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60.86% Fake Player

Signs of a Storm 1

October 15, 2136. World: Helheim. Location: Poisonous Swamp. Recommended level: 80-85

In the midst of the treacherous and venomous swamp, there stood a lone Player. Despite the harsh terrain that surrounded him, the Player appeared ill-equipped for the danger that lay ahead. Clad in a simple yet refined white and silver top, complete with a corset-like leather midsection and soft white pants, his ensemble was complemented by an open jacket and a teal cape that draped from his shoulder, adorned with various pouches and accessories across his body. In his hand, he held a gauntlet with a peculiar contraption. However, the most intriguing aspect of his attire was his aviator helmet, complete with goggles. The goggles themselves boasted magnification scopes, adding to the Player's air of mystery and curiosity.

Hendrickson – Lvl: 100

He was alerted by the clanking of footsteps nearby. Hendrickson turned, finding a Player waiting.

"So, we're ready or what?" Her voice, though feminine, was tinged with a certain roughness and impatience.

The Player's avatar was covered head to toe in bulky silver and white heavy armor, and she was armed with an equally massive greatsword resting on her shoulder.

Kaura – Lvl: 100

Hendrickson glanced at his partner and the group behind them with a careful gaze. In total, there were seven Players, including himself and Kaura. The rest of the party consisted of a powerful magic caster, a skilled healer, a valiant paladin, a sneaky rogue, and a precise archer, forming a well-rounded team. To bolster their ranks, they had an additional eight mercenary NPCs, each equipped with two great tower shields. Altogether, their party numbered fifteen. A relatively small number, all things considered, for the mission they were about to undergo, but then again, that was the point.

He didn't answer immediately, waiting a few more seconds before receiving numerous incoming [Message]'s, all conformations. Nodding to himself, he turned back to the others.

"Everything's set. We're moving out."

Affirmatives were given as spells, magic crystals, and scrolls were used. A multitude of defensive barriers and cloaking spells were employed to conceal their presence. Suitably prepared and with all protective measures taken, the party of Players and NPCs advanced steadily. In silence, they traversed the treacherous terrain, showing little fear as they navigated through the dense swamp while skillfully avoiding the various mobs and monsters, most notably the Tuvegs.

Their destination? None other than The Great Tomb of Nazarick, headquarters of the infamous Ainz Ooal Gown.

With a game as intricate and expansive as YGGDRASIL was, combined with the strictly hands-off approach the developers employed when it came to how the game was run on a day-by-day basis, it wasn't surprising that the player base eventually developed their own meta systems and economies, similar to those found in the real world.

This hands-off approach to everything, while a source of the game's challenge and intrigue, had led many Players to feel discontent with the game. One way or another.

And there'll always be those who wish to profit from said discontent.

Just as numerous guilds work in the public eye, there are also those that work under the table, so to speak.

Within the realm of YGGDRASIL, there existed what were known as Underground Guilds - associations comprising specialized individuals who were willing to tackle the unsavory tasks that most others didn't wish to participate in. Among these groups were the Seeker guilds, which were designated as such due to the nature of their activities. By and large, their primary role in serving as mercenary scouts was relatively innocuous. However, it was their other services that saw them stigmatized. They undertook infiltration, espionage, theft, sabotage, and even collaborated with assassins and PKers. As long as the payment was worth it, they would accept almost any assignment.

In the world of YGGDRASIL, information was a highly valued commodity, particularly information that was reliable. Consequently, the Seekers' trade was a profitable one, but one that came with a substantial element of risk. For often, these Seekers step into the unknown and court death at any turn, just to scrounge whatever they could. It was almost a daredevil profession, one that demanded bravery and a willingness to accept the consequences of taking on such hazardous assignments.

Hendrickson belonged to one such organization, known as the All-Scrying Eye. Their guild was contracted to ascertain and learn as much as they could about the Great Tomb of Nazarick. A guild base deemed among one of the unassailable fortresses in all of YGGDRASIL, befitting the 6th most powerful guild in the game.

Rumors went that not even the 1st Floor of their guild base has been properly mapped out yet, despite numerous raids and attempts being made on Nazarick in the past. Every venture to reach the 2nd Floor ended in failure.

The All-Scrying Eye's primary goal wasn't to assault the base or attack the guild itself. Their objective was to gain knowledge. They were there to poke and prod, to meticulously investigate the layout of the floors, enemy placements, traps, potential boss NPCs, and any other details they could uncover. The Seekers were to glean as much detail as they could, at any cost. Often, this meant that their demise was assured, but that was no deterrent.

For guilds such as them, death was merely an inconvenience rather than a hindrance when compared to other Players. Leveling up was easy to grind out, and the one item drop penalty upon death could be circumvented simply by having a rare, but ultimately expendable, item equipped to use as a safety net. The payment doled out by those who wish to employ their services more than compensates for the difficulty of their task.

There was also a fat bonus in it for them if they managed to somehow find a route to reach the 2nd Floor.

In no time, the thick and noxious fog that encompassed the marshes receded, leaving behind a gloomy mist that choked the air. Within a few seconds, they had finally arrived at their intended destination. The outer wall that served as a barrier between the toxic swamp and the cemetery was now clearly visible before them.

Hendrickson raised his hand, signaling the group to stop.

As he glanced upwards, he caught sight of the name marker displayed on his HUD. They had reached the border's edge, and with just a couple of meters more to go, they would officially be within the guild base's territory.

"[Command Call]!" He activated a skill.

A menu window popped up with a clear image and view of his party, followed by five more around him. Within seconds, the others flashed to life, showing other parties.

Hendrickson's party wasn't alone, there were five others. They had split up their total forces into six smaller, more manageable groups to tackle Nazarick from different directions.

"Status, is everyone in position?" Hendrickson, the first party leader, checked in.

"We're in position and waiting for your go." A second, more gravelly voice answered. The leader of the second party.

"Geez, took you guys long enough. Was afraid something might've happened to ya'." A squeaking voice joked, the third-party leader.

"Here... Mind if we get this over with already?" The fourth party leader droned, his voice sluggish.

The fifth and sixth party leaders turned in and said little else, deferring to Hendrickson's command.

With a few hotkey presses, his HUD was reorganized, with the six screens appearing and rotating around Hendrickson. Each screen was filled with the names and status bars of every Player and NPC of their respective party. There were ninety in total: forty-two Players and forty-eight NPCs.

This was possible thanks to his high-tier support job class, [Overseer], allowing him to sync up with not only his party but others as well. A build that specialized in coordination and communication.

While using [Message] was the tried and true method for communication within YGGDRASIL, it was not without its counter. [Message] was technically classified as a tier two spell despite being a mechanic, and as a result, it was subjected to counters such as anti-scrying and anti-divination spells and skills. With the right spells or skills, [Message] could be intercepted, outright blocked, or even hijacked and fabricated.

In the heat of battle, how well a party could maintain their coordination and cohesion could mean the difference in terms of victory or a total wipe. It all came down to management. With the [Overseer] class, Hendrickson has access to real-time vision and communication with not only their own party members but also everyone else involved in the raid. This includes information such as HP, MP, and statuses. Additionally, the user can communicate instantly with any individual, allowing for a quick and efficient relay of information and coordination.

The job class was intensive, requiring the user to be highly adept and coordinated when it came to micro and macro management. Hendrickson, however, was no stranger to multitasking with so many variables.

His eyes roamed over the names, performing one final check-up before beginning.

"Everyone remembers the plan?" He asked, receiving confirmation from the parties.

"Why are we doing this so late at night again? ~Yawn~ Some of us have to work in a few hours." The fourth party leader yawned, his drowsy words clear for all to hear.

