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Fifth Roll: Kuroinu

5th Roll: Kuroinu


I stood right beside Elvis as we waited for the arrival of the Famous "Black Dogs". Not gonna lie I'm not that excited about this. As I said before, I don't really care about them.

Turning around, I gaze at Elvis child-like excitement. And, my face softens. Well, if this makes Elvis stop blabbering, then I guess endure a few hours. I mean how bad can it be? We'll just be watching a welcoming ceremony after all.

I lean closer to Elvis' ear, "How long do we have to wait again? I'm being cooked here by the heat."

The place has a huge gathering of folks. And, I could feel the excitement oozing from the crowd. Seriously, am I the only one who's not excited here?

"Any moment now... they'll be here I promise!" Elvis replied.

I frown, but refrained to speak. It's gonna hot in here, it's reminding me of high school assemblies; huge crowd, hot as fuck, and just plain annoying. The only good thing that came from those useless events, is to meet up with your freinds, relax, and get away from the sheer boredom of every day Class.

'Hey System, what time is it?'

{It's currently 4:00 PM, host.}

"Tsk," I grumbbled.

The heavy armor is not helping the annoying predicament at all.

-5 minutes later-

"Albert, Albert, Albert, "

I feel being tug, opeaning my eyes I look at Elvis.

"What? are they finally here?" I asked, my voice tired.

"YES! they're here! Can't you here it? The heavy marching, it's getting closer!" Elvis said in anticipation

I looked towards the large gate, sound of marching getting closer by the moment. I could feel the excitement of the entire crowd began to swell.

The gate opened, and came along a bunch of men with two particular female. The group is led by a man with reddish eyes and a nasty scar going donw his left ear. A familiar Giant Sword is rested on his back.


I could feel the aura of war and battle leaking from the man.

The crowd of guards exploded into cheers and welcoming, many guards tried to gain the attention of the leader; which I assumed is Vault, My memories of him is a bit blurry. And, Albert first interaction of him was when he was a bit younger then now.


I cleaned my ears, too loud.

Elvis jumps and wave his hands trying to get the famous individuals. But, the attempt was drowned by people who was trying to do same.

I gaze at one of the people right besides Vault, Hicks, I think that was his name. A man, with insane magical capabilities, rumors have it this man can go toe to toe with a army of Orcs, just with the help of his magic alone.

But, I don't feel the same aura that Vault have with him. His aura is mute, almost unnoticeable compared to the man right besides him.

Though, I'm not one to underestimate a fighter just by looks alone. The man is a magician after all, there's a huge chance that he's using a suppressing spell on himself.

Hicks have a smug grin on his face, that oozes pride. Though his eyes seems to look down on the guardsmen.

"Hoh~ he's one of those," I muttered, a small smirk forms on a face.

"Did you say something!?" Elvis shouted.

"Nothing! Focus on getting their attention!" I shouted back.

Elvis smiled like a dumbass, and continues to jump like a cocaine Five yearold, with a side of white sugar thrown into the mixed.

I returned my gaze on the most interesting folks. Maia, The so called Mercenary Queen herself. She smiles at the attention and positive atmosphere that guardsmen gave them.

Seemingly enjoying the attention she's getting. Though, it's not like those attention whores, it's more of an appreciation than narcissistic pride.

I looked at her back, and see a hiding girl. Cowering behind Maia, seemingly nervous and embarrassed by the amount of people present.

I think her name was Brynn, the right hand of Maia. Though she's shyness, I could see immense potential inside the girl. It's also quite adorable, If only she doesn't have that kind of armor; I would see her in a much more prettier light.

I turned back to Elvis. He seems to give as he leaned on my shoulder, breathing heavily.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Y-eah!" He replied.

I put my hands on his back and patted him, "That's okay, there's still a lot of chances of meeting them. "

I comforted the defeated man. Seriously tho, why are you so invested on these guys.

I shook my head.

I mainly observe the most interesting bunch of the mercenary group, not bothering to look at the footman and other soldiers behind Vault.

Maia has my intrest most, and no not for that reason.

She have the most interesting aura, in my eyes. A cacophony of elegance and brutality; two contrasting elements bundled in a pretty red head who uses a scimitar.

In my opinion, it looks quite beautiful. Her aura is chaotic mixture of the previously mentioned. But also, she have have a playful spirit I assume. Her aura is dancing, similar to Aoi Todo's heart shape cursed energy aura. But instead of hearts, it instead have a star like shape.

It's quite cute not gonna lie.


