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56.52% Fake Player / Chapter 26: These Ceaseless Changing Times 6

Chương 26: These Ceaseless Changing Times 6

These Ceaseless Changing Times III

Shirou swung Kanshou and Bakuya in a sweeping arc, cutting down the Dragon Tooth Warrior around him. His body never stopped moving as he dodged an attack from Kuzuki, leaping away as his former sensei struck the ground with an axe kick, kicking up dirt.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed more Dragon Tooth Warriors encircling him as he retreated, the co-boss hot on his trail. Caster's beam rained down without end, striking all within her sight.

The magus watched it all with weary eyes.

Attack, defend, run, and repeat. He was merely going through the motions with his form and body.

How long has he been fighting again since his last conversation with Momonga, he mused.

Five minutes? Ten perhaps? Twenty, thirty, an hour? He couldn't say. Time itself was all but lost on him, blurring together and muddled. However long it was, the fatigue was slowly sapping his strength away after constant battling.

Without hesitation, Shirou sprinted towards an opening in the woods and reached a small precipice. As he pumped as much prana as he could, the trees behind him disappeared, and he leaped off the edge. In mid-air, he saw rolling hills below him on the mountain's side. Kuzuki followed closely behind him, and they continued their fight in the air. After gaining a momentary advantage, the boss delivered a powerful kick, but Shirou managed to block it with his married blades. However, the impact caused him to plummet downward.

Shirou hit the ground with a heavy thud and was immediately beset by the Dragon Tooth Warriors. He quickly dispatched them as his former sensei landed. Kuzuki rushed towards the magus with a series of serpent-like punches, but Shirou managed to parry them. However, the force of the blows took a toll on Kanshou and Bakuya, causing hairline fractures to appear on their surfaces. With no other choice, he was forced to disengage and retreat momentarily. As he caught his breath, a sudden purple flash caught his attention, but the exhaustion that had been building within him finally took hold. His reaction time was dulled, and he could only bring his blades up at the last second to defend himself.

Shirou numbly watched in slow motion as his projections broke against one of Caster's beams, protecting him from the full brunt of the attack. The force sent him reeling back before his body tumbled against the unforgiven dirt, coming to a harsh stop against a broken tree trunk.

As the haze of fatigue began to envelop him, Shirou struggled to stay on his feet. In a desperate attempt to flee, he stumbled forward, but Caster was already pointing her staff in his direction.

A magic circle materialized beneath him as the air around him stilled, his body frozen in place as if some unknown force were pressing against him from all sides. A muted noise rang through his ears within the frozen space. Another blast from the past.

Frozen, Shirou's fight was all but concluded. Surprisingly, neither Kuzuki nor any of the Dragon Tooth Warriors decided to attack and finish him off.

Though, to call it a fight was putting it generously. It was more accurate to call it a game of cat and mouse as there was little fighting on his part, save for the hit and run strategies he utilized to contend with the three bosses and the accompanying hordes of mobs.

The Dragon Tooth Warriors, though individually weak and of low level, proved to be an unrelenting menace. Unlike in the Fifth Holy Grail War, their numbers seemed endless, and their constant presence created a constant distraction for Shirou. Compounding the difficulty was the fact that Caster and Kuzuki dominated both the skies and ground, making it nearly impossible for Shirou to focus on one without being vigilant for an attack from the other. Their pursuit was tireless, leaving Shirou with little respite. Adding to the chaos was the Colchis Dragon, a boss beatstick whose presence made the already daunting task all the more challenging.

Throughout the intense battle with the bosses, he managed to cause significant damage to them on multiple occasions. However, he wasn't able to deliver a finishing blow or continue his attacks due to frequent interference from the other bosses who aggroed on him, allowing the other to recover.

Despite being unable to gain any upper hand, he tested the limits of the boss raid throughout the battle and quickly grasped the rules of the raid. This allowed him to develop effective counterstrategies that could be utilized to permanently defeat the bosses.

Not that such knowledge mattered in the end.

It only proved what he knew from the beginning. He needed a party to help him, his friends...

His vision refocused on Caster, high above the skies, staring putatively down at Shirou. She twirled her staff before slamming it forward.

Magic circles surrounded her, far greater and brighter than what she had shown before. They blanketed the skies and all moved independently of one another, each bearing arcane symbols that pulsated with power. Purple mana streaked across the sky, and Shirou could practically taste the overwhelming mana pouring forth, saturating the air.

Shirou would put this attack on par with the likes of Super Tier Magic itself.

'This is it...' He thought, staring all but certain death in the face.

A part of him wondered why it took so long to reach this point. He knew that victory was beyond his grasp all by himself. Death was of little consequence, so why then did he continue to struggle? Whether his survival until now was purely due to ingrained instinct or something else, he couldn't quite say. Considering his current situation, the issue was null and void.

In the end, he only delayed the inevitable.

"I should probably avoid heading back to Nazarick when I respawn. The last thing I want is to be a third wheel on Momonga's date." Shirou idly mused.

"[Calamity of Gods and Kingdoms]!" Caster shouted, and the radiant magic circles shone.

A powerful storm of blinding purple light erupted from the skies, unleashing a deadly onslaught upon him with unmatched energy. The faker embraced the end he sought and closed his eyes.

"Oi, Emiya-san! What the hell are you doing, taking a nap right here?!"

Only to suddenly snap his eyes open, hearing a jovial voice call out to him, admonishing him. He opened his eyes to an impossibility - the presence of Warrior Takemikazuchi, a friend who should not be there. As his sight returned, he was shocked to see Ainz Ooal Gown standing by his side, defying all rational explanation.

He opened his mouth to scream, to warn them, but it was unnecessary.

Shirou saw Tabula break something between his webbed finger, a crystal hourglass, before throwing his webbed hands into the air.

"[Super Tier Magic: Absolute Terror Field]!"

Unlike Caster's Super Tier Magic, which required a cast time, Tabula's was activated instantly, courtesy of the cash item. Above them, a massive hexagonal barrier of pastel purple and red hues materialized. Just in time too, as Caster's potent attack reached them.

The clash of two powerful magics created an intense and destructive force that shook the very land beneath them. Streaks of energy flew forth from Caster's magic, relentlessly pounding against the barrier and causing devastation to the mountain range and its surroundings. The roaring winds ripped through the air and land, annihilating anything that stood in their path.

Cracks appeared on the barrier, and for a moment it looked as if Caster's attack would triumph over Tabula's Super Tier Magic, but the bulwark held. Her attack finally finished and dissipated, leaving them all safe and alive.

So startled was Shirou that he could only watch, his mind desperately racing to catch up with the current situation. Call outs filled the air as his companions cleared the area of the Dragon Tooth Warriors.

"[Greater Nullification]!" Yamaiko cast her spell.

Light washed over him, dispelling Caster's spell as he felt his body drop. Before Shirou's body hit the ground, the faker felt two sets of hands grab onto him, lifting him and keeping him steady. Turning his head, he saw Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama helping him.

"P-pero... Buku…" He muttered woozily.

"Yo, Emiya-senpai~"

"Easy there, we got you, Shirou-kun."

"[Boost Magic: Sacred Blessing]!"

A bright aura enveloped him, his fatigue and wound ebbing away, leaving him revitalized as his HP bar was topped up. A spell courtesy from an unfamiliar voice.

"There you go, good as new!"

He glanced towards the voice to spy an angelic Player he'd never seen before, but one he quickly realized by her gamertag - Destana, Momonga's girlfriend, whom he'd heard so much about.

His ears perked up as Kuzuki rushed towards them, but Yamaiko confronted him. His attack, [Snake Strike], lashed out at extreme speed.

"Ora!" Roared Yamaiko, letting her fist fly.

A burst of air shook the field as their punches connected, and both Player and Boss held their ground. The two brawler quickly started trading punches, dodging and sidestepping each other's blows while counterpunching.

While brief, Yamaiko stood toe to toe with the co-boss, landing a few solid hits.

Tanking one of his hits, the Heteromorphic boxer lured the boss in just as she wanted.

"[Heavy Knockout]!" Yamaiko roared, pulling her fist back as [Female Sensei's Iron Fist of Wrath] glowed with a radiant pink upon the activation of her skill.

