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74.19% Playing With Magic / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Poppy

Chương 21: Chapter 21: Poppy

Previously on Playing with magic

"Hello, master Dragon, sir!" the elf chirped. The elf was smaller than the others, with large, bat-like ears and bright, inquisitive eyes that seemed to take in every detail. The lack of wrinkles clearly letting on his young age. "I be Tibby, sir. How can Tibby help sir?" The elf's eyes shone almost as much as Dobby's from what I remember. Almost…Dobby was built different."

"Hi, Tippy." I blinked, "Did you just say… 'Master Dragon'?"


Chapter 21: Poppy


28 October 1991 - Hogwarts Kitchens

Jonathan Grey


Tippy, with a slight tilt of his head, looked up at me with wide, innocent eyes. His voice held youthful innocence as he replied, as if the answer was supposed to be obvious and self-evident. "Master Dragon, sir, be dragon…sir."

"...Right." Maybe I should have been more specific with my question. "Can you, by any chance, see a person's soul Tippy? Is that why you call me Dragon?"

"No, sir," Tippy replied with a shake of his head. "Master Dragon, sir, feel like missy kitty teacher, but dragon not kitty sir."

'Missy Kitty', that has to be McGonnagal. But I'm not a dragon Animagus. If anything, he should be calling me Kitty as well because I can currently only turn into a cat like she can. Unless it's because of the magic I give off that feels like a dragon and that's the thing he is sensing. Which begs the question, would I still be able to turn into a dragon without buying the magical animagus ability from the system?

"Alright, Tibby," Rather than delving further into it, I decided to move on to the topic at hand. "I was wondering if there are any house elves here who might want to join my family. Do you know if any of them would be interested?"

Tippy looked around the kitchen with his large eyes before turning back to me. "All house elves here be happy at Hogywarts, Master Dragon sir," Dibby explained, without even asking a single one of them. It could be that he sensed it like with me being a 'dragon, but I didn't bother asking. "But if Master Dragon sir wants House-Elf for Dragon family, he should look for free elf who wants a new family. Free elves be wanting a new home and master."

"Can you help me find one, Tippy?"

"Dibby is happy to help Master Dragon sir. Tippy go look now!" With a beaming smile, he apparated out of the kitchen. Didn't even give me a chance to give him any requirements…or at least give him a thank you.

"I suppose I'll just wait here then,"


Hogwarts Great Hall

Slytherin Table


At the Slytherin table, Draco Malfoy sat flanked by Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe with a sneer on his face, complaining about things that once again weren't going his way, as he did every other day. "Just another mud-blood who thinks he's special because he has good grades. Pathetic, really. Without his marks, he'd be nothing. One of these days, we'll catch him, and finally show him his place."

Greg and Goyle chuckled, like they always did, even when they didn't understand what was going on. The conversation, however, caught the attention of Daphne Greengrass, a blue-eyed, fair-skinned blonde who had been sitting across from them a few seats away, quietly eating her dinner.

She sat with Tracy Davies, a Half-blood daughter of Daphne's aunt on her mother's side, like she always did. They had been friends ever since they were children and had always wanted to replicate the friendship their mother had, so they went almost everywhere together and would always protect each other. Like their parents told them to. 

Putting down her fork, Daphne turned to Draco, her expression betraying nothing. "Malfoy, do us all a favour and leave Grey alone," she said firmly, drawing the attention of the other first-year students nearby. 

Malfory turned to face her, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, look who it is. What's with the sudden interest in defending mud-bloods, Greengrass? What changed? Oh, I know—you're hoping to get John to join your little group of mud-bloods, aren't you? You didn't seem to care before, so don't act all high and mighty now."

Tracy, for her part, said nothing and continued to eat her food, even though she knew full well the ponce was referring to her. She was already used to some people using that type of language to take shots at her blood status by now to know that her words would land on deaf ears even if she spoke up. And she was currently surrounded by those people.

Daphne met his gaze without flinching, allowing the insult to her cousin wash over her. She had already spoken to Tracy that conversations like this needed to happen to possibly get Grey to join them. If he is as smart as her father had mentioned in his letter yesterday then he could be the next Dumbledore, if allowed to grow. And he would be grateful to the people who helped him grow.

"You being fixated on Potter ended with Potter being awarded. And you want to continue trying to put Grey 'in his place' when he is being so heavily watched by the teachers?"

