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12.19% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 5: chapter 5

Chương 5: chapter 5

Yusei kept his eyes tightly shut from the bright line, unable to see what was happening. Soon the light died down, allowing Satellite's Shooting to open his eyes. Yusei saw that he was in somekind of alleyway, still aboard his Duel Runner with the briefcase still on top of his new upgraded Duel Disk. "Where am I?" Yusei questioned as he looked above to see a clear blue sky, placing his right foot on the ground to keep his Duel Runner steady.

'It's as my lord said Yusei'. Yusei heard Stardust's voice, before the Synchro Monster appeared transparent in front of his Duel Runner, much to the 19-year-old's surprise. 'He's taken us to the Fusion Dimension, Duel Academy's home dimension'. Stardust told his Duelist, getting Yusei to narrow his eyes.

"So it's true, I've left my world behind". Yusei said with a frown on his face, getting Stardust to look at his Duelist with sadness. 'Yusei, you know what you were signing up for when you agreed to fight Duel Academy. Just know that you're not alone, I'm here for you'. Stardust told his Duelist, getting Yusei to smile at his ace Synchro Monster.

"Thanks Stardust. I always wondered what it would be like if I could talk to Duel Spirits like Luna". Yusei thanked his ace dragon, who looked like he was smirking at his Duelist's words. 'So have I, Yusei. I hoped that one day we could communicate like Ancient Fairy Dragon and her Duelist did'. Stardust replied to his Duelist, happy to finally be able to communicate with him.

Yusei looked left, right and over his shoulder to see that the only way out of the alleyway was straight forward with him right at the end. "This is an unusual place to start a journey at". Yusei remarked as he twisted the left handlebar gently, making his engine let out a small roar, being careful not to draw unwanted attention.

'My lord must have made sure to pick an isolated place so that we wouldn't draw unwanted attention. It is here where we start our journey to stop Leo Akaba and Z-arc's revival'. Stardust told his Duelist, who nodded in agreement to his ace monster. "You're right and our first step is to save Lulu and Rin from Duel Academy. The only question is how though". Yusei said as he narrowed his eyes, honestly having no idea how to start the rescue operation.

'Before my lord sent us here to the Fusion Dimension, he told me to tell you to search for a man named Yusho Sakaki'. Stardust told his Duelist what his lord told him, getting Yusei to raise an eyebrow. "Sakaki? This Yusho Sakaki has the same name as that Yuya kid in the Standard Dimension". Yusei pointed out, wondering if the man the Crimson Dragon advised to search for was related to Z-arc's standard piece.

'I don't know what this man's connection to Z-arc's Standard piece is, but my lord said he was someone we can trust. I didn't have enough time to ask what he meant'. Stardust told Yusei, getting him to narrow his eyes, wondering if this Yusho Sakaki could be trusted.

"Leave me alone!" A young female voice shouted out, getting Yusei and Stardust to widen their eyes as they looked to see someone running into the alleyway. It was a 13-year-old girl with long black purplish hair, brown eyes and light skin, wearing an orange shirt, a red vest over her shirt, and black shorts with a slanted brown belt. She had black socks that went slightly above her knees and red boots.

The female looked surprised to see Yusei in the alleyway, while Yusei wondered what she was running from. "Get back here!" A male voice shouted out, making the girl widen her eyes in panic. The girl quickly ran towards Yusei, passing him and hid behind his Duel Runner, getting the 19-year-old to look at her with narrowed eyes. "She went this way!" Another voice called out, getting Yusei's attention as he saw three male adults wearing matching outfits enter the alleyway, with all three of them having a Fusion Dimension Duel Disk on their left forearms.

The three males looked surprised to see someone else in this alleyway, along with riding somekind of motorcycle, but they turned their attention to the girl hiding behind Yusei. "Blair Flannigan! You're wanted for escaping and refusing to return to Duel Academy!" One of the three males, the one with blue hair exclaimed, getting Yusei to narrow his eyes.

Suddenly a crowd of people appeared at the end of the alleyway and they looked a bit angry. "Traitorous little girl!" A male adult wearing a black suit snapped at the girl now known as Blair. "You should be ashamed for turning your back on Duel Academy!" A woman adult that was wearing a light blue dress shouted out at Blair, who was starting to cry tears.

"I… I just wanted to go home and see my family!" Blair cried out in sadness at how these people were treating her. The people of the Fusion Dimension ignored her as they kept shouting out insults at her, until Yusei had enough. "And what's wrong with that?" Yusei questioned, making everyone look at him in surprise.

"She wants to go home and see her family again, what's wrong with that?" Yusei questioned once more as he gave one of his famous glares, making the three males take a step back in fear. "I-It's against the rules! No one is allowed to leave Duel Academy!" The male with the light brown hair told Yusei, who didn't change his expression.

"So you're saying that her choice doesn't matter, and that she has to stay somewhere against her will, is that it?" Yusei questioned one more, receiving a nod from the three Duelist and crowds of people. "How utterly pathetic". Yusei stated, shocking everyone at his words. Yusei put his Duel Runner in parking mode as the three Duelists glared at him.

"W-what was that!?" The third Duelist, the one with dark hair demanded with a glare, one that Yusei didn't even flinch at as he took his helmet off. "You heard me. Nobody has the right to make someone else's choice, it's their choice to either stay or leave. This girl chose to leave Duel Academy to see her family and nobody has the right to treat her as an outcast because of that". Yusei replied to the Duelist as he pulled up the left handlebar and got off his Duel Runner.

"You must be new here because the Professor's word is law and nobody denies his orders!" Duelist number 1, the one with blue hair snapped at Yusei as the crowd began throwing insults at the 19-year-old, who wasn't affected by their words. "The Professor?" Yusei questioned, having no idea who the Professor was.

"We speak of the leader of Duel Academy, Leo Akaba himself!" Duelist number 2 exclaimed, getting Yusei to narrow his eyes. "If you know what's good for you, obey the Professor's law!" Duelist number 3, the one with dark hair told Yusei. "So Leo Akaba's word is law here, is that right? And everybody has to obey, right?" Yusei questioned one more time, getting Blair to look at his back in fear.

