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27.27% The Novel’s Extra’s Anomaly / Chapter 4: Chapter 3

Chương 4: Chapter 3


Chapter 3: Project: Q.M.E

Alternative Title: I AM THE (snow)STORM THAT IS APPROACHING(Kinda)


[Korea, National Weapon Museum, 12:36, 2024, December, 22]

Weaving through the crowds in the museum a rather, no extremely handsome green-haired youth could be seen, yet none reacted to his presence even if they were about to walk into him. 

"So this is the famous Seven-Branched Sword. Well, a replica." C.C. mutters looking inside the glass at a weird-looking sword that has six branch-like blades on the main blade. "Eh, doesn't look like much, I doubt it could even properly cut some carrots let alon-" Before C.C. could finish his monologue a loud explosion could be heard from the other end of the museum.

"HEY THIS EVENT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN YET!" He shouted at the top of his lungs yet no one heard him because they were busy getting the fuck out of there. 

"Fucking pests(Djinns) I tell you…" He said using Heaven's Feel to look at where the explosion started. "Might as well help a little…" C.C. muttered manifesting(creating) Four Golden Halos spinning around the top of his head and six pairs of White Gold wings on his back, in the process he also temporarily changed his hair color to white and eyes to sky blue.

With a flap of his wings, he appears outside in the air. Pointing a finger at Djinns on the ground he makes the temperature rapidly drop and it starts to snow while the wind starts howling around the Djinns encasing them in a snowstorm, inside of which the temperature reaches well below -100°. Sitting(?) in the air C.C. rests his head on his fist while looking at the localized snowstorm he just created. After having waited around 10 minutes the last of the pests(Djinns) died.

"Welp… time to go home I guess…" He said dispersing the snowstorm he created and sending snow blasting out and covering the street with a 15cm layer of snow. Then with a flap of his wings, he disappeared from the scene and returned to his apartment.

Dematerializing his Wings and Halos while returning his hair and eye color to normal he plops himself on the couch. "Man, maybe my existence here has more of an effect than I thought…" C.C. muttered holding his hand over his eyes. 

"I should increase my Rooms in Memory Partition. Four isn't covering it anymore… Let's go for 6 Rooms, so 46656 Thought Processes instead of 256, that should be more than enough to use The Third to look about a week in the future…" He sighs as he turns on his phone to check on Violet Banquet.

[You have 2 new messages.]

[You have 99+ DM requests]

"Eh, let's deal with that later… I just had a great idea to implement to increase my processing power even more…" He says as he jumps up from the couch and starts looking through the property listings on Violet Banquet. "This should be good enough…" He said looking at a decent-sized warehouse going for 750,000,000 Points.

[You have purchased the item: Medium-Sized Warehouse for 750,000,000 Points. The deed has been transferred to you. Your current balance is 811,154,747]

Nodding his head C.C. once again teleported but this time to the warehouse he just bought. Now he was standing in a fairly empty warehouse with only a few shelves scattered about. 

"Now let Project: Q.M.E(Quantum Mind Engine) start!" He said snapping his fingers and completely revamping the entire warehouse with「Denial Of Nothingness」 and engraving a magic circuit in the walls to fortify them but also to hide the warehouse by applying the [I Was Not Here] and [Notice-Me-Not] spells of「Veil Of Concealment」permanently so people just forget the warehouse was here, and when they're near they will not even acknowledge the warehouse. The inside of the warehouse was now empty save for the engravings on the wall.

Snapping his fingers once again a massive black cube with pale blue runes on it appeared before him. The cube before him is called an [Arcanum Engine] and its only purpose is to generate MP(Magic Power) to power the Q.M.E. This 2mx2mx2m Cube can generate around 10,000 MPU(Magic Power Units) per hour, or enough to power two Mid-Low-Rank Dungeons on the lower end of the spectrum. In total, he was going to hook up 20 of these cubes to power the Q.M.E. This amount of MPU is enough to power a singular High-Intermediate Dungeon.

The A.E. generates MP by becoming a Perpetual Motion Machine using the M.T.E.S(Magic To Electricity System), M.P.S(Magic Purification System), and H.T.M.S(Heat To Magic System) systems. The reason no one has done M.T.E and then H.T.M before is because they inadvertently lost some of the Magic Purity leaving them with way less than they started with. With these Systems in use the process starts like this:

First, 10MPU is inserted into the A.E.(Arcanum Engine) to start the process, then the M.P.S. starts and purifies the MPU increasing it by 46%, and then 15% of the MPU is taken out and split between the systems. Second, the MPU left over gets sent into the M.T.E.S and gets turned into electricity which is then turned into heat. Third, this heat then gets used by the H.T.M.S and increased by 30% which then gets funneled back into the M.P.S, and the process is repeated from the M.P.S process until it makes the max of 10,000MPU per hour. Each cycle is 10 seconds long. In total, it takes around 100 minutes for the A.E. to be at full capacity without an artificial increase in the MPU by putting more in.