"We received a tip that there would be no potential interference from the guild during the nighttime hours. Weren't you listening?" The second party leader repeated mattered a factly, giving his fellow party leader a deadpan. He was among the ones who initially volunteered for the job, and yet here he was complaining.

"I thought it meant around nine or ten at night, or hell, even eleven. It's practically tomorrow already!"

It was indeed very late into the night—12:38 am to be exact, according to their menu and the digital clock—hence his grumpy demeanor.

"What's the matter? The wittle baby needs his nappy." The third-party leader chimed in, his voice playful and mocking, earning a low growl from the fourth-party leader.

"Watch it, brat, unlike some people, we're working adults with an 80+ hour work schedule."

"Cut the chatter." Hendrickson's stern voice silenced the matter, and the other party leaders gave him their undivided attention.

"We've been paid generously for the job, that means we stick to it. The faster we move this along, the faster we can get this done."

The two party leaders grumbled but voiced little else.

"Still, you'd think that a high-ranking guild like Ainz Ooal Gown wouldn't be quite this defenseless. Had we tried something like this with either Trinity or the 2ch Alliance, we'd be assaulted regardless by dozens of Players well before we'd even spot their base. How the hell they've got a working schedule to make sure their bases are guarded 24/7 is anyone's guess." The fifth-party leader idly commented.

"It's not surprising. Compared to the rest of the top ten, Ainz Ooal Gown's numbers are lacking." The sixth-party leader replied, sparking sparse chatter from the rest.

Over the years, from speculations and past encounters against the members of Ainz Ooal Gown by those on the YGGDRASIL's forums, it was estimated that there were more than forty but less than fifty members within the guild. An outlier when compared to the rest of the top ten. The other nine guilds all possessed member counts in at least the triple digits, if not more. This spoke highly of the quality and dedication of the Players within the Heteromorphic guild.

However, that low Player count was a double-edged sword. While their exclusivity prevented outside Players from joining with the intent to spy and sabotage, as well as keeping them uniform, in return, Ainz Ooal Gown couldn't run a tight ship should things such as differing playtime or conflicting schedules crop up. Thus, granting a window of opportunity that others could exploit.

After all, every Player has to log out eventually.

The Seekers chose to strike so late into the night when any normal person would likely be offline and/or close to falling asleep or being exhausted. Little to no Player interference meant fewer resistances, and that goes a long way in making their job easier and securing their goal. The collection of any strategic information relevant to their employers.

"Everyone, activate cams."

Following his order, Hendrickson hit a button on his menu. A small, bright red dot appeared in the corner of his HUD, showing that the recording was set. One by one, all the members turned up green.

As he prepared to give the green light for the operation, his gaze glanced over to the menu screen that consisted up of the third party. In that instant, the names, status bars, and even the video feed of the entire third party flickered and scrambled before producing nothing but static. Both Players and NPC alike were completely gone.

Hendrickson blinked and stared mutely at his screen for a solid second, waiting.

'That's never happened before...'

No more than a second later, his ears caught the distant rumbling and sounds of explosions far in the distance. It was coming from where the third party was stationed.

It took a fraction of a second for the information and realization to click in his head, and he wasted no time giving the order.


Without another word, the rest of the parties launched themselves into action. Passing through the dilapidated walls, they entered hostile territory.

It wouldn't take long before they encountered resistance.

Scores of undead littered the inner compound, their mindless shambling forms sensing and turning toward the intruders. A miasma of negative energy polluted the air. Despite their vast numbers, there was little in the way of stopping the party's momentum as they cut a swathe through the horde of mobs.

Most of the undead present were low-tier fodder, with the occasional mid-tier undead scattered throughout. Their levels barely reached level 50. To the party of max-leveled Players and mercenary NPCs, it was child's play as they made quick work of them and continued their path to the central mausoleum with minimal trouble.

Hendrickson's party was organized with Kaura and the paladin at the forefront, their archer and rogue took up the rearguard, with the mage and healer with him in the center. The NPC tanks were assigned at the front, side, and rear for maximum protection of the core Players.

The party made steady gains towards the main complex as Hendrickson kept one eye on his screens, monitoring everyone's progress and status. He tried contacting and hailing the third party, but any attempts to reach them via [Message], skills, or otherwise proved fruitless.

As they progressed towards the central structure, the sound of battle resonated from all corners of the field, indicating the magnitude of the impending conflict.

"[Command Call]!" He connected to the others; their feeds instantly appeared besides those from the third party.


"We're almost at the building, ETA one minute." The second-party leader briefed, followed by the confirmations of the fifth and sixth-party leaders. They would arrive at the same time as Hendrickson's team would.

"Meeting some stiff resistance here!" The fourth-party leader shouted.

Looking at them, Hendrickson saw on the video feeds of the various members that he and his party were indeed having some trouble. Not only was the number of undead greater on their end, but they also had to deal with what looked like explosive projectiles raining down on them.

"It's going to be a while, and... wait... What's that?" The party leader paused, looking into the distance. "I think I see someone or two... Shit, we're not alone! We—"

It was only by virtue of the video feed that Hendrickson noticed light bursting forth from beneath, and not a second later he was met with static screens, just like what had happened with the third party. In one of the Player's videos, just before the transmission cut off, he'd caught a glimpse of something at the last second. A flash of piercing red.

"Continue with the plan. Double time!" He gave the order. The remaining parties increased their pace, even if it meant charging recklessly forward. They needed to get inside and quickly.

"I thought the tip said that there wouldn't be anyone online at this time to defend the base." The Overseer heard one of his guildmates grunt aloud, accusingly.

"Guess the intel misjudged it. That, or we got unlucky." He replied coolly, putting it behind him. Their presence was revealed, and complaining about it won't change a thing.

"I don't mind. It just means I don't have to waste my night fighting NPCs. Give me a good fight against a member of Ainz Ooal Gown any day!" Kaura let out an exciting laugh from the front.

Hendrickson rolled his eyes at her eagerness. What a battle maniac! They still had a job to do, no matter the hiccups.

Their strategy was rather simplistic, revolving around the tactic of the six parties launching simultaneous attacks, using the elements of surprise and speed to cover as much ground as they could once they reached the 1st Floor. Despite having received a tip-off, the strategy covered their bases on the off chance they would encounter Player resistance. The defenders would be forced to choose which party to engage with, thus diverting attention and attrition between one or two groups, but never all six. This created an opportunity for the other parties to carry out their tasks while the targeted party did whatever they could to stall it out for the rest of them. Throughout the operation, Hendrickson would expertly manage and coordinate the groups, making sure that they maximized every possible advantage.

Unlike the others, Hendrickson's entire kit was purely support-based, with levels and job classes focused on the specialization of a commander-type and enchanter support. What he lacked in offensive capability, he more than made up for in terms of pure utility.

Thanks to his hybrid build of [Grand Enchanter], [Overseer], and [General Commander] – any buffs or enchantments used by him on his party also extended to the others linked up with him.

This allowed him to have complete oversight and coordination of the strike parties, maximizing their efficiency to get the job done right.

Their plan of attack was far from a revolutionary one, but it was a tried-and-true strategy they've employed hundreds of times in the past to varying degrees of success.

Until tonight, that was.

Hendrickson didn't want to admit it, but he was a bit spooked. For a veteran in his occupation, the phrase "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry" was a rather common one.

Typically, he wouldn't have even batted an eye. He'd faced all manner of challenges in the past. This was hardly the first time his surveillance or communication were interfered with or countered, so it wasn't anything new or worth fretting over.

Yet, this would be the first time he'd remember ever being warded off so absolutely.

Typically, he would've received a warning should any spells or skills attempt to either hack or interfere with his channels, thanks to the numerous passive protection skills his build provided in addition to anti-counter spells.

