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86.66% One piece : Metallica / Chapter 25: A Boss's Duty

Chương 25: A Boss's Duty

[New world ; Gold Horizon]

Gliding through the air Tesoro finally caught sight of his glimmering golden city. He stopped right above his creation as he inhaled deeply, his muscles relaxed as he breathed in fresh air away from the cursed Marijoa the land where despicable creatures tormented the weak.

Smirking he took off his shades and placed them in his shirt pocket, "Home sweet home", he started to descend before landing on a platform on the tallest building in the center of the city.

He could see that his entourage were standing near the platform and were ready to welcome him back. Tanaka with his large head and Dice with his large framed body were easily visible from afar. Baccarat, his redhead secretary was smirking as she took out a clipboard from purse. She could see that Tesoro was missing the coat he wore

The hover board around Tesoro's feet dematerialized as he landed softly. The metal turned back into rings before taking their rightful place around Tesoro's fingers.

"I hope our guests arrived here without any trouble Tanaka", Tesoro started walking forward as the maids and butler came forward with drinks and drying towels.

Tanaka rolled his eyes before letting out an exasperated sigh, "They were really cooperative on the journey here but…. I can't say the same for when we docked".

Tesoro's eyebrows were raised as he took one of the drinks in hand, "Why? Did something happened?".

"There was a little misunderstanding but it has been cleared with assistance from Miss Robin", Baccarat added with a hint of pride towards the young lady who was currently not present with them.

"As expected from her", Tesoro smiled as he gulped down the drink in one shot "So where is she?".

"She's training in the stadium", Dice puffed his chest forward, "She's making great progress. The fighting techniques I have taught her are almost mastered". Dice had been given the work of teaching Robin close combat fighting due to his past of being involved in underground fighting rings.

'I have to give her a present for all her efforts', Tesoro started walking towards the elevator. "I can see that Kuma's ship is yet to arrive".

"Yes, but I have been informed that his group managed to retrieve the slaves that were lowered through the elevator. They will arrive here at any moment now", Baccarat informed her boss as she followed him to the elevator.

Tesoro nodded in understanding, "The guests are being accommodated in the Block C hotel I hope".

Baccarat following behind Tesoro, "Yes, they have been given medical treatment and proper refreshments. Most of their injuries are minor with only a few having the capacity of being lethal if it were left untreated. Almost all of them suffer from exhaustion so we have made sure that the refreshments are fresh and nutritious. There are a few cases of them suffering from….", she continued to inform Tesoro on the slaves condition as they entered the elevator.

Tanaka and Dice followed behind them as they also gave their accounts on the slaves.


[Ground floor]

The elevator door opened as the group walked out to a lavish lobby with few maids and butlers strewn about dusting and giving finishing touches to the furniture and decors.

"I see, so the young girl let out a uncontrolled burst of conqueror's haki?", Tesoro scratched his chin as he inquired Tanaka.

"Yeah, it looked like it was a first for her as well. Almost all the staff doubled down, the maid who was trying to help her was closest to her and was hit the hardest as she fell backwards", Tanaka explained with a solemn nod. He sighed before continuing, "I tried to calm the girl but she was beyond reasoning. The situation got even worse when that Fishman joined in".

"You didn't have to worry about him Tanaka as I had your back", Dice grinned as he gave a thumbs up to his friend to which Tanaka reciprocated with a scorn.

"I told you to back off as a fight can just be avoided. You were going to escalate the situation further", Tanaka grumbled.

"Ara~Ara~ Tanaka-San you can't blame Dice as you yourself almost gave into your emotions and had an outburst", Baccarat chuckled as she continued to tease the large headed man, "If I didn't show up I bet you would have started a scuffle".

Tick marks appeared on Tanaka's head, "Oi tomato haired aunty! I told you I had it under control. Your appearance didn't even solve anything as Robin had to come to fix the problem ".

Baccarat clutched her clipboard tightly as she gritted her teeth, 'Aunty!?!', "Listen here you balloon head! You-".

"Enough you two.", Tesoro brought them back to the present before they could start a fight. "I appreciate all of you for trying your best. You all should be proud of yourself for giving your all as this was your first big job. Now, stop fighting as it makes us seem unprofessional".

Tesoro's words hit the duo hard as they put their hatred aside and focused on the task at hand.

"We are here", Dice exclaimed as they now stood before a large multi storied complex with neon lights decorations on the exterior.

Entering inside the group saw all the slaves being taken care of by the staff. They were bandaged and treated with first aid. They were exhausted but still ate the food themselves without asking for any assistance from the staff. The maids were ready to help feed the men who had injuries but the men refused out of embarrassment as they deemed it as taking too much advantage of the hosts. Most of them were too shy to interact with the beautiful maids that carried kind and caring smiles totally opposite to the cruel smiles of the celestial dragons.

Boa and her sisters were seated on a table as they enjoyed themselves a full meal of deliciousness after many years of captivity. They devoured the meal with no delay as they continued to ask for seconds.

"Sonia eat slowly or you will choke", Hancock chided her younger sister as she bit into her own piece of steak.

