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47.61% Jujutsu Kaisen: Butterfly effect. / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Let's change things #3

Chương 10: Chapter 10: Let's change things #3

"." Character dialogues. Example: "Hello"

'.' Thoughts of character. Example: 'Hello'

Omniscient narrator dialogue

3rd person dialogue

[Curse Techniques]


Author's Note: This story is based on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, which has some variations from the anime. If you find any discrepancies in the dialogues or scenarios, I invite you to research how it was in the manga. It's a story of short chapters, as I find it unnecessary to be a detailed episode (I don't know how to write long chapters).

I apologize if there are grammatical errors, I write in Spanish and translate it into English.



Pride, that feeling of satisfaction that arises from achievements, abilities, merits, or anything that concerns us personally. It is a fire that burns in the heart of every sorcerer, fueling their determination and strength.

"To be a sorcerer, you have to be a little crazy," Gojo Satoru once said, his blue eyes shining.

The proudest sorcerers are also the strongest… Are they strong because they are proud, or are they proud because they are strong?

They live by their pride and die by their pride. It is an endless cycle, a dance of power and passion that defines the life of a sorcerer.

"I died for my pride and wanting to prove that I was the strongest," were the last words of Toji Zen'in after facing Gojo Satoru. It was Toji's pride that led him to his downfall.

"I will face Sukuna after Gojo," declared an unknown sorcerer at an unknown time, assuming the loss of the strongest sorcerer and unafraid to face the King of Curses, his pride shining.

"Be proud, you are strong," Ryomen Sukuna told an unknown being.

If a sorcerer (or curse) loses their pride, they also lose much of their growth potential. It's as if a vital part of them fades away, leaving them less than they were before.

"Why did you run? What a waste of potential," Ryomen Sukuna to Megumi Fushiguro.

"I thought I was strong enough to decide how I would die," confessed Yuuji Itadori when he lost his pride. "I am weak."

"I want to teach you something. I would have taught you after you were accepted, but…", said Gojo Satoru, changing a story.

Butterfly effect: a small action that over time generates huge changes.

What big changes will this action bring?

Junpei and Itadori walked together, towards an unknown direction.

Meeting allies in advance

"Brodaaaaaa!", Itadori was crushed by a muscular guy.

A stronger Itadori

"Where is your smile?", he asked mockingly, unafraid of the anger of his enemy. "And your arm?"

"You look surprised… do you like it?", he asked, as his arm healed at a high speed, to Mahito's disbelief.

"You have hurt a special grade and you have tied with me," pointed out Todou, pointing to his stomach, still with a visible bruise.

A proud Itadori.

"How can I give up without even trying?", Itadori wondered, raising his gaze with a renewed sense of purpose.

Scene change.

Tokyo Sorcery Academy, Tokyo, Japan.

"I already said I'm sorry…" said Itadori, kneeling holding a frame over his face.

Things didn't go as Itadori expected when he revealed he was alive…

"Shut up and stay like that for a while," Nobara replied, with a bad face.

"Come on, don't be like that with him, he already explained the situation," The Panda spoke, defending Itadori, to the pink-haired boy's surprise that a Panda spoke.

"Salmon," a boy with clothes covering his face spoke. This caused more confusion for Itadori, so Megumi explained the cursed technique of the Inumaki clan.

"It's invincible!" Itadori exclaimed in surprise.

"It's not as practical as you think," Panda refuted, explaining the disadvantages of the Technique.

"And how can you talk?" Itadori asked, not resisting the question, but received no response in return.

"Enough talk, what's the plan?" A tall girl with glasses spoke, "The combat format is as we expected, but we have one more member"

"Do we change strategy? Time is running out," she questioned, observing her companions.

"It all depends on Itadori, what can you do?" Panda asked Itadori.

Itadori flexed an arm, "Punch and kick," he replied proudly. "Well, we already have enough of that," Panda replied, embarrassing the pink-haired boy.

