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100% Campione : King / Chapter 1: Chapter 1- Ascension of a King
Campione : King Campione : King original

Campione : King

Tác giả: Otaku_Paradox

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1- Ascension of a King

The stadium of Ancient Olympia was a holy place for the ancient Greeks, where all the sports activities were held dedicated to the god Zeus. Originally, the stadium was constructed in such a manner that spectators could view the events from the slopes of Mount Cronion. But the stadium was gradually moved further east, and eventually, it was placed outside the temple of Zeus.

The stadium had a seating capacity of 20,000 spectators and almost all seats were made of mud while only a few of them were created especially for the officials. There was a vaulted passageway that connected the stadium and the sanctuary. The ancient stadium also used to host the Heraia Games, which were games for women, held in honor of the goddess Hera. The racetrack of the stadium is over 200 meters long and nearly 30 to 34 meters wide.

The starting and finishing lines are indicated by two stone markers, which are about 193 meters apart. The south bank of the stadium was the podium for the judges, while on the north bank, there was an altar dedicated to the priestess of goddess Demeter, who was the only woman allowed to watch the games. In 2004, the ancient stadium revived its ancient glory, when the hammer throw event of the Athens Olympics was held here.

As I stood in the center of the standing. Preparing for the battle to come. I felt nothing but anticipation and excitement. I was born strong, but I never believed I was the strongest. So I learned to fight, learned any artform of combat I could, and defeated all challengers and opponents alike...until there were none left. 

I became depressed, what was the point of strength without challenge? Without the chance of defeat. I faded from the world of fighting, I saw no point. Until I heard rumors of these beings who fought gods and usurped their power. 

At first, I thought it was just hearsay, tales to sell merchandise or promote some gimmick. But then he appeared. John Pluto Smith the masked superhero of Los Angeles. I dug up anything I could on this warrior that showed such unfathomable power. And I found my answer. A rumor of someone slaying the Heretic God Tezcatlipoca. Then I did my research on his legends and found similarities between the myth and the abilities John Pluto Smith displayed.

And I knew it had to be true. Humans can slay gods. Humans can achieve higher heights. There was still a peak for me to reach. I...was still weak. And I felt the fire in my soul reignite. My passion was once again overflowing. I wanted to fight him..but I was weak and unworthy of such. To be worthy to face these beings these Campiones. I had to be like them and achieve the feat...of slaying a god. 

It took 2 years of research for me to uncover the truth of this hidden world. Magic, Heretic Gods, Witches, and Campione. And with each discovery my passion increased, the itch to fight almost became unbearable, and my training and physique had long since surpassed the realm of man. 

The Bronze-Black Cross is one of the many European magical societies that are descended from the Knights Templar. Like their ancestors, they are all knightly orders.

The Copper-Black Cross is one of the numerous magical societies that are descended from the legendary Knights Templar that covered much of Europe in the Medieval times. Like their ancestors, they also act as a financial institution, managing several businesses as a corporation, and use that as their cover in the non-magical world. 

The Royal Arsenal recruited all sorts of talent and its ranks not only included powerful magi but also, occultists who focused purely on research, commoners who sought revenge against sorcerers for the deaths of relatives, street hoodlums, con artists, and unrepentant thieves. As long as they knew the existence of gods, even ordinary commoners were included.

The Witenagemot was formed by people deeply involved with magic, mages, occultists, fairy doctors, and others. Also, those who were short of being experts like ordinary, scholars, marketplace researchers, catholic priests, protestant preachers, monks, shinto priests, artists, capitalists, nobles, royalty, and imperial families...essential juju and old money.

The Witenagemot's headquarters were located in Greenwich, London. A four-story Victorian building built with red bricks, very similar in resemblance to the government offices of Scotland Yard in Westminster.

Finding a Heretic god to fight was hard. You need luck with something all fighters must acknowledge. Using money from my fighting days. I gather all the info I can find on summoning these beings. Magicians need money too, after all, research ain't cheap.

When everything was said and done I got everything I needed and headed to Greece. And now hear I stand in a place of power. I took out the container from my backpack. In it was a container covered in runes holding a piece of clothes soaked in a liquid of some kind.

It was a piece of the garment soaked in the blood of Nessus that killed Herakles. The other item in the contained was a fragment of wood from the club he used. I res the box in the center of the arena. Slit my palm.

"God of Strength, Champion of Man, Hero of Ages, I challenge you in this place of power, saturated in the worship of your pantheon."

The one blue sky darkened as the black clouds covered it. 

"I challenge you to decent and face me in combat...God vs Man. Feel the fire in my soul, the will to die on my feet should I perish"

A bolt of lightning struck the container and there was a glow. Before s frightening aura permeated the area.

"And the conviction, to use your strength with purpose should I prevail"

From the dust cloud created when the lightning bolt struck the contained a monster of a ma-no God appeared. 7 foot tall, chiseled like an adonis. Tanned skin and muscles that would be any fighter's wet dream. I was jealous and impressed. Wild black hair that looks like a mane, a brown chiton covered his frame. A golden brown club was clutched in his right hand...THIS WAS A MAN.

