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1.61% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Reincarnation

Chương 1: Chapter 1: Reincarnation

This is my first attempt at writing so don't expect much, I promise that I tried my best but it is still my first fic. This was mostly inspired by Crossedges fics, so there might be some similarities.

I will be doing my own thing though, I will try my best to not follow canon, to go in my own direction but we will see which direction this fic goes. Well thanks for giving this read.

P.S. This is a cross post of a fic I'm posting on another site, just felt like posting here to see how it is recived, I plan to post one chapter per day until it is fully caught up.

Story: Felix White

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 1: 



I looked towards the end of the street and saw my destination, Saitama Urami East Junior High. The school itself was well taken care of, overall it was a good school.

I was a third year however, having to go to school a second time sucked, no other way to say it. 

It's already been fourteen years since I was reincarnated into this world, I have had a relatively good life, I had food to eat, I had knowledge from my previous life so school was a breeze, I didn't exactly have a place to call my own but I did have a roof over my head at the very least.

I was born to a good woman who never left me wanting for anything, I don't know who my father is but I was fine with that. 

My mother came from Italy but moved to Japan two years before I was born.

I inherited my mother's blue eyes, I can only assume I got my white hair and lady killer looks from my father. 

I stood out quite a bit due to my odd hair color, but I was never bullied or anything, it was just a bit difficult to make friends, though I didn't really try all that hard on that front.

It was pretty difficult to make friends when I am mentally older than all of my peers.

However over time things changed.

When I was eight, six years ago, my mother passed away due to stress and overwork, I was left alone with nowhere to go.

Thankfully, I was taken in by the orphanage, it has been my home for the last six years.

The matron was a kind old lady that seemed to genuinely care for her charges. 

I wasn't all that close to her due to already being a fully grown adult in the body of a child, but she made sure I had everything I needed to be successful.

Thanks to the knowledge from my previous life I was able to skip a year of school, I could have likely skipped ahead more but decided not to, I wanted to have as much time to learn more things for my future. I also wanted some time to consider what I wanted to do after high school, something I still haven't figured out.

I was also born with a lot more strength than normal, not enough to truly be considered superhuman, but still well over what is normal.

As I continued to walk to school a classmate of mine ran past me.

"Felix, you better hurry up, class is about to start in 5 minutes!"

Yeah, Felix. That's my name, Felix White. _____________________________________x_____________________________________

A month has passed since then.

I gather my things and leave the classroom, as I walk out someone calls out to me.

"Felix, want to come with us to karaoke?"

I turn towards the person who called out to me, and notice a small group of people.

There are two junior classmates and three in my year, in the lead is Souji, the one who had called out towards me.

"We have five people, if you join we will have six, wanna give it a go?"

He said.

"Sorry, not this time, I have to study for the math test next week, maybe next time." 

"Ah I see, maybe next time then, let's go guys."

He says with an expecting look.

I exit the classroom after the five of them and walk down the stairs as I ponder why he asked me to join him.

He asks me to join him and his group of friends quite a bit. I did join them a few times, but they just aren't my kind of people. 

After a few minutes of walking I reach the entrance of the school, as I walk out I notice a few groups of friends leaving together, presumably to hang out.

I look up and notice that it is starting to rain. I didn't bring my umbrella since I was in a rush this morning.

Fuck, my shoes are going to get wet, soggy shoes suck.

I continue walking towards the orphanage, once I reach the crosswalk, I stop and take off my backpack, and begin to take off my jacket to cover myself up a bit, but as I am doing that I notice two people ahead of me.

One is a somewhat tall and slim man with uniquely styled black hair, and another is a young girl with brown hair styled in a ponytail.

The male is walking a short distance ahead of the female, and as I observe them I notice the girl slip on a puddle, I stop what I was doing and jog towards her to help her up, I was raised a gentleman after all. 

As I look over her I offer her my hand, I don't see any injuries or bleeding so she should be fine.

She takes my hand and offers a short thanks as she introduces herself, Tsumiki, what a nice name. 

As I turn to get my backpack from where I left it I hear a rumbling noise from my right, and I realize that we are in the middle of a crosswalk and quickly turn and push Tsumiki out of the way, it was just a subconscious reaction.

That's when it happened.

As the loud rumbling gets closer I suddenly feel pain, everywhere there is pain.

Through the haze of pain I notice that I am laying on the ground now, everything hurts.

Pain Resistance Acquisition Successful.


Was I hit by a car?

Physical Attack Resistance Acquisition Successful.

I hear someone shout in a panicked voice.

"Megumi! Call an ambulance!

