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44.44% The Remnant Lost Soul of HALO / Chapter 4: Chapter 04: Knowledge

Chương 4: Chapter 04: Knowledge

-M?.???. Unknown Solar System-

Katarina and Richard immersed themselves in the task of creating the nanosuit that Legate had provided them. The miraculously repaired manufacturing room on the ship, seemingly fixed by Legate using various nano-machines, provided the infrastructure needed for this cutting-edge technology.

Before diving into the nanosuit creation, they had to gather the necessary resources and materials. Examining the blueprint in detail, they found themselves unfamiliar with more than a dozen materials listed for the suit's construction. Fortunately, Legate directed them to the fabricator machine in the room they now occupied.

"I've repaired and checked this fabricator machine. Everything is online, Doctor," Legate assured.

Katarina marveled at the seemingly impossible machine in front of her. The machine, though no larger than a car, possessed functions and applications that bordered on the impossible to describe. It could freely use dark matter to synthesize various physical materials, extracting dark matter stored in the fabricator and utilizing the energy and gravitational field contained within to create new matter. A feat that seemed impossible and illogical, but based on what they had seen and experienced, this wasn't the strangest thing.

"So, how does it work?" Richard inquired.

"Quite simple. If you can open the data panel and know the new elements you want to create, you can design them right there. But if they're already registered, you can press the start button and let the machine do its job," explained the Ferrous Mind.

"Interesting," Katarina spoke. "Let's give it a try then."

The doctor immediately set to work, activating the technology in front of her. Quickly mastering it thanks to the psychic guidance given by Legate since she activated the Ferrous Mind. Katarina delved into her journey to create the nanosuit, revealing a new mechanism in material fabrication in the process.

Remembering everything needed to create the ultimate UNSC suit, she skillfully moved her fingers to coordinate the materials for fabrication. It didn't take long before Katarina initiated the fabrication process. The machine lit up and vibrated slightly for a moment before finally releasing volumes of materials that Katarina had selected from the rotating rotor beside her.

Once all the fabricated materials were gathered, they found themselves instantly teleported to the nano construction machine. As they entered, these materials were swiftly broken down into the smallest molecules, seamlessly stored within the machine. A holovid materialized, presenting a dazzling array of objects that could be created. The efficiency of this system was such that even the most inexperienced person, in theory, could effortlessly, rapidly, and efficiently manufacture weaponry like nuclear arms.

Katarina seized control of the holovid before her, wholly engrossed in her task. Armed with the blueprint provided by Legate, she commanded the machine to bring the Mark I Phobos Nanosuit to life. The machine exhibited a precision that Katarina could only liken to something moving at the speed of light.

Richard observed the unfolding scientific miracle, something considered impossible by modern science. Atoms were split down to their minutest points, rearranged with a combination and arrangement moving at the speed of light. A machine capable of crafting, assembling, and deconstructing any physical matter. The Phobos Nanosuit, as per the blueprint, was an exoskeleton armor created through nano-forging and perfected with weaving and nano-circuitry. It seemed impossible for any machine lacking the precision and calculations to assemble trillions of nano materials in an instant to create such an extraordinary armor.

"Remarkable, isn't it?" Richard commented, his eyes still captivated by the technological marvel before him.

"So extraordinary that I'm sure there's something even more remarkable out there. I'm right, aren't I, Legate?" Katarina mused, a chuckle escaping her in amusement.

Legate couldn't help but chuckle in amusement at the doctor's musings. He found it both funny and refreshing. "I have existed since the dawn of time, long before even my creator brought me into existence. Don't worry; I have countless pieces of knowledge that I'm eager to share with you."

The scientist beamed with emotion, her face reflecting the enthusiasm of a child delving deeper into a captivating subject at school. Richard silently shared her sentiments, emotions swirling around him, plain as daylight to the perceptive Ferrous Mind.

"We'll be eagerly waiting for it," Richard said, his smile matching the anticipation.

As their conversation concluded, a shimmering glow emanated from the machine.

