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33.33% Placeholder name that will stay forever / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Placeholder name that will stay forever Placeholder name that will stay forever original

Placeholder name that will stay forever

Tác giả: FransizSef

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1

 What am I doing with my life?

 Dying before even starting my dream, failing the old man, failing the people. Failing myself.

 Dying by getting hit by a spear was not something I expected. Especially this early in my life. The one that threw the spear approached me and opened his month

"As expected, even after getting hit in hearth you are still clinging to life. We sure are hard to kill. But it doesn't matter after all this will all end now"

 I couldn't understand him. What did he mean by "We"

 As a last ditch effort I traced the blood red spear. The magecraft that I'm proud of, one of the only three magecraft I could properly use. I learned the name of the spear and my face turned into one of shock. Gae Bolg was the name of the spear. Famous spear used by Cu Cuculainn. 

 But if this is Gae Bolg then why is the user different?

 Questions I can't answer as the more I tried to look into the weapons history it suddenly disappeared. I tried to heal myself using Avalon, given by the old man. The man looked a bit shocked and muttered something.

"Tsk. Of c…se you know how to trace. This ..... is fucked. Rin and ….ra is de.."

 I couldn't really hear him correctly but one line he said shocked me.

 He..he knows tracing, but how? I did not even share this magecraft with Clocktower, not even old man knows it. 

 When he was around 5 meters away from me he stopped and pulled a gun out, aiming at me. 

 I guess this is it. Sorry father, I couldn't do it. I really wanted to achieve what you couldn't. To protect others from ending up like me. I studied what you taught me every day just so I could reach it faster but it's all meaningless now. 

 There was nothing else I could do, my body was failing to move, I was slowly losing consciousness so I waited until my end. 






I can still think? weird. I opened my eyes to see a bullet in front of me. Some sort of time magecraft? no this seems far beyond that.

I looked at the man that shot me.. well tried to at least. He was standing still like a statue. I looked around to see nothing was moving but then how can I move?

"Shocked?" an alien like voice asked me

"Yes" was what came out of my mouth. I slowly turned my head to look around but I couldn't see the owner of the voice. 

"I'm right here" voice said as I turned my head to the place the supposed killer of mine was. He was no longer there, instead someone, something that couldn't be explained was standing there. Looking at me? No away from me? I couldn't understand it.

Suddenly the being in front of me changed into a man in a suit. He had short hair with blue eyes and was wearing a dark blue suit with black tie. 

"I normally wouldn't do this to anyone but i got an offer for you mister Shirou Emiya"

 His voice now sounded like a middle aged man and of course he knows my name. But an offer huh, what could someone like "him" want from me?

"My offer to you is nothing but a test mister Shirou Emiya"

 So he can also-

"Yes, I can read minds. Do not worry mister Emiya as i will not do this from now on" 

"If you have any questions you have i can answer them mister Emiya"

 Questions huh? I have many of them but one among all of them was the one I wanted to hear the reason for.


 Suddenly the man smiled and started slowly walking around me

"Very simple question that could be answered in many ways, mister Emiya. Why did I save you? Why am I offering something to you? Why is my offer nothing but a test? They all have an easy answer. I was bored and since i won a bet against akasha i used this chance to get rid of it"

 "Bored?" While his last remark confused me this part was more important to me

 "Yes indeed. Technically being bored is something I could just make disappear but I wanted to do it in a different way. A place doomed from the start, a place where anything could kill you, a place where many aims to take place in"

 Suddenly everything changed around us. Many things flashed around us changing every second the man said something.

 "You could say this place is a playground. A playground where everyone either wants to control or destroy."

 I saw kingdoms and how they got destroyed. Plain areas being populated to be burned down later on. People either get used as slaves or just killed. Their souls being locked, used as weapons, used as bricks. Goblins raiding everywhere, devils eating human souls, dragons, wyrms, mechanical monstrosities, slimes and many more rampaging everywhere. Finally people barely left alive, the amount that doesn't even go past five digits, seeking protection, a place they can stay.

