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33.82% LOTM ?? / Chapter 23: chapter 19

Chương 23: chapter 19

Chapter 7 Carelessness will lead to defeat

Chapter 91 If you are careless, you will lose.

There was a commotion in the bar, and some drunkards even screamed in surprise when they saw the plateau people pulling out their guns.

The mouse, which was lying quietly on a fish bone and licking the meat residue, seemed to have a premonition. It quickly rolled up and hid under the table. Using all four limbs, it ran all the way up to the beam, its two big eyes dripping everywhere. Turning around, he swept from one plateau person to another, scanning all the people in the bar hall who had touched weapons and who were preparing for small moves.

"Let him go?"

The plateau man in charge of surveillance held the other revolver's hand and kept swinging it between Klein and the young man with flaxen hair.

"You're not dead. Now you stay here and wait for the next person to come on stage. If you win, I can pretend that this never happened."

"Him!" The plateau man grabbed the young man's head and dragged him to the muzzle of the gun. "He knows that he only wins when the other person dies, so he loses this one."

Klein looked around, his eyes passing over the muzzle of the gun pointed at him, counting them carefully one by one, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"How much does this kid owe you?"

"Two pounds."

"What, you want to pay back the money for him?" The plateau man pointed his gun on the back of the young man's head in surprise, "Let's talk about it first, the rule here is one in, one out, five, so if you want to pay for this guy, he will be unlucky. If the egg pays, it must be paid..."

The plateau man calculated again and again, but the young man on the seat reminded him.

"Ten pounds..."

"Oh, yes, it's ten pounds." The plateau man nodded slightly, "If you pay ten pounds and give out your own ten pounds, I will discuss with our boss and let you go."

The boss of the plateau people, the so-called executioner Meursault? Klein didn't expect things to progress so smoothly.

It's a pity that I am not the "Secret Puppet Master" now, and there are certain risks in manipulating the "Yellow and Black Eye" for a long time. Otherwise, I could have used a more secretive way to control Meursault unknowingly and obtain the Plateau People's Smuggling Control Evidence of firearms.

Mr. A said that among demigods and below, the ability of "Puppet Master" is among the most difficult to crack. Even he needs some effort...

Klein thought for two seconds, but quickly rejected his reverie.

Not to mention that he had temporarily controlled a marionette used as a cover-up, it has not yet been clarified whether the plateau people really have extraordinary support behind them, and how.

Controlling Meursault rashly will only alert the enemy.

The first rule of the "magician" is not to perform without preparation... Klein nodded calmly and smiled at the young man.

"Okay, I just want to buy something and want to discuss it with you."


The thick wooden door was locked tightly, shutting out the noise and pungent smell of alcohol outside.

There are soft cushions and blankets on the wooden easy chairs, and there are more comfortable-looking sofas in the distance. They surround a long table. Judging from the cards and chips scattered on it, Klein should have just interrupted. An ongoing gambling game.

However, there was only one strange man in the room at this time who had dark skin, sunken eyes, and was thin and muscular. Klein looked around and saw no other gamblers.


The plateauer who brought Klein in came close to the man standing at the table and whispered a few words.

In just ten seconds, the man's expression went from indifferent to surprised. He looked at Klein with interest and asked in Loenese with a strong plateau accent:

"You want to help pay off someone's gambling debt, and you still have business to discuss with me?"

"We can talk business first."

"I heard that you can buy revolvers here, just like the one this gentleman is holding. And they won't be detected by the military, and they have to be of good quality?"

Klein ignored the muzzle pointed at him and casually walked a few steps in the room. His body was blocking the hole connected to the outside of the house for the gas pipe to pass through, and he seemed very relaxed.

Meursault, the "executor" of the Zmangue Party, was wearing a black coat and a round hat in the style of the Southern Continent Highlands. His body was leaning against the edge of the long table.

He suddenly said something quickly in a language that Klein could not understand, and then abruptly switched back to Loen.

"There are many people in Backlund who are buying these things. Why do you have to come to my place and deliberately cause trouble?"

Klein recited the answer he had already thought of.

"I just came to Backlund not long ago, and you are the only ones I can ask about. As for what happened just now..."

"I feel very sorry. I saw that the child looked like an acquaintance of mine and I couldn't help it."

Meursault nodded indifferently and stretched out his hand to signal his younger brother to pick up the goods.

He didn't care that the guy in front of him was dressed as a bounty hunter. For whatever reason, the guy with unknown origins was making trouble outside, just to sell two guns and dozens of bullets.

As long as the place he was looking at wasn't broken, nothing else mattered.

Soon, the plateau man who had just pointed his gun at Klein's back aggressively brought out a wooden box that was half a person tall.

He carefully placed the box on the long table, took out the key, and opened the mezzanine hidden in the middle.

In the drawer, three standard revolvers were neatly arranged on a layer of hay, surrounded by brass-colored bullets.

"How many do you need?" Meursault grabbed a gun with a lot of bullets between his fingers.

He threw it on the table, no more, no less, just enough bullets for two reloads.

Klein, who was leaning in the corner, watched the process intently and slowly left the wall.

There should be no problem with the angle, but if it were converted into a picture, it would inevitably make people question the openness of the angle of view and why there is no trace of obstruction. After all, theoretically I should have taken the photo secretly.

However, with Baron Syndras' methods and the reputation of the Zimenger Party, the court should just follow the procedures. There will not be too rigorous evidence collection and investigation. There is a high probability that MI9 will be notified directly...

Klein touched the pocket containing his wallet and went to get it.

But before he could take this step, the spiritual warning in his mind screamed like crazy, and his whole body reacted instantly and threw himself to the ground.


The highly corrosive sulfur struck Klein's head in a half-moon shape, leaving an indelible mark on the wall.

A pair of sharp claws pierced the roof, and the wooden board could not withstand the increasing pressure, making a painful and tooth-breaking squeaking sound, and broke into countless pieces.

Sharp sawdust exploded in the air. Klein, who was lying on the ground like a beast, had no time to breathe. As soon as his fingers touched the ground, he jumped up again. In a way that almost broke through the limits of human beings, he flexibly turned in mid-air, aiming at what he expected to be like. The threatening sawdust taps the finger.


The air-compressed bullets collided fiercely with the sawdust, exploding into a visible spherical shape in the air. After firing three shots in a row, Klein stopped his hand, leaned his upper body forward suddenly, bent his legs, and landed easily.

The originally comfortable lounge was in a mess, and the plateau man who had just brought Klein in was holding his neck and writhing in vain.

