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Chapter 12- A heavy decision

Ren Uchiha POV

He flew around the towering trees inside the Forbidden Forest. The gnarly, twisted arms of those giant trees providing sufficient obstacles for him to practice his flying skill.


Your skill 'Flying' has levelled up by 1!

Ignoring the notification, he persisted in soaring through the thick forest at a speed surpassing sound. He deftly maneuvered past colossal trunks and tree bark with the narrowest of margins, relying on his Three-Tomoe Sharingan to ensure he avoided any collisions.

But even his Sharingan had limits. And while his Flying skill had reached a high level, it was still very hard for him to manoeuvre through the dense forest at such a high speed

Inevitably, he could make one of the turns fast enough and a branch clipped his shoulder, sending him spiralling uncontrollably through the forest until he collided with the bark of one of those towering trees.

-1 HP.

He descended on the ground and lay there for a moment, simply staring up at the giant trees around him, feeling the twisted chakra surrounding this place with his Chakra Sense.

He closed his eyes and sighed. Not even in the mood to fly anymore.

The Graduation exam was a week away. And he still had no idea whether he should become a shinobi or not.

He couldn't help but recognise the irony in the person most suitable for becoming a shinobi not desiring the life of one.

If it was any other person in his place, then he would probably simply be thankful for the abilities he had gained, and choose the life of a shinobi without a second thought. Slaughtering all their enemies.

So why was he hesitating so much.

It wasn't like he was in modern-day Earth where life was considered sacred. He was well aware of the fact that life in Elemental Nations was cheap.

Infant mortality rate in this world was still high among the civilians that didn't live in shinobi villages and hence didn't have the luxury of having the services of a medic-in.

Same went for mothers who were forced to bear children when they're still in their early stages of puberty. Many of them didn't survive childbirth.

And that's just the start. People died to diseases all the time. Even Tsunade, the best medic-nin in all of Elemental Nations have only been able to figure out how to fight a few of those diseases. And even her research was only confined within the borders of Konoha.

That's not even mentioning all the shinobi who preyed over the civilians. In fact, news about rogue shinobi destroying entire villages was so common that no on batted an eye upon hearing them.

These destroyed villages then gave rise to more bandits, which only served to make this world a worse place for everyone else.

All in all, this world was a harsh, cruel place. And those who weren't shinobi, rich merchants or powerful nobles didn't really have much choice in how they lived or died.

So why did he care about life, when no one else did?

After laying on the ground for a long moment, he finally got up and dusted himself.

Then he walked up to a giant tree and coated his finger in Wind Nature Chakra before using that finger to carve a deep line on it.

Then, he started to write the pros and cons of becoming a Shinobi on the tree bark.

Become a shinobi: Kill People. Bear the guilt of doing so.

Don't become a shinobi: Don't kill people. Guilt free life.

Become a shinobi: Can be in Itachi's team and protect her.

Don't become a shinobi: Can't protect Itachi. She might die on a mission due to butterfly effect.

Become a shinobi: Earn respect and admiration of the villagers.

Don't become a shinobi: Get scorned for being a coward. Probably.

Become a shinobi: Might get sent out to a war.

Don't become a shinobi: Might get sent out to a war regardless.

Become a shinobi: Continue to get access to Konoha's wealth of Jutsu and other such stuff.

Don't become a shinobi: Might not get access to Konoha's Jutsu. Kushina might also stop teaching him Fuinjutsu. Unlikely but possible.

Become a shinobi: Have to go out on missions frequently. Live a hectic life.

Don't become a shinobi. Live in Konoha. Life a peaceful life.

Become a shinobi: Get less time for training and his hobby.

Don't become a shinobi: Get more free time to do whatever he wants.

Become a shinobi: Can kill people which'll give Exp when the 'Level and Loot Systems' are unlocked.

Don't become a shinobi: Can't get those Exp points.

Become a shinobi: ???

Don't become a shinobi: ???

He took a step back and looked at the pros and cons. Then he sighed once again.

He still couldn't make a decision.

If someone from his previous world had inquired whether he desired to be a child soldier in his next life, he pondered how he might have responded—likely with a firm 'Hell no.' So, why was it that everyone now anticipated him to embrace this role, and he found himself hesitant to outright reject this fate?

