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77.77% One Piece Lemons / Chapter 14: Peachy Pineapple Paradise (Ulti & Hiyori)

Chương 14: Peachy Pineapple Paradise (Ulti & Hiyori)

Y/N finished laying the dish to the couple of customers as he wiped his brow. He sighed in satisfaction at the job. 'I must say, I am so happy I ended up leaving my previous job. Sure, the pay was good, but that Big Mom is just too crazy for me to work under. I mean, come on, you have to give up your life span to stay, or she'll just kill you anyway. That wasn't a paradise she was trying to make, it's her very own diabetic dictatorship which she reigns over all,' Y/N ranted in his mind as he laid down on the counter, sighing. 'Working in Spa Island was the best choice I could have taken.'1

Turning his sights, Y/N was even more thankful that he had quit working in Whole Cake Island and went to Spa Island. He didn't know what her name was, or where she came from, but Y/N could tell that she was someone special. Like royalty. The woman was slim and busty with an average height. Her hair was a beautiful turquoise and long that reaches her waist and blue eyes that are distinctively slanted at an downward angle. Further supporting Y/N's view of her royalty, the woman left most of her hair down with her bangs covering her forehead while some of her hair is held up by pins in an elaborate bun behind her head; an adornment each on each side of her head shaped like a pink rose with a gold dangler. However, beautiful she was, the lustful side was telling him her figure was better, and it was hard to disagree with it: her hips had child-bearing capabilities and well-proportioned, a voluptuous figure, kind eyes and a pouty pair of delectable lips that were iced with a dark fuchsia decoration.

Hiyori slurped her drink as she sat underneath the parasol with the sun beaming down on the sand, warming it up. She sighed in relief and sipped the cool drink once again, the ice clinking as she continued to cool down her mouth and satisfy her interests in the various assortments found on the island. Her head dropped back as she looked up to the ceiling of her parasol, recounting past events and what had led her to be here. 'It's all thanks to them. I thank those Straw Hat Pirates. If it wasn't for them, I'm sure that I would not be here and Wano would not have been freed from the cruel grip of Orochi and Kaido.' Just thinking about the two brought out rare anger inside her, which she quelled through her ice-blue drink.

Placing her cup down and exploring the view with her blue eyes, they widened in surprise when they spotted another woman. What caught Hiyori's attention wasn't the light-pink mask with a scalloped edge, trimmed with a white stripe, nor was it the unique fact that she had horns: a sharp, upward-curving pair emerging from the sides of her head, white in color, that resemble a bull's. The main factor that drew Hiyori's attention to her was the fact that her bikini rivalled her own in size and skimpiness. Hiyori had a hot-red bandeau style top with a thin string bottom of the same colour while the other woman had a slingshot bikini painted white.

Ulti wore the very white slingshot bikini that Hiyori was gazing at, as if it was a challenge. Ulti looked to be a young woman of middling height. Her hair wasn't as long as Hiyori but it still reaches near her mid-back and forms rounded locks mainly blue in coloration, but with thin, light-pink streaks running through (plus a single white one over her left eye). Blunt bangs fall on her forehead, split on the left, and an ahoge stands up on her head. Another clash of features was that Ulti's eyes are large, round, fringed by long lashes, and encompass violet irises. Her lower face up to the nose is covered by a light-pink mask with a scalloped edge, trimmed with a white stripe.

The horned female sat in the long reclining beach chair, the sun shining down on her; in contrast to Hiyori, who was covered by the parasol. Ulti enjoyed the sun as she thought about how she ended up from one of the most fearsome places in the New World to a pleasant resort all the way in Paradise. 'To think that they were actually able to defeat Kaido. I had thought it was impossible and given up a long time ago but it was still there all along,' she thought. Ulti clenched her fist, smiling towards the sunny sky. 'I still can reach the very summit of piracy. It's all very possible. But I want to relax first,' she thought, acting slightly childlike with her last thought, treating piracy as a kids game.

"I have to say, I'm a bit hungry, so it's best that I fetch something to eat. Nami and Robin were telling me a lot about how delightful everything was here, especially with Luffy and how much meat there was," Hiyori told herself as she stepped into the sun, seemingly the light got even brighter as Hiyori got some gasps from the side as they looked at what was without a doubt the most beautiful oiran. Her eye caught the gazebo. 'Don't mind me.'

