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17.24% Adventuring as a way to become God. / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chương 3: Chapter 3

Door Opening

I am sorry for the long delay, I have brought you Master Lemon, Momonga-sama. Yuri

Hm Ah good, you are finally here Momonga-sama was getting worried that something might have happened. Sebas 

As Yuri was panicking about how to reply to Sebas' questioning gaze, you put your hand on Yuri's shoulder, feeling her relax you walked before her and spoke up.

Sorry sorry, don't be so harsh on her Sebas, it was my fault that we were running late. Lemon

I see I apologize for my rude act, but can I inquire about the reason for the delay, as the head butler it falls to me to quickly fix anything that may trouble you. Sebes

Man, it will be causing trouble for Yuri later if I don't give a proper reason, I see their loyalty can also be a problem if they act like this for everything, I don't mind him finding out what I did to Yuri but if he finds out I deliberately ignore Momonga's order to fool around than I would probably be seen in a bad light by the NPCs and that would be troubling in the future, so how will I get out of this.

Well, it was not that big of a deal, you see I was somewhat preoccupied with something that involved my two subordinates so I had her wait outside for some time till I finished up, hahaha. Lemon

Great excuse brain you could not come up with anything more decent, look now momonga is looking at me like that. Ahh do I have to have the talk about this with him too, those eyes are definitely saying "What the fuck have you have been doing when I was doing this annoying work, you bastard". (Looking at Sebes) Great that excuse just went past his head, when you think all the NPCs in Nazaric are all virgins right, wait will they still be if their flavour text says otherwise?

Lemon was going on a journey to escape the embarrassment, Sabas asked if you could clarify the problem as he did not understand due to his lack of knowledge. As your struggle continues, a lifeline in the form of an Ahm comes from momonga.

Ahm, enough with this subject. Sebes, Lemon has already stated his reason for his delay and I have understood it. You do not need to be concerned about the subject anymore, more importantly, I want you to go and tell Albedo to come to meet us fully armed, And lemon we will be going to the village, it seems it is being attacked by some knight-looking people. Momonga

Thank god he spoke up, I was sweating inside thinking he wanted to know too, phew.

Yes Momonga- same at once, well then I am sorry for my rudeness Lemon-sama. Yuri, remain here and tend to their needs. Excuse me then. Sebes

As the door closes, he walks up to momonga at a relaxed pace, looking into the mirror a massacre was happening, there were corps scattered like rubbish, and the smoke from the fires covered half of the screen, yet he felt nothing, no ounce of emotion came to him like watching a scene from a bloody movie.

Well, I guess I am watching this from a third-person's perspective, but still, to feel not even pity knowing this is all happening for real, has there been some kind of change in my brain by coming to this world or maybe it's the effect of not being human anymore….no, I can still feel emotions so that cannot be it. I guess I will understand more if I see it in person.

While Lemon is pondering his lack of emotions, a black fog appears on the side. It then like a drop of water, spreads itself from the middle, and as if to cover it a membrane of pure black jelly-like substance expands.

Good, it seems the [Gate] spell works fine, now then let's go first, oh and I want to hear what my "good" friend has been doing while I was here. Momomga

What really man I did not know you had that kind of fetish. Lemon

W-W-What are you saying all of the sudden, you know what I mean by that, don't speak (realise Yuri was looking with a dumbfounded look), Ah no Yuri, don't believe in what this bastard is sprouting, I don't have any weird fetish like that ok. Momonga

I understand man, I understand I can be bone hard sometimes when hearing a hot story like that (nodding sagely). Lemon 

You basterrrrr..... haaa you know what forget it, we are wasting our time pointlessly, I am going ahead, do what you want. Momonga

Oh damn did I tease him too hard, I guess I will apologise, and Yuri, don't worry that was some pure fun nothing serious, you don't need to look so nervous, see you later love. Lemon

(Slight blushing) Y-Yes have a safe trip Master (Bowing). Yuri


Damn, why did you kill her I was going to have some fun with her tonight. Knight 1

What, you were serious about that, you do understand we must pull back quickly before Gazef shows up, we don't have the time to be fooling around, rather I would like you to thank me for saving your sorry ass from the Cap oi what is that. Knight 2