She slammed her gauntlet into Kuzuki's face faster than anyone could blink, sending his former sensei flying back and creating a small shockwave in the process.

"We're clear!" Ulbert yelled.

"Understood! [Widen Maximize Magic: Greater Teleportation]!"

With the widened and maximized metamagic, Momonga was able to teleport everyone away. They reappeared far away and safely, for the moment.

The party quickly got to work securing the surrounding area. [Mirror World], along with several scrying and protection spells, were put in place, keeping them hidden and protected for the time being. Free of any immediate danger, Shirou quickly composed himself. His heterochromatic eyes swept the guild members currently with him.

There was Momonga, Touch Me, Ulbert, Peroroncino, Tabula, Bukubukuchagama, Warrior Takemikazuchi, Yamaiko, and lastly, Destana. Nine Players in total.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" He stuttered out, finding his voice and drawing their attention.

"What do you think we're here for? To help you, of course!" Touch Me answered, his voice as boisterous as ever. Shirou had almost forgotten just how comforting it was.

"Yep. Momonga-san sent out an emergency message, and we came as soon as we could, Emiya-senpai. We couldn't wait any longer for anyone else to join, so it's only just us." Peroroncino jumped in, jabbing his thumb at the undead Player, and revealing the instigator of it all.

He looked at his longtime friend with equal parts disbelief and annoyance.

"I thought I told you it was fine?!" Shirou argued.

"You did, and I thought otherwise." Momonga challenged him, surprising the faker with the unwavering resolution in his voice. "And as you can see, I wasn't alone in that belief."

He swept his skeletal hand, gesturing to every member there, and though hidden from the world, Shirou could feel each one of their determination shining through their eyes.

"Oi, don't misunderstand. I joined in for Momonga-san's sake, so don't lump me in with everyone else." Ulbert spoke up, crossing his arms adamantly.

"Come now, Ulbert-san. There's no need to be like that. It wouldn't hurt to admit you have a heart from time to time." Touch Me jest, patting the World Disaster's shoulder affectionately. To which he grunted, shaking off the hand.

"But how?!" He spoke, struggling to keep up. "It should be all but impossible for anyone to enter here through any means. The only way to get here is to encounter her in Niðavellir, but considering the statistical improbability, that wasn't an option either!"

"Oh, that? Yeah, we just used [Bifröst] to reach you." Tabula revealed casually.

"You WHAT?" As soon as he heard this, Shirou yelled, his jaw dropping at the revelation and his eyes going wide.

One of the rarest treasures possessed by Ainz Ooal Gown was [Bifröst], a World Item earned after the guild's victory over a rival faction a year prior. It was speculated to be one of the Twenty as it could only be used once, unlike the other World Items held in the Treasury.

[Bifröst] had the appearance of a simple but quaint large three-paneled dressing room mirror with a charming rainbow-decorated rim. For a World Item, its ability and description were relatively simple. [Bifröst] allows the user to transport themselves anywhere they wish in the overworld by selecting a location and walking through the mirror. And when it says anywhere, it truly means anywhere. There was no limit to the locations that could be reached, including hard-to-find dungeons, secret areas with limited access or specific conditions, or well-fortified zones. The World Item was capable of traversing all nine virtual worlds with ease, nothing was beyond its reach. Similar to a [Mirror of Remote Viewing], it allows Players to survey their destination in real-time before allowing them to select it as their destination.

Undoubtedly, the most apparent limitation of utilizing the World Item was also its most significant advantage. Given the vast expanse of the nine playable realms, with numerous uncharted territories and locations dominating the overworld, using it half-heartedly could result in squandering its immense potential but could also be a detriment more than anything else. The last thing anyone wanted was to be trapped or struck somewhere far, far away.

Punitto Moe and Bellriver speculated that [Bifröst] could even bypass heavily secured guild bases, including those in the top ten, with no way to counteract [Bifröst]'s range and abilities besides another World Item.

The World Item was one of their greatest finds, as its potential usage was practically limitless. It was carefully housed within the Treasury, only to be used in the direst or most critical of circumstances. Furthermore, the decision to employ the item necessitated a majority vote, with a minimum of thirty individuals concurring before it could be utilized.

"The controls were super janky. It's a good thing it let you track your friend's position, or else we would've spent forever searching all Niðavellir for you, Emiya-san. A second late, and you would've been toast!" Warrior Takemikazuchi added, and a few others nodded along.

"A waste of a perfectly good World Item if you ask me." Ulbert grumbled.

"Oh, quit it, Ulbert-san! You certainly didn't have any problems when Momonga-san decided to use it, so please don't start now." Chided Bukubukuchagama, wagging her finger like a mother to a stubborn child.

"Plus, this is one of those Servant Bosses Emiya-san talked about before. We beat it, and we'll get a World Item in return. So, one for one. Who knows, maybe we'll get a net positive if RNG is feeling generous this day and gives us a second World Item for beating this unique boss." Yamaiko proposed, leading to excited speculation among them.

Everyone's voices blended together and contributed their own opinions as the conversation flowed easily. An all-too-familiar sensation of banter and comradery exuded forth. And for a moment, all was right in the world. Yet, among the groups of friends, one could not understand.

"W-why..." Shirou utterly softly, yet it was enough as they all heard it.

"Hmm? I thought we already made it clear, Emiya-san? We came because of you." Momonga repeated.

"No, no. This..." Shirou shook his head, a hand resting on his forehead, staring almost incomprehensively at what was going on.

"Guys... you didn't have to do this. This was unneeded! I wouldn't have cared if I had died. I wouldn't have. I don't care about these Class Cards, not to the extent I used to. This... all of this! It doesn't matter! Yet..."

Words failed him as he quietly looked at the brother-and-sister duo.

"Peroroncino-san, Bukubukuchagama-san, what are you doing here? You two had more important matters to take care of, didn't you? Please don't tell me you gave it up for this." Shirou began, addressing the two siblings first.

"Isn't today your day off, Yamaiko-san? Shouldn't you be resting instead of being here?" He moved on to the schoolteacher.

"And you, Touch Me-san. What about your family? Surely, they needed you with them, more than you being here." The faker looked at the World Champion, contending.

"What about you, Tabula-san? You wish to pursue higher education. Surely this would be a bump in your schedule of studying and preparing for the entrance exam." He turned to the Eldritch Heteromorph, arguing.

"Momonga-san... This was your special day, wasn't it? It should've been just you and your girlfriend, that's it. You didn't have to concern yourself with any of this! And surely you didn't need to involve yourself or rope in your girlfriend in all of this!"

One after the other, he probed, finding whatever justification he could. But throughout, they said nothing, weathering the verbal storm as if it were a gentle breeze. This only served to further incense the faker.

"I don't understand. All of you! I didn't want any of this! You have better things to concern yourself with than..."

'Than me...' Those words were left unspoken, but everyone understood.

"So... w-why…" Shirou repeated as if truly lost, unable to comprehend the reasoning behind their overboard actions. Why were they willing to go out of their way and risk so much just for him?

"That's a rather pointless question, don't you think, old friend?" Momonga stepped forward, his hand outstretched.

"Ainz Ooal Gown always looks after their own."

His words, they were simple, yet there was warmth behind them. An unrivaled conviction. His eyes wandered towards the other figures standing behind him, who remained silent but exuded a solid and unwavering presence.

Shirou attempted to say something in response, but a wet sensation on his cheeks caught his attention. Gingerly, he touched it, but there was nothing there. Yet, the wet sensation dripping down his cheek persisted. I'm...crying…? - He realized with a sense of disbelief. Shirou could hardly recall the last time he cried. Although his tears have long since dried up, his heart still holds the memory of what it felt like to cry, even if his body could no longer do so.

How long had it been since he could entrust his back to another, without the fear of betrayal or loneliness? He had always been the one to come to the aid of others in their time of need. It was he who needed to be strong, for others sake.

Those that he cared for and trusted dwindled until little to none remained. Until now, until Ainz Ooal Gown reminded him that he was far from alone.

