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7.25% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 8: Chapter 4 Part 3

Chương 8: Chapter 4 Part 3

It's been 3 and a half months and I'm finally leaving Milim's domain.

I've acquired quite a few useful skills alongside learned a lot more about the world.

Milim might not look it but she is old, she knows a lot.

I was able to acquire two extra skills, Wind Manipulation was quite easy to grasp after I put some time into it as it relates to Lightning Manipulation.

Once I got that I was able to learn how to freely manipulate the weather granting me Weather Manipulation.

Still, now that I'm leaving I'm feeling nostalgic.

I look towards a pouting Millim and say, "Don't worry, I'll visit a bunch, I just wanna see the world a bit."

"Hmmf, you promise?"

"Yes yes, I promise."

And with that Saeko and I head towards Dwargon.

Thankfully I'm not broke anymore.

Milim gave me some money though I'm not sure how much it's worth, she didn't know either.

She might not look like it but she's been around for thousands of years, she's collected a bunch of stuff over that time including money.

She gave me a bag full of gold coins, probably around a hundred or so and then she handed me five Stellar Gold Coins, some super special gold coins apparently.

The currency goes from Bronze Coins, Silver Coins, Gold Coins and then Stellar Gold Coins.

It sure is nice having a rich bestie.

Hmm, thinking about it, the Canaat Mountains are incredibly close to Dwargon.

Maybe I should pay it a visit, it's presumably the home of the Dragons, though not to be mistaken with the True Dragons.

The Dragons that roam the world are all descended from the Chaos Dragon, Milim's best friend.

Boy was that a sad story, made me angry just hearing it.

- Milim Nava -

She watched as her bestie flew away and found herself feeling sad.

She hadn't had so much fun in a long time.

The fights with him were fun, though that skill of his was as annoying as always.

She might not be able to reach him through it but she made sure to warn him that there were others out there who could.

She didn't want him to get hurt due to getting too cocky after all.

He was strong though so she doubted he would get in trouble.

Once he goes through his Harvest Festival he might even be a match for her!

She knows he doesn't want to kill 10,000 people and use their souls but a lesson she learned a long time ago is that sometimes the choice is made for you.

Hmm what should she do now that her bestie is gone?

She won't be able to eat good food anymore now that her bestie is gone too.

At least he gave her a bunch of honey and some other foods to eat while he was away.

She won't ever willingly eat with the other Dragon Faithful after all.

Aha, she should go meet Ramiris and brag about her new bestie.

She will show off the honey she got from her bestie too.

Umu, Ramiris will be so jealous, now she is the only one without friends.

She blasted through the labyrinth, she flew directly to the resting place of Ramiris and her spirits.

"Ramiris, come out I want to show you some stuff."

All the spirits scrambled away in fear, getting a small laugh from her.

"Milim! What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about my new bestie and show you some stuff!"

"Sigh, that's it? I thought there was an emergency."

She started to tell her about her new bestie, from their meeting, to the food and his strength.

"A skill that you can't get through? That's interesting and a Demon Lord Seed huh? And you said he was around Luminous's level? That is quite impressive, when he awakens he would be around your level then!"

"Yup, isn't my bestie the best, now you are the only loner among the Demon Lords!"

"Hmm, and where did he get this honey from, it's so good."

They chatted the day away before she finally left, hmm maybe she should go bug Frey?

- Ponytail -

He looked back to his friends and family waving at him and waved back.

He decided to leave the village with some other Ogres in search of more resources.

Hopefully by the time he is back he will be strong enough to protect the village on his own.

Maybe he will even encounter their benefactor?

He heard from another Ogre who left the forest that the Demon Lord Clayman was recruiting, maybe he should try there?

- Saeko -

She couldn't have imagined how much her life would change just from a single chance encounter.

Now she has a master she is devoted to, she even got a name!

Felix-sama said she was really strong now too, she's glad she hasn't disappointed him.

Though he said that she has to work on her cooking.

She doesn't see what's wrong with it but she listened to her master anyways.

She will give him the tastiest dish he will ever have!

- Felix -

It's been a few days since I left Milim's domain, currently Saeko and I are running through the forest along the Ameld River.

I could just fly us to Dwargon fairly quickly but I want to see the forest a bit more.

Hmm what's that?

