

The hazy orange-red light gradually brightened, and Zaratul's respect became more sincere. The girl who saw tears covering her cheeks couldn't help but put away her smile.

She narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"Oh, little Friedrich, what do you mean, I should punish you?"

Standing upright again, standing in front of Klein, Friedrich Zaratul took a step forward and stretched his palm into the void.

"No, Your Majesty, I advise you to think again."

"I am a slave of the Lord, a waiter guarding the ceremonial guard in front of the Creator's throne. If you were to admonish me..."

The sudden burst of lantern blocked the attack from Chik. Under the shaky barrier, Zaratul's hand grabbing the air suddenly dragged, and his vague and vicissitudes of voice remained as calm as ever.

"It would be too arrogant and disrespectful for a god in the sewer to try to usurp the authority of the Lord of the Star and Spirit Worlds."

The explosion was deafening.

"It's disgusting for you to talk to a psychopathic bastard!"

An obviously excited voice came along with the boundless fire. The luxurious decoration of the Red Rose Mansion, which was built at an unknown cost, turned into rotten charcoal and cracked stone in a short time. The entire floor glowed hot red, and everyone except Edsac was covered in spider silk. The creatures under his control, regardless of their status and level, were all turned into ashes at the same moment very fairly.

The red fire lit up, illuminating most of the dark house like daylight. A tall, handsome and unruly red-haired man strode forward holding a long sword.

He sneered and faced Chik, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net took the time to glance at the already confused Klein, and strangely did not lift the sword to strike at him immediately, but stopped where he was, just like Zaratul. , knelt down and saluted the newly appeared figure.

The man with dark eyes and uneven cheeks and the man covered in white robes knelt on one knee on one side of the hem of a gorgeous robe. The complicated accessories and deep purple crystals jingled under the influence of the wind. Following the silver thread and the mysterious symbols engraved on the surface of the black robe, a middle-aged man with jet-black wings, shoulder-length curly hair of the same color as the wings, and a somewhat tired face appeared inch by inch.

Indescribable madness was brewing in His eyes, which were as deep as the waves rising and falling. It was not until the last figure broke away from history that his eyes briefly flashed the light of intelligence, freeing him from the torment of depravity.

The former deputy king of heaven and now the temporary carrier of the true creator, "Dark Angel" Sasriel sighed tiredly and looked at the "original witch" who was almost completely exposed in front of him, as if she was nothing.


Privately, the old Zarathustra is called Stella Zarathustra, which is the second half of Zarathustra. The younger Zarathustra is Friedrich Zarathustra, taken from "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" " by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

When Xiao Hong's projection was pulled out, Xiao Ke was sent away, and the luxurious lineup that appeared later were also historical projections.

This should be considered a big one. It officially opens the end of the second volume. Although the historical projection cannot do anything to Chick, it just disgusts and scares him.

There is one more thing about Triss' plot, which will be updated from Xiaoke's perspective tomorrow.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 90 Death

Chapter 180 Death


A hundred miles away from Backlund underground, the "Black Saint" lingering in a certain mausoleum was as still as a statue, and her words could not hide the astonishment.

He instinctively looked in the direction of Queens, his confusion and surprise becoming more and more intense.

With unbearable curses and painful and shrill screams, the "Black Saint" could not equate the unpleasant sounds in her head with the "mother" of all the witches on the throne.

He covered his ears, with blood streaming from his eyes, trying to understand the will that the gods wanted to convey.

Kill...Despair...Destroy...son of a bitch Friedrich Zaratul...

The random ravings seemed to be the illogical venting of a mental patient, and the "Black Saint" could not find any useful information that normal people could understand.

I said!

Suddenly, a male voice suddenly exploded in the mind of the "Black Saint". In the abnormal silence, a beautiful and enchanting face occupied his retinas. The charming face was twisted and torn apart, and he shouted hysterically. The command.

Kill them all!

Let Augustus be buried with his worms!

Dismember the true Creator's followers and take back what belongs to me!

Let Medici and Zaratul die, take the characteristics of "Conqueror" and come back to see me!

Everything around him seemed to be in bubbles, with rich colors, overlapping and adding up, quickly regressing, turning into a completely blurry band of light at high speed.

