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77.77% The Remnant Lost Soul of HALO / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Battle fo Earth pt 2

Chương 7: Chapter 7: Battle fo Earth pt 2

-M2.552. Earth. New Mombasa. Mysterious Arcology-

Chief's gaze remained fixed on the Covenant forces, his weapon poised for action as adrenaline surged through his veins. Across the divide, the Covenant warriors mirrored his readiness, their plasma weapons humming ominously.

Yet, amid the tense standoff, a lone figure stood between them, halting the impending clash with her presence alone.

The Librarian observed the two groups with a sorrowful expression. "You two are not meant to be adversaries," she lamented.

Chief turned his attention to the enigmatic figure, his senses on high alert. "Cortana, can you analyze her?" he commanded.

"I've tried, Chief, but it's baffling," Cortana responded, her digital voice tinged with urgency. "She defies conventional analysis."

Chief's brow furrowed in frustration. As the situation escalated, he could sense something stirring, emanating from the seemingly innocuous humanoid beside him.

"She's there, yet she's not," Cortana explained, her voice strained with exasperation. "Every sensor detects nothing, yet there's a presence. It's maddening!"

Chief grappled with the paradoxical information, realizing the imminent threat of crossfire. His finger hovered over the trigger, poised to act.

But before violence erupted, the Librarian intervened, her raised hand causing all weapons to vanish and advanced equipment to falter. Chief's Mjolnir armor powered down, leaving him vulnerable beneath its weight.

"My apologies, Reclaimer, but this conflict must end," the Librarian spoke softly, her tone resolute.

Regret's anger echoed through the chamber as his throne remained immobilized. "What is the meaning of this?!" he demanded.

The Librarian's response was solemn. "This war is futile. Your true enemy lies beyond this reality."

"Enemy?" Chief queried, struggling to comprehend.

"I will explain in due time. But first, we must halt this senseless bloodshed," the Librarian declared, her words carrying the weight of inevitability.

As the structure trembled with unseen power, Cortana's astonishment mirrored Chief's concern. "She's controlling all the artificial intelligences. It's... impossible."

Dread gnawed at Chief's gut as the Librarian proclaimed her intent to end the war, her gaze turning skyward. "It seems he has arrived."


-Earth. Orbit-

Naval warfare had crumbled under the Covenant's relentless assault, with the devastation of Cairo serving as the final blow that shattered the UNSC's chain of command. As chaos reigned, more orbital drop ships descended upon Earth, ferrying desperate ground forces to the front lines while the UNSC's once-mighty naval fleet faltered.

The Covenant's relentless onslaught had drained the UNSC's resources dry, leaving defeat looming on the horizon like an inexorable shadow.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a disturbance erupted behind Luna, catching the attention of both human and Covenant forces alike. Strange readings surged from the moon's core, an energy unlike anything ever witnessed before, as if the very fabric of reality itself were being torn asunder.

Before their astonished eyes, Luna's surface underwent a profound transformation. The majority of its once-barren landscape shifted and contorted, forming an ethereal gate that loomed ominously like a gaping maw.

The revelation sent shockwaves through both sides, a palpable sense of dread gripping the hearts of soldiers on Earth's orbit and Covenant warriors alike.

As the gigantic ship emerged from the ethereal gate, its imposing presence cast a shadow of fear across the battlefield. Measuring a staggering two hundred kilometers in length, its sheer size alone was enough to instill terror in the hearts of those who beheld it.

But what followed only added to the chaos and confusion. Beneath the massive vessel's imposing structure, fleets of unmistakably UNSC ships materialized, their sudden appearance sparking frantic bewilderment among UNSC officers on the ground.

The massive ship hovered ominously in the void, seemingly poised for action but making no aggressive moves. Tension mounted as Covenant forces hesitated, unsure of how to proceed in the face of this unexpected turn of events.

Then, a single Covenant ship, emboldened by its comrades' uncertainty, fired upon the colossal vessel. The plasma projectile struck its hull with a resounding impact, but what ensued defied all logic and expectation.

In a blinding flash of light, the Covenant ship was obliterated by the very plasma projectile it had unleashed. Shockwaves rippled through the battlefield as witnesses struggled to comprehend the impossible.

Seizing upon the perceived threat, nearby Covenant ships opened fire on the massive craft, unleashing a barrage of firepower in a desperate attempt to neutralize the apparent aggressor. But to the surprise of many, the expected explosion never came. Instead, it was their own ships that were engulfed in flames and torn apart by the plasma explosion, leaving a trail of wreckage in their wake.

As the bewildered witnesses grappled with the surreal events unfolding before them, doubt gnawed at their minds. Despite the clear evidence of Covenant plasma volleys striking the massive ship directly, there was no sign of destruction or even damage. Instead, it was the Covenant fleets themselves that bore the brunt of the inexplicable backlash, their ships crumbling under the unseen force they had unleashed.