The warring emotion that he fought to suppress for so long, for the sake of his friends and selfishness, bubbled within him, exploding forth from the surface, unable to be held back any further. His heart raced with an emotion he'd almost forgotten: hope. He rubbed his eyes, trying to stop, but the sensation continued, like an overflowing damn.

Momonga recognized it easily. Shirou's longtime friend stepped forward and took him into a hug, engulfing him in his large form and robe. Shirou's body quivered minutely like a leaf within a storm as the undead Player laid a soothing hand on his back, providing all the comfort and support he could for his precious friend as the tears ran their course.

It was okay.

The rest remained silent and content, watching the tender scene before them. All but one.

"Hey, hey!" Ulbert snapped his finger impatiently. "Let's save the sappy and mushy shit until after we're done." He stressed, his talon pointing outwards. In the distance, the Colchis Dragon roared, soaring through the air and reminding everyone that they were still amidst a raid.

"Really, Ulbert-san, really? You couldn't hold it in for like a few seconds?" Bukubukuchagama deadpanned, a flat stare emoticon popping up over the pink's slime head.

"What do you think this is, a soap opera? We're in the middle of a raid! We got shit to kill and things to do!" The goat Heteromorph returned. "Besides, you're just saying that because you wanted to join in on the hug."

"Ha! He kind of got you there, sis." Peroroncino cackled, earning a sucker punch from his sister.

"Zip it!" The Elder Slime squeaked, earning a few giggles from the others.

Shirou couldn't help but chuckle under his breath at the playful banter playing out in front of him, hiccupping as he regained his spirit. Oh, how he missed them, all of them. Same old Ulbert, blunt as ever, but the World Disaster was right. The waterworks could wait until later. Right now, they still have a boss fight to win.

Removing himself from Momonga's embrace, he dried his tears. Heterochromatic eyes flared with a newfound determination.

"Sorry about that, everyone." Shirou quickly apologized.

"Don't be. You're only human, after all. Everyone feels the need to let loose once in a while." Echoed Touch Me, patting his friend on the shoulder.

"Exactly. So, what's the plan, boss man?" Said Warrior Takemikazuchi, coming to his side and bumping his shoulders genially.

The others converged, ready and willing. Ease and familiarity quickly settled in as he took the lead role and began explaining the rules and mechanics of the boss fights and how they would go about achieving victory. It took a few minutes to catch them up to speed.

"Damn, it sounds like those shitty devs made a real pain in the ass fight." Said Ulbert, echoing many of the members thoughts.

"But it's not impossible, ain't that right, Emiya-san? So, how are we tackling it?" Asked Tabula, deferring to his judgement.

"With only so many of us, we'll be splitting into three groups to take them. Each party's maximized to deal with their intended boss."

"Divide and conquer, huh?" He heard Bukubukuchagama's comment.

"How're we playing this Emiya-senpai?"

Shirou didn't answer Peroroncino's query, not yet, as there was one piece of the puzzle left that he needed to know first.

"Destana-san, what is your build and strength? I cannot properly form the groups unless I know where I can put you to synergize with."

"Well, my build mostly revolves around using angel summons as my main form of attack. I'm more of a supporter than anything else." The Aerosphere answered.

"Think of her as a more streamlined version of my build and abilities for summon control. Her playstyle is similar to my own, with more emphasis on utility spells and holy magic." Momonga supplied, helping Shirou gain a grasp of Destana's role.

"Alright, here's the plan. Touch Me-san, Yamaiko-san, Bukubukuchagama-san, and Takemikazuchi-san, you four will take on Sensei. The key is to keep both him and Caster separated. Momonga-san, Ulbert-san, Tabula-san, and Peroroncino-san, you guys got Caster. Keep her away from Sensei, and once he's dealt with first, collapse in and take care of her. Destana-san and I will take the dragon."

"The teams are a bit skewed, don't you think, Emiya-san? Especially in your case, considering you're almost out of MP entirely. Shouldn't we balance the teams out a bit more?" Tabula remarked.

A quick glance showed that his MP was almost at zero, owing to his long and drawn-out fight with Caster and Co. beforehand. Avalon's passive kept him going for longer than he thought, but it wasn't a game changer. Still, he should have just enough for what he had planned.

"I have enough for one good shot left. If all goes well, I'll only need Destana to finish the job. Believe it or not, the dragon is probably the easiest of the three to deal with. If all else fails, we'll keep it distracted so it doesn't interfere with the rest of you. And once Caster and Sensei are dealt with, it'll be easy pickings to take down the Colchis Dragon. If anything, I'm more slightly concerned about your guy's chance with Caster and Sensei without me." He explained, expressing some last-second concerns.

"My, my, have we been gone that long that you're doubting our skills, Emiya-san?" Warrior Takemikazuchi scoffed, playful hurt lacing his words.

The World Champion chuckled alongside the samurai. "I suppose you'll have your answer when we beat the bosses and remind you, Emiya-san, why we're the best around!" He chipped in confidently, rousing a round of laughter among the Players. One that found Shirou smiling alongside.

Before they fully dispersed, Momonga put out his arm, his fingers clenched into a fist. Seeing this, one by one, every Player added their own to the circle.

"Best of luck to everyone." He said, bumping fists with one another.

Momonga's red orbs settled on Shirou and Destana one last time.

"Watch each other's back, you two. And if it doesn't work out, we'll be ready to assist."

"Don't worry, babe, everything's fine now that I'm here. Now get your fine ass up there and whoop some butts!" Said Destana, flashing an emoticon that blew hearts and kisses at her boyfriend.

"Good luck..." Shirou wished them.

With nothing left to say, it was time. Shirou watched as they disappeared in a flash via [Teleportation], leaving only himself and Destana.

Before anything else, Shirou turned and bowed to her, earning the angel's attention and clear confusion.

"I would like to apologize for my display earlier and for what you had to witness. I'm very sorry if Momonga-san dragged you into my mess."

"It's cool." Destana shrugged, waving away his apology. "Technically, I'm an outsider. And while Momonga told me what I needed to know, I still don't have the full story. So it'll be unfair to judge you only off of that."

The Aerosphere easily dismissed his words. However, she wasn't done just yet.

"But you're wrong about one thing. Momon-kun didn't rope me into anything. I joined in because I cared about him, and he was really worried for you. So let me set you straight, buster. If you make my precious hubby sad again, you and I will be having some words." She said, punctuating her words by cracking her knuckles alongside an emoticon with a red tick mark and narrowed eyes popping up.

It was safe to say that Shirou wasn't expecting that of all things, but in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but smile warmly for his friend. Momonga found himself quite the woman.

"'Alright, so what's the plan to take down that flying gecko?" Destana asked, getting down to business. Her emerald eyes locked onto the dragon.

"Firstly, we need to draw the boss's aggro and drag it away from the others. As I said earlier, I only have enough MP for one good shot, so we'll be taking it there."

He gestured towards the vast, open land that lay at the foot of Mount Enzo. The field was expansive enough for unobstructed movement and a clear view of the sky, making it an ideal location to face the Colchis Dragon. Fortunately, when Momonga transported them away, they were transported to the same outstretched forest where Shirou landed after Caster abducted him.

"I'll also need some summons to provide a protection detail. With how many Dragon Tooth Warriors there are, I won't be able to get a clean shot in if I'm being hounded."

Even though he had some passive abilities and resistance skills, the fact that the mobs could overwhelm him made it a moot point. Moreover, he couldn't spare even a single point of MP to combat the Dragon Tooth Warriors. He only had one shot at this, missing wasn't an option.

"Odds are my attack won't be enough to fully finish it, and I need you to immediately have a spell or attack ready to finish off the job."

"Alright, so distraction and clean-up duties? Roger Dodger, captain!" With a two-finger salute, Destana quickly got to work.

"[Create High Tier Angel: Gate Guardian] x2, [Create High Tier Angel: Throne Watchers] x2"

Thanks to her specialized high-tier racial class, [Sephiroth], she possessed the skill [Create High Tier Angel]. It bore striking similarity to Momonga's [Overlord] skill, [Create High Tier Undead]. With the skill, she was capable of summoning angels with a respectable level of 70.