Ulti's nose twitched against her mask as her eyes, at the same time as Hiyori's, locked onto the giant gazebo restaurant. Her eyes glittered in amazement as she gazed upon the feast. Even with the tables at the side already plated with large sums of food, there was even more laid at the centre. It was like a pyramid, the lower base with the most food and slowly decreasing as you went up it. 'Yet the amount of food was so large. It puts the Fire Festival quantities to shame; I just have to engage in this cuisine now!' Ulti thought as she imagined that she could even take her Pay-Pay here, too.

Sandals clashed against the sand as two beautiful women moved towards the food section. In an odd quirk of fate that neither of them had noticed, Hiyori found herself immediately occupied in the two-chaired table with none other than Ulti, her bikini battle was right there. A small clash of lightning between their eyes sparked against each other as the two of them locked eyes, bodies almost too close to the point their chests touched but they merely nodded at each other and sat down.

The manager nudged Y/N, stopping him from putting the gum in his mouth as he pointed at the two sexy women with a lecherous smile. Y/N didn't even need for his manager to explain what happened or what to do; he knew the hard-working, humble perverted geezer well. "Yes, yes. I got it, perverted old man," Y/N said with a grin, making the manager grit his teeth at the sarcastic precocious brat (in his eyes, of course). He turned towards his superior, saluting him. "Don't worry, this precocious brat of yours is going to deliver a top quality service," he said, the manager's face in shock at having his mind read like a book before sighing and taking a cigar out to light.

Y/N's eyes switched between the two women who were the talk of the Spa Island. 'It's not hard to see why they are so popular. I'm probably gazing like a pervert but I'm just being truthful to my body's desires. That one with the lipstick, her bikini is a bit more unique and the colour of her lipstick is amazing but that white slingshot bikini is doing wonders to my eyes. Thank you, manager,' Y/N thought as he stood up and straight. "Welcome. What can I get you two today?" Y/N asked as he offered them menus and began to explain the list and what was popular.

Hiyori gazed at Y/N with a smile as she took the menu gratefully, making him smile; his manager told him to do that all the time, especially with women. The horned girl impatiently ripped it from his hand and Y/N quickly retracted his hand as he waited for them. 'She's really feisty and quiet. The other one seems so much better but I feel like she's extroverted a bit much; I don't want to stand out a lot,' he thought. He looked at both of them. "Have you decided on your meals? I'd recommend the Peachy Pineapple Paradise one," Y/N honestly inputted it.

'I haven't decided yet but he's calling out and I don't want to keep him waiting; other customers are needing to be served by him, too,' Hiyori thought. Her smile brightened the room, even making Y/N feel like he needed to close his eyes from her extreme beauty. "I believe I shall take you up on that offer, Y/N. One Peachy Pineapple Paradise, please."

Y/N smiled and bowed. "Much obliged." Y/N kept a cordial smile as his eyes swept towards the masked woman. "And what will you be having?" Y/N asked as the horned girl looked to be glaring at Hiyori, analysing her. 'Um, do these two have bad blood? I just hope they don't wreck the establishment. I like my job!' he thought.

Ulti sighed. "I'll have what she's having as well. That long named meal!" she said, handing him the menu and looking away abruptly.

Y/N sweat dropped at Ulti's behaviour. He was wondering what her deal was. "Um, very well! That's two Peachy Pineapple Paradise's coming up!" Y/N said, swiftly making his way back to the kitchen.

Hiyori looked towards Ulti. "Hey, you should be more polite to the people serving us. They are working hard, so you could at least say please," Hiyori told Ulti but the Zoan girl huffed, looking away.

"And why should I?!" she grumbled underneath her mask. "He's just a servant, running around, and designed to fulfil the desires of his customers. Why should it matter?! No reason to get close or nice to him," she added.

Hiyori glared at her, with a pouty face to add. "Gosh, you remind me of—" Hiyori's eyes widened and she stopped herself, head casted down. "Never mind what I was going to say, sorry about that." Hiyori felt ashamed of herself. 'I can't believe I was going to compare her to someone like Orochi.'

"Whatever!" Ulti said as she tapped her finger, already growing impatient at the food not being here instantly. 'It looks beautiful like the Fire Festival but the service is lacking,' Ulti complained mentally.

