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61.76% LOTM ?? / Chapter 42: chapter 37

Chương 42: chapter 37

Chapter 71 I lost my train of thought today and am going to die.

Chapter 161 I lost my train of thought today and am going to die.

There was still silence above the gray fog. Even if Mr. Fool was magnanimous and ignored "The Sun"'s lies, no one dared to restart the conversation.

Klein, who was sitting at the top, looked down and had no choice but to control the "world" to try to break the awkward deadlock.

At the other end of the long table, "The World", covered in a hood, turned slightly, like a machine that had just been restarted, and said hoarsely to "The Sun":

"The environment in the Eastern Continent is very special. It cannot be ruled out that someone deliberately tampered with the ruins of PM Town in an attempt to mislead you."

His act of breaking the ice attracted the attention of others, and the "Sun" stopped sobbing and faced the "World" with red eyes.

"In fact, it's easy to understand, isn't it?" "The World" first bowed silently to the Supreme Leader, playing riddles, and used actions to obtain Mr. "Fool"'s acquiescence, and then continued, "It has been more than two thousand years since that tragedy. Years, even secular history, it is difficult to piece together the original picture after such a long time, let alone involving multiple gods?"

Obviously, the "World" with the identity of Mr. Fool's favored person may give more convincing words and be more easily accepted by other members.

The "Magician" carefully glanced at the top leader and found that "The Fool" had not made any statement and seemed to let them speculate and digest, so he dared to agree with "The World".

"In fact, many fraudsters today are also targeting this mentality."

"They often screen out some things whose truth is difficult to restore or whose details are difficult to prove, and then tamper with one or two words that are not eye-catching and cause ambiguity in understanding, and deliberately process them to induce the victim to accept his fabricated story. reality..."

As a novelist, Forse usually accumulates a lot of strange social experiences of others as material. Some of these are taken from street interviews, and some simply come from newspapers.

In short, after she and "The World" sang and explained, the tension and embarrassment caused by "The Sun" finally slowly dissipated, and the party barely got back on track.

"That's right, everyone."

"The World" suddenly spoke again:

"Do any of you need the extraordinary properties and recipes of the Arbiter path?"

"Sequence eight to sequence six."

Before convening the party, Klein had already tried to divine the extraordinary properties left behind by Heras, Katie and others, trying to obtain memories about the corresponding potion formulas, and had succeeded.

Alas, it's a pity that I can't use this method on sealed objects, otherwise I could get one more "Punishing Knight" formula...

"There is also a sealed item corresponding to the 'Punishing Knight', and the price can also be negotiated."

ah? "Justice" Audrey and others were a little dumbfounded for a moment.

"The Hanged Man" Alger even looked at "The World" in surprise. He remembered clearly that "The World" was still begging the "Magician" for the magic potion formula of "Secret Puppet Master" last week. The sequence can only reach sequence six at most.

Aren't "faceless men" not good at frontal combat?

Where did he kill a series of "arbitrator" pathways, from sequence eight to sequence five?

You must know that the "arbitrator" path has always been firmly controlled by the two royal families of Augustus and Castilla. If there are only one or two "arbitrators" here and there, and there are still suspicions of wild extraordinary people, the "judge" The probability of going wild with "Retribution Knight" is too low, and the formulas obtained by "World" are in series...

He wouldn't have killed an entire MI9 team, would he?

Audrey also had similar thoughts, and her feelings became deeper and deeper.

She had a friend who worked in MI9 and had boasted to them more than once about how powerful the "Punishing Knights" were.

While "Justice" Audrey was sighing and admiring, "Magician" Forsi, who was sitting next to her, raised his hand slightly.

"Mr. World, how many gold pounds do I need to exchange with you for the extraordinary properties and formula of 'Sheriff'?"

Here it comes... Klein nodded expectantly, and immediately controlled the "world" to answer:

"One thousand two hundred pounds, you can include it in the price of the 'Secret Puppet Master' formula."

Forsi quickly calculated his and Xio's savings and took a silent breath.

Can't afford it, can't afford it at all.

Unless she can finish her new book before the deadline this week and get the royalties from the publishing bureau, she won't be able to raise so much money.

"I'll help you find the right seller."

The Hanged Man, who had been calming down silently for a long time, also nodded when he saw this.

"The pirate conference held by 'King of the Five Seas' Nast will be held this week."

"There are many Extraordinaries in his crew who are in the 'Arbitrator' path. I will also help you inquire about suitable sellers."

After finishing speaking, Alger saw that no one asked about the "Arbiter" pathway formula and the price of the main materials, so he changed the topic.

"I would like you to help me keep an eye on a person related to the disappearance of colonial slaves mentioned before."

Upon hearing this, Klein instantly became energetic.

"He calls himself Barron. He has a brownish-red complexion and has obvious Southern Continent racial characteristics, but some people have occasionally heard him speak with a Backlund accent."

"His third tooth on the left is missing but has probably been replaced."

"In addition, his appearance is unremarkable and his height is quite ordinary. The only thing that can be determined is that he has made an unusually rapid fortune and is suspected to be supported by a big force."

"The Hanged Man" Alger glanced at "Magician" and "The World" seemingly unintentionally, as if giving a hint.

"It only took him two years to go from offering a reward of less than 1,000 pounds to the current reward of 3,000 pounds. He also went through the 'arbitrator' route."

"If you can find his traces, the reward is not a problem, at least 100 pounds, or equivalent items."

With this description alone, he couldn't even complete a divination, let alone find someone in reality... Klein looked around, manipulating the "world", and tapped his fingers on the table habitually.

However, Mr. "The Hanged Man"'s sharing is not completely without value.

He was supported by a certain big force, and his channel was also an "arbiter". It was also related to the disappearance of slaves in the colony...

Oh, this is just a matter of branding the royal lackey on the forehead of the so-called Captain Barron.

He hinted with his eyes that Miss Magician and I must have thought of this possibility.

As expected, "Magician" Forsi nodded in response to the gaze of "The Hanged Man" after a brief moment of silent thought.

"I will report the clues you shared to my superiors. If there are any results, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Backlund, 5 p.m.

The warehouse that was struck by lightning and exploded has not yet been cleaned up. Scattered tiles are everywhere. The steel bars twisted by the heat are stubbornly grabbing the ground and standing on the bare ground. Workers wearing shabby brown uniforms are around it. As small as an ant.