Haaaa and she had some nice tits too (Squeezing breast) quite a sham indeed, hmm wat, why are you suddenly drawing your sword. Knight 1

Where are your eyes, don't you see something coming out of that thing, hurry up and draw your weapon! Knight 2

Hmm Shit, where did that come from, Oi you guy with the bone mask where did you suddenly appear from.....oi, I am asking you a question Skull robe. Knight 1 

Oi, another one is coming out I think we better report this to the others. Knight 2


As Lemon came out from the black fog, an annoying voice attacked your ears, there were two knights shouting something at you, and under their feet, two corps of girls were lying there, the small one's face had her eyes wide open as if she had seen something unbelievable, the elder one was laying on her back one hand still holding on to the headless corp, as you lost interest at them you look around the surrounding, there were trees everywhere, on further searching there was a small clearing created after many walk through it leading to the now burning village, it's smoke climbing the sky as to flee from the carnage below. One of the knights tries to retreat but after taking a few steps his body leans forward as if some invisible force grabbed his leg, after hitting the ground he lay there motionless. There was a moment of tranquillity from the incessant voices of the other knight.

Finally, some peace and it seems the spell also worked. We could do nothing but retreat if a 9th-tier spell did not work, now then knight no 2 I need to ask some questions, will you cooperate? Oh, running are we then I guess I will have you sleep for a bit. Momonga

A bolt of lightning in the form of a dragon pierces the running knight, burning him from the inside of the suite, lemon walks up to the momonga that had his finger pointed at the now-baked man.

Nice work GM, you took them out like nothing but didn't you just say we are taking that one alive? Did the blood go to your head man? Lemon

...No(takes down his hand), that was a pretty weak spell, but for them to die from just, are they that weak or are these two the exception,…..haaa well we will find out soon enough. Now, let's wait for Albedo to arrive. Momonga

Oh shit, he is sulking, he is ignoring me and everything, guess I went too far in the teasing. Ok guess I need to apologise to smooth this over, also need to ask about things that have been bugging me and from the way, momonga has been acting he feel the same way or has he not realised it yet?

Amm Momonga-san, I am deeply sorry for the whole you being bony as a bone when listening to someone's sex life, I have already explained that was some fun bickering between us to Yuri so it's ok on that side, if you are still angry I will get down my knees to apologise, so please forgive me, please. Lemon

Haaaa ya, ok if you have explained to Yuri Alpha properly and warned her to not speak of this again then it's fine, no point dragging this pointlessly. Momonga

Oh, thank you, man no wonder you are called the nice guy's skeleton. Lemon

Don't make me regret the decision I just made. Momonga

Hahahaha, now-now what's a little joke between us? Anyway, I also wanted to ask you something that's bothering me for a while, you see I am not getting any kind of feeling from all that's been around us, ya I mean I should as someone that came from modern Japan, this kind of scene should be disturbing to us right or at least queasy, but forget anger or sadness I am not even feeling pity when you just kill two guys or after seeing the corps of the two girls over there. Lemon

...….I see hmm yes, now that you say it, it is strange that I have also not felt anything of the sort, and when killing those knights I was just thinking I would try out my skills and thought nothing of it, is it due to us not being human anymore.....and also there are times when my emotions are suddenly calmed down like someone just put a lit on it, does that happen to you too? Momonga

No, I think I still have my emotions, if not then I will not be able to do that kind of stuff wait what am I saying, Ahm my point is I can still feel emotions, just that I don't see death as much of a problem anymore whether that is a good thing or not well only time will tell and no, my emotions are not forcefully suppressed by anything, at least I don't think so, maybe it's happening to you due to your race. Lemon

I see, so how the emotions are expressed differs, true I also did not get many emotions from killing for the first time, hahaha maybe we really did turn into monsters. Momonga

Thank you for the wait Momonga-sama Lemon-sama, I have kept you waiting. Albedo

As Lemon turned around a knight clad in full black was standing there, in her one hand she was holding an axe as black as her armour, two great horns sprouted from the base of the helmet, curving gently forward, black cloth draped down around her waist replacing her iconic black wings, she showed her respect to the two beings in front of her by bowing a little.