Four luminous magic circles materialized before her, and from them emerged her angels. The first two, known as Gate Guardians, were adorned in the most divine armor that shone brilliantly in both silver and gold. Their ten majestic wings, resplendent in a golden hue, were a sight to behold. Their faces were veiled by pure white cloths, adorned with holy scripture, further enhancing their divine aura. To complete their magnificence, they each bore two towering shields, each of which displayed a radiant sun, adding to their already commanding presence.

After the previous group came the Throne Watchers, who were majestic angels with a feminine aura. They flaunted ten magnificent wings that shone with a golden hue and donned a suit of armor in a striking emerald green shade. These divine beings held a golden spear in one hand and a kite shield in the other, which exuded their formidable strength. Their faces were obscured behind a mask, embellished with a four-pointed star on the front, adding to their mysterious and imposing appearance.

Above their heads rests a golden-white halo.

However, she wasn't done just yet.

"[Create Middle Tier Angel: Archangel Peacekeeper] x4, [Create Middle Tier Angel: Dominion Authority] x2"

Six more angels joined their brethren. Archangel Peacekeeper, despite their name, appeared almost the exact opposite, encased in white armor from head to toe that resembled a knight of old. They wielded a large, two-handed ivory-flaming greatsword that burned a holy white. Eight white wings stretched from their backs. They looked noble as they were fierce.

The final two angels were easily the largest of the bunch, a mass of many shining wings, and among them was a pair of arms that held a powerful scepter. Its head and body were obscured by its numerous glowing feathered wings and decorated with royal tablets. A divine magic circle glowed at the front of the angel's head.

They weren't as strong when compared to her high-tier summons, being only level 55 individually, but considering their overall strength and usage, it would be enough.

"[Penetrate Up], [Maximum Force], [Holy Virtue], [Guardian Blessing], [Sacred Boost], [Greater Defense Boost], [Greater Ability Boost], [Maximize Force], [Mana Pulse], [Boost Endurance], [Boost Luck], [Divine Aura], [Greater Luck], [Righteous Endeavor], [Power Core], [Draconic Force], [Hardened Vessel], [Greater Speed], [Reinforce Magic Defense] and [Reinforce Armor]."

In addition, a plethora of buffs and enchantments were quickly applied, courtesy of Destana. Shirou's body glowed a different color for every spell. He flexed his fingers and arms, his body brimming with latent power, ready to be unleashed.


"No problem. Well then, let's get this show on the road!"

Destana's majestic wings unfurrowed with a flourish, and she was off, soaring through the air with two of the Throne Watchers at her side, followed by one of the Gate Guardians and one of each of the Dominion Authority and Archangel Peacekeeper. This left the remaining summons as his defenders.

He swiftly kicked off and bolted forward, with the angels flanking him in a protective formation as they headed toward the vast open field. In a matter of seconds, they exited the woods and approached the sprawling grounds, and as expected, the Dragon Tooth Warriors were there to confront him. The warriors recklessly charged forward, hurling themselves at him and unleashing a horde of skeletal mobs resembling a tidal wave.

Two forces smashed into one another, but only one prevailed. Despite the chaos and destruction all around them, Shirou's group pressed forward, undeterred by the relentless onslaught of skeletal mobs. The great sword-wielding angels carved through the horde, their righteous flames leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. Meanwhile, the Dragon Tooth Warrior valiantly hurled themselves at the formidable Gate Guardian, only to be met with an impenetrable shield that proved too much to overcome and was smashed to pieces. High above the fray, the Principle Dominion flung [Smite] spells, unleashing a barrage of explosions that decimated pockets of the rampaging skeletons. Amidst the carnage, broken bones littered the air, a testament to the ferocity of the battle that raged on.

On occasions, one or two of the Dragon Tooth Warriors would manage to get close to him, only for Shirou to lash out with an empowered kick or strike, dealing with them instantly and easily.

His eyes swept the area, seeking a vantage point, until he spotted an inconspicuous pillar, one jutting up from the ground. A small part of some ruins. He swiftly altered his course and moved there as the air was filled with explosions and roars.

His gaze was soon captured by the heavens, reverberating with the sounds of a fierce battle that raged across the field and the sky. Destana and her squadron of angels engaged in a fierce struggle against the formidable Colchis Dragon, each determined to emerge victorious. With the keen eye of a hawk, he intently observed her every move, meticulously recording every action and gesture.

The Aeropshere was in her element, where she could move with the grace of a dancer, her every motion appearing effortless and fluid. Her skillful management of her summons was a sight to behold, deftly manipulating their aggro while simultaneously coordinating their attacks. She expertly guided them, playing a cat-and-mouse game with the dragon and leading the boss around by its nose. Meanwhile, the dragon spewed forth streams of searing flames, attempting to incinerate its adversaries but failing to shake the resolve of the winged warriors.

Shirou remembered Momonga commenting on his girlfriend being a casual Player, but seeing the skill and Hate management on display, the magus wagered she was almost on par with the Overlord himself when it came to summoning management.

His gaze strayed to the peak of the mountain, where he could see spells being cast and attacks being flung. That boss fight with Caster and Sensei against Ainz Ooal Gown raged on.

It took him a minute to get to the ruin. He leaped and landed evenly on the pillar. It was large enough that it could support his balance. Right on time too, as he received an incoming [Message] from Destana.

"[You ready yet?!]"

"[Ready. Lure it in towards me, east of where we were.]"

The battle in the sky took a turn as Destana corralled the dragon to follow her in his direction.

"[I see ya'. One pissed-off dragon, ready for delivery!]" With that, the [Message] ended.

Destana had done an outstanding job at managing the boss, and her summons did a fantastic job of protecting him, allowing him to concentrate on the one task at hand. She had done her part, it was time for Shirou to step up.

"Trace on!"

His trademark black bow appeared in one hand, and a long, muted cross spear adorned with gold and bronze appeared in the other. The metal blade at the end crackled with small discharges of lightning.

[Dragon Slayer Spear: The Lightning Bane – Divine Tier Spear]

Aside from the most well-known legends and tales, there were surprisingly few weapons of this type in existence, despite the fact that dragon slayers were a fairly ubiquitous trope in fantasy and mythology.

Dragons were frequently regarded as the toughest and most powerful monster types in video games, and YGGDRASIL was no exception. Many of the dragons and other draconic monsters found in YGGDRASIL were among the most potent and perilous enemies the game had to offer. Thus, Shirou figured it'd be prudent to expand his arsenal to include Noble Phantasms with Anti-Dragon capability.

One such new addition was the aptly named spear in his hand, simply dubbed the Dragon Slayer Spear.

The Noble Phantasm was a recreation of a weapon wielded by a boss that he and Ainz Ooal Gown had previously faced off against. They battled the boss, one of four bosses in an enormous castle dungeon, who was a large knight wearing full-body golden armor and a lion-shaped helm.

In the lore and flavor text, the boss was described as a fierce warrior and an accomplished dragon slayer. A mighty champion that slew hundreds of them in his crusade. He had the ability to summon thunder and fire lightning bolts from his weapon while channeling lightning through his body and weapon, giving him greater speed and power. According to its legend, the spear could pierce the nearly indestructible iron scales of an ancient dragon—the strongest type of dragon in all of YGGDRASIL—and thrust through them to reach its flesh, where it would discharge lightning and inflict a mortal wound.

Captivated, Shirou sought to add the weapon to his arsenal, and he did.


The harsh sound of metal grinding and twisting pierced through the air. The spear contorted until it no longer resembled its original form, its shape resembling a javelin instead.

With his 'arrow' prepared, he notched it back. What remained of his MP poured forth into the arrow, illuminating it as yellow arcs crackled in the air, pulsing energy and mana throughout the vicinity.

Above, Destana was humming a small tune, smiling at how easy it was. All she needed to do was keep the overgrown lizard's aggro on her summons while rotating its Hate between her angels as she kited the boss toward Shirou, who was preparing his attack. All in all, it was fairly standard and easy to manage.

She commanded the Throne Watchers to attack from the side, only for the dragon to dip. The boss avoided the attack with that sudden maneuver, slipping past both her and her summons.