However my focus wasn't on that.

I don't know if I was breathing.

However my thoughts were clear.

Am I going to die?

Wasn't I special?

Wasn't I a reincarnation?

Where is my cheat?

Request Accepted.


Unique Skill: Cheat Acquisition Unsuccessful.

God this is a sad way to die, after all that my mother did for me in the hopes that i'll live a happy and successful life, I go out like this?

Do I deserve this? I always did my best and took in as much knowledge as I could in order to live a successful and happy life in the future.

I hoped that all that I had learned throughout my two lives would help me in the future, but it seems that all effort will be a waste.

Request Accepted.


Unique Skill: Studious One Acquisition Successful.


Hot, it feels hot everywhere now, what is this?


Heat Resistance Acquisition Successful.

How come I get ran over by a car, can't luck be on my side for once?

Request Accepted.


Extra Skill: Fortunate One Acquisition Successful.

"Hold on! Stay with me! Megumi, how long until the ambulance gets here!"

This is it huh, I at least wish I had someone by my side in this life, a constant companion to keep me company.

Am I going to go to hell this time?

Extra Skill: Sage Acquisition Successful.

I start to feel myself lose consciousness, my last thought is how cold death feels.

Cold Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Acquisition of Heat and Cold Resistance results in acquisition of new skill, Thermal Fluctuation Resistance.


Acquisition of Intrinsic Skill: Magic Resistance Successful.

Acquisition of Intrinsic Skill: Material Creation Successful.

Acquisition of Intrinsic Skill: Spirit Possession Successful. 

Acquisition of Skill: Demonic Core Successful.

Race of the host successfully changed from Human (Jujutsu Sorcerer) to Spiritual Life Form, Lesser Daemon.



Converting ability Limitless within user into skill.


Intrinsic Skill: Limitless Acquisition Successful.


I slowly opened my eyes and woke up with a gasp.

Where am I?

I thought I heard a voice.

Ah, that's right, I was run over.

Obviously I am not dead yet, hopefully I am in the hospital, or maybe this is some version of heaven or hell.

Okay I need to calm down and figure out what is going on, i'm usually pretty good about keeping calm in stressful situations.

Huh, my body doesn't hurt anymore, I'm not cold or warm, my body actually feels quite odd, almost like I wasn't totally there, it was hard to describe, I just felt different.

I try to move my hand and am quite happy that it still functions as normal from what I can tell, I can feel things which means I still have sensation.

I try to feel my environment with my hands and feel it run through something rough and coarse, almost like dirt.

That rules out the hospital as no hospital would leave a patient to rest on something like that.

I slowly start to look around my environment, and am surprised by what I see.

I noticed a few beings drifting around in the distance, most of them didn't seem to have a form, but some looked to have goat-like heads and animal-like lower bodies.

Just where the fuck am I?

I notice some rocks and trees in the distance so I am somewhere outdoors.

I slowly get up off the ground before I suddenly get a bad feeling, I subconsciously launch myself off the ground and go flying into the air.

Extra Skill: Danger Sense Acquired. 

Before I can figure out what just happened I get another bad feeling, I quickly turn around and notice a ball of fire rushing towards me, I quickly try to move out of the way but am unsuccessful, but as it starts to get closer the fireball slows down before coming to a complete stop in front of me.

That's when I notice I'm not moving, I am floating in place, I quickly move past my surprise and subconsciously will the fire ball to go back in the direction it came from, I watch as the fire ball quickly flies back and notice a half goat half man standing on the ground in the fire ball's path.

Extra Skill: Magic Manipulation Acquired.

I watch as the fireball hits the half goat resulting in a blast of fire.

I slowly calm my breathing down as I look towards the fire and notice that the half goat is missing.

I continue to float there for what must have been fifteen minutes before I slowly descend to the ground with the new wings I discovered.

And isn't that a surprise, I have wings, this confirms the fact that I died and was reborn as something else, man i've been isekaid twice over.

As I land on the floor I am completely focused on the area around me, I don't know what I was attacked by, it could be anything and it might be hiding.

As I scan the area around me I notice something odd all around me, I can feel something but it isn't physically there, what in the world?

Extra Skill: Magic Sense Acquired.

Huh? What is that voice…

All of a sudden I can feel my surroundings perfectly, from the dirt to the rocks and plants, I can feel it all. The mysterious thing all around me is still there but it is focused on the fire in front of me, is it some sort of energy? 

Maybe it is magical energy? I did just see a fireball thrown at me and I somehow stopped and deflected it, I would be a fool to deny the existence of magic at this point.