No, you came at the right time Albedo, now that she is here we should move inside the village and see the situation for ourselves. Momonga 

Wait a second, I also want to try out some of my spells and thankfully there are corps everywhere around here. Lemon

Hmm ok then Albedo come by my side, we will be standing a little away from here. Momonga

Yes, Momonga-sama. Albedo

As momonga and Albedo stepped back lemon organised his thoughts on which spell he could use for something of this level.

Ok now then, I guess my only option is to try out my resurrection spells, then the issue is should I do a wide area one to revive everyone...…hmm, I guess I can do that we can also use the knights for something after they are back, now that's decided. Lemon

A blues white light started emitting from the ground as he as the centre, the light swallowed everything it touched momentarily blinding anyone who looked at it. As the light dimmed down lemon was still standing at the epicentre, his surroundings, however, were now green as if the forest had taken back what rightfully belonged to it, the four corpses now lying down with no injuries only their blooded clothes and chard armour proving otherwise.

Good, it works just fine, I did not expect the grasses to also grow back but whatever, Albedo can you call someone to bring back those knights to Nazarick, I am sure we can use them somehow. Lemon

Yes, at once Lemon-sama. Albedo

Aammm w-what going on, w-where am I, my head mmmm, Nemu Nemu where are you. Girl 1

Lemon heard one of the girls waking up and started panicking, head seeking everywhere for the smaller one, when she sees the child, she ran to her on all four as if standing up would waste too much time, she check the girl by touching her all over but when her eyes fall on her slender neck, the elder girl's hand slowly traces through it searching for any proof that this is not a dream, that the vision she last saw was just a nightmare. When she understand that they were still alive she hugged the smaller girl tightly to the point that the smaller one started letting out a voice of disapproval. As they were having this touching moment Momonga walked up to them, speaking up and destroying that touching scene. The sisters looked up at him with surprise but after seeing his face or the lack there off, the older one tried to hide the younger one behind her, and with a trembling voice ask for mercy, telling him she would sacrifice herself so she wants her sister to be spared, her now wide awake sister called Nemu crying to not let her go. The scene right out of shonen manga where a bad guy is threatening a village girl and the brave girl although scared sacrifices herself for her family, the only thing left is a Hero to jump out from the forest to save the damsel. As you watch over this scene with haft expectations sudden of a boss battle, Albedo suddenly thrust her great axe in front of the older girl ready to kill her on the spot.

Ok, I better go in before my effort is rendered obsolete.

Now Now, albedo calm down they meant nothing by it, so hurry up and put your axe down. Momomga

Right right listen to him albedo, I will talk to them for now, they must have been scared by the appearance of you two after all. Lemon

Lemon slowly approaches the two girls as if they were stray cats and would scurry away if not careful, when he was a few feet out, he sat down in a squat looking the girls into their terrified eyes.

Hello, I am sorry for scaring you two, we will not do anything, so please calm down ok, good ok now I am sure you are confused about what is going on but don't worry we have already taken care of the knight attacking you two, and we are about to take care of the once in the village too ok, so I would like you two to stay here, for now, of course, we will put up some barrier to prevent anything from attacking you, so sit tight with your sister and wait for the good news. Lemon

I-I, o-ok sir priest, thank you for saving us, we are deeply grateful, but can you please explain what happened to us, I was sure.....that both of us died. Sister 1

Hmmm, oh what should I call you two? Lemon

Ahh yes sorry for not introducing ourselves, my name is Enri and this is my sister Nemu, Sir. Enri

Ok, Enri, about the explanation it will sometime do you want to still hear it? Lemon

The girl that was hitting adolescence was confused by the question then she realised the smoke rising from her village and hurriedly answered.

No, if explaining will take up time then please save the people from the village instead, please Sir Priest. Enri

Good, you are a very kind girl, we will do all we can to save as many people from the village, so stay here for now. Lemon 

Lemon gave a signal with his eyes to momonga and he nodded his head casting several barriers. Walking up to the now calm girls momonga spoke up.

Here also take this too, blow the horn and a group of goblins will show up and protect you. Momomga 

Saying that he threw two horn-looking things at them. You walk up to him as he moves towards the village.

Momonga you should probably wear some kind of mask to hide your skull unless you also want everybody inside the village to have the same reaction too. Lemon

As I thought that was the reason, haaa to think choosing this avatar would come to bite me this way too, if I knew this would happen I would have changed to the other one. Momonga

Ahahaha, sorry. Lemon

Ya that completely slipped my mind, I should have asked him to change his avatar even if it garnered a little suspicion.