Destana's eye widened, seeing its new trajectory and target.

"Shit!" The Sephiroth let out.

She immediately gave chase. Destana pursued the Colchis Dragon, instructing her angels to take up positions around it to box the dragon in as they flew towards it. However, before she could issue any further commands, the dragon surprised her once more by spinning its entire body mid-flight and using its elongated wings to collide with the angels encircling it. This unexpected maneuver sent her summons careening through the air.

"Fuck!" The angel cursed. She wouldn't be able to catch up in time.

The dragon pulled up, flying over the land. As the serpentine dragon approached Shirou, it opened its gaping maw and unleashed a torrent of scorching flames. The dragon's destructive path left nothing but fire and devastation in its wake.

"Emiya-san!" She cried out.

Despite the imminent danger, Shirou stood steadfast, unwavering in his resolve. He braced himself as the dragon and its flames drew closer, until it was practically on top of him. Before him stood a tidal wave of fire, threatening to engulf him entirely.

"Penetrate and seek the flesh!" He released the arrow, primed and ready.

The arrow flew forth in a flash, cloaked in lightning. It transformed into a blinding bolt of yellow lightning as it barreled through the sea of flames, parting them as if they were mere air. His aim was true as it struck the dragon's heart. It punctured through the Colchis Dragon's scaly hide as if it were wet paper, the elongated arrow lodging itself deep into its body. The tip jutted out the back of the dragon's spine, a testament to the archer's skill and precision.

The winged beast let out a pained roar, staggering back from the force of his attack. Its wing flapped desperately to keep it airborne but failed as it tumbled to the ground. However, it was far from done. A streak of lightning shot up from the arrow and into the sky. Dark clouds rumbled to life and formed above the downed beast, casting the once-clear day dark. From the heavens above, a massive thunderbolt spewed forth and struck the dragon with a loud thunderclap, enveloping it in burning white lightning. The force of the thunder sent a shockwave throughout the field, sending the skeletal mobs flying and forcing Shirou to jump back to avoid the collapsing pillar.

Through the gaps in the smoke, he saw the boss's HP to be in the red. It wasn't enough to finish the job, as he thought.

"Destana-san!" He called out, as he knew any second now it would be back to full HP.

However, his fears were put to rest as she was ready the moment he fired his arrow. Twirling her staff with effortless grace, she aimed it at the Colchis Dragon and executed a grandiose flourish. The bulbous pointed end opened up in a winged pattern, unveiling a pointed azure crystal. Arcane light danced as an array of light swords circled the crystal, rotating and generating a multilayered magic circle.

"[Maximize Magic: Gabriel]!"

The spell, [Gabriel], possessed the exact quality of [Uriel], as a spell only known to be used by those with a maxed-out positive karma value, ensuring it to be the most powerful. A powerful 10th tier spell that was further boosted to the point of overkill with the maximize metamagic.

Her spell fired, the 10th tier spell producing a storm of blinding blue light. Bolts of powerful arcane light rained down upon the half-dead boss without mercy.

The world brightened so much that it was nearly blinding, and Shirou had to shield his eyes. After a few seconds, everything returned to normal. Blinking away the white spots, he saw the Colchis Dragon's body, its virtual carcass filled with holes, unmoving and silent. He watched it intently for a few silent seconds, and only when cracks appeared on its body before the boss shattered into polygons did he allow himself a moment to relax. All of the tension that had been building up dissipated, allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief.

"We got it?" Destana asked, floating down next to him. She looked around, almost as if expecting it to be revived or something.

"Yeah. It isn't going to be getting back up any time soon."

"Hell yeah!" She exclaimed, pumping her fist in jubilation. "Nice job out there! Up high!"

She held up her hand, an extremely happy and smiling emoticon popping up above her head. Shirou chuckled under his breath, feeling the same exhilaration practically overflowing from her. He raised his hand, high-fiving her back.

"It's not over, not yet anyway. There are still the other two. We should probably hurry and join up with the rest." He urged, but Destana was quick to intervene.

"Actually, 'you mind if I hold onto you for just a minute?"

Shirou stopped mid-step, turning back at her incredulously.

"W-what? Can't this wait? The others might need our help!"

"I trust Momon-kun, and you should too. You really should have a bit more faith in your friends. They seemed confident in their chances. Plus, they would've [Message]'d us if they were having trouble with the boss and needed help. It'll be quick, I promise."

The virtual magus frowned, and although unsure, he relented in the end.

The two exchanged looks before the seraph drew in a deep breath and spoke.

"Look, like I said before, I'm a complete stranger to this whole situation, and so my words won't count for much, but listen. Whatever it is that's going on with you and your issues, that loner bullshit needs to stop. Momon-kun... Satoru-san, he cares about you. Like, a lot. And it ain't just him as well, but everyone else that joined him. The fact that they chose to be here for you should speak volumes. And if you can't recognize that, then you need to get your head checked out. Maybe it's super personal or something that doesn't concern them, but you owe it to them at the very least to talk it out. They deserve that much."

Saying her piece, she stepped back, leaving only a pensive silence to take its place. Shirou remained silent, lost in contemplation. Though the two of them had no prior interaction, the faker felt her words weigh heavily on him.

Destana quickly gave commands to her remaining summons. The surviving Gate Guardian pulled up right next to Shirou.

"Hop on!"

Quickly obeying, he jumped onto the angel's back, grabbing hold to make sure he wouldn't fall off. In seconds, they were in the air, flying toward the top of the mountain, ready to rejoin the others.

All the while, Shirou mused over her words.


"Good luck..."

With those parting words, the eight guild members teleported away, reappearing within the front gate of Ryuudou Temple. They braced themselves, weapons and spells drawn and ready.

"How many times is it...? Just how many times will our peace be disturbed?" The voice of Caster rang out.

In a flash, she appeared with Kuzuki alongside her and an army of Dragon Tooth Warriors at her beck and call, surrounding the group.

"We will not allow meddlers to steal away our happiness!" Caster decried, her robes opening up and flaring like before.

Ignoring the boss's NPC dialogue as they usually do, Ainz Ooal Gown burst into action without needing a single word spoken between them.

As they faced the teleport-spamming boss and a swarm of mobs, Warrior Takemikazuchi and Touch Me charged ahead, followed closely by Bukubukuchagama. Meanwhile, Peroroncino took to the skies, keeping a sharp eye on the situation. The three magic casters spread out and positioned themselves, with Yamaiko taking center point, right behind her group.

Touch Me swiftly attacked his opponent with his sword, just as the boss swung his fists. The clash of steel and fists filled the air, as the two formidable opponents engaged in a fierce and intense battle. Meanwhile, the paladin keenly observed the boss's attack pattern, analyzing and adjusting to it accordingly. The Dragon Tooth Warriors were kept at bay by the others, who positioned themselves around the fighters.

"[Vorpal Thrust]!" Touch Me thrust his sword forward with lightning speed.

Alas, the attack was deflected by Kuzuki's quick reflexes, preventing it from piercing through his neck. Nonetheless, the swift movement of the blade still managed to leave a small nick, a testament to the intensity of the battle.

Stepping into the paladin's space, Kuzuki was able to unleash his signature attack.

"[Snake Strike]!" He unleashed a straight strike.


As Touch Me raised his shield, a bright green aura enveloped him, shielding him from the incoming attack. Although the attack didn't harm him much, it was still powerful enough to push him back. Kuzuki quickly pressed the advantage by striking with a roundhouse kick, which knocked Touch Me's shield arm away, followed by a second kick.


The paladin rolled to the side, evading the attack. Sensei's attack missed, leaving him open for Warrior Takemikazuchi as he rushed in from the side, bringing down Takemikazuchi MK 6, the katana glowing a baleful red from his skill.

"[Heavy Cleaver]!"

The boss sidestepped the armored samurai's downward slash, avoiding it with a hairbreadth, and from it, he spun on his heel and retaliated with an enhanced kick that knocked the heavy Player back. With a lunge, he unleashed a barrage of sharp strikes and kicks at Warrior Takemikazuchi, who defended himself with his double-handed katana. Despite the boss's fierce assault, Warrior Takemikazuchi held his ground and fought back. The two traded blow for blow and showed no sign of backing down.

