The three remaining superhumans were standing in a small semicircle with their backs against the wall, and they all held out their weapons to keep the lizard away. James's assistant, Greg, the female fire-based superhuman, and another A-rank superhuman who uses a sword and his wind blessing to fight were the only ones left. The fire-based superhuman was still using her flame to illuminate the area so that they could see the lizard, but she was already crying in despair as she knew that she would not be making it out of there alive. She should have just stayed as a firewoman instead of coming to join the NSA! At least if she was a firewoman, she wouldn't be facing monsters like these!
"Stop crying and think of a way out of here instead. These monsters will kill you whether you cry or not."
Before joining the NSA, James travelled the world as a mountaineer.
P.S. The reason why James was lauging as he fell to his death was because of how much work he knew Salazar would have to handle now that he was dead! Salazar is going to be drowned in NSA paperwork and press confrences and James couldn't help but laugh his ass off as he thought about it.
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