Why are apologizing for it, haa anyway no point talking about this, we will take out the knights, for now, Albedo you be the vanguard, I will give you backup and Lemon you know what to do. Momonga

Ya got it GM. Lemon


As the teleportation light disappeared Lemon see the same grand room that he was staying in. He looked around confirming that he is alone and jumped into the large bed head first.

Man, that was hard work haaa, well at least we are now seen as a group of saviours by the villagers, that's got to count for something. But was it ok for us to also save that Gazaf guy and his band of knights, he seems to get along with momonga too, oh ya he even change his name to something like Ainz, what is he thinking, well whatever we got the connection we were looking for and even some ginny pigs as a bonus, let's be satisfied with that, I know that Ainz got his own plan for the future, and I guess I just have to go with the wave for now.

*Knocke Knock* This is Akeno Master, may I enter? Akeno

Ya, come in, so what's up Akeno? Lemon

It's nothing serious master, I heard you have arrived from your errand so I thought I will update you about Ceanis' condition. Akeno

What did something happen to her after I left? Lemon

No, other than cursing you a few times and after that, she seems to have gone to the 5th floor to "unstress" in her words. Akeno

Hehe must have gone to pick a fight there, well I guess I will leave her alone for now, so what to do now, I am not really in the mood to do anything...….oh ya we did have a pretty sweet bath house right, guess I could go and unwind some of my fatigue, not like I have any haha.

(Sitting up) Ok, thanks for the update Akeno, let's leave her alone to cool off, anyway Akeno I will be going to the bath now and I want something to eat after that, now that I say that I have not eaten anything after coming haha, ok Akeno I want something with volume as this will be my first meal from Nazarik. Lemon

Yes of course master I will be sure to ready the best meal we can prepare, for your eating pleasure, now then please excuse me. Akeno

O-oh ok, did I hype her too much there, hope it's something that a single person can finish. Ok for now guess I will go too, hehe a full bath quite a long time has passed since I had one of those. Lemon


Ahhhhhhh soooo goood, man this is something else, I was not really into this kind of bathing but, ya this is something, I really need to do this more often.

As lemon was relaxing in the bath a figure walked up to him her honeyed voice calling out to him from behind

Oh my, it seems the bath is occupied. ???

The mature voice that came from behind prompted him to look back, there he saw a gorgeous woman, her body covered only by the towel she is holding over her chest. 

Oh hello, Albedo are you coming to wash away your fatigue too? Lemon

It was you Lemon-sama, Yes it seems we thought of the same thing hehe, what a coincidence. But if Lemon-sama is relaxing that I must excuse myself. Albedo

What are you saying Albedo everybody in Nazarick has the same right to use the bath at any time, so no need to excuse yourself, make yourself comfortable. Lemon

Man, I am sprouting some serious bullshit but looking at that body my little bro started to wake up so I am not going to pass this opportunity to get to her.

Really how kind of you Lemon-sama, than I will indulge in your kindness, well then I will clean myself first before coming in. Albedo

Saying that Albebo moves away from him a certain spring in her steps that made her sensual backside even more prominent, her wing instead of covering gave a more seductive air.

Is she showing off her goods, with the way she sways that ass, shit I can't take my eyes off her, she definitely knows I am staring at her, her not bothering to hide means she is expecting some action right? Well, who am I to disappoint the Guardian overseer?

Albedo walks towards the soap corner, her shapely rear swaying lightly as the wings act like vails teasing you of the mysteries that lie beyond

Fufufufu it seems lemon-sama is at an edge, Ahh his eyes are like that of an animal eyeing a piece of meat, Fufufu I might finally lose my Virginity today, I knew it was a good idea to come after hearing the report from Yuri. After I showed off with some soap play he will be ready to attack me. Ahhh just the thought is making me wet. 