"Ahahaha! I've almost forgotten just how fun it is to fight like this! Had I known these 'Servant Bosses' were so thrilling, I would have asked to join Emiya-san's quest sooner!" Warrior Takemikazuchi let out an excited laugh, heavily enjoying the fight at hand.

"[Shoulder Bash]!" Nephilim slammed his heavy armored shoulder into the boss, staggering it.

"[Raikiri: Lightning Cutter]!"

Purple lightning cloaked Takemikazuchi MK 6 as he swung the blade downward. Kuzuki raised both of his hands to defend and sparingly managed to stand his ground as the armored Heteromorph's attack cleaved away a chunk of his HP.

With the boss staggered, he pulled his katana back to his side as if sheathing it.

"[Iai Form: Sweeping Horizon]!" With a rush, he used another skill, drawing his blade and aiming straight at Kuzuki's midsection.

Before his strike landed, the boss astounded all those present by pulling off a feat that seemed entirely impossible. With remarkable agility and skill, he employed his elbow and knee, timing it perfectly, to catch his katana between them, halting Warrior Takemikazuchi's attack completely. The lines of [Reinforcement] across Kuzuki's body shone with renewed intensity. Despite the boss's considerably smaller frame when compared to Warrior Takemikazuchi's, his weapon wouldn't budge no matter how much force was applied.

"Are you serious?!" He exclaimed incredulously at the sight before him. Yet, it did nothing to dampen the wild grin that stretched in excitement and challenge before him.

Even from his difficult position, the boss threw out a straight punch with his free hand, right at the Heteromorph's head.

"Switch!" The Nephilim uttered, letting go of his weapons and leaning fully back, unafraid. He knew his teammates always had his back.

From behind, Yamaiko rushed forward, her gauntlet sailing over Warrior Takemikazuchi's leaning form. Her fist slammed into Kuzuki's, taking the upper hand. With her gauntlet's ability, knockback, Kuzuki was sent reeling, his feet digging into the rocky ground to halt the momentum.

The Takemikazuchi MK 6 became dislodged and flipped through the air before stabbing the ground with its hilt up a distance away. Rolling, the armored Heteromorph ran to retrieve his weapon. This left him open as Kuzuki turned his attention toward him. The boss deftly avoided Yamaiko's attack and focused his attention on the vulnerable Warrior Takemikazuchi, seeking to strike him when his guard was down.

"[Draw Hate], [Fortitude], [Heavy Defense]!" Bukubukuchagama swapped in, taking over for Yamaiko and tanking the attack.

The boss's fist blurred, striking the party's tank while she soaked up the damage. The pink Elder Slime stood her ground as the armored Heteromorph retrieved his weapon.

"Damn, he hits like a truck." Bukubukuchagama bemoaned, her hands vibrating from the attack.

"[Brilliant Blade]!" Touch Me emerged from the boss's flank, swinging Heroic Triumph, which was illuminated in white.

Sensing an attack, and in a feat of acrobatics, the boss jumped using Bukubukuchagama's shield as a platform to kick off from, dodging the World Champion's attack. In the air, he held up his leg as he brought it down in a textbook axe kick. With his shield, Touch Me parried the attack, leaving him staggered and vulnerable in midair.

"[Crescent Wave]!" Touch Me swung his silver blade, shooting an energy wave at Sensei and sending him tumbling backward. The boss's HP dropped even further.

"Switch!" Warrior Takemikazuchi called out again, all too eager to resume where they left off. The others relented and took up position against the Dragon Tooth Warrior once more. The armored-clad Player laughed wildly as the two combatants exchanged even blows once more.

The battle raged on until the Nephilim samurai dealt Kuzuki another devastating blow, at which point Kuzuki's HP turned yellow, and it was here that the Players bore witness to the ability Shirou cautioned them about. A transparent shroud covered him, and his form flickered before reappearing, his HP restored to full. Upon witnessing the ability firsthand, they now had a better grasp on the fight, allowing them to move onto the next step of their stratagem.

During the overview, Shirou outlined two key factors for them to achieve victory. Firstly, the traditional approach of gradually weakening their opponents' health bar would not work against Caster and Kuzuki. Despite being weaker compared to other similar level bosses, they had a unique time-flicker ability that made them difficult to defeat if the party were to go about it the normal route. As a result, the only effective method of bypassing their annoying skill was to reduce their entire HP to zero, either through a full combo or nuking them in one go.

Anything less would result in the boss rewinding their HP back to full and would require another attempt. The teams had to coordinate their attacks carefully, as the window for when the ability would kick in once they hit a certain percentage of their HP was slim. Through rigorous testing, the magus determined the time window to be only two seconds.

Secondly, Caster needed to be kept occupied no matter the method, lest she interfere, prolonging the battle and acting as a stop-gap to their plan of defeating Kuzuki first.

She was easily the slippest and the hardest factor when it came to the fight at hand. She not only possessed a wealth of destruction in the form of her many spells, but she could also provide enchantments and buffs for her co-boss, making the boss raid even tougher.

Speaking of which, while the first group rushed to combat Kuzuki, the others were left fending off Caster and stalling her as planned.

As soon as the fight began, Momonga did two things. The first was casting [Undeath Army].

The 7th tier spell was not a powerful spell and was useless against powerful opponents. However, it had other uses in other scenarios, such as serving as a buffer between them and the horde of skeletal mobs.

From the earth rose a veritable army of lesser undead. From simple zombies to ghouls, wights, skeletons, and egg organs, all assortments of undeath rose and blighted the natural scene with their unholy presences. Their numbers rivaled those of the Dragon Tooth Warriors.

Secondly, a group of Death Knights was summoned by Momonga using his [Create Middle Tier Undead] skill. These towering undead provided an extra layer of protection for Momonga and his allies, shielding them from any mobs that tried to get past his [Undeath Army]. With little to fear from the mobs interfering with them, their attention was directed solely above.

Peroroncino soared, engaging in a thrilling aerial battle with the Witch of Colchis. The skilled combatants exchanged fierce blows, expertly dodging and weaving around each other in a dazzling display of agility. Explosions rocked the skies as arrows of solar energy and beams of concentrated mana flew forth. The golden archer drew the enemy's attention and aggro, thus enabling the trio of magic casters to keep the purple Servant locked down.

Thanks to a combination of [Drifting Master Mine] and other anti-area denial spells, as well as several anti-teleport spells like [Dimensional Lock] and [Delay Teleportation], they were able to prevent her from abusing teleportation and escaping. Shirou had earlier warned them about a specific weapon/skill that the boss possessed, one of which could render any spell effects on her useless. This required them to constantly recast their spells to ensure that she didn't escape through teleportation.

However, even with her teleportation impeded, she still possessed [Flight], which kept her nimble as a butterfly. She launched continuous attacks at the group of four while flying in the air, free from any restraints. Despite knowing in advance what they would be up against, it did little to diminish the challenge the boss possessed.

The group's fight continued, leading them across the temple grounds that had turned into a battlefield. As a result, they were separated from the others as originally planned. The party of four ended up on the other side of the complex, with the ruined temple smoking in the background due to the constant spells and attacks exploding across the arena.

"Ok, that ability or skill is so hax that it's just stupid." Ulbert complained, seeing Caster pull out Rule Breaker again and dispel the spell on her, forcing him to use another [Dimensional Lock].

"Did you expect anything else from the shitty devs, Ulbert-san?" Came Momonga's amused voice. He seemed to be the only one who was enjoying their little game.

Spotting Caster maneuvering to escape, the demonic goat Heteromorph willed a few of the [Drifting Master Mines] near her to detonate, forcing the Servant to move erratically through the air, allowing Ulbert to cast a spell in her direction. Her barrier blocked his attack, allowing her to reposition.

"Damn it, that bitch won't hold still!" Ulbert snapped in annoyance after seeing another one of his spells miss. He quickly retreated behind a [Wall of Skeleton] as a few stray beams struck the wall. "How long do we have to wait again? Let's just blow her up already!"