Yet, whatever it was that was obstructing him, bypassed his numerous safeguards like it was nothing. None of his innate countermeasures, abilities, or skills could break through whatever it was that kept him in the dark. Not even cash items were working. He tried no less than ten different methods, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't re-establish contact with the others.

With lines of communication disrupted and nearly half of their entire force gone dark, it cut their effectiveness down almost halfway and ramped up the difficulty of the job even further.

A part of him wanted to call off the mission, cut their losses, regroup, and rethink their approach, even if it meant leaving Ainz Ooal Gown on heightened alert for their next attempt. After all, if there was something capable of all but rendering practically half his build's utility inept, then one could only hazard a guess as to what else they'd encounter within the tomb.

However, he forced the impulse down. Hendrickson's Guildmaster would have his ass and head on a platter if they came back empty-handed, even with an explanation. The guild always collected half the payment upfront and the second half of the fee once the commission was done. Returning with little to show for it would only reflect badly on their reputation. And for guilds such as them, that wasn't an alternative.

Hendrickson shook his head, grimacing all the while. The situation was beyond retrieval at this point. However, the team had braved more daunting challenges in the past, and this was no different. Their only option was to forge ahead with the mission, improvise when needed, and hope for the best.

It didn't take long before Hendrickson's party reached the steps of the great mausoleum. In that time, the Overseer had cast a plethora of spells and employed a range of skills, buffing all of his allies. He was mindful of his remaining MP and skills, keen not to splurge them all at once.

A part of him hoped that his aid also extended to the two parties all but lost to him, if only for the sake of keeping them alive a little bit longer to allow them to buy more time for Hendrickson and the rest. However, he wouldn't hold his breath if they were negated as well.

The second and fifth parties were already inside Nazarick by the time Hendrickson's party climbed to the top of the steps and descended into the interior, with the sixth party right behind them.

They quickly triggered one of the many teleportation traps that riddled the area to displace any intruders across the 1st Floor. In a flash, they were relocated, appearing randomly within the 1st Floor – The Catacombs. The Catacombs were a large, multi-spanning subterranean burial chamber. The air was dark and musky, an extension of the graveyard from the surface.

Thanks to Hendrickson's spell, [Candlelight], it created a hovering orb of light that helped illuminate their path as they traversed through the pitch darkness.

Undaunted, they advanced, nary any hesitation in their steps as Hendrickson charted their path and led the party down the treacherous underground labyrinth. Masses of undead lurked at every twist and turn as the intrepid party delved deeper into the 1st Floor.

"We're moving to the right." He called out, leading his party down a path he'd never seen before while also giving orders to the others.

For the most part, all was seemingly well as they fought and adventured through uncharted territory like a well-oiled machine. All of what was seen was being recorded and captured by the group.

He kept a diligent eye on the others through the feeds. Like Hendrickson's group, they faced similar obstacles, save for one of the parties engaging with what looked to be the Floor boss. Before he could offer any assistance, the party was consumed by light, and the feed was plagued with static, just like the two previous incidents.

The Overseer clicked his tongue, barking out another set of orders to what remained of their forces.

Hendrickson's party exited the cavern system, and as they matched across a narrow walkway, the ground beneath them began to glow once more. In an instant, they were teleported somewhere else.

Appearing elsewhere, the party was on guard.

Hendrickson's ear twitched, catching the sound of something. It was a loud rumbling, and it was coming from above them.

He raised his head. There, enormous chunks of the ceiling and jagged stalagmites came loose and fell on them, threatening to flatten the party.

"Defensive measures!" Hendrickson exclaimed.

The mage of the group swiftly erected a barrier while he commanded and organized the mercenary NPCs to form up around the Players, their shields held up firmly for maximum safety.

The Players hunkered in and waited. The world shook around them as stone and rubble slammed onto them and the ground. After a few chaotic seconds, the tremors ceased. Upon being given the all-clear, the party poured out, safe from the trap.

Hendrickson took a moment to scour their new surroundings. He brought his goggles down, magnifying his scope with the activation of night vision and infrared vision to scout out the surroundings.

Unlike the twisting and winding rocky cave system they previously explored, the party found themselves elsewhere. They were transported to a dead field, though it would be more accurate to call it a plain with coarse, upturned dirt littering the region that stretched onward indefinitely. Or at least, that was what Hendrickson assumed, as after a dozen meters, the mist became too dense, obscuring even his aid.

The party leader also noted that this area wasn't one he knew, having reviewed all available information about the tomb beforehand. That little factoid was both good and bad news. The good news was that they uncovered a previously undiscovered location on the 1st Floor. The bad news came with the uncertainty that they'd have no idea what they would encounter next.

"Where to?" Kaura asked, her eyes surveying the area. There were no mobs in sight at the moment, but that didn't mean they were safe just yet.

"Where else? Forward."

They proceeded onward, and for nearly a minute, they encountered nothing across the barren plot of land. The sound of silence echoed far and wide across the eerie landscape, which only heightened their cautiousness.

Then, they heard something rattling in the wind all around them.

"[Boost Magic: Sonar Call]!" Hendrickson used a spell, a sonic wave pulsated outward.

The spell in question was a detection spell, simple and useful for detecting mobs or Players via echolocation. On his HUD, there were outlines and points with vibration marks emanating from within the fog of war. This indicated that there were mobs all around them, hidden by the mist, and they were closing in quickly.

"Four at our eight O'clock, three at three O'clock, and five at twelve O'clock!" He called out, delegating targets.

While the vanguard braced for impact, he heard the archer and mage performing their duties but kept his gaze forward and centered.

Something emerged from the mist and sped in their direction. It took a second before Hendrickson's eye acclimated, and he realized that it was a spinning wheel of some kind.

Kaura let loose a roar, swinging her sword with the activation of a skill, and sliced two of them in half. The paladin held his guard as one of the wheels spun and raked against his shield, sending sparks flying. With a parry, he swatted it back, allowing the rest a good look at it.

It was an undead, that alone was easily discerned thanks to the skeletal bones and skull, entrapped by a giant circular wheel. Running along the edge of the circumference of the wheel were rusted spikes.

Undead Wheel – Lvl: 60

The paladin thrust his sword forward, light bursting forth with his skill, and pierced the mob, killing it as it broke into pieces.

The remaining two bounced off the mercenary NPC's shields, their charge was unsuccessful against their bulwark.

Instead of attacking again, they sped around and raced back into the misty fog. An action mimicked by the surviving mobs that the rest of the party weren't able to finish off from their flank. Darkness shrouded their form, but the Players could still hear them. The clattering of bones, the kicking of dirt, and the whirling of wheels circling them.

Occasionally, a few would dart forward to attack only to be either repelled or killed, with those surviving retreating into the fog. The process repeated as they trekked forward.

A part of Hendrickson wondered if that was all this area had to offer besides the repetitive encounter, a hint of disappointment filling him at the rather lackluster measures and resistance before them.

The Seeker would soon eat his words as the party barely made it much further along before light poured from beneath them once more.

The party braced themselves for yet another forceful teleportation, but instead encountered something completely different. A strange and unfamiliar spell circle materialized beneath them, rapidly expanding and pulsating with a powerful surge of energy that engulfed them all. It swept across the surroundings and beyond.

Hendrickson's eyes sought his menu, only for his eyes to nearly bulge out at what he saw. Static, that was all that his screens produced. He could no longer see the names and status bars of the remaining parties, not even his own party members.

He was completely blind.

The Overseer had finally uncovered the source of the disturbance.

"Get us out of here!" Hendrickson gave the order.

The mage nodded, preparing his spell.

"[Boost Maximize Magic: Greater Teleportation]!"

A spell circle appeared beneath them, shimmering, only to crack into motes of light as the ground pulsated. The same transparent spell circle from before overlapped the teleportation spell circle, rejecting it.

