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74.19% GOT: Reborn as a Martell / Chapter 92: GOT : Chapter 92

Chương 92: GOT : Chapter 92

( Gerris POV )

Gerris sat for gods only knew how long in his small bush. The cliff was there, and he could see the door and the stairs carved into the stone. Again, Quentyn had been right. He was always right, and that infuriated him to no end.

Still, he had obeyed his orders, despite how nonsensical he thought they would be. He had led the ships to the Valemen, slaughtered them while gagging and put the few prisoners in irons, scuttled the ship and now, he waited for Sansa Stark to try and escape the royal wedding! Royal wedding that, of course, he would miss.

He could only roll his eyes at that. He was missing out on all of the lovely food and drink, and all the festivities. Really, he needed to talk to Quentyn. Why him? He knew Quentyn trusted him…then the thought hit him as to who he could've trusted with such a mission. Cletus, Arch…the thought sent a shiver down his spine. Perhaps he would've also chosen himself.

He had a mind of just leaving back to the ships when bells started ringing. The men sensed it too and either woke up from their slumbers or started paying attention.

"Yorick, grab your bow." He whispered, tapping the man on the shoulder.

Yorick the Three-eyed was the best marksman he knew, and Quentyn knew that too. Bastard could somehow hit a deer from yards away, even out of sight of some! It's said the man never missed a target, although that was a lie. He knew Yorick was easily distracted, and he'd seen miss arrows aplenty.

It was only in these situations where he could shine. Total silence safe for the distant ring of the bells and the waves coming in and out of the small creek.

Yorick armed his bow, while Gerris got out of the way. Another sound. The door opened, revealing two figures.

Damn it, Quentyn was right. Again.

Yorick had to concentrate now. One wrong move and he could hit the Stark girl. Slowly, he armed his shot, everyone standing in silence as he did so. The man stood still like a hunter waiting for its prey to relax, his arms keeping straight while he continued to hold the arrow.

Gerris held his breath. None of his companions made a sound, either.

Suddenly, in one swift move, Yorick fired.

His arrow hit the man the princess was talking to straight through the throat. A great shot.

Now Gerris had to move fast to stop the Stark girl from screaming. Luckily for him, she didn't, standing in shock at the man's body falling before her very eyes, blood pooling from his throat.

With a sign, Gerris told his men to go grab the bodies hidden in the wooden boat, while he did his best to calm down the princess.

He rushed towards her, wiping the tears down her cheeks. But she didn't move or scream. He raised her head, seeing the scars and burns on her pretty face, doing his best not to gasp while seeing them this close.

The Lannisters were truly all monsters.

"Princess." He all but whispered. "We must go."

The Stark girl opened her mouth to say something but no words came out. Instead, he pointed to a small wooden boat from which his companions had dragged out two bodies.

One of them was a Valeman, the other a goldcloak they had killed earlier. Both there so that the Lannisters and Tyrells could conveniently find, after a bit of digging, of course. Gerris wasn't going to make it easy for them.

His men half-buried both the Valeman and the goldcloak, and rushed back to the boat where they were all waiting.

After boarding everyone, the small wooded boat cast off into the evening night, the bells still ringing far off in the distance. Gerris looked to his right and left, but no one was there, it was only them.

One of the men spoke.

"I'll be damned if…"

All the faces turned to him with frowns.

The man understood and immediately shut up. Sound carried over water and it would not do to be spotted by even the smallest barge.

He put a finger to his lips to signal the Stark girl to do the same. Thankfully, she just nodded and kept quiet.

They reached the boat after a good half-hour of rowing. Far enough not to be seen, close enough to do the deed properly.

Gerris helped the Stark girl up, taking her hand as she struggled to get on deck.

"Elyn, bring princess Sansa to my cabin, we need to talk." The man clad in Byron and Yronwood colors nodded, while he could feel the Stark girl was getting uncomfortable. "I won't be long, I promise. Ser Elyn will take you to my cabin, and I'll explain everything. You are safe with us; I swear it on my three sister's heads."

The Stark girl only nodded.

"Thank you, my lord."

"Not a lord, princess. Just a knight."

As Ser Elyn led the princess away, Gerris darted to the captain of the vessel, who was preparing to weigh anchor in all haste.

"Ser Yaron!" Gerris rushed up to the man, who was now in his fifties, showing a grey beard and a coat bearing the arms of both house Jordayne and one he couldn't recognize, with two feathers crossed on white and purple. "How many did we end up having?"

