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87.5% Lost Maiden / Chapter 7: Epilogue : A Certain Heroics

Chương 7: Epilogue : A Certain Heroics


Having recovered back as they meet up with their father who had covered his body and wounds again. Dolores couldn't figure out if he's just that ridiculously tough or what but her father continued on with the injuries he had gotten as if it's not even there.

But Norton continued on back to the house with comfort to his father's arm after what had happened throughout the day. To which he explained what had happened, along with the two people who had rescued him.

They had put the matters concerning the giant undead on hold for the moment, as it seems to be passively sitting on standby at the graveyard. The man Menda Bauns theorized on the way that that supposedly Norton had the authority to command the creature as the summoner somehow.

Seeing the boy who was kidnapped before greet everyone back, they let that matter for later as they ponder over what the day had been. It seems everyone else want to comfort the young boy over the tragedy a kid like him shouldn't have experienced in the first place. At the back of her mind though, she ponders just what had gotten her mother to still be cooped up inside even now.

And comes next morning, they gathered again on the garden. As they began to discuss the conflict they had before. Mostly regarding the illegal immigrant who had claimed to have caused the whole thing to begin with. 

First and foremost is the fact that he doesn't appear to know anything about Cheol Ulkoh, so Dolores had pondered over whether the turn of events had just been a painful coincidence or not.

(It never rains It pours so they say...)

Is the thing she could have summed it by.

But it is true that the toxicionist who had kidnapped Norton had been on his track of him hiding within the territory. And it seems to he how they also figured out regarding the Lon Obstein house, so as they pondered whether or not the information regarding the house family might possibly be leaked.

"I killed them all."

Is what had reassured them, as to the old man who said such a violent sentence nonchalantly. They could only trust him on his feat, as the discussion continued from the conflict which cause the tension they had the day before.

The man in question is in no doubt what had second handedly caused it, and while the boy forgot it without a lot of difficulty, the old man Nakt thinks otherwise. For being such an important member of the Sanctum of Os, and acknowledging to having practiced such heresy is tantamount of tarnishing the rights of the dead.

So as the old man ponder over what other punishment he deserves before all else. A recommendation came from none other than surprisingly, Norton.

"Very well then, let's sentence him to death by stoning!"


As such a terrifying punishment came out of the boy's lips. The Old man and boy figured it out in an instant. 

"Wait! wait! wait!! What's with that anciently barbaric form of punishment!!?"

The convicted shouted back in a panic. But unconvinced why else they wouldn't, the man had to continue on with a plead.

"I still have things to atone to."

The man simply looked down, as he honestly scrutinizes himself. Contemplating within himself in visible anguish.

"I have a lot of things back I need to do within this life I have, concerning things..."

So as the judge and executioner. The old man pondered over his evaluation on Menda Bauns character, unlike the young boy who would give away to any strange sort without a proper assessment. To which point the old man answers.

"Alright, very well then, promise us this at least this much then. Once you've successfully reached that point, and or you plan to die-"

"Then we stone him!"

"Indeed little Norton!"

As the old man clapped back together with the boy. Menda could only swallow back his momentary relief over the judgement passed over him. But he kept what matters to him still as he responded with a shacky smile down.

"Much thanks for your consideration gramps..."

And having after all that settled.

(Just who is and What had this old man been teaching my brother!?) Are the thoughts that ran through Dolores mind.


"You weren't supposed to get into contact with the Supreme Spear, Cheol!"

Completely battered with barely holding his side just to stand upright, the eastern general shakily trudge through the forest.

"Oh quit it, he was stabbed, unarmed, and had was busy guarding his own house."

"And how does that fare?"

The unseen spectral voice speaks besides him. As if in a scolding of a superior officer.

"I had to pull you out and dragged your ragged self all the way out here. So just how was it? Worth it?"

"I expected nothing less..."

As he laid down his battered body by a tree, He only continue his statement with concern.

"Quite a couple of monsters lies within than house."


As with the passing day, it had seem like the family begets to quickly move on from the unfavorable event just days before. But amongst other things, the family does have a question.

"Mother!! you're finally out of you left your room!? Didn't you know what had happened without you!!?"

