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10.52% Life in the Pokemon World / Chapter 3: Chapter 03

Chương 3: Chapter 03

Edward was currently six years old, which made me awkward as I didn't remember anything as a seven-year-old except going to school and studying. Maybe great beings want me to enjoy the life I didn't have back then? Well, I accept!

The weeks I had in this world with this family gave me the warmth I didn't feel in the past. All I remember from childhood was doing what my mother wanted and expected.

Even though my new parents are always busy, they treat each other equally, and we're helping each other; unlike in the past, the only one who did all the hard work was Father. Then every time he gets home mother doesn't want him to rest if he's early and gives him chores to keep him busy until it's time to sleep. Forget about the pas. Even though my family before was toxic, it was still my family. 

Back to the present, they're planning on returning to Kalos

They want to take Ed but the elders reject the idea as they don't want Sol to have another accident. They had enough that the couple will always face trouble and the one that will be suffering was their grandson. One of the examples is that they left the family of three alone at the house but an accident occurred, Argus' Charmeleon while inside the house and guarding Sol suddenly evolved into a Charizard. 

Why do you need a fire type to guard a baby!? That's what I heard from my grandparents at that time when they were scolding Argus and Sonia. 

Due to sudden evolution Charizard a burst of flame explode after it evolved burning some furniture, luckily Lim's Greninja and Sonia's Abomasnow protected Ed from the fire on time.

That incident became unforgettable to Ed as it was his first time seeing a Charizard in real life. He was excited at first but he felt that he was going to be burned and got scared. Luckily it didn't give him any trauma. He also saw Greninja for the first time and felt its smooth body but it was slimy. He remembered the frogs he always caught during his childhood. Their skin had the same texture as Greninja but he also felt gross when he remembered the slimy tongue on the Pokemon that covered its neck. But he's good at it now as he's always playing with Greninja. Well, the Pokemon was my guardian. I felt that this cool Pokemon in the anime is also cool in real life.

As for the system, in the year he was signing in, all he got was moo-moo milk and even his monthly rewards are a box of moo-moo milk. This made him question if his system was broken but he was happy that he can finally take out items from the system but only the moo-moo milk. Also, the milk was delicious and nutritious.

As for the other items the system banned him for taking them out as he was still a kid. He needs to sign in for two years to lift certain limitations.

After some talk they finally agreed on a consensus to let the two couple return to Kalos but the elders will take care of Ed for a moment and that they'll be catching up next week as in the next month was Christmas and they'll be bringing other relatives, such as the brother of Grandpa, celebrating back in Kalos.

In the airport Ed was talking with his parents. 

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Sonia asked

" Hmm.. Its okay as I can't leave Azu and Dew here also Ralts is with me" As he smiled as he showed off his premier pokeball containing Ralts. 

When he woke up, Ralts was beside him since his awakening. The pokemon is also the connection he have in this body and the world. Because after seeing Ralts he couldn't control his body and hugged Ralts and thanked him. 

Yep, it's a he, which Ed doesn't want to think of a male Gardevoir if he failed to have a dawn stone for it. But when he asked his parents and also in the books that unlike in the game for Kirlia to evolve a male needs dawn stone to evolve into Gallade while shiny stone to evolve into Gardevoir. Woah talks about equality and trap prevention. Maybe God heard the voices of some people in the Pokemon community. 

When he could walk again and touring around the house helped by Ralts he saw Azurill and Budew staring and following him and Ralts, who is guarding him in case he falls, which isn't needed as Greninja was also on the watch. 

He always felt that Ralts is the big brother.

The two pokemon, Azurill and Budew, were afraid and won't come close to us but when I gave them food they immediately started getting close to me. Also he didn't know why but he needed the pokemon's guidance as he always got lost and he gain a certain realization that the house is big as a castle. 

Eds Pov

I also noticed that Budew had purple leaves under its face. I remembered that shiny budew was also colored purple. Which I confirmed with the elders and also unlike in the games shiny pokemons where outcasted or abandoned by their own fellow species and trainers. 

The two pokemons were abandoned by their trainers by putting them in the daycare that was runned by the elders and never came back. The elders knew that because the pokeballs that contain the two pokemon lost their connection to the trainers. 

For additional information unlike in the anime or games the pokeballs you use here need a connection with the trainer's souls by activating it by a tiny bit of blood. How do pokeballs extract blood? Of course when the trainer opened a sealed pokeball with the white circle in the middle. 

'I heard that Ralts are close to their trainers and that they could sense their trainer which I thought Ralts won't come near me as I'm not his trainer as with how they're so connected with their trainer's soul but maybe because of the fusion of our soul' 

— 3—

Okay back to present Ed bade his goodbye to his parents. 

