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Chương 24: Kaiser Walter

 "Please I am genuinely sorry, my heels suddenly broke, I..." Vanessa tried to apologize to the man but was her words cut off by a mocking laughter heard behind her. " I can't believe she held herself so high when she can even walk properly in heels." A lady sneered at Vanessa. She was the same person who pushed Vanessa.

'Why do I always encounter such foolish people everywhere I go?' Vanessa dissed the lady in her mind. She glared at the brainless lady mocking her. "You clearly don't belong here, so cease making a spectacle of yourself merely because Jayden is your date. I can't fathom how someone like you ended up with him."

 A cold voice snapped, "The only low life I see here is you, who lacks the ability to speak properly in public." Vanessa and the crowd's attention was pulled turned towards the source of the voice, causing everyone to shudder at such deep demonic voice.

The individual Vanessa had collided with was a striking young man exuding a chilly, almost demonic aura, his face impassive and Stoic. Despite the spilled red wine staining his white shirt beneath his suit, his appearance remained majestic and cold, with sapphire blue eyes devoid of emotion and bluish silver hair tied into a rough bun.

The woman trembled in fear at the intensity of the man's aura and the imposing presence he exuded. He seemed like a formidable and dangerous individual, leaving her speechless and unable to formulate a response to his accusation of being a low life. The icy gaze of his lifeless eyes sent shivers down her spine, prompting her to desperately search her mind for answers about this enigmatic figure.

"If you have nothing better to occupy your time, you should leave instead of meddling in matters that don't concern you," he spat at the lady, who was so frightened that she hurriedly fled. The onlookers also dispersed, unsettled by the imposing presence of the blue-haired man.

" Thank you for helping me, and I apologize for ruining your shirt, sir." Vanessa was glad the blue-haired man spoke out for her and the situation was managed immediately. She was not expecting the person she created a mess on to help her.

" It is okay, it was a mistake and the name is Kaiser." The man casually introduced himself to Vanessa. He was not mad at her. At least he had a good reason to leave early now. He was bored with staying here any longer, he only attended because he was obliged to.

"But I'm still deeply sorry; your entire shirt was ruined," Vanessa lamented. "Well, my name is Vanessa, or rather, Lilac," she corrected herself, realizing she almost revealed her identity.

"It's just a shirt, Miss Lilac. I suggest you be cautious of those envious individuals. With your permission, I'll excuse myself," Kaiser advised calmly before departing, leaving Vanessa standing where she was.

He has lived long enough to sense petty schemes. He would normally ignore things like this but, strange enough, he felt the need to warn the purple-eyed lady. From the moment she stepped into the hall he felt compelled to her, which was strange.Kaiser as an immortalis has met several unparalleled beauties, but he had never been this attracted to one like this before.

He texted his driver to inform him that he was ready to leave. Maybe he had been too stressed from his ongoing investigation which is why he was behaving strangely because he could not come up with any reason why he was attracted to Alessandro's girlfriend. Lilac was a beautiful name, but why did her purple eyes feel so familiar?

By the time he was out of the hall, his ride was already waiting for him. " Sir, did you have a good time?" His driver asked. The driver was curious why Kaiser's shirt was stained, but was too scared to inquire about it. He would rather not do anything to provoke Kaiser's wrath on him, so he had to swallow his curiosity.

" Not too bad," Kaiser replied, he had a slight smile on his face thinking about the purple-eye lady he met. 

The driver was unaware of Kaiser's thoughts or the smile on his face because he was looking out at the window.

" By the way sir, I was informed by Mr. River that they were able to get some new information concerning the investigation which they are currently working on.

Hopefully, this won't be a dead end." The driver Informed Kaiser, who only hummed with his eyes still looking through the windows. The car drove en route to the Sheraton hotel where Kaiser was staying.



Back at the gala, Vanessa, with a broken shoe heel, decided to retreat to her table. She gazed around, observing others enjoying themselves as she passed the time.

" Miss Davison, Mr Ashford said I should hand this over to you." Marcus Jayden's assistant gave Venessa a bag containing another pair of shoes.

" Since you were having difficulties with heels he instructed I get you a flat shoe." Marcus explained to Venessa.

" Thank you," Venessa beamed a smile a Marcus. Who nodded before leaving.

' I didn't know he was aware of my broken shoe heels.' Venessa thought as she brought out the flat shoes from the bag. They were simple black flats. She swiftly took off the heels and wore the new shoes which were more comfortable, because her gown was long, it was covering her shoes so it would be difficult to know she wasn't putting on heels.

A couple of minutes later Jayden was done socializing so he informed Venessa who was idle at the table, that it was time to leave. Before leaving Jayden insisted on informing his mother Alessia of his.

" I think it is time we call it a night," Jayden casually Informed Alessia who was busy socializing with some ladies.

" Isn't it too soon to leave already." Alessia's brow furrowed. She was confused as to why Jayden was leaving so soon.

" Work has been stressful recently, so I am pretty much very exhausted." Jayden made up an excuse to leave early. The actual reason was because of Venessa. He didn't want to stay too long not after he heard she got into a little skirmish with someone.

" Already if that's the case take care then," Alessia placed a soft kiss on Jayden's cheeks before hugging him. She also hugged Venessa.

" Oh by the way less I forget." Alessia suddenly remembered something. "A friend of mine is having an art exhibition over the weekend and I would appreciate it if I could use the opportunity to spend some time with Venessa."

Venessa was tongue-tied on how to reply she threw a curious glance at Jayden. " Please which day in particular is the exhibition?" Venessa asked Alessia as she was planning on making an excuse.

" It is on Sunday. I think around 3 pm. It is okay if you are not interested in art, I just want to use the opportunity to talk."

"Oh sorry I don't think I will be able to make it, I have plans for Sunday afternoon. It is a study session with a friend of mine because of end of end-of-semester exams are already closed." Venessa claimed which was not a lie because she indeed planned on studying with Sinclair on Sunday.

Alessia's lips pouted, she was a little disappointed but there was nothing she could do. 'Lilac's' study was more important than spending time with her. She was hoping she would use the opportunity to have a proper talk with 'Lilac' to have a better judge of her character. " Well that's a bummer," Alessia sighed.

" I should not keep you guys longer, have a pleasant night." She bid Jayden and 'Lilac' farewell.

Jayden and Venessa quietly exited the venue and left in their car.

" I heard you cause a little commotion," Jayden questioned Venessa on what he heard. While he was trying to socialize with some business figures for the sake of business. Miles had approached him, he informed him that Venessa was caught up in a little commotion and was limping with a broken shoe heel.

" Sorry about that if I caused you any trouble. I tripped and broke my shoe heels in processing which made me accidentally crash on someone and ruin the person's clothes." Venessa nervously laughed while explaining what happened because Jayden had his cold eyes on her.

" Who was the person you fell or rather crashed on in your own words." He questioned Vanessa, but Miles did not give him a proper description of what happened. He was hoping Vanessa had not run into someone from the clan, he did not want her to gather unnecessary attention.

Vanessa tapped her slender fingers on her thighs trying to recall the name she was sure he introduced himself to her. " Umm, I think his name was Kaiser, he was very nice and defended me. A lady was trying to insult me because of the incident, but unexpectedly the victim himself shooed her away." She described what happened.

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