"That's right!" A child from the crowd shouted out at Yusei, standing next to his parents. "What about what you want? Do your choices matter?" Yusei questioned, getting the crowd to stop throwing insults as his words had some kind of power. "What if a boy wanted to be a card designer or a mechanic, or even wanted to enjoy his childhood? Would they be forced to give up their dreams and forced to join Duel Academy?" Yusei questioned again, getting the crowd of people to think about his words.

"Don't listen to this stranger's words!" Duelist # 1 called out to the crowd of people, turning around to face them. "He's trying to turn you all against Duel Academy!" Duelist # 2 added, facing the crowd of people. "You'll pay for objecting the Professor's word! Prepare to Duel!" Duelist # 3 called out as he, along with his comrades activated their Duel Disks, making Yusei narrow his eyes.

Stardust, who had been watching, flew next to his Duelist. 'It's clear that they won't leave after you insulted Leo Akaba. Perhaps this could be your chance to learn the Dueling style of the Fusion Dimension'. Stardust told his Duelist, who looked at his ace monster through the corner of his left eye before he nodded. Stardust disappeared as Yusei walked back to his Duel Runner.

Yusei detached his Duel Disk from his Duel Runner and attached it to the wrist dealer on his left arm. Taking the chance, Yusei looked at his upgraded Duel Disk. It was a circular body with four laterally-placed slots and a small hourglass-shaped touch screen. The Duel Disk had lost the blades it had before, but that wasn't a problem as a silvery-white curved blade appeared. Despite its changes, its colors remained.

Yusei's deck shuffled as he turned to look over his left shoulder to look at Blair, who was still hiding behind his Duel Runner. "No matter what happens, stay behind me". Yusei told the girl, who was shaking, but still nodded. Yusei turned to look at the three Duelist in front of him, who had crazy grins on their faces as they activated their Duel Disks with sword shape blades appearing. "Let's Duel!" Yusei and the three Duelist called out as they drew their starting hand, with the crowd and Blair watching.

Yusei stood five feet away from the three Duelist, who had crazy grins on their faces, while his expression was emotionless. Blair clapped her hands together as she prayed for Yusei's victory, while the crowd of people watched the Duel happen. However, unknown to everyone was that a blue cloaked figure was watching the Duel from the rooftop on Yusei's right, looking at Yusei with interest.

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Juvenile Officer 1 Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Juvenile Officer 2 Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Juvenile Officer 3 Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"We'll duel using Battle Royal rules! None of us can draw or attack on our first turn, is that alright with you?" Juvenile Officer 1 questioned Yusei, setting the conditions for this battle royal Duel, making Yusei narrow his eyes. "I'm fine with that". Yusei replied to the Juvenile Officer, looking at the cards in his hand. "Then if you don't mind, I'll be taking the first move!" Yusei called out as he picked a card from his hand and placed it on the blade in sideways position.

"First off, I'll play a monster in DEF Mode!" Yusei began as a shadowy caged monster with red eyes appeared in front of him. "Then play a face down and that's it!" Yusei finished as a face down card appeared on his field.

Juvenile Officer 2 Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"My turn!" The Juvenile Officer with dark hair called out as he picked a card from his hand and played it instantly. "I Summon Armor Canine – Cannonboxer from my hand!" The officer called out as a mechanical dog with a blaster appeared, howling.

Armor Canine – Cannonboxer ATK Points: 1400/ Level: 3.

"And now due to its special ability, I can summon another Canine from my hand. Like my Armor Canine – Bullcopter, fly high!" The officer continued as a yellow machine bull themed helicopter appeared.

Armor Canine – Bullcopter ATK Points: 600/ Level: 2.

"And since Bullcopter has been successfully summoned, I can now add Polymerization from my deck". The officer explained as he held up the Spell with his right hand's index and middle fingers, making Yusei narrow his eyes. "And now, I think I'll play it!" The officer called out as he slotted the Spell card in his Duel Disk with the Spell appearing on the field.

"I fuse Cannonboxer and Bullcopter into a single mighty mongrel! I'm putting a whole new spin on the term top dog! Now watch as I Fusion Summon! Here it is, man's best friend, or your worst enemy, Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress!" The Juvenile Officer called out as a purple portal appeared and his two monsters were absorbed into it. Appearing from the portal was a blue mechanical fortress dog with cannons.

Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress ATK Points: 2000/ Level: 6.

"A Fusion Summon on the first turn. Guess their decks really are built around Fusion Monsters". Yusei commented as he looked at the Level 6 Fusion Monster. "I think I'll give my hound here a little more bark and bite! By sending the Polymerization in my hand to the graveyard, it gains 1000 ATK Points!" The Juvenile Officer explained as he discarded a card, while his poach powered up.

Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress ATK Points: 2000 + 1000 = 3000.

Blair looked worried at the sight of a Monster with 3000 ATK Points, while Yusei didn't even flinch. "Since I can't attack, I'll flip over to my teammate here". The Juvenile Officer said as he looked at the officer with the blue hair, who nodded to him.

Juvenile Officer 1 Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"My turn!" The Juvenile Officer called out as he picked a card from his hand and played it instantly. "First I'll Summon Armor Canine – Cannonboxer from my hand too!" The officer called out as a mechanical dog with a blaster appeared, howling.

Armor Canine – Cannonboxer ATK Points: 1400/ Level: 3.

Yusei slightly widened his eyes, having not expected this. 'Another Cannonboxer!? Could these guys be using the same cards as each other?' Yusei thought to himself with narrowed eyes, having expected these guys to at least have different decks than each other.

"Yeah, it's a dog, but I'm more of a copycat. And now thanks to its special ability, I can summon another Canine from my hand. Like my own Armor Canine – Bullcopter!" The officer continued as a yellow machine bull themed helicopter appeared.

Armor Canine – Bullcopter ATK Points: 600/ Level: 2.

"And since Bullcopter has been successfully summoned, I can fetch a Polymerization from my deck". The officer explained as he held up the Spell with his right hand's index and middle fingers. "And now, I think I'll keep copying by playing it!" The officer called out as he slotted the Spell card in his Duel Disk with the Spell appearing on the field.