The green haired sister, Sandersonia , nodded as she chewed her food slowly before washing it down with a glass of juice, "I understand you elder sister but I'm starving".

"Yes, elder sister I think we should forget about manners for the moment", the orange haired sister, Marigold, took the side of Sandersonia as she too continued to eat impatiently.

"You guys…. ", Hancock let out an exasperated sigh before her stomach grumbled. Blushing slightly she decided to focus on her own food again.

Tiger was standing near a pillar as he leaned on it for support. He continued to keep an eye on his fellow slaves observant of any mistreatment that could befall them. His friend Sevta was busy conversing with the maids trying to make them laugh using his dry dark humor.

Tigers attention was withdrawn from his friend getting rejected by the maids when the door to the lobby flew open and Tesoro with his group stride in powerful and loud steps.

Tanaka walked to Tesoro's right and Baccarat to his left, while Dice walked behind the trio his huge figure clearly still visible.

"I hope everyone is comfortable and enjoying themselves", Tesoro exclaimed with his arms spread open. All attention was drawn towards the man who was currently hosting everyone.

The Boa sisters stopped their dining as they stared at the man who was supposedly their host and savior.

Tiger stopped leaning on the wall as he faced Tesoro, his eyes looking him up and down scrutinizing him for his flamboyant nature.

Tesoro reciprocated with a smug grin, "Ah, you must be Fisher Tiger. The Fishman who freed all the slaves today".

Tigers eyes narrowed as he analyzed Tesoro's words for any hidden malice. On finding nothing but a hint of playfulness and mischief he sighed, "I had a hunch you were a person who knew too much".

"Now you don't have to say it like it's a bad thing", Tesoro chuckled as he moved forward heading towards Tiger.

"But I'm still suspicious about how you knew about all of this. Was your attack planned out or did it just happen to coincide with what I did today?", Tiger tried to find answers that had been plaguing his mind since the moment he docked here.

Chuckling Tesoro took a seat near where Tiger stood, "Your suspicions are justified. I may have known about your attack before hand or it might all just be a coincidence. You are free to believe whatever you want".

Tiger frowned at the way how Tesoro refused to give a direct answer for his question, "Fine then, I just have another question to ask you. What do you plan on doing with us?".

At this question all ears became sharp. The slaves were curious as to what was going to happen to them. Tiger hoped that no harm would come towards them as he was too exhausted to fight at the moment, especially with a person who can will metal to do his bidding. The city he was in was covered in gold as well, the odds were strongly set against him of he were to start a fight.

Tesoro noticed all the attention that was placed on him as he got up, "I'm sorry but you all will have to wait for the rest of the guest to arrive. I want to inform all of you together.", he smiled genuinely as he took off his shades, "But you may relax and know that I don't intend to harm or enslave any of you".

Loud sighs were heard in the room as the slaves didn't realize that they were holding their breaths. Their stiff muscles relaxed when they heard Tesoro's words. They did not know what were Tesoro's actual intentions but anything was acceptable to them than slavery.

Tiger gave a small nod walked towards a table nearby grabbing a glass of water and taking a sip. His gut told him that Tesoro wasn't lying and had no bad intention. But he knew better than to trust a human, especially one that walks around with pride comparable to the celestial dragons. Alas, right now he was too exhausted to put up a fight if Tesoro tried any trick. Deciding to trust his gut he shook his head slowly reasoning that he would wait and see what Tesoro was going to do .

Letting out a slow sigh Sandersonia smiled and turned towards Hancock, "You hear that sis? We don't have to worry about being in danger anymore". Smiling innocently with no shame she even looked towards Marigold who had resumed her eating. Marigold nodded slowly at her green hair sister before catching a scary glare from Hancock . Marigold trembled slightly before looking down and focusing on her meal.

Sonia noticing that their elder sister didn't share the same opinion became silent as she tried to tone her excitement down. After escaping from hell she was ready to grasp onto any hope of escape and salvation that she yearned to trust Tesoro's claims without any second thought.

The black haired girl frowned at how naïve her sisters were. She could never trust a man again, not after what happened, looking around she spotted Tiger looking more laid back than before. She concluded that Tiger was putting up a façade for Tesoro as she would have done the same in his place. If what she understood from eavesdropping on the conversation of the maids and butlers were true then this city was heaven for Tesoro. Gold and metal everywhere, Tesoro was practically a god here.

'He must be thinking about an escape plan at the moment', Hancock stared at the fishman in deep contemplation. Hancock prepared herself for anything Tiger was planning, she would make sure that she and her sisters escape and return back to Amazon Lily no matter what.

Tesoro, oblivious to such thoughts, continued to mingle with the slaves and the staff. As the king of this little 'city' it was his duty to make sure everyone was comfortable.

Just then Baccarat coughed to grab Tesoro's attention, "Ahem! Boss Tesoro, I have just been informed that Kuma's ship has docked and the guests are being moved to the stadium."

Tesoro nodded back with a smile, "Thanks for the information Baccarat. Go and make sure every person is taken care of and is given medical care necessary. Tanaka and Dice follow her to provide any assistance required".