He manipulated his chakra within himself and sent it through his feet and into the ground.

A moment later, a stone boulder appeared in front of him. About the same size as him.

He coated his fingers in Wind chakra and stared to carve away at the boulder, his high level in 'Sculpting' skill letting him do this with utter ease.

Ten minutes later, he'd carved out a replica of himself sitting on a chair, staring contemplatively at the Hitai-ate held in his palms. His expression looking slightly hesitant.

The sculpture gave him no answers. But it served to calm him down at least.

A week. Then he'll have to give his graduation exam.

He needed to figure out what he wanted to do with his life before that.


Itachi Uchiha POV

She stared at the Obstacle course in front of her.

Her father had briefed her about the Shinobi Academy's unique graduation test designed for her and Ren. Failure to pass this test meant they wouldn't be allowed to graduate from the academy.

It seemed unjust that she and Ren were subjected to a more challenging test than their classmates. However, given that this order had come from the Hokage himself, she had little choice but to accept it.

"Ready?" The Examiner asked, his thumb on the switch of the stopwatch.

She stared at Ren who seemed somewhat distracted. Just as he's been these past few days.

Despite his distraction, he caught her staring and responded with a fleeting smile and a nod.

"Good luck." She heard in her ears, and she turned to give a nod to the examiner, mentally bracing herself for the demanding test she knew lay ahead.

The trials unfolded one after another—an Obstacle course, a Trap Maze, a concealed Genjutsu examination, a Shuriken & Kunai assessment, a physical endurance test, a ninjutsu evaluation, and at last, they reached their last exam.

Taijutsu exam. One that pitted them against a Chunin Instructor.

"That guy is just pretending to be a Chunin Instructor. He's actually a Jounin." Ren sent the message to her via his single-person Genjutsu and she gave a subtle nod in return.

"Which one of you will go first?" The examiner asked.

"I'll go first this time." Ren said as he stepped toward the ring.

She was surprised by this as Ren had allowed her to take the lead in all other exams thus far.

A part of her wondered why he took the lead this time. But a greater part of her anticipated the fight that was about to unfold in front of her.

She had always known that Ren was strong. Very strong for his age. And any thought of defeating him in a one-on-one duel had long since left her mind as the gap between them continued to increase.

Yet, the true extent of his power remained a mystery.

Anxiety now gripped her as she pondered whether Ren could hold his own against a Jounin.

"Are you ready?" The Examiner asked Ren who motioned for him to give him a minute.

Then… Ren started to stretch his limbs. After doing so, he stood up straight, an intense look in his eyes before she heard a faint whisper in her ears.

"Eight Inner Gates Technique: Gate of Opening. Open!"

Ren unleashed a surge of intense Chakra, leaving her in astonishment. She gazed at him, puzzled about the technique that permitted such a substantial Chakra release.

To her immense surprise, this was merely the beginning.

"Gate of Healing. Open!"

"Gate of Life. Open!"

"Gate of Pain. Open!"

"Gate of Limit. Open!"

As Ren used… whatever technique it was that he was using, the chakra surrounding his body continued to intensify.

Ren's skin had turned red by this point. His pupils almost invisible. And his hair stood up on its end rom the sheer force of the Chakra coming out of him.

Finally, Ren turned at the Examiner and gave him a nod.

The Examiner stared at Ren in shock before he licked his lips and pressed the stopwatch button.


The spar was over in an instant.


Kushina Uzumaki POV

"I heard that congratulations are in order!" She shouted as soon as her little protege entered her home.

"What?" Ren asked as he stared up at her in confusion.

"Don't play coy with me brat. It's not everyday that a student shatters all the past past graduation records." She said. "Well… except for the age record since Kakashi still holds that one for graduating at the age of 5. But you did break all the other records. So that's worth celebrating at least, don't you think?"

The brat let out a tired sigh. "Can we not?"

"Nope!" She declared before she took him under her arms and ran toward the Ichiraku Ramen shop.

5 minutes later.

Both of them dug into their ramen, slurping the noddles with relish before finishing the broth.