Voices rose from the group, seeking him out. His mind raced, synapses firing – calling upon all his experience and knowledge. His eyes scoured the darkened surroundings once again, taking it all in.

Perhaps he had spoken too soon. An idea of the true nature of the trap they've sprung settled in his mind.

With central communication and support cut off from him, Hendrickson could only imagine the disarray the other parties were left in. While he trusted each party would complete their assigned duty, the Overseer's party included, the feeling of isolation raked at him something fierce.

The feeling didn't settle with him, but he pushed it to the side. Hendrickson was their party leader; they were looking to him for assurance and support.

Back with the trap, he noted that the wave of energy expanded far and wide, well beyond their sight. The area of effect was undoubtedly broad, perhaps even all-encompassing.

Unlike other forms of counter-interference, this was tied more to the location than to the person. If so, Hendrickson would educate a guess that if they left the area of effect, then they'd be free. The party had two options, continue forward or pull back. It was a 50/50 gamble, and based on what they had already witnessed, they needed to act quickly.

"Form up! We're continuing forward, double time!"

Heeding his order, the group tightened their formation and quickened their pace forward.

Along with the Undead Wheels, they encounter more undead, but there was little opposition that served as a major threat, similar to that on the surface, with low and mid-tier undead filling the encounters. The party worked as a single unit to cover as much ground as they could, cutting down the waves of undead pestering them. They were careful to support each other's flanks, ensuring that no enemy could catch them off guard. Thanks to their coordinated efforts, the team navigated through the unknown stretches of subterranean land almost unhindered. For a time, it seemed that nothing could stand in their way.

That lull would be broken, as from out of the corner of his eye, the party leader spotted a flash of something.

"Kaura-san, one o'clock!" He shouted as the flash grew brighter and closer. A crimson streak cut through the air toward them.

The movement of the crimson streak was highly erratic, defying the laws of physics with sharp and impossible turns. It flew towards the party at a blinding speed, rendering its trajectory all but impossible to anticipate. In response, everyone dispersed frantically, scrambling away from the imminent danger. However, Kaura acted promptly, thanks to his warning. She swiftly grabbed one of their NPCs and shoved the tank in its path, while she herself dodged and rolled to the side.

As a result of Kaura's quick thinking, the mercenary NPC bore the brunt of the attack and was flung backward into the air. What looked like a blood-red spear pierced through the tank's heavily armored body, holding it aloft and pinning it helplessly to the air by way of some burning purple energy.

"[Gáe Bolg Alternative]!"

A second and more powerful glow erupted from beyond the veil, shooting from out of their sight, a sanguine beam piercing through the ether like a rising comet. The lance of ardent energy struck true, striking the NPC center mass as bands of dark crimson energy exploded forth and washed over the surroundings, bathing the dusky land in hues of saturated scarlet. The attack consumed the mercenary NPC in a burst of violent energy that shook the air and ground beneath them and left nothing remaining.

Hendrickson couldn't help but gawk. They had specifically chosen NPCs with high defensive stats to be used solely as their tanks and meat shields. To all but one-shot a Level 100 NPC just like that...

Hendrickson was given no time to ponder more on this as the sound of rushing footsteps invaded the air. The group tensed up, rushing to regroup and form up in preparation while fending off the oncoming undead mobs that had taken advantage of their momentary lapse in focus. His eyes peered forward, keenly watching for any potential threats. Out of the dense fog, a shadowy silhouette shimmered.

Faster than he could blink, the figure dashed forward with incredible speed, leaving nothing but a blur in its wake. A flash of crimson struck forward, aiming directly for his head. The attack effortlessly slipped past the gaps left by the mercenary NPCs, who were valiantly trying to defend him.

"[Breaker's Fortitude]!" The heavy knight brought down her sword, intercepting the attack.

Hendrickson staggered wildly backward, blinking uncontrollably. A hand clutched his chest, his heart hammering his ribcage. It was fast, far faster than he had anticipated. Were it not for Kaura's quick reaction, he would've been speared.

In swift response, the paladin launched swung his sword at their mysterious assailant. However, the agile spear wielder deftly rotated the lengthy shaft, deftly blocking the attack with skillful precision. The enigmatic figure then gracefully pivoted, pulling in its legs before elegantly kicking off the spear like a coiled spring to skillfully dodge another attack. With breathtaking fluidity, the figure spun through the air before delicately touching down a short distance away.

Given a moment of reprieve, Hendrickson and the party looked upon their new assailant.

The first-party leader assumed that their attacker was a Player, just like themselves. However, what faced them was no Player.

It was an NPC, a beautiful one at that. The NPC was adorned with a sleek black full-body outfit, semi-transparent in nature, and one that accentuated her curvaceous body. Pale golden metallic shoulder pads rested on her shoulders, connected to a small cloak that draped freely from them. Her hair was a shimmering dark violet, cascading down her back in a waterfall of silk. A black and jeweled veil rested atop her head, which partially concealed her hair, adding to her mystique. Her neck was adorned with a ruby tear-shaped necklace that caught the light with a mesmerizing glow. However, the most captivating feature of all was her ruby-red eyes, razor-sharp and focused, like a predator on the hunt. In her hand, she wielded a vermillion spear, a lethal weapon that danced at her fingertips with graceful finesse.

Lancer – Lvl: 100

The group was left with little time to ogle at the NPC's beauty as she launched once more into the fray.

Shaking away his stupor, he quickly barked out orders, reorganizing the group to deal with this new, more powerful threat.

He, along with the party's mage and healer, positioned themselves in a secure backline, defended by two of the NPCs. The remaining NPCs were assigned strategic positions to create a defensive perimeter, effectively warding off any potential interference from the undead. This was one of their patented strategies, forming a perimeter and preventing unneeded interference. That left Kaura and the paladin, supported by one of the mercenary NPCs, to deal with Lancer. This would allow them to rotate attacks and aggro between the different attackers.

Kaura charged towards Lancer, with the NPC tank bringing up her rear. The paladin kept several steps behind her, ready to react and assist depending on the flow of the fight. Instead of clashing, the violent-haired NPC weaved past the first two.

Hendrickson's eyes further widened as she slipped past the paladin's guard. She all but ignored the attackers in favor of dashing toward the backline, much to the surprise of all.

Hendrickson commanded one of the NPCs to meet her, hoping to stall Lancer's advances, but that accomplished little as Lancer evaded the tank's shield bash with ease. With an acrobatic flourish, she slammed her spear forward and vaulted over the attack and NPC toward the backline.

Hendrickson was quick to react, aiming his slinger at the ground and firing a pellet that burst into a flashbang smokescreen that enveloped them. The party leader grabbed hold of their healer and pulled back while their magic caster went his separate way, avoiding Lancer's downward thrust. At the same time, he commanded the second tank to attack, striking with its heavy tower shield while she was still off her feet.

Though obscured, Lancer was hardly hindered as she expertly twirled on her spear like a pole, using the momentum to whip around and lash out with a vicious kick. Her slim heels slammed against the tank's shield, staggering the NPC and using the shield as a springboard to launch herself forward in pursuit. It would be the backpedaling mage that would be her unfortunate first target.

"[Triplet Magic: Destructive Discs]!"

Three spinning energy discs shot forth, destructive saws that looked capable of ripping a man to pieces with ease flew towards Lancer. Only for them to fizzle out just as they reached her.

"What the—!" He exclaimed, shocked at the sight of his 8th tier spell being neutralized as if it were nothing.

His surprise would be put on hold as the blood-red spear shot forth, drawing first blood. Lancer struck the mage dead center, taking a chunk of HP. A second, identical spear appeared in her hand as she readied a follow-up attack.