"Okay Boss", the trio smiled before giving a small bow and heading out. It wasn't a moment after that Baccarat and Tanaka's voices could be clearly heard as they argued with each other.

Tesoro sighed deeply and hung his head , "Seriously those two are too much". Shaking his head he stood up and addressed the crowd.

"Everyone listen up, our additional guests and your friends have arrived. They are being given needed medical care at the moment and will be supplied with proper nourishments. After they have regained some of their strength you all will be called into the stadium where you will be briefed on what's to happen going forward", the crowd looked at Tesoro with great attention. Some had questions regarding who these guests were but Tesoro sensing such questions gave them clarification immediately,

"Why it's the women and children you guys rescued tonight" saying these last words Tesoro turn around and walked out of the lobby not before consulting one of the head maids and giving them instructions on what to do when they were to go to the stadium.

The men were now joyful as they smiled at each other. Their efforts weren't in vain and all the lives of the men lost in the fight on Marijoa weren't for naught.

Tiger looked towards the ceiling in a somber expression . He was feeling conflicted at the moment as on one hand he was relieved at finding out that all the people who were sent down the lifts were retrieved but on the other hand they were all brought to this place. If his gut feeling proved to be false then he had no doubt that he wouldn't be able to save everyone as his focus would be too thinly divided.

Tiger was brought out of his contemplation when a hand patted his shoulder. "Relax red-gills, you shouldn't carry the weight of all of us on your shoulders.", Sevta flashed Tiger a wide grin.

Shaking his head slightly Tiger , "Sorry, I just can't help but be paranoid. My gut tells me that there is no danger but I have a visceral headache whenever I try to trust a human, no offense".

"None taken", Sevta smirked as he sat beside Tiger and took a drink from the table , "I know exactly how you feel brother but you can't let the actions of a few shape your outlook on many.".

Tiger looked towards the now smiling Sevta as he said some wise sounding words. It was uncharacteristic of him so much so that it made him chuckle, "Hehe, you just reminded me of the blond queen of ours".

Sevta smirked as he pretended to be bashful, "You are saying that I'm like a royalty?", he teased Tiger as he nudged him with his elbow.

"No I'm not", Tiger grunted playfully "If a person like you were to rule over a kingdom then it will surely be headed for ruination out of your outlandish laws".

"Oi! That's too harsh. If I ever become a king then I'll have you executed for talking to me this way", Sevta grinned as he thought of a dream that could never grasp a hold of reality.

The duo continued to tease each other as the mood of the room lightened.


[Block D, stadium]

The stadium was packed with women and children being tended to by the staff. They were allowed to rest on the soft bouncy benches while those with serious injuries were made to lie down on couch like beds as their injuries were treated. The scene was similar to the lobby in block C but was also quite the polar opposite, the women and children seemed to be more vigorous and full of life. It's seemed as if all their exhaustion and pain were snatched away as they continued to follow the staff's instructions with blissful compliance.

Tesoro entered the scene and was instantly met with gratitude and praises by the women. Tesoro gave a genuine smile as he reciprocated their feelings with assurance of safety , it seems his revolutionary friends had portrait him in a bright light.

"Oi! Tesoro!", a feminine voice called out to him from the crowd. Looking around Tesoro took notice of his pink haired revolutionary friend.

Making her way through the crowd Ginny came before Tesoro and pouted while keeping a hand on her hip, "Geeze! I didn't know that when you called Kuma for a favor it would be like this. I mean seriously, you attacked Marijoa without informing us beforehand.".

"Thanks for your help Ginny. I promise if you or Kuma ever require my assistance in the future then you just have to ask ", Tesoro flashed Ginny a kind smile.

"You fool, of course we will help our friends. You don't owe us anything for this. Besides, " Ginny smiled as she looked around at the joyful women and children, "Seeing them so happy is a reward on it's own".

Tesoro nodded in agreement as he looked around at the children running around and playing with each other and the women relaxing as they enjoyed warm beverages and shared conversations of their ambitions after gaining freedom.

"It's nice to see you again Tesoro-san", a kind voice exclaimed from behind Tesoro. Turning around he was met with the huge figure of Kuma who was being ridden by several children as his massive frame permitted him to carry multiple kids at a time. Kuma didn't seem to mind as he carried them without any annoyance only his kind smile was etched onto his face.

"It's nice to see you again big guy. I hope you had no problem on your way here. The router I provided you must have given the best way to reach here without meeting any trouble", Tesoro was happy to meet his friends again. He hadn't met any of the revolutionaries since his training ended and he left. He did keep in contact with them and secretly supplied them with materials every now and then. But Kuma and Ginny were busy with some other work and their time never synced for them to meet leisurely.

"Not at all, we avoided any enemy that could have seen us. That router you gave us is really handy, maybe you should consider giving Dragon some of it. He will really appreciate it.", Kuma smiled as he caught a kid that almost slipped from his shoulders.

"Speaking of which", Ginny grinned as she turned to Tesoro, "You should have seen Dragon's face when he learned that you attacked Marijoa. He was so livid that the tension could even be felt through the video dendenmushi.".