Some Goblins riding on Direwolves, and a slime?

That's odd.

All of a sudden they slow down and stop, ah they probably felt Saeko's aura. I've had her releasing a little bit of aura to keep the annoying monsters away.

I tell Saeko to stay back for now as I take this opportunity to go ahead and meet them, the Goblins and Direwolves seem to have names if what my Millim Eye is telling me is correct.


That Slime has a name and has two Unique Skills.

How odd?

According to Milim it is incredibly difficult for anyone to get Unique Skills, only otherworlders can easily get Unique Skills as they often gain one when they are summoned and even then they sometimes don't get one.

Could the slime be a reincarnated person?

Milim had said that reincarnation isn't something that is heard of so it's definitely possible, I mean look at me, I reincarnated as a Daemon.

Still, to reincarnate as a slime.

The slime is quite strong too, around A Rank if I had to put it somewhere.

As I approach I hear the slime say, "H-hey! I'm Rimuru the Slime! I'm not a bad slime!"

"Hahaha, making references from Dragon Quest I see, I'm Felix, nice to meetcha."

"Wait! You understood that! Are you from another world too!"

"Yeah I was reincarnated here, is it the same with you?"

No reason to hide my reincarnator status, after all in this world summonings aren't that uncommon so it's believable that people can be reincarnated as well.

This just got a whole lot more interesting.


It's been a few days since I met the slime, Rimuru.

Since we're both headed towards Dwargon I decided to stick with him, he is quite interesting, two Unique Skills, a sealed True Dragon inside of him.

He has quite a lot of Extra and Common Skills as well, could he have some sort of ability that allows him to quickly gain skills like Studious One?

Definitely something I should watch out for and copy if I can.

Currently it's night and the Goblins need rest so we have set up camp for the night.

The Goblins can cook some damn good meat, hopefully Saeko takes some notes.

As we're eating I hear Rimuru say, "Gobta."

"Yes, sir?"

Ah yes, apparently Rimuru has named an entire Goblin Village that he is using as his home base.

According to Odin he should not normally be able to do that, makes me wonder how exactly he managed to name so many people, seemingly without any side effects.

"What is the town we are heading for like?"

Ah yes, he doesn't know all that much about the world, apparently he is going to Dwargon for some craftsmen.

"Well, It's officially called the Armed Nation of Dwargon. It's a beautiful city constructed from a modified natural cave system, and it's home not only to Dwarves but Elves, Humans and lots more."

I continue to listen as Rimuru starts daydreaming, "The Dwarf King, Gazel Dwargo, is known as the Hero King."

Ah yes, their king is quite impressive, he's a Saint, a being who has the potential to rival some of the Demon Lords.

The humans have quite a bit more trouble growing in strength compared to monsters and majin.

Humans are born extraordinarily weak, their innate power is small and their intolerance towards magicules makes it so that with the exception of Summoned Otherworlders they cannot store any internally requiring them to use external Magicules for all magic making it difficult for them to become mages.

Due to this most don't try to become mages and rather focus on training their bodies, and learn to use their Aura to use Arts.

They also have extremely short lifespans compared to the other races around, I myself am practically immortal as long as I am not killed by something, soul and all.

Though humans do have hope for further evolution, they can become Enlightened, when one becomes an Enlightened they become a Demi-Spiritual Lifeform. As an Enlightened, humans have a much higher tolerance for magicules; they even have their own magicule capacity and an extended lifespan.

According to Milim she has run across some Enlightened at the level of a Demon Lord Seed which is quite impressive, it isn't even the highest evolution on their evolutionary path and they can already rival some Demon Lords.

After Enlightened comes Saint, Saints are those who have evolved past Enlightened to become a fully Spiritual Lifeform, they have the potential to match a True Demon Lord or True Hero.

Milim even offhandedly mentioned that there was a further evolution.

When a human acquires divinity they ascend even further into as I call it, a Divine Human of sorts.

She said that Guy's rival Rudra, the first True Hero reached that stage.

She said that all races have the potential to acquire Divinity, even Daemons like me, it must be quite the evolution if it allows someone to rival one of the strongest beings around.

At least it confirmed one thing to me, there is at least one further evolution as I am confident I don't have any Divinity of any sort.