The miracle of the arrival of the myth was still in front of him. As soon as Klein came back to his senses, he felt his stomach trembling. Acid water kept flowing up his intestines and might be spit out from his mouth at any time.

The chaotic feeling of traveling through the spirit world and Tianyuan's inversion is not unfamiliar to him, but compared to the previous times, this time the speed is faster and the intensity is greater. It seems that it is not only sending him into the spirit world, but also interacting with reality. A channel was opened directly in the corresponding illusory space and sent directly to the destination.

Here, time and space, everything has lost its most basic shape and is no longer meaningful. In the long and fleeting passage journey, the only concrete thing left is the very far starting point, facing Klein, The back is full of tired men.

There was no hard fight as imagined. On the ruins of the Red Rose Mansion, the battle situation was almost overwhelmingly in favor of one side. The "original witch" Chick, who had been arrogant just now, was now being defeated by the red-haired angel and two men, one black and one white. The mythical creatures with their own characteristics joined forces and pushed into the ground. The master of disputes and turmoil laughed ferociously. The handle of the flaming sword stabbed down and nailed countless snake heads exposed to the surface of the earth.

As tall as a giant, the man in luxurious clothes stood quietly on the edge of the pit, with shadows hanging from the sky, shielding him from the harassment that occasionally escaped the encirclement and suppression, and made light of it.

No matter how slow he was, Klein guessed it.

True Creator, is this the true image of the True Creator?

No wonder Zaratul was confident that I would face the "Original Witch" head-on. He had actually prayed for the true Creator's attention long ago in order to destroy the "Original Witch"'s divine vessel and suppress the power of the hostile gods!

Judging from the appearance alone, the True Creator is not as evil and crazy as the church promotes. Well, it is not like what the Lord of Storms and Eternal Sun believers say. Madness and ignorance symbolize chaos, depravity and disorder. On the contrary, from the demeanor According to the evaluation above, He is more like an ordinary person who is tired and weak after working hard. Except for the scary performance of authority, the rest is completely different from the slander His church claims from the rebels in the Northern Continent...

Klein failed to figure out the barrier that left this impression on him. In the confusion caused by the teleportation, he felt an unbearable pain. Before he could react, he was thrown out of the passage by a huge force. .

The regression of colors stopped abruptly. In reality, the trees were withered and the grass was overgrown. He recognized that this was the mountains outside the Red Rose Manor. However, compared to the vivid and lush fields when he came, it was now more in line with his impression of the cold winter. It was dead and silent, as if A disaster occurred.

The disease hovers over the suburbs and may strike at any time, bringing death blows to the creatures on the surface.

Klein took a deep breath, not daring to think about why that group of power belonging to the "Original Witch" was moving towards downtown Backlund.

The spiritual warning was still screaming, and the danger was not over yet. He sorted out the dangerous situation he was about to face in the shortest possible time and made a choice.

Without hesitation, Klein touched Will Asceptin's paper crane with one hand, trying to draw luck from it. With the other hand, he pulled out the cold and soft copper whistle and stuffed it into his lips with such force that it even scratched his lips. Lips.


As Klein's cheeks swelled, a silent wave swept around. The inorganic aura of the dead spontaneously confronted the omens of disaster in the air. With the help of the bone messengers appearing in the spirit world, the past neatness was changed. The thin fountain of bones on the ground looked like an old-fashioned television. The picture was stuck, and after several shaky attempts, I managed to stretch out a palm.

The inhabitants of the Dead Country are more sensitive to danger than the dull living creatures.

Klein took out the note he had written when he entered the manor and stuffed it into the trembling skeletal palm on the ground. He was afraid that the messenger would also play tricks to avoid harm and miss the big deal, so he gave a special warning.

"It's very important. Please transfer it to Mr. Azik immediately."

I don't know if the messenger understood Klein's instructions, but the bones protruding from the ground exploded into powder and returned to the underworld at the fastest speed ever.