Kuma chuckled as he reached into his pocket and took out his dendenmushi, "He has been ringing us since we docked here. You don't seem to be receiving his calls so he's trying to reach you through us".

Tesoro looked at the frowning dendenmushi as his eyes twitched. Shaking his head he smiled, "I think I'll talk to him after a while", he nervously chuckled.

"Better hurry as he gets angrier every minute you make him wait. Says that it was the only trait he inherited from his father", Ginny chuckled as Kuma placed the dendenmushi back into his pocket.

"Giant uncle can you please go back to that place", a little girl murmured into Kuma's ear as she fidgeted shyly.

"Yes, let's go there", Kuma flashed her a kind smile before turning towards Tesoro "We can talk more later on Tesoro-san", he walked towards the stage as the kids riding him were still amazed at how Kuma could carry all of them with ease.

Tesoro smiled as he saw the retreating back of Kuma, "So where is it?", Tesoro asked Ginny without looking at her.

"Huh? What are you talking about?", Ginny held her chin as she tried to think about what Tesoro was referring to.

"You know what I mean. We both know how Kuma's devil fruit works. All the women and children are without any fatigue or pain, it made the work of my staff easier but I know what Kuma intends to do after this meeting is over. So where is it? Where is all the pain stored?", Turning towards Ginny Tesoro looked at her seriously.

Ginny sighed, "It's stored in Kuma's room on the first floor of our ship.", she answered with no restriction as she already knew how stubborn Tesoro was.

"Good to know", Tesoro mumbled as he started walking away from Ginny.

"Where are you going?", Ginny asked with worry as she could guess what Tesoro was about to do. He always had this weird grin on his face when he was about to do something reckless.

"Your future husband is a kind man Ginny. I'm going to help share his burden", Tesoro smirked before leaving the stadium.

Ginny smiled back at Tesoro, "I know he is, that's why I love him", it was after a few seconds that Tesoro's words registered in Ginny's mind that she began to panic.


After a while all the slaves congregated in the stadium. They were all comfortable seated around a huge stage with huge screens on top to make sure everyone had visuals. Behind the stage curtain Baccarat looked around nervously before butting head with Tanaka accidentally.

"Watch it!", Tanaka grumbled as he rubbed his huge forehead.

"I'm sorr- oh, it's you", Baccarat stopped mid apology when she saw who was before her. Frowning deeply she shrugged him off and started walking away.

"What do you mean it's me?", Tanaka frowned angrily "What's gotten you so worried anyway?".

Baccarat halted suddenly and turned around sharp, Tanaka could see that she was worried so he assumed it was a serious matter and toned done his resentment for the tanned lady.

"Boss Tesoro is missing"

"What?", Tanaka's mouth was agape. "What do you mean he's missing?"

"No one has seen him for an hour. I've asked all the staff and the guests. The last time anyone saw him was when he took off with the ship of the revolutionaries", Baccarat massaged her temples as this situation was giving her a huge headache.

'Taking the ship of the revolutionaries?', Tanaka held his chin as he started to contemplate about his Boss's intentions.

"Did the revolutionaries give you any clue on what he could be doing?"

"Yes, the pink haired revolutionary commander said that Tesoro was talking about sharing the burden of the other commander", just as Baccarat finished explaining what could have happened a worried Kuma and Ginny walked up to the assistants of Tesoro.

"Have you guys found where Tesoro took the ship?", Kuma panted after halting his run in front of the duo.

Baccarat and Tanaka both shook their head and frowned.

Ginny placed a hand on Kuma before turning towards the duo and bowing her head, "I'm sorry it's all my fault. I shouldn't have told him about Kuma's secret but I had no idea he was going to do something so reckless".

"Ginny…. ", Kuma sadly looked upon the pink haired girl and shook his head, "No, it's all my fault. I should have took all the pain and suffering from that balloon right after I was done collecting it".

Baccarat and Tanaka looked at the revolutionaries with pity, they knew they meant no harm and wanted to console them and tell them so. But a person beat them to it as they felt a gust of wind blowing past them.

Several pages of white paper flew past them before materializing to form a feminine figure. A blond haired woman dressed in white nightgown smiled at Kuma and Ginny.

"It's none of your fault Kuma and Ginny", she kindly smiled at them as the surrounding pages of paper completely fused with her body.

"Stella-san…", Kuma was speechless after seeing Stella. The last time he saw her was a year ago and back then she didn't have this much mastery over her devil fruit power. Ginny also raised her head to look at Stella apologetically.

"Mrs Gild I'm sorry you had to be disturbed this late at night. We were too busy with the guests to notice your husband leaving ", Baccarat bowed deeply to show that she was disappointed at how they handled the situation.

"No, it's okay Baccarat you don't have to apologize.", Stella sighed as she motioned for Baccarat to stop bowing.

"Besides I didn't wake up because of this commotion. Damien had somehow sensed his father coming back so he woke me up by causing a ruckus. It was really troublesome to get him back to sleep", she sighed before chuckling "I think he gets it from his father".

Ginny smiled softly and looked at Stella. She could see how much she had matured since when she first had Damien. Now she looked more like an experienced and responsible mother.