"Six in all. Bound, gagged, and put in irons, as the prince ordered." The captain nodded.

"Very well." Gerris smiled. "The vessel has been disposed of?"

"Everything has been sunk to the bottom of the sea." Ser Yaron replied. "Except some gold for the men, and the weapons."

"Of course…" Gerris sighed. Plunder was plunder. It would do no good to let weapons or valuables to to feed the fish. "How fast can we reach Ghost Hill?"

"The winds are in our favor." Ser Yaron smiled. "We should reach it by the end of the week. Our escort is waiting at the exit of the bay to help us cross the Gullet."

"Good." Ser Gerris nodded.

"There is some ill news." Ser Yaron held Gerris up.

"Ill news?" Gerris asked. "Everything went perfectly. The Valemen will take the fall and…"

"No." Ser Yaron shook his head. "Obara and Ulwyck came back from the city to fetch the other package, and they told a disturbing tale. Apparently, Prince Oberyn has been arrested for the murder of King Joffrey."

"Prince Oberyn…" Gerris' voice tied itself into a knot.

"Yes." Ser Yaron nodded grimly. "You can see why I wish to get us out of this bay very quickly."

Gerris nodded back. This was unexpected, and it changed their plans drastically.

"Have we got everyone?" he asked.

"Yes, we've picked up Obara and Ulwyck about a quarter of an hour before you arrived."

"Good." Gerris sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. "Well, Ser Yaron, get us to Ghost Hill in one piece, or else I think the fate that will befall us will be quite grim."

Ser Yaron nodded with a frown, and Gerris could hear the ship moving. Quickly he rushed down the bridge, aiming for his quarters.

Gerris slowly opened the door, seeing Princess Sansa sitting on one of the chairs close to her desk. He was careful to gently push and lock the door behind him.

"Sorry for the wait, princess." Gerris thinly smiled, feeling the ship move. Sparing a look outside his cabin window, he did see the dim lights of King's Landing fading out of sight.

At this ship's pace, we should be out of Blackwater Bay in just more than a day.

Luckily, the escorts were waiting just off Sharp Point to help them through the Gullet if they needed to.

"I…I thank you, my lord." The Stark girl answered. "But I'm no princess."

"Well, your brother is the King in the North, is he not?" Gerris asked while taking out some wine, and pouring two cups. "And you are his sister. That makes you a princess."

"My brother…is a traitor." The Stark girl sighed. "And dead."

"I'm sorry." Gerris nodded respectfully. "I'll admit I didn't really know of any news of the North. Only my prince really follows what goes on. I merely obey."

"It was Prince Doran that sent you?" the Stark girl asked.

"No, princess!" Gerris almost laughed, handing her a cup of wine. "The only prince I take orders from is Prince Quentyn."

The Stark girl's eyes twitched in confusion, as she clutched her auburn hair.

"I…but prince Doran is the prince of Dorne, is he not?" she asked again.

"To some, perhaps." Gerris shrugged, drinking from the wine cup. "To most, prince Quentyn is our prince. Prince Doran may still be but his word is far from being law."

"And it was Prince Quentyn that ordered you to take me?" she asked again, lightening up her position.

Gerris nodded and took another sip of wine.

"The men you killed, on the beach…" she trailed.

"Valemen." Gerris interrupted. "From a certain Lord Baelish."

The Stark girl's eyes went wide.

"Where is he?" she suddenly asked.

"At the bottom of the Narrow Sea, I expect." Gerris shrugged, earning a glare from the Stark girl. "Sorry, princess, I had orders. This Baelish was bringing nothing good; I fear. He was going to sell you to the highest bidder."

The Stark girl wasn't frowning, but Gerris clearly knew she was uncomfortable.

"And where are you taking me…lord…" she trailed.

"Drinkwater." Gerris succinctly replied. "Ser Gerris Drinkwater. Or Dayne. The succession hasn't been defined yet."

"Dayne?" The Stark girl raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, my wife is a Dayne from a cadet branch. Her brother died, and now she is the Lady of High Hermitage, and I stand to inherit my father's keep. As you would expect, the succession is a bit muddy."

The Stark girl said nothing and just looked at him blankly.

"You do not like wine?" Gerris asked. "I can have water brought if you'd like."

"Pardon me, ser." The Stark girl sighed. "I am not thirsty."