Dolores simply complained regarding her own mother shut in tendencies. Especially at such a critical time. So as the family gathering commences to discuss the lack of responsibility proven, they gather to judge mad mother in question.

To which she simply sighed with an exhausted tone. The looks at them with genuine concern which now Dolores always insight with a visible doubt.

"I shut myself in to construct a sanctuary upon this estate. Yet within the few scant days It took, this is what had had happened before I could finish it…"

(A sanctuary?)

The term sounds familiar, but it does sounds like a magical barrier. Possibly to protect the household. But if it is her effort to safeguard the family, Dolores couldn't help but forgive her. Though she still questions why couldn't she drop that first considering that they had gotten a more imminent threat before the barrier could be erected. 

As she checked the boy's thoughts on her decision. They had a dumbstricken face, like they had no idea what it is. Dolores could only sighed as she pressed further.

"Norton was in danger, surely you knew that right."

"I knew this family is going to be in danger the moment I heard from Enti what you had caused. I had made sure to start preparing on the sanctuary and made sure nobody would bother me at all cost for the sake of getting it up as soon as possible."

Dolores had a feeling that she might be excusing herself, but She continued to a concerning point.

"But it seems that they've arrived way sooner than I thought. now I don't expect you to figure out and find out who and how but-"

"It's the king."

"?" 2x

(The king why would he?)

Dolores saw him back at the party next to the butler she met, but being such an important person of the kingdom. She couldn't wrap her head around why he'd do something like sending such dangerous people their way.

"Bastion notified me."

"Oya, your old butler?"

"Yeah, even way back then the Lon Obstein has a transparent tension with the current king. This time is just one of the few instance it's reported."

(Isn't the Lon Obstein supposed to be their biggest asset to the kingdom?)

Something about the whole tie doesn't sit well with Dolores. How as the story goes, wasn't her father supposed to have died for the kingdom, and this is how they now began to treat him?

"Truly what are they thinking, after all you've done for the kingdom dearie?"

"He's a man of intrigue, if he ever does another thing out of line we'll just have to answer back accordingly."

It could continue to become a complicated matter, if their enemy is the king. But it seems that her father continues to be loyal to the kingdom's people. Their action is limited in various ways so as she ponder on what to do for the sake of the family continuing onwards.

"If this happens again, can't we just beat them again?"

"Gyahaha!, you're right."

The father could only laugh at his son's idea for the future. And so soon followed the rest of the household.

At her brother simple line of thoughts. Dolores could only chuckle at how basic his answer for the matter is. But he does have a point so accurate it's ironic, after all it's one thing that she has proud of with her life. 

That no matter what, Dolores and the family she had been born in will be just fine. 


It was an eerie dusk.

"So, is this it?"

As the family gathered back to the graveyard. They returned to the scene to figure out the last of their ends. Therein lies the gathering of the corpse tangled together in a horrific mess. 

It's visage nothing less but of a monster designed for war and brutality, to rise back from their rest to once more serve and raise its rusted weapons. As it sat down what seems to be of cross legged in a meditation, it quickly noticed the family.

It raised it's hulking mass towards them with an immediate and as it positioned right in front of the family tiny in comparison to it's own size.

It sat down akin to a kneel. 

"Quite a magic had sewn it together, as the receptible may be of the top in terms of performance to boot."

"It's not bad, it saved me…"

"Well I'll be damned. But even just because you technically risen it, it's sentience and loyalty is another matter entirely."

Still inspecting the subject, the giant hulking soldier obediently sit still. As if awaiting something, be it command, or direction.

"Dearie, wasn't this where your colleagues were?"

"Afraid as I am to point it out."

The only one in the group which stroke a chord with the graves finally spoke up. Approaching the combination of grave of his comrades that which is now desecrated to no ones own fault directly. The sage explained further insight:

"The dead is not my specialty, and I've not fully researched what goes on beyond the living. But if as the words had said. The tire of the underworld put such a strain to the soul, that when it's forcefully pulled back, to fuel a being such as this. It will be crushed and exhausted of its will and sensibility"

It only took a moment for him to see something within that mess of melded bodies.

"Norton is that you?"


The boy of the name looked over to his father, but looks ahead to where his father actually directed it towards.