"Yes, but you all shouldn't be worried for Tesoro. I know him very well and he would wish for you to not feel sorry for his actions. He does whatever he wants, he will help you out whether you want his help or not", Stella smiled as an old scene played in her mind.

A year after she had met Tesoro she had caught an unknown disease that burned her body hotter than fire. The only cure was a rare purple flower that was found in the dangerous cliffs of a hill nearby. Since it was difficult to find the flower most people would treat the symptoms and wait for the disease to be slowly taken care of by the body.

It was a long and strenuous process that took two months, Tesoro couldn't see her suffering for such a long time and went out to look for the flower. Even Stella couldn't dissuade him as Tesoro listened to none. All he would reply with was, "I can't continue to see you suffer while I can do something about it".

It was after three days of arduous trekking that Tesoro had managed to find the rare flower. Stella was worried for Tesoro when he came back with a bleeding head after taking a small fall during returning. Her worried questions and reprimands were met with Tesoro only smiling quietly as he handed the flower to the physicians. It was only after that Tesoro collapsed out of exhaustion.

Stella shook her head slowly while smiling, "Yes, he's always been like this. So you shouldn't expect him to act any different now".

She took on a serious look as she looked at the now less worried Baccarat and Tanaka, "Just make sure the guests are comfortable. Inform them that they will have to wait for a bit longer as the owner went on a stroll. Tell them he will be back as soon as possible.", looking hopefully over the horizon she smiled "I know he will".


In the raging sea of the grandline a broken heap of metal laid all over. The raging waves pushed against the pile of metal as more and more started to sink. Standing in the middle of the heap of metal was a bloodied battered Tesoro.

Huffing and puffing he wiped the blood trickling down his lip, "Maybe it was a bad idea to take all of their sufferings all at once", he muttered as he thought about his reckless behavior.

[Several minutes ago]

Tesoro had got onto the ship steering it away from Gold Horizon. He didn't know how he would react to Kuma's powers so he didn't want to take any chances to damage the docks. He entered Kuma's room and saw several paw shaped red bubbles varying in sizes. Some were the same size as him while others far larger. Walking over to a bubble equal to his size he pushed his hand forward.

Just then a severe pain scorched it's way into his mind as he relieved several tormented and painful emotions. Physically he was barely affected except for slight scratches and bruises.

Grabbing his head slightly Tesoro looked around at the surrounding bubbles, "I should probably do it all at once and get on with it".

Going through with his plan he carefully maneuvered the bubbles into the deck and lined it up.

Stretching his arms and legs he prepared himself for what was coming. Cracking his neck he seriously glared at the bubbles, "Let's see what you celestial dragons have in store for me". Tesoro ran ahead and pushed through all the bubbles at once.


Sighing deeply Tesoro looked around at the broken mess of metal that once was a ship.

"I'll just give them a better ship", in his painful experience he had unknowingly unleashed his powers. His metallic push and pulls contorted the ship way beyond it's limits as it finally gave in and exploded.

Tesoro looked down at his newly worn suit which was in tatters, "Great, I've destroyed two suits in one night". Tapping his foot on the metal pile he formed a hoverboard again.

"I hope I haven't taken too long", Tesoro started to fly towards Gold Horizon in hopes that he would make it back in time.


The stadium was filled with murmurs and silent conversations. Everyone was informed that the announcement would be a little late due to a slight mishap. They were given refreshments and daily newspaper to pass the time.

The three boa sisters were seated together in the middle seat of the stadium. Sandersonia was sitting in the middle as she read the paper while having engrossing discussions with Marigold, who listened diligently to her elder sister while mowing through the food given to them.

The eldest sister who was seated at the edge of the trio was silent through and through. She was still contemplating about their next course of action and what to do if any treachery was sensed. They did not know where they were, so blindly sailing away without any log pose would be dangerous. They could head to sabaody archipelago as she had overheard Lady Gloriosa talking about an 'ally' over there. After that they would head back to Amazon Lily in the Calm Belt.

Sendersonia noticed the deep turmoil Hancock was in. She was deeply worried for her sister as she hadn't seen her smile even once since they docked at this place. She knew that Hancock was deeply distrustful of the people here but she thought that her elder sister was being too paranoid. She turned over and was about to try to convince Hancock to relax and trust their saviors but her elder sister stood up before she could speak.

Boa looked at the feminine figure that was heading down the stairs beside their seat. The long black hair was now tied up in a pony tail as the girl wore a light blue shirt with black pants. Boa's gaze became more scrutinizing as she remembered who this girl was.

Robin sensed someone's gaze upon her and turned around to face Hancock. She was wearing red glasses that perfectly rested upon her long bridged nose.

Robin's eyes flashed with recognition as she flashed Hancock a kind smile, "Oh it's you again. I hope you all are comfortable and been given refreshments. You must have heard about the mishap so I must apologize for the late announc-"

"What game is your father playing?", Hancock asked with unhidden animosity.

"Game?", Robin slightly raised her eyebrows as she senses the hostility from Hancock. She didn't want any fight but was not going to back down if this girl insulted her family .