Thanks to the skill as the voice called it I can tell there isn't anything hiding around me so I quickly begin to leave the area. I don't want any more of those things to decide to attack me.

As I start to leave, only one question dominates my thoughts. What's happened to me?

I finally found a cave that I might be able to rest in, I quickly used the new skill to sense the cave's interior, it isn't very deep at all so I am able to sense the end of the cave.

Thankfully it is empty, I quickly walk towards the end of the cave and sit down, I finally have a chance to process everything that happened, from my death to my reincarnation and my newfound ability to use magic.

Thankfully I am not having a panic attack, but I am pretty damn close to it. I go over the fight, from my new nature to how I was able to send the fireball back, to what the voice that announced my new skills is.

Hmm, I need to plan my next steps if I want to survive whatever world this is, I have no food or water, and my shelter isn't all that good either.

I also need to look around for other intelligent life, see if there are any cities around here, maybe I can understand what and where I am if I can find a city. 

Before I make a plan I decide to get a proper rest, I lay down and slowly drift off to sleep.

- Unknown Amount of Time Later -

I walk forward as the demon starts to form a fire lance, ignoring the incoming attack as I use a skill of mine to disrupt the magic that the monster was gathering causing the fire lance to fizzle out.

As I continue walking towards it at a languid pace it keeps trying to use spells but keeps failing, the only reason it isn't trying to use physical attacks is because it can't hit me, it seems this one has a sliver of intelligence. 

I notice it preparing to flee but before it can try to get away I raise my left hand and use one of my skills.


It quickly flies towards me, as if it was being sucked in by my palm. Once it is in striking distance I quickly punch its stomach area with my right hand obliterating its entire upper torso while the rest of its body turns to ash and disperses into the air. 

I had come to the realization that the monsters I was fighting were some sort of demonic being after my second fight against one of those guys, I mean what else can they be with their animal like heads and animal like lower bodies. 

Fighting has a few effects, one it helps me practice my skills and magic which slowly increases the capacity of my magicule reserves. 

I noticed I had an inner pool of mana or rather magicules soon after I woke up from my rest.

What surprised me was that the magical energy around me isn't called mana but magicules. I had learned this through a skill of mine.

The second and final effect was that I could learn to use my skills better or even gain some skills in the middle of a fight.

It couldn't have been more than three months since I left the cave. At the time I searched around for food and water, I was surprised I wasn't feeling hungry or thirsty but I wasn't complaining. 

I was able to find a lake for water but unfortunately I was unable to find food, thankfully however after some time passed I was able to figure out that I no longer needed any food or water which was a life saver, but it seems like I won't be tasting anything for some time to come.

I had also discovered that my physical looks were completely different, I looked a lot like the demons that I was killing, I had a goat-like head with two goat-like legs as well. I had claws now and my arms were also quite muscular along with having red horns poking out of my head and wings. 

My eyes had also changed, the color of my sclera was now black for some reason, another mystery that I need to solve. 

It took me some time to come to terms that I looked like a monster, my former good looks were now gone.

I was able to eventually get over it with the hope that I would gain a skill that lets me go back to my former appearance at some point. 

Once that was over with I began my experimentation with my physical body.

There were a few things I discovered, first of all was that I could in fact fly with my wings which makes sense, they have already proven how useful they are with aerial combat.

My natural strength has also monstrously increased. I could obliterate a tree with a casual punch, and when I seriously punched the ground I created a massive crater.

My stamina has also increased, I don't find myself getting tired or needing sleep, I mostly rest and sleep simply for my own mental health.

Next up I experimented with magic starting with my skills.

I was able to figure out the Ranking of skills, they are, Common Skills, Extra Skills, and Unique Skills. There may be higher tier skills but I haven't discovered anything beyond Unique Skills so far.

I could subconsciously tell what skills I had and their functions which was useful. Skills in general are incredibly easy to control, it's almost as if using a limb, though that might be because of the benefit of another skill of mine.

However just like a limb you need to practice skills like a muscle if you want your power and control over your skills to grow.

Starting with my Common Skills I have Paralysis Resistance, Pain Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, and Thermal Fluctuation Resistance. I was also able to gain a new Common Skill, Atmospheric Current Control, it basically allows me to manipulate the electricity already in the air, using this skill I can summon bolts of lightning from the sky.

Next up are my Extra Skills starting with Sage. It is a skill that allows me to accelerate my thought process so that I can quickly make decisions in combat, but more importantly it boosts my comprehension which has helped me learn how to effectively use my abilities much quicker than I imagine it would take without it.

My next skill Fortunate One basically just increases the chances of lucky events happening along with increasing my charisma.