Since machines replaced most traditional workshops, the working hours of textile workers have not been shortened, but have increased with time extension techniques that cleverly avoid labor laws. Now, even at five o'clock in the evening in winter, there is no A worker walked out of the factory gate.

The figure wearing a black double-breasted coat walked alone on the street filled with yellowish mist, looking out of place with the surroundings.

After the Tarot session, Klein, who failed to sell any "goods", took a short rest and then headed to the East District, preparing to continue the investigation that had been delayed for two days due to the assassination of Capin.

He started along the few blocks where the "Devil" dog once appeared in the Backlund Bridge area, took a hired carriage, went around the edge of the East District, and finally entered a low-cost apartment near the dock factory.

This is an area under the jurisdiction of the Whir Party, which controls many street girls. Just because of the low rent, many of them will choose to stay here after paying off the "arrears" owed by the Whir Party.

In short, there is a high possibility that this will be the place where the "devil" dog commits its next crime.

Without making any more disguises, Klein, who was dressed as a worker, hid all the extraordinary items under his large linen coat. He imitated the common tired steps of East End workers and generously approached the cheap shop surrounded by scattered gang members. Apartment, before those fierce big men drove away, the actual situation outside the apartment was imprinted in my mind.

Klein seemed to casually avoid the newsboys running on the street and the unemployed workers sitting on the roadside, holding wooden signs in their arms, waiting for the foreman to choose, and walked into a house with many eyes that were either numb or envious. A tavern filled with the pungent smell of alcohol.

This kind of pubs that specialize in low-quality beer are distributed throughout the East District. They refer to the business model of maritime city pubs and do not pursue the taste of alcoholic beverages. They put the alcohol content first, but they are quite popular.

It's just that these pubs are generally controlled by various gangs. In addition to being partially used for bounty hunter activities, they have basically become gathering places for gangs.

Klein looked at the dirty hall shrouded in dim yellow light, walked to the bar familiarly, and took a glass of wine from the bartender without arousing any suspicion or noise.

Different from usual days, the topics of the drunken bragging in the bar today were surprisingly consistent. They were either insulting Capin or praising the thief "Black Emperor".

Kaping kidnapped young girls wantonly in the East District. Not only did many workers whose families were broken up and their wives separated from their children hate him, but it also touched the interests of many gang groups. Many small gangs lost their credibility among workers because of this. If it hadn't been for them before Kaping has the help of extraordinary people and is unable to resist. Now there will definitely be more gang fights in the East District.

Klein listened to the nonsense of the drunkards for a while, raising the corner of his mouth slightly, until the bartender in charge of painting the overdue commission on the wall came over with a few new pages of bounty, and used glue to stick the pages to the wall. superior.

Klein looked at the contents of one of the bounties and his eyes widened little by little.


"Reward target: Azik Eggers, male, about forty years old, with obvious Southern Continent racial characteristics, average height, and a black mole on his earlobe."

As long as the clues provided are confirmed, you can be rewarded with one hundred pounds...

Are East End gangsters looking for a college professor named Azik Eggers?

Looking at the bounty on the top, Klein almost couldn't help laughing.

Are you kidding me, Mr. Azik is wanted?

Who wants whom?

Still around forty?

This is as ridiculous as MI9 not wanting the thief "Black Emperor" but wanting "The God of Mystery", and wanting an angel on the path of death. Do they want to experience the good benefits of the underworld in advance?

However, all the above complaints only stayed in Klein's mind for a moment. His instinctive rationality and sobriety still made him realize the abnormality behind it.

After all, Mr. Azik is just an ordinary teacher who has resigned. How could he be related to Backlund's gang?

Could it be that Mr. Azik had actually found the whereabouts of Ince Zangwill and had a conflict, so he was noticed?

Klein didn't think that the gangs in the East District would risk their lives to arrest a dangerous person whose details they didn't know at all. There must be someone else who was actually wanted.

Apart from MI9, I really can't think of anyone else who would do this... After all, the church won't use this method. They will only send "Red Gloves" to pursue them directly.

While analyzing, Klein suddenly thought that it seemed that he had indeed not received a reply from Mr. Azik for some time.

Just after he copied the content on the "Black Emperor" card and sent it to Mr. Azik.

In the real world, Derrick, who returned from the gray fog after the Tarot party, opened his eyes, surrounded by the familiar darkness and the alternating thunder in the sky.

He squinted his eyes, first adjusting to the changes in light and darkness for a while, then focused his vision little by little, and finally stopped at the light closest to him.

That was Samael resting against a low wall in the rest camp, holding a torch.

The "magician" who has an out-of-touch personality and loves pranks sees Derrick waking up from his false sleep. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net couldn't help but smile.

Without saying anything, he forced the torch in his hand to Derrick, while he rubbed his wrists.

"If you hold it for a while, my hands will become stiff."

"How long has it been?" Derrick was not very interested. He took the torch and asked in a muffled voice:

"Twenty minutes?" Samael tilted his head indifferently, "Probably, I don't know, after all, there is no church bell here to ring the time."

"But Derrick," Samael, who was rubbing his wrists, suddenly stopped, "Why do you have to take a break at three o'clock every afternoon?"

"I'm not saying you can't rest, but it's really rare at this time."

"Also, since you have joined the exploration team, maybe you really should change this habit. After all, monsters in the wild will not wait for you to rest before attacking you."

"In the few times I have gone out to explore, I have seen many teammates being attacked by monsters in the dark during their breaks, and they lost their lives without even having a chance to fight back."

Samael pinched his right eye socket and lowered his head slightly.

"I thought you wouldn't be in the mood to rest after seeing everything the cleric showed us today, but I didn't expect you to fall asleep anyway?"

"Is it because you're really tired, or do you have some reason why you have to keep up this habit?"

It's so disgusting. When I woke up in the morning, my lips were bitten by mosquitoes and my head was still dizzy.

If you don't turn on the air conditioner, the mosquitoes will be worse. If you turn on the air conditioner, you will definitely have a headache the next day.


Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 72 Expose the truth

Chapter 162 Expose the truth

"Is it because you're really tired, or do you have some reason why you have to keep up this habit?"

I... Derrick, who had just returned from the gray fog, was not in a stable mood. He opened his mouth in confusion and did not speak for a long time.