Sandersonia sensed the tension and tried to break it before anything happened. "I really want to thank all of you for the hospitality you have shown us.", she smiled at Robin apologetically "Sis has been a bit cranky as of late so don't mind her".

Hancock raised her hand to motion Sandersonia to take a seat. Sandersonia had to dejectedly sit down.

"I know what I'm saying and I know you do too.", Hancock glared at Robin "Your father, does he really intend to send us back home?"

Snorting she continues, "I can see a lot of staffs in this place but considering the size of the city I would say that you guys need more."

Robin frowned as she crosses her arms before her chest, "I hope you aren't implying that we want to enslave you".

"That's exactly what I'm implying. If you want to prove me wrong then give us a log pose for Sabaody Archipelago and a ship", Hancock pridefully smirked as she tried to get a ticket for herself and her sisters out of this mess "Otherwise it's obvious that you and your father are just like those celestial dragons".

'Since this girl is the daughter of that man she must have some say in what goes on in this city. If I pick my words correctly I might be able to use her love for her family against her and get us a ship to get out of here', Hancock cunningly tried to trick Robin.

Robin clenched her fists tightly as Hancock said those demeaning words. She knew what Hancock was trying to do and she grew even more upset that it seemed to work a little.

Robin sighed deeply and shook her head, she wouldn't give in to Hancock's tricks and wouldn't resort to violence as it will only prove her correct in her twisted mind.

"I know exactly what you are trying to do but I'm sorry to inform you that I won't fall for it.", Boa clicked her tongue as Robin continued "As for your twisted image of me and my family I can't change them. I understand the suffering you have been through but it doesn't give you the right to make undignified accusations against people who are just trying to help you"

'Suffering!? What does this girl know about the hell we've been through! You get to live in this huge place surrounded by wealth and powerful people. When have you known suffering! This privileged brat is standing in front of me and judging me!', Hancock's teeth grinded against each other as her temperature flared up.

"WHY YOU-", before Hancock could throw a temper tantrum the large screen of the stage came to live. Fireworks were lit such that it captured the attention of a the occupants.

"Sorry for being late", Tesoro's smiling face appeared on the giant screen visible to everyone. Boa and Robin instinctively turned towards the screen as their attention was captured. Tesoro on the screen seemed a bit tired and had dark circles under his eyes. He also had switched from his previous suit to a pink one.

"Now if you excuse me I have somewhere else to be", Robin still kept her calm and cold demeanor as she started walking down the stairs without waiting for Hancock's response.

"Hmp! Privileged brat!", Hancock crossed her arms and sat back down on her seat. That girl really got on her nerves but for now she decided to just focus on the large screen in front of her.


Tesoro's throat was a bit parched as he took a sip from a bottle of water at the podium. A worried Kuma and Ginny were behind the stage curtain but he decided to deal with them later on.

"I had to take a slight stroll so I apologise", Tesoro grinned as he scanned the people stiffly sitting in their seats. He could see that all of them were giving their full attention to him.

Smiling he continued, "So before I start I want to introduce myself. My name is Gild Tesoro and I'm the proud owner of this entertainment city. Today, I arrived in Marijoa to put on a show and take back what was rightfully taken from me three years ago. It's the same thing you people have obtained today, freedom"

Seeing that now some of the guests were gasping with shock he continued, "Three years ago I was branded as a criminal and sentenced to death when I attacked and killed a celestial dragon to save my love, my life, my wife.".

Some gasps and murmurs were heard by Tesoro's sharp observation haki.

"He killed a celestial dragon!",

"He did it for his wife",

"Those evil celestial dragon must have tried to claim her as their bride!".

Tesoro motioned for them to calm down as he continued, "They sent an admiral and a government agent to execute me and I was supposedly killed three years ago".

"But today I have shown them that I'm still alive. I'm still alive and I will hide no longer. I will fight! I will continue to fight for the atrocities they have committed against me and you. I will show them we had have enough! We had have enough and we can fight back!", Tesoro exclaimed powerfully as the crowd erupted in cheers and claps which started from the men's section of the seats.

Tesoro scanned the crowd with a smile. He wanted to reinvigorate the slaves' will to fight and hope that someone was there to fight alongside them. He was going to give them an offer to join the revolutionary army, it was surprise gift that he had in store for Dragon.

While scanning the crowd his eyes landed on Tiger who was seated at the back of the stadium listening intently.

Tesoro raised his hand to stop all the cheer, "You should not cheer nor clap for me as there is someone in this stadium more deserving of it". As soon as those words left Tesoro's mouth all the cameras turned towards Tiger and his face was shown on the large screen.

All the slaves recognized their savior and cheered more loudly than ever. The people sitting close to tiger turned towards him and thanked him profusely. Tiger shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he was not used to all the attention he was getting. It didn't make situation better as Sevta was sitting next to him and laughed his lungs off at his uncomfortable situation.

"Fisher Tiger saved all of you tonight and he is the sole hero. He deserves all your gratitude and praises", Tesoro introduced Tiger as the cheers continued. He noticed how Tiger was clearly very uncomfortable but he would be lying if he said he didn't find it fun.

Tiger frowned deeply as he looked at the grinning face of Tesoro. Internally he promised that he would get even in the future.