Beside him, Meursault, who was also very close, had only a few shallow wounds on his body, and the deep eye sockets were horrifyingly red.

He suppressed the restlessness coming from the depths of his soul and stiffly bowed respectfully to the figure who had just made the surprise attack.

"Mr. North."

In the dust, a slender "devil" with goat's horns stepped forward, vigilantly scanned Klein's left and right hands, and opened his mouth greedily.

"'Creeping Hunger'?"

The name of the sealed object on his left hand was suddenly called, and Klein couldn't help but be startled.

How could he tell?

The "devil" seemed to be able to read his thoughts and laughed "chichi".

"I can smell it from afar."

"The 'shepherd's' that haven't been filled have a strong taste."

"And you don't smell like your gloves."

His lizard-like head was constantly twitching, unable to support him in speaking longer sentences. Before he could say more than a dozen words, he would stick out his tongue and lick around.

Is this the real "demon"?

Seeing that he had been seen through, Klein no longer maintained his disguise. His left hand was immediately covered with a layer of pure gold, and his originally gray eyes contained a sense of majesty.

Being able to distinguish different sequences of odors through the sense of smell is not mentioned in the church's manual. Moreover, the large area of ​​liquid sulfur he spit out just now is not in the manual. Isn't the common denominator of "demons" not fireballs, curses, and power? melee fighting ability?

"You should have heard what happened to Zillinges."

Klein raised his left hand flatly, facing the 'devil' with 'Creep Hungry'. The illusory mouth embedded in the palm of his hand could not stop baring its fangs. The desire that could not be filled suddenly spread to every living person in the room. He had just become Not long after the "criminal", Meursault immediately lost his mind, threw himself at his not dead companion at his feet, and crazily gnawed at the plateau man's throat that was pierced by sawdust.

He didn't want to directly conflict with an unknown enemy, but he had already mapped out a picture of consecutive championships in his mind in advance.

The "devil" that looked like an upright lizard puffed up its cheeks on both sides, and spewed out yellowish, hot poisonous gas from its nasal cavity. It seemed that high-temperature sulfur would spurt out in the next second, targeting his head!

Klein no longer hesitated, and the "spiritual puncture" he had prepared for a long time followed two lightning bolts from his eyes, and mercilessly penetrated the "devil"'s brain.

The "Devil" suddenly let out a shrill scream, but he did not stop, so he instinctively sprayed out the liquid sulfur in his mouth.

This... is actually larger than what I originally expected!

Klein did not choose to dodge, and quickly switched to the soul that was "grazing". His left hand, which seemed to be made of pure gold, instantly lost its original majesty and became tainted with a layer of overbearing and inviolable purity.

He opened his arms, and a beam of light entwined with sacred flames pierced the hole in the roof, pierced the night sky, and hit the hot yellow-brown liquid and the "demon" that released them.

The specialty of the "Priest of Light" in Sequence Five of the "Sun" Pathway - Divine Light!

This sacred glow enveloped the "Devil" and illuminated his muscles covered by shadowy purple-black scales. Silently, the surface of the scales that could withstand bullets shattered and cracked, and the "Devil's" expression became more distorted. His body even showed signs of melting, and even Meursault, who was feasting on the side, seemed to have been stabbed and screamed.

Although he had some understanding of the "Creep Hunger", he had not yet penetrated it to this extent, and he did not know that the "Priest of Light" who was "herding" the most restrained him was "grazing" in it.

However, this dazzling light did not last long. Klein, who opened his arms to embrace the sky, suddenly stopped thinking.

A powerful external force interrupted his attack, and his pupils, soaked in pure light, reflected two identical and unrealistic figures.

This figure controlled his body, clumsily and abruptly switching the ability that "Creeping Hunger" was using. The pure breath swept away, replaced by the "psychology" that was most useless to "devils" and "prisoners" Doctor".

Is it..."a resentful soul"?

The "resentful souls" among the "alien species" are also marked with red lines within the major Zhengshen churches, and it is particularly emphasized that if a regional team discovers their traces, they must be led by a team leader, and four or more people must act at the same time, together with the "secret" A dangerous existence with the same name as "Master Illusion".

It was the first time that Klein encountered this weird thing that originally only existed in the manual, and he didn't react immediately.

He struggled to move his eyes, but felt that his throat was blocked, making it difficult to breathe, let alone try other movements.

The "Devil" who was severely injured by the "Holy Light" was still lying on the ground and had not recovered. Klein could only be controlled by the "Grudge" who had been hiding in the corner until his companion was near death before taking action.

His figure wearing a feathered cowboy hat and a leather jacket gradually solidified in Klein's eyes. At the same time, it also intensified the weight that Klein felt was irresistible. It seemed that in just a few seconds, he would be able to completely control Klein's body. Silently kill this "magician" who holds two powerful sealed artifacts.

The "Wriggling Hunger" on Klein's left hand was squirming crazily, and its illusory mouth was retching with all its strength, as if it was aware of the danger of its owner and wanted to use this form to have some effect on the possession of the "Wraith Spirit" influence.

Klein also felt the efforts coming from his own sealed artifact, and tried hard to move the fingers of his left hand to switch to the "grazing" soul.

No... His spiritual intuition, which kept sounding the alarm, gradually lost its voice.

Klein realized that unless something was given to him, or he received mental abilities like "Psychic Puncture" and "Frenzy", he would never be able to regain control of his body from the "Wraith Spirit".

There are still a few seconds left.

He was trying hard to run his stagnant brain. In his eyeballs, which were already like stone sculptures, the pupils wandered and the afterglow moved to his right side.

A certain honorable name quickly flashed through his mind.

There, at the wrist covered by the sleeves, an eyeball that had been quietly hidden in the gray mist emerged as a shadow.

It met Klein's peripheral vision with a human touch, and there was a faint shimmer near the eye holes.


Success... After seeing the success, the "Wraith Soul" showed a greedy smile. The raised corners of his mouth suddenly stiffened, and the joints of his body instantly reversed like a doll.

While his mind was controlled, the "resentful soul" also lost the power to continue possessing him. It was ejected from Klein's body by a repulsive force, and his translucent body was suddenly shot far away.

At the same time, Klein, who was out of control, breathed in the cold wind coming from the ceiling. His right hand turned golden again and he opened his arms.

The fire of the sun falls from the sky, the "holy light"!

ps: Praise Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun!

Xiao Ke is so strong now, so he must be beaten to get his energy back up, and he can't be too smooth.

Damn, I look like a stereotypical parent...

