"You are accepted, boy!" The Sect Master turned around, hiding the grin that was just on his face.
"Huh... that was easy," Sol said out loud, not a care in the world.
"What? You're supposed to hide those types of thoughts. They can come off as arrogant, boy." The old man retorted, his hands cupped behind his back.
"I don't care. I've come off far worse than just arrogant and I'm still here aren't I?" Sol spoke in an almost profound manner, while still being able to have a comedic tone.
It was enough to take the old man aback slightly. But he quickly shrugged it off.
"Ahem! Well... although I said you are accepted, the decision is not fully based on my verdict alone. I will relay this information to the four Sect Elders and see what choice they make." The old man said, turning around as he began walking away from Sol.
Best book you will ever read!