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42.85% Jujutsu Kaisen: Butterfly effect. / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Let's change things #2

Chương 9: Chapter 9: Let's change things #2

"." Character dialogues. Example: "Hello"

'.' Thoughts of character. Example: 'Hello'

Omniscient narrator dialogue

3rd person dialogue

[Curse Techniques]


Author's Note: This story is based on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, which has some variations from the anime. If you find any discrepancies in the dialogues or scenarios, I invite you to research how it was in the manga. It's a story of short chapters, as I find it unnecessary to be a detailed episode (I don't know how to write long chapters).

I apologize if there are grammatical errors, I write in Spanish and translate it into English.


Time: Early morning of September 9th. After the battle against Mahito.

Place: Near the Yoshino house.

"I'm sorry…" A disheartened Junpei Yoshino said to the boy who had just sat down next to him, Yuji Itadori. His voice was barely a whisper, carried by the cold night wind.

"Don't worry, you haven't killed anyone," Itadori replied. As he spoke, his back leaned against the seat of the street bench, his eyes fixed on the starry sky.

"Just because you stopped me…" Junpei replied, clenching his hands until his knuckles turned white. His voice trembled, indicating regret and anger towards himself.

"Junpei, no one can blame you…" Itadori said, his tone soft but firm. He extended his hand and patted the boy's shoulder. "You've been through a lot of bad things and you just broke," he consoled, trying to cheer up Junpei. "Besides, you saved everyone in the gym, I think that's enough to redeem you…" he continued.

Junpei looked up, his eyes rested on the building where the Yoshino family lived. Now, it was just a memory of what was once a home. "Do you think she would be angry with me?" he asked, referring to his mother. His voice was barely audible, fearful of Itadori's answer.

"I didn't know her well enough to answer that clearly," Itadori replied, his gaze became distant, remembering the dinner they had together. "So I don't know if she would be angry with you, honestly."

Itadori rose from the seat with a push, standing up quickly. His sudden movement earned a surprised look from the fallen Junpei. "But I know she loved you, and she wouldn't have wanted you to become an emo," he said, extending his hand to Junpei. The sun was beginning to peek over the horizon, bathing the street in its golden light. "Let's go Junpei, we still have to exorcise Mahito."

"Are you always so positive, Itadori?" Junpei asked, a small smile drew on his face at Itadori's laughter. "If it's not me, who else will cheer you up?" Itadori replied, his smile was contagious.

Junpei took Itadori's extended hand and stood up, supported by his friend. Together, they began to walk towards an unknown direction, a new stage of their life was beginning.

Scene change: One day later.

"Nanamin" Itadori called, earning a look from the man, getting his attention.

Itadori didn't speak for a few seconds, until the words slowly articulated "How can I be stronger?" he asked, as if doubting whether his question had an answer.

"Well…" Nanami stopped doing what he was doing, paying attention to the upcoming conversation. "Well, if you're referring to a way to get stronger that isn't improving what you already have…" Nanami asked, earning a nod and a response from Itadori "I'm talking about a more direct way"

"You can do 2 things" Nanami explained. "One" He raised a finger "You can use a shikigami" Itadori nodded, making Nanami continue the explanation, raising a second finger "Or two, You can make a binding vow with yourself"

Itadori knew about binding vows, but he didn't remember that they could be made with oneself, maybe he didn't listen carefully, or maybe Todou didn't explain it clearly.

"What do you mean with oneself?" Itadori doubted.

"You can limit yourself to be stronger" Nanami said, earning an even more confused look from Itadori, and no one blames him, it was quite contradictory.

Nanami, noticing Itadori's confusion, began to explain more clearly. "I, for example, have a binding vow with myself" He pointed to his watch on his wrist "My cursed energy is limited to 80%-90% in normal working hours" Itadori nodded, understanding so far "And when I'm still doing sorcerer work after working hours, my cursed energy increases to 120%" He finished, earning a look of admiration from Itadori.

"Awesome Nanamin! And how can I do something like that?!" Itadori shouted excitedly, finding a way to become stronger.

But Nanami stopped his excitement, continuing his explanation, "If you want to make a binding vow with yourself you must understand some rules…" Itadori listened attentively as Nanami went into teacher mode.