She seems to noticed my gaze, as she looked towards my direction. But I didn't look away. Removing my intentful gaze, acting as if I'm just zoning out.



Our stating contest lasted for 20s, each seconds uncomfortable atmosphere begin to build up. But, thankfully Byrnn noticed her leader weird behavior and talked to her.

Once she turned her head away from me, I averted my gaze. Looking at the castle.

"Hey! You okay there, Albert? " Elvis said. A hint of worry laced his words.

I shooked my head, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just zone out for a bit."

Elvis' face distorts into confusion, " How can you zone out in a place like this?"

I narrows my eyes, and ruffled my hair, " I don't know man, my brain just does that sometimes."

I look towards the sky. It's becoming dark, and the Princess are not here yet. Maybe, they hit a few bumps on the road, I don't know.

"Hey, you said the Princess knights are coming too; where tf are they? " I aksed.

"I don't know. I just heard they're coming here; it be a shame if they don't, i haven't seen them in a long time." Elvis replied.


Maybe they'll be tommorow, It's pretty understandbly if they're late. The politics in their circle, I assume, is quite busy right now. Olga, the Dark Queen, was able to tripple her army's number after all. So, it's pretty urgent. Though, I find it strange that Maia is here. Considering her close relation with the Black Dogs, Wait... she being here it's not that strange.

Man, my mind is getting exhausted.

From all the planning of taming the shikigamis. I'm still chossing which I'll tame next. Is it Nue? or the Frogs? Nue, in my eyes it's the most troublesome to fight, with the ability to fly and the electric attacks; It's a nasty combination, and a bad matchup for a mid range fighter like me.

So, the frogs is the most easiest to fight, though their numbers is pretty annoying. With the help of Acala, and Komainu the annoyance is reduce.

All in all, the easiest and faster shikigami to tame compared to Nue, is the frogs.

"Sigh~ the grind never stops huh~" I muttered to myself.






-3rd pov-

Inside a round table, 6 colorful individuals sat acroos each other. The atmosphere of the room is heavy and heavy, to the point that air felt thick.

A voluptous woman, with revealing attire and gently yet seroius gaze sat in the middle, making her view encompass the entire room. The aura, is soft and "kind' with the hint of nature dancing her body. Though her Clothes seem to contrast with her divine aura. A serious look is plasterd on her face, but it never distorts her jade like face.

"I, welcome you Vault, and Maia," Her voice carried a divine breeze, that's makes her beautiful blonde hair dance.

"though, it's unfortunate that the others could not get here earlier, so we'll be just mainly talking about your Group, " She looked at the man with the red eyes, and scars, " This meeting won't do anything of value, if we're incomlete, after all."

The man grinned, revealing his sharp teeth; expressing a feroucious aura, " Agree! Goddess, the Princess are quite busy with their "things""

The woman next to him seems to mutter something.

"Those bitches is always late."

The peach hair woman, Claudia. has look of annoyance and shame, "Where is that child?"

The Goddess reincarnate, seems to sense the awkward atmosphere of the room, " It's okay, you need not to be angry at them; they have their kingdom to care after all.'

"So, please calm yourself, and let us just talk about the current situation."

The other five nodded.

"There have been increasing reports, of monster raids happening, on the nearby villages, " The man, Vault spoke up, "Of coure, the villages have been destroyed and completely pillage; leaving no one alive, except for the women."

"And we all know, why they did that."

Claudia, face tightens at the report of the man. Bad memories resurface, anger swelling each word said. but, she did not become a Princess Knight, and Celestine friend by letting her emotions get to her.

"How many villages have been attacked in this mouth?" she said in a monotone voice.

Vault, tug the red-haired woman, Maia. Who immediately replied.

"10, a large nuember unfortunately, " Maia said in a solem voice.

"We were able to save a few groups, but they're roughed up by the experience, " Vault added, " Some is in dire condition, while others are just injured; But no one is left unharmed."

Vault, looked at the Celestine with no fear and hesitation, " My advice is to let me, station a few of my men to the untouched villlage, before the monster raids again."

Celestine's eyes seem to agree with vault, " I agree, but are you sure a small number of your soldiers could handle a raid? Those things, are usually to overpowering."

Vault smiled, a pride full smug, " Please~ Goddess, my men are one of the best warrors you could find in this kingdom; their trained by me, so of course a handle a few orcs, imps and lycans."

Claudia snorts at the arrogance of the man, while Maia seem to smile a red hue apperead on her cheeks.


This is the first time I've written this kind of dialogue, so sorry if it's small in lenght, and robotic and boring.

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