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90.9% Re:Zero - Resurgence / Chapter 20: Clutch Gambit

Chương 20: Clutch Gambit

The air thickens with tension as the six men hastily arm themselves, their eyes widening at the unexpected appearance of my twin knives.

"Boss… where did he get those knives from? I swear he was unarmed…" one of the men stammers.

"Tch. Oi, you bastards! We have a troublesome one on our hands! Don't let your guard down!" The leader's voice booms as the menacing edge of his greatsword levels in my direction.

Lowering my stance, I feel the cool weight of my knives in hand, their crystal edges gleaming in the dim light. A quick assessment of the opponents unfolds in my mind.

'Six men in total. They all seem to be used to fighting in a team and have their own respective roles as well. The leader seems to be a heavy warrior with a great sword. Three of the men seem like light fighters wielding swords. One of them has a small sword and a massive shield and seems like a tank. The last one has a smaller build and is keeping his distance, so I assume he's some kind of long-range fighter.' I deduce.

'I'm severely outnumbered. This is going to be fun…' A grin spreads across my face as I try to calm my beating heart.

'Limit Breaker…' I activate my skill as my eyes turn crimson. My Dominion almost doubles in size with the use of my skill.

'I have to be careful. I need to filter the information I pick from Dominion, or my senses might get overloaded…'

The standoff lingers for a heartbeat, the quiet before the storm, and then chaos erupts as the leader roars, "GO GET HIM, BOYS!"

The three swordsmen rush forward as two of them split off to flank me from the side.

"I can't let myself get surrounded…" I mutter to myself, instincts guiding my movements. In a seamless motion, I dash to the side, blocking the attacking blade. As our weapons grapple, I exploit the opening, flipping the other knife into a backhanded grip and thrusting it into the swordsman's thigh.

"AGH! YOU LITTLE-" The man's outcry is cut short as I shatter his kneecap with a swift, ruthless kick.

Sensing their approach through my enhanced Dominion, I duck beneath a descending blade, sweeping the assailant behind me off his feet. In a fluid sequence, I deliver a punishing elbow strike to his throat while repositioning my knife to block the third swordsman's attack.

Seizing the initiative, I retrieve the knife lodged in the fallen man's thigh and manipulate the wind through my Dominion, targeting the eyes of the third swordsman.

"AGHH! MY EYES!" he stumbles back, blinded and disoriented.

I was about to put some distance between us to reassess the situation, but the man I'd elbowed seizes my arm, attempting to pull me to the ground.

"DO IT!" he commands, and the man I'd incapacitated raises his sword for a final strike.

'Aren't you guys underestimating my strength a little too much?' In a swift countermove, I overpower the man who grabbed me, redirecting him into the path of the swinging sword.

"W-WAIT! GHAA?!" The man's cry echoes as the blade digs into his arm, the clumsy swing sparing him from a more severe fate.

While the chaos unfolds, a sudden sense of impending danger ripples through my heightened Dominion. I attempt to dodge, but my awkward position only allows a partial evasion. A small arrow embeds itself into my shoulder as I wince from the pain.

'Where did it come from?' Focusing my Dominion, I pinpoint the small figure at a distance, reloading his crossbow with a sly grin.

"Tch. Does he have eyes at the back of his head or something?" The small man clicks his tongue as he hides behind the huge guy with the shield to reload his crossbow.

'That was a dumb mistake. I totally forgot about the supposed long-ranged fighter.'

In a quick, controlled roll backward, I create much-needed distance and inspect the wound on my shoulder. 'Not too deep. The bone stopped it from going through completely.' Breaking off the protruding arrow, I leave the remaining shaft lodged in.

'I can't let myself bleed to death…' I think as I focus on the fight ahead of me again.

The leader narrows his eyes, issuing commands to reorganize. "He's a quick one! Pat, you keep attacking from a distance! Donny, protect Pat and make sure the brat doesn't get close to him! And you three idiots! Stop rushing at him blindly?!"

'I have to lower their numbers. I can't let them get back in formation…' My gaze fixes on the blinded man, a malevolent smirk gracing my features as I swiftly dash toward him.

"PAT! SHOOT HIM!" the leader commands, and the small man aims his crossbow at me.

I quickly judge the estimated trajectory of the shot with Dominion based on his eyes.

'Left upper leg…' I pivot on my right leg, deftly avoiding the incoming arrow.

I use the momentum from my pivot and swiftly throw my knife at the blinded guy's throat.

I guide and correct the knife's trajectory slightly with my Dominion as the knife lodges itself deeply into the man's throat.

"GHAAA…" The man collapses, choking on his own blood.

'I need to get better at throwing knives without my Dominion. I almost missed that shot. Elsa throws her blades so finely that you think she's not even moving...'

"BROTHER VESPER! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU?!" The man with the shattered kneecap hobbles towards me, his sword poised for a desperate strike.