"I Fusion Summon Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress!" The Juvenile Officer called out as a purple portal appeared and his two monsters were absorbed into it. Appearing from the portal was another Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress.

Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress ATK Points: 2000/ Level: 6.

"I never did like dogs". Yusei remarked at the sight of the second Fusion Monster. "And just like my teammate, for every Fusion card I sent to the graveyard, I can raise Bullfortress' ATK Points by 1000!" The Juvenile Officer explained as he picked and sent two cards to the graveyard. "Since I sent two cards, instead of 1000 points, it gains 2000 ATK Points!" The Juvenile Officer explained as his hound powered up.

Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress ATK Points: 2000 + 2000 = 4000.

"So its effect depends on the number of cards discarded from the hand". Yusei commented, now knowing how this Fusion Monster's effect works. Blair began shaking in fear, thinking that Yusei didn't have any hope against these odds. "That's it for me!" The officer declared his turn over.

Juvenile Officer 3 Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"My turn!" The Juvenile Officer called out as he picked a card from his hand and played it instantly. "They say that dogs like to travel in packs, so let's keep the canines coming. Go Armor Canine – Cannonboxer!" The officer called out as a mechanical dog with a blaster appeared, howling.

Armor Canine – Cannonboxer ATK Points: 1400/ Level: 3.

"And next up, I'm calling on his floating friend Armor Canine – Bullcopter!" The officer continued as a yellow machine bull themed helicopter appeared.

Armor Canine – Bullcopter ATK Points: 600/ Level: 2.

"Then I'll use Bullcopter to bring out a Polymerization from my deck". The officer explained as he held up the Spell with his right hand's index and middle fingers. "And now, I think I'll play it!" The officer called out as he slotted the Spell card in his Duel Disk with the Spell appearing on the field.

"With it, I'll fuse these canines to Fusion Summon Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress!" The Juvenile Officer called out as a third Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress appeared.

Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress ATK Points: 2000/ Level: 6.

"Oh come on. Isn't it too much to ask you guys to use something else besides the same monsters over and over again?" Yusei questioned with a frown on his face as the final Juvenile Officer chuckle as he held up the three remaining cards in his hand, showing them to be Fusion cards. "Sorry, but no can do. Power up time, by sending these three cards to the grave, I can raise Bullfortress' ATK Points". The Juvenile Officer sent the three cards to the graveyard, while his Bullfortress powered up.

Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress ATK Points: 2000 + 3000 = 5000.

"Oh no, their monsters have 5000, 4000 and 3000 ATK Points!?" Blair called out in concern at seeing three Fusion Monsters with high ATK Points. The crowd of people cheered at the sight, thinking that Yusei had no chance.

"Alright tough guy, it's your move now!" Juvenile Officer # 2 told Yusei with a smirk on his face. "But there's only smart move to make". Juvenile Officer # 1 added with a smirk on his face. "Yeah, and that's to put your deck down and beg us for mercy". Juvenile Officer # 3 finished with all three of them smirking confidently, but Yusei snuff that out with one sentence. "I don't beg anything from amateurs". Yusei said with narrowed eyes, making everyone gasp at his words, while the cloaked figure chuckle.

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 3.

(Play Yu-gi-oh 5D's Counter Attack)

"It's my move!" Yusei called out as he drew his card, before looking at it. Yusei slightly widened his eyes, before he narrowed them. "I Summon Sangan in ATK Mode!" Yusei called out as he placed the card on his blade with a brown Fiend type monster appearing on his field.

Sangan ATK Points: 1000/ Level: 3.

"Then I'll reveal Changer Synchron!" Yusei continued as the shadowy monster revealed to be the Tuner Monster, Changer Synchron.

Changer Synchron ATK Points: 0/ Level: 1.

"You call us amateurs, but look at those weak monsters!" The Juvenile Officer with blue hair laughed out, making Yusei glare at him. "If used correctly, every card, even the weakest can be a force to be reckoned with". Yusei told the officer, making him stop laughing and Blair look at Yusei in awe.

Yusei then held up his right hand in the air. "Level 1 Changer Synchron tunes Level 3 Sangan!" Yusei called out as Sangan flew into the air, while Changer Synchron turned into a green ring. The ring went around Sangan as the Fiend monster turned transparent, before turning into three stars. A beam appeared that consumed the ring and stars. "I Synchro Summon Armory Arm!" Yusei called out as Armory Arm appeared from the beam.

Armory Arm ATK Points: 1800/ Level: 4.

"Synchro Summon!?" Juvenile Officer # 3 called out as he, his comrades, the civilians, Blair and even the cloaked figure was surprised by Yusei's Synchro Summon. "At this moment, both Changer Synchron and Sangan's special abilities activate! First Sangan allows me to add a monster with 1500 or lower ATK Points from my deck to my hand!" Yusei explained as a card slotted out of his deck and he picked it up with his right hand's index and middle fingers.

"And the monster I choose is Quickdraw Synchron!" Yusei revealed the card to the officers, before he added it to his hand. "Now Changer Synchron changes your monster's battle position and I choose the poach with 3000 ATK Points!" Yusei explained as he pointed at the Juvenile Officer # 2's Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress, who knelt down.

Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress ATK Points: 3000/ DEF Points: 1500.

The Juvenile Officer looked surprised to see his Fusion Monster in DEF Mode, but Yusei wasn't done. "Now by discarding a card from my hand, I'm allowed to Special Summon Quickdraw Synchron!" Yusei called out as he discarded a card while Quickdraw Synchron appeared.

Quickdraw Synchron ATK Points: 700/ Level: 5.

"Now since I control a Tuner Monster like my Quickdraw Synchron, Quillbolt Hedgehog can join the party from the graveyard!" Yusei explained as Quillbolt Hedgehog appeared on his field, giving out a small cry.

Quillbolt Hedgehog ATK Points: 800/ Level: 2.