 Suddenly the man stopped and looked at me. Place around us suddenly stopped and turned all black. He opened his mouth

"Here is my offer mister Emiya. I will send you there. Do whatever you want for all I care but be aware you will be tested. If you pass-"

"I accept"

"Hoh, not even going to hear the end huh. Well then mister Emiya. I wish you good luck"

"Before that can i ask you last two questions"

"Of course, ask anything you want"

"Can I know who you are and your name? I would like to know who saved me and gave me a another chance"

 The man looked a little surprised by this question but quickly changed his expression. I guess no one would ask in this situation. 

"Well mister Emiya, I am what you can call an Ascendent. I would love to explain more but you simply can't comprehend it any further than this. Just think of it as a God but no i'm not the one True God"

 I still did not really understand it fully by what he meant by True God

"As per my name…" he once again smiled at me and said "i will tell you once you pass the test"

 And suddenly I found myself lying on the grass. I got up and looked around where I was dropped off. Tall trees with sun up in the sky, beautiful looking grass everywhere with flowers among some of them. 

 I guess I should start by getting some tools and exploring where I am. Hopefully find some people while doing that.

 I may have failed before but now, now I will achieve my dream.

Part : 2

Few Weeks After

 Among the trees there was a village that did not exist before. A small one but still a village. One among them was rather unique compared to others. It was taller, wider and it was made using different materials compared to others. Inside the house there was a single person, a teenager. His name was Shioru.

 Shirou was crafting something at this moment. Ever since he came here every night he has had the same dream. A dream where at the beginning there was nothing but slowly with each night there were some changes.

 First thing that appeared was a workbench. This workbench allowed him to trace tools that he couldn't do before.

 On the third night the day he got his first iron ore an anvil appeared next to the workbench. He was not sure but it felt like they were there for a limited time. It felt like they were melting into his soul. After this he theorized that he was developing Reality Marble. This was the most realistic one among others. 

 On the fifth night he finally built himself a house and surprisingly this house also transferred to his reality marble. 

 Finally on the sixth night he found someone. His name was Seth and he had a bow behind his back. Shirou also made him a house and this house also appeared in his reality marble. 

 Shirou could not make any sense why these were in his reality marble. He did not think much of it. For now it was useful to him so it didn't matter.

 Days went by, more and more people came and declared Shirou as the village head. After all he was their hero who saved them. It only made more sense for him to be the head. Shirou did not want this authority so he declined it but people were insistent and he finally accepted it.

 While thinking about how far he come Shirou stopped what he was doing. It looked like a statue. He placed it near his bed and went to sleep. While he did not want to become village head if these people saw him as one he would surely prove them right. These people were his everything.

 That night his Reality Marble had its biggest change yet.

 Years Later

 Shirou had grown up. He now had a beard, was taller, more muscular and his hair was turning slowly white which he assumed because of tracing. His reality marble, still growing larger, had become his biggest weapon. It offered him the ability to trace anything that was crafted by him perfectly. 

 His current weapon of choice was a sword crafted by hollow bar, same as his armor. They stood in front of him in his reality marble.

 With years passing his little village became larger and larger, now worthy of being called a kingdom. He became a king per the request of his people. He couldn't refuse them so accepted it. 

 His people trusted him wholeheartedly and even some that were not sure came to accept him as their king. 

 Shirou began to walk to the balcony and looked at his kingdom inside the reality marble. The kingdom he protected for many years against many powerful beings. The kingdom that becomes larger thanks to him conquering places which reside far stronger beings than them. He overcomes all challenges so his people can live happily and today he was going out again.

 Seth, who became his advisor and guide, wanted him to stay but he did not listen to him. Today he was going to go after the monster of the jungle and allow his people to expand towards it. He had already stopped the crimson land and conquered it. That place, rotten and full of dead, was now used as their alchemist base of operations. From what he heard he needs to save some dryad from the monster of the jungle named Plantera who apparently knows a way to return the corrupted crimson lands to its former glory.

 With his goals set he comes out of his reality marble and gets up from the throne he is sitting on. He goes out to see his soldiers ready to march. Shiou brings out his weapon and lifts it up. Getting every soldiers attention he starts shouting

"For the Kingdom!"