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 8: Perform a classic operation

Chapter 92: Perform a classic operation

The unreal figure of the "resentful soul" was captured by the blazing and passionate sacred fire.

The scorching wind blew towards my face, and when the "resentful soul" possessed me just now, the damp and biting chill disappeared completely under the pure air flow set off by the fire rain.

Klein stretched out his arms as much as possible, trying to extend the existence of "Holy Light" as much as possible.

He narrowed his eyes to a slit and stared into the center of the golden storm. He saw a twisted and ferocious face appearing and disappearing. The "resentful soul" was bathed in the light, and the unreal figure was gradually washed away by the pure and bright golden color of the sun. Filled with color.

It seemed that he could disappear in this silent purification at any time, and yet he seemed to be able to persist for a long time.

In an instant, the "resentful soul" whose body had melted and could no longer maintain its human features suddenly turned around, stirred the light with both arms, and pressed his face to the edge of the light beam regardless of the cost.

His blood-red eyes were overflowing with utter hatred and anger. His skin burned by the holy fire revealed white bones and flesh, and he let out the most piercing scream.

The invisible sound waves spread out like a tsunami, entering the ears of everyone around them almost indiscriminately.

Klein's mind buzzed, but his body reacted before the pain-sensing nerves. He was directly shot out by the sonic boom, and with a roar, he crashed into the wall behind him.

Under the full counterattack of "Resentful Soul", even "Creep Hunger", an active sealed object that is not a normal life form, was also affected. Even if he intentionally wanted to help his master, he could not continue to "grazing", and people The pure golden color on the surface of the leather gloves suddenly dimmed.

The scream of the "Wraith Spirit"... is much stronger than the "Psychic Puncture" of the "Interrogator"... There is nothing wrong with the church's manual this time...

After all, he is used to incomprehensible gibbering. If Klein were to rate it himself, he would conservatively estimate that his mental resistance is comparable to that of Sequence Five, who is good at this kind of thing.

The bounty hunter who was shaken away by the sound wave suddenly exploded into an orange-red fireball just before hitting the wall. The hot ball hit the wall of the wooden structure, but it exploded like a dragonfly touching water. Except for a slight scorch, there was no trace left.

In Meursault's room, a mouse hiding in a gas pipe, shivering under the extraordinary fierce conflict, suddenly twitched and lost its life.

The same orange-red light continued to flicker on the complicated streets of the East District, passing through one long-defunct street lamp after another. The workers who were returning late and wandering nearby were so surprised that they thought they were blinded by old age and had seen an illusion.

Klein used "Flame Leap" to run wildly in the deserted alleys until he was out of the East District and near the Backlund Bridge. Then he ended the spiritual squeeze. With a floating step, he crawled out of a pile of slightly damp cardboard. When he came out, he still had the residual warmth of a little flame on his body.

His left hand suddenly felt a sharp pain from the impact just now, and now it could only hang limply on his side.

However, he did not dwell on the injury to his left hand. Instead, he quickly used his right hand that could still move to find the black iron badge hidden in the linen shirt pocket under the sweater. He then stretched it in the coat pocket and pulled out a shape. Crude paper figures.

Klein grabbed the end of the paper man, twitched his arm, and threw out a long flame whip.

I have used anti-divination to erase my traces. Even if "Resentful Soul" and "Demon" have other abilities that I don't know about, they won't be able to catch up for a while... He took another He wiped the note on his left arm, and a deep red stab wound instantly appeared on his left forearm, and his whole left hand regained its flexibility.

Only then did Klein's hanging heart relax a little.

He couldn't help but think deeply as he held the black iron charm that was as soft as flesh and blood.

Is the Zimange Party of the plateau people actually supported by "revengeful spirits" and "devils"?

How did they get together with the "Rose School"? Just because the area where you live is a plateau?

Klein recalled the information about the "Rose School" in his mind, trying to find out the hidden reasons.

From the history he understood, the North-South confrontation caused by the Second Empire of Trunsoest and the countries of the Northern Continent not only affected the powerful countries, but also affected the West Balam Empire and its belief in the "Bound God" who had lost the protection of the true god. countries actually have a greater impact.

Especially after Russell led Intis to launch a colonial voyage, crushing the Western countries that were already crumbling in the nearly thousand years of war in the Southern Continent, and pushing the civilians of the Southern Continent who originally advocated asceticism into the abyss of madness. The new "Rose School", which focused on indulgence and viciousness, came into being on the corpse of the old sect.

In the next two hundred years, these pure lunatics have been determined to restore the country and take revenge. They have been active throughout the northern and southern continents, putting their lives at risk and believing in "a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye."

Perhaps because of the deformed teachings, they gradually came together with the demon family who believed in the "dark side of the universe", and jointly launched a new god, a "bound god" who combined the characteristics of the "demon monarch" The Mother Tree of Desire."

Wait... Klein suddenly stopped.

The reason why the "Rose School" secretly supports the plateau people is because although the plateau people live in the Northern Continent, they have always been the target of oppression because they are caught between the Three Kingdoms. Their experiences are similar to theirs, and they have the same targets for revenge?

Just like wooing "devils" who also like to pour out malice, the "Rose School" wooing plateau people is also part of their quest to restore the country and expand their strength?

Klein carefully checked his analysis several times and found that it was indeed consistent with the current situation.

He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air to relieve the shock in his heart.

If the "Rose School" wanted to cause trouble in the past, they had to travel far across the ocean and work hard to spread evil beliefs, but now they have the huge effective force of the plateau people in their hands. All over the place, even along the Honakis Mountains to small countries such as Lundberg and Maxi, spreading the terror caused by explosions and blood to all parts of the northern continent.

Looking at the black iron badge in his palm, he pricked his thumb without hesitation, wiped the blood on it, and sent a message.

"The plateau people collude with the 'Rose School'!"

At the same time, Klein's figure walking on the road melted into the air. Under the cover of illusion, he quickly rushed towards the North District. While passing by a gang that exploited street children, he also fed the "squirming" Hungry".

The "devil's" words reminded him today.

Keeping "Creepy Hungry" hungry all the time is not an option. The "Shepherd"'s desire for flesh and blood is an instinct engraved in its characteristics, especially for someone like "Creepy Hungry" who used to eat meat frequently. In a state of hunger Now, he cannot hide his desire for flesh and blood. In the long run, it will become a fatal weakness that endangers Klein's safety.

The night was gray, and the spire was hidden behind a relatively thin haze. From time to time, the crimson moonlight fell from behind the clouds, revealing a faint shadow.

The orange-red flames stopped just as the spire was barely visible.