"Now my Level 5 Quickdraw Synchron gives Level 2 Quillbolt Hedgehog a tune up!" Yusei called out as Quillbolt Hedgehog took off into the air, while Quickdraw Synchron transformed into five green rings. The five rings went around Quillbolt Hedgehog, scanning the monster as it turned transparent, before becoming two lights.

A beam appeared and consumed the lights and rings. "Nitro Warrior, let's rev it up!" Yusei called out as one of his favorite Synchro Monsters appeared, giving out a battle cry as it made a dramatic entrance.

Nitro Warrior ATK Points: 2800/ Level: 7.

Juvenile Officer # 3 and 1 cried out in panic at the sight of Nitro Warrior, while # 2 looked at his teammates. "Calm down, it's not strong enough to destroy our Bullfortress monsters!" Juvenile Officer # 2 yelled out at his teammates, getting them to look at him with a look of relief. "Are you sure about that?" Yusei questioned, getting the three Juvenile Officers to look at him and saw the smirk on his face.

"I activate Armory Arm's effect! Once a turn, it can equip itself onto a Monster I control and give it 1000 ATK Points!" Yusei explained Armory Arm's effect as the Synchro Monster attached itself to Nitro Warrior's right arm, with the Warrior type Synchro Monster giving out a battle cry.

Nitro Warrior ATK Points: 2800 + 1000 = 3800.

"Now I'll equip him with the Spell, Junk Barrage!" Yusei called out as he slotted the Spell card into his Duel Disk with the Spell appearing. Three flaming satellites came over, flying around Nitro Warrior. "Since I activated a Spell card, Nitro Warrior's effect gives it 1000 more ATK Points!" Yusei explained as Nitro Warrior gave out a battle cry as it powered up.

Nitro Warrior ATK Points: 3800 + 1000 = 4800.

"That thing has 4800 ATK Points!" Juvenile Officer # 2 called out in fear, losing his courage now. "Nitro Warrior attacks, Dynamite Crunch!" Yusei called out as Nitro Warrior charged and attacked the Juvenile Officer # 1's Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress, destroying the pouch. Juvenile Officer # 2 cried out as the force of the attack pushed him to the ground, knocking him out. (4800 – 4000 = 800)

Juvenile Officer # 1 Life Points: 4000 – 800 = 3200 – 2000 = 1200 – 4000 = 0000.

Nitro Warrior ATK Points: 4800 – 1000 = 3800.

Nitro Warrior then turned to look at Juvenile Officer # 1, making him whimper in fear as his Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress switched modes.

Full Armor Canine – Bullfortress DEF Points: 1500/ ATK Points: 3000.

Nitro Warrior punched the second Full Armo Canine – Bullfortress, destroying it. (3800 – 3000 = 800)

Juvenile Officer # 2 Life Points: 4000 – 800 = 3200 – 1500 = 1700 – 3000 = 0000.

The Juvenile Officer # 2 was forced to the ground from Nitro Warrior's attack. "H-How?" The officer questioned before he lost consciousness. "When Nitro Warrior destroys an opponent's monster, it can switch a DEF Position Monster into ATK Mode, and then attack it. Armory Arm, when equipped, deals damage equal to the destroyed monster's ATK Points and finally, Junk Barrage deals damage equal to half of a destroyed monster's ATK Points that the equipped monster destroys. This combo whipped out you two, now you're next". Yusei explained as he looked at Juvenile Officer # 3, who looked afraid, while the crowd of people, Blair and the cloaked figure were in awe at Yusei's strength.

"I reveal the Trap, Synchro Overlimit!" Yusei called out as his face down card revealed itself. "This Trap allows a Synchro Monster like my Nitro Warrior to attack one more time". Yusei explained his Trap's effect, making the last Juvenile Officer step back in fear. "B-B-but my Bullfortress has more ATK Points". The Juvenile Officer said, hopping that he'll be saved from Yusei's wrath.

"That would have been a problem, if I didn't have this! The Monster card, Rush Warrior!" Yusei called out as he held out the last card in his hand as a brown and white armored warrior appeared. "If a 'Warrior' Synchro Monster battles an opponent's monster, I can send this card to the graveyard and Nitro Warrior's ATK Points double!" Yusei explained as he sent the card to the graveyard zone of his Duel Disk, before Rush Warrior turned into brown energy that surrounded Nitro Warrior, powering it up.

Nitro Warrior ATK Points: 3800 X 2 = 7600.

And just like that, the last Juvenile Officer's hope was shattered. "Go Dynamite Crunch!" Yusei called out as Nitro Warrior flattened the last Bullfortress, making it explode. (7600 – 5000 = 2600)

Juvenile Officer Life Points: 4000 – 2600 = 1400.

"And don't forget Armory Arm and Junk Barrage's effects, so see ya!" Yusei reminded his last opponent as Nitro Warrior held out his right hand, unleashing a sound wave attack that blew the final Juvenile Officer off his feet and into the sky.

Juvenile Officer Life Points: 1400 – 2500 = 0 – 5000 = 0.

Winner: Yusei!

(Music end)

The Juvenile Officer landed in the water that was a bit away from everyone. Blair, the crowd and the cloaked figure looked at Yusei in awe, disbelief and admiration as the 19-year-old's Duel Disk deactivated and his monsters disappeared. "Amazing, he defeated all three of them at once like it was nothing". Blair said in awe of Yusei's strength.

Yusei looked at the crowd of people, which a few of them flinched at his sight on them, while the rest were looking at him in admiration. "You should take these guys to a doctor. They'll be out for a while, but other than that, they're unharmed". Yusei told the crowd of people, wanting to make sure those three officers would be able to recover. Some of the people apart of the crowd nodded as they worked together and picked up the remaining two Juvenile Officers and left with the others following them.

Soon the alleyway was empty, leaving Yusei with Blair. Seeing that they were alone, Yusei turned to face Blair, who was still hiding behind his Duel Runner. "It's alright now, you're safe". Yusei told the young teenage girl with a smile, getting Blair to grow a smile on her face as she walked up to the 19-year-old.