As she spoke, Daphne took note of the reactions she was receiving from the other first years. Pansy Parkinson's glare went completely ignored, the girl really did have to get over her little crush for the ponce. The others, though, had completely stopped eating and were fully focused on the conversation, but there was no real reaction to her taking the side of Grey. Which could only mean…

"You all must have gotten a letter from your families, too. Grey is a capable and talented wizard with plenty of eyes on him, both in and out of Hogwarts, and he deserves more than your petty jealousy. You're just threatened because he achieved something you haven't."

Draco scoffed, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. "Threatened? By him? Hardly. I just see things for what they are. A mud-blood should never get special treatment."

"Oh?" Daphne shot back. "Because all I see is a child lashing out at someone who's worked hard to be where he is. Keep your spite to yourself, Draco. It won't end well for you. Just make sure it doesn't affect us too, I don't think Professor Snape will be happy to lose the seven-year win streak because of you."

Daphne held her ground for a moment longer, ensuring her message had sunk in, then took a glance at her friend, noting she had already finished her food, and nodded toward the exit. They both stood and left, leaving Draco to fester.

Draco's face reddened with a mix of anger and embarrassment. He glanced at the Slytherin Head of House sitting at the head table before taking stock of the other students sitting around him, noticing the many eyes he had attracted, before muttering something under his breath, turning back to his plate.


Hogwarts Kitchens

Jonathan Grey


As I enjoyed the delicious pastries and warm cocoa the other elves had presented me while I waited, I couldn't help but feel like I sent Tippy's on a wild goose chase. After taking another bite of the flaky pastry, I was about to summon him back when I heard the distinct sound of disapprobation.

Dibby had apparated back into the kitchen, but this time he wasn't alone. Standing beside him was another house-elf, slightly shorter with large, sorrowful eyes and a timid demeanor. The only thing she had with her was the dirty pillow case that she was constantly fidgeting with.

"Master Dragon, sir," Tippy began excitedly, "This be Poppy, sir. Poppy be free elf."

I looked at Poppy, noting the sadness in her eyes but also a glimmer of hope as she looked up at me. "Hello, Poppy," I greeted, as I took a knee down to be at eye level with her. "Where did you find her, Tippy?"

"Tippy find Poppy in the woods, Master Dragon sir. Poppy being sad and alone." Tippy's ears wiggled as he explained.

"Thank you, Tippy," She must have been dismissed from her previous family, something I just don't understand. You have a person that can do almost anything around the house and couldn't directly disobey you even if they try, and decide to just get rid pf them. That level of stupidity is ridiculous.

I turned my attention back to Poppy. "Poppy, would you like to join me? I could really use your help."

Poppy's eyes lit up as she vigorously nodded her accent, I don't think it's even safe to move a person's head at those speeds. "Yes, Master Dragon, sir. Poppy would be very happy to join the Dragon family."

"Brilliant," This will definitely make things easier. "How does the bonding process work, Poppy?"

Poppy stepped closer, her demeanour becoming more confident as she explained. "Master just needs to touch Poppy's hand and connect magic with Poppy, sir."

Giving her a nod, I reached my hand out, indicating for her to do the same. She placed her small hand on mine, and I felt the sensation of our magic connecting. The best way to describe it as being a magical request rather than an order. Concentrating on the connection, I willed it to form the bond, which only indicated that the elf would feed on my magic while, in return, they would have to do as I asked.

With the connection completed, Poppy's eyes sparkled as she seemed to get healthier by the second, even growing in size. She looked up at me with a beaming smile. "Thank you, Master Dragon, sir. Poppy happy to serve."

I stood up, and used a few quick cleaning charms on her to get rid of all the grime. Once that was done, I transfigured her now clean pillowcase into a maid uniform. "Welcome to the Horde, Poppy. I'm glad to have you with me."

"The first rule: Don't hurt yourself even if you do something wrong. Just let me know so we can try to fix it, okay?" Receiving a nod and 'yes, sir,' I continued. "The Second rule: Let me know what is on your mind if it's helpful, I'm muggle-born so there might be a few things I don't know."

"Tippy is happy for Poppy and Master Dragon, sir!" Looking over, I see Tippy clapping his hands together as he tries his best to move like a bobblehead, clearly a little too delighted by the successful bonding. I'm starting to get an ache in my neck just watching them do that.