Next I have Danger Sense which is one of my more useful skills, it basically warns me about any incoming danger, sort of like Peter Parker's Spidey Sense.

My next skill is the one I used to prevent the demon from using magic, Magic Manipulation. It basically allows me to control the magic in the air for a multitude of uses, I can easily manipulate the natural elements at a basic level and even disturb someone else's use of magic. I was even able to get a bit creative and find a way to layer magic on my body as a sort of defense in case some attack managed to hit me.

Magic Sense is a skill I use for mostly utility purposes, it allows me to see the surrounding magic in the air and see a full 360 degrees around me with no blind spots. The skill lets me see even in the dark and with my eyes closed. 

That's another thing about wherever I am, most likely the underworld or hell, there is no day and night cycle, it is always dark. This makes it extremely difficult to know how long it has been as I can't tell how much time has passed and I unfortunately can not claim to have been cool enough to count the seconds since I left the cave. 

The next skills are my Intrinsic Skills, as far as I know these are basically skills innate to my race, starting with Magic Resistance which basically reduces the effect elemental magic has on me as long as the strength of the magic doesn't reach a certain level. My next skill is one that I used to craft my clothes. Material Creation allows me to use my magic to create weapons or clothes, I used it to make myself some clothes that wouldn't be damaged by my fights. My final Intrinsic Skill is one I haven't quite found a use for, Spirit Possession, it allows me to possess someone's body, but here is the thing, nothing I have found here has a physical body for me to possess, myself included, my form is made up of magic and so are the other demons. 

I'm sure I'll find a use for it someday. 

My Unique Skill is both incredibly strong but strict conditions need to be met for it's activation, I'm not sure how common Unique Skills are but I sure hope they are rare, because if they are more common than I think, well let's just say i'm gonna have a lot more trouble beating stronger demons.

My Unique Skill is basically a cheat, there is no other way to say it, in the right circumstances I can easily see myself powerleveling with it.

Unique Skill: Studious One

Allows user to study any skill or magic in sight, and if sufficient understanding is reached user can copy said magic or skill

Allows user to merge or separate skills into lesser or greater skills once skill has been completely understood as long as the user has sufficient magicules.

Once I discovered what my skill did I laughed, as long as I used it wisely I will be able to grow in strength quickly. 

The only downside is that I have to understand a skill to copy it, hopefully I can get a skill that can help with that in the future.

Though due to having to directly see the skill I can't analyze a skill like Sage due to that skill not having any direct effects that I can see in the physical world, so skills similar to it will be uncopyable for me.

After that I got into the skill collection business, unfortunately that venture has not been going very well so far as the demons I have been fighting have weak skills that I already have or no skills at all. 

Hopefully I will be able to fight stronger demons and gain stronger skills through them.

Now I don't want to grow in strength for no reason, after all what is the purpose of power if you don't have anything you want to use it for. 

I discovered that the fictional worlds from my first life are real. 

I was able to learn this once I realized what my Intrinsic Skill Limitless was from. Now I don't remember my first life perfectly, it has been a long time after all but I remember the general gist of a lot of anime, and light novels, I was an avid enjoyer of those after all.

Limitless was from an anime called Jujutsu Kaisen, unfortunately I died before I could finish the Shibuya Arc. 

Having Limitless made me realize that it was incredibly likely that I was reborn into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen in my second life, likely descended from the Gojo Clan itself since Limitless is a cursed technique of theirs. Along with the fact that I share some features with Gojo Satoru himself, from my white hair to my blue eyes, of course I don't have the Six Eyes but still, that is a lot of similarities to be a coincidence. 

That gave me an existential crisis, I had questioned my place in the universe or should I say multiverse now, but eventually I was able to move past it.

I'll continue going at my own pace, and hopefully I'll do alright.

Now my thought process was that if Jujutsu Kaisen is a world out there, then isn't there a good chance that other worlds I thought were fictional are also out there?

From Marvel to DC, Naruto, Fairy Tail, One Piece, High School DxD, etc. 

If they are out there then I want to see them with my own eyes, I want to watch as Luffy becomes Pirate King, as Naruto becomes Hokage, as Natsu reunites with his father, sure I saw some of those on screen but seeing it in person is completely different. 

Not to mention the woman, lust is called a sin for a reason. Who knows, maybe I can make a harem for myself, no worries though, I'm not in a hurry.