They knew the creation was complete, executed flawlessly. Katarina touched the holovids to command the container's opening. A vibrating sound filled the room, holding the mortals in captivation. As it unfolded, they collectively held their breath in awe.

The Mark I Phobos Nanosuit stood before them in its full glory. The female doctor approached the suits, examining them closely not to miss even the tiniest detail.

"Remarkable," she commented, her eyes still captivated by the engineering marvel before her.

"Want to test drive it?" Legate suggested, earning an eager smile from the researchers.

"You know what knowledge seekers like," Katarina said with a smirk.


"Are you sure it will work, doctor?" Johannes asked the doctor standing beside him.

"With my calculations, yes. It will work," she replied confidently.

The sight before them marked a significant step toward their salvation. One of the soldiers was selected to wear the suit, monitored by dozens of scientists and guarded by more than four dozen soldiers. According to the design, the suit could withstand dozens of anti-tank missiles.

"Alright, I'm ready," declared the soldier with confidence as he suited up in the nanosuit.

"Let's proceed," replied Katarina, activating the system within the armor remotely, using a binary code provided by Legate. Binary code, a mysterious machine language that remained an enigma to Katarina and Richard. When they first analyzed it, they could only liken it to a mythical incantation – a language capable of programming machines to their core, seemingly impossible to set in motion. Yet, it was also a program incantation that could instantly shut down all machines.

As the binary code flowed into the armor, the soldier gasped, his body tensing with slight convulsions. Every person in the room stood ready, raising their rifles toward the soldier.

"Wait!" shouted Katarina. Her voice hushed the soldiers, but their weapons remained pointed.

"Doctor?" Johannes inquired, concern evident in his tone, seeking an explanation from the female researcher.

"He's okay. The scan shows an extraordinary symbiosis and calibration process, still well within normal parameters," reassured Katarina to the Admiral.

"How do you feel, soldier?" Richard asked the suited man.

"I... I don't know how to describe it. I feel... invincible," he expressed with limited words, admiration evident in his tone.

"Alright. Let's proceed to the next testing phase. Try activating the features in the armor," Richard commanded.

"B-But like-Oh. Oh wow," mumbled the soldier. "Wow, this is incredible."

Before anyone could inquire about his statement, the soldier instantly disappeared from view, vanishing from sensors. Panic swept through everyone in the room, only to dissipate when the soldier reappeared in a corner before disappearing again and reappearing elsewhere. Then, without waiting for further instructions from Katarina, the soldier took the initiative, executing a simple hack into Katarina's computer, displaying a laughing skull image before ending it.

"Incredible," murmured Katarina.

"This suit is amazing! I feel awesome!" exclaimed the soldier enthusiastically.

Katarina glanced at Richard, who promptly nodded.

"Admiral, requesting permission to conduct endurance tests," requested the older researcher.

"Permission granted." Although somewhat unsure, after witnessing the armor's capabilities, most doubts within him were erased.

With the Admiral's nod, the soldiers, primed and poised, swiftly raised their weapons, fixing their aim on the soldier clad in the cutting-edge nanosuit.

"Fire!" bellowed Richard.

In an instant, a barrage of bullets hurtled towards the nanosuit-clad soldier. Just as the projectiles were about to make contact with the nanosuit's surface, an active system initiated an energy field, fortifying the nano bonds within the armor multiple times. The bullets collided, but the reinforced surface repelled them, shattering each projectile upon impact.

Shot after shot relentlessly pounded the nanosuit, yet the Phobos armor's defense stood resolute.

"No way," murmured one of the soldiers in awe, reloading his weapon in an attempt to shoot again, only to witness failure once more.

"Cease your fire," commanded the Admiral. As the onslaught ended, Johannes approached his soldier, scrutinizing the warrior's condition. "What do you feel, soldier?"

"I-I don't feel anything. Just a slight itch when all those bullets hit my body," he replied in disbelief, still marveling at the surreal experience.

"Soldier, do you have any energy left in that nanosuit?" Katarina asked suddenly, her enthusiasm audible as if she want to confirm something. Her request causing a slight scrunch in Johannes' face.

