"Mount Faulkner Trading Company?" Shane said, looking around as he glanced at his associates to check if anyone had ever heard of this firm, however, it seemed that just like him everyone else in the room were clueless as well.
Being a top trading company, the White Tiger Group kept tabs on every promising competitor and often ruthlessly stole their top products to drive them out of business.
Shane himself spent a lot of his day studying the business models of many small enterprises to learn and expand his knowledge which was why he knew every small and medium player in the industry, however, he had never heard of the Mount Faulkner Trading Company before today, which secretly frustrated him ever so slightly.
This anonymity added a layer of mystery around Leo, as without any background for Shane to dig up, he had no idea what he should expect when dealing with Leo or what his bottom line could be, which made structuring a favorable deal difficult.
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