Samael looked at him, minute by minute, until another thunder cracked across the sky, and he suddenly laughed.

"It's okay, everyone gets tired sometimes."

"I can completely understand. After all, it's your first time to participate in exploration. You are under a lot of psychological pressure. You heard such blasphemous remarks. It's normal for you to be mentally tired."

Samael gave up searching for the root cause and continued to rub his wrists. He turned his right hand in a slight arc unnoticeably and took the initiative to excuse Derrick.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to what the cleric in the ruins said."

"Although he didn't 'die', it's still been so many years, right?"

"Even if he is a demigod, I have not seen any council elder in the records whose life span exceeds two hundred years. The priests in the ruins must have been contaminated."

"Those who are polluted are lunatics, don't worry about lunatics."

The assembly signal came from the center of the temporary camp, and the sharp whistle reached the ears of every Silver City resident. Samael patted the dust on his pants, smiled and extended his hand to Derrick.

"I don't know if you fell asleep just now. Do you still remember Locke?"

"The old man who was temporarily assigned to Elder Lovia's staff together with you."

"He cried for ten minutes after hearing what I said. It was so fun!"

"It's unimaginable, isn't it? His grandson is almost as old as you, but his ability to bear it is still so poor?"

"The Creator sensed that disaster was coming. He realized that evil from ancient times was awakening in the hearts of everyone in the world..."

In an apartment room under the "Clock of Order", "Aman"'s right index finger and thumb are supported on both ends of a crystal lens. He relaxes and leans on the single sofa. He tilts his head back and stares at the light yellow ceiling, seriously He looked like he was counting every tiny stain on the ceiling.

The King of Angels, who briefly took off part of his disguise, fell into a certain past event, with memories spanning more than two thousand years.

In the beginning, or in other words, the will of "God" awakened, and my father noticed God's return, so he summoned the "Redemption Rose", hoping to use his own half as the core to unite with the king of angels under him and the true god who was driven into the corner by him. , to kill Him, the old man who is about to be complete?

"Oh, interesting, interesting."

Amon couldn't help but clapped his hands, and the smile on his lips became more obvious, causing his whole body to tremble.

"Hey, even if you've deceived every kid with this kind of talk, do you think I would believe it?"

He put on the crystal-ground monocle that he held with two fingers, turned his wrist, and a small silver medal appeared out of thin air in his palm.

The silver medal still exudes abnormal heat, and every trace of the seal carved on the thin carrier is exuding an erratic and illusive mist, shining with a blue-black brilliance.

Facing the silver medal in his hand, Amon muttered to himself, as if he wanted to communicate directly with the true god hidden at the source of the gray mist through the aura contained in the silver medal.

He is now convinced that the "God of Mysteries" is not dead.

The clone sent by Him to Silver City took the risk and stole the memory from the "Light Prayer" who was suspected of having come into contact with Source Castle.

He was very careful. He did not directly and roughly cut off the memory that was useful to him from the mind of the "Light Prayer". Instead, he divided it first and then copied it. He only took away the copy and did not go deep into the astral body. Read your heart.

Based on his understanding of the "God of Mysteries", even if the "God of Mysteries" with a long-term mental state is caring for a mortal, he will not pay attention to it all the time, as long as it does not touch the person who may exist in the astral body. Marks with the aura of Source Castle will not alert the "God of Mystery" and make Him aware of it immediately.

"Is there really a castle outside the Source Castle?" Amon continued to mutter to himself, the lens on his right eye flashing with strange light spots that were traveling rapidly.

Adding the information about the survival of the "God of Mystery" to the known conditions and rebuilding the decryption model, Amon used his extraordinary ability to assist in the reasoning calculations, and soon obtained the most likely answer.

The real "Lord of Mysteries"'s awakened consciousness in his "good uncle" has reached a terrifying proportion. In order to fight against the original owner of Source Castle, the old immortal, to seize control of his body, the "God of Mysteries" had no choice but to seal himself. He gave up the chance of resurrection in reality and could only confine himself in the form of a spirit body.

This is not an unusual decision. In a sense, the True Creator hiding in the Southern Continent is in a similar situation.

On February 16, 1349, the Orochi made a prophecy, prompting the followers of the "Hanged Man" to prepare a total of eighty-one divine descending ceremonies in the northern continent. Some of them were true, some were false, and almost all were smoke bombs.

As a mythical creature that can become a god with only one characteristic and one ritual, Amon thinks he understands the principles of these rituals relatively well.

Generally speaking, the divine descending ceremony can be said to be demanding and quite casual.

Its harshness lies in the fact that the ritual itself cannot withstand too many accidents and accidents, while its casualness means that the carrier containing the power of the gods can be driven as long as it is strong enough.

The saturated divine descending ceremony is actually very similar to His usual "plague-like parasitism", which uses quantity to make up for unplanned factors and conceal the true purpose.

In an instant, Amon thought of a lot.

For example, His brother once denied His speculations in private conversations, only insisting that the Creator has not yet fully returned, and did not deny the identity of the true Creator.

For example, two hundred years ago, he made a plan when he noticed that another person carrying the aura of the "Origin Castle" appeared - to exchange fate, confuse the designation of the symbol of the Origin Castle from the source, and transfer the aura of the Origin Castle to himself.

For example, how Medici, who degenerated into an evil spirit after his death, got rid of pollution step by step and returned to Sequence One from Sequence Four.

For example, the "Hanged Man" can peel off the dark side of the soul and create the power of a second self, as well as the past experience of the "God of Mystery" who ascended to the throne of God by fooling history.

The complex symbols wandering on the lens were finally determined, and spiritual intuition gave the answer.

"Did you choose Roen in the end because your body is here?"

"Is this what you often call darkness under the lamp?" Amon raised his thumb and tapped the silver medal in his hand.

Unknowingly, he had believed what the "God of Mystery" said above the gray fog.

Not only does the Creator possess omniscient and omnipotent authority, and no secret or conspiracy power can deceive Him, but the "God of Mystery" is also one of the top "scammers".

Even Amon himself didn't have much confidence in trying to deceive a "scammer" who was good at "deception".

So Sasriel did not deceive "Mystery". He told the truth and his actions were in line with the Creator's expectations. The only problem, as "Mystery" said, was the three traitors with their own whims. , and perhaps the guidance of two immortals.

