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67.64% LOTM ?? / Chapter 46: chapter 41

Chương 46: chapter 41

Chapter 85 Bugs

Chapter 175 Bugs

The glass greenhouse outside the window reflects the pale sun's rays, and the bright roses are so dazzling even in the thin mist.

The low sound of the swaying water has not yet received a response. Surrounded in front of the garden, the team of servants protecting Duke Negan unite around the "Wind Blessed One", looking from time to time between the bungalows and villas where the sound of explosions are heard and the streets where pedestrians come and go. move.

Time continued to pass, the house trembled from time to time, and the battle inside seemed to have entered a white-hot stage.

The fireball ignited by sulfur followed an irregular path and collided in the small enclosed space. The blond secretary next to Duke Negan blocked the attic exit, twisting his wrists one after another, controlling these being controlled by the "Apostle of Desire", deliberately losing control of himself or herself. The fireball that had detached from its original trajectory of a straight line or parabola returned to the right track and counterattacked towards the "Apostle of Desire".

The "lawyer" lacks intuitive fighting methods, and the blond secretary can only keep procrastinating if he wants to keep the "apostle of desire".

The fireballs continued to explode, and the power of chaos cleverly resonated with the "dirty words". All the heat from the explosions hit the mysterious power that sealed the attic.

Hmm... The blond secretary snorted, stepped back, and pressed against the door. The "Desire Apostle" seized the opportunity and quickly approached, distractedly listening to the waves echoing repeatedly outside the window, and his eyes were firmly locked on the secretary's chest. The brown eyes reflected a figure covered in filth and sticky matter.


The colorless and tasteless obstacles suddenly swelled. From the moment the "Desire Apostle" uttered this devilish word, the depraved and dirty breath of the abyss extended to reality.

They long for all pure carriers in the material world, and their breath penetrates into the walls, into the ground, and under the skin of the blond secretary.

This is not because Duke Negan's secretary was defenseless before the "Apostle of Desire" attacked, but because he had the wrong target.

The assassin in front of him, his purpose has never included himself. Those who happened to appear in the bungalow at the same time as Duke Negan today were just "props" for him to assassinate the Duke.

Provoke tension, spread panic, create discord... His purpose is to maximize the disintegration of the "absolutely safe" environment that the Duke has arranged for himself, break through the Duke's psychological defense, and then kill him with one blow, detonating emotions and detonating the Duke's brain.

But, it's too late.

The secretary mistakenly believed that the "Apostle of Desire" wanted to take his life, and the twisted target he chose was the target of the "blasphemy".

If things develop as he thinks, the curse of "death" will be eliminated by the only two living beings in the attic. But it is different now. "Slowness" and "death" are essentially different. The so-called "slowness" is just the use of The breath of the abyss creates an area eroded by filthy power to hold back the enemy.

Of course "demons" will also be disturbed by the aura of the abyss, but they will always adapt faster than normal creatures!

In less than two or three seconds, while the blond secretary was still struggling and trembling her fingers, the "Apostle of Desire" had already regained the freedom of her body.

He did not dare to attack the secretary directly. Instead, he transformed into a "demon" in an instant. Relying on the tyranny of his body and the blessing of extraordinary abilities by his "demon" state, he forcibly broke through the secretary's twisted concept of "blockade" and rushed through the wall from the top of the bungalow. Got out.

The "Apostle of Desire" flapped its wings in the air, its terrifying face with its majestic horns and crown never forgetting to look back.

Four dark purple diamond-shaped compound eyes locked on the secretary who was just struggling to move forward inside the attic. At the cost of most of his strength, he added another shot of "Slow", which barely restrained the blond secretary from escaping.

He temporarily lost the ability to activate "Profanity".

"It's so sweet."

The muddy and warm liquid dripped rapidly from the demonized torso of the "Desire Apostle" and gathered on the ground into a puddle as deep as solidified blood, and quickly integrated into the soil.

His horny fingers are sharp and abnormally long, secreting poison all the time.

The sight slid from the attic to the bedroom. The "Apostle of Desire" was thoughtful. While his brain was thinking about the emotions that could be controlled, his body relied solely on the subconscious of the perception. He flapped his wings and made a timely change in the air. With the smallest movement, he hid. Passed the wind blades and bullets thrown by the "Wind Blessed One" below.

The scene of the complete demon being exposed to the public was beyond the imagination of the attendants in the duke's security team!

They are just low-sequence, and in the face of complete demons, they are almost the same as bugs.

Likewise, Duke Negan also saw this scene.

Collapsed in the arms of the "Wind Blessed One", his eyes widened, his pale and pale face suddenly turned red, miraculously he lifted up his bloated upper body, trying to stretch out his palms.