Klein looked at the outline of St. Samuel's Cathedral three hundred meters away and suddenly felt guilty.

Although he didn't have many acquaintances in Backlund, he still hesitated for a while.

Alas, I shouldn't have bumped into Her Majesty Sesima... Sighing, Klein wiped his face, changed his appearance, stepped forward resignedly, and walked towards the church door skillfully.

The sky instantly became darker. Klein walked in the church hall with only a few believers. He felt no fear, only a sense of peace and quiet that he missed.

Under the gaze of the bishop, Klein sat with a few believers and retreated into the shadows.

He pretended to pray for a while, writing quickly with a small hand hidden under the back of the front seat, and soon wrote a note with a detailed address and information.

Then he put the note on the seat under him, praised the goddess devoutly, tapped his chest four times, and left the church.

After all, it is in Backlund. Compared with Mr. A and the others, it is more convenient for the official Beyonders to deal with the plateau people who collude with the "Rose School of Thought". Moreover, if Aurora can handle it, although Mr. A will most likely not refuse, he may also because One more opportunity to obtain a "grazing" soul and take the initiative, but the underlying problem cannot be eradicated... Klein lowered the brim of his hat and returned to the appearance of Sherlock Moriarty after walking out of the church for a long time. .

I am afraid that the collusion between the plateau people and the "Rose School" is not an isolated case. Only by leaving it to the "Nighthawks" will the authorities pay attention to the problems in the plateau area, influence the royal government, and take action to prevent similar incidents from happening, which can also truly benefit people living in hardship. plateau people.

Besides, when you encounter a cultist, isn't it natural to contact the authorities?

Especially from the perspective of a former official... Klein walked into the night with a wry smile and headed in the direction of Backlund Bridge.

Everything he could do had been done, and the rest was left to the "Nighthawks", which made him feel more at ease.


In the Cullen Bar managed by the East District Plateau people.

The "Devil" and the "Wraith" stood in the unrecognizable lounge, on the messy floor. Meursault had not yet recovered from the impact of the "Holy Light", his whole body was limp, and only his eyes could move.

"How come someone from the Aurora Society came to our door?" North exited the demonic transformation and put his foot on Meursault. "Did your people offend him?"

Meursault, who fell to the ground, responded innocently with his eyes. North stared at him with an unkind expression for a while and clicked his tongue.

"That's not clear, damn, we've been walking around that crazy bunch lately."

The "resentful soul" with burn marks all over his body dragged a chair that could barely stand upright, slumped on the back of the chair, restrained the madness in his eyes, and asked coldly:

"How did you realize that something was wrong with that person? Wasn't it just because of 'creeping hunger'?"

Noi was stunned for a moment, shook his head and revealed a terrifying and destructive sneer.

"He showed a certain degree of malice when he asked Meursault to buy a gun. Although it was very weak, but combined with the unique smell of 'Shepherd', I was able to confirm his identity at once."

"When you buy a gun?" "The Resentful Soul" asked in surprise, "What does he want to do? If he wants to kill Meursault, he can just crush him to death. Which two guns are his main goals?"

He and North looked at the standard revolvers scattered on the floor at the same time.

After looking at it for a while, the blood redness in North's eyes became more obvious, and he suddenly frowned.


Seeing the confusion in his companion's eyes, he patiently explained.

"Two days ago, Meursault led people to rob the Downton Company's freighter. Syndras is the big boss behind the Downton Company. I'm afraid there is some important cargo on it that even he can't ignore, so that's why we After refusing to negotiate with him, I found the Aurora Society..."

"No, it's not necessarily the Aurora Society," North denied his conjecture and said again, "It's more likely that he just wants to find someone to find evidence that plateau people are secretly selling controlled firearms, and uses this to threaten Meursault handed over the goods, and the people of the Aurora Society received the commission. It was just a coincidence."

"Although Sindras is very rich and an important figure in Loen, he is not worthy of being associated with the Aurora Society."

"The Aurora Society probably didn't instigate him to rebel or control his ability to convert to the True Creator. They couldn't deceive the Archbishop of Loen Evil God." North added.

For important figures in the kingdom, the Church of Storm and Night will regularly send archbishops to check their status in the name of visiting to ensure that they have not been infiltrated or tampered with by evil gods. This is a lesson for other countries from the chaotic political situation in Intis today, and it is also a lesson for other countries. The "Faceless Man" and "Rose Bishop" used their strength to achieve brilliant results.

"In other words, it was all a misunderstanding?" "Resentful Soul" didn't want to believe that the accident that almost killed him turned out to be a misunderstanding.

His horrifyingly burned face suddenly became ferocious, with short and thick brown hairs surging under the skin, and his eyes were dyed a strange crimson under the illumination of the crimson moonlight.

The "Werewolf", who was almost completely dominated by anger, smashed a few pieces of furniture that were still intact, then suppressed his rationality and squeezed out a hoarse voice from between his teeth.

"I want to kill the damn Sindras and that 'faceless man'! UUReading www.uukanshhu.net"

"Kill Syndras?" North couldn't help but sneer as he looked at his companion's angry look, "Although I said he is not qualified to command the Aurora Society, as the top rich man in Loen, he must have many Beyonder bodyguards around him. Even if there are only one or two in the middle sequence, it will take some time for the two of us to kill him, and by then, the Archbishop of the Evil God will have already flown over to let you return to the embrace of the mother tree early."

The smile on North's face gradually disappeared, and the squirming blood red in his eyes matched his thin cheeks, making him look particularly gloomy.

"The 'Faceless Man' may have some ideas. I have a hunch that he will come back to find us."

"Well... at least his ill will towards us hasn't gone away, I can still feel it."


Trunsoest Second Empire Branch in Backlund.

Mr. A, who was doing his daily prayers, suddenly took his knees off the cushion.

He turned to look at his companion who was half lying on the sofa reading a magazine to kill time, and whispered in a hoarse voice:

"Mr. Moretti is in danger."

"The followers of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' are resurrected in the East End."

Reporting is the way to go!

Some book friends asked me why I don't publish updates on the shelves. I just want to say that the author is not full-time. In addition to writing books, he also has the task of studying for school. He is still in school. It is really difficult for college students to squeeze out time when they are full of classes. I just Normal updates can be guaranteed, so I can't meet everyone's expectations.

However, on rest days like Saturday and Sunday, and when I don't have classes, if there are no extra tasks assigned by the idiots, I will add more.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets. Please, I hope everyone can understand.