Similar to the current "God of Mystery", the original consciousness recovered to such a terrifying degree that the father had to acquiesce in the establishment of the "Redemption Rose".

Resurrection is not exclusive to any one path, but these resurrections with different methods and consistent results all have a common characteristic - only the corresponding extraordinary characteristics are returned with the recovery of consciousness, and the previous pollution is not included.

This is common sense.

"Suicide is indeed a good way," Amon nodded to Silver Medal seemingly approvingly, then a touch of sarcasm emerged from the corner of his mouth, "But have you forgotten that both your father and Russell, who you support, are Died on this road?"

"Is your trust so cheap? Roman or little Zaratul, this shouldn't be a difficult question."

"Most of the people who drown are good swimmers..."

Amon's eyes with and without the monocle squinted at the same time, outlined the corners of his mouth, and said with great interest.


It was still early, and surgeon Alan Kress, who had just finished an operation, did not choose to go home. Instead, he took a carriage directly to the Cragg Club, intending to spend the afternoon there.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw the equestrian teacher Talim Dumont.

This is a son of a noble family, and his ancestors had the title of Viscount. Unfortunately, all his family property was squandered by his grandfather. The old Viscount, who had been married three times, left his father with nearly ten brothers and more than six sisters. As a landed noble, when the land he owned fell below the standard line, the hereditary title would be waived by the king.

Talim's father wanted to save the status quo and restore the glory of his ancestors. However, the education that this old aristocratic son received since childhood was still the same style that was popular among the landed aristocrats two hundred years ago. It was really unable to integrate with today's new business trends. Being manipulated by emerging banker-turned-nobles and outside investors, he lost all his final capital.

When his son came of age, Talim could not enter the kingdom's political system and seek government positions like other noble children. He could only use his talents to become an equestrian instructor for many nobles, and received a fairly lucrative job. income.

Perhaps the only good fortune for this noble descendant in his life was that he met Prince Edsac during his career as an equestrian teacher. With the help of the prince, he saw hope of getting rid of his grandfather's bad reputation... Alan Crane Si looked at Talim sitting in the corner, followed his example, and also picked up a glass of low-alcohol red wine.

"Good afternoon, Talim." Allen squeezed out a smile on his tense face and nodded to say hello to his rosy-cheeked and energetic friend.

Talim, who was familiar with Allen's character, did not feel left out and laughed:

"Good afternoon, Alan."

The desire to talk was almost written on Talim's face, but he saw the faint fatigue in Allen's eyes and knew that the surgeon was not good at words. Unlike most of the bachelor members in the club, he forcibly stopped speaking. desire.

Not long after, the last member of the trio in the club arrived, and Talim finally had an outlet to vent.

Newspaper reporter Mike Joseph shook his body slightly, and his two beautiful mustaches swayed slowly with the blinking frequency of a pair of charming blue eyes.

"what happened?"

"Talim, you seem to be in a good mood."

Talim, who finally seized the opportunity, greeted Mike Joseph to sit down quickly and asked excitedly:

"Mike, do you know what it's like to really like someone?"

...The reporter's smile suddenly became complicated.

He and Dr. Allen, who remained silent, looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

"It just so happens that Alan and I have already had a taste of this."

"Have you finally met your destiny?"

"This is the Lord's favor!" Talim hammered his chest excitedly and took another sip of red wine. "If it weren't for the Lord's guidance, I wouldn't have made that difficult decision."

"Without that decision, I wouldn't have been able to meet her!"

Meeting her... Mike and Dr. Allen looked at each other again, and both saw the deep worry in each other's eyes.

Two weeks ago, they had heard nothing about this from Talim.

Finally, Dr. Allen, who was accustomed to silence among the two, took the initiative and said:

"What kind of lady is that?"

He calmly faced the doubts in Talim's eyes and continued calmly:

"If I remember correctly, I got married a few years before Mike and may have more experience."

Mike and Talim's eyes widened in unison.

Allen actually learned to tease and joke!

Extremely excited, Talim sat down again and pursed his lips. There was a movement belonging to an adolescent boy on his mature and profound face.

"I...I don't know how to describe it to you."

"She's really, she's a special girl."

girl? Mike's brows tightened slightly.

"Although she does not have a noble status, her status may cause controversy, but as I am now, my grandfather has completely ruined the reputation of our family. I can't be called a noble, and I don't even have a title."

"So I felt like we were just the right fit."

A look of hope for a better future appeared on Talim's face, and the blush became more obvious. Even the skin on his neck was stained with a layer of crimson due to the excitement.

He was completely unaware of the changes in his body, and ignored the concerned eyes of his two friends opposite him, and slowly touched his chest with his palms.

"She is perfect. If I have the chance, I will introduce her to you, but not now."

"Now... now..." Talim's voice suddenly became much deeper, "Me and another person with a high status are pursuing her. She can't bear that person's entanglement and needs me to save her."

"To be honest, if the other man who pursued her was not my friend, I might have done what a noble should do like my ancestors did."

"My friend is too blind. He is not like me. He has a bright future and unlimited prospects. Although I will not question his love for an almost perfect girl, I still think he is wrong. "

"He shouldn't, he can't...can't be like this, he can be..."

The more Talim spoke, the more excited he became. The palms pressed on his chest became harder and harder, and his body began to twitch uncontrollably.

"Talim!" As a surgeon, Allen immediately reacted to what happened.

He almost threw himself on Talim to prepare for first aid, and at the same time, regardless of the impact, he shouted to another friend who was stunned on the spot.

"Get the doctor, get the doctor, Mike, get it!"

But before Mike could stand up from his seat, Talim, whose body was constantly twitching, had already breathed his last breath. Thick black blood flowed from his seven orifices, and the longing for the future still remained in his dead eyes.

Outside the Cragg Club, a middle-aged man with high cheekbones, blue eyes with gray, ordinary facial features, and neatly combed back hair quietly relaxed his hands, hailed a hired carriage, and left.

The plot is about to take off, and if it doesn't, I feel like I won't be able to finish it before the end of the second volume.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 73 Cardiac Arrest

Chapter 163 Cardiac Arrest


In the Red Rose Manor on the outskirts of Queen Backlund, a girl with a round face and long, soft and shiny black hair shouted in surprise.

Her slender, plain hands held a puppet with missing facial features tightly, her knuckles turning white from the force. She was so surprised that she didn't even realize that her nails had been completely immersed in the cotton wool.