"No, Your Excellency, don't use your power!" "Wind Blessed One" noticed the movement in his arms and tried to comfort the irritated Duke, "My security team and I will protect your safety. The Archbishop is already on the way. This demon is injured." I can't help you!"

"Oh, it can't be hurt?"

The "Apostle of Desire" in the air was able to avoid the wind blades and bullets flying from below with ease. From time to time, he dropped fireballs to fight back. He deliberately flew to a position where Duke Negan could fully see his movements and stretched out a finger.

Compared with the devil's ferocious smile, the guarantee of the "Wind Blessed One" is really not that convincing.


Duke Negan's shaky palm finally aimed at the fallen creature in the sky that looked like a hybrid of beasts and insects. Just as he was about to close his fingers, a strong pain pierced his skull, and golden light just rose in the Duke's eyes. Then it went out instantly.


The sound of blood squeezing through capillaries and squirting out of the skin was clearly audible, awakening Duke Negan.

Yes, I can't use extraordinary power now, Archbishop, Ace Snake!

He finally listened to the words of the "Wind Blessed One" and desperately put his hand towards the conch tied to his chest.

The "Apostle of Desire" looked at this scene, and his insect-like mouth became more and more cracked, as if he was laughing.

The figure of Duke Negan appeared in his four compound eyes at the same time, connecting the emotions of the two people.

Three minutes have passed. Do you really think Ace Snake is coming?

He is the "Singer of God" and the demigod of the Storm Path. Three minutes is enough for him to fly across the entire Backlund!

Think about it, Pallas Negan, what's the point of living for you?

It seems like everyone wants you to die now?

Stella Hunter, who disagrees with you politically, hopes for Hall, who is considered your ally, hopes for your mistress, whose life is controlled by you, and even His Majesty, who you serve loyally, maybe he also hopes for it!

The neurotic sneer of the "Apostle of Desire" filled Duke Negan's brain. His emotions seemed to be sent into the center of the storm of the "Volent Sea", like a lone boat in the tsunami, helplessly thrown by the ups and downs of the mountain peaks. Throw it away, unable to resist, and can only wait for destruction to come.

"No, it won't..." Duke Negan gasped and squeezed out a breath or two from his alveoli, his eyes were distracted, and his rebuttal tone was not so firm.

you do not believe?

"Apostle of Desire" chuckled, kindly sending a tip to Duke Negan.

I believe you can understand why Stella Hunter is looking forward to your death, and you don't need my explanation... Well, your good ally and good party member - Count Hall, who is one of the largest bankers at the moment. First, just because of the issue of title level, I have to condescend to you who have mediocre talents and old ideas. This is very unfair.

Maybe he doesn't have such thoughts at ordinary times, but if you really die, I'm afraid he won't feel much sadness. Instead, he will be happy, happy for your death, and happy that in order to continue social reform, the king will have to select another king. A nobleman takes your place...and he is one of the most suitable candidates.

I remember that he also has a son. It doesn't really make much difference to the king whether the prime minister's surname is Negan or Hall.

Stripping away the cloak of hypocrisy, "The Apostle of Desire" is honest in every word, and the tone of its words becomes more and more vicious.

He didn't explain why the king expected Negan to die, because he really had some clues about this, and what surprised him even more was that, after more than ten seconds of emotional provocation, he accidentally discovered that he was now more suitable to attack Duke Negan. privacy.


The "Apostle of Desire" deliberately switched to normal communication methods to ensure that everyone present could hear.

"Actually, your mistress, that delicate little beauty, she already knew that you were in trouble, so she always needed to use medicine made from mummy powder to deal with it."

"Of course she wants you to die. After all, I mean we are upper class people, we have to have empathy, right?"

"Paras Negan, if it were you, a limp bug would be inserted into your body every three days. Wouldn't you want to kill the owner of that bug?"

"You fart!"

Duke Negan forgot about his physical weakness for a moment and cursed loudly. The bulging blood vessels were visible on his red face, and the roaring sound of blood rushing through him could be clearly heard.

But out of sheer anger and shame, he temporarily forgot about these things.

"Yes, I'm...lying..."

"Your Excellency the Duke."

Touched by inspiration, he raised his head and looked up at the sky. The "Desire Apostle" stared at the dazzling silvery white, and the five fingers that he held in vain shrank suddenly.

In the sewer, the thick and warm dark liquid slowly solidified, and the irregular shape kneaded into a deformity.

He looked like an insect that had lost its horny shell, or like an orangutan whose skin had been peeled off to reveal dark purple muscles.

Taking advantage of his special abilities, the "Apostle of Desire" escaped from his shell early and fled underground. He moved his neck, feeling the rage and terrifying current belonging to the "Singer of God" that could not be concealed even through thick soil, and quickly recovered his human form. , evacuate the scene according to the predetermined route.