"Thank you Mr… umm, what's your name?" Blair asked as she smiled in embarrassment at how she doesn't know her savior's name. Yusei chuckled at Blair as he walked pass her to his Duel Runner. "The name's Yusei, Yusei Fudo". Yusei introduced himself to Blair as he reattached his Duel Disk back to his Duel Runner.

"M-My name's Blair Flannigan, it's nice to meet you Mr. Fudo". Blair introduced herself to Yusei as the 19-year-old placed the briefcase in the extra compartment. "Nice to meet you too, Blair. Anyway, that should keep anybody from following and trying to capture you for a while. You should hurry back to your home while you still have the chance". Yusei told the young 13-year-old as he mounted his Duel Runner.

Blair looked nervous as she realized what Yusei meant. "B-b-but aren't you gonna stay here and protect me?" Blair asked the older male, believing that the safest option was to stay close to Yusei, getting him to look at her as he put his helmet on. "Trust me, if I had the time to take you back home, I would. But right now I need to look for someone called Yusho Sakaki". Yusei replied to the young girl as he began twisting the handlebars, rearing up his Duel Runner's engine.

What Yusei said got the cloaked figure's attention. Taking a leap of faith, the cloaked figure jumped off the rooftop and landed in front of Yusei and Blair, getting the two's attention. "You're looking for Yusho Sakaki? And why is that?" The cloaked figure asked Yusei, who narrowed his eyes at the figure before him. "I need his help". Yusei told the cloaked figure, getting her even more curious about him. "Answer me this, are you an ally of Duel Academy?" The cloaked figure questioned Yusei, who shook his head instantly. "No way, if anything I'm someone who will stop Duel Academy". Yusei replied to the cloaked figure, increasing her interest in him.

"Hmm, alright then, I'll take you to Yusho Sakaki". The cloaked figure told Yusei, who kept his eyes narrowed at her. "…You're just gonna take me to him just like that?" Yusei questioned the cloaked figure, who just waved her right hand as if she wasn't bothered by Yusei's question. "If you were really an ally of Duel Academy, you'd let those amateurs take Blair back to the island. So you're cool in my book". The cloaked figure told Yusei, who slightly widened his eyes at her words.

"All right then, I'll trust you". Yusei told the cloaked figure, getting her to smile, before she turned to face Blair, who was hiding behind Yusei. "Blair, I'm glad to see that you're unharmed". The cloaked figure said to Blair as she took the hood of her cloak off, revealing her face to Yusei and Blair.

It was a female that looked to be 16-years-old. She had long; dark blond hair that was sporadically arranged, with a large portion trailing the upper part of the nape of her neck. She had hazel eyes and light skin. Yusei didn't know her, but Blair did as she smiled brightly. "Alexis!" Blair called out in joy as she ran past Yusei towards the female known as Alexis and gave her a hug, one that Alexis happily returned.

"You know this person Blair?" Yusei asked the 13-year-old, who nodded to him with a happy smile on her face. "She's an old friend and one of Duel Academy's most wanted, you can trust her". Blair told Yusei, getting him to raise an eyebrow at how carefree she was now with this Alexis girl.

"Alright, I'll trust you". Yusei told Alexis, deciding to trust Blair's words. Alexis smiled as she put her hood back on. "Then follow me and I'll lead you to Yusho Sakaki". Alexis told Yusei as she began walking away with Blair right next to her. Yusei followed the two females on his Duel Runner, going slowly. Yusei did look across the ocean and saw the last Juvenile Officer swimming to shore, going in a direction away from him.

30 minutes has passed since Alexis started leading Yusei and Blair to where Yusho Sakaki was located, with Yusei driving his Duel Runner slowly, but they all kept to the shadows of the city so that nobody would see them. Eventually, Alexis lead them to a stone structure built into a small mountain.

They had to go up a staircase, where Yusei had to accelerate his Duel Runner a bit, but not too much to draw attention. Alexis opened the door to reveal the inside of the building, which looked like a church. Yusei got off his Duel Runner as Alexis walked up to the altar of the room and reached underneath it. There must have been a switch there, because a bookcase near her moved to the side, revealing a hidden passage.

"Now that's nifty". Yusei remarked, seeing the hidden passage being very effective. "Thank you". Alexis thanked Yusei for his compliment as they began walking down the steep staircase, though Yusei and Blair had to carefully hold Yusei's Duel Runner as they went down. Soon they reached a hallway where they were many more teenagers around Blair and Alexis' age.

A few passing by teenagers stopped to stare at the three, or more exact, Yusei and his Duel Runner as the 19-year-old and Blair were still pushing the Duel Runner. "What is this place anyway?" Yusei questioned as he looked through a window to see a few children watching two boys Dueling. Yusei smiled when he saw the smiles on the children's faces.

"This is our duel school, the You Show Duel School". Alexis told Yusei as she stopped in front of a green door before she opened it. "Come in here". Alexis told Yusei and Blair as she entered the room. Yusei and Blair kept pushing Yusei's Duel Runner as they went in.

The room contained a table with a chair and six stools around it, some bins with scrolls in them, and a large banner adorned the far wall. There was a raised platform in one corner with a walking chair atop it, and there was a man sitting there.

The man looked to be older than Yusei, looking to be in his thirties. He was tall and wore a red performer's outfit with a handkerchief around his neck. He had a red staff topped with a blue orb attached to it. He had black hair with inky-green shading and wearied a purple top hat with green goggles on the bottom side.

The man noticed Alexis, Blair and Yusei walk in with the 19-year-old putting his Duel Runner in parking mode. "Oh, who are these people Alexis?" The man asked the 16-year-old female as he gave a friendly smile, even his vibe was comforting. "This is my friend Blair, and this is-". Alexis began to introduce Blair and Yusei, only for Yusei to interrupt her as he walked up to the man, getting him to look at the 19-year-old.

"Are you Yusho Sakaki?" Yusei asked the man, getting him to narrow his eyes at Yusei. "I am". The now revealed Yusho Sakaki answered Yusei, wondering what the Shooting Star of Satellite wants with him. "He came here looking for you". Alexis told Yusho from behind Yusei with Blair staying close to her, getting Yusho to look at her for a few moments, before he looked back at Yusei. "What do you want with me?" Yusho questioned Yusei, wanting to know what he wants from him.