After a moment of silence, the black-haired girl trembled all over, her slender eyes filled with anger, and she rushed towards a full-length mirror placed in the corner of the room.

A cluster of black flames suddenly rose from the palm of her hand and flicked quickly on the surface of the mirror. The girl, whose face was beautiful but whose sweetness was ruined by anger, stared at the mirror with all her concentration and waited silently.

She waited for one second, two seconds, three seconds...and counted until ten seconds, but she didn't see any change.

The mirror placed in the corner was still dim. The solid surface did not turn into illusion, nor did it show any images or words. It just stood there quietly.

The sweet-looking black-haired girl stepped back, fear replaced anger in her eyes, and a hint of coldness appeared on her back.

"Where do you want to go?"

The coldness that was not like human body temperature touched the smooth surface of her back. The girl felt the soft touch that gradually came closer to the back of her neck. She endured the dryness in her mouth and said:

"Did you kill Talim?"

"If you didn't try to manipulate him into falling in love with you, how could he die?" The owner of the cold palm asked rhetorically without answering.

The charming and pure female voice was amplified several times in the quiet room. The girl's hair stood up as she listened, her limbs stiffened as if she had lost power, and she was frozen in place like a clay sculpture. No matter how hard she tried, she could not do anything except breathe. More action.

The soft coldness slowly slid up the girl's forearm from the back, and the warm breath sprayed on the back of the neck, making the girl tremble again. She felt that there was a giant python wrapped around her throat, just waiting for it. Tightly bound.

The woman who looked like a snake and python gently slid over the girl's forearm and stroked the blue-purple ring on her little finger. Her delicate voice was much more respectful.

"Triss, Triss Chik, why not follow the destiny set for you by the 'original'?"

"This is a good opportunity to merge with the gods and obtain divinity. Why do you want to resist? Just because you are required to accompany that idiot prince to fall in love, do you feel aggrieved and insist on running away?"

The female voice was seductive and teasing the girl's nerves as if it were real.

The warm breath gradually faded away, and the cold soft touch on Triss's forearm suddenly exerted force, and the seductive words changed and became tinged with a faint threat.

"We are both 'original' daughters. As a sister who is a few years older than you, I am happy to help my little sister go astray."

"But unfortunately, recently I not only have to abide by the 'original' oracle, but I also have to satisfy the weird little requests of our collaborators. Their tempers are not very good~"

The long-drawn sweet voice became more and more tired, and the catkins lacking warmth faded from her forearms. The black-haired girl Tris stared at the emptiness in front of her in horror, and the coldness pressed against her neck. The moment before, he nodded imperceptibly.

The coldness was fleeting, and the horrible feeling of pressure disappeared. Triss, who was standing there like a clay sculpture, still maintained that ridiculous posture, but her nerves had relaxed a lot.

Picking up the faceless doll on the ground, and letting the black flames devour the stand-in that had established a mystical connection with Talim through its blood, Triss squatted down blankly, like a real, wronged girl. Like, tears welling up in eyes.

The sound of heavy footsteps became heavier and heavier, and there was a muffled "bang" sound. Edsac Augustus, who was dressed in a uniform similar to the standard military uniform and with a round face, glanced seriously towards the depths of the room and noticed that he was like a baby bird. Triss curled up on the ground.

Before the seriousness on his face lasted for a second, the rigidity inevitably softened. Edsac hurried towards Triss who was squatting on the ground and hugged her.

Backlund North District, St. Samuel's Church.

A pair of people wearing black windbreakers and red gloves entered the underground area. The leader was a man in his forties, with soft facial features and long hair on the temples.

Sost, the captain of the "Red Gloves" team, entered a spacious room with many bookshelves and files, and said hello to the administrator who was sitting in front of the bookshelves with a pair of thick glasses on his nose.

"Good afternoon, Maipu."

"Soest, the information you need is all over there." The young "Peeper" did not take his eyes off the book because of the visitor's arrival, but pointed to the chair next to the door with his chin.

Sost, who was carrying a staff of civilization, glanced to the right, nodded, and took out a slender piece of paper from his pocket.

"What are you doing?" Maipu half-closed the book in surprise, surprised by the reactions of several colleagues.

"The situation has changed. We may have to form a joint investigation team with the Church of Storms and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery." Sost shrugged helplessly and showed the administrator the permission letter approved by Archbishop St. Anthony in his hand.

"Just now, a nobleman who had a good personal relationship with the royal family was killed. It was also a 'devil' who committed the crime."

"The Church of Storms in charge of the investigation conducted an autopsy on the deceased and found that the modus operandi of this incident was more sophisticated than the Ripper serial murder cases that were active in the East District and Backlund Bridge area in the past two weeks."

"The dead person was related to the royal family. The Church of Storms did not activate the 'divination type' sealed artifact? They should take this case very seriously?" Administrator Maipu took off his glasses, revealing a pair of turbid eyes with lilac ripples.

While instructing the team members to collect the files that needed to be reviewed, Sost continued to explain to the old administrator:

"Unfortunately, the Church of Storms tried divination and failed to get any clues."

"There are two speculations now. Either the Ripper case has nothing to do with the death of the deceased this afternoon, or the Ripper completed a ritual that we don't understand by hunting down targets that have something in common, and may have received information from a higher level. The gift from the devil may also be the completion of promotion, from the 'devil' to the 'apostle of desire'."

"'The Apostle of Desire'..." Maipu smacked his lips, shook his head, said nothing more, put on his glasses again, and continued his unfinished reading.

Sost was equally silent.

He thought seriously for a while, turned to the square table filled with information, and stopped in front of a team member who was stunned.

"Leonard, is there anything wrong with this document?"

"No, this investigation report is about the Black Emperor." The young "Red Glove" with messy short hair and good looks denied, "I'm just curious about the Tarot that the Black Emperor threw at the scene at the end of the case. Is there a secret connection between the Tarot cards and the Tarot cards left on Lanrevus' body?"

Sost, with a serious and tense expression, burst into laughter.

"Very good question, I'm also curious about this doubt."

He took the file in Leonard's hand, glanced at the picture attached at the bottom of the report, and said softly:

"The Lanerwus case is basically the work of the Aurora Society, but they rarely use Tarot cards as symbols. In the end, the murderer sprinkled Tarot cards on Lanluwus' body. In our opinion, it is the same as his. It's just as strange to deliberately torture Lanrewus to death."