"Bye mom, bye dad" Ed bade he didn't feel awkward as half of his body and soul was from Edward.

"Bye son, bye mom, bye dad take care!" Sonia bade

"Bye and take care !" the elders replied

As the elderly couple with Sol watch the plane where Sol's parents ride fly. They can't help but sigh with that the

"Are you sad Ed?" Asked grandma Talya

"No!"Sol shook his head

"Why?" Grandpa asked

"Because I know I would meet with them again" 

The three, 2 elders and 1 child, went back home riding a car. Ed was saddened because he thought that they would ride a pokemon when he heard that they'll be going to the airport but they rode a car on their way. After all, it was pokemon world.

But he was mesmerised because he saw that the car was the size of a toy car before and turned into a big car like in the Ant Man. When he asked if this was common they said that only high members of the association got the privilege to gain access as the material used for the car was scarce. 

When they arrived at the elders' house Sol was shocked to see two pokemons waiting for them. One was a Garchomp while the other is a Flygon. What shocked him is a Garchomp in Hoenn region where the region is not yet connected to each other. Which he heard from day to day conversation and the news. But he remembered that his parents live in Kalos.

He felt passion within him, a passion to travel, he want meet all pokemon he saw in games and anime maybe undiscovered pokemons.

But he put that thing aside as he saw how cool both pokemons are. Flygon was grandma Talya's pokemon while Garchomp was Grandpa Yun's. Like the elderly couple both pokemon are also a couple. 

The years as a couple they longed to have a family but was disheartened when they still couldn't conceive a child but when Flygon finally became pregnant which delighted everyone and also those relatives and friends from the association as both pokemon are powerhouse pokemon. But they raised the child which was a Gible. The little one followed their oldest child who wanted to become a researcher. 

The two pokemon greeted them before returning to the area where they rested. 

Sol was also greeted by Azurill and Budew; they played for a while before they fell asleep.

The next day, like his daily routine every morning in his past life, he could see the system and do some sign in. But in the wheel he could only see food, berries, and beverages. But he saw a berry that was hidden in a question mark and he hoped he could get it. He spinned the wheel after a moment the wheel stopped and in the pointer it was a dozen of moomoo milk. He clicked his tongue as he saw that he was so close to getting that mystery berry with just one box. 

Ed saw Ralts waking up and its habit it prepared to wake Ed but shocked to see Sol wide awake. Couldn't be helped okay as these past few days all he did was sleep, eat, and sleep. And as a college student he was trained to be a light sleeper. It was just that when he transmigrated his body was weak and ill and needed a few days to recover. 

Guided by Ralts we went out of the room and went to the dining room. I found grandpa sitting on the table reading the news with a newspaper. Well I felt a nostalgia as newspapers were common on earth in the past but were slowly removed due to the advancement of technology. 

Ed wanted to ask Grandpa Yun about what he was reading when grandma showed up carrying breakfast. They ate their breakfast as Grandpa Yun shared what he read in the newspaper. 

"There will be a pokemon contest in the Verdanturf town." 

"Ohh so there will be a Pokemon contest in our town?"

"Yeah and Juan is one of the contestants" grandpa inform

"Oh I thought that brat will focus on his gym now but he still playing with contest" Grandma said 

"Hahaha it can't be helped after all it was his dream" Grandpa said

"Grandpa! Grandma! I want to watch a Pokemon contest!" Ed on the other hand was excited to see a real contest and excitingly exclaimed 

"Oh you want to watch little Sol?" Grandma Talya asked Ed using his nickname which is better than his shortened name he remembered in his past which is Ed. Also the author is also using it as the author couldn't think of any other name. 

"Yes!!" Sol 

"Hahaha okay then we will watch the contest in few days okay" Grandpa

"Okay!" Sol replied 

Sol/Ed followed the elders on taking care of their pokemons and the pokemons in the daycare. With the elders' help Sol learned many things about the pokemon which he couldn't learn in games and anime. Like Zigzagoon, I thought that their fur would be like a spike but I was wrong as it only looked like a spike with their zigzag stripe patterns. Magnectric's fur was erected due electric charges on its body. 

While studying different pokemon Ed also gave them moomoo milk. Because of his bribe he became friends with the pokemons easily, especially young ones.

He also get to know the elders' pokemons. Grandpa's pokemon where mostly water or ground type such as Swampert, Blastoise, Quagsire, Azumarill, Kingdra, Swanna, Talonflame, Seismitoad, East Gastrodon, Excadrill, Whiscash, Kingler, and lastly Garchomp. Which mostly could be found in the artificial pond. 

While on the other hand Grandma's pokemon is mostly compromise with grass type pokemons; Sceptile, Venusaur, Breloom, Serperior, Leafeon, Meganuim, Roserade, Tropius, Ferothorn, Altaria, Gardevoir, Shiftry, and lastly Flygon. Most of them could be found in the little forest, yep the house of the elders has a little forest. 