"I came here because I need your help". Yusei answered, getting Yusho, Alexis and Blair curious by his answer. "What do you need my help with?" The adult man questioned Yusei, wondering why he needs his help. "I need your help to infiltrate Duel Academy". The 19-year-old answered, making Yusho, Alexis and Blair widen their eyes in shock.

"Infiltrate Duel Academy?" Yusho questioned in disbelief that this stranger wants his help with that. "Leo Akaba is holding two people there and I need to rescue them from there". Yusei explained to Yusho, giving a short explanation of what he needs to do. "Hold on for a moment! I brought you here because I thought you were looking for someone! If I had known that this was what you were gonna ask, I wouldn't have brought you here!" Alexis exclaimed as she walked up and stood in front of Yusei, keeping him from keeping eye contact with Yusho.

"Alexis, let him speak". Yusho told the young 16-year-old, getting her to look at him for a moment, before she stepped out of Yusei's way. "Why do you want to infiltrate Duel Academy? Are some friends of yours being kept there?" Yusho questioned Yusei, wanting to hear from him why he wants to infiltrate Duel Academy.

"To be honest, I don't know much about the people I want to rescue at all, only that they're important for Leo Akaba's plans". Yusei replied, getting Yusho and Alexis to widen their eyes. "You know what Leo Akaba is planning?" Alexis asked in surprise, which Yusei nodded to her. "Please, tell me why Leo is doing this. Invading other dimensions and turning people into cards, please tell me?" Yusho begged Yusei as he stood up from his chair, before wincing in pain, making Yusei widen his eyes in concern.

"You're hurt". Yusei said in concern, making Yusho give out a weak smile at him. "Compared to the pain my old friend has inflicted onto the people of the Xyz Dimension, this is nothing. Please tell me the reason for Leo's actions". Yusho begged Yusei again as Alexis and Blair ran over and helped him stand. "You were friends with Leo Akaba?" Yusei questioned the Dueltainer, who nodded to him.

"It was thanks to him that my Dueltaining career became possible. I met him in the Standard Dimension long ago and together, we created the Arc System". Yusho answered Yusei, getting him curious on what he meant by Dueltaining. "I could show you, but you might not believe it". Yusei told Yusho, thinking that perhaps he could show what the Crimson Dragon showed him.

"I need to know why my friend has become a tyrant. Please show me". Yusho requested, not backing down from learning the truth. Yusei saw the determination in Yusho Sakaki's eyes at finding out the truth, so he nodded to him. "Alright, I'll show you everything". Yusei told Yusho as he held up his right hand as his mark of the Crimson Dragon glowed.

Yusho, Alexis and Blair widened their eyes in surprise to see Yusei's mark, but before they could say anything, a bright light came out of Yusei's mark, forcing them all to close their eyes. The light remained for a few seconds, before it died down, allowing Yusho, Alexis and Blair to open their eyes.

The three of them widened their eyes in shock to see that they, along with Yusei, were in some kind of white void. "Where are we!? Just where have you taken us!?" Alexis exclaimed, looking at Yusei with narrowed eyes, thinking he's responsible. "I've taken us somewhere that'll allow me to show you the reason for Leo Akaba's actions, along with some help". Yusei replied to the defensive female, getting Alexis and Yusho to narrow their eyes, while Blair looked nervous.

A bright light appeared above them, getting Yusei, Yusho, Alexis and Blair to look above as the light cleared to reveal the Crimson Dragon. Yusei smiled at the Crimson Dragon, while Yusho and Alexis widened their eyes in disbelief and Blair looked terrified.

"It's okay, we won't be harmed". Yusei told the three, getting them to look back at him as the 19-year-old looked back at the Crimson Dragon. 'Yusei Fudo, we meet again'. The Crimson Dragon greeted his Signer, making Yusho, Alexis and Blair widen their eyes in surprise. "It's good to see you too, Crimson Dragon". Yusei greeted the embodiment of the Dragon Star.

The Crimson Dragon looked pleased, before it noticed Yusho, Alexis and Blair looking at him with disbelief looks on their faces. 'I see you went searching for Yusho Sakaki, just like I advised Stardust'. The Crimson Dragon said with a pleased look, making Yusho look even more shocked that this creature knows him.

"He wants to know why Leo Akaba is turning people into cards and attacked the Xyz Dimension. He was determined to know why Leo did all that, so I figured he should know the truth". Yusei explained to the Crimson Dragon, getting a fascinated look from the embodiment of the Dragon Star. 'I see, very well then. I'll show him, along with these two the truth of the Four Dimensions and Leo Akaba'. The Crimson Dragon said, deciding to allow these three to know the truth.

Suddenly the entire area changed, revealing them all floating in the sky above the United World's city, getting Yusho, Alexis and Blair to widen their eyes in surprise. "W-W-where are we?!" Blair asked in surprise as she looked at the futuristic city and the floating islands. 'This is the United World, a world where the Four Dimensions used to be one'. The Crimson Dragon answered, making Yusho, Alexis and Blair widen their eyes in disbelief.

"The Four Dimensions used to be one world?" Yusho asked in surprise at what he's learned. 'Indeed, and Leo Akaba came from this world'. The Crimson Dragon answered as the scenery around them changed to reveal that they were in Leo Akaba's lab, where they saw the younger Leo Akaba doing research on Hazy Flame Sphynx. Seeing the younger Leo Akaba made Yusho and Alexis widen their eyes in disbelief.

"Leo!?" Yusho called out in surprise to see his old friend's younger self. 'Indeed. He used to be a scientist here in the United World, searching for ways to advance the Arc System'. The Crimson Dragon told Yusho, getting him to look at the embodiment of the Dragon Star. "The Arc System existed in the United World?" Yusho asked in surprise with Yusei nodding for the Crimson Dragon.