"Deliberate torture?" Leonard felt like he had caught some inspiration.

Turning the paper, Sost said casually:

"Of course, Lanerwus's autopsy report shows that he had a small amount of divine power remaining in his body, so the member of the Aurora Society who killed him must be one of their divine envoys, possibly another 'shepherd'."

"The on-site survey showed traces of the use of abilities from multiple pathways. However, the fatal injury on Lan Erwusi was caused by the 'divineer' pathway, which is the most unpleasant in frontal combat. Don't you find it strange?"


Leonard never listened to what Sost said later, only the phrase "divineer" kept swirling in his mind.

He chewed the word, and his green eyes trembled slightly.

"Dear Mr. Azik... I heard some strange rumors in a bar in the East District today. I heard that the gangs in the East District seemed to be chasing a university teacher with the same name as you. I wonder if you know about this..."

"Finally, your devoted student, Klein Moretti."

The ancient round-belly pen left the paper, and the beautiful rustling sound suddenly stopped. Klein checked his letter for spelling errors, then reached into his pocket and found Azik's copper whistle, which was imprisoned in the spiritual prison.

The cold brass whistle was pressed against his lips, and Klein blew it. The cold brass whistle was always emitting a silent whistle. A wave of coldness instantly swept through the bedroom of Backlund's Bridge District apartment. The Bone Messenger walked across the floor and straightened his body, his eye sockets The pale flame in the center stared at Klein's palm holding the letter, with exaggeratedly proportioned white-bone fingers spread out.

I don't know if this messenger can respond to my question. If Mr. Azik is really in trouble... Before Klein could hand over the envelope, the flames in the eyes of the skeletal messenger crouched between the floor and the ceiling suddenly swelled. He looked warily in the direction of the apartment door.

Just as its burning pale eye sockets turned, there was a knock on the door that gradually became louder from far to near.

Who will look for me at this time? Klein was also wary.

If it were Jerry Zaratul, he would definitely not leave, and that guy was probably busy getting promoted recently and wouldn't have time to look for him.

But if it's Mr. A... Mr. A never comes uninvited, and he often replies with one or two messages only when he takes the initiative to ask.

Who could it be... Just as Klein was still wondering, the Bone Messenger's big hand suddenly brushed against his forearm, picked up the letter, disintegrated into illusory bones of different sizes, and disappeared into the cracks in the floor.

The messenger left, and "Resentful Soul" Sharon's figure appeared again. Her lips opened and closed, and a gust of cold wind sent the answer into Klein's ears.

Almost as soon as he heard Sharon's description, Klein's mind also pictured the visitor outside the door.

He was a middle-aged and elderly gentleman who was dressed meticulously. His shirt was white and straight, his thick gray-blue vest perfectly held his belly, and his long tuxedo had clear lines and no flaws.

This gentleman was wearing a pair of shiny leather shoes, showing no signs of having walked through the rain and mud.

He wore a pair of white knitted gloves, with silver threads on his temples. His manner was more elegant than any gentleman Klein had ever seen, even a little rigid.

Baron Syndras's butler? Klein muttered, quickly put away the messy items on the table, and opened the door.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" He showed due doubts and curiosity. It was only then that he noticed that behind the visitor who was suspected to be the butler, there was a man who was particularly reserved and dressed similarly.

The middle-aged and elderly gentleman took off his hat, put it on his chest, and saluted in the most standard manner.

"I am a butler, inviting you on behalf of my master, Mr. Sherlock Moriarty."

"Do I know your master?" Klein glanced behind the butler unabashedly.

The understanding middle-aged and elderly gentleman saluted again and pointed behind him with his flat palm.

"This is the butler of Baron Sindras. My master is a friend of the baron."

"I heard from Baron Sindras that you are an excellent detective. My master hopes to ask you to investigate some things for him."

Baron Sindras's butler is the one I didn't see last time... Klein took a deep look at the man with a reserved expression and took in all his expressions.

The Baron is one of the top bankers and emerging aristocrats in the country. For a big shot at his level, the butler's external image is bound to his master to a certain extent.

Will Baron Sindelas' butler show such an expression... This old gentleman's master is the big shot that the baron hopes to please?

Klein was thoughtful, nodded slightly, and spoke very implicitly:

"I guess I have no reason to refuse."

The professional and rigorous butler didn't pay attention to his scrutiny and teasing, and said with a polite smile:

"The carriage is already waiting for you below. If it's convenient for you, we can set off now."

I really can't wait, what happened... Klein thought about it and didn't refuse.

"I need to get ready, just two minutes."

After getting the housekeeper's understanding, he first closed the door, then quickly returned to the bedroom and closed the door again.

Sharon's figure floated by the window, her gaze had just returned from the street downstairs, and there was a rare emotion in her blue eyes.

That's worry.

She looked at Klein, who was taking off the pendulum to prepare for divination, and took the initiative to say:


Um? Klein's hand holding the pendulum paused for a moment, then moved to the window and reached down.

Immediately afterwards, he froze at the window, and the muscles on his face almost twitched. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

On the cement road downstairs of the low-cost apartment, a horse-drawn carriage with a thick black exterior and a low-key yet luxurious appearance was parked in front of the apartment, attracting many passers-by to watch.

There is a coat of arms in a conspicuous position on the carriage carriage. The main body is a long sword pointing vertically downwards, with the hilt of the sword overlapping a red crown.

The sword of judgment!

The "Sword of Judgment" representing the royal family of Augustus!

Time seemed to have suddenly filled up countless times. Klein grabbed Sharon's cuff behind him with one hand, and the two fingers of one hand were already rubbing together tightly. With just one thought, he could escape into the flames.

For a moment, he thought about running away.

He had just knocked off the royal white gloves. Within two days, the royal servants came to invite him to tea.

How could there be no conspiracy in this?

But eventually, he relaxed again, taking deep breaths to ease his mood.

No, it is impossible for Augustus to discover the true identity of the "Black Emperor". Even if they did, the person who came to me should never be a butler...

Klein gave up the idea of ​​divination. He slowly pressed his chin toward Sharon and shook it from side to side. He took out the paper crane from under the desk and put it into his pocket. He silently recited the honorable name of "Angel with Lamp", walked out of the bedroom, and started again. Opened the door.