"The more you sacrifice and put yourself in danger, the greater the power it will give you.

Vows are stronger if they are planned in advance, so think carefully about what you want

Contradictory restrictions are more powerful.

And finally, if you break a vow with yourself, it's not as serious as a vow with another person, if you break it, you lose the ability to make a similar vow again."

Itadori nodded, understanding 3 of the 4 points, so he asked again "What do you mean that contradictory restrictions are more powerful?" He raised his hand, like a student.

"You know about barriers, right?" Nanami asked, earning a nod from Itadori. "Well, barriers, as their name implies, are to protect or isolate what is inside." Itadori nodded again, feeling like his neck would hurt.

"If a sorcerer creates a barrier that lets everyone in and out, in exchange for example, not letting a single person in, its power would increase greatly." Nanami took out his weapon, a knife covered in a thick cloth "This is my weapon, although no one knows, and I hope you keep it a secret, I made another binding vow, but this time contradictory."

Nanami looked at his weapon, perhaps with affection "My weapon is a knife, it is made to cut, but I always attack with the blunt part, besides being covered with a cloth that further dulls its edge" Nanami put away his weapon, raising his gaze to the front, to an attentive Itadori "In exchange for not being able to use the knife to cut, it increases its ability to retain cursed energy and strengthens my attack" Nanami was silent for a few seconds, thinking about something "Maybe it will become a cursed tool after my death, possessing my cursed technique"

Itadori nodded again, processing the information "Let me think about it for a few moments…" He replied, thinking about what vows he could make to improve his strength.

Nanami nodded, returning to what he was doing: Playing candy crush.

A few hours later

"I got it!" Itadori shouted, startling a Nanami who was watching a soap opera.

"I'm sorry…" He said painfully, scared by the look Nanami was giving him, he just sighed "Tell me what ideas you have, Itadori" He said, turning off the television.

"I want to make a vow, and also, I want a shikigami!" The pink-haired boy said, surprising Nanami, he didn't expect Itadori to want a Shikigami, he looks more like someone who would go for direct battle.

"I want to have the ability to increase my punch with cursed energy in exchange for leaving the rest of my body unprotected from it!" He said, surprising Nanami.

"So an attack without defense" Nanami summarized, earning a nod from Itadori "I already regret having told you about binding vows…" Nanami said in a whisper, earning a giggle from Itadori. 'Well, at least he still has his physique…'

"Nanami, why hasn't anyone ever made a similar vow?" The pink-haired boy doubted, it wasn't such a complicated thought he had to make that vow. "Who says they haven't?" Nanami refuted, earning a doubtful look from Itadori.

"Just that besides the fact that sorcerers mostly die young, an all-out attack vow is efficient, but also very dangerous" Nanami explained. "But I think it will serve you, your physique is superhuman even without cursed energy."

Nanami had a sudden thought. He imagined Itadori unleashing his new attack, combined with a black flash and Itadori's physique. 'How strong would he be?' he wondered. 'I would like to be there to see it if it ever happens…'

Just at that moment, Itadori interrupted his thoughts. "And about the shikigami…" Itadori remembered.

"That's quite simpler," Nanami indicated. "The most important thing is to have an object with which you can summon your Shikigami. Sometimes, the object in use influences the appearance of the shikigami."

"Oh, I know what I'll use!" Itadori exclaimed, his face lit up with excitement. He ran to his temporary room, where he searched for a few seconds for something in the drawer of his bedside table. "I found it!" he exclaimed, grabbing something.

He returned to the living room, where a slightly impatient Nanami was waiting for him. "I'll use this!" Itadori extended his hand, revealing a small, worn-out firefighter toy with barely any color, indicating its age. "Will this work?" Itadori asked, his voice full of hope.

"Yes, it will work quite well," Nanami replied, nodding. "Why did you bring that?" he asked, wondering why Itadori would have a firefighter toy.

"It's a memento from my grandfather…" Itadori said, his voice turned nostalgic and joyful. "I always wanted to be a firefighter, I knew my body was very strong, and I wanted to help people, when I told my grandfather, he bought me several firefighter toys…" Itadori scratched his head in embarrassment "Although this is the only one that didn't break." He laughed in embarrassment.

