"Oww!!!" Little Lucien touched his head, feeling the sticky warmth of blood trickling from his temple.
He didn't flinch, but annoyance simmered as the sound of children laughing and another rock being hurled in his direction filled the air.
"HAHA! You trash!" jeered Louis, the tallest and most relentless of his tormentors.
"Why don't you go back to the slums!"
"Die! Die!"
These were words Lucien heard every day. But he didn't give a damn. It wasn't that he couldn't fight back; he chose not to because that's not what bullied kids were supposed to do, or so he had learned from watching TV.
According to those shows, fighting back would only lead to bigger trouble.
Lucien had always struggled to understand human emotions, so he observed people meticulously to mimic what was considered normal behavior whether it was from real life or show.
I just realized that, Lucien is like iP*d kid, but with TV instead hahaha