His expression returned to its original state, with a faint smile on his face, and he said to the housekeeper waiting outside the door:

"Okay, please lead the way."

The official exam will start the day after tomorrow... I have a stupid arrangement. There are less than ten subjects and the exam will take seventeen days. Why not die?

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 74 The Prince and the Detective

Chapter 164 The Prince and the Detective

Under the guidance of the old butler, Klein boarded the royal carriage.

Stepping on the thick brown and yellow carpet, looking at the wine cabinets containing red wine, white wine, champagne, Ronzi, and Helander, as well as the crystal-polished cups, Klein felt a little restrained for a moment and found a seat by the window. Sit down.

Such a luxurious environment was incompatible with the life he had been exposed to. Looking at those expensive consumer goods and furnishings, Klein couldn't help feeling queasy.

Just like the rejection reaction maintained by the human immune system, the closer he got to the various expensive furnishings in the royal carriage, the easier it was for him to think of the Kaping mansion with similar furnishings, the cold and damp dungeon under the vast villa, and the Barely clothed girls.

Watching the carriage drive through the wet streets, and looking at the people who stopped and were still watching on both sides of the road, Klein asked thoughtfully:

"To Queens?"

"No, my master is visiting Baron Sindras's mansion. He and the baron are waiting for you in the West End." The old butler did not hide anything.

At the residence of Baron Sindras...which means that the matter that needs me to investigate will most likely have nothing to do with the royal family.

It was because I had brought back lost goods for Baron Syndras, and my operational efficiency and the rapid destruction of the Zigman Party left an impression on him, so he recommended me to that royal member when he needed a detective role. I?

Klein thought for a moment, smiled and asked again.

"Can you tell me your master's identity now?"

The old butler's already straight back became even straighter, and his chin was raised:

"He is the descendant of the 'Founder', the 'Protector', he is the son of the 'Mighty One', he is the fifth child of His Majesty the King, Count Rustin, His Highness Prince Edsac Augustus ."

Edsac Augustus?

Isn't this the prince who invested in welfare and tried to fight the Poor Law?

He is the big shot that Baron Sindras pleases, the person I am about to become my employer?

Klein recalled the descriptions in the newspaper and from Administrator Aiglon's mouth with complicated emotions, and stopped talking.

The carriage drove through streets one after another, heading northwest from the area with the artificial lake. It took almost an hour to arrive at the mansion of Baron Sindras.

After getting off the carriage, Klein subconsciously looked around. In the familiar garden with fountains and sculptures, he saw many soldiers wearing white trousers and red military uniforms. They did not hide the presence of gun bags and revolvers under their armpits. A full-body search was conducted on Klein as a routine.

He believed that there must be someone around Prince Edsac who could tell that he was carrying an extraordinary item. If he tried to use illusions to deceive him, he would easily be self-defeating.

Fortunately, the "creeping hunger" on his left hand was as thin as a cicada's wings and had the same color as skin. It felt like human skin and had a relatively high level, so it was not discovered by the soldiers.

Klein also deliberately took off the "Poisonous Wine Brooch" before going out. The "Yellow and Black Eyes" were covered by the gray mist aura, as well as Azik's Bronze Whistle, Will Asceptin's Thousand Paper Cranes and other high-status items. Likewise, it was hidden from the eyes of the soldiers, and the only thing that was confiscated was the revolver he was wearing.

Anyway, the prince knows that I am a private detective and that I am an extraordinary person. His men will definitely not take the guests to the police station just because I illegally hold a gun... Klein took the initiative to hand over the gun and was told to collect it when he left.

Sure enough, it was right to bring Will Asceptin's Paper Crane, and his luck began to work again... During the next two rounds of inspections, Klein used his turning movements to look at Pancindras again. Looking at the environment near the Baron's residence, I was surprised to find that the villa nominally belonging to Viscount Hunter was not too far away.

He quietly breathed a sigh of relief, put aside his last worries, and followed the old butler through the light yellow main hall to the reception room where he had been last time he was invited to visit Baron Sindras.

In front of the bright and wide floor-to-ceiling windows, a baron with neatly combed black hair and a broad forehead sat to the side. At the main seat, Edsac Augustus, wearing a military-style formal dress, sat frowning.

His appearance is very similar to Henry Augustus I, whom Klein often saw on the five-pound banknote. He also has a round face and a pair of narrow eyes, but he is not serious at all, but always smiles. Young and energetic.

"Nice to meet you, Detective Moriarty."

To Klein's expectation, the prince behaved in a very friendly manner, but his smile seemed more forced, unable to hide the faint sadness in his eyes.

The two looked at each other, and Klein was the first to look away and bend down to salute.

"I am honored that you have given me the opportunity to meet you, your kind and loving prince."

Kind and loving? Baron Sindras realized that there was something in Klein's words. His pale to almost colorless eyes narrowed slightly, and his body turned slightly towards the center where the prince was sitting.

"Virtue is the quality of a saint, Detective Moriarty." The smile on the prince's face was a little more lively, as if he had anticipated Klein's words. "I only made a trivial contribution, which is not enough to bear such a noble evaluation of."

"But you are just like what Aiglon and I said. You are full of justice, act decisively and forcefully, and you are a pretty good detective."

Klein laughed dumbly, his eyes calmly meeting the prince's gaze.

"It seems Mr. Agron didn't keep my secret."

The moment he heard Prince Edsac's name, he thought of this possibility. The prince's answer could only be considered as Klein's expectation.

The workhouse managed by Aiglon is the prince's property, and it is an important industry linked to political bargaining chips. It is the prince's absolute confidant.

Many people have gone missing in the workhouse in the past few days. Even if Aigron is unwilling to add to the burden on the prince who is already under a lot of pressure, as a manager entrusted by the prince, he must fulfill his responsibility to report his work truthfully.

It was impossible to hide the series of incidents in the workhouse from Prince Edsac, and Aiglon suspected that Klein was a spy for Lundberg or Intis, so it was normal to inform the prince.

Prince Edsac said that I was a "pretty good detective"... He must have heard from Baron Sindelas that I killed Meursault alone and brought back the goods and important evidence of the Zigman Party's crimes... …Has he already determined that I am Lundborg's spy and that I am a real "detective"?

Sequence seven of the "Reader" path is "Detective"!