Granted I was not a slouch. 6'2, brown skin and messy dark brown almost black hair that stopped just above my shoulders. I had a chiseled muscular physique that was not bulky as I had learned to condense my muscle mass earlier this year. All my strength and I no longer sacrificed speed. 

[MC Image]

My golden brown eyes looked up at the menacing brown that looked down.

"You summoned me, you challenged me and you made oaths."

He said in a deep yet soothing voice. He rested the club on his shoulder. I took a deep breath.

"I did and I have a way to make it so you can truly enjoy the fight"

He raises his brow in interest. He had expected to end this upstart with one swing, but it seemed he was not all hot air.

I took a store tablet out of my bag. This was a grimoire that made me stop being a billionaire.

"This grimoire has a spell that initiates a fair challenge. With the sacrifice of blood and the consent of both. This grimoire will set the conditions to make the fight fair."

He rubbed his chin with his left hand. Then walks forward and bites his thumb causing a few drops of golden blood to fall onto the table. I squeed my already cut hand and do the same. 

The tablet glowed gold. Herakles back-stepped and wobbled a bit before he steadied himself. Hi felt half 40% of his strength leave him and felt the increase in strength of his opponent, who grew a few inches. What surprised him more was that the contract only took 40%. This means this hu-no this warrior without the boast can unleash 10% of his strength. A truly impressive feat. 

Now standing 6'9 I did a few test punches and kicks to adjust to the sudden increase in strength. This will do. I felt it even with this sudden increase the press of death remained and thus victory remained uncertain...perfect.

I clenched my fist."You ready." He matched my energy with a meaningful grin, He dropped his club and got into a stance

"My name is Niklaus Arjun Theopilos"


They charge at each other, meeting in the center with a thunderous clash of fists. The force of their collision sends shockwaves through the stadium, dust rising from the ground. Niklaus feels the raw power of Herakles but does not falter, his added strength making the impact bearable. 

Niklaus unleashed a series of quick, calculated punches aimed at Herakles' torso, each strike landing with precision and force that created a shockwave. Herakles counters with powerful hooks and uppercut, his blows heavy and relentless.

Their eyes lock, each strike conveying their determination and respect. Niklaus' eyes burn with resolve, while Herakles' eyes reflect a mixture of surprise and admiration for his opponent's strength.

Herakles attempts to grapple Niklaus, aiming to overpower him with his brute strength. They lock arms, muscles straining against each other. Niklaus uses his agility to break free, rolling to the and delivering a swift kick to Herakles ribs, causing the former demigod to stagger. Niklaus capitalized with a spartan kick that sent Herakles flying into the stands with the force of a sonic boom, creating a massive crater.

"Rahahahahaha" laughed the god of strength and fortitude boisterously. 

"I've missed this, the feeling, a conversation of fists."

He leaped out of the crater and landed a few feet from Niklaus.

"Thank you for challenging me, warrior. Now let's turn things up a notch."

He grabbed his club."Come forth my first labor" The head of Heracles' club turned into a roaring lion. "Now since it is a contract of fairness. Any boost I receive should give you a boost of some kind in return"

I felt a burning sensation run through my body. My hair grew longer and my skin had a golden glow to it. My eyes became cat-like and without realizing it I let out a mighty roar that caused the stadium to shake.

"Execellent" complemented the demigod. He then leaped in my direction and brought his club down. I dodge with a backflip. But the collision between the club and the arena floor created a shockwave that split the arena in half. He looked towards me and saw my body fading like a mirage. His instance warned him but my arm was already around his was. His head met the arena floor, creating a boom when I caught him with a suplex. His body was halfway into the ground and a huge crater surrounded him. 

Niklaus lept back as his instincts warned him. A sudden burst of power was released from Herakles in a massive shockwave. Niklause crossed his arms to resist it. When the shockwave died down Herakles stood before him with blood running from his forehead to his cheek. 

He wipes his cheek with his fist and smiles. Niklaus uncrossed his arms and returned the smile. They charge at each other again. Relishing in the fight. The blows didn't diminish but increased in power and frequency. Without notice hours pass.

Herakles delivered a sweeping leg kick that knocked Niklaus off balance. He follows up with a knee strike to the midsection. Niklaus absorbs the blow, pain etched across his face as blood leaks from his mouth, but he still retaliates with an elbow stuck to Herakles' jaw, sending him reeling backward. He continues with a flurry of precise and powerful blows. Jab, uppercuts, hooks. His fighting style evolved into a unique blend of his and the opponent he admires and respects. 

The shockwaves from the fight had destroyed the arena, the stadium, and a few miles around the stadium. This fight had attracted the attention of many. Members of the Copper-Black Cross had evacuated citizens and set and used artifacts to set up a barrier to prevent further destruction to the country. There were also two strange wolves standing at the top of a building outside the barrier seemingly observing the fight 

Nightfall was upon them as the sun began to set. Both Niklaus and Herakles were bleeding form some areas and bruised in others. 