"That's right, and Leo found the answer in Duel Monsters, but he discovered something. Leo Akaba discovered that Duel Monsters had spirits as humans did, and that was where he found his solution. The Arc System granted Duel Monsters real bodies in that world. The only problem is that the United World had no knowledge of Duel Spirits, so he dismissed his discovery. And like that, a new era of Dueling began". Yusei told Yusho, Blair and Alexis as the scenery around them changed to a stadium.

Yusei, Yusho, Alexis and Blair watched in awe as duelists dueled alongside their monsters, which were granted real life bodies just as the Crimson Dragon said. 'As the creator of this new era of Dueling, Leo was worshipped by the people of the United World. However, one day that all changed'. The Crimson Dragon said as the scenery changed in a way.

They were still in a stadium, but there was a duel happening. The four humans watched as a red dragon smack Ignition Beast Volcannon into his Duelist. However, one of the spikes of the monster had stabbed the Duelist, making Yusho, Blair and Alexis gasp in horror, while Yusei gritted his teeth.

The stadium was silent as the audience was in shock, before it was broken. Slowly, the crowd applauded, not caring about the injured Duelist. Yusho and Alexis looked disgusted by the crowd's cheering, with Yusei glaring at them. "As you can see, the people of this world weren't exactly in the right mind". Yusei remarked as he crossed his arms as Yusho and Alexis looked disgusted, while Blair looked afraid.

"How could they cheer at somebody's pain?" Yusho questioned, disgusted by the cheering of the United World's people. "If you think that's shocking, then look over there". Yusei told Yusho as he pointed to Z-arc, getting the adult to look and widen his eyes. "Yuya!?" Yusho called out in surprise, but Yusei shook his head.

"No, that's Z-arc, Yuya's original person". Yusei told the adult man, getting Yusho to look back at him. "Original person?" Yusho repeated in confusion at Yusei's words. "Z-arc had the ability to communicate with Duel Spirits, something that's rare. At first he wanted to bring joy to people through Dueling. However, after this Duel, everything went crazy". Yusei told Yusho as the scenery around them changed to reveal more Duels, where more Duelist were hurt.

Everyone watched as these bloody Duels took place with Yusho having a sad look on his face. Soon the scenery stopped changing; though they were still in the stadium. Z-arc was standing in the middle of the stadium with a thousand Duelist lying injured around him. However, the crowd didn't care about them, demanding more violent Duels.

"Who wants to battle!? There must be someone who'll challenge me, or are you all too frighten to lose!? Come on, challenge me! Someone step up and challenge me!" Z-arc called out to the thousands of people watching him. 'He defeated every challenger, took every title and soon, he stood at the top of the Dueling world'. The Crimson Dragon told Yusho, Alexis and Blair, getting the 16-year-old female to look at him.

"Just what in the world happened?" Alexis questioned with a deep frown on her face. 'Continue watching'. The dragon replied to the female, who went back to watching Z-arc. The people kept demanding more violent Duels, making Z-arc let out an evil smirk on his face as he brought out four cards in his right hand.

"Yes! Yesss! Duel me, challenge me, let me crush you! If no one will challenge me, then I will challenge you! I challenge the whole world, I will destroy you all!" Z-arc exclaimed as he held up his left arm as his Duel Disk activated. "Yes, yes I will destroy you all! My four dragons thirst for a fight!" Z-arc called out as he placed his four cards on his Duel Disk. Four dragons covered in shadows appeared above Z-arc in a circle formation.

Then the chaos happened as the four dragons began unleashing destruction on the people of the United World, making Yusho, Alexis and Blair gasp in disbelief, while Yusei growled. They watched as everyone evacuated in hopes to avoid this bloodbath.

'People's greed for more violent battles corrupted such a pure Duelist, creating a demon that began a path of destruction'. The Crimson Dragon said as Yusho looked at the evacuating people, who were terrified by the four dragons. Z-arc's dragons attacked innocent people, either hurting or killing them. 'The humans' greed angered Z-arc's dragons so much that they wished to bring destruction upon them. Z-arc didn't control them, they obeyed him willingly'. The Crimson Dragon told the three unaware humans, with Alexis glaring at the dragons.

The four humans continued to watch as the humans of the United World tried to fight against Z-arc's dragons, but couldn't even faze them. 'Given real bodies, Z-arc's dragons were able to fight against humanity without worry, who couldn't do anything to stop them'. The Crimson Dragon explained as the four dragons returned to the stadium, roaring out, not satisfied yet.

"Yes, I agree. We do need a bigger challenge. Let us become one and challenge the whole universe! Now let us merge!" Zarc called out with a crazy grin on his face as he held up a card, making Yusho, Alexis and Blair widen their eyes. "What does he mean by merge?" Blair questioned in surprise, getting Yusei to look at her.

"Watch". Yusei simple said, getting Blair to look even more nervous. "Astrograph Sorcerer, master of time and space!" Z-arc called out as a dark blue Spellcaster monster appeared and created a column of light. "I call on you to use your mystical powers to reshape us into a single, unstoppable force! It is time, to become one!" Z-arc called out as the Spellcaster casted a huge cluster of light above and drew in all the dragons and Z-arc himself, much to Yusho, Alexis and Blair's shock.

The light changed to a great darkness accompanied by red lightning. From inside the darkness, an earth shattering roar was heard as a shape could be seen in the darkness. The darkness was then caste aside to reveal a horrible sight. A massive black dragon with green strips throughout its body appeared. Everyone about the dragons screamed out 'death', as if it was the embodiment of death.

Yusho and Alexis looked at the giant dragon in shock, horror and disbelief, while Blair was so frightened that she ran over to Yusei and held onto his right arm, getting the 19-year-old to look at her in surprise. "W-what is that thing?" Alexis questioned in fear as she started shaking at the sight of the giant dragon.

'That is the merged form of Odd-Eyes Dragon, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Z-arc, Supreme King Z-ARC'. The Crimson Dragon revealed, making Yusho and Alexis widen their eyes in shock at two dragons mentioned. They watched as Supreme King Z-ARC continued to rain destruction down on the United World. The buildings were burning in flames as Z-arc continued laughing. "Hahaha, what's wrong humans? I thought you wanted a more brutal Duel, hahaha!" Z-arc laughed out as the head of the dragon fired a beam, destroying more of the United World. Yusho, Blair and Alexis were speechless as Z-arc continued to destroy.