At the edge of a garden, he took off his woolen windbreaker and put it on his shivering body. The man wiped his face to cover up the squirming movements of countless flesh buds, and transformed into the waiter he was when he last met Duke Negan's mistress.

He pulled out a paper figurine that was exquisitely cut and stained with rust. He sighed as he lit the paper figurine neatly, and struck it hard on the path he and the girl walked on like a whip.

"Sir, are we really not going to be discovered?"

Orange-red flames suddenly shot up, and the girl who almost burned her toes asked timidly.

"Discovered?" Jerry Zaratul glanced at the girl very quickly, "No, the demon is still alive. Even if your problem is found out later, at least the demon will be solved and the situation of Negan's assassination will be calmed down. After the public opinion, at least there is still a week left."

"Besides, your family has already boarded the ship to the Southern Continent. What are you worried about?"

Jerry Zaratul looked at the distance guided by the flesh and blood badge, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Just treat the past as a few insect stings. Look at the bright side and the new life you and your family are about to have. Don't think about it."

On a piece of charred grass, the pungent smell of sulfur has not dissipated for a long time. The glass house next to the luxury villa is left in ruins. The steel frame structure that was melted and quickly solidified by the high-temperature fireball looks like a clumsy structure from a distance. The wax figure collapsed into a pile due to a mistake.

The urgently dispatched punishers set up a vigil nearby. A rough man with an anchor tattoo on his neck was holding an illusory water polo. The colorful water curtain tightly covered the entire luxury villa, and the sealed object exuded illusory brilliance. Distorting the view of the outside world, from the outside, everything here is as usual. In the expensive glass bungalow, the delicate roses still show their appearance without reservation.

"So you didn't catch the murderer in the end?"

The old man wearing a black soft hat and extremely serious silver eyes glared angrily at the young man with blond hair that was no longer neat and in tattered black formal clothes and another "Wind Blessed One", with thunder and lightning flashing on his body.

Although Duke Negan successfully waited for the support of the "Singer of God" in the end, he was still not safe. The "Devil's" words ruthlessly aroused his emotions, without any hesitation because of his status as a duke.

Cerebral blood vessel rupture and multiple organ lesions in his body put him in an extremely dangerous state of near-death. Even if he could be rescued, he would most likely remain in a vegetative state for the rest of his life, no different from death.

No, it would be better to die!

If he dies, the Duke's position will be vacated smoothly, and the Church will have the opportunity to discuss the division of interests with the next Duke, using actual visible contributions to bridge the gap with its allies, so that they will forget that the Church was involved in the Duke's assassination. The repeated misfortunes made the young Duke forget his father's death and continue to serve the Lord devoutly like his ancestors...

But now, the issue of whether the Duke's position should be inherited or retained will have to be debated for several months. During the days when Pallas Negan is in a coma, the serious infighting and bloated dogma within the Duke's faction will be exposed. It greatly delayed the cooperation between the church and the military on the armored fleet... "Singer of God" Ace Snake took a deep breath.

"Tell me about the assassination process."

The injured "Wind Blessed One" told what he knew, and then looked at the secretary next to him.

"I'm sorry, that 'devil' is the 'Apostle of Desire' from Sequence Five. My abilities are limited and I couldn't keep him."

The blond secretary stared at the demigod in front of him without fear. His light-colored eyes were calm and unwavering, not at all shaken by the Duke's serious injuries and the corpses and ruins in front of him.

"Limited abilities?" The gray-haired "Singer of God" snorted.

Almost substantial anger was brewing in the eyes of this demigod, but considering various reasons, he could only restrain his anger. Spirituality surged around his body, and thunder broke the clear sky.

"Your limited abilities will cause huge losses to the kingdom..."

"It's time to pray to the Lord, boy, that you won't be court-martialed by your superiors."

The sky was silvery and white, and lead gray was thick. The "Singer of God" stared at the night and the direction where the Church of Steam was busy, with a strange and wry smile.

The setting of the "Apostle of Desire" here is considered a private setting. It is treated as a change due to changes in the world line. The execution plan is still the same plan, but the specific executor has changed.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 86 "Shepherd" Textbook

Chapter 176 "Shepherd" Textbook

The blood-red ocean overflowed, and the billowing sky poured down... The "Apostle of Desire" who once wore the skin of Patrick Jason stopped his movements for an instant and looked around in confusion.

Just for a moment, he seemed to see...

"True Creator!?"

The unspeakable fear almost caused the "Apostle of Desire" to lose control on the spot. Jason Beria never thought that he would witness the form of another god before meeting the "abyss".

The assassination plan was discovered?

Is there something wrong with Paras Negan, a believer in the True Creator?

Ridiculous conjectures flashed through Jason Belial's mind, but he soon realized his stupidity and panic.

Putting aside whether the "Aurora Society" has the ability to instigate the Duke of Loen, the Archbishop of the Church of Storms, who meets and drinks tea with Paras Negan every week, is not a man of his own.