Moving onto the skill itself, Limitless is originally impossible to master without the Six Eyes, another unique ability of the Gojo Clan, it allows the user to see the flow of cursed energy causing the user to perfectly understand the energy and minimize the cost of any cursed technique to miniscule amounts, cursed energy is basically another form of supernatural energy but a little different, but the difference doesn't matter in my case. It also allows the user to perfectly control their own cursed energy which is needed if one wants to use Limitless effectively. 

My case is a little different as instead of a cursed technique my Limitless is a skill, skills and cursed techniques do have some similarities but they are innately different. Thanks to this I can learn how to effectively use Limitless without the ultra precise control that the Six Eyes would grant me. Magic Manipulation allows me to effectively control my own magic along with other beings' magic, Sage increases my thought processing speed along with my comprehension. The combination of these is able to help me effectively use Limitless. Though one issue I am having is the absurd magicule cost to use Limitless, I can't use it for more than 45 minutes before I risk running out of magicules, and that's pushing it, though hopefully this problem will solve itself as I grow in strength.

Now Limitless has a few different ways it can be used, at its core it brings the concept of Infinity into reality. With it I can manipulate the space around me freely at an atomic level depending on my mastery of the skill itself. Its most basic use called Infinity is to essentially stop anything approaching me, it does this in a way similar to how convergent and divergent sequences work. Basically it divides the finite amount of space between the user and the approaching subject and divides it an infinite number of times, and because no matter how many times you divide something it can never reach zero, they will be left as infinitesimal fractions which are immeasurable to the eye. It's due to this that anything that approaches the infinitely divided space that my skill creates appears to stop, it just slows down to the point that it isn't possible to notice it moving. 

Using this principle I can create a few effects, thankfully once I was able to get down how to use Limitless I was able to recreate it's other abilities that I know of from Jujutsu Kaisen, there are two of these abilities. 

The first ability is Blue, it allows me to attract things, I do this by supercharging Limitless which brings the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into reality, this causes the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap in space. I can use this to constrict the space around someone which will crush their appendages or even destroy an entire village with it, though to destroy a village I will have to expend over half of my magicules.

I can also use Blue for high-speed movement across short distances which is useful in fights. 

The second ability is Red, it allows me to do the opposite of Blue with how I can repel anything instead of attract. I do this by bringing the divergence of infinity into reality which creates the power to repel. I use this by manifesting a small red orb that can cause incredible amounts of damage, about twice as much as Blue could, but that comes at a cost, I need to use most of my magicules to use it, to the point that I will barely be able to stay conscience, I had to learn the hard way.

Normally I wouldn't even be able to use Red as you originally need a special kind of energy to use it, but I can only assume I can use it due to Limitless becoming a skill, therefore all of its abilities are unlocked but not mastered.

The third ability is Hollow Purple, it combines both Red and Blue which represents motion and reversal, a fusion of convergence and divergence that collides both infinites to generate imaginary mass, this effect can instantly erase anything in its path. I have no clue how much magicules this would require as I have not tried to use it yet.

I am also able to use Limitless to freely manipulate the space around me but I haven't delved very deep into this aspect of the ability yet, I am just focusing on mastering the abilities that I know of.

I also learned that I have a presence to myself when I changed my perception of Magic Sense and looked at myself, it was is hard to describe, the aura itself feels like a miasma, it feels corruptive and evil. But I discovered a way to use this aura, I can use it to enhance my physical abilities in a fight, whether it is power, speed or durability.

I can also use this aura to put pressure on someone, I've used this a few times on the demons, it makes the freeze in place for a moment and that moment is all I need to end the fight.

Overall my skills are incredibly useful, they are probably the only reason I am able to fight off these demons due to them presumably not having nearly as many or as useful skills, I don't completely know why I was blessed with incredibly powerful skills but I do have a theory.

I believe it has to do with the soul, after all if magic exists then why can't souls? I noticed the demons I have been fighting lack intelligence, they mostly rely on instinct, the instinct to fight, to hunt, to survive. Due to this maybe their souls aren't as developed as mine, I have lived two lives after all, I have intelligence and experience. 

That is only a theory though, at least until I can find information to prove or disprove it. 

Hopefully there is other intelligent life around or else I'll probably go crazy with no one to interact with. 


I grin as I look at the large crater I just created.

I was finally able to use Atmospheric Current Control to manipulate lightning a little more finely and create a lightning spear instead of just simple and predictable lightning strikes.

Due to this I gained a new Common Skill, Lightning Spear, it allows me to freely form a lightning spear, and the best part is the size doesn't matter, as long as I have the mana to fuel it I could make a lightning spear the size of a building.

If a spear sized lightning spear can cause this much damage then how much would a stronger version do, not to mention this skill will give me a better base for lightning manipulation. 