The angels who appeared in the mansion were not the same as the true Creator, and neither was the "Original Witch". However, with such a big movement, it was probably only a matter of time before the church and the Goddess and Storm Lord in the astral world were alerted. Prince Edsac is dead. It is unlikely that ordinary people will come out alive from the conflict with mythical creatures. A member of the royal family, or a member of the royal family with the highest right of succession, dies. Will the king who seeks the "Black Emperor" be happy? It's not good, but he will definitely take this opportunity to use the prince's death as an excuse to do something that will benefit himself and speed up the preparations for the ceremony to become a god.

Cappin, the pirate captain Barron mentioned in "The Hanged Man", and possibly many gloves that I don't know about provide slaves for royal services. Since they are still collecting slaves through various channels, it shows that the tomb of the "Black Emperor" It's still in the preparation stage, so it's easy to guess what the king will try, which is to eliminate evidence or take advantage of the opportunity to get more slaves... Klein has never felt that his thinking is so clear.

He thought of Zarath who also disappeared before he was sent to the spirit world, and immediately closed his palms and recited a prayer.

"The Bearer of Miracles and Terrors."

"The dependents of the master of the spiritual world."

"Witnesses to the marks and traces of the fallen empire."

"The great 'Angel of the Lantern' Zaratul..."

The familiar cold feeling from the mist touched Klein's scalp, but before the dream could truly take shape, the power from the other end of the prayer crushed the possibility of communication.

The "Angel with a Lamp" rejected Klein's visit and forcefully threw him away from the occult connection.

This has never happened before!

Zaratul left the center of the battlefield. What was he doing? He was facing other enemies, so he had no time to take care of me?

It can't be that you're afraid of death and then you don't want to care about my mess, right?

This... Klein was at a loss for a moment.

He didn't know how he could face the royal family's conspiracy and the pursuit from all directions without the help of angels and relying on himself alone.

The Witch Sect has long been colluding with the royal family and demons. The "Original Witch" would not hesitate to descend from the gods. Klein does not believe that his allies will not react in the same way. It is difficult to guess the royal family's intentions. It is most likely to stay away from it, but the "devil" "They don't need a reason to do things. If you think about it from another angle, Gostars ambushed the Northern Continent just for revenge. Now the "Original Witch" has attracted most of the attention. Isn't it because he took action and massacred the residents of Backlund on a large scale? The best time to avenge the indigenous people of the Southern Continent?

In the process, it was a natural choice for Gostars to deal with the little bugs that had been harassing his actions before.

Zaratul can't be contacted. Mr. A's side might be okay. The Aurora Society can usually ignore the life and death of the residents of the Northern Continent, but now is a special time. Maybe there is room for persuasion...

With a small hope, Klein put his fingers together. Before he started, his eyes suddenly brightened.


Thorny lightning pierced the sky and pierced the cumulus clouds gathered by the epidemic. The power of God triggered a chain reaction. The earth trembled and the surface cracked. The water level of the Tusok River flowing through the Red Rose Manor surged, and the sunny afternoon fell into eternal night. , the fear of blindness pressed down on this area indiscriminately.

The Lord of Storms and the Goddess discovered the battle taking place in the manor... The only light source in the sky reflected into Klein's eyes, leaving thorn-like cracks on the translucent crystal, making him feel like he couldn't compete at all.

This is the power of the true God. It is not a greatness fabricated by piling up rhetoric in the classics, but a great achievement that can be seen intuitively and makes people despair and helpless.

At this moment, Klein actually had the idea of ​​waiting to die.

The old injury has not yet healed, and he is unable to flexibly use extraordinary power. Not to mention that under the huge gap, the ability of the "faceless man" level is simply not enough to help him escape the aftermath of the competition for divine power.

The extremely powerful earthquake destroyed the integrity of the ground in a very short period of time. Klein stood in an area the size of a reef with diagonally broken edges. He watched the surrounding ground rise or fall, as if it would be covered by earth and rocks in the next moment. Swallowed by a "tsunami".

No, there is another option... low-pressure body to prevent the body from shaking and losing balance along with the ground under his feet. Klein's eyes gradually faded away and became determined.

It is true that I cannot escape the scope of the divine power, but I can find a relatively safe area that will not be buried underground, build some simple bunkers, and then climb onto the gray fog and use my spirit body to move. This is more convenient and can win. Until more time!