So what went wrong?

Huh, huh, Jason Belial's chest rose and fell violently.

At this moment, the "malicious perception" covered by extreme fear suddenly reacted, and the "Desire Apostle" suddenly turned his head and looked at the place he just passed.

The damp walls and cold pipes first caught his eye, and the curtain in the illusion flowed into reality.

His deep, rich, incorporeal "veil" seems to have real weight from the moment it breaks away from the sewer wall.

The calf covered with sharp steel stopped, followed closely by the blood-red robe, followed by the same dark broad sword, armor, and a pair of cold, indifferent eyes lacking emotion.

Mr. A's face is too soft and even enchanting for men, and his smooth hair tips are gently tilted to one side.

He tilted his head and looked at the "demon" in front of him who had lost part of his body tissue and was in a strange state. His golden vertical pupils blinked and he made a brief assessment.


"The 'demon' who assassinated Duke Negan did not die on the spot. 1-71 is still functioning."

After glancing at the viscous liquid that had solidified under the sewer, Sost, who had rich experience, judged.

He made a gesture and was temporarily assigned to his "Red Glove" team. The two local "Nighthawks" from Backlund who were responsible for auxiliary work responded immediately.

Among them, Al Hassan, who was wearing a gray double-breasted trench coat and looked very masculine, turned over the crystal ball he held in his hands, and a moving light spot immediately lit up on the dreamy and blurry crystal surface.

Another good-looking woman, about thirty years old, quickly returned along the same route, preparing to report the news to the nearest official high-level official, the "Singer of God" from the Church of Storms.

Watching the movements of his two companions, Sost took out his pocket watch, took a look at it, and asked solemnly:

"There are only ten minutes left, is that enough? Don't be brave!"

"There should be no problem. 1-42 has already locked the devil. I..."

At the entrance to the sewer, a man in full armor quickly climbed down the escalator with a neatness that did not match his size.

There was a large stain of blood on the left shoulder of the armor, exuding an eerie beauty, and through the visor with only a gap, Leonard Mitchell's voice came out.

"You should refuse. Now change out of this armor. At least you won't have to face another target it senses."

Maybe... Leonard lowered his chin slightly and rejected the cohabitant's persuasion with his actions.

"I felt the excitement of 1-42."

"Okay." Sost opened his five fingers wearing red gloves and said to the other "Red Gloves" members, "Bring hot water and follow Leonard closely. If there is a problem, replace it immediately and replace it on the spot. Dig the 'bathtub'!"

"Also, leave a mark and the other team members and I will follow soon."

"I come, I see, I record."

The ethereal voice echoed and sang, and the dazzling stars left the page, outlining the shadow of a golden palm, majestically issuing orders.

Almost before Jason Belial could react, the power belonging to the "Punishing Knight" blocked all possible throwing attacks in this sewer area.

He wants to fight me hand to hand and hold me back? Jason Belial rolled his eyes and transformed back into his "demon" form without hesitation.

The giant creature, which had lost its cuticle and skin shell, looked like an orangutan or an insect. It inserted its arms into the ground and easily lifted up a piece of floor, blocking it in front of itself, facing the shadow mixed with silver light.

The apostle of "The Hanged Man" ran wildly in the darkness, and a large amount of silver rose from the surface of his armor, piercing the shadow and flesh and blood, like the dawn of the rising sun.

The ability of "Guardian" instantly strengthened the protective gear worn by Mr. A. The silver white formed thorn-like spikes on the surface of the already sharp armor, allowing this defensive creation to exert the same power as a sword.

Mr. A calmly watched every movement of the "Apostle of Desire" in the darkness. He did not choose to directly raise his sword to meet the enemy, but continued to accelerate, almost reaching the high speed of a steam train.

The entire floor was getting closer and closer, and the smell of sulfur became more and more pungent. The moment before hitting the floor, Mr. A suddenly raised his left elbow, and the right arm holding the broadsword stretched out to the back of his head. .


The unpleasant noise made by sharp objects scratching across the plate tortured the hearing of the two warring parties. The sharp arm armor broke through the stone slab and hit the sulfur fireball condensed on the side of the "Desire Apostle".

The moment the obstruction of his vision was broken, Mr. A could clearly see the little moves of the "Apostle of Desire" hiding in the darkness.

In an instant, the huge and mighty knight lost its entity like a stream of water, and the sulfur fireball exploded in the air, all of which exploded on the broadsword that lost its user.

Almost at the same moment, the "Apostle of Desire", who used "Malicious Sense" to detect the direction of the next attack, lowered his head and looked at his feet. The insect's unique mouthparts split into six petals, revealing a hole where flammable gas was spiritually flowing. Under the catalysis, a high-temperature and concentrated blazing flame is naturally formed.