I decided to focus on lightning for a few reasons, one it is badass, two it has a lot of different uses, I assume if I master it well enough I can manipulate the electric currents in physical bodies, unfortunately demons don't seem to have physical bodies, they are more like spirits if I were to describe them. 

I should also be able to coat my body in lightning like the Fourth Raikage in Naruto was able to do for a comprehensive boost to my abilities, hell I can probably eventually learn to use a chidori. 

I see lightning as a good investment, and who says I can't master other elements later.

Now that I have Lightning Spear let me see if I can finally get the lightning to do what I want it to. 

I start to form a lightning spear but instead of focusing it in a spear like shape I try to bend it forming an arc, it is much easier now that I have Lightning Spear as I now know how to shape lightning in any way I want.

Once the arc is sufficiently powered I launch it towards a nearby forest and watch the aforementioned destruction. 

Once the smoke clears I finally get to see the results and I am not disappointed.

A large chunk of the forest is cut in half, I see part of a tree stump still in the ground while the top portions were destroyed.

Common Skill: Lightning Arc Acquired.

Nice, glad that worked like I wanted it to.

Now individually these skills might not add much to my power but I'm hoping that once I master lightning manipulation to a certain level I can get a skill for it like with Magic Manipulation.

Who knows, maybe if I master lightning enough I can control the weather itself, I am able to manipulate the elements at a basic level but not nearly enough to qualify for it to be called weather manipulation.

There is also a side benefit to practicing my skills, the more I use my magicules the larger my magicule pool gets, so by practicing magic and my skills I am increasing my magicule pool which can only be a good thing.

I continue to train my abilities until I master Lightning Arc to a sufficient level.

With that I decided to finish up today's training and head back to the temporary cabin I created using Material Creation, I did have to expend a decent chunk of my magic for it but it was worth it for the nice soft bed and pillow I made.

I planned to stay at my current location for some time to practice my lightning magic in peace, now that I have reached the goal I set for myself I will probably end up leaving to continue to look for civilization.

Hmm maybe I should start practicing with a sword, I could use the extra challenge it will give at first since killing the demons has been getting easier and easier. 


I focus the lightning I am gathering towards my legs, I ignore the pain and leap into the air, grinning as the lightning keeps flowing around my legs giving me a speed boost.

This is the first step to creating the Lightning Armor, for now I will practice imbuing lightning into my legs before I focus on other parts of my body.

Thanks to Pain Resistance I wasn't able to feel nearly as much as I would have without it.

Common Skill: Lightning Movement Acquired.

Nice, now that I have 4 Lightning Element Skills I use Studious One to merge them all together, hopefully I can get something good.

The Acquired Skills Atmospheric Current Control, Lightning Spear, Lightning Arc, and Lightning Movement combine to evolve into Extra Skill: Lightning Manipulation.

Lightning Resistance Acquired.

I start to cackle madly as this proves my theory that skills can combine to form superior skills, this means I can just farm Common Skills and eventually they should fuse together once I master the skills enough.

The only requirement is that I understand the skill.

Who knows maybe I can even fuse Unique Skills to create some sort of super skill eventually.

My goal to travel to other worlds is looking possible now.

I immediately jump into experimenting with my new skill and holy, everything is so much easier with it.

I can now form a barrage of Lightning Spears like Gilgamesh with his Gate of Babylon without a second thought, it requires far less focus.

Manipulating lightning with Lightning Manipulation is like moving a limb I never knew I had.

I immediately begin to gather lighting in my hand, I keep focusing more and more lightning until I feel I have a sufficient amount, I ignore the high pitched chirping as I run towards a boulder and pierce my hand through it.

Common Skill: Lightning Jab Acquired.

I slowly disperse the lightning and pull my arm out of the boulder, there doesn't look like a lot of damage but that is not the point of this move, Lightning Jab is basically a chidori with a different name, it is mostly used for piercing targets rather than causing mass amounts of destruction. 

Now that I know that I can easily use Lightning Jab I decide to be a bit more daring and try out the Lightning Armour, hopefully with Lightning Manipulation it won't be too difficult to do.

I focus on slowly gathering lightning and wrapping it around my body, I ignore the slight tingles I feel and continue to gather more lightning. I make sure not to gather too much as I have not mastered this ability yet and don't want to hurt myself unnecessarily. 

Once I have enough I sprint forward and zoom at speeds I have never gone at before, I blur past the nearby forest, and as I gather more and more lightning I go faster and faster before I finally start to disperse the lightning and slow down.