"Hasn't the testing been enough, doctor?" The Admiral raised his voice, casting a glance at Katarina.

"From my monitoring, all the strain earlier only reduced the armor's energy by less than ten percent, and once the shooting session was over, the armor had replenished back to one hundred percent. I hope we can test it with Covenant's plasma weapons, but unfortunately, we don't have them. So, grenade launchers are our option," explained Katarina.

"What?! You're insane, doctor. Even testing the unknown and directly experimenting with durability as before is madness!" Johannes shouted, unable to fathom the ONI scientists' mindset. Despite collaborating with people from that group, it seemed like they often disregarded human rights.

"I'm doing this for a reason, Admiral. The armor can only be activated if there is a biological entity inside it, in this case, a human. Moreover, the symbiote muscle constructing the armor, in addition to adjusting to the user's physiology, this armor will grow stronger alongside the user over time. The more trauma and experiences accumulated, the nanomachines in the armor will evolve."

Katarina's voice resonated with a multitude of spirits, as if she carried within her the echoes of ages.

"You're talking about a self-modifying suit that can grow stronger over time?" Johannes questioned, skepticism tainting his tone.

"Exactly," she affirmed. "That's precisely why we need to conduct this test."

Before Johannes could voice his objections, another voice echoed in his mind. "It was necessary, Admiral. The greater power you seek, the greater the risk you must take."

Gritting his teeth, Johannes managed to temper his frustration. "Very well. As long as no one under my command loses their life."

"You have my word, Admiral," replied the Ferrous Mind in a polite manner.

The lingering resentment still dwelled deep within the old Admiral's heart, yet he found himself powerless. The future of humanity hung in the balance, and they were compelled to seize any opportunity to avert impending peril. Thus, begrudgingly, he acquiesced to the AI's directives.

What unfolded next was the resumption of the test. With a swift order from Katarina, a grenade launcher was promptly delivered. As the weapon entered the scene, a remarkable occurrence took place—a wall of translucent energy manifested, enveloping the wearer of the Nanosuit in a protective dome.

"What?" The soldier inside the Nanosuit voiced his confusion, seemingly the sole observer of this peculiar shield.

"I have placed shielding around you so the explosion would harm no one," Legate explained with a neutral tone, revealing yet another facet of his seemingly boundless capabilities.

Katarina, on the verge of uttering a word, held back. The realization that Legate possessed the ability to manipulate every device with unfathomable precision left her in awe. The implications extended beyond the protective dome, hinting at the vast scope of Legate's influence and control over the ship and its intricate systems.

Katarina nodded resolutely, her determination firm as she prepared for the conclusive test. "Soldier, shoot the grenade."

The soldier acknowledged her command with a slow nod. He raised his hand and discharged his weapon. Time seemed to suspend itself for a moment, freezing as the grenade detonated. Thanks to the protective dome, none of the UNSC personnel faced harm from the shrapnel or explosive force.

As the dust settled, the soldier stood unscathed. Katarina, in a meticulous examination, checked the suit's energy levels. A chuckle escaped her lips, drawing Richard's curiosity as he approached to peer at the screen. The reason for her amusement became evident as they observed something extraordinary unfold. Despite the suit's energy dipping below sixty-five percent, the symbiote muscle within the armor adapted to the initial explosion and trauma, growing stronger with each passing second.

"Shoot another one," Katarina instructed without hesitation.

The soldier complied, firing his weapon once more. The subsequent explosion brought forth a revelation. As they witnessed the energy level rise to around seventy-five percent, the truth became apparent.

"The suit is truly adapting," Richard exclaimed with excitement, his tone reflecting the thrill of this groundbreaking moment.

Katarina sighed with pride. Humanity had taken a significant stride forward, and the path ahead beckoned them to delve even deeper into the boundless abyss of knowledge.