True Heroes were something interesting to learn about, rather than just someone who is called a Hero by the masses True Heroes are a sort of ascended being similar to True Demon Lords.

Milim said that to become a True Hero you need to get a blessing from an Elemental Lord of Darkness or Light and then be blessed by Ramiris, the Elemental Queen.

Even then you will only get a Hero's Egg, similar to the Demon Lord Seed it has specific conditions needed to hatch and awaken a Hero.

As I was pondering on Heroes my train of thought was interrupted by Rimuru, "I-is it okay for monsters like me to enter Dwargon?"

This time it was the other Goblin that said, "No need to worry. Dwargon is a neutral free-trade territory. All fighting is prohibited in the city by the King."

Hopefully they keep that energy if it ever comes out that I'm a Daemon.

"I see…"

"Indeed, when a Saint tells you to do something, generally people should listen."

"A Saint? What's that?" asked Rimuru.

"Hmm? Oh it is a higher evolution that humans and demi-humans can reach, they are capable of rivaling Demon Lords."

"Demon Lords! I see…"

Just 3 days later we finally arrived at Dwargon.

"Are you sure you want to go in with just Gobta, Rimuru-sama?"

"Yeah. We don't want to draw too much attention with a big group. Don't worry I've got Felix here just in case, you've seen how strong he is."

Yeah a day ago we were attacked by a monster, it was decently strong too.

I was able to take that opportunity to copy Rimuru's Unique Skill: Predator.

It has a few subskills but it basically allows me to absorb anything into its subskill Stomach, it can even absorb magic or skills.

The next ability is Analysis, it's used to study and analyze the absorbed target. Using this I can analyze any sort of item or weapon and then recreate it as long as I have the materials on hand. It can even analyze skills or magic allowing me to instantly learn those skills or magics.

Stomach is one of the most useful abilities that this skill gave me. It is basically a sub dimension inside of me where I can store anything, even living beings, and on top of that anything in my Stomach isn't affected by time. 

The next subskill Mimicry basically allows me to mimic the form of anything I have analyzed, I can even gain specific racial characteristics with this ability.

The last ability is Isolation, completely different from my Unique Skill of a similar name. It allows me to store harmful or unnecessary materials for analysis, using these materials I can replace my magicules in case I am ever running low and in a pinch.

Along with that I was able to learn a few things about Rimuru, he said he was from Japan, apparently he is also a former office worker.

He said he was stabbed when saving his friend's life and was reincarnated as a slime in Veldora's Cave.

He met and became friends with Veldora there, he even got named by him.

Apparently he is responsible for Veldora's disappearance. I'm guessing that Rimuru absorbed Veldora into his Stomach.

He used Predator to swallow the seal with Veldora inside so that he could release Veldora later on.

My Milim Eye didn't detect any lies so I left it at that.

I shared my story with him as well though I left out the part where I was reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen.

I just said I was reincarnated into my last life then died again and got reincarnated again as a Daemon.

The only thing he had to say about that was that I'm an isekai protagonist two times over.

"Felix-sama! Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"Yes yes, I'm sure I'll be fine without you for a little bit Saeko."

Sigh, that one is a really worry wart.

"Don't worry!" I hear Rimuru say, "We'll be back soon, so wait for us here."

Sigh, the line is quite long, I always hated waiting in long lines.

Can I just use some gold to skip ahead?

I let Rimuru know that I'm going to go ahead to ask something real quick.

Once I get to the front of the line I ask the guard in charge if I can pay to get in sooner.

He looks tempted but in the end refuses saying that you have to wait your turn.

I can respect that he wants to keep things fair.

As I head back I watch as something absurd happens.

What the fuck Rimuru, it hasn't even been 5 minutes, why are you in the form of a Direwolf?

I watch as Rimuru uses a Skill to scare everyone off.

I'm pretty sure he was just targeting those guys who were attacking him but he managed to affect the entire line.

Well that's one way to get rid of the line…

"Hey! You there!" I hear the guard from earlier yell while running at Rimuru.

Rimuru quickly turns back into his slime form, surprising the guard.

"Eh? A slime?"


Rimuru was quickly escorted to the prison. I tried to talk the guards out of it but it unfortunately didn't work as I didn't particularly want to threaten them as they were just doing their jobs.

Rimuru was in the wrong here after all.