Megumi, observing this exchange, spoke, "I don't know what he's been doing since his death, but if everyone from Tokyo and Kyoto faced him without cursed energy, Itadori would beat them," Megumi said with a confident expression, surprising everyone.

Scene Jump

"You've improved, bro!" A muscular boy wiped the blood from his mouth, complimenting the boy in front of him.

"Thanks, bro!" Itadori replied, with his fist still in front of him, a visible bruise on his fist, which was healing at a visible speed. 'Always so hard-headed'

His clothes were bloody and dirty, showing that they had been fighting for a long time, but not a bruise was seen on his body.

Todou charged at him, trying to knock him down in a low move, which Itadori dodged by jumping, grabbing onto a tree and spinning on a branch, stomping a kick on Todou's back.

Itadori's kick hit Todou with surprising force, sending him flying backwards. But Todou was resilient. He recovered quickly, spinning in the air and landing on his feet with feline grace.

"Were you able to use the black flash again?", Todou asked, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. "Because without it, you won't be able to beat me."

Itadori smiled, his fighting spirit burning with intensity. "I can try it now!" he replied, charging at Todou with astonishing speed.

The fight continued, with both fighters exchanging punches and kicks. Each move was a testament to their skill and determination. Despite the intensity of the fight, neither of them showed signs of exhaustion. On the contrary, they seemed to feed off the excitement of combat, each punch and kick increasing their energy and determination.

Todou threw a punch, but Itadori dodged it, spinning on his heels and throwing a high kick. Todou blocked the blow, but the force of the impact made him step back.

"Use it!", Todou shouted, lunging forward with a roar. He threw a series of quick punches, each one aimed at a different point on Itadori's body.

But Itadori was fast. He dodged and blocked each punch, moving with a grace and speed that left Todou breathless.

Itadori threw a direct punch at Todou's stomach.

Todou grunted, doubling over from the blow. But before he could recover, Itadori threw another kick, this time aimed at Todou's head.

Todou barely had time to raise his hands to block the blow. The impact sent him flying backwards, crashing into a tree with an audible crunch.

Itadori didn't waste any time. He lunged at Todou, his fists glowing with intense cursed energy. But before he could get there, he stopped short when he felt a huge source of cursed energy nearby. He looked at Todou, who had also stopped to look in the same direction.

They both looked at each other and nodded, running in the same direction at a great speed. The forest became a blur as they ran, each one driven by the urgency of the situation.

They arrived at the same time from the sky, saving Maki who was being trapped by the curse.

"Let's do this, bro!" Todou shouted, his voice echoing in the air.

"Stop, Itadori, that guy is too much for you!" Megumi exclaimed. Itadori just looked at him and said confidently, "It's okay," stopping Megumi in his tracks with his confidence.

"So you noticed…" Todou mentioned, as he handed Maki to Panda. "That confidence, that security," he said, looking at Itadori with admiration. "That pride," he finished with a smile.

"I'll kill you if you die again!" the black-haired boy shouted at his friend, realizing that he wouldn't stop. "Then I'm not allowed to die," Itadori replied confidently.

"Ready, bro?" Todou asked, preparing to attack with Itadori.

"Hey, Todou…" Itadori spoke while not taking his eyes off the curse, saying his name to show that what he would say would be serious. "Can you leave it to me?" he asked, astonishing Todou.

"I want to prove how strong I am, and I can only do it if I fight alone," Itadori explained.

Todou realized that this moment was important for Itadori's future development as a sorcerer. He nodded, respecting his friend's decision.

"Alright, bro," Todou said, stepping back to give Itadori space. "But remember, you're not allowed to die."

Itadori nodded, his gaze never leaving the curse. He was ready to face whatever came.

"Hey, are you friends with a humanoid curse with a cooked face?" he asked calmly. His voice was calm, but his words were charged with fury.

'What if I tell you yes?' a voice responded in his mind. It was the curse, communicating through an unknown medium.

He clenched his fist tightly, feeling a great anger. But he knew he had to control it, use it as fuel for his fight.