I smile to myself as I finally was able to learn how to use the lightning armor, though I am surprised that there is no skill for it.

I was able to figure out the more magicules and lightning I gather the faster I become. It also has a side benefit of enhancing my reaction time which will be useful in a fight.

The speed will also allow me to navigate the surrounding area much quicker, hopefully with this I can find civilization a little sooner.

I am going stir crazy after not having any social interaction in so long.

I was even debating trying to tame a demon and keep it as a pet but gave up once I realized that they would just constantly rebel as they are just animals of instinct, and while instinct can cause them to be submissive for a time it won't last long.

I continue to practice Lightning Manipulation creating a few useful tricks I can use in a fight.

First off I can freely discharge lightning from my hand Palpatine style, that should be able to paralyze most of the demons I have been encountering for a few seconds, more than long enough for me to finish them off.

I also learned to imbue lightning into a katana I created using Material Creation, this lets me send out a slash of lightning if I choose to whenever I swing, along with adding extra piercing and cutting power to each swing.

The katana itself is quite sturdy as I used half of my magicules to create it since I didn't want it breaking on me mid fight.

Unfortunately I had to learn that the hard way when I first used a katana against a demon, I created it with just enough magicules to form but it easily broke when I swung it at a demon.

After that I learned my lesson and created a much more sturdy katana.


I quickly used my lightning armor and took off into the forest, I blurred past trees, rocks, and some weaker demons before finally coming to a stop near a waterfall.

I notice a cave that I enter to rest for a little bit in, I need some time to think and consider my options.

I had sensed a powerful aura south from my current location for a brief moment before it disappeared, the aura itself was not just strong, but incredibly strong, to the point that I don't want to go near them.

It was at least 10 times stronger than me, maybe more.

That makes me incredibly wary of going near its location, on one hand it could be an intelligent being, on the other hand it might not be, or worse it might be intelligent and still decide to kill me.

I know I can't fight it off and I will likely have a hard time running away, and who knows if it has Unique Skills.

It was also able to hide its presence, meaning it could be anywhere now.

I had vastly overestimated my place in the food chain here, I thought I was strong, but now it seems like I am a frog in a well.

And that makes me worried, what if there are even stronger demons than the ones I discovered, who knows how strong the truly mighty ones are.

Before I can continue my thoughts I get a bad feeling through Danger Sense, and this feeling is the worst one I have ever felt.

The warning didn't come soon enough as I was stabbed through my stomach.

I cough out blood as I quickly dodge another incoming attack

I quickly activate Magic Sense and am horrified by the amount of demons around me, the most I have dealt with at once is three, and even then I was only successful because of Limitless.

It was foolish of me to not use Magic Sense to check the surrounding area, I was so panicked about the stronger demon that I completely lost sight of myself.

I quickly form a lightning spear and send it towards where I sense the closest demon.

I hear a loud cry as one of the demons die.

I use this chance to leave the cave with Blue which allows for short distance teleportation in order to have a better chance at fighting the demons off.

I grunt as I try my best to ignore the pain and take my sword out of its sheath to prepare to fight the demons off.

I watch as twenty-nine demons come out of the cave and curse.

The demons try to circle me which means they have some intelligence.


I use Infinity as a safety net of sorts to cover me in case I let an attack hit me as I don't think I can focus on dodging attacks from all five demons.

I quickly form as many lightning spears as I can and send them towards the demons before they can fully surround me.

Surprisingly they react quickly enough that my lightning spears don't kill any of them though two did take some damage.

Fifteen of them quickly take to the skies while fourteen stay on the ground, I decide to fly since I don't want to allow them any more advantages over me.

Infinity will take care of dealing with the magic that the demons on the ground are sending towards me, leaving me to focus on the ones flying around me.

I debate on using Red to try and wipe them all out but on the off chance it doesn't take all of them out I will be left helpless even with my improved magicule pools.

I decide to use my Lightning Armor as I need all the help I can get, the increase and speed will be worth the increased pain from my stab wound.

I ignore the spells coming at me and quickly fly towards the nearest demon and send a slash towards its head which it unfortunately dodges. I use the momentum of the slash to curve my blade back down and take off its left arm.

The demon screams in anger and pain as it charges towards me ignoring the possible danger, I use this chance to avoid its charge and cut its head off.

That leaves twenty-nine of them left.

I don't have much time left, Limitless is taking up a large chunk of my magicules, but I can't afford to stop using Limitless as it is stopping all the attacks from reaching me.

I notice there are 17 fireballs, and 6 fire spears caught in Infinity's barrier.

I smirk as I send all of them back towards the demons on the ground and watch as all fourteen of them die.