As Albedo had hoped Lemon was eyeing her as she washed off the soap, her figure like a river nymph. After the most alluring soap time you have ever seen, she walks towards the bath, her body now soaked with water giving off the temptation that would make any man pass out.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to take a bath with you Lemon-sama. Albedo

NoNo, it's nothing really, how can I refuse such a beautiful woman? So albedo how have you been from coming to this world, I bet it's pretty busy, you being the overseer and all. Lemon

No, it is our privilege to serve the supreme beings' orders. As such labours are our joys Lemon-sama. Albedo

Having this pleasant chat, he eyes her as she shows off her erotic body, his mind mouth leading to the situation he wanted as the little brother bellowing inside his head to hurry up.

I see that's quite an ordeal... I know I will give you some oil massage to relieve some of your stress. Lemon

Saying so he promptly stands you his erect cock and all, Albedo was startled by the sudden declaration but promptly forgot it when seeing his erect cock.

Fufufu was that an invitation. Quite a cute attempt at it I say, but seeing his erection and how horny I am right now I don't want any more foreplay.

 Thinking that Albedo thoughts up a plan to get what they both want and immediately move into action. As lemon tries to grab her hand she promptly forces him down to sit next to her.

Fufu thank you for the offer but I think there is another way to relieve my stress and I think your body will largely agree to that method more, right Lemon-sama? Albedo

Saying that her hand craw towards his cock, feeling its sensation she shivers thinking of the acts about to be performed.

What and I was going all slowly, if I knew you were that eager then I would have gone for you when you were washing. Lemon

Saying so he gave Albedo a shoulder hug reaching towards her breast. Feeling her soft jugs his cock twitches from excitement. As her slow pumps continue he plays with her tits relaxingly.

Fufu yes, I was also hoping for it, Ahhh but Lemon-sama endured my seductions, I was even losing hope when our take continued. But that Hmmm but that all ended when I saw your cock, I just mmmmmmm *Muah* hahaha My someone is eager Mmmmmm. Albedo

As the violent kissing continues Albedo starts to pump his cock faster and faster, nearing his release but unwilling to shoot out like this Lemon's hand went towards her head from the breast. Grabbing a fistful of hair he pulled her out from their kissing, she gave him a confused look her tongue still out and her hand still pumping his cock.

I don't want to cum inside the bath so hold your breath and open your mouth. Lemon

Albedo made a dumb sound as Lemon push her head down the water. Although she did not understand him at first, with her intellect she realize his intent and as per her instinct, she warps her lips to his cock. He pushes down her head till his tip touches the back of her throat.

Ah yes, that's it, oh oh I am coming, drink it Albedo drink it slut ah ya. Lemon

*gulp gulp gulp* the sound of furious gulping reached his ears, looking down Albedo was buried between his crouch sideways. Exchanging his hand, the now free one dive under the water to play with her hanging melons again while the other further pushes her down enjoying the feeling of superiority of choking someone as divine as Albedo.

She to was in heavens nine submitting to a superior being receiving such pure lust. The sudden pushing of her head as she drank his seed sent electricity to her brain making her experience a mini orgasm further fueling her desire to be used like the succubus she is.

After a few minutes of drinking his cum it finally started to calm down but not wanting to completely soften it Albedo started to bob her head still submerge inside the water, her left hand started to play with his balls prompting Lemon to pinch her nipple hard drawing out another orgasm.

Lemon gathered her hair into a ponytail, pumping her mouth a few times and dragging her out from the water he looked at her she was still as beautiful as ever even with her ragged breathing, eyes glazing over, tongue out like a bitch. Freeing his hand he slowly caresses her face and slowly came closer to her face kissing her on her lips, her clouded eyes regain light in surprise, as her tongue started to play with his her arms and wings coiled around lemon's as if he was the most precious thing and she did not want this moment to ever come to an end. But eventually, they came out of their trance for breath *ha ha ha* 

Enough foreplay Albedo I want you on all four now. (Lemon)

*Haha* yes master I am ready for you at any moment. (Albedo) 

As albedo got on the wet floor lemon was pumping his cock slowly anticipating the pleasure to come when he was inside her and the voices she will make as he fucked her, as he sees the white and luscious ass his hands automatically went to grab it, the tender feeling of soft, malleable, springy flesh he was completely mesmerized, as he played with her butt in amazement he hears albedo's voice spoken oozing with lust.