The shadow that suddenly came to life was like a tentacle, tightly wrapped around the calf of the "Apostle of Desire". Half of Mr. A's body remained in shadow, and the other half showed its original shape. The dark armor still existed, and the dawn belonging to the "Guardian" also began to shine again.

The "Guardians" are no less to the "Devils" than the "Sun" suppresses them.

front? The "Apostle of Desire" looked surprised.

Even if the "Warrior" has the ability to restrain the "Demon" and is good at defense, but the frontal distance is extremely short to receive the "Devil's" attack... the "Desire Apostle" cannot think of any sensible "Demon" who has fought against him in the past. Warriors" will do this.

Sure enough, the brains of the "shepherds" had been ripped out by their master... Thinking of this, the eyes of the "Apostle of Desire" were filled with blood, and more spirituality was integrated into the sulfur flames.

The scorching temperature rose rapidly, just as the "Apostle of Desire" expected. Even with the protection of double armor, Mr. A clearly felt the approach of death.

But those same blood-red, emotionless eyes remained calm.

He seemed to be repeating a sparse daily routine, repeating a certain task that had been rehearsed thousands of times. There was no panic or hesitation, and he continued to move forward. Only the shadows under his feet quietly relaxed their grip on the legs of the "Apostle of Desire" The restraints and angle changes only remain on the side of the leg that has lost its cuticle. It seems that the entire enemy's body will be pushed out in the next moment.

The orange fire light illuminated the sewer with sewage flowing inside, and the closed and oxygen-depleted space suddenly became extremely clear.

The flames mercilessly devoured the shadows in front of them, and you could even hear the sizzling sound of flesh and blood roasting under the crackling sound of burning.

Knowing that he could not stay for long and that he could not take care of too many "Apostles of Desire", without checking the injuries of the "Shepherd", he recklessly stretched out his hands and blocked the vague outline of the wriggling figure in the flames.

Sure enough, he felt the soft touch of flesh and blood, and he squeezed it hard!

No, no support?

The flames were still spitting out, but the violence in the eyes of the "Desire Apostle" turned into surprise.

With his skillful experience in dismembering corpses in the past, he naturally realized that the squirming soft flesh in his hand lacked the support of bones and was just a lump of flesh!

A dangerous suspicion was born in his mind. The "Desire Apostle" moved his eyes in a daze, and at the same time did not stop spitting out flames. His subconscious told him not to think about what would happen after he stopped attacking the flame in his hand.

Where the sword fell just now, Mr. A, who was wearing black armor and no longer carrying a cape of flesh and blood, looked at him quietly. All the silvery white on his body was concentrated along his right arm on the sharp blade that was as wide as a person.

With the "Shepherd" turning his wrist lightly, the dawn storm descended in the underground sewers of Jowood District.

"Was that an explosion?"

At the other end of the sewer, he felt the ground shaking slightly, and "Red Glove" Albert couldn't help but tighten his grip on the revolver.

"It was an explosion, but it was not caused by the 'Devil'." Through the visor, Leonard squinted his eyes and said, "I don't remember that the 'Devil' can emit silvery white light."

"More like a 'warrior', like Fusac's 'Dawn Knight' ability." Another member of the "Red Gloves" frowned, as if recalling a bad past event.


Is that another goal felt by 1-42?

The tall and heavy silver armor turned its body and changed direction. Leonard took one step ahead of his companions and quickly ran in the direction Sealed Artifact 1-42 desired, leaving only his voice echoing in the sewer.

"I'll go first, you guys should follow as soon as possible."

The heavy armor stained with coagulated blood flew forward at an astonishing speed. Without damaging the underground drainage structure of Backlund, it only took a short twenty seconds to reach the vicinity of the explosion.

As he got closer and closer to the target, Leonard smelled the smell of sulfur in the air, and his green retina captured the remaining silvery white on the dark curtain.

He raised his palm, as if to grasp the last tail of the fading dawn.


Silently, the silvery-white light that was on the verge of disappearing flourished, and the colors of dawn merged into the side of the figure standing in the darkness, colliding with the dazzling stars.

Sensing the approaching danger, Mr. A, who hurriedly switched his defense abilities, staggered back. The dark broadsword, which had just experienced the complete "Storm of Light" without any scratches, unexpectedly had a large gap in it.

Using the ability of the "Recorder" copied from the "Dark Saint", the attack of 1-42 was offset. The divine power belonging to the "Black Knight" slowly faded away, and the knight's figure in the darkness suddenly shrunk by half.

"The 'Shepherd' of the Aurora Order?"

"Are you an associate of Patrick Jason?"

Leonard saw the remaining flesh and blood on the ground and questioned loudly.

Was it a cultist organization from the Aurora Society that assassinated Duke Negan?

The first moment he saw the blood-stained armor, Mr. A made a judgment.