Then, aboard vehicles were Duelist with activated Duel Disks, willing to fight Supreme King Z-ARC. "There were Duelists, who were willing to battle Z-arc to protect their world. But they were all defeated by the Supreme King". Yusei said as Z-arc easily defeated the Duelist who challenged him. "Wasn't there a way to stop that thing?" Blair asked in fear at seeing Supreme King Z-arc continue to destroy.

"There was, and Leo Akaba created it". Yusei told the three, getting them to look at him. 'Leo Akaba felt responsible for being the cause of what created the Supreme King. He travelled around the world and following the theory of Duel Monsters with souls while researching different natural environments. Leo Akaba was able to create four cards from natural energy that he believed would be able to stop the monster he created'. The Crimson Dragon revealed to Yusho, Alexis and Blair, surprising them at his answer.

'Through analyzing and studying the desire of plants that were destroyed, but sprouted with the seasons and animals that endured winter to spring, he was able to realize his ambition. The strong desire to live that has manifested in the United World for millennia. This allowed Leo Akaba to create four cards that would bring hope to the world and defeat Supreme King Z-ARC. The Spell cards, En Moon, En Winds, En Birds and En Flowers'. The Crimson Dragon continued on as the scenery around them changed to outside a ruined building, where they saw through a broken wall, Leo Akaba opening a briefcase, showing four glowing cards.

Leo looked pleased as he reached out to grab the cards, when suddenly someone snatched them. Yusho, Blair and Alexis widened their eyes in surprise as the thief ran away with Leo chasing after whoever it was. "Someone stole the cards!?" Alexis exclaimed in surprise, but Yusei shook his head.

"Not exactly, Alexis. They were taken by Leo Akaba's daughter, Ray Akaba". Yusei revealed to the three, shocking Yusho even more. "Leo had a daughter? But he has a son and wife back in the Standard Dimension!" Yusho called out in surprise, getting Yusei to narrow his eyes at what the adult male just said.

'This was before Leo created his new family in the Standard Dimension'. The Crimson Dragon told Yusho as the scenery changed to a ruin street with Leo chasing after his daughter. "Dad, I'm going to stop Z-arc, not you. The people need you to rebuild the city". Ray told her father as she turned to face Leo, allowing Yusho, Blair and Alexis to see her face.

"Zuzu!?" Yusho called out in surprise, getting Yusei to raise an eyebrow at how Yusho knows Z-arc and Ray's Standard pieces. "No, that's Ray Akaba, Zuzu's original person". Yusei told the adult man, getting him to look at the younger man, clearly wanting answers.

"Ray, don't be silly. I created Z-arc, so I, not you, will defeat him. Now give those cards back. I will not let you risk your life. I don't want to lose you Ray". Leo pleaded to his daughter, hoping she'll give the cards back. "And I don't want to lose you either, dad!" Ray replied as she slotted a card into her Duel Disk.

A card appeared, before a bright light came from it. The light pulled in two rubbles from separate buildings, blocking Leo from Ray. Seeing the path blocked, Ray continued on to face Z-arc. The scenery changed again, this time revealing Ray standing on one of the floating islands with a look of determination on her face as she faced off against the Surpeme King Z-arc. Everyone watched her as she activated the four En cards, creating a bright light.

All around the destroyed cities, flowers bloomed instantly, before somekind of power was transferred over to the four cards. Yusho, Blair and Alexis watched in awe, before Yusho noticed Leo running to Ray, trying to stop her. "Ray no! Don't do this!" Leo called out to his daughter as he tried to run over to her; only to be stopped by somekind of force field.

"Ray, no". Leo said in horror as he could do nothing, but watch. The energy from the four cards transferred over to Ray. "Those cards contain all the forces of nature. Your body can't withstand all that energy. Stop it Ray, please! You aren't going to survive!" Leo called out to his daughter in hopes she'll stop, but she kept going. Then, four bracelets appeared on Ray's right arm that she was holding up, surprising Yusho as he recognized one of the bracelets.

"That bracelet belongs to Zuzu!" Yusho called out in surprise to see one of the four bracelets. The bracelets on Ray's arm unleashed powerful glows from them, like that of a rainbow. The glows affected the Supreme King Z-arc as the giant dragon howled in pain. The four shadow covered dragons appeared briefly for a few moments as they looked to be being pulled apart from each other.

"Stop it! Stop it now! Or you will suffer the consequences!" Z-arc shouted out as a part of the giant dragon revealed him and his yellow eyes. Ray kept her determined face, willing to do what needs to be done. A bright light appeared around the dragon as the four dragons were separated from it. Then to Yusho, Blair and Alexis' shock, Ray glowed as well as she split into 4 pieces, each a different color before a bright light appeared all over the planet.

The bright light forced Yusei, Yusho, Blair and Alexis to cover their eyes for a few moments, before it died down to reveal them back in the white void. "The four Spell cards split the United World into four pieces, known as the Four Dimensions. And on top of that, Ray and Z-arc were split into four pieces as well". Yusei told the three, making them widen their eyes in shock at what they've learned. "Four pieces… you don't mean…" Yusho said as he widened his eyes, seeing where this is going.

Yusei nodded to Yusho, confirming his fears. "That's right; Yuya is Z-arc's original piece, same with Zuzu and Ray". Yusei revealed, making Yusho gasp in horror at learning the truth. "My…my son used to be somekind of demon?" Yusho questioned in disbelief, surprising Yusei this time. "Yuya's your son?" Yusei questioned in surprise, which Yusho nodded to him.

'Leo Akaba survived the destruction of the United World and spent time in Standard, where he met you Yusho, created the Arc System and created a new family'. The Crimson Dragon told the three humans, who looked at the embodiment of the Dragon Star. "Then… why is Leo in the Fusion Dimension and invading the dimensions?" Yusho questioned the Crimson Dragon, still not having the answer on why Leo was invading other dimensions.

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