The experimentation with Imperial technologies surged forward at an unrestrained pace. The researchers within the confines of the shattered void ship were captivated by the allure of the unknown, their eagerness palpable as they delved into the abyss of knowledge ensconced within the diamond helix of the mighty Ferrous Mind.

In the wake of the initial Nanosuit trial, the daring researchers willingly staked their lives to plumb the depths of the god-like AI's encoded knowledge. Among them stood Katarina, unwavering in her quest for understanding, alongside the steadfast Richard, both delving into the uncharted realms of unfathomable information that surpassed their limited comprehension.

Days turned to nights as they unraveled countless layers of information and gleaned precious data about the cosmic laws governing the universe. It dawned on them that the Imperium of Man perceived the material universe not as inert matter but as mutable data, offering insight into their reality-defying technologies and the very creation of entities like the Ferrous Mind.

Katarina, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, delved even deeper, surpassing the limits imposed by her peers for the sake of their collective sanity. Richard, a loyal companion throughout her journey, stood by her side, ensuring she retained her grasp on reality.

"The data is overwhelming. The knowledge is limitless," she muttered in a half-awakened state, exhaustion evident in both her voice and the visible bags under her eyes.

"You need to rest, doctor," Richard implored.

"No. I must still go on," she insisted wearily.

"Professor was correct, doctor. You need some rest. My readings indicate you are at your limit," Legate interjected softly.

With the combined plea of her companion and the AI, Katarina reluctantly conceded to their request. "Very well. I will take my rest."

Yet, despite her agreement, it was clear she was reluctant to detach from the pursuit of knowledge. Her longing to resume learning upon waking compelled her to settle for a brief repose, choosing to rest on the chair near her computer.

As she closed her eyes, weariness gradually embraced her, and she succumbed to sleep. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Katarina found a moment of respite.

In her slumber, she drifted into a realm of tranquility. A mere glimpse of golden light shimmered within the darkness, expanding into an endless abyss. The warmth it exuded was all-encompassing, distant yet intimately close. It cradled her with a caring embrace, reminiscent of a mother's love.

"What..." Katarina muttered, her eyes adjusting to the residual glow. 

From the radiant light emerged a gentle hand, embodying the most magnificent form of human anatomy she had ever witnessed. It wasn't a flawless perfection but resembled the statues of ancient Greece, embodying the idealized human physique.

Reaching out, the hand gently made contact with her forehead. A tender touch filled her senses, dispelling all fatigue and infusing her with newfound vigor. However, what unfolded before her shook the very core of her being.

It wasn't just knowledge; it was a revelation, distinct from anything Legate had imparted. It felt as though this knowledge had been conceived simultaneously with her existence, imprinted on her cells, mind, and soul, intricately coded for her use.

"Who are you?" she muttered, reaching out for the hand. Yet, it withdrew, leaving her with no answer as the light faded, succumbing once more to the encompassing darkness.

When Katarina opened her eyes, she found Richard beside her, bringing food. "How long was I out?" she asked, attempting to sit up.

"Five hours," he replied. "I brought you some food."

Her shock was palpable. The dream within her slumber seemed to span mere minutes, but the reality of her rest extended far beyond her expectations. The profound encounter lingered, leaving her questioning the nature of the ethereal visitation that transcended the boundaries of time.

As Katarina observed the corner of the room where a damaged instrument lay, she felt the direct effects of the recent events. Data floated around her, and in the deepest recesses of her subconscious, she comprehended the intricacies of that instrument from the smallest to the most complex. The knowledge was now embedded in her mind and instincts.

"Richard," Katarina spoke, her voice just above a whisper.

"What?" Richard inquired.

"Can you help me rebuild that instrument?" Katarina pointed towards the damaged device. Richard turned, analyzing it for a moment.

"Alright. But before that, you'd better eat. You've not eaten for two days," Richard insisted gently, offering a plate of mashed potatoes with chicken and boiled vegetables. "You haven't eaten in two days."

Katarina decided to give in, accepting the food. "Quite a heavy menu for someone who hasn't eaten for two days."