"This is by far the best challenge I've had. My authorities are restricted or weakened, which makes using them essentially useless. A brawl just like the good old days. I had fun. But you can feel it, can't you? We're at our limit. Since stamina is essential the same via the contract. We can either slug it out unlit or we both collapse but then someone in the audience outside the barrier might capitalize on that moment."

Thanks to his enhanced senses and instinct. Niklaus had sensed the moment outside and felt the concentration of life force decrease as the citizens were evacuated. He sighed and looked into Herakles eyes and felt that they had arrived at the same conclusion.

"WE FINISH THIS OUR NEXT ATTACK," they both said at the same time. 

Herakles focuses his power on his right arm, enlarging it, his arm takes on a reddish-black glow and pulses with heat that causes the air to ripple. Niklaus had his left pal stretched out and his hand pulled back with all five fingers held together and extended like a spear. It is a move he creates when he reminisced about the stories his mother told him when he still lived in India before she died, about Karna the hero of charity, and his skills with a spear. His hand began to glow gold but his fingers were red like superheated metal. 

The technique was one he came up with while studying the principle of life energy in China. And how to direct the energy within where it is needed. 

They looked into each other's eyes and smiled...then they charged and struck, their blows collided. 

{Apheles Heros (Great Hero Blow)}

{Brahmastra Kundala (O' Brahma, Curse Me)}


The Barrier broke, and an explosion akin to a nuke sent onlookers flying before those who survived with some injuries could breathe a sigh of relief. A secondary shockwave drew them inward.

At the epicenter of the collision. Niklaus stood with his right hand outstretched like a spear. His fingers were broken, his arm black and blue, and leading from certain areas. He coughed up blood and wobbled but managed to remain standing. 

Behind him stood Herakles his right hand and shoulder were gone and he bleeding profusely. Blood leaked from his mouth as he spoke.

"Th-that was a fantastic fight...my friend. Take my power...use it to defend those who cannot defend themselves...ruled better than the kinds of old. Become the king you always had the potential...to be."

With his final works spoken he died on his feet and soon after his body faded away.


My eyes snapped open to a pure white sky. I look around and It's not just the sky that is blindingly white, the entire place is the same bleached color, making concepts like distance and orientation seem painfully arbitrary. 

Was I in hell...no I won the fight...so wha-. I paused my thoughts as I saw a slender young woman in her mid-teens with violet hair blue eyes and pointed ears.

"Hello my child my name is Pandora, but you can call me Mother," she said with a bright smile

Yeahhh I'm not doing that. 

"I have a message for you," she said drawing my attention. 

"It's from Heracles"

"He was here"

"Yes...he was...such a sweet child...Hera truly was a cruel woman to those who didn't deserve it. Thank you, by the way for fighting him like that. You gave him a challenge, you put your all into it and drew out his all in return. He was so happy while he spoke about the fight. He said to tell you thanks for the fight. And perhaps if you meet again you can both go 100%."

I smiled as I heard the message. "Yeah, I'd like that."

She clapped her hands and spun around. 

"Now as It relates to you and your new status as a Campione. Campione are those mortals who have slain a Heretic God and stolen their divine Authorities. When a mortal slays a Heretic God, they take upon themselves the Authorities of that Heretic God, and they become Campione. When Godslayer usurped God's Authority for the first time, his physical body will be enhanced, altered, and augmented to accept newly acquired divine power. So your body will be far stronger than you remember it, even stronger than it was during your battle with Herakles."

My eyes widened. Even stronger than before. Well if kinda made sense. My body would have to be strong enough to whole his true power not just a fraction of it. 

She continued.

" Your life will be enhanced. You older brother Sasha is over 400 years old" Holy shit that's old.

"When your natural enemies (the Gods) appear, your body will react instinctively, filling themselves with power to prepare for battle. Your body will age proportionately to the amount of Magical Energy inside your body. The more you have the longer you can stay young. Godslayers will age normally until they reach their prime. However, if they have magical mastery enough to reach a state of mental purity, they will stay young forever."

My mind was absorbing all this information.

" Nearly unbreakable bones, much harder than steel. Reinforced musculature system. Your body will be completely healed from prior injuries and optimized to perfect condition. So don't worry about being abused when you get back. You'll be in perfect fighting condition. Enhanced vitality and recovery speed, Immense stamina. You will have beast-like instincts, an Enhanced metabolism, and immune system, a toxic substance such as alcohol or poison will be purged away instantly if they concentrate.

Your body will release adrenaline hundreds of times compared to normal humans and will automatically optimize itself to suit whatever task they are performing. Advanced night vision, comparable to a nocturnal predator. Oh and also your offspring will not inherit any godslayer characteristic from you. You earned it by putting your life on the line mortal vs god...they must do the same. And that about sums it up there's a few other things but you'll figure out the rest."

I was messaging my scalp at that point. "Anything else"

"Oh right the authorities you got from Herakles...he wants you to have them all. This is unprecedented but since it's his request and your personalities mesh so well, I'll do it." 

Th-that was fuckin awesome. I clenched and unclenched my fist repeatedly. This is just the start. But it's a good one. 'Thank you, my friend'.

"Well that's everything, it's about time to send you back. Good luck son"

And with that, I was gone. 


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