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Chapter 9 Meeting

Chapter 93 Meeting

"Mr. Moretti is in danger."

"The followers of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' are resurrected in the East End."

"Ha." Jerry Zaratul put down the magazine in his hand, did not show any surprise, and couldn't help laughing.

"I know that our Mr. Blessed One is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

He was recently applying for the magic potion needed to be promoted to Sequence Five. He didn't have much interest in meddling in other people's affairs, but the special status of Klein Moretti still forced him to allocate his energy to deal with it.

The application report has been handed in for several days, and it still insists that "resources are tight now, and there are no redundant feature approvals." If you can use the hands of Klein Moretti to take down a "Rose School" stronghold, how much will it cost? It can be considered another achievement. Maybe he can directly apply for family subsidies instead of going through the church route... Jerry Zaratul sat upright and asked proactively:

"Did he say what happened?"

Mr. A glanced at him, his fingers resting on his skin, still hesitating whether to reply immediately.

"The 'Rose School' is wooing people from the plateau, which confirms the rumors we had heard about before."

Jerry Zaratul suddenly became interested.

"He actually had a conflict with the plateau people?"

"Well, for our Mr. Beloved to take the initiative to seek help from the 'cultist', it means that he must have encountered a danger that he cannot solve on his own - a danger that does not involve divine power." He touched his chin and said, "He is a Although the mature 'Magician' is not as good as the real elite, it has reached the average level. The 'Creeping Hunger' is well matched with the two sealed items corresponding to the 'Puppet Master', and the frontal killing sequence is five. It's just a matter of time, so the whistles placed by the 'Rose School' on the plateau people have at least two mid-sequences, with a high probability of one being sequence five and one being sequence six."

Combining many years of experience, Jerry Zarath quickly came to a judgment that was almost consistent with the truth.

"My guess is that it's probably a regular combination of 'Demon' and 'Wraith', otherwise there's no way to explain why Moretti would find the shadow of the 'Rose School'."

"They are very good at hiding themselves. Moretti is not at that level yet. The only possibility is that he exposed his whereabouts, was attacked in advance, and only escaped with the help of poor intelligence."

Mr. A listened seriously to his partner's analysis. He stopped talking midway. But after thinking about it carefully, Jerry Zaratul was right. Compared with his status as a Beloved, Klein Moretti's strength is indeed very important. He was so wet that he swallowed the scolding words and finally endured it until the end.

"In short, we can't pretend to be deaf and dumb. No matter what the reason is, the 'Rose School' is a cancer that we must eradicate." Mr. A's fingers pressed blood marks on his skin, and he pretended to write a reply.

Jerry Zaratul hurriedly stopped him:

"Wait, wait, don't you know our Mr. Blessed One yet?"

"You didn't think you were the only one who got the message, did you?"

"I don't even have to guess. I can definitely guarantee you that Moretti definitely told the Church of the Night about this." Jerry Zaratul showed a headache. "Although he left the 'Nighthawks' , but he doesn't have much sense of belonging to us. In his own opinion, it is nothing more than enduring humiliation after trying his best, and a last resort decision to protect his family and companions."

"You asked about the location excitedly and ran to the East District. What if you bump into someone from the Church of the Night?"

Mr. A, who was used to being straightforward at sea, gradually showed cracks in his cool and handsome face, as if his worldview had been impacted.

It's not like he hasn't come into contact with people who defected from the so-called Righteous God Church. They often have one characteristic, that is, they are more sensitive to the authorities than ordinary wild extraordinary people, and they would like to go as far away from the Righteous God Church as possible.

Whose good person defected, and then turned on his old employer when everything was fine?

Although it is not uncommon for intelligence agents operating in enemy countries to take advantage of official behavior, they often focus on avoiding suspicion, and there are almost no cases where former official members carry out specific operations.

Mr. A, who was knocked into a cognitive blind spot by Klein's operation, slowly breathed a sigh of relief and humbly bowed his head towards his partner.

"Your opinion."

Jerry Zaratul's expression was a little subtle.

His movements became a lot more cramped, and he was filled with a sense of accomplishment. He pretended to cross his legs and put them on the edge of the table.

"My suggestion is that we can first pay attention to the plateau people's territory. The Church of the Night will definitely take action within a short time after receiving the information. If my guess is correct, except for the location, the information in the hands of the Church of the Night will be vague. There are plans for the 'Devils' and 'Revengeful Souls', but they are not comprehensive. It is very likely that the 'Devils' malicious perception will be triggered before they arrive, and in the end only one or two big cats and kittens will be caught. What a harvest there will be."

"At this time," Jerry Zaratul snapped his fingers, "our Mr. Beloved will face crazy revenge from the plateau people and the 'Rose School'. The Church of the Night will not help him. He can rely on , we are the only ones who can believe it."

He smiled evilly and shook his finger.

"Moretti will come to us and beg us."


On Wednesday morning, Viscount Gray Lint was in Backlund's luxurious villa.

The slightly thin Viscount stood in the hall in person, with unconcealable joy on his face.

He took the hand extended by Audrey, leaned over and kissed her softly, smiling broadly and saying:

"You've been at home recently and missed a lot of interesting things." He first exchanged greetings normally, then lowered his voice and said, "How is it? After all this time, has your father mentioned that thing again?"

Audrey nodded slightly in understanding, smiled, and also lowered her voice.

"Dad said that although they didn't try to retaliate, they should still be vigilant, and he gave me extra bodyguards."

"That must be an Extraordinary!" Thinking that he was unobtrusive, Gray Linte poked his head in the direction of the door and looked at the few bodyguards who stayed outside the house.

He led Audrey all the way to the reception room. When he was almost there, he suddenly slowed down and said in a low voice:

"Do you know why I said you would definitely be interested in this party?"

"Why?" Audrey observed her friend's expression and probably guessed the answer, but she still asked politely.

"Because the lady I invited this time, she is not only a writer," Gray Lint cleared his throat and held his head high proudly, "She is a true extraordinary person. I spent a lot of effort to write it. We know each other."

If it was a month ago, I should be as excited as Gray Linte, but it is different now. Not only have I come into contact with the real extraordinary, but I have also joined them and become a member of the extraordinary... Ao Dai Rei's feelings about taking care of her friend appropriately show the same longing and a little shock.

After all, this is not the first time that Gray Linte has talked about similar topics, but in the past, it was just a joy.

"A writer, and still..."

The surprise on Audrey's face only existed for a moment, and then it turned back into an elegant smile.

"I can't wait."