"For the Kingdom!" his soldiers shouted back and with this their march began.

50 years later after Planetra has been slain

 Many things were achieved by the Kingdom. Many threats have been eliminated and Shirou was named "Ethernel King". Shirou growing older became more and more attached to his kingdom, his people that were smiling at him was everything he could have ever wanted. 

 For his people he achieved the once thought impossible, killing every big threat like Goliath, Empress of Light and even going as far as killing god-like beings like Moon Lord, Providence, Storm Weaver and more. 

 He was getting tired but he couldn't stop. He wanted them to feel safe even after he heard the Devourer of Gods was coming; he spent most of his time in his Reality marble, now almost complete but still lacking one final thing which he assumes will be completed when he makes his Kingdom safe place to live even after his inevitable death.

 He made his strongest weapon a scythe that was given the name Death's Ascension and and armor called Bloodflare. 

 He was going to face this being by himself since after facing leviathan which annihilated half of his army Shirou stopped bringing his army to fight. While the soldiers did not want Shirou to handle everything himself he did not listen.

 Shirou equipped his weapon and armor. He walked around his reality marble and stopped at one normal looking grave among the graveyard. After the bloodshed he came here everyday but Shirou stopped at this particular grave longer than others. There was a name written on the stone of the grave: "Seth, The Advisor of the Ethernal King. XXXX-XXXX"

 After Shirou stayed still for 5 minutes he went back and exited his Reality Marble. He started hear people talking so he went to the balcony to look at his people. The ones who noticed their King looking over them screamed "Our King graced us today as well". Some were quite fanatic about Shirou but it didn't matter to him. He smiled and waved at them with them waving back. 

 He went back into his castle to prepare more for the coming of the Devourer of Gods. He would surely defeat him and assure peace for his people.

20 Years Later after he fall of Devourer of Gods

 Shirou was in pain. Not because of old age or some sickness. Not even because of some scar. He was in pain looking at the state his kingdom had become. Everything broken down, some on fire, no apparent life existing.

 He failed

 He failed to protect his kingdom, his people. 

 He killed the ones who started this all, he killed the scientist that created those monstrosities, he destroyed his exo mechs, he killed the Yharon, dragon of the jungle , he took on all of his heat so his kingdom couldn't be affected by it. It melted his skin and was left with nothing but his skeleton but he didn't stop. He killed the Witch of Calamity who cursed him but he still continued for the sake of his Kingdom. He even Killed Noxus using everything he got. He won right? He stopped everything that could hurt his people right?

 Oh how foolish he was. The curse used by Calamitas was not some weak one or something that lowers his strength. On the other hand, it actually made him stronger but it also made him blind.

 He destroyed his own kingdom 

 He was the cause of the fall of his Kingdom

 Shirou now on a lifeless planet stopped. His reality marble showing his destroyed kingdom every night, he couldn't escape it. He took out his sword from his reality marble. He made this using and mixing everything he achieved till now. This sword was the pinnacle of everything he made till now. Its name was Iridescent Excalibur. This sword was not made just with this world's materials alone either. He mixed Avalon in the making as well. It was hard but he managed to do it and it did give the sword its healing factors. It was the combination of every sword and shield he had. From Ark of Cosmos to Earth to Shattered Community of his people.

 He slashed his neck with it. Yes, he tried to kill himself but couldn't do it. The curse that was affecting him together with the sword that was bound to him prevented his owner from dying.

 He dismissed the sword and sat down. He checked his reality marble once again. Everything in ruins, there existed only one place that was still staying strong. It was his old house which he still kept even after the village became a kingdom and he started to stay somewhere else.

 This house also stored everything he had. He was looking trough his storage again and saw something that was not there before.

 Shirou was surprised, perhaps he forgot it but he remembered everything inside his reality marble so it couldn't be it. He took it and looked at it. It looked similar to a key, some sort of silver key with bright red stone at the head of it. He couldn't figure it. Maybe.. maybe this works like a beacon of something, he thought so he took it out of his reality marble. 