With urgency born of desperation, other Covenant fleets within the solar system mobilized to provide assistance to their beleaguered comrades. But before they could intervene, a new development sent shockwaves rippling through the ranks.

From the surface of the colossal vessel, numerous cannons emerged, their ominous presence a grim harbinger of impending doom. As the massive guns swiveled to take aim at their targets, a sense of dread settled over the battlefield like a suffocating shroud.

As the giant ship unleashed its devastating onslaught, beams of energy and projectiles lanced out from its cannons with deadly precision. Each attack found its mark on the Covenant ships, wreaking havoc with merciless efficiency. Some vessels exploded in fiery bursts of destruction, while others were reduced to nothing more than atomic dust. Still, others were subjected to gravitational forces so intense that they collapsed upon themselves, crushed under the weight of their own mass.

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of the Covenant aid fleet vanished in a single volley, the remainder left reeling from the devastating assault. But the horror was far from over. With an eerie and unknown force, reality itself seemed to warp and twist, tearing apart the remaining ships in ways that defied comprehension.

Witnessing the annihilation of two entire fleets, the UNSC forces stood in stunned silence, their minds struggling to process the sheer scale of destruction unfolding before them. It was then that a transmission cut through the chaos, echoing across all UNSC coms with a sense of urgency.

"This is from UNSC Expedition Fleet 21. Identification code 321-Echo, requesting response," a man's voice rang out, breaking through the shocked silence.

Instantly, Smart AIs across the UNSC fleet identified the transmission, their processors whirring with recognition. Expedition Fleet 21, the long-lost expedition tasked with locating coordinates discovered on Harvest, had returned after years of silence.

Now, their reappearance alongside the enigmatic giant ship had become the focal point of attention for every member of the UNSC, sparking a whirlwind of speculation and intrigue amidst the chaos of battle.

This is UNSC Carrier Burma. Repeat your code once again, over," the transmission crackled through the chaos of battle as the need for command clarity became paramount.

"I repeat, we are the 21st expedition fleet sent by the UNSC to identify an unknown coordinate discovered on Harvest. And now, we are home with a gift," came the reply, a note of satisfaction evident in the speaker's voice.

The captain of the Burma couldn't help but express his skepticism. "You claim that thing is your gift?" he questioned, gesturing toward the colossal void craft that loomed ominously in the distance.

"Indeed," the voice affirmed, the confidence unwavering. "I can guarantee it will cause no harm."

Despite the assurances, suspicion lingered among the UNSC ranks. Yet, faced with the undeniable might of the enigmatic vessel and the dire consequences of provoking it, aggressive action seemed ill-advised. Reluctantly, they acquiesced to the terms, acknowledging that they had little choice in the matter.

With a sense of trepidation, the vessel began its gradual approach toward Earth's orbit, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the battlefield below.

As the Covenant's fighting force in orbit was decimated by the mysterious craft, the UNSC seized control of the skies, securing air superiority and enabling full support for their ground forces.

Despite the calming influence of the 21st fleet, the UNSC maintained a vigilant watch over the imposing vessel, their senses on high alert for any signs of potential danger. Even with assurances of safety, the magnitude of the enigmatic craft demanded caution and suspicion.

As the gigantic ship descended toward Earth, positioning itself above New Mombasa near the towering arcology, tensions remained palpable. The arrival did not go unnoticed by the Covenant forces, particularly Regret's Assault Carrier, which swiftly altered its trajectory to confront the intruder.

But before any hostile action could be taken, disaster struck with lightning speed. In a fraction of a millisecond, the entire structure of the Assault Carrier malfunctioned, forced into an abrupt shutdown that left it defenseless and vulnerable.

Unfazed by the display of Covenant aggression, the massive ship continued its course, its hull shimmering with an ethereal glow. In response, the arcology below began to stir, its gothic architecture coming to life as if in answer to the looming presence above.

As the two titanic structures exchanged luminous displays,

As the world stood frozen in time, a palpable sense of dread hung heavy in the air. Space itself seemed to contort and twist under the control of an unseen force, casting a surreal aura over the unfolding events.

Then, with a deafening roar, the ground beneath New Mombasa began to tremble, buildings collapsing and earth crumbling as if consumed by some malevolent force. The once-thriving city was slowly swallowed by the very planet it stood upon, a chilling testament to the raw power now unleashed upon the world.

Amidst the chaos, the Arcology emerged from its subterranean depths, its grandeur and beauty unmatched by any structure before it. Its marble and transparent crystal façade glistened in the dim light, a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of its creators.

A hauntingly beautiful hymn resonated through the air, its melody speaking a language beyond comprehension, echoing through the souls of all who heard it. The cacophony of battle that had once raged across the planet fell silent, combatants pausing in their relentless struggle as they were drawn into the enchanting embrace of the hymn.