The two of them rounded the corner, and their eyes suddenly opened up. They happened to see a lady coming to the long table to get dessert, and a petite, elegant woman wearing a knight's uniform.

"Audrey, this is Ms. Forse Wall, the author of "Stormhouse" I introduced to you just now."

Hearing the Viscount's voice, Forsi and Audrey, who were introduced, subconsciously moved their eyes and made eye contact.

This is... Audrey looked at the familiar beige dress with a ruffled stand-up collar, the slightly curly brown hair, the light blue eyes, and the familiar laziness that made her feel familiar. Lazy temperament.

Her eyes slowly moved down along Forsi's neck hidden under the collar, and her green eyes were unconsciously tainted with the indifference unique to the "audience", and her eyes lit up.

Forsi Wall is wearing a necklace on her chest, a necklace with a rare amber gemstone.

That exquisite workmanship is obviously not something a best-selling novel writer can afford!

Could it really be... Audrey kept smiling, and before the vigilance hidden in Forsi's eyes became more obvious, she bowed according to the rules of the aristocracy.

"Good morning, Ms. Fors, your copy of "Storm Hill" is still on my bedside."

Forsi lazily calmed down a bit, and simply returned the courtesy:

"Good morning, Miss Audrey, I am really impressed by your beauty."

After all, there were irrelevant personnel such as the maid and Viscount Graylingt present. Neither of them said much. Viscount Graylingt only introduced Forsi's companions.

"The other is Hugh, a lady trained as a true knight."

Xio, whose facial features were as exquisite as his height, nodded in return without any unnecessary expression.

Next, the four of them went to the living room that was actually used for the party and met several other invited critics and musicians.

After all, the salon is the activity announced to the outside world. Even if Audrey and Forsi have their own ideas, they must cater to the worldly society.

During this process, Audrey, who had almost digested the "audience" potion, did not need to concentrate, and could easily handle the compliments from writers and critics. She could even respond with a sweet smile while continuing to look at her distractedly. Doubts about Forsi.

Finally, as her cheek muscles began to ache, Gray Lint, the host of the party, ended the salon.

A few minutes later, they arrived in the study, leaving only the four people who had first met at the dining table.

"Re-introducing Ms. Fors and Ms. Hugh, both are truly extraordinary people."

Gray Lint put down the book he used to disguise himself and raised his chin in a showy manner.

That's right, he hid the fact that Xio was also an Extraordinary, just to give Audrey an extra surprise.

Miss Hugh...um, ma'am, she's an Extraordinary one too?

Just looking at the spirit body, it's not much different from a normal person. It should be a path that focuses on the physical level... Audrey was indeed a little surprised.

"Really?" She deliberately showed doubts, "Can I see what you are capable of?"

Forsi took a small breath and glanced at the surrounding environment, seemingly hesitant.

"It doesn't matter if it troubles you, I'm just curious."

Audrey recalled the common tone of voice used by noble ladies at balls, and noticed the reactions of Gray Linte and Xio from the corner of her eye. She secretly gave herself a thumbs up, feeling very satisfied with her acting skills.

"No, it won't be too much trouble."

Forsi didn't want to lose Viscount Graylint, who he had finally hooked up with, so he walked slowly to the door and passed through the wall in one go.

Her movements were almost impossible to see clearly. Before Audrey could scan the wall and find traces of spirituality, Forsi returned to the room using the same ability without disturbing the maid guarding the door.

"How about it, do you believe it?" Gray Linte was far more excited than Audrey, but he still pretended to be calm.

In order to relieve the pressure on his friend, Xio took the initiative to add something that was contrary to his character.

"Actually, I can also perform."

Audrey shook her head slightly, looking at Forsi with an inexplicably more kind look in her eyes.

"No, no need."

When Forsi returned to the room just now, it was not as mysterious as when he left. A door with a blue halo could clearly be seen on the wall. The outline was very similar to the pattern on the back of a member of the Tarot party. .

Miss "Magician" will choose the long dress she is wearing now at every party. Is it because she wants to meet the Lord of her faith, so she chooses the most formal dress?

Audrey glanced at Forsi's long skirt again and smiled from the bottom of her heart.


Sherlock Moriarty, who was dressed the same as yesterday, slowly walked off the public carriage, briefly checked his direction on the edge of the East End, and walked in the opposite direction to Cullen's Bar.

He was walking aimlessly on the streets of the East District, holding a newspaper in his hand. He seemed to be focusing all his attention on the content of the newspaper, but in fact he was observing his surroundings with the vision of "spiritual threads".

After a while, he followed the complicated alleys like a spider web and came to the vicinity of Cullen's Bar. Standing on a high place, he was separated from the bar by a street that was neither wide nor narrow.

A crow flew across the gloomy sky, resting temporarily on the bent and damaged road sign, and then never left.

Its blood-red eyeballs turned humanely, looking towards the back half of the bar. Even though the sun, which was originally blocked by the clouds, gradually emerged and climbed to the middle of the sky, it only lingered within five meters of the surrounding area.

After being stared at by the store owner's resentful gaze for a long time, Klein couldn't help but ordered another cup of coffee. He tapped the table in confusion, lowered the deerstalker hat on his head and looked out the window, muttering involuntarily.

"Why are there more and more crows?"

According to his speculation, the church will definitely take action as soon as possible after receiving the news, and will not give the "Rose School" time to react, which is what will happen in the morning and afternoon today.

But why are there no traces of people from the church, and instead there are more and more crows on the nearby streets? Does St. Samuel's Church in Backlund preserve some sealed artifact that can control crows?

My marionette won't be discovered in there... Klein is suspicious, UU reading www. uukanshu.net momentarily had the intention of giving up the crow marionette.

But before he could make up his mind, nearly twenty crows started moving outside the window at the same time.

They left their territory, flapped their wings and took off, forming a circle that just covered the area around Cullen's Bar.

The next second, Klein, who had most of his attention taken away, felt a familiar sense of illusion that often accompanies "nightmares" flash through his mind.

However, this dizzying hallucination soon passed. When he woke up, he found that the ordinary people around him were still in a daze. Only the reverberation of the gunshot in his ears could prove that the abnormality just now was not an hallucination.

He looked out the window again and saw several black figures walking out of Cullen's Bar, each wearing blood-red gloves, guarding a group of plateau people who had been drained of their energy.

The crows are still circling in the sky.

The crow controlled by Klein turned around on the street sign, its red eyeballs reflecting the figure of the "magician", cold and inorganic, like glass products.

It looked like a rickety old man, nodding slowly.


Xianyu: I never thought that this agent would be exposed because of my clothes and the necklace that the boss gave me.