Hiyori smiled at Ulti, weirding her out. "Hey, I'm sorry. Uh, can you please tell me your name?" Hiyori asked, making Ulti dread underneath her mask. "Please don't be like that. We might as well talk since the food could take long. My name is Hiyori, what about yours?" Hiyori asked as she had a gentle pouting face, stars glittering to the side as her face inched closer to Ulti.

"Ulti! Okay! It's Ulti! And this food better not take long!" she grumbled.

"More time to talk if anything. How are you, Ulti? Who are you? Why are you here? How are you doing? I'm just relaxing because I needed a heavy vacation after what happened, but I am celebrating, too!" Hiyori blurted out, smiling.

Ulti's eyes were twitching. 'Why me?!' Ulti thought. 'As all my sins finally caught up to me,' Ulti mentally added as Hiyori's ramblings were increasing in her head and the voice was easily getting annoying as Ulti hands crushed the air; luckily, it wasn't the table she was holding, or else it would have broken. "For crying out loud! Some people like peace! Can you just let me sit in peace for a few seconds?! Please!" Ulti's please was said with full sarcasm as people from the sides looked towards the two. "What do you people want?!" she said, glaring, shutting them up.

The silence was awkward around the two as Hiyori's more quieter questions were answered with glaring and grumbling, making Hiyori pout as she tried to break through to her but neither side relented.

"Here's your order!" Y/N announced as both of his hands were holding a mountain of food on each individual circular atmosphere. His eyes perked up to the intense aura around the two. "Forgive me if it took too long," Y/N said as he placed it down carefully, the meal deal was so large it felt like an invasion of the girls' privacy when he gave it to them. Y/N bowed once again. "Enjoy."

Ulti sighed as she pulled her mask down, her pearly white showing as well as her perfectly light skin underneath; Y/N found her even more sexy than before. She turned towards him, a sly grin. "This service is pretty poor, you know. The food took a long time and I had to be stuck with this loudmouth," she sassily replied back, making Hiyori gasp at the criticism pointed her way; she just tried to spark a friendly conversation.

Y/N sighed. "The food being late was something I tried my best to avoid but I hope that the taste of it can be a worthy compensation. As for your problem with the other woman—"

"My name is Hiyori!" she complained, before shyly shutting her mouth at having interrupted Y/N. "A-apologies."

Y/N nodded. "No problem, Miss Hiyori. In any case, miss—"

"Her name is Ulti," Hiyori butted in once again, making Y/N sigh as Ulti looked like she was about to rampage against Hiyori, as if saying her name was a crime worthy of death.

"Thanks again, Miss Hiyori. In any case, Miss Ulti, that's just how the way things are. Maybe you should blame my perverted manager for wanting two hot women in bikinis sitting at the same table, but I can't say I don't enjoy it either. Well, in any case, eat up and enjoy yourselves. The food is worth it!" Y/N said with a grin.

"It better be!" Ulti said. 'Or else I'll raze this place to the ground.'

Hiyori nodded. "Thank you, Y/N! I'll make sure to enjoy it."

Not expecting much apart from quantity, the two of them stopped to observe the reality they were in as both of them put another bite of the food into their mouths. Y/N grinned as he watched Hiyori and Ulti ravenously consume the dish, scarfing it down with ease at how amazing it was. Before they knew it, the two of them were already at the dessert.

"I've never had anything this delicious before!" they both shouted, making Y/N grin as he continued to observe the hot women. Finally there was something the two of them agreed on as the whole tray was gone and satisfied smiles on their faces as their chests slowly rose like they had finished running.

"What'd you think? Pretty good, right?" Y/N asked.

Hiyori's body transported right in front of Y/N, surprising him and making him shift back in shock at her speed. "This dish was amazing! I'm so interested. You wouldn't mind if I could ask you where you're from or what brought you here?" she questioned as Y/N sighed and began to explain.

Ulti groaned in annoyance at Hiyori's incessant talking. 'Seriously?! That woman doesn't know how to shut up. Besides, I'm clearly much better than her! That swimsuit doesn't match up to my bikini; it's so much bigger compared to this skimpy wonder garment! Her chances of seduction are zero; they don't compare to mine!' Ulti proudly thought, flicking the string and watching it bounce - Y/N's eyesight flicking to it in that small frame of time.