Gerris nodded again but didn't take a sip this time.

"You are wondering where we're taking you," Gerris stated.

Sansa Stark nodded.

"To Dorne is the answer, princess," He answered. "You'll be safe there. I have strict orders to bring you to Sunspear."

"And what is to be done with me?" Princess Sansa slowly asked, her tone growing a little more confident.

"I haven't been told by Prince Quentyn, I'm afraid," Gerris answered honestly. "All I know is that Prince Quentyn hates the Lannisters as much as you do and was keen on ending your plight. He organized this entire escape."

"But…Prince Oberyn poisoned the king…wouldn't they send ships after us?" Princess Sansa asked.

"Where did you hear that?"

"I heard some sailors talk about it."

"Rumors, princess. Rumors." Gerris sighed. "But fear not. You stand on the fastest ship to ever sail the seas of the Seven Kingdoms. The Ruby is one of our prince's newest projects. It can reach the Gullet in almost half a day, and three escorts are waiting to escort our passage out and accompany us to Ghost Hill, then Sunspear."

"To Dorne…" Princess Sansa whispered.

"I'm sorry, princess." Gerris sighed. "I know it isn't the North, your home. Gods wish I wouldn't want to be stuck in Winterfell while my family waits at Yoricksbank. But I promise that you will be safe there. Prince Quentyn has given strict orders that you be treated according to your station and has assigned me to your personal protection until he comes back."

"And where am I to stay?" she asked.

"Here, in my quarters, for the duration of the trip." Gerris answered. "You can sleep on the bed, and I'll manage on the floor. If you need to change clothes, ask and I shall leave the room and stand at the door. As for a change of clothes, my prince has arranged everything."

Gerris walked to a cupboard, where a few dresses and shoes were stored.

"Unfortunately, these aren't really Northern dresses." Gerris shifted awkwardly. "They're all Dornish but it's all we have. And they're better suited for the climate, too."

Princess Sansa just nodded in thanks.

"As for your journey at Sunspear, do not fear. I shall be at your side, and Elinor will be overjoyed to meet you. It's not everyday we meet a northern lady."

"She sounds lovely." Princess Sansa nodded.

"She is!" Gerris proudly smiled. "I can't wait to see her and my son again. I think it's been too long."

The princess smiled slightly, but it soon fell.

"I'm sorry." Gerris suddenly realized. "I didn't mean…"

"It's fine." Princess Sansa waved him off. "I…It's fine."

"Listen, princess," Gerris replied softly. "Get a change of clothes, there are nightgowns in the cupboard. Get some sleep, it's been a tiring day for all of us. If you need anything, and I mean anything, ask me, please."

"We are not the Lannisters." Gerris added while choking slightly. "I swear to you that no one will harm you. On my wife and son, I swear. Get dressed and get some sleep, princess. Knock on the door when you are changed."

Gerris stood up and made to leave the cabin, the princess' eyes not following him while he went for the door.

Suddenly, her sweet voice resounded through the air once more:

"Do you think he did it?"


"Prince Quentyn. Did he poison Joffrey?"

Gerris had to think for a brief moment. After all, Quentyn was the one who planned all of this, but how could he know? How could he know the king would be poisoned and how princess Sansa would try to escape at that moment? How did he know about the Vale ship and Lord Baelish? Why was he so keen on making the Valemen take the fall, before Prince Oberyn's arrest?

Doubt clouded Gerris for a brief moment, but he shook his head.

Quentyn didn't stand to gain anything from it, and besides, he would have told him.

"No, princess." Gerris replied. "I don't think he did."

"Not even for Queen Margaery?"

Another brief moment of doubt, but that one dissipated even faster than the first.

"His heart belongs to another," Gerris replied simply. "A rose is not worth a snake to him."

Princess Sansa nodded and stood up.

"You may go." She said, sounding almost regal in her tone.

Gerris smiled slightly.

"Don't forget to knock, the nights are cold around here." He japed before closing the door behind him.

While he was closing the door, doubt gnawed at him once more. Would Quentyn have poisoned Joffrey? But what did he gain from this? Perhaps that he thought that with Joffrey gone, by Dornish law, the throne would go to Myrcella, who is betrothed to Trystane…but he shook his head. The Lannisters and Tyrells wouldn't let that happen.

Gerris snapped out of it. Besides, he thought, Quentyn would have trusted him with this information. After all, did he not confide to him that he was going to kill Tywin Lannister?


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