Kneeling down with its helmeted skull down is the head skeleton that had been seen leading the giant body mass. Heeding its general's words, it raised its head- skull up to face him.

"To think I got to see you again…"

He paused for a moment before he outspokenly continues.

"Yo, Lieutenant, to think we get to see each other again. The bors family is doing just fine, your brother's daughter, my nephew too, little pia is adorable. This is little guy is my son, Norton." 

Haster spoke as if meeting an old friend, his words rapidly fire in succession. The father pat his son's head with its large hands in a rustle.

"I named him after you, and he is a handful I tell you. I just could never thank you enough, all the things you've done for me. To think you'd save my family again the other day, I really don't deserve you. It goes for everyone, all of you... are too good for me… you deserve so much better… But because of me… Yet here I am, continue to needing your help, when you shouldn't even be here anymore…"

His words slowly trailed off as he hunched down. It's a first for him, Norton had never seen his father this emotional before with his words, his eye seems to be glossed.

"We are doing fine here… everyone too… worry not..."


"General… I… everyone… Thinks the same… it's the least we could do… you've given us so much more… so… Go home… Always looking forward..."

The dead continued beyond its time solely with its own willpower and vitality as it tried its best to comfort the living with relief. It spoke in it's hoarse voice but nonetheless that of the same man it's meant to be.

"I'm going back… carrying everyone... worry not... we got booze here... its not bad... not at all…"

Listening to the dead man, still acting normally and making light of the atmosphere regardless of the situation. Haster laughed in earnest laugh as even the skull chuckle ever so slightly.

"Gayahahah, you're making me want to go and try it out, spare me some will you? but I bet you guys will probably reincarnate before I could!!"

"We'll wait… as long as it takes… though its probable..."

Taking their truly last few words to each other. The wife notified.

"Hopefully you're done with your school reunion dear. I've finished the purification rite."

So as the timer of their moment begun to end. The two friends slapped each other on the back as if it's the usual and they're going to meet again for class next morning, but nonetheless leaving nothing left behind unsaid.

The last of the group of which finally spoke up.

"Mister Lieutenant, Thank you!!"

The magical circle inscribed around began to light up a huge of purple as a clicking clock of its timer.

"When I grow up! I'll be as strong as mister!!"

The boy screamed his earnest wishes and thanks to the man who had come back to the grave. Not only to serve it's general, duty. But out of the sake of its own goodwill, save the boy present.

Turning to face the kid full of future unlike itself. Lieutenant Norton responded to the boy's wish with his own affirmation and evaluation of the boy.

"You'll be just fine kiddo… no matter what anyone else says… I believe it…"

The skeleton beginning to be enveloped by the purificating light spoke its last words.

"After all… they don't know you... what you are capable of…"

After which, with a brilliant light. The giant spectral energy that fueled the spell raising the entire graveyard quickly dissipated as whatever soul left over disappeared along with it. Leaving behind the remains and shamble of a graveyard.

Between the lines_

"What plans do you have in store of this time, your highness Jubar?"

Bastion spoke with clear irritated tone, yet with words that signifies how used to it he is with whatever he's dealing with.

Back in the capital, A butler standing sternly along with a man sitting on the expensive office chair surrounded by paperwork that seems to tower along the desks. They're at an ornate office of outmost importance is decorated meticulously only ruined by the work and papers conducted. The man called as his highness is the one currently ruling the kingdom of sequester.

"Now after all this time you hid the true status of the Lon Obstein from the world, only to recently reveal that Haster has a family and heir already out of the grave itself. And yet, and yet what is this going around concerning some stray foreign military force within the territory!?"

Bastion asked questioningly with respect but still presenting his own ire known, as if trying to tolerate a kid who has something to hide. So the large kid answered the concerning question.

"Bastion, I see your irritation. But I'm going to ignore it for now, for this is a test you see. I know for one thing that nobody in the high nobility would go out of their way to attack the status of the Lon Obstein family."

The man regarded as the most important person in the country bit his lip at the thought of the strongest within the country.

"Yet I still couldn't help but progress things to the pace I need it to be. So let the foreign military force from the west and Os to fuck around and find out what is going on at one our frontier territory."