"Another one for me Teuchi-san!" She declared and as the kind Stall-owner went back to prepare another Ramen for her, she stared at her protege and the long look on her face.

"So…" She nudged him on the shoulder. "Wanna talk about it or what?"

"Talk about what?"

"About why you look like a kicked puppy when you should be happy about your graduation."

"What's there to be happy about?" The little tyke asked as Teuchi brought them another bowl of ramen and they both went back to eating in silence.

"Another bowl!" She ordered before she turned back to her disciple and gave him a scrutinising look. "You really don't want to become a shinobi, do you?"

He had mentioned it to her once, but at the time, she hadn't taken it seriously. She dismissed it as mere nervousness, assuming it would dissipate over time.

"Is it really that surprising that I don't want to be in a profession where I'll have to kill other people." Ren asked, wearing a pensive expression.

She didn't like it. That expression didn't look good on his young face at all. He should be happy right now, teasing her or Kakashi about something. Not contemplating life's decisions.

She once again wondered if letting him graduate at the age of 6 was the right course of decision or not.

"Bold of you to assume that you'll only kill people and not face the risk of getting killed in return." She pointed out.

Ren gave a sardonic chuckle at that before shaking his head. "I know my own abilities. And I know that an average shinobi is not match for me. Even an average Jounin. That Jounin that I defeated in the sparring arena with the 8 Gates Technique, I could've just as easily defeated him with a Genjutsu. The only ones who'll give me trouble are Kage level opponents. And I'm fairly confident that if I ever ran into them, then I'll be able to escape with my life intact. Of course, there's a chance that I might die. But that chance is very low. And once I learn Hiraishin, even that small chance will wither away to almost nothing."

She slurped her noodle and stared at the boy.

"Why are you even worried about taking lives? The only ones you'd end up killing are enemy shinobi, bandits or pirates, dattabane!" She winced as her verbal tick surfaced once again but managed to keep a straight face for the conversation's sake.

"And do those people not have parents, siblings, wives and children of their own? Is Minato-san not an enemy shinobi in the eyes of all other major village? Won't you be devastated if he died at the hands of his enemies?"

"I would be. But that's the life of a shinobi. We risk our life whenever we go out on a mission. And we have to take the burden of killing our enemies lest they harm our team or our village." She said.

Ren stared at her for along moment before he sighed. "Being a shinobi sucks." Ren said as he finished his third bowl alongside her and slumped down on the table. "Why do we even have to kill each other? It's not like Shinobi can't use their abilities to make money in other ways. Is it really so hard for us to live in peace?"

"If only things were so easy." She lamented, remembering the slaughter of her own clan at the hand of the the major villages.

"If only what were so easy?" A voice came from behind her and turned to see Minato approaching them, his Hokage hat was nowhere to be seen but he was still wearing his dashing Hokage Cloak. One that she'd helped him select.

"Minato." She smiled as he pulled her into a hug while Ren merely gave her husband a nod before he went back to staring into the distance.

"I saw Ren's graduation test and decided to come here to congratulate him." Minato said as he took a seat on Ren's other side, squishing the little tyke in between them.

"You used the crystal ball to watch our exam?" Ren asked, looking curious for a change.

Her husband looked surprised at that. "How did you even know about the crystal… you know what. Nevermind. Of course you know. But I won't let you change the topic this time. Here's your reward for graduation." Minato said as he handed her disciple a scroll.

"What's this?" Ren asked.

"My signature Jutsu. Rasengan. It took me 3 years to create this Jutsu. I hope that it'll be just as useful for you as it was for me." Minato said, surprising her.

After all, to this very day, only two people knew Rasengan. Her husband and his perverted sensei, Jiraiya.

She'd heard that Kakashi had also given it a try but wasn't sure if he'd managed to learn it or not.

But for Minato to give his signature Jutsu to Ren… She supposed that it just went to show just how much he valued Ren.

"I don't need it." Ren said as he returned the scroll to Minato.

Her husband's smile fell in an instant and a confused look took its place. "Why? Is the jutsu not to your liking?"

"No. But I already know this Jutsu." Ren said before he raised his right hand. A moment later, 5 mini Rasengan appeared on top of each of his fingers. "Replicating it is pretty easy if you have enough chakra and a good enough chakra control."