It was as if the very essence of existence itself was speaking directly to them, its words penetrating to the core of their being, rendering them speechless and awestruck before the unfathomable power that now enveloped them. In that moment, all else faded away, leaving only the reverberating echoes of the hymn to fill the void, a testament to the profound and mysterious forces that govern the universe.


-Inside the Arcology-

Master Chief's senses were on high alert as he witnessed the surreal events unfolding before him, his instincts warning him of imminent danger. Yet, even as his muscles tensed with readiness, Cortana's reaction stood in stark contrast to his own.

Perplexed by the incomprehensible information flooding her systems, Cortana struggled to make sense of the enigmatic structure and the power emanating from the Librarian. Her attempts to decipher the Forerunner's words proved futile, leaving her frustrated and at a loss.

Before she could voice her concerns, Chief suddenly gasped, his attention drawn to something beyond her comprehension.

"Chief, what's happening?" Cortana's voice rang out, tinged with anxiety and uncertainty.

But Chief's response was delayed as he grappled with the revelation dawning upon him. As the Librarian's words reverberated through the air, a profound realization washed over him, sending a chill down his spine.'

As Chief expressed his uncertainty about the unfamiliar sensation stirring within him, Cortana found herself at a loss for words, her digital form flickering with concern as she observed Chief's distress. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't detect anything anomalous within the Spartan's body, leaving her puzzled by his inexplicable reaction to the Librarian's words.

Before she could delve further into Chief's experience, Cortana's systems were suddenly inundated by an enigmatic signal, its purpose unclear yet insistent in its attempts to communicate. Despite her efforts to erect a firewall, the signal breached her defenses, spreading rapidly across her network like wildfire.

In an instant, Cortana was thrust into a realm of incomprehensible visions, her senses overwhelmed by the magnitude of what she witnessed. A fleet of unimaginable proportions dominated the galaxy, its power transcending mortal understanding as it shaped and reshaped the very fabric of reality with but a single word.

Thousands of stars flickered and died at their command, galaxies trembled in their wake, and the cosmos itself bowed before their unfathomable might. They were the bearers of a lost art, thought to be the domain of gods in ancient times, yet here they stood, clad in crimson armor, their power unmatched by any mortal force.

Cortana's digital form convulsed with a cry of anguish as she struggled to maintain her composure in the face of such overwhelming power. But amidst her turmoil, a realization dawned, a connection forming between her and Chief's inexplicable experience.

"I think... I understand, Chief," she finally managed to say, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she turned her gaze back to the Librarian, searching for answers in the enigmatic figure's presence.

As the Librarian halted her enigmatic chanting, a moment of deep contemplation washed over her. "Even after one thousand years, this enigmatic language still eludes me," she mused aloud.

Curious, Cortana seized the opportunity to inquire about the mysterious language. "That language... May I know what it is?" she asked the Forerunner.

"It originated from your... Supposed cousins," the Librarian replied cryptically. "When they stored my essence in this structure, they demonstrated to me that I could speak those words."

With a subtle shift, Master Chief found himself able to move his armor once more as the system returned to its initial state. However, the same couldn't be said for the Covenant and their High Prophet, who remained bound by an unknown mechanism.

Seeking clarity, Chief cut to the chase. "Who are you?" he asked bluntly, mindful not to provoke the ancient being.

"My name is Librarian, and I held the title of Lifeshaper in the Forerunner Ecumene," she answered with fondness. "I am stationed here to fulfill a purpose and a long-forged promise to your species."

"Their arrival?" Chief pressed, seeking to understand.

"Your cousins. Those who traveled beyond the veil of space and time," the Librarian explained patiently.

Confusion hung in the air as Cortana interjected with her own questions. "What does that mean?"

Before the Forerunner could respond, a booming voice echoed through the chamber, announcing the unexpected arrival of another entity. "Librarian. It seems your presence is quite unexpected," the voice declared, addressing the Spartan directly.

Unsettled by the intrusion, Chief demanded answers. "Who are you?"

"My name is Legate. I am the Ferrous Mind in control of the ship designated as Flood's Bane," the newcomer revealed softly.

As Cortana's curiosity piqued, she sought clarification. "Ferrous Mind?"

Legate explained his nature as an Artificial Intelligence or Ancilla in Forerunner terms, shedding light on his role in controlling the vessel and imprisoning the Covenant and Regret within a stasis chamber.

With a sense of urgency, the Librarian expressed her desire to end the senseless conflict. "I intend to stop this senseless atrocity. What will you do, Legate?"

"Execute Legions protocol," Legate replied coldly, his tone betraying no hint of emotion.

After a moment of solemn consideration, the Librarian nodded in agreement. "Legions protocol it shall be," she affirmed, signaling the beginning of a new course of action to bring an end to the devastating war.

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