"Poppy," I addressed the now healthy elf, "I will need your help with a few things. Can you go to Diagon Alley and buy three magical trunks? We'll need them for storage and organisation." I took out the required amount of galleons, I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as I continued, "And I also want to find out if you can get some fertile soil, crops, and livestock. I have some big plans."

The elf gave me a peculiar look, as she accepted the bag full of galleons for the job. "Master Dragon sir wants Poppy to buy trunks, land, crops, and livestock," she repeated, trying to make sense of my request.

"Yes, exactly." I gave her a nod, maintaining my grin. " I know it sounds unusual, but trust me, I've got a plan."

Poppy's expression shifted in confusion, either from not being used to being talked to like this or my behaviour. After a moment, she tilted her head slightly and said, "New master, be good master," almost to herself.

"Was your previous master no-" I shook my head, before choosing not to delve into that right now. "Never mind."

Considering the types of people I actually saw in the movies who had house elves were people like Crouch, Malfoy, and House Black, I'm surprised she bonded with me before finding out if I wasn't evil or something. She was probably desperate.

"Well, I'm not a Saint if that's what you're asking. I'm.." I trailed off, thinking of the right way to put it. "...Grey. Yes, I'm Grey. Neither light nor Dark, but Grey. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. You will be treated well."

Hopefully, this doesn't result in me turning purple and growing a nutsack on my chin.

Poppy's eyes brightened at those words. "Poppy will do as Master Dragon asks. Poppy will find trunks and ask about fertile land, crops, and livestock. Poppy wants to help Master."

"Brilliant. Get the larger trunks, I will be adding the enchantments to them when you get here but don't tell anyone. Take your time, and let me know if you need anything else."

"Wait, Poppy," I called as she was about to leave, causing her to pause.

"Yes, Master?"

"Before you go, can you tell me why you called me 'Master Dragon'?"


"He better be worth it," Tracey muttered, with a frustrated tone as she walked beside Daphne through one of Hogwarts' maze-like corridors. "I wanted to keep a low profile while at school, but now that won't be possible. Associating with someone who has all eyes on him is going to draw alot of attention."

Daphne nodded. "I know, Tracey, but we have to for now. If anyone in our generation can help Astoria, it will be him. Grey is looking to be the most magically skilled, even ahead of Potter. I just hope we can get him interested in healing and maybe rituals, not just the core subjects that Hogwarts offers."

Tracey sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I get it, Daph, I really do. It's just that being in the spotlight wasn't part of the plan. But if you believe he can help your sister, then I suppose it's worth the risk. Just…maybe we should have tried to get him on our side before doing things like that?"

"That's difficult to do when no one can even find him unless he wants to be found," Daphne replied as she turned the corner, only to see the very person they were just talking about casually walking towards them, chewing on pastry of some sort with a smile on his face. Glancing at each other, the girls continued towards him. 

Coming to a stop, the boy didn't seem to acknowledge them, so Daphne chose that moment to introduce herself to gain his attention before he spontaneously disappeared again. Her father did say something about the smart ones sometimes being a little… weird. Any other person in this situation would have noticed the social cue. Or he could have noticed but still not cared to stop.

"Hello, I'm Greengrass," The words had the desired effect, he stopped and looked at her. Seeing that she had his attention, she chose to continue, gesturing to her friend beside her. "This is Davis"

The boy's only response was "OK," which only confused the girls in front of him. They gave each other a glance, not really expecting that type of response. Chalking his lack of decorum to his muggle upbringing, Daphne chose to let the response, or rather lack thereof, wash over her.

"I would like to formally congratulate you on your advancement."

"Thank you."

Though she was starting to get annoyed at his responses, Daphne powered through. Taking a calming breath before she did so.

"I would like to warn you though-"

Being cut off was not fun, not even her father cut her off like that even when he was unhappy with something. Not that she ever did anything that made him that angry, that was Astoria's job. But the fact that the boy in front of her chose to do it so, nonchalantly, really grated on Daphne's nerves.

"Let me guess, you wanted to warn me about some Slytherin or whoever who might not like the fact that I did so well?" Grey interjected with a raised eyebrow, "And you wanted to warn me out of the kindness of your heart, I take it?"