"[Shadow Swallow], [Blindside Cutter]!" Bursting from smoke from behind her, the rogue blinked forward and launched his attack at her unprotected backside.

Halting, Lancer reversed her grip on the second spear and, with dexterous precision, intercepted the sneak attack at the last second. Digging her heels into the earth, she twisted her body and, using both polearm weapons, smacked the two Players away while hurling her spears towards their intended marks in one seamless and graceful movement.

The mage brought up a shield just in time, the barbed spear managing to partially pierce through it but nothing more. The rogue used a skill and batted the offending weapon in midair.

"[Hail Fire] plus [Rapid Bolts]!" Disarmed and with his guildmates no longer in friendly fire range, the archer seized the opportunity. He shot an arrow into the air, and it exploded into a hail of deadly arrows that fell on her. At the same time, he began circle-strafing Lancer, firing a dozen or so more empowered arrows in unison with his first skill.

"[Wisdom of Dún Scáith: Protection from Arrows]!"

A faint sheen washed over the NPC. Lancer produced yet another Gáe Bolg Alternative in her hands. Spreading her feet, she took a stance and then unleashed a fierce flurry of thrusts that made it seem as though her spear itself was bending and curving. She successfully parried or deflected each incoming projectile, erecting a dome-shaped space around herself that was filled only with her swings.

Swatting the last arrow like one would a pesky fly, it exploded behind her as Lancer kept her sight trained on the party. Her impassive scarlet gaze overshadowed them all, mirroring the effortlessness of her display of prowess.

"I'm sorry, but are we fighting an NPC or some kind of goddamn terminator?! What the hell was that bullshit?!" The healer exclaimed incredulously at what they all witnessed.

A sentiment that was shared with the rest of the party. However, they were given little time to vent as Lancer charged headlong anew, fully intending to take their lives.

Her powerful performance, though brief, told them more than enough about Lancer that they quickly revised their strategy. The party employed a more cautious and defensive approach against the terrifyingly skilled NPC until they could learn more about her patterns and form a counter-strategy.

And so the battle between Lancer and the Seekers rages on.

Hendrickson never once took his eyes off Lancer during the entire fight. Watchful eyes tracked and scrutinized her every action. He committed her actions to memory, hoping to identify a pattern in her attacks and movements. However, from what little he could glean, it wasn't looking too good.

Lancer was a force to be reckoned with, despite being outnumbered and surrounded by opponents like Kaura and others. Her superior spearmanship made her a formidable opponent in both close and long-range combat. The mercenary NPCs lagged behind the Players due to their slowness and heaviness, which hindered their ability to keep up with Lancer's agility and speed.

Another factor that made fighting her difficult was their inability to hold her down. When it came to standard PvE practices and engagement regarding aggro and Hate management, all of the rules were seemingly thrown out the window. Crowd control and kiting proved temporary and ultimately ineffective against her.

Lancer was highly focused on striking at those within the backlines, prioritizing either the party's mage, healer, or himself as if she knew that they were the more important and weakest link of the group.

It didn't feel as if they were fighting a boss NPC, but rather a Player – an extremely skilled one at that.

By the seven-minute mark, her HP was still in the green. In that time, for comparison, she'd slain another one of their mercenary NPCs while managing to damage the Players persistently without fail, chipping away at their defenses and HP.

Hendrickson watched as one of their remaining tanks staggered back after blocking an attack meant for their archer. Lancer dodged to the side to avoid a spell in retaliation, earning a shout of frustration from the mage.

A few more Undead Wheels sped forward, but they were easily repelled as Lancer jumped a few paces back, using the mist like a veil. She stood just far enough at a distance where her form was shrouded, save for her two brilliant, peering crimson eyes that watched them as she paced around the battlefield. The measured cadence of her heels clacked with every step, a constant reminder of her hunt.

Right, that was another thing.

Just as they were observing her, so too did Hendrickson feel that Lancer was doing the same to them. Like a lioness prowling after a gazelle, waiting for the perfect opportunity to sink her teeth in and go for the kill.

Lancer was far from mindless; everything she did held a methodical purpose to it, from her measured gait to her deadly tempo. She was in no rush, and it showed.

Standard PvE tactics weren't going to work on her. Thus, a change of plans was in order.

"Switch to attack Delta!" Hendrickson gave the order. He got to work buffing his team with the spells and skills he had left.

Lancer charged, and Kaura met her head-on as the rogue circled around and launched an attack from her flank. Without breaking her stride, she repelled an attack from Kaura while synchronously attacking the rogue.

With the rogue sent reeling, the lilac-themed NPC targeted the Player. Hendrickson used his slinger and fired another pellet. The pellet exploded into a cloud of yellow smoke, with electric arcs crackling inside the gas. Lancer's body seized up for a moment, rendering her paralyzed. Kaura withdrew, allowing the rogue to use his skill to land a solid blow on her.

The two engaged in a brief duel, with the nimble Player struggling to keep up with the NPC's agility. The Player utilized evasive skills and attacks to maintain the Lancer's aggro. Meanwhile, Hendrickson positioned the tanks strategically around the area, assisting their rogue while the front liners spread apart, encircling the combatants, and positioned themselves for the next move.

In the midst of their heated battle, Lancer successfully managed to penetrate the rogue's defenses and thrust her sharp, barbed spear towards him. However, the rogue quickly utilized a skill that caused his form to transform into a cloud of smoke before she could skewer him. Rather than using this opportunity to retreat, the rogue unexpectedly lunged forward, timing his return to solid form perfectly. Taking advantage of Lancer's momentary lapse in guard, he swiftly slipped past her defenses and seized the NPC, causing the two of them to tumble to the ground.

Exactly as planned.

"[Extend Boost Magic: Toiled Earth]!"

"[Hunter's Slip]!"

Under Lancer, a magic circle materialized, and sharp pillars rose from the ground, snatching onto her like a Venus flytrap and holding her in place. The agile rogue rolled safely away, utilizing yet another evasive skill, just before being restrained. With the boss's movement impaired, the vanguard sprinted ahead to capitalize on the moment of weakness.

"[ Laguz - ᛚ ]!"

The air around Lancer flickered and lit up before they could get to her, and what can only be described as a ring of runic symbols encircled her. To everyone's surprise, a shimmering wave pulsed outward, freeing her from the spell.

Kicking off, she propelled herself towards the paladin, bypassing his guard. Before the holy warrior could even begin to use his powerful skill, let alone react, the two of them collided.

"[Death Pierce]!"

Lancer thrust her spear. Her weapon burrowed into his digital flash before emerging out of the Player's back after piercing his armor. Her attack consumed a fair amount of his HP.

That didn't stop the paladin as he forgoed his shield. His previous shield hand shot forth and firmly grasped Lancer's spear arm, preventing her from pulling back and retreating. However, Lancer was equally quick to react and caught his sword arm mid-descent with her other hand, bringing his momentum to a halt.

The vines of barbed thorns spreading from where Lancer's spear pierced him, dealing continuous bleed damage, would go unnoticed as he gave his complete attention to holding his ground against her.

The paladin gritted his teeth, a stalemate ensuing as he tried to fight against the deceptively lithe-looking NPC and her ludicrous strength and grip. If anything, he was the one losing.

'Just how strong is she?!' He mentally cried, digging in his feet to stop himself from being forced back.

However, he knew his role, and he intended to fulfill it.

"[Ruinous Cleaver]!" Kaura roared, bringing her heavy greatsword to bear from behind while the paladin kept Lancer locked in place.

Before the attack could connect, Lancer kicked off from the ground, using the paladin as an anchoring point as she performed a handstand on top of him with acrobatic dexterity. The last-second maneuver caught both Players off guard, with Kaura unable to halt or redirect her attack mid-swing, hurting him instead.