Master, please do not tease me anymore I want your love, please grant this servant this joy Lemon-sama. Albedo

Oh yes, sorry for the wait albedo but I cannot guarantee I go slowly, but I know you like it rough, so you don't mind it right? Lemon

Yes Yes, anything lemon-sama you can be as rough as you want, I just want you to satisfy yourself with this body that is my no all the NPC in Nazarick's sole purpose for living, so please please please give this lowly servant your seed. Albedo

Haha spoken like a true sex object, now that I have kept you long enough. Lemon 

Lemon lined up his cock to her drenched lips and pushed in one go, but to his surprise, there was a slight resistance and blood flowed from the now plucked flower, he hesitated for a few secs but when albedo herself started to move her ass as soft moans came out of her lips, he threw his hesitations and stared to move his hips slowly gradually increasing his speed as not to make it too painful for her, as his movements gain momentum Albedo was no longer moaning she was outright yelling, her hair draping over her face, her wings stretched out like a bird flying for the first time, her bubble ass making waves after waves as his cock disappear inside of her.

Shit did she really lose her V card now, her voice will go everywhere, in fact, I think I saw some heads peeking, shit she's tight seeing her you won't believe she was a virgin till now, wait did she become a virgin because we chance her flavour text from her being a slut, guess reading the flavour texts for all the NPCs goes to my to-do list now, well I can think of that later, I also think she ready for a little rough play, hehe I also got her consent not like it means anything, let's start. Lemon

*Slap*albebo screamed at the sudden jolt of pain and before she understood *Slap* the pain came again drawing out a wail, as the slaps continue her cries slowly morph into squeals that no longer indicate any intelligence, only the voice of someone drunk in pleasure, her now hoarse voice was again filled with surprise when her head suddenly jerks upward and a sharp sensation ran through her scalp and directly to her frying brain further fueling her masochism, her eyes were now white her tongue hanging out wet with spit, but when a hand grabbed her neck starting to squeeze, cutting her oxygen supply to her brain jumpstarting it suddenly bringing her back from her stupor.

Back already albedo thought it would take a little longer, guess you are not the overseer for nothing, Caenis took a lot longer to come back from that. Lemon

*haahaahaa* M-Master what was that just now I I could not think of anything and that feeling of, master master please make me feel that way again.Albedo

Hahaha already hooked I see but no that is a little present for you for offering me your Virginity, it is quite dangerous if you are in that state too often, but to think you would lose yourself that easily, you are quite a slut for a virgin or is this your real face and the usual face just a mask? Lemon

Please ah do not tease me ah master, I need to ah put the face of an overseer ah in front of ah everybody. Albedo

Face ha? Well (grabbing her breast) I guess that is a reason enough but if I think that will not work anymore see. (Lemon)

Albedo not knowing what lemon was addressing turned around to the pointed direction to see a group of maids peaking inside from the door, some even had their hands inside their skirts.

Oh my, we have some peeping toms, what shall we do lemon-sama shall I chase them out? Albedo

Hmmm No, seems they are enjoying the show and who am I to distribute their entertainment, right Albedo? Lemon

If that is Lemon-sama's wish then I have no complaints mm? *slurp* hmm. Albedo 

Haaa I guess I have to shut those girls up later…..Fufu I don't know why the thought of being fucked in front of them makes my heart beat faster, was I such a pervert before or did my brain get messed up when I was in that state, hehe even his fingers taste so good, ahhhh just thinking of the feeling is making my pussy tighter, Fufufu it seems lemon-sama is also enjoying himself his thrusts are becoming faster ah ah ah ah but what am I forgetting, oh yes I wanted to ask if ohhhhh, shit I almost flew again, I need to ask before I lost myself again.

Ah Ah Ah, M-master I I wanted *slurp* to ask you something. What do you mean when you said it is dangerous to be in that state too often ahhhhhh master it hurts my nipple it hurts. Albedo

Hahaha, it doesn't sound or feel like it, you got a lot tighter there hehe, well for your question Hmmp oh did I just punch through your womb, well if you can hear me then listen, that is one of my skills though I held back quite a bit, it's a skill that destroyed someone's personality, their thought pattern, stuff like that and for me to rebuild it from the ground up in any way I want, so using it half-assedly like just now make the target more how-to, yes stupid or moronic, well if the process is half-ass your mental capability returns to its initial state so its no problem if there are gaps in between I think? Well, the point is, oh seems she is not listening, Hmh well let's finished this up then. Lemon