"Now, I would like to address the burning question about what happens next.", Tesoro managed to silence the room as they awaited his answer, "Some of you might have family to return to or an old life you might want re-enter. I'm here to tell you that you will be fully supported by us and safely sent back to your home islands with compensation of a few bags of gold. I know that it won't take back all the pain and suffering you went through but it'll make starting a new chapter of your life much easier".

Some slaves began to sob at the thought of seeing their family again. They laughed and cried at the same time over this joyous news. Some other slaves were quiet as they contemplated the situation they were in.

"While there are some danger of you being caught again if the government found out that you are an escaped slave we are here to deal with that.", Tesoro smirked as he said the next plan that had been in works since he built this floating city "We offer you and your family to take citizenship in this humble city of ours. We will offer you money to start any business that you seem fit and when you can be on your own two feet we can talk about taxes.".

Several murmurs were heard when Tesoro announced this message. The plan did seem promising but most of then couldn't help but be skeptical.

"I know, I know you might find it hard to thrust yourself under the governance of some stranger but please let me finish. Me and my assistants have conjured up several contracts that can be changed per person's requests so each of you can take this decision after further contemplation", Tesoro reassured the crowd and tried to calm any fear or paranoia.

"As for the rest of you who have no plans to return back to your previous life and are eager to let out your rage on the government that took everything away from you, I have a different proposition", Tesoro stopped for dramatic effect before continuing,

"I have a friend and an ally that could use the help of people like you. People who want to fight against the government, who want to fight so that other people won't suffer at the hands of royalty and fight for all the lives extinguished by the government. So we will duly appreciate your support in this endeavors for our freedom", Tesoro looked at all the determined faces of men and women amongst the crowd. He was happy that he managed to convince them and hoped that Dragon would appreciate his efforts.

"That's all for this announcement. Your decision will be noted after a while by my assistants personally. So please think it over carefully and have no regrets or hesitation. Thank you for giving me your time and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide", Tesoro bowed deeply as the crowd slowly clapped for him. The staff surrounding the stage threw roses at Tesoro after being urged by Baccarat.

Tesoro noticed the roses and looked around in confusion. Finally his eyes landed on Baccarat who was behind the curtains and was giving him a thumbs up.

Hancock was now silently sitting on her seat as her sisters cheered in joy over being able to go home. She didn't believe what just happened, that man gave no ultimatum to anyone and was very generous with his offers.

Tiger got up from his seat and decided to take a stroll outside to clear his head. He was joined by Sevta who didn't want to make his friend feel alone. Tiger was quite shocked at all the things Tesoro just offered. He knew kind and caring humans existed in this world but didn't expect Tesoro to be one of them.

Tiger sighed deeply, 'My job here is done. I guess I should return back to palace and inform the king and queen of what occurred today'.

Behind the stage, Ginny was happily jumping up and down at the idea of having more people join their cause. Kuma beside her tried to calm her down as she might hurt herself out of excitement.

Smiling kindly Kuma thought about what Tesoro talked about. He remembered how exhausted and bloody he looked when he returned back.

[Before the speech]

All the staffs were readily working away and checking up on all the equipment. Kuma and Ginny sat together on a couch nearby feeling less guilty after being reconciled by Stella.

It was then Tesoro arrived behind the stage. He looked exhausted with his suit in tatters covered in bloody patches. Baccarat followed Tesoro as she continuously asked him about his health and state of mind. She compelled him to take a moment to rest and maybe push the announcement to the day after but her boss was determined to go through with the announcement that night itself.

"Tesoro!", Ginny and Kuma both exclaimed as they rushed towards him.

Ginny gasped as she saw the state Tesoro was in, "Tesoro I think you should listen to her and take a break for today". Baccarat and Ginny both pleaded with Tesoro who only shook his head.

"I'm already too late", he willed for a wardrobe to fly towards him as he took a pink suit from inside.

"Tesoro-san did you went through all the bubbles at once!? I was going to use all of them while taking break in between. You could have killed yourself! ", Kuma was very worried about the reckless behavior of his friend.

"I was already low on time Kuma. Besides, I knew if I left any balloon unpopped then you would take it yourself", Tesoro quickly took off his old suit and put on the new one.

"Tesoro-san why did you do this without informing me", Kuma asked in a worried tone.

"Because I knew if I told you, you would not let me help you", Tesoro wiped his face with a clean towel to makes sure he was presentable.

Slicking his hair back with a nearby gel Tesoro smiled at Kuma, "Don't worry Kuma, I'm your friend so you should rely on me for these situations". Tesoro didn't wait for Kuma to respond as he headed to the front stage.


Kuma warmly smiled at the back of Tesoro who was heading towards Stella, 'You are a really kind friend, Tesoro'.

Tesoro groggily walked towards Stella and hugged her. Stella gently patted Tesoro's back and hugged him back.

"I just want to drop onto our warm bed", Tesoro groaned as he took a long sniff of his wife fragrance.

"There, there, I know you are tired but you should let me help you wash up first. Your body reeks of sweat", Stella chuckled as she leaned on her husband's chest.