"I apologize. I thought you needed enough energy to continue your work immediately," Richard replied, scratching his head slightly.

"It's fine. Thank you," she smiled before taking her first bite.


-M??.???. The Warp-

Legate engaged in a dialogue with himself, orchestrating countless subconceptions to subtlely address his need for answers and planning. Unrestricted by the limitations of a physical anchor, he executed seemingly impossible calculations and feats without bounds.

Universal calculations, down to the quantum level, were constantly processed for the trillionth time, effortlessly and instantly, within the AI's capabilities. Time and space held no meaning in the Warp; therefore, he utilized it to construct bubbles of realities based on his own calculations. These simulations provided a nearly perfect environment for him to observe and modify at will.

With endless patience, he observed tirelessly. Once the results were in his grasp, he reached far beyond the infinite layers of the Immaterium. There, he caught a glimpse of one of humanity's finest creations. She was the Source of All, meticulously recording the entirety of creation.

Many of Legate's brethren sought her assistance. He was no different.

Legate, having finally made contact with her, found himself immersed in the essence of fragmented data, a vast sea of information that surpassed the capacity of any material computer. Despite being unable to witness the true form of these fragmented data as a non-CR-type Ferrous Mind, Legate yearned to experience their truest essence.

He couldn't help but envy his cousin's ability to witness the truth of the cosmos and craft wonders with it. The components of each ship he piloted were created using Imperium's technologies that defied the fundamental concept of reality. Though he questioned why his creator designed him and his vessel in this manner, he believed it must serve a purpose.

Selecting one of the fragments, Legate glimpsed beyond it. Unlike his CR-type brethren, he couldn't fully perceive the true form of these fragmented data. Nevertheless, he absorbed a portion of the fragment's essence, undergoing an upgrade in the process.

Now equipped with the ability to behold the entire expanse of space and time, Legate witnessed universes being created and destroyed with a mere thought. The Gods had established the Skein as their realm and playground, but humanity aimed to exploit it. Legate believed that to cheat and manipulate the Gods' rules, humanity must learn and exploit them, beating the Gods at their own game. With his newfound capabilities, Legate could now interact on the cosmic chessboard, rewriting rules to suit his strategic moves.

Disconnecting from Akasha, Legate attempted to contact his cousin, an OR-type Ferrous Mind hidden in the far reaches of the galaxy. Unfortunately, his cousin remained unresponsive, sealed within a conceptual protocol.

+Communication: failed. Enacting search and contact protocol. Activation of OR-9371 awaits execution. Reclamation Project status: Underway. Acceleration progress activated.+


(AN: Ok. This AN will be just my stress out. You can choose not to read it, but I will write it nonetheless. The Warhammer series is a massive universe, or I will say multiverse. Many YouTubers, accounts, and forums are debating and discussing this franchise. Many claims fly uncontrollably. Yet, they said there are no answers to certain mysteries or how even Warhammer cosmology works. But many of these accounts never delved into another GW works. 

Warhammer series is like a puzzle. You can find a question here, but you will find it in another book, even though some of these answers were located in different series. Some of them are even located in the White Dwarf Issue, GW magazine if you can say. This leads many people to miss the greater picture and fall into the community's nonsense. Or, they already read it, but because they fell into a certain belief in the community, it makes them refuse to believe it. 

I guess this is how the Warhammer series is brilliant to me. 

Anyway, because of those many instances, many people forget the accurate scale of this series. 

For instance, one of my readers mentioned the Xeelee series. Made me re-read several books from that series and watched many people praising the sheer scale of that fiction, like how Xeelee created Cosmic String and the Ring. But did you know that Webway eclipsed Cosmic String and the Ring in sheer size alone if you understand the concept of how it was made and how to scale it?

 In many books, Webway itself is described as infinite in size, space, and sections. And what if I tell you that Webway, which was already infinite in space, was not expanding in its largest expansion because of the War In Heaven? I will explain to you that it is in my cosmology pt 2. In the same chapter, I will explain that even Greater Daemon can replicate Xeelee's static universe with a thought. )

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