"NO! YOU IDIOT!" the leader's warning falls on deaf ears.

'Is this guy serious?' I raise my brow as I elegantly sidestep the man's reckless sword swing. In a seamless motion, I pivot, and with a swift stroke, my knife glides through the air, severing the man's head from his body.

"Damn it all! What the hell is wrong with these idiots?!" The leader's roar reverberates in the chaos.

My attention snaps to the last swordsman, wounded and writhing on the ground. Closing the distance, I prepare to deliver the final blow. But just as my knife descends towards his chest...

"NO, YOU DON'T!" A voice echoes, a warning that sends a jolt of danger through my senses.

Quick reflexes kick in, and I pivot, crossing my arms defensively just in time to absorb a powerful blow that sends me hurtling backward, crashing into the stone wall.

"AGH!" A grunt escapes me as my vision blurs momentarily.

Through the haze, my Dominion senses another threat hurtling towards me. With a swift roll to the side, I narrowly evade an arrow that embeds itself into the stone wall.

'Fuck… my arm almost shattered completely from that blow. What immense strength…' I assess the damage, feeling the lingering pain. My gaze shifts ahead, catching sight of the leader standing in front of the fallen swordsman.

'If I hadn't been quick, I would have gotten cleaved in half…' A smirk graces my face as I glance at the greatsword lodged in the ground, creating a crater.

"You've got fast reflexes, kid…" The leader grins widely, prying his greatsword from the ground.

"Thanks. You hit like a truck as well…" I respond, a smile mirroring his own, as I bend down to retrieve my other knife from the blinded man's throat.

"The fuck is a truck? Whatever." The man shakes his head, gesturing behind him with a casual wave.

I quickly lower my stance again as my mind analyzes the situation quickly.

'That crossbow guy is trouble. I can't get close to him because of the tank, but even if I do make it that far, this monster wouldn't just leave me be…'

I see the crossbow guy load in another bolt as the leader steps forward.

"Get the fuck up and protect Pat!" He kicks the injured guy on the ground as the injured man hurriedly picks up his sword and runs to the back.

'I can't let them get back in a formation.' I raise my knives and quickly dash forward towards the leader.

"You've got guts!" he yells, greatsword poised once again.

He prepares to swing his sword at me as I get close to him.

As he readies his swing, I realize taking that head-on isn't an option. With lightning reflexes, I sidestep the massive blade and then lower my head, avoiding a redirected side swing.

'I can predict his movements with the minute twitches in his body. This can work!' A smirk plays on my lips as I exploit an opening, delivering a forceful kick to his side. Seizing the momentum, I thrust my blade into a gap in his armor near his shoulder.

"You slippery little-" He swings his arm to create distance.

'Now.' I smile as I take advantage of his large swing by leaping onto his shoulder and jumping high in the air toward the group in the back.

'No way I'm turning my back towards that crossbow-wielding asshole!'

The crossbow guy swiftly aims his weapon at me mid-air. "YOU CAN'T AVOID THIS IN THE AIR!" he yells, pulling the trigger.

I quickly judge the trajectory of the shot and swing my knife at the arrow.

"WHAT!" The crossbow guy's mouth opens wide.

Utilizing Dominion, I spin mid-air, gathering momentum, and hurl one of my knives at the shield guy just as he raises his shield to protect the group.

The unexpected knife finds its mark, lodging in the shield guy's neck with precision.

'These dumbasses fight like toddlers compared to Elsa...' I scoff.

I land gracefully behind the crossbow guy, wasting no time as I dash towards him with my other knife.

"FUCK!" He curses, reaching into his robe and grabbing a green-looking arrow, swiftly notching it into the crossbow.

'That arrow gives me a bad feeling…' I increase my pace, determined to reach him before he can unleash whatever that arrow holds.

Green energy envelops the arrow as he fires it in my direction. It shoots towards me at a monstrous speed. Time slows, realization hitting me.

'I CAN'T DODGE IT!' The stark thought echoes.

'No choice. Let's try it…' Focusing entirely on my Dominion, I attempt to influence the arrow's trajectory. With a slight manipulation, the tip of the arrow shifts to the side, narrowly missing my head and grazing my left ear.

The man's eyes widen, realizing his shot missed.

A smirk spreads across my face as I close the remaining distance, driving my knife through his chest.

"AGHH!" His cry fills the air as I withdraw the knife, swiftly kicking him aside.

The man with the wounded arm stares at me in horror as he falls back on his ass.

I catch sight of the leader rushing towards me, prompting a quick step forward.

"SPAR-" The man's pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears as I run my knife through his neck. I step back, narrowly avoiding the leader's blade as it shatters the ground in front of me.

"YOU FUCKING SNAKE! WHO THE FUCK SENT YOU?! WAS IT THOSE SHADOWFANG BASTARDS?!" The leader's voice echoes, anger seething through every word, as he retrieves his blade.