Y/N wished someone could do the talking for him. 'I know a hot girl is talking to me and I love her looks so much but she's way too invested in just a simple cook,' Y/N thought, humble bragging without realizing.

Ulti's eyes also reached the reader as they began to gaze at him, viewing Y/N through a predatory female gaze. Her tongue slipped out, licking her lips. 'That suit hides it well but he's really stacked. Just as the perfect type of build and size I want' Ulti thought as well, her body growing more interested in him.

"So what places have you been?! This is probably my first experience outside—"

"Would you stop with the boring questions already?!" Ulti complained as the slingshot bikini introvert opened up into the conversation. "You're gonna make Y/N go away with your boring questions!" Ulti warned her. 'Also, I'm just starting to realize how hot he is. I can't let Hiyori make him lose interest!'

'Thank god! I'm saved!'

"So what questions should I ask, then, Ulti?!" Hiyori fired back at her. "Do you have anything better?" the Wano royalty replied.

Ulti's grin turned dirty. "I do, in fact. Y/N... have you ever had sex before?" she questioned, making Y/N and Hiyori blush at the intimate question.

"Isn't this question a bit too much, Ulti?" Hiyori questioned but Ulti laughed it off as Hiyori also thought: 'I mean, the question is pretty nice and hot.'

Y/N sighed at having to deal with, arguably, even more harder questions. 'Just when I thought she was introverted,' Y/N complained inwardly. "No. I haven't had sex. I guess, what about you two?" he asked, both of them shaking their heads at the question back.

"Next question!" Ulti said as her grin was a bit nervous and invoked tension into the two of them, more Y/N than Hiyori. "Have you been flirted with, when it comes to other girls?" Ulti asked, making Hiyori sigh.

Y/N looked up to the ceiling of the gazebo then back down. "To be honest, yeah. I've had plenty of women flirt with me but nothing much really happened," he explained, making the two of them tilt their heads in synchronisation at that. 'That's pretty cute,' he thought, noticing that.

Hiyori was going to ask something but Ulti pushed her to the side. "So why didn't you flirt back?! Were they not hot enough for you?!" Ulti inquired, with Hiyori at least happy that Ulti had also addressed her question of concern.

Y/N waved it away. "It's nothing like that. I'd say I was just too focused on my craft at my time, so that's probably why. Looking back at it, a lot of girls were flirting with me!" Y/N commented with a smile.

'In that case, I'm going to beat all those women. They don't stand a chance with my beauty or my skills. Y/N is mine!' Ulti thought as she continued to gaze at Y/N like he was nothing but a hunk of meat; her hunk of meat.

Hiyori was relieved. 'I guess I actually have a chance, too. It's such a good thing those other girls picked him at the wrong time,' Hiyori thought, her body desiring Y/N for a reason she couldn't explain.

"How big is your dick?!" Ulti questioned, making Y/N give a "Huh?!" in question while Hiyori blushed at the question and her eyes widened at the lewd remark; she was ready to open her mouth and chastise Ulti for what she was going to say, but that didn't mean that Hiyori was any less turned on or curious. "Doesn't matter, let me find out!" Ulti said, her thick tongue swiping around her mouth at the thought of it with a great grin as Ulti dashed and grabbed Y/N before fleeing off in a flash outside the gazebo and onto the public view, the hot sand warm against his hands as Ulti deviously stared down to him.

Y/N tried to speak against Ulti but he couldn't do anything as Ulti snatched his kiss with her lustful lips and aggressive approach, forcing herself onto him as her arms, with incredible strength that Y/N didn't fail to notice, were ripped apart. His shirt turned into shrivelled ribbons as Y/N struggled against Ulti.

'His lips. His body! Everything is just what I needed!' Ulti thought, as the sun rays on her body and spreading on the sunny sands was nothing compared to the flaring of her body as Ulti's tongue slipped into Y/N's mouth, his eyes widening. For some reason, it turned on Ulti more as she pushed herself against his body, her slingshot bikini the only thing stopping her breasts from making contact with his chest.