She quickly took out her camera and took a picture of Minato's slack jawed face.

Heh… Ren's propensity to leave people speechless never failed to amuse her. And it'd gotten to the point that she now carried a camera with her that she used to capture images of people who were left speechless by Ren.

Still, it was a surprise to her as well that Ren already knew Rasengan as she was sure that Minato never performed it in front of him.

Then again, Ren must have seen it in one of his visions, or heard its description from someone and decided that he wanted to recreate Jutsu for himself.

"Well…" Her husband said, clearing her throat. "This is a bit embarrassing."

"I also know the second form of Rasengan in which you add Wind and Earth Release chakra to amplify and boost the Jutsu's power a dozenfold." Ren said as he brought both of his hand forward and two small modified spiral circles started to form in his hands.

The darker variant of Rasengan created a strong gravity force to the point that she and the chair she was sitting on was starting to get pulled toward it. While the other, blue one, created a sharp noise and made her feel great danger from it.

She silently took out her camera and clicked another picture of Minato, too shocked to say anything herself this time.

Then Ren took on a look of concentration and both the balls unfurled in his palm until nothing was left of them.

Her husband stared at Ren's palm in silence for a long moment before he closed his jaw and nodded. "I'll appreciate it if you can teach me those Jutsu. And of course, you'll be rewarded for creating another S-class Jutsu."

Ren nodded. "The Earth Release: Rasengan can be used to create large mountains and clear the path for a road. And the Wind Release: Rasengan can be used to clear away large chunk of trees or boulders." Then Ren sighed. "Though, I suppose that most shinobi would use these techniques to kill people."

"You're not wrong in that." Her husband said, quickly recovering from the earlier shock. "But there's more to it than that, Ren-kun."

Ren gave a questioning look to her husband who continued.

"I can see that you're hesitant to become a shinobi. And I can understand why. We shinobi do kill people. Doesn't matter if those people are good or bad. As long as they're our enemies, we kill them." Here her husband paused and looked at her. "But, we do not do so because we enjoy the killing. We do it so that our loved ones would remain safe. So that Konoha would remain safe."

She smiled at Minato, but Ren still didn't look convinced so Minato continued.

"This world is filled with people who would see Konoha destroyed if we're not there to protect it. Yes, it's nice to dream of a world where everyone can live in peace. But we don't live in such a world. Maybe, we will, one day. But that day will only come about if we bring it here. Just like how the First Hokage decided to bring an end to the Warring States Period by uniting all the shinobi clans in the Land of Fire and creating Konoha. Maybe one day, you can end the Shinobi War era by bringing an everlasting people. You certainly have the potential to accomplish such a thing."

Ren's eyes narrowed at those words and he looked more contemplative now.

Both her and Minato remained silent for the next few moments, letting Ren digest those words before Minato continued. "Or… you can stay a civilian and continue to help the village with your Observe skill, by creating new Jutsu, by becoming a Fuinjutsu Grandmaster or with just your visions. I would not be against it if you made that decision. In fact, I would support you wholeheartedly if that is indeed your wish."

Ren stared into the distance for another long moment before he got up from his seat and nodded at both of them. "I thank you for your words Minato-san. I need to think on them. And do you mind cancelling our class today Kushina-sensei."

"Of course not brat. Take as much time as you want." She said as she ruffled the brat's hair. "This is an important decision after all, dattabane."

"Of course, dattabane!" Ren replied teasingly before he used shunshin to vanish into a puff of cloud.

She remained silent for a moment before she looked at Minato. "What choice do you think he'll make?"

"I don't know," Minato remarked with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulder. "But I'm okay with any choice he makes. After all, I have faith that Ren is destined for greatness in the future. Whether he opts for the path of a shinobi or not, I don't think it'll make much of a difference in the end."


AN: So Ren finally decided to become a shinobi in the end but he's still uncertain about whether this is the right decision or not.

I personally think that most people from modern earth would hesitate at least a little bit when choosing the life of a shinobi, unlike what is shown in many fanfics.

At least that's my take on these things.

Plus, 8 advanced chapters in Patreon for those interested.

My Patreon: https://www.p@treon.com/ankit1

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