"That should be good for today. I've worked too hard today(barely done anything)" C.C. says as he whips an imaginary sweat off his forehead.

{}{One Terrible Scene Transition Later ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ}{}

[Korea, Essence Of The Strait Headquarters, 16:02, 2024, December, 23]

"Why hasn't he responded yet…" Yoo Yeonha asked in frustration, it had been over a day since she had messaged Magician_First about the Poem(?) if you could even call it that he had sent, as well as a list of Sacred Gears she wanted to buy after looking through his list of those he would sell.

"Magician_First-nim is properly busy young miss." Her attendant Jin Sechan answered her with a smile.

"You don't understand Sechan-ssi, with Genius Inventors like Magician_First-nim you have to grab them as fast as possible before they lose interest," Yeonha said while nervously biting her fingernails as she was looking at her computer screen.

[LadyU: Hello Magician_First-nim I have finished pondering over the poem you've sent and would like to try my hand at it. I also have the list of Sacred Gears I would like to purchase from you.](Sent Yesterday at 13:07)

[LadyU: Here's the list Magician_First-nim: State Change-type Vritra-Series Sacred Gear: Absorption Line. Recovery-type Common Sacred Gear: Twilight Healing. State Change-type Common Sacred Gear: Twice Critical. Creation-type Common Sacred Gear: Sword Birth. And Defensive-type Common Sacred Gear: Sturdy Saint. Could I ask how much these Sacred Gears are in total?](Sent Yesterday at 13:12)

[LadyU: Hello? Are you there Magician_First-nim?](Sent Yesterday at 15:42)

"Sechan-ssi don't you see most Geniuses like Magician_First are like this? If you don't keep their attention for long enough they lose interest in you and forget you exist." Yeonha asks her attendant in an increasingly agitated tone. And just when he was about to respond Yeonha stopped him while staring intently at the screen.

[User Magician_First has entered the chat.]

[Magician_First: Oya, sorry about that. I was busy with a new pet project of mine and didn't check my messages.]

[Magician_First: For those Gears, I would like to ask for 7.3 Billion Points. But might I make a recommendation?]

Hurriedly Yeonha typed up a response to him.

[LadyU: Of course, you may Magician_First-nim. You are, after all the creator of these Sacred Gears and therefore I trust your judgment with them.]

[Magician_First: Buy all four Vritra-Series Sacred Gears and give them to a singular person not separated. You'll get a rather interesting effect if you do :)]

"What do you think Sechan-ssi?" Yeonha asked her attendant her eyes still glued to the screen.

"If the creator himself says so I think it's a good idea we do," Sechan says to her.

[LadyU: Alright how much would it be for the other three with what I've already listed? And may I ask what "effect" they will have once given to a single person?] Yeonha nervously typed on her keyboard.

[Magician_First: For the first question: It will be 22.3 Billion Points. For the second one: No:). Don't worry though they won't die:)] Both Yeonha and Sechan gulped at the last part of the message.

[LadyU: That is reassuring to hear they won't die but the way you said it makes me nervous… Now for that poem you sent last could I give you my interpretation of it?]

[Magician_First: Oooo. Sure hit me with it. I completely forgot I sent that.] Yeonha then gave Sechan the 'I told you so' look as began typing out her interpretation of the poem(?).

[LadyU: For the first part: "At The Beginning, The First Changed All."."At The Beginning" can be interpreted in many ways, but I'm inclined to believe it means the beginning of the Universe. I am guessing that "The First" mentioned here is either you or the Gift you have. And the "Changed All" implies that it has something to do with Transmutation, but I believe it refers to Creation instead. So, as your username is Magician First I'm inclined to believe it's more of a title for certain gift holders.] Yeonha nervously typed out.

[Magician_First: (✧ω✧) Go on continue.] Letting out a sigh Yeonha continued as she was asked.

[LadyU: For: "Next, The Second Recognized Many." From my theory about the First Part, I will guess that "The Second" has something to do with either 'Planets' or 'Worlds'. The "Recognized Many" part leaves me to believe it's more on the 'Worlds' side. Specifically, something to do with "Parallel Worlds". Although some may say otherwise I am confident that it has to do with Parallel Worlds.] Yeonha lets out a sigh as she finishes.

[Magician_First: (°ロ°) !] At this reaction Yeonha lets out an uncharacteristic laugh.

[LadyU: The Third is quite easy to interpret as it says it right in the line. "In Answer, The Third Showed The Future." It's clear to see that the Third here is the ability to see the Future, and most likely also the Past and Present. I don't have any other speculation for this.] It bothered her a little bit that she couldn't come up with more than this, but this was the best she could do.

[Magician_First: Fair. It would be hard to find out more with just what I've provided on it after all.] A small smirk makes its way onto her face when she reads this.