Their lips finally separated as Y/N panted while staring into the eyes of Ulti. It felt like an abyss of lust; staring, Y/N found himself gazing back at being caught in a trance as his eyes were frozen into her sultry shape, drinking every part up. "Ulti, I—"

Ulti dragged her tongue into his mouth, letting it slide in there as she slowly made her way down, Y/N squirming from her cool tongue brushing down, a trail of her silver as proof of her marking. Her claws easily shredded down Y/N's trousers as she found his cock out; already, Y/N's flaccid cock was definitely bigger, bulkier and more beautiful than many. Despite the limp state it was in, Ulti could tell that this enough would beat some of the most big-sized ones while erect.

"Thanks for the bonus meal!" Ulti joked before ignoring Y/N's concerns as her mouth sank down, a cooing that was muffled by the meat as Ulti's head slid back and forth, like a cloth against a blade. For a virgin, her movements were fluid, as well as the saliva in her mouth, as Ulti's mouth stuck on his candy cock without a single moment of giving up.

"Hey, what's going on with her?!" a girl pointed out as she watched Y/N just standing there all awkward while Ulti had no shame in putting her face further. 'She's really bold!' the girl admired, for all the wrong reasons.

"Lucky bastard! Getting sucked off by that sexy woman!" a jealous man commented as Y/N was trying really hard not to get into it but Ulti's sucking skills were nothing short of subliminal as the urge grew, just like his cock size.

Y/N's hands went atop of Ulti's head as he dragged her off, making her pout, before her eyes widened with glee as Ulti realized what he was about to do and didn't even bother getting ready but allowed herself to go with the flow. 'It's so much more fun and better and hotter if I have no practice while Y/N just fucks my mouth!' Ulti thought as she got more than what she bargained for.

All sorts of lewd noises were coming from Ulti's throat as more people began to gather around the place and watched the sight. Every time Ulti would suck on Y/N's cock, the meat would respond by growing in her mouth. Her smile never once left her face as Ulti only proved herself and surpassed each competition with more sexual excitement, her mouth devouring dick like it was nothing.

'I shouldn't be doing this! I really shouldn't but Ulti is turning me on too much! I have to do it now!' Y/N thought to himself as his hips went hyper and were hitting deeper and deeper into Ulti, making her throat cheer in pleasure as Ulti never once lost against the ever-long, energetic erection. Even with the speed at which Y/N was going at, which was making the sand kick up, Ulti had no problem and continued sexually slurping, excited for his smoothie semen to cum out.

Huffing, Hiyori wandered into the small crowd. Her eyes widened as she saw Y/N fucking Ulti's face, a gleeful smile on the latter while the former was groaning with delight. It was in his eyes but he tried hiding it in. Both of them were so into the sex that they ended up moving from the sun into the sun bed that was covered by the parasol as they kept going at it.

Inside, Ulti's mouth could feel Y/N's cock beating heavy like a heart as Y/N's face closed in tightly and Ulti's one stretched into one of joy as the hot flood of cum; his titanic testicles churned on and on, releasing out thick bubbling bulges of cum that flowed into her mouth, his super shaft shooting them off in a rapid pace while Ulti's ass twerks and she bobbed her head more and more into it. 'More! More! So much!' Ulti was shouting loudly; luckily, it was mentally, so they wouldn't have to worry about much noise, even though she'd be hard pressed to make it loud due to how much Y/N's cock was clogging up her mouth.

The crowd watched in awe as Ulti continued to swallow everything down. While it was impossible to tell how much Y/N was cumming because Ulti had managed to maintain her momentum and keep the whole thick tunnel meat in her mouth, the bystanders could tell it was a ludicrous amount, like something out of a smut book, as Ulti's throat opened up thick on the sides and her throat writhed around as it went through a super fast, long, lewd loop of her throat directing the cum in her mouth.

Ulti's head dropped back and her smile was still on as Y/N looked at her impressed with what she had been able to do. 'I fired off so much but she was still able to take it all in,' Y/N thought. 'Her skills are amazing, and she's turning me on a lot! I think I might treat Ulti to a second round!' Y/N thought with a sensual smile that would make his manager proud.

"Look in her mouth! Holy shit! How much cum was stored in there?! That's not a normal dick!" a girl called out.

"It's not all that much! And why do you keep staring?!" the boyfriend asked as he tried to pry his girl's eyes away.