At the same time, the mage and archer also let loose their attacks in combination. The magic caster used [Call Greater Thunder] with the triplet and maximize metamagic alongside the archer's skill [Flurry of Arrows] and [Sharp Shot] that unleashed a burst of high-speed empowered arrows at her. She may have maneuvered out of Kaura's way, but in such a precarious position, it would be impossible for her to avoid the two simultaneous attacks.

Or at least, that was what they thought.

Flashes of red emanated from space above her legs as numerous copies of Gáe Bolg Alternative manifested. With adept grace, she kicked them upward, intercepting the spell. Each spear managed to catch the descending thunder like lightning rods.

Her gaze was unerring, maintaining a clear line of sight on the battlefield, particularly on the archer and his imminent barrage of projectiles, even as she hovered from her current position.

"[ Haglaz - ᚺ ]!"

Similar to before, runic symbols filled the air bearing the letter ᚺ and flashed before condensing into pure orbs of light. The orbs then shot forward, with beams trailing behind them, resembling bullets of pure magical energy. The attack bore a striking resemblance to the more potent Gandr Shot employed by a certain twin-tailed magus, the Finn Shot.

With flawless accuracy, Lancer's counterstrike intercepted the archer's flurry of arrows. Her attack proved far greater, puncturing through his attacks and barreling toward him. The Player barely managed to avoid the barrage, his HP dropping as a result.

Continuing with nary a pause and using gravity and momentum, Lancer pulled forward and landed with her back to the paladin. The Player was forced to release his hold on her, lest he end up twisting both his arms around. A mistake that would be his last.

"[Shadow Death Pierce]!"

As soon as she touched down, another spear graced her hand. Without her turning, the barbed spear swung out in a reverse stab, piercing him through the back of his skull before he had a chance to recover.

Twisting on her heel, Lancer spun in place before yanking her spear and plunging it into the back of the paladin, dropping his HP to zero. At the same time, the spear exited out the front as the Player's body shattered, intercepting Kaura's attack.

Spear and heavy greatsword met with a loud steel screech as both attacks canceled each other out, with Kaura skidding back from the force of the attack.

All of this happened within the span of no more than twenty seconds.

Were it possible, Hendrickson would've broken out into a small sweat, mouth left agape by the display he just bore witness to.

NPCs were made out of code; they weren't capable of performing more complex and nuanced movements or actions like a Player could, like a human could. There was always a set rhythm to it—a clear, systematic pattern for what they could or couldn't do.

That was what separated NPCs, no matter if they were gigantic dragons or humanoid foes, and Players. They followed an algorithm; humans do not.

But the way Lancer fought, moved, and reacted, at first Hendrickson compared it to fighting against a Player, another human being. After everything he'd seen, he was forced to reexamine his previous conclusion. It was practically inhuman just how kinetic and fluid she fought and behaved, surpassing what he once thought possible in the game. Even some of the best Players he knew would be hard-pressed to even replicate half of what Lancer performed.

Hendrickson gulped, reevaluating the situation yet again. It was abundantly clear that Lancer's skills and strength far exceeded their own, despite their numerical advantage. What damage they managed to inflict also revealed that the NPC had very high stats as well, correlating with her difficulty. In addition to the fact that 8th tier spells and below were all but useless against her, showing she possessed High Tier Magic Immunity, combined with the fact that she was capable of using her brand of magic, one that was unfamiliar to them, it was bad news heaped on top of one another.

They weren't dealing with any ordinary guild-based NPC or even a standard boss. Lancer's display of power and feats easily put her on par with that of a raid boss. This only made it more curious, as it was publicly known that the boss of the 1st Floor was an NPC by the name Shalltear Bloodfallen. So where did Lancer fit into all this?

Minute trembles ran down his hand as his fingers curled into a fist, bringing it under control.

Yet, for all his nervousness, it belied an underlying layer of excitement. His lips twitched into a challenging grin.

As a Seeker, they court death on the regular. They were among the few within the game's player base to throw themselves into challenging and impossible situations and battles, no matter the difficulty, to learn what they could. Where others sought to avoid dying unnecessarily, they were the opposite. In some ways, part of being a Seeker was seeking out that challenge, a desire to discover, facing the unknown, and whatever it entailed.

They were in it for the rewards and monetary gains, for sure, but that didn't mean they couldn't enjoy themselves while doing so.

A passion driven by daredevil thrills and curiosity.

Lancer was far stronger than anything he or anyone else could've anticipated. But that only made it all the more exciting and interesting to uncover what else the boss NPC had in store. To test their limits against hers.

It was highly doubtful with their current forces and strength that they'd stand a chance at winning, but that wasn't any reason to throw in the towel just yet.

He looked to the others, and while their true faces were concealed by their digital avatars, he could feel their ironclad resolve.

Lancer would be one of the greatest challenges they've fought to this day. But like all those in the past, they'll rise to the occasion no matter the difficulty. They weren't going to go down without a fight!

"Switch to plan Gamma! What it takes, keep her grounded!" Hendrickson ordered, the party roaring affirmatives. The time for caution was over, they needed to be bold.

With renewed vigor, the party launched themselves wholly at Lancer, who met them in combat. A full-scale assault.

For a bit, the situation reversed as the party switched to an entirely offensive tactic. All effort was pushed towards matching and surpassing the NPC as the Players attacked relentlessly with skills and spells while Hendrickson directed the mercenary tank NPCs to draw and hinder her attention. The healer worked overtime, trying to keep the Players topped up on HP.

"HAHAHA! And here I thought tonight would've been boring!" Kaura burst out laughing, fighting to her heart's content as she engaged Lancer in a duel while receiving support fire from the archer and the mage. They kept the level 100 NPC on her toes and gave her little time to press the attack.

"[Breaker Slash]!" Kaura's skill struck Lancer, who defended by bringing up her spear.

The force of the attack was enough to send her skidding a few meters back, just where the Overseer intended. Two of the tanks charged, slamming their enormous shields into her from both sides, effectively pinning Lancer in place.

"Do it!"

"Don't gotta tell me twice!" The mage called back, crushing a small hourglass in his hand before a vast array of spell circles surrounded him.

Light poured forth, bathing the gloomy field with luminescence. Lancer struggled to free herself and was just seconds away. However, the cash item allowed the mage to be faster. His Super Tier spell was primed and ready for use.

"[Super Tier Magic: Gate of Santi—"

One second, the air thrummed with energy, ready to be unleashed, and in the next second, it was gone. A short pause rang out across the battlefield. Silence followed by a dull, heavy thud. Turning, the party was left shocked. A moment ago, the party's mage was ready to unleash his Super Tier Magic, the next, his head was lopped off seemingly out of nowhere. None was more shocked than the magic caster himself, who was experiencing an unnerving sense of vertigo, seeing his decapitated body before shattering.

A singular question echoed as he died.


Only the archer saw what had transpired, and it was only by luck that he was looking in the mage's direction as it happened.

A cloaked figure shimmered into existence out of nowhere, twirling over the mage from behind. The archer caught a flash of purple, a zigzag blade stabbing the mage first, followed by the instantaneous cancellation of the Super Tier Magic.

The archer didn't even have time to open his mouth to warm his teammate for what came next.


Without losing any momentum, a glint of steel flashed forth. The cloaked assailant spun like a whirligig, blades lashing out as the assassin took the magic caster's head with a single sneak attack while he was dazed. Then, as if it were an illusion, the killer vanished into nothingness, not even a fraction of a second later. The only thing left to show the assassin's presence and action was the mage's dropped item.

It may have been his ears playing tricks on him, but the archer heard the soft tint of giggles following the kill.