 Shirou POV:

 This key… What is it? 

 I saw many things similar to this that work like a beacon so i took it out but is it really that? this doesn't seem to have anything inside it as well. I can't trace it too. This has never happened after Draedon's Forge melted into my reality marble. 

 Suddenly the key started to shine and it blinded me. I don't even know how that works but this.. this felt somehow familiar.

 "Because you're familiar with it mister Shirou"

 I turned my head to the voice. The voice of the man, the voice that sent me here. He did not look like the man i remembered but the first version i saw him. That alien voice… then I remembered it. The test.

 "Indeed I have come because of the Test mister Shirou"

 "You have read my mind"

 "Ah sorry about that, I did say I was not going to do it again right?" The voice said with a tone of amusement? I was not sure. Even after all this time i still could not understand him.

 "I'm guessing I failed your Test"

"No, mister Shirou. You did not in fact failed it since it has yet to end"

"What is there to do? everything is dead. I failed why i came here, I failed my purpose once again"

 "Well Mister Shir-"

 "Can you stop calling me "mister" please"

"Of course Shirou. What was I saying again? ah right the Test."

"Well Shirou you see there exist one last thing you have to pass"

"That being?"

"That being me of course"


"Well not like this of course. It could hardly even be called a fight. You're just going to strike once. If it achieves the level i'm going for you will pass"

"The Test… okay I'm going to do it" 

 I said this and of course I did not expect to harm him or anything. Like I could do it anyways, he was so far beyond me.

"Excellent. So get ready, equip whatever you have, then do it Shirou." 

 With that I brought out Excalibur. My Demonshade armor already melted into my bones so I don't need armor.

"Well then here i come"

 I made a normal slash movement but I put everything I had into it. I put my pain in that strike and enhanced it with my Reality Marble. Space and time around us started to break and finally it landed. Smoke came out and obstructed my vision. It did not make sense since my weapon was the cause of it and there was nothing around us that could create the smoke.

"That one was a fine strike Shirou" was the answer i heard behind the smoke

After the smoke cleared out I saw how he didn't have even a scratch on him. As expected.

"Sorry for the smoke effect, I wanted to make it dramatic but I failed" he said while smiling.

"I got great news for you Shirou. You passed"

 I passed huh. What was the prize anyways i remember accepting before he explained it. Ah there was also that.

 "So can I learn your name now?" i asked. The answer to my last question at the time

 "Of course. I got many names but most of the time people call me as Xeroc"

 Xeroc… Xeroc the The Great Elder God. He was the creator of this world.

 "It seems you finally figured it out"

 "You let me destroy your world?"

"Not totally accurate. You see there are limitations to us ascendants. We can't just go and do whatever we want. Hence why we are not the one True God. It's a limitation he put on if you wanna know. Anyways, this world was doomed from the start and i couldn't stopped it so i created beings like Chosen One" he said sitting down on a hair that was not there a moment ago

 "Some succeeded, some didn't and some were the reason the world got destroyed. But one thing was same among all of them. They did not really care for the people."

"So you wanted to see what would happen when someone like that becomes the Chosen One" i said

"Correct!" He said while the place we were in glowed in green

"So how was it?"


"You find this lifeless world beautiful !?" I said as I got up and screamed

 Few second passed and i sat down 

"Sorry but can you tell me how could you find it beautiful?"

"Of course. The reasoning is what made it beautiful. You don't know it but they don't blame you. You were the one that gave them everything they had and until the end you tried to do everything for them. To them you are still their forever king or rather Ethernal King by their saying. If it makes you feel better, know that they forgive you for everything. It also makes for a fine story"

 I stayed shocked at what he said. So they still believe in me huh, i taught.

 "But I don't deserve their forgiveness and belief." i muttered

 "That's what you think huh. Then tell me, do you want to try and become a hero once again?"

 I stayed still when he said that. I? become the hero I wanted and failed twice again? Can I really do it? I already tried twice and failed twice so do I even deserve it?

"I can see that you're struggling to answer, so how about this? This time let's start small like protecting one single life. You remember your old world right?"