"Shut up, small dick!" she taunted, eliciting laughs from the others while he was sad and angry at being mocked by his girlfriend. "It's true! And why are the rest of you laughing?! Are you any bigger?!" she commented, making the whole crowd subside to her point and hang their heads in defeat.

"Is my dick really that special? Here I was thinking it was the norm," Y/N pointed out as he went to go and pleasure Ulti but was hit down as he groaned and looked to find Hiyori on top of him, her lips glittering. "Hiyori! When did you cum?!" he questioned.

Hiyori bent down and licked his chest, making him submit against her and the sensation as Hiyori's tongue got to dragging down before rolling around the mushroom tip. Her eyes went back to Ulti's position. "She's still taking all that cum down, so why don't I make sure this doesn't get so cold and fold, okay?" Hiyori said, her pouty lips making Y/N's dick harder, casting an ominous over looming shadow.

"Are you sure about that?!" Y/N asked, smiling back at her.

Hiyori only answered by opening her mouth and also allowing the cock entry. 'B-big!' Hiyori thought as she felt it was too dangerous to go all the way down so quickly so she was methodical with what she did and Hiyori only sucked him off lightly and worked her way down, her eyes gazing and watching the thick testicles hanging about. 'I wonder how much more he'll cum! He's surely got a lot saved up there!' Hiyori thought.

Y/N groaned as he watched Hiyori also switch it up and lick and smooch on his cock, leaving twin dark fuchsia marks, which made Y/N's cock go harder and it turned him on at seeing such a sight. 'Imagine if I was fucking someone important or royal, that'd be even hotter!' Y/N thought with a grin as he worked his hips and thrusted his dick into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat and making her moan as Y/N also looked at the crowd, the girls blushing at watching him man handle Hiyori.

Hiyori's chest was flopping against her bandeu top at the speed from which Y/N was fucking her. It didn't help her mouth at the fact that Y/N's cock wasn't just growing in height, peering deeper into her body; the width grew wild as Hiyori felt her lips spreading a bit painfully from the way Y/N continued to grow inside her mouth. It did not make it any less hot, though, as Hiyori worked through thick and thicker to suck his dick.

"Time for me to go faster, Hiyori! I really want to cum!" Y/N groaned out as he gripped her hair, making her sweat from what she perceived what Y/N was going to do, before feeling something stronger than gravity hit her as Hiyori's head was flying up and down, Y/N's cock doing more than tickling the uvula but smashing it like it was a punching bag as it more and more, then stretching out even more and teasing her throat, gag reflex urges hitting Hiyori harder than ever.

Hiyori's hand stretched out and gripped down on his testicles, as she felt like she was losing her edge. 'Need to hold onto something to hold me down!' Hiyori thought as her hand stretched out and tried to hold down onto his balls. Of course, Hiyori had no idea it would result in tears coming out of her eyes as Hiyori accidentally performed a trap card on herself and her mouth was filled up as Y/N's penis prematurely poured out the man milk that it had stored in the thick cock cans, firing off more and more.

"Bet you can't scuff it all down!" someone said from the crowd. There were more roars as this happened, Hiyori's ears perking up as Hiyori continued to take the slow paced hip thrusts, Y/N's dangerously dazzling dick sliding in and out, partially lubed up by the sheer amount of semen that he had fired off before.

Hiyori's eyes flashed, glaring at Y/N and making his eyes widen at the intensity hidden in them as Y/N didn't expect Hiyori to rush her own body down and continued to smack her face down onto the base of the cock, even biting down (which hurt but pleasured Y/N) as Hiyori refused to let go, toes curling, and cheers from the sideline at seeing her shake her ass. 'I CAN DO IT!' she thought to herself as her throat endured the thick cum fall into her mouth with nothing but grit as her head and throat groaned and twisted but she finally sent everything down her mouth, making her drop and pant from it.

"S-she actually took it down!" several people commented, even Y/N himself was sweating and surprised.

"Look at the monster cock. I want to go on it, too!" one girl stated.

Like it was on instinct, Ulti flipped up from the sand, her throat gulping down the last traces of cum in her mouth as she grinned at Y/N before giving a dark glare at the other woman. "Back off, bitch! This is a battle between me and Hiyori! No sluts involved!" Ulti told her, giving the girl a feeling of a dinosaur looking down at an ant; the girl immediately withdrew.