Ed sighed as he was really in the pokemon world now when before he was only dreaming about it. He was just afraid if the exaggerated pokedex entries were true. Like Gardevoir creating a black hole if they wanted, right?


Sol/Ed's POV

After helping(playing) in the daycare and learning about pokemons. I found out that the daycare didn't have any bug type pokemons which is one of the most common types of pokemons. 

Maybe I just didn't get to see bug type pokemons because I didn't even know if I already explored the whole estate. Let's fully explore this place by tomorrow. As I was lifting my already excited spirit to the max I heard a sound.





The sudden sound got Sol's attention and found a Beautifly. 

"Woah!! Azu, Ralts, Dew a beautifly! Let's follow it!" Sol exclaimed and ran following Beautifly forgetting about his inner conflict. 

Budew immediately followed Sol, Azurill hesitated but still decided to follow, and Ralts cried to stop the other three children. Calling out for the three brats, one child and 2 pokemon still didn't turn back and their figure was getting further, so it immediately use it's psychic power to float and catch up to them. 

As Sol and the three followed the Beautifly, they found themselves in a garden full of flowers. The Beautifly approached them and the three pokemon became tense.

Mi~ (Now this is a problem) Budew said

Azu~ (I know) Azurill nod

Mi~ (Need to protect Sol) Ralts

Ralts put itself in front of Sol immediately to protect Sol.

"Its okay everyone, Beautifly is a friend"


Beautifly dance around them ( not courtship dance) as it lead the group to a flower field but stop when they heard a sound, a human voices coming towards the flower field.

"Wow what a beautiful place!" a lady exclaimed. Sol remembers that she's the one of the trainers that took her pokemon from the daycare and someone close to grandma Talya, Sol also remembers that her pokemon she left are Sealeo and a rare pokemon Lapras.

Then a beautifly flew near the lady and the lady stretched her arm and the Beautifly landed on her hand. 

"Hello Beautifly" the lady played with the Beautifly as a man a with flowers in his hand showed up

"Caroline" Norman said to gets Caroline's attention 

"Norman hehehe you brought me flowers in a flower garden full of flowers?" Caroline giggles as she joked.

Norman blushed after hearing that 

When Sol heard the name of the two of them, he froze and shivers like struck by a thunderbolt as he remembers all the memories of his pokemon bonge watching in his past life.

'Wait! Isn't Norman and Caroline parents of May and Max?' 

Then when he realised the identity of the two the system notification popped up in front of him. Luckily it didn't give him a scare.

[Mission: Courtship] 

[Mission Description: The place is full of spring even though it is the autumn season. 

Mission Requirements: Help the two couple in love without destroying the romance

Mission Reward: Upgrade and User Stats]

Seeing the mission Sol was shocked by the new gimmick of the system as it became a mission system. Fired up from the mission as he like doing missions Sol turn his attention to the Beautifly beside him and asked even though he knew that their is a possibility that the pokemon won't understand.

"Can you help me call your friends and dance in front of the two couples?" 

Beauti~ Fly~

Beautifly nodded which shocked Sol. 


"Beautifly" it nodded again and it flew to his friends. After talking with its fellow Beautifly they went to Caroline and Norman. On the other hand Norman who was preparing to propose to Caroline was shocked as many Beautiflies surrounded them. He was prepared for a battle but stopped when the pokemons danced around them. 

Ed who was watching this was shocked as his single order was followed by a wild pokemon. He couldn't help but imagine if he could befriend and order other pokemon. But he put that idea aside as he saw the setting sun and the two couple surrounded by Beautiflies make a perfect picture. 

'Damn if only I had a camera!' He cursed as he scratched his head and saw a huge man who was holding a camera who was near him. 

'Huh I didn't know that someone was beside me.' He tensed up but he didn't see Ralts being wary so he put his guard down as he could see that Ralts is familiar with the person.

He smiled and came near me crawling slowly. Seconds later he was already beside me. 

"Hello kid, who are you?" 

"I'm Sarhed, but my family called me Ed or Sol, I live near here" 

"I'm Dan Birch, a pokemon professor, nice to meet you." 

"Nice to meet you too, and this is my pokemon"

He wanted to introduce his pokemon but he saw the three pokemon beside him were still in trance as they watched the Beautiflys dance. He smiled as he also marvelled at the dance of the Beautifly.

"Will you marry me?" 

Norman kneeled as he presented a ring to Caroline. But when seeing the sunset again he remembered that he needed to return home.

"Oh no it's late guys let's go back! or else grandma will get angry and reprimand us" Sol told the three pokemon. He was about to stand up but was stopped by Birch. 