"Yes.." i said as if pointing the obvious

"Well if i were to send you back to protect a single life would you accept it. I must warn you tough i need to make some limitations."


"Oh yes. Dear Akasha doesn't really like it. It's not a world under me so i can't break the rules."

"I… I am not sure. Can i really do it?"

"Well Shirou you passed my test didn't you? If you don't believe in yourself then believe in me saying your people believes in you"

"..Okay! I will do it but can i ask what sort of limitations i will receive"

"Oh wonderful indeed. For your question here is the list" he said giving me a single paper

It wrote like this;

"Name: Ethernal King

 True Name: Shriou Emiya

 Sex: Male

 Height, Weight: 185, 83

 Class: Ruler

 Alignment: Lawful, Good / Chatoic, Good

 Strength: C+(EX)

 Agility: D(EX)

 Endurance: A+(EX)

 Mana: C-(A+)

 Luck: D-(B)

 Noble Phantasm: B+-EX

 Class Skills:

 Magic Resistance (A)

 Independent Action (EX)

 Territory Creation (C+)

 Personal Skills:

Master Crafter (EX): The one who has crafted impossible. His skills with the combination of his other skills gives the ability to craft anything from the material given to him. The only limitation his skill has is that to do anything with the given material he first needs to have an understanding of the said material.

Weapon Master (A+): The user can use almost every weapon to perfection. 

Trace (B(EX)): An ability that has evolved from its former version. It doesn't need activation of circuits to function and it can project anything the user has full information on. This skill however can't bring out his most prized equipment without the use of his noble phantasm.

Last One Standing (A+(EX)): An ability granted to those that have seen the all life on the planet they live in. Owner of this Skill gets immortality but in this case it only increases endurance

God Slayer (EX): The one who has killed even the outer gods and the weapon created to fight the ascendent. The owner of this skill gains overwhelming strength against divine and undead beings.

Charisma (A): The charisma of the king who made the impossible

Mad Enchantment (E(EX)): The owner has overcome his blind rage so the rank has been lowered

Noble Phantasm:

Workshop of His Dreams (EX): Calls upon the Reality Marble which exist his workshop and his fallen kingdom. Inside this territory all skills except Mad Enchantment and all parameters return to their former glory. This skill cannot be used till user fulfills the requirements which are: ********.

Call of the Armory (A): User can call upon one of his creations that doesn't pass the ranking of A-. Within the territory of Workshop of His Dreams user can call upon any of his creations without a limit.

Curse of Calamity (B+++): Curses given by the definition of Calamity overtakes the user and drives him mad. User gains unparalleled strength but will not see any reason. This will automatically deactivate after the goal of the user has been accomplished or after a period of time passes. Time required changes with the goal that are set, the more effort his goal needs the longer the curse lasts. 

After reading this i looked up to face Xeroc

"What is this exactly?"

"That is your Servant ability list Shirou. You can think of it like a game character sheet. I put some limitations on there and removed most of what you can do but this is the only way to be allowed to go there"

"Okay… I'm not going inside a game right?"

"Haha no i'm sending you in that place" so there is indeed a place like that " the place i'm sending is you called Chaldea. You will learn the rest of it later"

"Well I don't have any problem with the list itself but why are the names so weird the same with the descriptions?"

"Oh please the one that named them was Akasha" I gulped at that "Don't be scared haha i'm just kidding. I chose them randomly"

"Very funny" i blurted out

"It was funny" he said which what i assume smiling face

"Well than i guess this is a goodbye once again"

"Yeah… thank you for everything by the way. Even if i couldn't achieve it, you let me try it atleast and you still give me a chance to do it again. Goodbye" I said as my final speech

"No problem. Goodbye" was the last thing I heard .

Suddenly i found myself on a weird place that was mostly white than i saw 3 people in front of me. Two of them being girls and one of them being a male. The one in the middle with orange hair opened his mouth and said

"Welcome to Chaldea, will you please help us" sounding desperate. He said only one but there are three people here. No, one of them is a servant too. Well it doesn't matter. 

"Of course. I would love to help" 

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