"Patience, Ulbert-san. No need to get riled up. We simply need to hold her off, and once the co-boss is dealt with, she'll be easy pickings. It's better to do things properly than quickly." Tabula expressed calmly, his pale, pupilless eyes trained solely on the boss.

Ulbert grumbled but didn't argue.

While the fight wasn't particularly challenging, it was definitely tricky. A tedium more than anything else. The trio of magic casters had the capacity to deal with Caster, but it was safer to deal with her co-boss first before coming down on her with their full strength.

After all, they weren't on a time limit or anything strenuous. It was simply logical and effective, but that didn't make it any less boring in his mind.

"Doesn't make it any less annoying. What the heck is taking those slowpokes so long?"

Before the demon of disaster could express further vitriol towards the annoying Servant Boss, he and the rest received a [Message] from the others.

"Fucking finally…" He grumbled, answering it. "[Please tell me you guys are ready.]"

"[We are. Be ready on our mark.]" Informed Yamaiko.


Ending the [Message], Ulbert shared a look with the others. They nodded, readying themselves for the endgame.

"We're moving onto step two, boys! So wrap it up!" Yamaiko called out to the two warriors, casually punching a cluster of Dragon Tooth Warriors to smithereens.

"Already? Damn... It feels as if we've only gotten started..." Warrior Takemikazuchi softly groaned in disappointment that the fight would be ending so soon. He was just starting to have fun as well.

"Would you like to be here all day, Takemikazuchi-san?" Came Touch Me's rhetorical question. "Besides, there's still more for us to do once we finish this raid."

"Right, right." The armored Heteromorph grunted, parrying one of Kuzuki's attacks almost absentmindedly.

After receiving affirmatives all around, it was time to move on to the second step of their strategy. With their roles set, they began the next phase.

"Takemikazuchi-san, sync your movement with mine!"


As Touch Me dashed forward, he joined forces with Warrior Takemikazuchi, their swords clashing against Kuzuki's fist, sending sparks flying through the air with every strike. The intensity of the battle was palpable, with a surge of energy and excitement coursing through the air. The two Heteromorphic swordsmen were in perfect synchronicity, skillfully deferring aggro and attacks without overlapping with each other, each covering the other's back. The trust the two guild members shared in each other was reflected in their attacks, with each move executed with precision and finesse that saw the other following it up. With their relentless assault, the boss was on the back foot, struggling to keep up. The two began kitting and guiding the unexpressive NPC to where they desired, while Yamaiko and Bukubukuchagama took up their positions.

"[Reflection]!" Touch Me intercepted one of Kuzuki's strikes. Using the skill, he parried the attack with his shield, putting the boss in a staggered state.

"[Kundali: The Dispenser of Heavenly Nectar, Gundari Myo-O]!" Next up was Warrior Takemikazuchi. He extended his hand forward, and an ethereal serpent appeared, coiling around the enemy and locking him in place.

The two quickly disengaged, breaking off into a dead sprint towards the ruined temple, followed closely by Bukubukuchagama. They knew it'd only take the boss a second or two to break free of his skill. However, it wouldn't have the opportunity.

"[Mach Windup] plus [Heavy Knockout]!" With a running start, Yamaiko delivered a powerful blow with her pink-armored fist. The Nephilim boxer put her entire weight into her attack, catapulting the suit-wearing boss into the air and hurtling toward the temple. The impact was forceful as the boss smashed into the temple's outer wall, breaking through several of the temple's halls before crashing down into one of the serene inner gardens.

Without giving him a moment to recover, Bukubukuchagama busted through the walls, her heavy tower shields glowing radiantly.

"[Shield Stun], [Stagger], [Iron Wall]!" She slammed her shields onto him, pushing him back and cornering him against the wall.

Bukubukuchagama dug her feet in and held her ground, keeping him trapped. She began mentally counting down.

The two struggled, with Kuzuki pushing back to free himself while Bukubukuchagama pushed to keep him pinned down. This continued until she caught an odd sight. The boss pulled back his arm and upper body inwardly. For a moment, it appeared as if he was shrinking.

Suddenly, with an explosion of force, the air rippled as a pulse of energy was released from him. She buckled against the force of his attack, which allowed just enough of a gap for him to move.

With a reinforced kick, he kicked her shield, sending her skidding back as she resisted and creating space for him. He attempted to escape, but the Elder Slime halted any chance of that.

"Oh no, you don't. Eyes on me, you son of a bitch! [Howling Anchor]!" She roared; a geyser of pink aura radiated outward from the slime tank.

Unlike her other forms of crowd control skills, [Howling Anchor] was a taunt. It drew the immediate aggro of any attackers onto her, forcing Players or mobs to attack only her instead of whatever action they were about to take. She also gains a boost in her defense stats, depending on how many she manages to taunt.

The energy coated him, his body halting mid-step. The boss struggled to fight against it, but it wasn't enough. Turning abruptly on his heel, Kuzuki released a flourish of fists while Bukubukuchagama weathered the attack.

The taunt would last only a second and a half, but that was all she needed. Bursting into the scene was Yamaiko again. She struck again just as the taunt ended, sending him flying once more. Kuzuki smashed through the walls and exited through the temple. He landed harshly against the temple grounds, right where the rest of Ainz Ooal Gown was waiting for him.

Kuzuki was once again cloaked in the time-flicker ability, his HP restoring back to full once more. However, this was exactly as Shirou outlined. When the skill/ability activates, there was a one-second interval where the boss would be unable to make a move. This was what Ainz Ooal Gown aimed to capitalize on.

"[Penetrate Magic: Guilt Chain Prison]!" With Tabula's spell, ethereal chains wrapped around the co-boss before he could do a thing, locking him in place. The 9th tier spell also applied a debuff to the boss, reducing all defensive stats by the percentage of the boss's missing HP.

"[Penetrate Magic: Malevolent Curse]!" Through Ulbert's 9th tier spell, dark wisp took the form of blackened skeletons clung to the boss, black iron nails hammering into his body. The spell applied a secondary debuff, decreasing his karma value dramatically and increasing any attack from Players with positive karma as a result.

"[Boost Magic: Empowered Aura]! A brilliant aura pulsated, surrounding his friends in a golden glow courtesy of Momonga's 10th tier spell. The spell granted them a boost in all their stats.

With Kuzuki immobilized and the setup concluded, they completed their combo.

"[World Break]!" Touch Me swung, his sword cutting through the very fabric of space and time. The space in front of him was split, two halves of reality shifting and contorting from attack as it slashed through the body with ease.

"[Tengoku bunkatsu burēkā: Heaven Splitting Breaker]!" Warrior Takemikazuchi roared, a cascading wave of energy erupting from Takemikazuchi MK 6 as he swung with all his might. The supreme energy slash tore through the very earth and sky as it sliced toward the boss.

"[Helios Cannon]!" Peroroncino released the solar arrow he had been charging up. The attack resembled cannon fire more than an actual arrow. A streak of pure sunlight descended on the boss like a calamitous judgement.

Everything went white for a split second as all three attacks struck true before a deafening explosion rocked the entire battlefield. Withstanding their ground, the dust quickly settled, and they saw the boss's HP at zero and showed no signs of getting back up.

"Hahaha! It worked!" Warrior Takemikazuchi exclaimed happily, fist bumping the air at the success of the newly dubbed combo strategy, High Trinity Rush. The others felt the same heightened elation at the progress made in the boss battle.

However, in their jubilation, they overlooked a seemingly unimportant fact. The boss should have vanished into polygons like any other boss or mob once its HP reached zero, but instead, Kuzuki's body remained.

As Ainz Ooal Gown refocused their full attention on dealing with Caster, their confidence swelling to end the raid, they were greeted by something truly unexpected.

"SOUICHIROU!" Caster wailed. Her voice was raw, and the visceral anguish was clear in the boss's cries. The pain and agony in her boss's screams were palpable, and they reverberated throughout the land. She instantly teleported to the downed boss, who was Shirou's former sensei, Souichirou Kuzuki.

Caster gently caressed the damaged and motionless body. The tears and cry of a heartbroken woman echoed through the air as she cradled the body against her bosom.