Oh Oh Oh what was ahh yes he said something about a skill Ohhhhh that makes someone dumber hehe isn't that bad ah I am coming coming ahhhhh, ha haa haa what was I thinking again... right the skill I also thought I heard it's ok if it's regulated so it's fine if I feel that from time to time ohh ohh just remembering that in am coming again ahh ahhh ahhhh.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh master please slap me harder please I want another release, my nipples pu-pull them more, ah the pain feels so good, why why am I going dumber hehe is going dumber *Pull SLAP* ghhaaa masterrrr YES!! YES!! Please pull my hair more, ohhh I I am cooooming againnnnnn, heee heee *Shhhhhss*. Albedo

What the bitch did you just pee haha this slut and I not even using any skill, well not like it matters oi *slap slap* don't pass out yet I am close so moan more, scream more, I want to hear you, Bitch *Slap*.(Lemon)

Hyeeeee yessss I can *Slap* ahhh more more more master your rod is penetrating my womb I I can feel my womb readying for your powerful seeds, hehe am I going to be a mother the same day I lost my virginity, ahhhhh such joy, such honour, please make me a mother lemon-sama make me AHHHH I I cannot see anything hehe is this heaven ahhh am I in that same place again, I don't want to be dumber but if it's for this pleasure than, ahhhhh ha ha ha. Albedo

Lemon pulled her up by her black reins and pushed her to her back and started to pump even harder, his long cock disappearing inside her pussy as if magic to the watching audience that has grown by a few including some of the Pleiades maids as they watch their once respected overseer reduced into a thing that only shouts "MORE", "YES", and pleads to be hit by their master and imagining that scene of them being under their master instead of Albedo made their nether region flood, some even started to play with themselves right in front of everyone but no one minded or rather notice as their eyes were glued to the sensual image.

Ya you like that albedo, does being crushed by me that enjoyable? Lemon

Yes yes, I love it master I love it when you are above me ahhhh ahhh comeinng aggggaiiin. Albedo

Shit, how much does that make amm amm probably more than 3? Lemon

I I don't knowwwwww I stop counting at 5 ahhhh. Albedo

The slapping sound becomes harsher and faster as albedo's screams became more pronounced as if stating that she has already fallen to the depths of depravity, that to the audience watching this act of debauchery, the once powerful, prideful, strict and pure overseer is no more.

Here I cum albedo, make sure to open up. Lemon

Yess yes master your servant is ready to receive your seeds, your blessings to this unworthy body of mine. Albedo

Well, I won't call you unworthy but whatever. Lemon

Lemon nearing his limits kissed albedo and she returned it with a vencence, their toungs danced, exchanging saliva as if that was one of the greatest delicasies, aftre a while he broke away from their fight and he licked slowly albedo's neck initiating a jolt of surprise from albedo but she was too out of her mind to stop anything, and lemon bears his sharp fangs deep into the soft arterie in her milky neck dyeing it red, she screemed, for what even she doesn't know, the pain of being biten and a forien object pierching her coroted arterie, the pleasure she recived from this utter helpless feeling of powerlessness and dominence in frount of this being that is drainng her life, the feeling of being pumped as this was happening, if her mind was not broken before it was now, reaching the limit lemons dam burst as albedo went to another mindblowing orgasam, her eyes rolling back like many times before but this time instead of relaxing she coiled her legs and wings around lemon, she was a wing snake determined to not to let pray escape, his fang still deep in her neck as all the blood enters his mouth as if all her blood rightfully belong to him, Albedo continues to give a soundless scream, their hands crossed above there head, after what feels like hours to albedo and the audiances lemon stood up like a warrior after slaying a beast, looking down at half concious half crazed woman, mumbeling "lemon-sama your seeds,so warm ahh its so warm", red blood slowly ozzoing of the fresth wound, the state she is reduced to he feels the urge to go again, *Growl~~~* unit remainded by the mother of his body for food now, his enthusiasum diped as he wiped off the little blood stuck in his mouth.