He straightened the broadsword. Having completed the task, he did not want to cause trouble, so he chose to teleport away.

Wary of another strange and unforeseen attack from 1-42, he reappeared the shadow of the ancient book that symbolized the "Recorder" and slid his finger on the page to confuse Leonard's judgment.

Suddenly, Mr. A raised the corner of his mouth and took the initiative to answer Leonard's question.

"Patrick Jason is different from Clayne Moretti. He neither believes in the Lord nor does he have the courage."

"Klein!" Leonard's eyes widened at once, "It's you! The evil apostle who appeared in Tingen!"

"You, why are you here?"

"When you fought against the strange spiritual creatures that appeared in reality, was it to help Ince Zangwill?"

Leonard had too many questions to ask the divine envoy in front of him.

He needs an explanation, the "Nighthawk" who died in Tingen needs an explanation, and Klein's family members who still don't know the truth need an explanation.

"Help Ince Zangwill?" Mr. A's tone was strangely raised. "If I am an accomplice with the treacherous traitor, why should I fight against the spiritual creatures summoned by him? UU Reading www.uukanshu.net"

The spiritual creature summoned by Ince Zangwill... murmured and repeated Mr. A's defense, and Leonard thought of the fact that he himself could not accept at all.

If, if the "Shepherd" in front of them was not lying, wouldn't it mean that the real target they wanted to support at that time was the "Nighthawk" who was fighting against Ince Zangwill.

No, no, not "Nighthawk", it should be Clay Moretti in "Nighthawk".

Is this the special thing that Klein has been hiding?

But didn't he use the power of 3-0782 to kill Megaos in the end?

Didn't the Holy Church suspect that he had an affair with the Eternal Sun Church?


What is real?

Seeing that the blood-stained armor Xu Xu made no next move, Mr. A knew that his delay was successful.

Starlight spread, and the dull colors in the sewer became brighter. The divine envoy holding the broken broadsword nodded slightly, and gave the confused "Nighthawk" a final gift before leaving.

The flesh and blood on the ground mixed with the devoured remains of Jason Belial, the "Apostle of Desire", ignited the second explosion today in the cramped underground.

"Heart of Machinery" captain Ikanser put down the ID in his hand, opened a gap at the corner of his mouth, and said with barely moving lips:

"Sherlock Moriarty, you are under arrest."

The remains of the devoured body, due to a matter of priority, here Mr. A ate Jason and replaced the "demon" who was originally grazing. I didn't write it down in detail. It's good for everyone to know.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 87 Almost jailed

Chapter 177 Almost jailed


Klein pulled out a black hard-covered notepad from the desk, opened it and read it with questions.

After getting a new clue from Prince Edsac, Klein immediately followed the two addresses marked on the clue and found one of the detectives who had accepted the commission before Talim Dumont's death.

Technically, it's the house that the private detective rents.

Jack Darby, a middle-aged man in his thirties, unmarried, living alone on Sycamore Street in Backlund Bridge District, is now suspected to be dead.

Sure enough, as I guessed, not only Talim Dumont, but also the private detective he hired before his death was killed... Klein flipped through the notes in his hand, searched along the time, and finally found some information about Talim at the end of the notes. Information.

Last Thursday, Talim visited this detective who was not well-known in Backlund and asked Detective Jack Darby to investigate the life story of a woman for him for fifty pounds.

Very smart, but not smart enough... Klein could probably guess what Talim was thinking at that time.

As a close friend of Prince Edsac, he accidentally discovered a suspicious woman who contacted the prince, and even gained the prince's trust and could accompany her.

Talim, who was aware of the problem, wanted to find out the identity of the lady who suddenly appeared. He did not want to alert the prince himself, nor did he want the prince's father and brothers to notice his secret behavior, lest his personal behavior become an attack on the prince. So he deliberately found a detective whose reputation was unknown and tried his best to suppress the investigation.

If the lady Talim wanted to investigate was not a "witch" and there were no extraordinary people lurking around the prince to monitor her, maybe she might really be able to do him a big favor... Seeing this, Klein couldn't help but sigh.

Talim's decision makes him an inadvertent enemy of the royal family, and his death is sealed the moment he hands over his commission to Detective Jack Darby.

It's a pity that I can't give the truth to Prince Edsac.

If the woman Talim wanted to investigate was really a "witch" and the divine vessel of the "original witch", I'm afraid that with her methods, the prince would have been fooled into obeying her words. With only a notebook and my personal There is no concrete evidence, and the identity of the "witch" cannot be revealed. It is more likely that the prince will send me to prison.

Ha, remind the prince that the entire Augustus royal family is my enemy... Klein smiled bitterly and silently put the note back in its place.

The "yellow-black eye" still remains open, and through the spiritual thread, he has been locking the position of the monitor.