I actually have a chance.

Suddenly I felt dizzy and fell to the ground, wondering why Limitless didn't protect me.

*Cough Cough*

I covered my mouth and saw blood, much more than there should be.


Fuck, the bastard must have coated his sword with it.

Limitless must have disabled due to not having enough magicules to sustain it due to my magicules working overtime to try and combat the poison.

Fuck, I wasn't able to notice it due to being too focused.

"Gwahahaha, you die now."


I quickly look towards where the voice came from and notice another demon that was hiding behind the others.

How? I didn't sense him before, was he able to hide his presence?

Is he that demon I sensed earlier? No he is weaker.

The demon slowly approached me, seeming confident in his victory.

If only I could program Limitless to automatically detect an incoming threat this wouldn't have happened.


I try to get up but fail, my body won't listen to me.

Is this it?

Do I deserve this?

To die twice?

To be taken away from my home twice?

Fuck where is my luck now Fortunate One?

Fuck this is scary, am I going to die?


I refuse.

I will not be fodder in this world.

I will rise to the top.

I still have one option.

I lift my head up and slowly lift my right arm up and point it in the demon's direction, it becomes wary and prepares to dodge but my arm falls down.

It grins as it continues walking towards me at its languid pace.

What it doesn't know is that I did that on purpose, I subtly shift my left arm and aim my hand towards the demon, and gather up enough magicules to use Blue.

I keep pushing more and more magicules, even when I feel like I am about to drop dead I continue.

I smile as I whisper,


My head falls down as I hear the demon try to dodge out of the way but it's too late.

The space around the demon constricted, crushing it.

At least I beat it.

And then I blacked out.

Conditions for Evolution have been met.

Commencing Evolution.

Death Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Poison Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Paralysis Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Spiritual Attack Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Fear Resistance Acquisition Successful.

Extra Skill: Program Granted.

Extra Skill: Sage has Evolved into Unique Skill: Cursed Sage.

Extra Skill: Program has been absorbed into Unique Skill: Cursed Sage.

Evolution to Greater Daemon Complete.

Demonic Core has been Strengthened.

- ??? -

He looked down at the boy who had lost consciousness after his battle.

He evolved.

He has been looking for this Lesser Daemon as it had attacked him with his underlings thinking it could get lucky.

When he had arrived he had heard the sounds of a fight going on and decided to observe, and boy was he surprised, another otherworlder reincarnated as a daemon, just like him.

That was the only possible explanation as no Lesser Daemon has the skills nor intelligence that this daemon showed.

He had always wondered if there were others out there like him in the Demon Realm but had never found another reincarnated daemon.

Sure there were some in the Material World but down here in the Spiritual World nope.

It gave him hope that maybe he wouldn't have to be alone any longer.

He tried to make friends with the other daemons, but they just weren't like him, he might have become a monster after all his time in the Demon Realm but there will always be a part of him that was human once upon a time.

He would have stepped in to help the kid out and was about to just before the kid used his Blue as he called it.

He rushed to check his condition, he didn't want the only reincarnated daemon he found to die in front of him after all.

He was poisoned and running low on magicules, the magicules would recover over time, now he had to deal with the poison.

He quickly analyzed the boy's condition, it was a weak poison meant to immobilize, he would heal all he needs is a bit of rest.

He used one of his Unique Skills, Spatial Severing, to sever the space between their location and his cabin; it allows him to freely manipulate space, even allowing him to bypass any barriers someone casts using space itself.

Once they arrived he used his Unique Skill Isolate to isolate the space of his cabin from the outside world.

Once he was confident they were safe he laid the boy down on a bed to rest.

The boy was a monster in terms of magicules, the amount he is giving off in his current state is about as much as he has after all his years living as a daemon.

That is incredibly impressive considering he has the advantage of having eaten the souls of some demi-humans before.


Authors Note:

Hopefully the first chapter wasn't too bad, I tried to make sure everything made sense but there are likely some issues I didn't see.

A lot of stuff I had to figure out myself, for example we know nothing about the Demon Realm in Tensura so I had to kind of make my own assumptions as to what it would be like.

I tried to be as accurate to canon as I could skill wise though I will be making my own skills.

Also Limitless isn't as unbeatable as it is in JJK, there are quite a few abilities in Tensura that can outright negate or even get past it, let alone the fact that it won't work on an Ultimate Skill. Along with the fact that the MC can't afford to keep Infinity up constantly.

Also Felix does know quite a few anime worlds but in his original world Tensura wasn't a thing so he has no knowledge of the world he is in.

Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk

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