I have something to do tonight, so I took advantage of my lunch break to write. I won't write outside again next time. The small keyboard is so uncomfortable.

By the way, why did the data drop so much after it was put on the shelves in the past two days? Can half of the people watch pirated copies?

It's already cold enough here, why is there such a high ratio?


Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 10 Passing on Costs

Chapter 94 Passing on Costs


Cold sweat slowly slid down Klein's cheeks. He was nailed to the spot like a stone statue, not daring to move until the crows on the road sign returned to normal and flew into the distance together with the dense crowd of crows high in the sky.

Spiritual intuition was untouched, and there was no apparent malice... Crow?

That crow is essentially a marionette that I control with the "Yellow and Black Eyes". It is a dead creature that moves by the threads of the spiritual body... Was that person just now a demigod from the "Soothsayer" path?

Is he a "secret" person?

Klein's chest rose and fell, and he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear.

The nearby customers and bosses were all attracted by the noise coming from Cullen's Bar opposite, and no one noticed what was unusual about him just now.

Klein mingled with the group of people, lowered his deerstalker hat, and generously observed the people guarding the plateau, alerting the men in black at the scene.

They are not ordinary "Nighthawks". It seems that the church still attaches great importance to this matter, and even directly sent "Red Gloves"... Klein's sight was as his hands were tied and rushed to a corner of the plateau where they were under unified supervision. Looking among the people, he gradually frowned.

No "ghosts" and "demon", no Meursault?

Has it been restored to extraordinary characteristics after being killed?

He deliberately wanted to see the scene inside the bar, but the "Red Gloves" team had already sealed the door to the ruins of the bar and set up a cordon. No new criminals were brought out, and there was no sign of body bags.

Could it be that the "resentful souls" and "demon" are not here?

They mistakenly thought that I was a member of the Aurora Society. They didn't want to expand the conflict, so they abandoned their stronghold directly and only took away Meursault, the "executioner" of the Zmangue Party?

Meursault has a certain prestige and appeal among the plateau people, and has become an extraordinary person, and can be regarded as one of them. If you think about it this way, it does make sense... Klein dare not continue Look, he quickly hid behind the crowd.

If the "resentful soul" and "demon" were not dead, he would be in big trouble.

The people of the "Rose School" saw the face of Sherlock Moriarty. According to their habits, what awaited Klein would only be unrelenting revenge.

So in the end, we still have to rely on the power of the Aurora Society...

In the rarely visited alley, Klein stared at the black iron-colored badge in his palm, closed his eyes in resignation, and pressed his pricked thumb on it, leaving a trace of bright red.



Jerry Zaratul put down his lunch and clapped his hands proudly.

"I told you, Moretti will definitely beg us for help."

"Did he mention where to meet?"

Mr. A didn't show anything extra, he just shook his head and denied:

"No, he had been near Cullen's Bar in the morning. He suspected that he might have been under the surveillance of the 'Ghosts' and 'Demons', and he did not dare to stay in the same place for a long time."

"The 'Rose School' will not move so fast," Jerry Zarath mused. "Although they are good at hiding, if the 'Red Gloves' in the night are serious, they can also detect abnormalities, so this morning, near Cullen Bar There won't be any important personnel from the 'Rose School'. Even if they want to take revenge, they have to at least wait until the 'Red Gloves' storm has passed."

"However, since our beloved one thinks that he is not safe now, why not bring him directly to the branch, or to that absolutely safe place?"

Jerry Zaratul neatly removed the last piece of bread on the plate in front of him, and his eyes fell on Mr. A expectantly.

No matter which one of these two options he chooses in the end, it will not be harmful to him.

And from a selfish point of view, if A agrees to deceive Klein Moretti into the so-called absolutely safe place-the owner's private residence, it can satisfy his curiosity a little more.

Everyone in the Zaratul family knew that the head of the family had adopted a remnant of the "Temperance Sect" from the Highland Kingdom, and for more than ten years he had almost completely raised him as his own granddaughter.

Jerry spent the first twenty years of his life in the Holy City and Trier, so naturally he had never met this mysterious "Miss Viscount".

"Don't treat the mission as a game to satisfy your selfish desires," Mr. A saw through Jerry Zaratul's thoughts, and his blood-red eyes scratched fiercely, "Unless the 'Angel with a Lantern' personally orders it, I will not approach that place. One step from one mansion to another."

His fingers moved quickly against his skin and he wrote down two exact addresses.

One is a relatively safe safe house, and the other is the corner of a sewer pipe somewhere in Backlund's West District - 'travel' directly to the branch from there without attracting the attention of anyone with a care.

His instinct told him that the probability of Klein Moretti choosing a safe house would be greater.


Backlund Bridge area, in a remote apartment.

After returning home from the salon hosted by Viscount Grainte, Forsi had just taken off her most formal dress with a stand-up collar and put on her pajamas when she heard the sound of the door hinge turning behind her.

Xio leaned against the door frame of Forsi's room and asked slightly confused:

"You're not in the right state. Are you worried about Miss Audrey?"

They are all wild Beyonders, and it is normal for them to hide their identities and extraordinary abilities. Today, Forsi accepted the invitation of Viscount Gray Lint and took the initiative to reveal his identity as an Extraordinary. Xio originally disapproved of it.

Forsi, who was holding the amber gem on his chest and in confusion, trembled violently when he heard his friend's question.

She pretended to be calm and tried to change the subject.

"Do you feel that the reactions of Miss Audrey and Viscount Gray Lint are different?"

"She didn't seem surprised by my extraordinary ability. She seemed to have expected it."

After hearing what his friend said, Xiu recalled it carefully for a few seconds and nodded solemnly.

"That seems to be the case. She has been observing your reaction."

"I suspect that Miss Audrey is also an extraordinary person. At least she has been exposed to real extraordinary things, which is different from a simple lover like Viscount Gray Lint." Forsi struck while the iron was hot. "When she looked at me, she looked like an extraordinary person." It feels like a detective who has already made a guess is facing the suspect and trying to prove it step by step."

"Seeking confirmation?" Xio suddenly felt that he couldn't keep up with Forsi's associations.

In her opinion, when you reach the level of Earl Hall, it is normal for your family to hire extraordinary bodyguards.

The great nobles of Loen will basically hire some powerful Extraordinaries, and they will also be protected by personnel arranged by the church. As their child, it is not unusual for Audrey to have been exposed to Extraordinary people.

Forsi gave another example.

"Do you remember that at the last party, someone shared the ability of the 'audience'?"