He stood firm in his fighting stance again, a drop of saliva falling from his mouth due to his great concentration. He was ready, prepared for combat.

He had already experienced the Black Flash once, he just had to remember the feeling and try to replicate it.

He knew he could do it, his inner pride assured him. He was not going to let this curse defeat him.

He reinforced his body with cursed energy, moving in an instant. It was as if the world around him slowed down, allowing him to see every detail of the battle.

[Black Flash] Black rays took off from his fist after hitting the curse, the river around him opening as if he were Moses.

But he didn't stop there, before the curse recovered, he attacked again with the opposite fist, but this time making use of the binding vow. It was a risky tactic, but he knew he had to take risks if he wanted to win.

He unprotected his entire body from cursed energy, leaving him practically vulnerable. It was a gamble, one he hoped he would win.

User strength + control of cursed energy + sacrifice x danger = Impact similar to a Black Flash. It was a simple equation, the more in danger he was, the stronger his punch would be.

He punched again in an instant, but this time violet rays came out of his punch.

He charged his cursed energy again, 0.50 seconds had passed since his initial attack. He was ready for the next move, his body vibrating with cursed energy.

[Black Flash] He punched the curse's stomach, almost piercing it. He could feel the impact of his punch, he could see the surprise in the curse's eyes. But he didn't stop. He couldn't stop.

Arm exchange [Violet Flash]. Itadori punched for the third time, this time on the side of the curse.

1.25 seconds since his initial attack

Itadori was in a state of enlightenment, he could feel every part of his cursed energy moving at his will, almost millimetrically. It was as if he was in perfect tune with his power, able to control it with astonishing precision.

[Black Flash] [Violet Flash] He punched the curse two more times, which could barely move due to the multiple impacts. Each punch was a testament to his skill and determination, each impact a reminder of his power.

1.75 seconds since his initial attack.

'3 Times,' Todou counted, watching the Black Flashes that Itadori had performed so far. The record was 4. But Itadori showed no signs of stopping.

Itadori jumped into the sky, his body moving with impressive grace and speed. With a quick spin, he threw a kick at the curse's face. At the moment of impact, [Black Flash] activated, and dark rays ran through the curse's body, causing devastating damage.

2 Seconds since his initial attack

He landed with agility, his knees bent in a blade stance. His right fist was being held by the palm of his other arm, in a pose reminiscent of a samurai holding the hilt of his sheathed katana.

And then, he unsheathed. Like a samurai drawing his katana for the final blow, Itadori released all his power in a single move. It was a moment of pure release, an explosion of energy that seemed to shake the very air.

[Black Flash + Violet Flash] Black and violet rays intertwined, creating an explosion of light that illuminated the entire battlefield. It was as if the sun had descended to earth, its brightness was so intense that it made everything else seem dark in comparison. The cursed energy shot up, creating a shock wave that shook the ground and shook the nearby trees. It was a spectacle of pure power, a demonstration of what Itadori was capable of.

Pride is a fire that burns in the heart of every sorcerer, fueling their determination and strength.

Sukuna smiled, but it was not a smile of happiness…

"This brat…"

2.50 seconds since his initial attack

With Itadori's last blow, Hanami was launched like a projectile, his body became a blurry stain as it crossed the forest. Trees were split in his path, the earth rose in a cloud of dust and debris. The sound of the impact echoed in the silence of the forest, an echo of Itadori's strength.

Without wasting time, Itadori and Todou launched themselves in pursuit. Their feet barely touched the ground as they ran, their bodies moving with supernatural speed and grace. The forest became a blur of green and brown as they rushed towards the place where Hanami had landed.

When they arrived, they found a crater in the ground, a mute testament to the strength of Itadori's blow. But of the curse, there was no trace. Only a void remained, a silence that seemed more deafening than any noise.

"Did it die?", Itadori asked, his voice barely a whisper in the silence of the forest.

"I don't know, Bro," Todou replied, his gaze still fixed on the place where the curse had landed. "I can't feel its presence nearby," he continued.