"We got a high stealth assassin!" The archer screamed, firing arrows in the general location where he last saw the assailant. A feeble attempt to catch the attacker.

Hendrickson bit down on his tongue as Lancer freed herself, and a series of precise thrusts took the lives of the two mercenary NPCs. This left only five Players remaining and four tanks left.

Fighting against Lancer on her own was already a struggle. Adding in another maxed-level opponent that none of them were able to detect into the mix only worsened their odds.

For the umpteenth time, he reevaluated their current situation.

They weren't afraid of dying, but there was a difference between dying pointlessly and dying with results. They were still on the job after all, and while they've got plenty of footage, the matter with Lancer left much to be desired. Not to mention that he had no idea how well the other parties were doing at the moment. For all Hendrickson knew, his group might've been the only one remaining.

"Form up, we're retreating!" He ordered, sending one of the tanks towards Lancer to stall while they gathered and retreated.

In order to find some measure of respite and make plans for their next moves, they needed to withdraw and put as much distance between themselves and the boss as possible.

His remaining party members didn't need to be told twice, complying quickly and following his lead. All but one.

"K-kaura-san?!" The Overseer exclaimed, seeing their last vanguard turn on her heel back towards Lancer as the two re-engaged.

'Oh, you've got to be...! Of all the times, she'd just had to pick now to indulge!' Hendrickson chastised, gritting his teeth.

"[Heightened Awareness], [Battle Instinct], [Warrior Focus], and [Intuition]!"

Thanks to her heavy armor, Kaura was able to weather Lancer's jabs while retaliating with heavy hits of her own. Their bout was less of a duel and resembled a slug match as they traded blows. The armored Player gave the cries of her party members no attention as she concentrated entirely on the fight at hand.

After a brief moment, Kaura received a flash notification on her HUD.

The skills she activated weren't meant for just Lancer. No, they were meant for her would-be assassin. Kaura purposely placed herself out there as bait to lure the invisible assailant to attack her.

Whatever the assassin was using to cloak themselves, it was high-tier. Her first guess would be the equivalent of [Perfect Unknowable] or possibly something even more advanced to conceal themselves. The skills she used wouldn't be able to reveal the NPC in their entirety, but they would give her a small heads-up, and that was sufficient for her.

With alertness and acting on instinct, she grasped the hilt of her greatsword with both hands and slammed it downwards following the activation of a skill.

"[Force of Wrath]!"

A powerful burst of force detonated in a bubble around Kaura, staggering Lancer back and revealing the cloaked figure mid-attack behind her as the assassin de-stealth, followed by a pained cry.

Kaura couldn't help but grin viciously. Assassins, always so predictable. Their targets were always the same, and that made it easy to counter if one knew an attack was coming.

"[Hyper Circular]!" Another skill was used as she whirled around, her heavy greatsword in tow, as the attack connected with the assassin mid-fall. The stealthy NPC was flying back with her attack.

It didn't get back up immediately, nor did it return to stealth.


Kaura hardly heard Hendrickson in time as she rushed forward. An opportunity had presented itself, and she was fully intent on taking it.

"[Greater Force], [Power Draw], [Overload], [Devastating End]!"

Appearing over the downed NPC, for a split second, the Player's eyes meet those under the hood. Their sights locked as she brought down her sword with all her strength.

"W-what the hell?" The heavily armored Player muttered.

One second, she was about to cleave the small and cloaked NPC in twain, and the next, the NPC was gone, her heavy greatsword splitting nothing but the ground. It was only then that she found herself somewhere else.

A single streetlamp dimly illuminated the surroundings. A dense fog encompassed the space around her, and a shroud of mist dampened her line of sight. She also noticed that she was taking a small bit of continuous damage. Poison, from what her HUD was indicating to her.

A soft, childlike chuckle rang out before she could wonder further. Then came what sounded like a faint humming. The Player swirled, trying to pinpoint the noise with little success as it echoed from all around her.

London bridge ~ is falling down ~ falling down ~ falling down ~

Kaura frowned. The Player couldn't understand the words being spoken. She knew it was in English, but the words themselves eluded her. The cadence in which it was being spoken led her to believe it to be a song or lullaby.

From the corner of her eyes, the swordswoman caught something. There, she spotted the sight of two faint, glowing pale orbs against a shadowed background. With a squint, Kaura could barely make out a tiny silhouette in the mist, but it was enough for her to see the wide, curved grin that split across the veiled face.

Before she could react, the entity darted towards her at a blinding speed, its form blanketed by the darkened mist like a nauseous shroud with two wicked streaks of crimson trailing the assailant. With a sudden strike, the shadowy assassin landed a devastating blow on Kaura's armored body and shoulder, leaving her reeling from the impact. The NPC disappeared just as quickly, darting back into the fog.

London bridge ~ is falling down ~ falling down ~ falling down ~

Recovering, the swordswoman whipped around and saw another attack coming, but this time, she was quick to retaliate.

"[Wild Guillotine]!" Activating her skill, Kaura swung her heavy sword downward. She had timed it perfectly, but her eyes widened into dinner plates when, in a show of swiftness, the NPC twisted and turned midair, evading the attack completely. The perfectly executed maneuver saw the assassin lose none of its momentum.

Kaura's HP dropped down into the mid-yellow as the assassin spun and sliced through her other shoulder and neck like a deadly top. The mysterious being once again dove and disappeared behind the Player as Kaura reeled back.

London bridge ~ is falling down ~ falling down ~ falling down ~

Again, the familiar lyrics rang out, sung by the soft-spoken voice of a child. It was louder than before, with increasing amusement. A repetition that gradually but surely unnerved the Player.

"[Warrior Spirit], [Heightened Aura], [Frenzy Shockwave]!" Using her skills, her body glowed to empower her next attack. With both hands, she swung circularly, her sword releasing a shockwave all around her in an attempt to catch the elusive assailant.

Her eyes scoured, catching nothing. Nothing but the same foggy surrounds her, cluing her in that her attack was ineffective.

She gnashed her teeth as another round of giggles reverberated, as if mocking her efforts.

"Damn it! Come out and face me, you fucking coward!" She roared, her frustration mounting while her nerves frayed to the point of complete unease.

London bridge ~ is falling down ~ falling down ~ falling down ~

Her eyes widened as she gasped. She could clearly hear the words being spoken, as opposed to before, when they were dispersed and faint. Because it was spoken right next to her ears.

Her head swiveled, catching sight of the dark-cloaked figure hugging her from behind. Her sword and body were a second slower to react.

"[Maria the Ripper: The Holy Mother of Dismemberment]!"

Kaura didn't even have a chance to open her mouth before streaks of crimson burst forth from her chest.

Looking down, she saw, jutting out from her chest, the sharpened and jagged ends of six knives. Her HP bar dropped rapidly and showed no signs of stopping.

My ~ Fair ~ Lady ~

Staggeringly, she was finally able to see her killer in full just before shattering.

Beneath the dark cloak was the face of a child, adolescent, and mischievous-looking. However, seeing the NPCs in full only sent a shudder down her spine. Her pale green-yellow eyes illuminated starkly against the misty surroundings, making them glow. A gaze that hinted at something far more sinister. Her eyes were like a cat, slit and predatory, further accentuated by the menacing yet endearing smile on her face. It was as if she had caught the canary and was proud of it. The child reflected nothing but an innocent and callous disregard, and it was directed solely at her.

Assassin – Lvl: 100

Back with the others, they had left Kaura to her fate. Hendrickson kept watch as they fled, witnessing the guild's strongest Player abruptly engulfed in mist at the last second, concealing her from prying eyes. When it dissipated, only the small, cloaked NPC remained, vanishing immediately into thin air as if it had never been there. A dropped item served as a memento of what had happened to the female Player.