The group of people who obstructed Prince Edsac's investigation and killed Talim allowed me to investigate. First, they didn't believe that I, a little "detective," could find the truth. Second, they were demigods and angels in the royal family. Even the senior leaders of the "Witch" sect, whom they may not be aware of, have given them too much confidence and made them feel confident.

Just like the afternoon when he first received Talim's flesh and hair, Klein once again performed a one-man show in front of the watchers.

He lamented for a while, hesitated for a while, his palms kept reaching out and retracting around the notes, clearly expressing the hesitation in his heart.

Just when Klein was preparing to perform the final scene, like a normal and weak Sequence Seven, forced by the endless shadow of the royal family, he gave up justice and justice and had no choice but to compromise.

Another picture suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Behind him, on the wall of the study, a faint blue illusory door was slowly taking shape, and a hand stretched out!

If not the monitor, who is it?

Klein subconsciously wanted to use "illusion" to cover his figure and wait for the unexpected development. Just as he mobilized his spirituality, he suddenly remembered that his current rank in the eyes of the monitor should be "detective."

He is a "detective" who is good at observing details, melee combat, and using firearms.

Damn... Klein couldn't care less about continuing the show and was forced to quickly draw his gun and turn around, firing the hammer and aiming in one go.

Under his gaze, the palm stretched out from the illusory door dragged out a complete body of a person.

A gray and black knitted hat with a bit of blond hair peeking out from the lower edge, a leather jacket full of tobacco smell, dark blue worker trousers, a pair of worn leather shoes, and scurrying around like a mouse, with only blue eyes the size of mung beans.

A thief, a thief who has mastered extraordinary power... Klein couldn't help but frown. Before the thief could fully enter the room, he lowered his body and rushed towards the wall with the door open.

He maintained the shooting position with one hand and reached forward with the other hand. With the help of the "Joker's" amazing balance ability, he moved the minimum distance and the rest relied entirely on the extension of his upper body to grab the thief's exposed part between the jacket sleeve and the glove. on the arm.

His five fingers touched the familiar touch of flesh. Klein no longer made any noise when covering his face. He twisted his waist and switched his feet back and forth. While stabilizing his balance, he grabbed the thief's left arm and pulled hard, pulling the thief out of the illusion. The door was completely lifted out.

The thief had no idea that there would be a second abrupt visitor in the empty house he had visited for many days. He was startled and instinctively wanted to use his free hand to take out a dagger from his pocket to fight back.

But when he saw the black muzzle of the gun against his head, his blue eyes the size of mung beans suddenly opened wide, his body trembled subconsciously, and he even threw away the crime tools in his hands.

With a clang, a simple-looking brass key fell to the ground. Its spirituality was completely restrained. It was just a gap for breathing. Klein could no longer tell the difference between it and an ordinary key.

Instead of a thief who has mastered extraordinary power, the thief happened to have obtained a key with the ability of "apprentice"?

Let me just say, except for the Beyonders of the "Stealer" path, even if they are wild, no matter how miserable they are, they will not embark on the road of stealing... Klein looked away from the key and said while cursing:

"The little mouse who steals things, Ang?"

The incident happened suddenly, and it happened to be in front of outsiders. Klein's tone of voice was biased toward the persona he had created for "Sherlock Moriarty."

"Aren't you the same?" The thief who looked like a mouse grinned dryly and said with an ugly smile, "We are all in the same group, we are with each other, there is no need."

"Do you think you and I are traveling together?" Klein raised his eyebrows and sneered.

After confirming that the man in front of him was not the owner of the house, the thief relaxed a lot.

"Hey, no matter what you do, you are not the owner of this house anyway. We all come here uninvited. You do your thing and I do mine without any delay. If you like something valuable, , I'll give it to you, and I'll pick up what you don't want."

"Anyway, the house is so big, can we both have enough to eat?"

Klein chewed on the thief's proposal and his smile became more playful...

"Wait, you mean you went to Jack Darby's house to steal things too?"

Carlson pushed up the heavy glasses on his nose, and lifted the pen tip away from the paper as his wrist rose.

"No, Mr. Deacon, didn't I explain it to you?"

"I'm a private detective, I didn't steal anything!"

Klein sat helplessly in the temporarily opened office area of ​​Silveras Field, his hands were shackled together by silver locks. He could neither move nor mobilize his spirituality.

As a law-abiding citizen, he never thought that one day he would be arrested and taken to the police station, let alone for such an outrageous reason.

If it weren't for the thief hugging him tightly, if there wasn't a watcher nearby, if Prince Edsac hadn't mistakenly thought that his way was a "detective", if it wasn't that he didn't want to give up the identity of Sherlock Moriarty at will …

He had already snapped his fingers and teleported away in flames!

"You claimed to be investigating a case, so you paid a visit to Mr. Jack Darby today, but why did you pick the lock and break into the house without anyone opening the door for you?"