Itadori nodded, understanding Todou's unasked question. "Maybe it ran away?"

Todou shrugged, his expression thoughtful. "I guess we'll find out in the future. For now…"

Todou turned to Itadori, a smile of pride on his face. "Well done, Bro!" he exclaimed, his voice full of admiration. "You've broken the Black Flash record and defeated a special grade curse in just 2 seconds!"

Itadori smiled, a sense of pride settling over him, a confidence that only the strong can have.

A stronger Itadori.

Just at that moment, the veil covering the sky tore, revealing the imposing figure of Gojo Satoru floating in the air. His presence was like a beacon, illuminating the scene of the battle.

From his elevated position, Gojo observed Itadori and Todou. They were near a hole, at the end of a line of destruction that extended from the river. 'You've become much stronger, Itadori…', Gojo thought, noticing a change in Itadori. There was something new in him, a spark of growth and maturity.

Gojo then diverted his gaze to the two remaining enemies, a bald man and a blonde one. He had to make a decision: help the veteran or his student?

The choice was obvious.

In the blink of an eye, Gojo appeared in front of Haruta. The white-haired man of 1.90 meters tall was an imposing figure, and all the marks on Haruta's face began to fade little by little.

"Oh no…", was Haruta's reaction, feeling that his luck had taken a turn for the worse. 'Why do I always have bad luck?', he wondered.

Scene Jump

Unknown Location

The curse that had attacked the sorcery academy was crawling with difficulty, its body was in a pitiful state. Its mouth overflowed with a dark liquid that looked like blood and it was missing half of its torso. 'I hope they were able to steal the fingers,' it thought bitterly as it slowly advanced towards the meeting point. 'I didn't expect to have to retreat so quickly, it was a surprise that Sukuna's vessel had such a technique and strength…', its mind was full of astonishment and surprise.

"Hanami," a familiar voice called out. It was Mahito, the man with the cooked face and blue hair. Behind him, a man in traditional clothing and some sewing marks on his forehead: Geto?

"Was it Gojo Satoru, right?" Mahito asked, although it seemed more like a statement than a question. "No," the curse replied, its voice barely a whisper. The answer surprised Mahito and Geto.

"It was Sukuna's vessel," the curse clarified, its voice laden with resentment. The revelation surprised the stitched men again. "Why didn't you tell me about his technique?" it asked with annoyance, addressing Mahito.

"Technique?" Mahito questioned, his head tilted in confusion. "The boy doesn't have any technique," he said, although there was a hint of doubt in his voice.

"The boy doesn't have any technique," Geto repeated, his voice full of confidence. After all, he was the one who knew Itadori the most…

"And what about the fire?" the curse asked, pointing to a part of its wound where it had burns. The question took Mahito by surprise. "That's new!" Mahito exclaimed, his voice full of surprise.

'Fire?' Geto wondered mentally. 'Could it be…?' A proud smile formed on his face. 'Damn, I did a good job,' he thought, seeming satisfied with Itadori's progress.

"And the humans?" Hanami asked, referring to the 2 human sorcerers who attacked with him.

Mahito shrugged his shoulders "Dead maybe" He answered "It doesn't matter" He said as he walked along with Hanami, who only nodded at what his companion said.


Do you think I've made Itadori too strong? Keep in mind that Hanami was the weakest of the curses, and that Itadori in the original manga hit almost the same amount of black flash as here, only added to the violet flash, only that as Itadori is stronger, his attacks will logically be stronger.

Anyway, Itadori won because he caught Hanami by surprise, if Hanami opened his domain he would win, but without a domain, Itadori wins, at least in my story.

With the theme of pride, if you pay attention to the work, you will notice that pride is an important and repeated part. "The pride of the strong".

Why Violet flash? The human cursed energy is blue, when hitting a black flash it darkens until it becomes dark, violet flash because it becomes a darker variant of blue: violet, but not enough to be black like the black flash. It's basically a slightly weaker imitation.

Please leave a review and power stones so that I can reach a higher position.

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