Nanami nodded, saying nothing. He wasn't very good at comforting people. "Are you sure you want to use that?" he asked, knowing that it was a quite special object for Itadori.

"Yes, my grandfather told me to help people, I think this is the best way to do it," Itadori replied firmly.

After an almost complicated process, Nanami helped Itadori create a Shikigami. The shikigami was a 30-centimeter tall humanoid with a muscular complexion. It had no face, its skin was of various colors, resembling a firefighter's suit.

"I was expecting something else…" Itadori mentioned, observing the small shikigami. Despite its appearance, Itadori couldn't help but feel a connection with it. After all, it was born from his childhood toy.

"It's big for a newborn shikigami," Nanami evaluated, earning a curious look from Itadori. "I suppose it's because of its sentimental value," he continued, watching as Itadori looked back at the small shikigami with a smile. Itadori laughed when the Shikigami flexed its arms like a bodybuilder in greeting.

"You said that contradictory vows are stronger, right?" Itadori asked, looking at his shikigami with a thoughtful expression.

"Yes, do you have any ideas?" Nanami asked, intrigued by what Itadori might be thinking.

Itadori nodded. "What is the purpose of the Shikigamis?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

"To assist the summoner, defending or attacking," Nanami replied quickly. It was an obvious question, but necessary for what Itadori was planning.

Itadori crouched down, looking into the eyes of his Shikigami. "Your mission is to rescue," he pointed out, his voice full of determination. "Your main purpose is to rescue and protect others, you will never protect me or attack the enemy unless it is to defend."

Nanami watched, he wanted to say he was surprised, but he wasn't. He had been with Itadori for several days and already knew his personality. 'You sure are unique, Itadori. A vow where a shikigami neither attacks the enemy nor defends the user,' Nanami thought. He did something he rarely did, he let out a laugh. 'One in a thousand years,' he thought, admiring Itadori's uniqueness.

The small Shikigami began to increase in height rapidly, its figure expanding and becoming more imposing. The cursed energy in it also increased, reaching and surpassing the cursed energy of a grade 1 sorcerer. Its figure, once tender, was now imposing, reaching a height of 3 meters.

Suddenly, two new arms emerged from its torso, giving it a total of four. Its face changed, adopting something similar to a gas mask that firefighters use. Its legs became thick as a trunk, firm and strong.

Itadori and Nanami watched in awe of the transformation. The Shikigami, which was once small and tender, was now an imposing and powerful figure.

"Cool," Itadori murmured, his eyes shining with excitement and awe. The transformation of the Shikigami had surpassed all his expectations.

Nanami nodded, impressed by Itadori's determination. "I'm sure it will do a great job," he said, offering words of encouragement. "What will you name it?" Nanami asked, curious to know what name Itadori would choose for his Shikigami.

Itadori thought for a few seconds, his gaze fixed on the Shikigami. Finally, a smile drew on his face. "Kyugo-sha!" Itadori announced, his voice full of pride. "Kyugo?" Nanami doubted, surprised by the choice of name. "Yes! Merging Hogo-sha and Kyumei-shi," Itadori explained, his enthusiasm was contagious.

Nanami reflected on the meanings of the names that Itadori said. 'Protector and rescuer,' he thought, testing the name in his mind. 'Kyugo-sha'. He smiled, nodding in approval. 'It defines quite well what this Shikigami will do,' he thought. Then, looking at Itadori and the Shikigami, he added silently, 'A unique Shikigami for a unique sorcerer'.

"Itadori," Nanami called, interrupting Itadori's play with his Shikigami. Despite its imposing figure, the Shikigami was quite playful, just like Itadori. "What's up?" Itadori asked, his attention now focused on Nanami. "Junpei won't be able to enroll in the academy until next year," Nanami said calmly. The news took Itadori by surprise. "Ehhhhhh?! Why?! I enrolled in the middle of the year!" he shouted, full of disbelief.

"Your case is special, Itadori," Nanami explained, trying to calm Itadori. "You are Sukuna's vessel, that's the only reason they let you join in reality," Nanami clarified. Nanami's words seemed to have little effect on Itadori. "But I passed the test!" he protested.