After taking a break to regain her energy, she said "oh".

"The one who wants to entrust the investigation of Backlund St. Elizabeth Mental Hospital?"

"I suspect that Miss Audrey is also an 'audience'." Forsi nodded heavily.

Miss Audrey is also an "audience"?

Listening to Forsi's guess, Xio couldn't help but be in a daze, and then quickly entered her train of thought. She followed several examples Forsi gave and reviewed them carefully.

"Well, are you under too much pressure because you haven't been able to finish the manuscript recently?" Xio looked at his serious friend and said it very tactfully.

She walked to Forsi's desk with a strange expression, looked at the first draft of only a few pages on the table, and sighed softly.

"Think about it, Vice Admiral Hurricane's assassination of Duke Negan has made a big fuss in Backlund. Didn't Viscount Gray Lint spill the beans today?"

"He said that Miss Audrey was 'recuperating' at home to avoid some trouble. Maybe Miss Audrey was also in some danger during the assassination of Duke Negan. Combined with staying at the house of Viscount Gray Lint, I guess the bodyguards outside may be because Earl Hall temporarily recruited a group of extraordinary people in order to protect his daughter and family. It is normal for Miss Audrey to see real extraordinary abilities at this time."

"And we don't know exactly what kind of character this young lady is. What if she is the kind of person who likes to observe people and has a keen insight?" Xio connected what he saw and heard today, and calmed down Forsi in a few words. The panic in my heart.

She skillfully dug out the cigarette case that Forsi had hidden in the pile of books from the messy desk, and slapped the paper and pen in front of her friend's face.

"You have so many things to do, why would you waste your time on little people like us? The main thing is to write your book as soon as possible."

Forsi lowered his face in aggrieved manner, and carefully reached out his hand to Xio's hand that was holding the cigarette case.

"If you don't smoke, you will lose inspiration..."

"No!" Xio slapped Forsi's hand away fiercely.

"Just one..."

"No!" The strict "arbiter" will not give in when facing the sins of laziness and greed.

"If I hadn't been watching, you would have smoked leaves. Is this for inspiration?"

"Originally, a full moon will give you a headache, but if you smoke the leaves again, don't you think you'll end up in a grave at the age of thirty?"

Xio walked to the door, and his young and delicate face issued a final warning through the crack of the door.

"You'd better finish today's share before I finish cooking dinner, otherwise the next time your editor comes to visit, I won't help you cover up. Instead, I will personally tie you to your editorial office."

"When the time comes, you don't need to tell me how your readers will retaliate against you, right?"

Wuwuwuwu... Forsi put on a crying face and nodded meekly.



The "arbitrator" closed the door to justice, and the lazy dog ​​wandering around Backlund received the punishment it deserved...

How strange... Forsi's aggrieved expression suddenly turned into a cloud in the sky, and her two thin eyebrows exuding laziness were tightly clustered together.

She was still worried about Miss Audrey.

But Hugh was right about one thing, Miss Audrey would not have any ill will towards them.

Alas, if I am in the middle rank like the team leader, why should I be afraid of this kind of thing? Forsi's eyes wandered, staring at the secret compartment under his desk, ready to make a move.

If you want to become stronger, you need to drink the magic potion. If you want to collect the magic potion, you need shiny gold pounds.

She opened the secret compartment, took out the iron thread worm that "Lamp Angel" Zaratul gave to her, and recited the honorary name skillfully.

The iron worm, which was as motionless as a specimen, suddenly became intelligent, and stood up from the desk like a human being, supporting its entire body on its two hind legs.

Feeling the gaze from above, Forsi hurriedly leaned over and reported some vague changes in the party as usual.

For example, the addition of the new member "World".

After reporting on her recent work and the gaze was about to leave, she boldly spoke again:

"Your Highness, there is one more thing."

Facing the head of the iron worm that nodded slightly downward, she seemed to have lost the courage just now, and hesitated for a long time before speaking out her request to the angel on the marionette side.

"Your Highness, I hope to be more integrated into the gathering convened by the Lord. I wonder if you can give me more help?"

The dust floating in the air condensed in front of Forsi's eyes, dancing and transforming into a string of characters.

"What kind of help?"

"...Funding," Forsi buried his head lower in self-deprecation, "I hope you can approve the funding for the free communication stage of the gathering."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the wireworm standing on the desk suddenly stopped moving.

But soon, the gaze from high in the sky cast its power again, and the words condensed from the dust quickly reorganized in the air.

"Secret Puppet Master's Formula..."

This... Forsi stared blankly at the words in front of him, feeling at a loss for words.

The dust of ancient resentful spirits, the core crystallization of six-winged gargoyles...drink the magic potion in the song of the mermaid and complete the ritual...

When all three plans, from the main materials of "Secret Puppet Master" to the detailed promotion ceremony, flashed before Forsi's eyes, she had not yet reacted.

The characters floating in the air changed again.

"There is no other way to obtain the potion formula in the 'world'. Sell him the formula."

A gust of breeze blew by, and the dust in the air stopped gathering. The wireworm also lay down and slowly crawled back to the small box containing itself, losing its spirituality. UU read a book www. uukanshu.net was as motionless as a specimen. Only Forsi was still frozen in front of the desk in a strange posture.

What does His Highness Zaratul mean, is he asking me to exchange the formula for money?

With a daze in his eyes that was hard to shake off, Forsi put the box containing the iron worms and the holy book back into the secret compartment.

This should be considered a good thing. It did help me to a certain extent. At least the magic potion formulas of Sequence Five are very expensive. The money obtained plus the royalties should be enough for me to advance to Sequence Six...

Forsi slumped in his chair, feeling that if he could have a cigarette at this time, it would be a sure win.

Unfortunately, her cigarettes were confiscated and the manuscript was not written yet.

As for Miss Audrey's problem, she had no intention of reporting it to His Highness Zaratul. Firstly, it was not a big deal and at least it should not alarm an angel. Secondly, she also controlled the Tarot Gathering, which was really not possible. You can also ask Miss Justice to give some insinuations.

Miss Audrey has always had a good reputation in the social world, and most likely she was worrying too much...

Little things, little things.


Backlund, in a townhouse in the Jowood District.

Klein, who had sneaked in through the window, was tapped on the shoulder before he could regain his footing.

In his peripheral vision, Jerry Zarath looked at him with a smile, stretched out his hand affectionately, and wiped away the dust that fell on his coat.

"Long time no see, Klein."

"How's it going? Do you miss me?"

Why is the cold always bad? Even though I don't have a fever...

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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