"Yes, yes, I will take a bath first" Tesoro smirked at the small quips of his wife, "Where's Damien?".

Stella looked up at her husband and pouted, "That boy has been very naughty. He woke up when he sensed you arriving and woke me up as well. When I tried to put him back to sleep he wouldn't listen. I had to leave to manage some commotion near the stadium. So I left him in the room and told him to sleep. When he almost threw a temper tantrum I told him that if he opens the door to his room then he wouldn't get dessert for a week".

Stella now smiled, "That finally got him to listen and he went back to bed. He gets his good and obedient nature from his mother".

Tesoro chuckled as he gave a quick peck to her forehead, "I think those are just my genes".

Stella playfully crossed her arms, "I very much disagree. He takes more after his mother", the couple playfully argued with one another.

Just then a high pitched voice called out to them, "Dad!".

Tesoro and Stella looked back to see their little boy being carried by Robin's shoulders as they headed towards the couple. Damien smiled when he saw his father but fearfully looked away when he saw his mother frowning at him.

"That was a great speech Tesoro-san", Robin complimented her father as they reach in front of the couple. Damien continued to look away and refused to meet his mother's angry gaze.

"Thanks, Robin. I heard you have been training diligently.", Tesoro smiled back before looking at Damien with a grin, "I hope you survive your mother's wrath young man".

Damien looked betrayed as he gazed upon his father.

"Damien, I told you that if you open the door then there will be no dessert for you for a week", Stella frowned and crossed her arms.

"Well….", Damien looked down and up while joining his fingers and playing with them, "I didn't open the door. Big sis Robin opened it for me".

Robin looked a bit amused at how her little brother threw her under the bus immediately.

Stella sighed and shook her head, "Robin, I've told you multiple times that you shouldn't give into Damien's whims. You are spoiling him too much".

Robin chuckled and placed Damien on the ground, "I'm sorry, Stella-san but it's hard to refuse when he looks upon you with the cutest puppy dog eyes". Robin recalled how Damien had called upon her through a video dendenmushi and used this trick upon her.

"Puppy dog eyes?....", Stella was confused as to what Robin was talking about when she was given first hand experience as to what happened.

"Mommy…", Damien called out his mother and looked at her with wide sparkly eyes, his lips quivered a bit as he played around with his fingers, "You aren't mad at me are you, mommy?".

Stella covered her mouth in shock as her heart was struck by the arrow of cuteness. 'Robin wasn't lying. He really is good at this'.

Clutching her beating heart with her hand she tried not to stare directly into Damien's eyes, "N-No….I'm not mad…"


"Y-yes….I'm not mad at all", Stella mumbled as she stole glances at the pouting cute Damien.

"So you won't be mad if I have some dessert before going back to bed?", Damien put on a cute front and used his advantage to the fullest.

A sparkling light shone from Damien's eyes and lit up Stella's heart. She instantly bent down and nuzzled Damien, "Of course you can my dear".

"Yay! Mommy is the best!", Damien raised his arms and gave his mom a celebratory hug along with a peck on the cheek.

Tesoro grinned smugly at the little mastermind, 'I'm pretty sure it's mostly my genes'.

Stella carried Damien in her arms as they headed towards the dining room as Stella forgot about what she just said and only cared about indulging Damien for the moment.

As Damien was being carried off by his mother he gave one last look towards his father and pouted. He still couldn't forget how his father had left him to fend for himself when he stayed up late at night just to meet him. Pouting he looked away with a loud, "Hmp!".

"Eh? What did I do?", Tesoro looked confusingly at the decreasing figure of the mother son duo.

"Even Stella-san isn't immune to the charms of Damien", Robin chuckled softly.

"Yeah, that kid might be going places if he continues to behave like this", Tesoro slicked his hair back and smiled, "Come on Robin, let's join them and have some hot cocoa before turning in for the night".

Robin nodded with a smile as they both followed Stella towards the dining room.


[Several hours ago]

A large screen showed Tesoro dancing and playing around with the CP0 agent as Marijoa continued to burn in the background.

"I'm sorry captain but the video terminal has been jacked! We can't seem to find out how or why", a man dressed in a normal pirate attire called out to the dark room in front of him.


Footsteps that sounded like metal being hit on the floorboard was heard coming closer and closer to the screen. A figure hidden in darkness was now staring at the screen.

A dim light from a lighter illuminated his long blond hair as he lit up his cigar. Getting closer to the screen he stared at Tesoro with a large grin.

"It seems the world does have some people that interest me even though you aren't here anymore, Roger", a lightning flash from a window nearby illuminated his face for a second.

A long chin with wild blond beard and black strips of goatee adorned his lower face. His long wild blond hair covered his back like a pelt as top of his hair receded with age. The most peculiar detail that was clearly noticeable about him was a steering wheel lodged into his head.

"Jihahahaha! It's about time I have some fun", the man exclaimed with a wild gleam in his eyes as he starred at Tesoro on the screen as Tesoro announced his name.


A/N :Sorry for the late update. I downloaded Fate/Extra and ended up playing it for a week.

Konrad_iguess Konrad_iguess

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