As Hendrickson surveyed the remnants of the party, his attention was drawn to the front, where they were frantically attempting to fend off Lancer as she relentlessly pursued them. They had lost another tank to Lancer's special attack, just like in their first encounter with the boss. In an effort to gain as much time as possible, the party leader commanded the remaining mercenary NPCs to serve as the rearguard.

"Pick up the pace!" The commander ordered.

The group sprinted without pause, as if demons were nipping at their heels. The dreary surroundings blended together as they sought to escape their relentless pursuers. It would prove a challenge as Hendrickson and the remainder of his party sacrificed the mercenary NPCs as well as their remaining skills and MP just to fend off Lancer's relentless thrusts and Assassin's surprise attacks.

The land eventually receded, and they came to some sort of cliffside; a wooden and derelict rope bridge connected where they were to another section further ahead. The healer was the first to reach it, trying to run across it, only for the planks to give away beneath him before any of them had a chance to stop their teammate.

His shock and horrified screams reverberated through the underground as he fell. None of the party members were in a particular hurry to rescue him, deeming him a lost cause.

Taking out a spell scroll, Hendrickson used it. Thankfully, it didn't appear to be blocked or hindered as it were with the likes of teleportation spells as [Mass Fly] took effect.

Their paltry party floated across the darkened chasm filled with the cries for help of their healer, followed by swift silence and the sound of shattering glass.

Glancing back, Lancer and Assassin sped across the perilous bridge, or more precisely, on top of the rope suspension. They gave chase without hesitation, preserving their balance even as the bridge swayed precariously and looked ready to snap at any second.

Hendrickson noticed something transparent and faint in the distance as they flew. It got closer and closer until they soon passed it. It was the outer layer of the trap or barrier they had triggered way before; they were finally outside of its affected range.

"[Greater Teleportation]!"

With another spell scroll, the party disappeared in a flash, just in time as Lancer's spear sailed through the air.

A brief reprieve was granted when the party reappeared somewhere else. Still, they didn't stop moving. They followed the trail in front of them, exiting a short pathway as Hendrickson heard footsteps up ahead. As his party approached an open space, he turned and saw a gun being pointed at him.

"Hendrickson-san..." It was none other than the fifth-party leader who immediately lowered his gun upon seeing friendly faces.

The Overseer nodded in return, his eyes traveling and grimacing upon seeing his guildmate's party, or rather, what was left of them. Additionally, he was able to piece together what happened to the others after recognizing a few dispersed faces from the third and sixth parties.

In total, they numbered less than twenty, both Players and NPCs combined. A far cry from their original strength when they started.

The fifth party leader looked at Hendrickson's diminished party and tired state. A frowning emoticon popped up, sharing the Player's sentiment.

"Guessing it was as bad for you as it was for us, huh?"

"Bad is an understatement. It's safe to say we got our teeth kicked in and then some."

"Preaching to the choir here. But we—Duck!" Before he could finish, the Player lunged forward, grabbing Hendrickson with him as they fell to the ground next to the man's party.

Hendrickson's party reacted a second late, especially the rogue.

"Huh?" The rogue let out.

A click, a burst of wind, and clacking were then audible. Before any of them had a chance to blink, a brilliant streak of electric neon green cut through the air. A strong gust of wind swiping followed.

"[Wandering Tales of Shana-oh: Dan-no-Ura - Eight-Boat Leap]!"

The rogue's head was sent flying, shattering no more than a second later. As the Player's body broke down, the attacker was revealed to what was left of the All-Scrying Eye with their back to them. The figure made a small display of sheathing the katana with an audible click before turning to face the remnant of the invading force.

It was another NPC, taking the appearance of a striking young woman who looked like a samurai. She was dressed in a stunning segmented kimono that covered one side of her upper body, revealing the other side's beauty. The kimono was complemented by deep magenta-colored robe sleeves that draped elegantly down her right arm. She had a high collar around her neck that added a touch of elegance to her outfit. Her waist was adorned with a sectioned-off, flowing hakama decorated with beautiful designs and shining with a menagerie of brilliant colors. The hakama was topped off with a miniature samurai helm and tassel, which seemed to hold everything together. Her other arm was fitted with a gauntlet and a samurai armor pauldron made of sleek, separated sheets that protected her shoulders and downwards. In her hand, she held a sheathed katana, adding to the authenticity of her ensemble.

The NPC invoked a wandering warrior aesthetic, amplified by her mesmerizing jet-black tresses that cascaded all the way down to her toes. Her hair was tied up into a voluminous and lengthy ponytail, embellished with a golden and feathered hair ornament. A gleaming silver headband graced her forehead, complementing her other accessories. Her deep blue eyes were spellbinding and scoured all within her gaze.

Rider – Lvl: 100

The group was startled out of their trance by the sound of her geta clacking as she fearlessly charged the Players. A few attacks were launched toward the speeding NPC as the group frantically tried to regroup and regain some cohesion.

If Hendrickson thought Lancer was quick, then Rider was fast. She moved at such breakneck speed that afterimages trailed behind her. It was as if her movements were a blur - a swift and graceful dance that left her opponents struggling to keep up.

Rider weaved through the attacks thrown her way. With her katana in hand, the wandering samurai sliced through the enemy ranks with unparalleled speed and precision, her blade singing as it cut through the air. The NPC darted through the recovering party, avoiding any incoming attacks with ease. Some of the Players hesitated, afraid that they might accidentally hit their own team members in the chaos.

Hendrickson instantly noticed the oddity in her actions. She didn't go in for the kill, instead, attacking only as a by-product, as if she had a greater objective to fulfill.

She appeared at the center of the party, a hand slamming onto the ground.

"[Wandering Tales of Shana-oh: Eye of Shiva - Detecting the Six Secret Teachings]!"

The ground beneath them wobbled, and the landscape shifted as if they were relocated by means of a teleportation spell.

The invading party found themselves elsewhere, in some kind of mid-grounded open field with tall, steep terrain surrounding them. Due to a momentary lapse in judgment brought on by the suddenness of everything, Rider was able to flee from the Players as they continued their unsuccessful attacks.

Retreating towards the edge, she raced up the slope of the cliff as easily as if it were flat ground. The rocky terrain hindered her not even in the slightest. Rider jumped and landed next to what looked to be another NPC at the cliff's edge.

Hendrickson brought down his goggles, zooming in to make out a figure dressed as what he could assume was a medic of sorts.

Light began to emanate from beneath the NPC as a clap resounded throughout the landscape. The glow swirled around the figure, gathering and accumulating before a towering pillar burst forth from the dome, illuminating the once-darkened catacombs in soothing light. Gradually, a form took shape and materialized into a nurse who was holding an unexpected weapon, a greatsword.

That managed to kickstart their brain again as spells and skills flew towards the NPCs and the construct. All the good that did.

"[Nightingale Pledge: I Will Abstain From Whatever Is Deleterious And Mischievous!]!"

As the sword descended, an aurora of stunningly beautiful light enveloped the entire world, followed by a powerful reverb. The light engulfed the Players, forcing many of them to cover their eyes.

Blinking away the bright spots, Hendrickson's eye almost shot out of his eye sockets upon seeing the debuffs being stacked one by one and applied through his HUD. Almost a third of them he didn't even realize was even a thing, let alone existed in YGGDRASIL until now, having seen it for himself.

The group refocused their attention back on the cliffside where the two NPCs stood. Just as his mouth opened to give the next set of orders, something boomed in the air, followed by a spiral trail.

The last thing Hendrickson or anyone else saw was the glint of white piercing the deep black sky. It was a veritable shooting star, as it reached the center of their position before any one of them could react. After their world was completely consumed by an explosive conflagration, darkness descended. The next thing they knew, they respawned elsewhere.


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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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