All who witnessed the moving scene unfolding in front of them would have felt their hearts being torn apart by such an emotional and heartfelt scene. The tears and cries of a heartbroken woman holding onto her lover. For any normal person, the display before them would've led to a momentary lapse in judgment.

For Ainz Ooal Gown, however, it was no different from a cutscene, which was nothing more than an opportunity. An opportunity they fully exploited. After all, Caster had presented them with the perfect opening to finish the raid off once and for all.

It took the party less than a fraction of a second to refocus their efforts. Their strategy and combo were already ready.

"[Sacrifice]!" Bukubukuchagama activated her skill, and a black mist covered the area. The black mist reached the boss, enveloping her. The skill greatly decreased the user's defensive stats, but in return, it dropped the target's karma value to the absolute minimum.

"[Judgement of Osiris]!" Cracking a crystal hourglass in her hand, Yamaiko activated the Super Tier Magic instantly.

Scales appeared over the heads of everyone on the battlefield.

On one scale was a heart, and on the other was a feather.

Yamaiko, Touch Me, Peroroncino, and Warrior Takemikazuchi's scales were pended down on the feather's side. In contrast, Momonga, Ulbert, Bukubukuchagama, Tabula, and the boss' scales weighed down on the heart's side.

The Super-Tier spell allows the user to manipulate the karma values of both allies and enemies alike. [Judgement of Osiris] increases positive values and reduces negative values. In this case, Momonga, Ulbert, Tabula, and Caster's karma values plummeted to -1,000 in an instant, the absolute lowest they could go.

Karma values affected the damage inflicted by certain spells and skills, and it was for this reason that Warrior Takemikazuchi finished the set-up.

"[Shiroi Eiko no Teikoku Meirei: Imperial Mandate of White Glory]!" Warrior Takemikazuchi slammed his hand against the ground, a brilliant white light erupting from the ground at the activation of his skill. The image of two armored shrine maidens wielding shakujō appeared, striking Caster and pinning her down.

His skill further shifted the paradigm, making it where attacks dealt against a target by the users with similar karma values received a substantial boost in strength.

With all four of them possessing extremely low negative karma values, the trio of magic casters had all they needed to finish Caster off for good.

A furious purple aura gathered around Caster, signaling that she was mere seconds away from entering a second boss phase. Unfortunately for the Servant, she wouldn't have the chance, as Ainz Ooal Gown's premiere magic casters had completed their preparations.

"[Boost Maximize Magic: Eternal Devastation]!" Underneath her, a sizable, spinning, crimson-burning magic circle took shape as Ulbert unleashed a stream of hellfire. A spell that dealt more damage the greater the negative karma value the enemy possessed.

"[Triplet Maximize Magic: Reality Slash]!" Momonga swung his hand, unleashing three powerful dimensional rending slashes that cut through space.

"[Penetrate Maximize Magic: Otherworld Eclipse]!" Above Caster, a fissure in reality appeared, and from the rift, cosmic energy rained down on Tabula's target.

The three magic casters unleashed their powerful spells without a moment to spare. Thanks to each other's combined effort, her defenses and resistances were significantly weakened. Her protective barrier, Μαρδοξ, was vaporized instantly, unable to withstand the combined might of three boosted 10th tier spells that struck her in unison. Combined, their spells nuked Caster instantly to 0 HP.

For the briefest of moments, the world was dyed white. Her hood was undone by the violent gales, allowing her true appearance to be unveiled at last. Hers was a visage etched in fury but also sadness. Engulfed in a blinding white glare that enveloped the world, the faintest silhouette of Caster remained within the light of destruction. Her arms were outstretched, reaching for the heavens above as if for one last plea. A plea that would go unanswered as she vanished entirely, completely vaporized from the attack alongside the body of her lover. And thus, Caster was no more.

Once the light died down, only Ainz Ooal Gown remained. One by one, what little remained of the Dragon Tooth Warriors collapsed, breaking into pieces. With no more threats, they came together, the adrenaline of the fight wearing off, leaving only a sense of satisfaction and victory.

"Brutal." Peroroncino commented, descending to rejoin the rest of his friends. "Also rude. Some of us might've wanted to see the cutscene, y'know?" The golden archer quipped.

"Please, what are we? Cliché anime characters or something?" Ulbert scoffed. "Like hell, we were going to just wait and let a boss obviously power up and go into its second stage. I'm a bit more surprised that the shitty devs didn't put in invincibility frames for her."

"Though I agree with Ulbert-san, I will admit I find myself curious to see how it would've played out in her second boss phase. It seemed almost a waste, seeing the clear effort the voice actress for Caster put into her role. Did you hear that scream? Goosebumps, I tell you." Tabula rather gaily but eloquently interjected, ruling a finger down his slimy appendage in show. "Wouldn't you agree, Bukubukuchagama-san?"

"Tell me about it. Whoever did the voice acting for the boss did not slack off whatsoever when it came to her role." She complimented, a shred of respect for the unidentified voice actress coming through. Being in the same industry, she could tell the acting quality was top-notch. The emotions in her scream at the end sounded unbelievably real.

"Yo!" A loud voice called out, drawing the attention of the Players. Destana landed alongside Shirou as she dismissed her summons.

The duo had arrived at the top of the mountain at the last second, just in time to witness the party cast their finishing spells and deal the final blow to Caster.

"Miss me, sweetie?" Destana teased, blowing him kisses as she hovered towards her boyfriend.

"Destana-san..." Momonga mumbled, trying to keep his composure in the face of his girlfriend's showering affection.

"Ahh, young love." Yamaiko sighed, playfully reminiscent. She cooed at the sight of their Guildmaster acting all flustered.

"Indeed." Touch Me chuckled, and Warrior Takemikazuchi smiled as they observed the two interacting.

While everyone was doing their own thing, Shirou's reaction was the most curious. He fixated his gaze on the spot where Caster and Kuzuki had breathed their last. His solemn demeanor did not go unnoticed by the undead Player.

"Are you alright, Emiya-san?" Momonga asked.

"I'm fine..." He replied, tearing his eyes away from the spot and glancing back at it one last time.

'That deathly howl... even after all these years...'

Shirou was given no further time to reminisce as light expanded from beneath them. In a flash of light, they disappeared, reappearing somewhere else.

The next thing the guild knew, they found themselves in a new area. They were in a cavern that hosted some kind of old keep, with cracked stone pillars dotting the surrounding area and a small altar in front of them.

"Everyone alright?" Momonga called out, his vision returning to him. One by one, everyone checked in.


[You have cleared the Lost Sanctum of the Witch! For completing this dungeon and defeating the boss on your first try, a 75% increase in loot drops will be given as a reward.

For completing this multi-roaming attack dungeon, you have received the World Item: Gjallarhorn ]

Reading the victory screen, items began materializing and dropping to the ground. Cheers rang out throughout the cave as they celebrated, and congrats were given to everyone. Everyone crowded around the World Item, a wondrous horn crafted from obsidian, bearing a shining black gleam with golden bands, runes, and glyphs running down it.

While most of Ainz Ooal Gown was focused on that, Shirou's eyes rested on the altar. The Class Card was there, floating over it. Light from the ceiling shone down on it as it rotated in the air, almost deifying it.

Yet, Shirou made no move towards it.

He felt a gentle touch on his shoulder. He turned around to see Momonga looking at him with a patient expression.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked patiently, offering him a encouraging squeeze.

"I... I don't feel as if I deserve it..." Shirou murmured hesitantly.

Momonga's reply was immediate and unwavering. "Nonsense. If it weren't for you encountering her in the first place, we wouldn't even be here. It belongs as much to us as it does to you. Go on."

As he spoke, Shirou became aware of the other members of the group looking at him with expectant expressions, waiting for him to make a move. Emboldened by their support, he stepped forward and extended his hand towards the Class Card. It was a beautiful golden card, depicting an elder sage draped in elegant robes, holding a book and a long staff.

Shirou—no, Ainz Ooal Gown obtained the Caster Class card.

"Alright everyone, grab all the loot, and let's hurry up out of here." Momonga swiftly ordered.

The rest of the guild quickly got to work, picking up all the spoils of their victory. Within minutes, they had gathered everything and were gone.


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