Tracy, not wanting to sit by and let him say things like that to Daphne, especially when she was trying to help, chimed in. "Hey! Daphne's only trying to help!-"

"Herself," He turned to the brunette, before elaborating. "She's gave me the warning because she wanted to make me feel like she cared, so I would feel indebted to her and become more willing to help her with… whatever she wants or will want my help with."

Daphne didn't retaliate, simply choosing to ball up her fists at her side and let the boy finish. She didn't like that this was going to be more difficult than she thought, but she would bear the embarrassment for her sister. At least for now.

"Just be upfront about it," He turned back to the blonde and gave her a shrug. "I much prefer a straightforward conversation right now. I'm in a good mood, and I don't want anyone to mess with it."

Seeing that his response was not due to the same Slytherin prejudice, Daphne took another calming breath before responding. "Apologies for the attempted misdirection."

"But you're not sorry though, own it. Try again." Grey had the audacity to continue eating like he wasn't even considering this a serious conversation. "Remember, straightforward."

The fact that he was able to read through her so easily, though currently a problem, was a good sign. It meant he might be able to read through others that may come his way and attempt the same thing. Which also meant he could be useful in other ways down the road. Still, he had better be worth it.

"I think we can be useful to each other."

"Much better, the truth, or at least some of it anyway," Grey said with a small smile. "Is this the part you lead with how you can be useful to me, then end with how I can be useful to you?"

Daphne caught Tracy's eye momentarily before she answered, "I can provide you with advanced magical knowledge, the type that isn't even provided at Hogwarts in exchange for tutoring and a few galleons."

"Let me get this straight," Grey tilted his head in confusion. "In this scenario, I would be tutoring you and I still have to pay for the books? Do you even know how conversations like this are supposed to go?"

Not falling for yet another attempt at infuriating her, Daphne elaborated, "The tutoring will be for my services in acquiring the books, the payment will be for the costs of the books and their transport. I would be the middle woman, so to speak."

The small loophole hole in the system that purebloods had set for themselves, was that no one can be imprisoned for the sale of illegal books, just the possession of illegal books if searched. Yet another way for them to limit the magical knowledge of regular people. Though in their defence it could stop the next dark wizard getting their hands on how to make a Horcrux.

All Daphne would have to do is say that she was just trying to get rid of the evil book and she would be in the clear, whereas John would be hit by the full force of the law.

John raised an eyebrow and took a moment to think about it, considering the potential benefits. "That sounds like a fair exchange," he said thoughtfully. "My schedule has recently opened up on the weekends. How about you owl me with a time and location for the tutoring sessions, and we can discuss the books when we meet up?"

Daphne's expression almost softened with relief, but she did her best to show none of it. "I'll send you an owl with the details tonight. I look forward to hearing from you, Grey."

"Just call me John," John reached out a hand for a shake, which Daphne accepted after noting that his hands were clean even though he was eating something earlier. The possibility that he had taken his wand out without her knowing was not lost on her, considering the student that wanted to 'put him in his place'.

"John then, if you call me Daphne."

Tracey, standing to her side, now with her arms crossed, gave a small nod of approval, though her expression remained annoyed.

"Alright then," John replied with a nod as he continued on his way, once again going back to his food. "I look forward to it."

"And by the way?" He said over his shoulder, getting both girls' attention once again. "You would have been much more believable if you had actually tried to do something about your housemates trying to mess with me before today." 

"Piece of advice?" As he reached the end of the corridor he stopped and turned towards the two girls still looking his way, "Do not mistake a person's lack of retaliation for weakness."

With that, he was gone.

"Well, your dad was right…he's weird."

"I don't think that was the language used…but he does seem to have some quirks. Come on, we have letters to write."


"Fight, fight for my master, the defender of the house elves! Fight for Master Regulus! Fight!"

— Kreacher, leading the house elves into battle


Author Here

Now that the parents in the ministry know of John, they are trying to recruit him to their side for their own personal gain, even blood purists. Sometimes they're able to look past blood status, take Snape for example. Granted, he was half-blood, so some purists didn't see as being as bad as being a muggle-born, but still.

John also gets a house elf of his own to join his Horde and meets Daphne as she tries and fails to manipulate him. In her defence, she's eleven, she didn't really have much a chance.


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


If you want to support me, join me on Patreon. Any support is appreciated.

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Thank you for reading.

As always, stay awesome.

Until next time.

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