At least we got into Dwargon…

A little while later I sneak into where Rimuru is being held and overhear a conversation, "Captain! We've got trouble! There's an Armorsaurus in the mines!"

"What?! Where's the suppression force?"

"They're already en route, but Garm and his brothers were deep in the mine gathering magic ore, and they're badly hurt!"

"Do we have potions?"

"Not enough."

"Those guys are like brothers to me! W-we can't waste time! Start looking for potions!"

I hear Rimuru but into the conversation and say, "Sir…"


"Ah! How dare you leave your cell?!"

"Now, now this isn't the time for that, is it? Look. You need that don't you?"


It seems Rimuru had some potions stored in his Stomach.

But really offering it to the guys who imprisoned you, he can be a bit too nice sometimes.

"What's that?"

"Healing Potion. The best around! You can drink it or apply it directly!"

The guard walks towards the barrel, "Captain! You're going to trust the word of a monster?"

"We don't have time! Let's go!"

"Yes Captain Kaido!"

"You better stay in your cell slime!"

Hmm, good man that one, he was worried for his subordinates.

I take this opportunity to appear in front of Rimuru's cell, "Sup."

"Gha! Where have you been!"

"I've been waiting for a chance to see you, you really messed up earlier."

"I know I know, you don't need to tell me."

"Still, it doesn't seem like they are going to keep you in here long."

"Yup! The guard was about to release me before there was an emergency."

"Yeah I hear, what kind of potions were those anyway?"

"Those were some potions I made!"

"Oh? You made them, that's impressive."

Hmm, he probably made it with Predator, still that's an application of it that I didn't consider.

"Yup! You want some, I got a bunch!"

"Hmm? Oh yeah sure I'll take some if you have it, I'll pay you for it too, never know when I might need it."

I personally likely won't ever need it with Ultraspeed regeneration but who knows if I ever come across someone who needs healing.

"Don't worry about it, I have a bunch here!"

He spits out 10 barrels of the stuff, nice, that should last me a while.

I take out some gold from my Spatial Storage to give to him, I got a bunch so I just grab a handful. Hmm that reminds me I need to move everything from my Spatial Storage to my Stomach.

"Thanks! Here I'll give you some gold, don't refuse as you will most likely need it to get what you need from Dwargon."

"Ah, you're right. Thanks Felix!"

I quickly store the potions in my Stomach and have Odin analyze them.

'Potions have been analyzed, it has been detected that they are made from Hipokute Herbs commonly found in areas with high magicule concentration. These potions are able to heal fatal injuries and restore lost limbs.'

What the fuck! That has to be some kind of elixir, where the hell did Rumuru get this much of it from?

Hmm, you said the herbs are found in high magicule areas? Then could he have found a bunch of Hipokute Herbs when he was in Veldora's Cave? 

Then he could use Predator to make the potions quite easily once he figured out the initial combination.

I decided to stay with Rimuru until he was let out.

A couple hours later I detect a few Dwarves approaching.

The guard from earlier approaches and says, "You saved them. I thank you."

The others start to chime in with their thanks as well.

The guard finally lets Rimuru out, finally we can actually start our exploration of this country.

I wonder what sorts of things I'll find in this country.


Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk

Author's Note:

A lot of stuff happened in this chapter, Felix became a Daemon Duke, a being on par with some Awakened Demon Lords, he even got an Ultimate Skill. It likely isn't normally possible to get an Ultimate Skill as a Daemon Duke, but as a former human his soul is far stronger than normal so he could afford a single Ultimate Skill.

Hopefully this chapter didn't seem like a complete info dump, I tried to keep it balanced so people who might not know Tensura that well can understand things.

About the Demon Lord Seed, it isn't ever really explained how to properly get a Demon Lord Seed, there are multiple methods to acquire one. Usually when one does something worthy of a Demon Lord they get one, I also think that once someone reaches a certain level of strength they get one as well which is what happened with Felix.

We finally meet Rimuru as well, if you guys are wondering why Rimuru was being so generous it's mostly because that's just how he is. He is a bit too nice until he faces the reality of the world when he becomes a Demon Lord. That and the fact that he met someone like him, someone who reincarnated from the modern world, someone he can relate to, causing the two to become fast friends rather quickly.

Anyways thanks for reading!

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