Ya, I really need some grub, must have gotten even hungrier because I drank some blood, haaaa but oh man my cock is coated with cum and I don't want to go into the bath like this.....oh ya, Oi you girls enjoying the show come out. Lemon 

As soon as he spoke a group of girls in maid outfits came inside, a group of 8 girls each beautiful on there on way, some were petite, some had bodies like a Gaviria model, some figures of the girl next door, among those girls of various taste he spotted a maid with her hair tied to a bun, her figure no lesser than albedo, a woman that would fit the term "Secretary" or "Office woman" perfectly, wearing her usual glasses but now with a tinge of red behind it, Yuri Alpha, when he saw her his cock started to reawoke like a phoenix but he knew if he indulges in this desire he has to indulge everybody and he is certain that his body could not wait that long, so he went for the next best option.

Ahhmm, I am sure you girls enjoyed the show Albedo and I did, HmHm no need to tell me I can already see it but like all great shows it must come to an end, so all you girls excluding Yuri clean up this place and bring albedo to a bed or something after cleaning her up of course, Hmm what are you staring at my cock for *clap clap* one day I will fuck all of you so don't worry and start working. Lemon 

YES, Lemon-Sama. All maids 

Good, now then Yuri come with me. *Walking* you see I want to finish this little event with a nice deep in the bath but you see my cock is caked with cum so can you clean me off *Stoping*.(Lemon)

…..Yes of course master, I will bring a towel right. Yuri 

No No, Yuri wrong answer, I am disappointed at you Yuri I thought you were smarter than that. Lemon 

.....I am sorry for disappointing you but can we do that a little more private there are so many people watching. Yuri 

After yuri looked into lemons eyes she sighed a little and went down her knees and slowing crawled towards her master's cock, seeing this scean the maids started to buzz again now more openly than before, meanwhile Yuri ignored the whispers of the maids focused on her task at hand as she licked his cock like some delicious candy, Lemon's hand grabed her head and she understood his wish, crawing her tongue towards the tip of his cock yuri opened her mouth as wide as posible as she dive in to reached his pelvic, but before that the tip reach the back of her trouth making her gag but like her apperence suggest she is nothing if not a pro at her job, whether public or private, she did her first blowjob this morning but she with her will of professionalism alone beat down her gag reflex and picked up the pace of her bobing *Slurp Guck Gluck Sloorp*, lemon to was enjoying the sensation of the cold yet warm sensation from Yuri's mouth, his hand started to take control, pushing the bespectacled maid deeper and deeper until she reached the base of his cock, shighing he looked down, to be greated by the pearching eyes through the glasses observing him devotively.

 Yuri's panties were stocked she might have had a few micro-orgasm but her hands were on lemon's balls playing with them as she look for any changes in his expression and when their eyes met his full of lust, her full of devotion, she felt the twitching of his cock inside of her throat indicating he was about to come, so she started to bob her head semi- automatically her eyes capturing his, as they emerge in their gazes they did not realise her gag was gone, takes his rod inside her to its root as she smells his odour hypnotised until she felt his hands pulling her hair making lose her delicious candy, her tongue still searching as it dances in the air still licking the now lost cock.

Good Yuri, stay like that with your mouth open, I want to give you a facial, Ahh yaa *splurde splurde*, don't drink it yet. Lemon

Lemon aims his cum all over Yuri's beautiful face, her open mouth tongue sticking out, her gaze never leaving his face as he cums. Lemon comes near her face and gathers his spit and drops it into her open mouth, as the long saliva ends lemon spokes up.

Now Yu, chew and swallow it properly. Lemon

*chew chew gulp gulp gulp*

Now open and show me, good you did very well as expected my favourite maid, now clean your face, make sure to eat up everything. Lemon

*slurp gulp slurp gulp* now then master is my job done for now. (yuri)


No not yet, call someone from the girls that had stopped working then the two of you will help me clean up, now up you go (helping yuri up), ok now call someone over I will be waiting by the bath with breathed breath on who you will choose, oh and when coming inside I want both of you to have only a towel. Lemon

Haa….. Yes, as you wish master, well then I will bring someone over *Slap* Ahhh master? Yuri 

Hmm, nice sound, now don't keep me waiting too long ok. Lemon

She has not gotten much better than last time, well I guess that's natural since we started this morning but that eyes of hers, man I could not hold it in, her gag reflex also went away quite easily, maybe because she is undead, hm guess I will ask her, well than to the bath.

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