"Don't stand up yet or else you will startle the two lovebirds. Both of our contributions will be lost to the drain so let's just wait." 

Hearing this Ed remembered that the mission is not yet done. Also, hearing this, he knew that Birch was helping Norman to propose to Caroline.

"Contribution?" Sol asked

"Of course, you contributed even though you're a stranger because you asked your Beautifly friend to help them," Birch explained 

"You saw that?" 

"Of course, I saw I'd been hiding before you arrived. You're special, as you could ask a wild Pokemon for help." 

"No, it's just that Beautifly is intelligent." 

"Maybe you're right, and its aptitude could be Gold or higher." 


"You will learn it when you go to school or start your travels." 

"Oh, sure then" He frowned as he wanted to know more information as he felt from the word, and as a person reading fantasy stories, the term could mean something. 

"Oooh, they kissed!" Birch exclaimed all of a sudden. 

"Eh!?" Ed turns his head

"A success then. Did you take a picture of it?" Ed asked

"Of course, one of the skills professors in this generation should have is fast reflexes and camera skills" Birch thump is chest 

"Why do I think of bad things?" Ed muttered as he remembered the other animes and perverts in real life.

"Why do I feel offended?" Birch glare at Ed

"Well, because you said something that others could misunderstand," Ed said

"What is it?" Birch inquired

"Nah, I won't tell you" Ed smirked

"You brat!" Birch raised his voice which gained the attention of the couple. 

"What's happening there? I think I heard Birch's voice?" Caroline query

"Let's have a look, " Norman nodded.

They slowly walk towards the place Ed and Birch are hiding. They saw a boy talking with Birch.

"Wait that kid, isn't he the grandchild of Maam Talya?" Caroline quipped

"Oh he was? well he helped me with my proposal then!" Norman laughed as he watched Sol giving Birch a tease.

On the other hand Birch was still interrogating Sol about what he meant to what he said was the skills needed for a professor. But the duo stopped when Ralts and Azurill were tapping them. They finally felt the presence of the couple. 

"Cough! Congratulations to the both of you!" Birch congratulate the couple

"Hello there! Congratulations!" Sol bowed as he also congratulated the couple. 

"Raa" Ralts copied Sol and bow.

Caroline saw the cute action of Ralts and she went closer and hugged the pokemon. Ralts was shocked but with his ability to sense people feeling it only felt affection so he let it be and he was used to being cuddled like this by his trainer's friends. Caroline on the other hand after cuddling the pokemon for a few seconds she finally regained her senses. 

"Ah! I'm sorry it's just that Ralts looks like a little child and its action was so cute." She laughed while scratching her face under her ears.

"Hahaha, Hello there I'm Norman and this is Caroline. Thanks to you she's finally my fiance." Norman introduced themselves

"Hello, My name is Edward" Edward bowed again and he also introduced his friends.

"Well if you excuse us we need to go back home!" Edward dashed forward followed by Budew. On the other hand Ralts and Azurill sighed as they watched their two friends.

"You won't follow him?" Birch asked the two pokemon but moments later they saw Ed showing from behind them and was shocked.

"Eh?" Ed was confused as he remembers that the way he walked through was the same path they entered the flower field.

"You're lost?" Norman asked as Caroline was giggling beside him. 

"No! Impossible I followed the way that got us here." Ed rebuked

"Raa" Ralts shook his head

"Hey, what are you talking about? Why is your voice saying that I don't have a sense of direction!" Ed blushed as he remembered when he reincarnated here that his elders told him that he doesn't have a sense of direction. 

'Edward was the one who didn't have a sense of direction, not me!' Ed roared inwardly

"How about we take you home?" Caroline suggest

"O-okay." Ed sighed as he wanted to decline but Ralts pulled his trousers staring at him. With the memories of Edward and his time with Ralts he understands that Ralts want to accept the help. This interaction didn't escape Birch's attention as he was interested in how close Ed was to his pokemon. 

With Ed's approval they went back to the Daycare. While on their way Birch was talking with Ed and was shocked by some of Ed's knowledge about pokemon. 

Looking at this scene Caroline and Norman talk about Ed.

"He looks healthy, not the same as the rumour I heard from the family that the kid was sickly." Caroline narrates about the rumours she heard about the grandchild of the ex-elite of Hoenn. 

Their family knows about it because their family is close to Grandma Talya. Also Norman was once a student of Grandma Talya but he didn't dwell on rumours which is why he didn't know about Ed's situation. 

As they're on their way back to the daycare Sol saw

his grandma's Altaria and Tropius coming their way and Shiftry popping up behind. 

"I think even if he got lost someone is already guarding him" Birch murmured as they followed the lead of the Pokemon. 

Unknown to everyone a small figure slowly creeping following the group.

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