Klein didn't even consider what would happen if the body suffered an accident or even died during the period when the spirit body was separated from the body.

After seeing today what kind of power the beings who were once on the same level as "Mystery" wielded, some of the things that Klein had been insisting on were broken.

Moving mountains and filling seas, turning day and night upside down, no such power can help "Mystery" find its way home. Huang Tao——Russell Gustave spent his whole life, betraying all those who attacked the gods in his later years. As a Sequence One The archangel also died with hatred. Why would he still have daydreams about returning to his hometown?

Zhou Mingrui has never been a great person, not in the past, and certainly not now. I am just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who is extremely unlucky... Klein thought.

If I die, "Secret" won't let me go, and still wants to drive me to help Him resurrect or be liberated. There is still a chance of resurrection. If He can't help me get rid of the pursuit of death for the second time, that's not bad.

This world is not beautiful at all, and nothing is better than home... The "faceless man" raised his palm and pressed his two fingers together.

If I die... the worst I can do is to close my eyes forever, and it's all over. Maybe if I die, I'll go home instead?

Hehe, it would be nice for me to be a hero before I die.

Klein Moretti snapped his fingers.


The flame failed to rise, and a bronze-skinned palm strangled Klein's wrist.

The red ones are more red, the yellow ones are more yellow, and the white ones are whiter. The rich superposition of various colors creates a strange "oil painting".

Earthquakes and natural disasters are still continuing, but this "oil painting" has broken away from the trajectory of the disaster, as if falling into an illusory world. The scenery outside the picture moves slowly, completely separated from the environment within the picture.

It was only then that Klein noticed an additional figure beside him.

The figure was of medium height, with a pair of brown eyes that showed a sense of vicissitudes of life, soft facial features, and a somewhat shabby long dress, as if he had just experienced a rough journey.

"Mr. Azik!" Klein said happily.

Azik didn't say much, he just glanced at him, grabbed his arm, and walked deeper into the overlay of various rich colors.

It was the familiar spirit world space again, and the disaster of reality was getting further and further away behind him. It was not until he could no longer hear the roar of thunder and was far away from the spirit world area that reflected the changes in reality that Azik let go of Klein's hand. , said with some apology:

"Sorry, I'm late."

He glanced at Klein's two fingers that were still stuck together, probably guessed something, and sighed slightly.

"It seems that it's not just me, but you have also encountered a lot of things recently."

"Mr. Azik, the 'original witch', his divine vessel is at the Red Rose Manor. The witch and the devil may be making big moves," Klein ignored the pleasantries and spoke very fast, "UU read the book www.uukanshu .nettI don't know how many past memories you have recalled. I recently discovered that the Augustus family and the royal family of Loen are seeking the throne of the 'Black Emperor'. They..."

Azik raised his palm to interrupt Klein.

"I know about it."

In the past month, He almost traveled around Backlund and several nearby counties, and found many clues there.

"And the trouble may not be just what you found. Do you still remember Ince Zangwill who interfered with your destiny and stole my child's skull in Tingen?"

"You mean..." Klein's eyes widened.

"He is still doing disgusting villain behavior, and..."

Azik Eggers suddenly looked behind him, and his eyes were instantly dyed with a layer of dark gold. A small number of dark green scales appeared on the surface of the bronze skin, and pieces of milky white feathers swirled and fell freely.

Azik, whose snake-like features became more and more obvious on his body, stared at a corner of the spiritual world, resisting the throbbing of divinity, and almost made a sound from between his teeth.

"Here comes the guy."

Seeking death and being saved by death.

Zhenzao and Chike crushed the game, and Triss was used as the anchor point for the divine descent, which originally could not draw much power. Zhenzao and the others were also projections of history, making a big noise, attracting storms and darkness, and making waves in the east and west. Chike's only thought after being beaten was that at least this way the royal family could take advantage of the opportunity to take action and prevent him from being completely beaten.

I just went to help move things, and I have to take a car to go home tomorrow. I don't know when I will update. Of course, I may get home very late and I won't be able to update... I will try my best to overcome it.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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