"Then why would you perk their ire so, don't your highness know what their worth is to this country. Hasn't Haster's commendation and loyalty to the kingdom warrant any respect no less than of the highest form possible, even more so the mere fact we haven't let him retire yet after all this baffles me!"

Facing towards the butler at the top of his own resentment towards the king. 

"It is you who don't seem to understand here, Bastion."

He simply jabbed back at him as he quipped back a sharp statement. 

"It is exactly because of their power, that I need them to be within my side or at least some sort of control."

He continued on with his continuous opinion regarding his own thoughts on the matter.

"Hear me what you think Bastion. What do you think of Haster's daughter at the party? The mere fact she could beat Sief the Grey Gale at the mere age of a fucking preschooler. Certainly fitting, considering her being daughter of The Indestructible Lance. I don't know what they're hiding with Norton, but he's the one who is inheriting the blessing of Lon Obstein. especially with the fact that he managed to thwart my plan for that event, what a calculating individual, even though he's a brat."

It's a bullet point that truly amazed the king himself to no end. The plan the king plotted as he sends his son to investigate regarding the duke's daughter first, and then try to get them closer. That elder brother managed to notice the attempt and began open conflict whilst humiliating the prince with a punch made to look like a childish fight.

The marquis son stepping in makes sense considering that he's been the best friend to prince Aurum for so long, it's in his duty to protect his highness honor. 

But then after that he sent out his own little sister for the contest. And winning against the royal knight captain. Verifying the humiliation against the royal family and marquis. If it's his father who was bought to that fight, everyone would accept Haster Lon Obstein as the natural winning party and it'll just bring doubt regarding the duke's son who supposedly abused his father's power from a childish act.

But with Dolores not only did they hold the honor of Lon Obstein family sibling own power with a flex. After all if it's the little sister who could do that, then they could only imagine what the heir of the Blessing of Lon Obstein is capable of. but also shown the duke's daughter to be a complete brute. Cutting any possible attempts for the prince to get closer to the daughter, or anyone else for that matter now that she's prove her own worth.

After which point the King Jubar Regnalla face his head butler face to face.

"Haster has certainly satisfied everyone by doing them all favor in honor of loyalty to the kingdom. But it doesn't chance one simple fact. That the Lon Obstein family possesses the strongest might in the sequester kingdom. So, if the royal family can't wield that, then it means nothing. Now do you see why there's such a conspiracy currently required to go on right now?"

Listening throughout the whole thing silently, the butler then began to let his expression twist again in indignation.

"But to let a general from the west to intrude, Twin Spear Cheol would certainly cause more than a mere disturbance at this rate!"

"And that's exactly how much the Lon Obstein needs to be pushed, now at this point no sooner would he have to reveal himself to the public. Now for the least of it, soon rumors will sprout regarding the strongest spear of Sequester returning to the kingdom's hands. Then it'll be easier to get leverage on them that point onwards. Now this'll at least offset back how he returning for after what feels like forever. And now it turns out with kids too… monstrous kids…"

The king held that point begrudgingly, for it only comes to him at a sudden surprise that Haster turned out to already possess kids and heir only at his visit in the capital. As he gazed outside the window to the garden of the castle, where his son is playing with his best friend from the marquis. He had his son to thank informing him regarding the unfamiliar duke's daughter who he met within the castle beforehand. Somehow or another, the maid of the family might had prevented him from taking notice otherwise through his own servants.

"Damn the Illia's…"

And one of the few reasons why that has been kept secret for so long, he could only curse under his breath.


It's an odd question to be sure, but at that afternoon. It came about in all of a sudden.

Still putting up the interrogation. She would continue on as she could feel herself being scrutinized.

Remembering to a time before, 

She alienates herself and her son from her own daughter.

Further laying out her evidence for what's might possibly to come.

She looking through, past to something, to the crux of her true question.


An extraordinary question considering the time they had spent together. Of the daughter who the mother went out of her way to birth herself and dedicate so much time towards. She continues to care for her even after her many changes and development. It couldn't be anybody else, but the woman continued to inquire over the matter.

After continue inquisition.

She nodded in affirmation.

What's your name, little one?

Is what she had asked before. So as she answered the main question of the matter.

Yukana_Rion Yukana_Rion

And that's done, for now... my first time trying to post something like this on the web, what a mess of a journey on the way is.

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