Carlson did not dwell on the first question and looked at the record book in his hand.

Jack Darby has been dead for two days.

"Mr. Deacon, unlike you official staff, those who work in our industry have some common understandings, just like wild Extraordinaries don't need a reason to avoid official Extraordinary people." Klein held up his handcuffed hands. Hands, "I've been knocking on the door for a long time, and I know that Detective Jack Darby has recently taken on a very dangerous case."

"When I didn't get a response, I already guessed that Jack Darby might have encountered something that none of us wanted to see, so I immediately checked around the house until I confirmed that his house had been There was no trace of entry or exit for at least two days before I chose to infiltrate."

Klein shook his handcuffed hands, trying to make the "Heart of Machinery" members in front of him understand.

"I suspected that Jack Darby was killed at the time, and later you confirmed my suspicion. The thief who got an extraordinary item out of nowhere was a complete accident!"

"I don't know him. You can ask him and you will definitely get the same answer."

Compared to Klein's excitement, Carlson, who had thick dark circles under his eyes that could not be completely concealed even through equally thick lenses, yawned.

"He has already confessed, including the key."

"We're just making sure."

"Then can I leave?" Klein was stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively, hoping that "Mechanical Heart" would always have a good reputation in dealing with wild Extraordinary people.

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Moriarty."

Carlson yawned again.

"In normal times, we are happy to talk about cooperation with wild Extraordinaries like you who have no criminal record and have no conflicts with us in terms of beliefs and identity backgrounds, and recruit them into informants or something."

"But these are special times."

Carlson pointed at his eyes and sighed helplessly.

"As you can see, we have been very tired recently. Have you heard about the explosion in the dock area?"

"The Ripper has made Backlund very uneasy. Before he is arrested, I am afraid that any extraordinary person who has not been registered in the official records will not be able to leave our surveillance at will."

As he spoke, he closed the useless case record book in his hand, pulled out another additional record file, and pushed it to Klein's eyes along with a pen with the cap removed.

"The only thing I can help you with now, and give you some advice, is to sign this consent form, and then go to our church and stay in the solitary room for a week, until the aftermath of the Ripper passes, or the Extraordinary The court summons you and a professional 'judge' will help you clear your suspicions."

"This is the best option for you at the moment. It only requires a few days of freedom. As long as you really have no illegal record and have nothing to do with the thief next door, you may get an informant status after you return to freedom. In this way, if you encounter similar situations in the future, we will solve it for you."

As a former "Nighthawk", Klein knew very well that in this special and sensitive period, the conditions given to him by the "Mechanical Heart" were quite good, and could even be called preferential treatment.

You know, Sherlock Moriarty's status as a "detective" in the royal family is basically certain. If he were to be the "punisher" of the Church of Storms and arrest him today, he might not even have a chance to interrogate or investigate.

The group of extreme religious fanatics would shout the honorable name of the Storm Lord while angrily sending heretics from "Knowledge and Wisdom" to the stake and grilling them on the spot.

So in order to keep a low profile and sign the "Machine Heart" plan, it's not impossible to go to the church and stay for a few days. Anyway, this is not the first time I have entered the church's confinement room. The problem is... Klein's eyesight is subtle and imperceptible. He glanced at his left and right hands.

One hand wears a "creeping hunger" that symbolizes the identity of the "True Creator", and one wrist is wrapped with a gray mist breath, which is almost equivalent to the blessing of the "God of Mysteries". "Yellow and Black Eyes".

Before entering the underground of the Steam Church, they would inevitably have to search themselves and remove dangerous items. Klein could not imagine how wonderful his and the "Machine Heart's" faces would be at that time.

Haha, Sherlock Moriarty became the trigger for the war between the Northern and Southern Continents...

"I...Mr. Deacon, do you have no other choice?"

The poor "faceless man" still wants to struggle.

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Moriarty." Carlson shook his head and gave a clear answer.

He pushed the pen and paper forward a little further.

"Sign it, it will be good for you and me."

The room was quiet except for the muffled sounds of police officers moving around and the rustling of documents.

Klein raised and lowered his handcuffed hands, struggling to escape and reciting Zarath's name, hoping that the "Angel with Lamp" would fish him out on the way to prison.

After taking a deep breath, he finally chose the latter.

Klein picked up the pen and touched the pen tip to the paper.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly, there was a rhythmic sound from the closed door behind Carlson.

The member of the "Mechanical Heart" wearing thick glasses hurriedly stood up, opened the door, and saw standing straight outside the door, an old gentleman wearing elegant formal clothes and meticulously groomed his beard and hair.

Looking past Carlson's shoulder, Klein also saw the person coming and recognized the person's identity.

He is Prince Edsac's butler.

The big one is really coming.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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