While Klein was thinking silently, Prince Edsac also ended his greetings and got straight to the point and talked about the original purpose of inviting Sherlock Moriarty.

"I have heard about the important role you played in the Zmange Party case, and I have also read Aiglon's evaluation of you. You have the rational and careful mind of a scholar, and the decisive motivation of a soldier. As for me, Personally, I think you are better than the now famous Detective Essinger in Backlund, which is why I invited you."

"A friend of mine died in a despicable murder not long ago. Unfortunately, he passed away and went to the kingdom of storms and lightning."

"The investigation into his death did not go through me, and the results were quite perfunctory, so I hope you can help me find the real culprit and make him pay the price he deserves."

Was it a government official, a banker, or a nobleman who died?

The conclusion given by others in the royal family? Your two brothers? Or are you trying to fight against the conservative forces that offended the Poor Bill?

I almost lost my life when dealing with a little guy like Kapin. I couldn't bear this level of strife from the very beginning...

Not to mention that I'm injured. I have to strictly follow the doctor's orders recently and cannot use my extraordinary abilities casually like before... Klein struggled for a moment, and just when he was about to refuse, he felt a trance in front of his eyes, and a distorted light drifted across the prince's eyes. No one around him, including the soldiers responsible for security, noticed this abnormality.

The old and ethereal voice came, and Klein was stunned for a moment, and could only sigh helplessly:

"Your Highness, could you please tell me the name of the gentleman who unfortunately passed away?"

Klein moved his palms in an ungentlemanly manner.

"You know, we need to know enough information to accept the commission. Blindly making promises is irresponsible to our clients."

Edsac looked at Baron Sindras, who had remained silent from beginning to end. The latter immediately nodded and walked out of the living room with everyone except the guards who had to be present.

When there were only two people left in the empty room, Prince Edsac chuckled.

"Being irresponsible to the client...oh, is it also irresponsible to one's own life?"

Don't you know everything? Klein pursed his lips and his smile became more helpless.

"I'm very curious, Your Highness."

"With your identity and status, there must be many outstanding subordinates, and some are willing to serve you, just like Mr. Aigron. Why do you want to find an unfamiliar wild Beyonder like me?"

Edsac shook his head and smiled:

"If my identity and status can help me find the truth about my friend's death, then of course I will not go to all the trouble to find you, let alone try to make you take risks that you should not bear."

"Detective Moriarty, I heard from Eggron that you have been studying on a university campus for a long time?" Prince Edsac said, "You are a smart man with a clear mind and can make clear judgments. You are very important to us." The government of our kingdom also has unique insights into many unreasonable policies currently in our kingdom. Then you must know that if you want to fight against a certain resistance, it is impossible to use the power within that resistance to fight it."

"It's not impossible, but it's very difficult and requires a lot of effort."

Prince Edsac spoke slowly.

"You know what I'm trying to do, and you've also seen the welfare institutions I invested in. I invested a lot of money in it, and the only one that really meets my expectations is the workhouse."

"If I hadn't been able to find only one subordinate or friend in Aigron whom I could trust completely, I think my attempt would have been more successful."

"This is why I need to invite you to accept the commission. Do you understand?"

This is really... it's so cold at high places...

Klein clicked his tongue in his heart and nodded lightly.

Prince Edsac has already said this. If he refuses, Detective Sherlock Moriarty will be ignorant. Besides, Zaratul is also willing to let Klein accept this commission.

For the Trunsoest Intelligence Department, being able to reasonably intervene in the disputes within the royal family is undoubtedly a good opportunity that cannot be passed up... Klein said calmly:

"Your Highness, please tell me how the gentleman who passed away unfortunately died?"

Seeing that Klein no longer shied away, Prince Edsac smiled.

He briefly introduced the background of the equestrian teacher Talim, first to reassure Klein, and then detailed the process of Talim's death.

"...The official result is that Talim died of a sudden heart disease, but a subordinate loyal to me told me that traces of a curse were found on Talim's body, which was suspected to be the work of a 'devil'."

Prince Edsac nodded in emphasis.

"It's the 'devil' who has made Backlund so uneasy recently."

Something to do with Gostars?

Klein almost immediately thought of the "Rose School" demigod hidden in the East District.

But soon, he gave up this suspicion.

This does not seem to be the work of Gostars. What he cares about is revenge. Killing a descendant of a ruined nobleman will not do him any good. It is not worth exposing himself early and getting involved with the royal family for an unnecessary person.

If not Gostals, who could it be?

It is even less likely that a wild "Demon" path Extraordinary would be so bold, let alone a "Demon" that could disguise the curse as an accident and kill the target silently, definitely above Sequence Six, and most likely Sequence Five.

The "devils" are not fools. Since they have chosen Talim as their target, they must have their reasons. Talim's death is definitely beneficial to them!

Since it wasn't a wild "devil" who started... "Demons" and "Xenomorphs" have long merged. Gostars is the highest-ranking member of the "Rose School" in Backlund. He is not responsible for this action, and he will definitely be responsible for it. With his approval...

He is undoubtedly aware of this operation... Klein's eyes moved slightly, and UU Readingwww.uukanshhu.net made a request.

"Your Highness, I accept your commission and will try to investigate the cause of Mr. Talim's death, but I need some help from you."

"What kind of help do you need?" Prince Edsac showed a smile.

"Choose any of Talim's hair and flesh, plus his belongings," Klein said.

"Okay, then I will have these things delivered to your home." Edsac agreed immediately, and then asked curiously, "Is this the only thing?"

Klein was not polite.

"Only when I have a preliminary direction can I know what kind of help I need..."

After discussions between the two, Edsack and Klein finalized the channels and methods for follow-up contact and reporting.

After finishing the final discussion, Edsac nodded slightly, rang the bell at hand, and summoned the old butler who had been waiting at the door.

He ordered:

"You take Detective Moriarty out and send him back to the Backlund Bridge area."

"No, thank you for your kindness." Klein declined the prince's kindness and explained with a smile under the gaze of the prince and the butler, "I have other things to do tonight, so I'll just leave by myself later."

As if to liven up the atmosphere, Klein's smile became more obvious.

"And your carriage is too conspicuous. If we take a walk around the Backlund Bridge area, I think even half of Loen will know that you entrusted me with it before tomorrow."

Prince Edsac was a good man, but it was a pity that he was a prince.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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