"They let you pass it," Nanami cut off, disillusioning Itadori even more. He remembered the hellish test he had to pass: fighting a teddy bear. "If the high command could, they would leave you in a pit, or rather, your corpse," Nanami said, mercilessly.

"But…", Itadori murmured, his voice barely audible.

"The world of sorcery is based on nepotism, it is run by the great clans, civilian sorcerers don't matter much," Nanami explained, disappointing Itadori even more. "Junpei is a civilian, he won't get special treatment, nor does he have a special talent like Yuuta Okkotsu. He will enter next year. Even if we reveal his existence, he is likely to be killed. They will connect the dots quite quickly. It's better to say he was discovered by a sorcerer and recruited," Nanami clarified.

"Can't we do anything?" Itadori asked, his voice filled with sadness.

Nanami shook his head, his serious expression deepening Itadori's sadness. "Think about it, if they investigate, they might find out that Junpei attacked a school and was an accomplice to a special curse," Nanami explained, his tone was one of regret, but also firmness.

"But he didn't kill anyone, he was manipulated!" Itadori defended his friend, his voice rose in protest, his face showed a mix of frustration and desperation.

"I know, Itadori," Nanami replied, his voice was soft but firm. "But do you think the higher-ups will see it that way?" Nanami questioned. His question left Itadori silent, the reality of the situation settling in him.

Nanami continued, "It's a complicated situation, Itadori. Junpei is innocent, but the circumstances are unfavorable. The best we can do for him now is to keep him secret and away from the academy for a while."

Itadori understood the situation, but that didn't mean he wasn't sad. "But don't worry," Nanami said, interrupting Itadori's thoughts. His words made Itadori lift his head.

"I've put Junpei under the protection and training of another sorcerer," Nanami continued, his tone was serious but reassuring. Itadori felt a glimmer of relief at hearing this. "He's a sorcerer with a Grade 1 strength, like me. His name is Ino," Nanami said, his words seemed to alleviate some of the tension in Itadori's shoulders.

Itadori nodded. "That's a relief."

Nanami patted Itadori on the shoulder, trying to offer him some comfort. "Ino is a very capable sorcerer," Nanami continued, "He will protect Junpei with his life if necessary. You can trust him." Itadori nodded, trusting Nanami.

"Nanami!!!" A white-haired man burst into the room, his energy was palpable. He lunged at Nanami, enveloping him in an exuberant hug.

"I missed you!" the white-haired man shouted, his voice resonating in the room. He hugged an expressionless Nanami, who just stood there, accepting the hug. "Hello Gojo…" Nanami murmured, his tone was disheartened, contrasting with Gojo's energy.

"Hello Itadori!" Gojo greeted next, raising his hand in a friendly gesture towards his student. His smile was wide and contagious.

"Hello Gojo sensei!" Itadori replied, his voice full of enthusiasm. "Are we going to see the guys?!" he asked, his excitement was evident. He was excited to see his first-year friends again.

Gojo observed Itadori, his face full of emotion, with an enigmatic smile. His eyes rested on a small pendant that Itadori wore, a figure of a toy firefighter. 'A shikigami? Interesting,' he thought to himself. With his six eyes, nothing escaped his attention, he was always attentive to the smallest details.

His gaze softened a bit as he looked at Itadori. He knew that the young man was finding ways to become stronger without relying on a cursed technique. 'How strong will he be now?' he wondered. Despite his carefree appearance, Gojo was always attentive to his students' growth.

He was eager to see how Itadori would grow over time. He knew the road wouldn't be easy, but he also knew that Itadori had the determination and courage to face any challenge that came his way.


Sorry for updating after a week, it was a combination of being busy and honestly, laziness.

I hope you liked the chapter, I didn't advance in the story, but I wanted to give a small explanation of why I think Junpei wouldn't be in the next arcs. Don't worry, he will appear eventually.

I also wanted to give Itadori a small power up using the logic used in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, without it looking too unjustified.

If you think about why I would give him a Shikigami that can't help him, I think it's something Itadori would do if Gege wasn't so bad with him.

Give me power stone

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