The feeling followed him as he entered the door. The severe warning sent into every one of his neurons made his muscles tense up as he landed on the ground once more. Instantly, he shot his eyes open, hands holding his katana.
The shock shook him so much his katana slipped back to one arm as Khan looked around, his jaw almost dropping to the ground.
"What the hell!" He mused out in shock, looking at the sky filled with cobwebs, figures warped within them.
"Unbelievable..." It was the creature that was rapidly becoming Khan's most horrific nightmare—the evilish bear he had faced just minutes ago.
All over the flooring and the hall, they were sewed together by cobwebs. He could swear they were all alive, just slumbering.
On the ground was a bubbling lava of dark blood, creatures resembling dogs with only skeletons remaining.
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