[LadyU: Now we come to the hardest ones, The Fourth and Fifth. "Tethered, The Fourth Concealed Itself." This is hard to get anything from but I'm guessing that "Tethered" means its existence is tied to something. Now the "Concealed Itself" part comes in, this implies that it is not something we can interact with so this can mean two things: One it is something as simple as Space, or the more likely option: Something to do with the Mind and Soul. On this one, I'm leaning more towards the Mind as it is something that's "easier" to interact with. With this, I can conclude that the Fourth has something to do with Manipulating other's Minds but perhaps also to do with knowledge.] This one along with The Fifth were the ones that had taken her the longest to come up with a theory.

[Magician_First:... This is starting to get scary…〣( ºΔº )〣] Yeonha was happy with these reactions. This showed her that she is nearly spot on with her theories.

[LadyU: And now for the one that made me pull out my hair… "And The Final Fifth Has Long Since Lost Its Significance." So much information yet at the same time barely any… After a while, I nearly gave up on this one but then I reread the entire poem and figured out something. "Had it only ended at the Third…" This line implies that both the Fourth and Fifth are beyond normal convention. So I stopped thinking by "human" standards and went for a more "abstract" line of thinking. "Lost Its Significance" means one of two things. One, it just doesn't mean anything anymore, or two, it is not something that had one to begin with. But this doesn't mean anything to this… so I imagine it has to do with "Time" or "Cause And Effect".] Yeonha finished and leaned back in her chair letting out a long sigh.

[Magician_First: You know what? I have to give it to you even though you had barely any information you somehow got it sorta right. This is just mad impressive. You have my respect. So, now I'll give you two choices: Take the 10% discount as well as being able to purchase a Longinus OR something I think of equal value for free. Choose wisely. Btw, the answer I thought of was close enough that I'm just giving it to you. True Magic is all you would've had to say and I would have accepted it but you had to exceed my expectations:).] Shellshocked by Magician_First's reaction Yeonha turned to Sechan.

"I think we should take the free item of equal value as we lose nothing from it, young miss," Sechan said to Yeonha.

"I have to agree here Sechan-ssi…" Yeonha responds plainly.

[LadyU: I would like to take the second option then.] She wrote back.

[User Magician_First has sent a trade request. Accept? Yes/No?]

[User LadyU has accepted the trade request.]

[Trade has been completed. 22.3 Billion Points taken from account. 9 Items were transferred to the Item Box please collect them within 24 hours.]

[Magician_First: Pleasure doing business with you:)]

[User Magician_First has exited the chat.]

Taking out the items she just purchased she finds, one purple box labeled "Vritra-Series", and another box with "Surprise" written on it, a hammer giving off a demonic aura, a ring with a green gem embedded in it, a red gauntlet, and finally a vial with red liquid on it with a piece of paper with "Drink to use" written on it.

Opening the box labeled "Surprise" she finds an envelope with "Read After Item Use" and a small purplish-black remote with a singular button on it. Clicking the button the remote expands into a 7 and a half meter long black with purple accents whip. Shocked she opens the envelope and reads the contents.

「Beelzebub's Whip」

[High-Intermediate][Gluttony][Grade-10][EXP: 0/100%]

—Never Satisfied

This whip will stop continuing to eat.

*The more Monsters this Whip 'eats' the more it will grow.

*This Whip has the potential to become a Divine Artefact.

—Only One Master

This whip will only answer to one Master.

*The Whip is bound to individual "Yoo Yeonha" and will not respond to anyone else.

*If stolen it will return to its master(Yoo Yeonha).

—Lord Of Flies

The Whip can split into multiple small blades that can auto-attack enemies.

*Amount of blades increases with rank and grade.

*Current Number Of Blades: 50.

"WHAT!" Yeonha let out a yell at how ridiculous this whip is.



[High Rank][Null][Grade 8][Proficiency: 36%→50%]


Allows the use of all kinds of Alchemy Spells.

*Transmutation spells cannot be permanent

*Increases Magic Power by 3.2

—Element Magecraft

Allows the use of Element Magecraft.

*Elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Metal, Wood, Lightning, Ice, Light, Dark

*Increases Magic Power by 2.4

—Magic Perception

Allows for an even greater level of Magic Perception than most Magic Speciliced Gifts.

*Increases Perception by 7.3


Violet Banquet Points: 1,561,154,747→811,154,747→23,111,154,747


2717 words without counting my author's note here…. I don't know what possessed me today but I'm sure you're not complaining. Right? BUT I WILL! This chapter is equivalent to two total chapters! I blinked and my day was just gone! GONE! Appreciate me a little will ya? I think I spent 2 hours coming up with the A.E… and around another 1-2 hours on this last part with Yoo Yeonha…

Anyway, not 100% sure if she will be the Waifu but Yoo Yeonha is currently at the top of the list. I would say something like: "Guess I'll hold a vote!" But… NO! That would give you the reader too much power over this novel and it would go to your head! Meaning I'll get more people who might want to try and boss me around… I don't know when I'll post again but it will be soon(hopefully). CIAO! See you next chapter. And go listen to "Light Switch" by Charlie Puth, the Cover by Shiki Miyoshino specifically.


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