"…" I maintain my silence, staring at him coolly.

"That's it…" The man mutters, a white hue surrounding his body.

His muscles bulge visibly, a heavy aura enveloping him.

"I didn't want to use this since the toll it takes on my body is too huge. Feel honored…" He mutters, raising his greatsword again.

'A powerup of some kind?' I raise my guard, prepared for the unexpected.

The ground beneath the man shatters as he dashes towards me with frightening speed.

'Fast?!' My eyes widen at the unexpected speed, swiftly raising my knife to block the oncoming assault.

My feet dig into the ground, redirecting the tremendous momentum of the sword to my side. The ground beneath the impact shatters, and a cold sweat forms on my forehead.

'He got way stronger! What did he do?' I swing my knife at a gap in the man's armor, aiming for his neck, but he raises his arm, blocking my blade with a sturdy gauntlet.

Quick to exploit an opening, I follow up with a powerful kick to the head. However, the man barely budges. In a swift retaliation, he swings his other arm, crashing it into my chest.

"AGH!" I fly backward, slamming into the wall with a painful grunt. Blood sprays from my mouth as my vision blurs.

My vision blurs as I quickly try to get up but the man is faster than me.

I feel the impact as his boot connects with my stomach, sending me crashing into the unforgiving wall once more.

"Finally managed to piss me off enough to use my blessing, you little rat." The man's gloating tone accompanies him as he bends down, grabbing my head and forcing me to meet his twisted gaze.

"Oh? I was about to kill you, but this is…" A sinister grin stretches across his face as he scrutinizes my features.

"Heh, change of plans. Selling you to a slave trader might fetch enough coin to let me retire in style!" His laughter rings with unhinged delight, echoing through the narrow alley.

'I can't move properly. He might have damaged my spine with that kick…' I assess my injuries.

'What the fuck do I do? Think!' My mind races, desperately searching for a way out of this dire situation.

'Think, think... I need something deadly yet silent. Wind won't work. It's too slow. Something unexpected... Yes, that might work!' An idea sparks as I focus on my Dominion.

'Grasp the necessary compounds: nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and glycerol. Begin the nitration process, breaking glycerol's hydrogen bonds.' I visualize the molecular reactions in my domain as my mana rapidly drains, a throbbing headache intensifying.

'Concentrate, don't mess this up.' I close my eyes, shutting out the world around me.

'Make nitric and sulfuric acids form ester linkages. Now, the hard part - control the temperature.'

'Regulate the temperature and pressure for an endothermic nitration reaction. Substitute the hydrogen atoms in glycerol with nitrate ions and form it…' Cold sweat breaks out, the pain in my head becoming unbearable.

'Don't mess up the molecular alignment. Ensure stability...'

"Done..." I mutter through gritted teeth, a small, defiant smirk playing on my bloodied face.

"Why the hell are you smirking, huh? I'd pulp your face, but I need you intact for the trade..." The man's words cut short as he feels droplets fall on his face.

He gazes at the pristine sky above, muttering to himself, "Looks like rain. A convenient wash for the mess we've made..." A smirk plays on his lips as he surveys the lifeless forms of his fallen companions.

"It's...not rain," I rasp out in a hoarse whisper.

"Huh?" The man looks back at me again.

'Here we go…' I focus, generating a ball of concentrated wind between us, and detonate it.

"What?!" The man releases his grip on me, shielding himself from the explosive force as I'm propelled backward, and he staggers.

"You were a mage?!" His eyes widen in disbelief.

Dragging my battered body, I make my way to the tied-up woman on the ground, glancing back at him.

"What the fuck are you playing at? You think you could still fight with that battered body?" He sneers, his confidence returning.

A massive grin spreads across my lips as I look up at him.

The man freezes, a growing apprehension in his eyes.

"What's with those creepy eyes, brat…" He mutters.

"Feel honored… You're about to feel the first echoes of organic synthesis in this world…" I mutter with a smirk.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" The man raises his brow at me.

"Hey, scumbag. Ever heard of Nitroglycerine?" My smile widens as I raise my fingers.


The snap of my fingers is followed by a deafening explosion.


"AAAGH!" The man falls, clutching at his face where a highly volatile substance just detonated.

I move swiftly, dashing forward to grab the knife from the floor. Leaping onto his writhing body, I declare, "Checkmate." I thrust the knife into his charred and disfigured face.

The knife penetrates his brain, causing spasms before he finally goes still.

"Haah… Haah…" I breathe heavily as my vision blurs.

[ Critically Low Mana ]

'I won…' I smile, a sense of accomplishment washing over me as I collapse sideways onto the ground, consciousness slipping away.

HikariKage HikariKage

I've found myself at a crossroads, and your opinion matters a lot. I'm torn between sticking to a consistent upload schedule or investing more time in enhancing the overall quality of each chapter. What do you think?

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