'Scary,' both everyone else thought.

Ulti grinned as she slipped off her slingshot bikini to the side, wolf whistles and a growth from Y/N's dick. "Time for a titfuck!" Ulti happily said as she laid down to his side and nestled his cock between her massive milkers. Drool slipped out of her mouth as Ulti looked at it up and down. "Wow, it's still not even fully covering it!" Ulti said as she licked at the tip, her tongue rolling back and forth as Y/N moaned at Ulti's talents.

"No fair! Don't leave me out of it!" Hiyori said, flipping her bikini top over her breasts, and bending down and dotting kisses on the middle sections of the missile, leaving it stained before she rubbed her breasts against it, additionally smudging the lipstick across his cock. Her breast clashed against Ulti's, the two of them moaning at their areolas touching.

Y/N's cock was almost fully grasped by the double pair of massive mammaries but his cock pursued survival and continued to outgrow their standards and stick out like a pillar against the mass of breasts that Ulti and Hiyori brought along the shaft as they continued rubbing it up and down, lightning clashing between their eyes as they tried to outdo the others.

"Hey! Whose tits are bigger?! I wish I could take your spot but I can't compete with you, so why don't you tell everyone who has the bigger one?! You can do that, you got a front view! Tell us!" one homie asked, with a flood of questions coming from both genders as Y/N sighed at having to answer the question, even Hiyori and Ulti stopped glaring at each other and stared at Y/N but that didn't meant their breasts weren't working hard at rubbing on his cockzilla; in fact, it seemed that they both had gone more serious and were faster at it.

"Both of you are so big! I love your breasts but I think Ulti's a bit bigger! It's still so good!" Y/N said as his hands stretched out and groped both their asses, making both of them blush and moan as Y/N continued to press and twist his fingers into their asses. "Ulti! Your ass is so much bigger, too! And very naughty with that bikini! B-but your one is good too Hiyori!" Y/N tried not to show bias even with the obvious winner.

Y/N's cock began to stop hiding as much as both girls eyes widened when they felt the balls underneath them swell up and Y/N's cock stop peeping out as the mushroom bulked up and the veins were thicker than thunder, brighter than blue, as Y/N was holding both their asses and using it to propel himself up as Y/N's cock was sliding faster than their breast job, everyone in the sex trio moaning as they each worked their hardest to pleasure the ones they wanted.

"It's coming! He's gonna cum a lot again!" the guy from before said.

"As if! He's got to be drained!"

The second statement was shown to be horribly wrong while the first statement was partially right as Y/N didn't shoot out a lot but the energy surrounding his ejaculation made it look like something out of a turbo machine because even is cock was vibrating and shooting off like crazy as the cum started flying everywhere, even indiscriminately targeting every place possible as a girl complained that something sticky fell into her smoothie shake and another commented the ice cream was tainted and tasted uniquely different.

"I'm not letting it go to waste!" Hiyori and Ulti both said to themselves at the same time as they both pressed their lips against his cock and sealed it with their luscious lips as their cheeks bulged form the lewd load and they both tried to press and trap his cock in a cleavage cake as they both drank it down, moaning, semen covering their lips; luckily, they had tongues to deal with that.

"T-that was more than his previous load!" the smoothie shake girl said with shock before realizing that what had messed up her drink was his cum. 'Well, it actually tasted nice,' she thought. 'Just strange.'

Hiyori yelped as she was sent off to the side and Ulti presented herself, pussy wet and ripe. She didn't even wait for Y/N's permission or allow him to have a say as she pressed herself, the tip of the dick alone enough to stretch her out than any toy could. "This is exactly what I needed! I love this feeling!" Ulti shrieked with a smile as she gasped with a smile and looked down to meet Y/N as Y/N clutched her wrists and brought her down on the cock. "Is this because I mocked your service?!" Ulti said.

Y/N grinned as his clutch turned into cuffs and his hips bucked, making Ulti blush and gush, Hiyori watching with lust but not being able to intervene. "I don't think you understand, Ulti!" Y/N said as he forced her harder down on the rod, Ulti moaning loudly for everyone in the crowd to hear as she groaned in delight when Y/N's cock opened up her pussy for all to see. "Why should I care about you mocking the service?! Deep down, you just can't admit I'm right! You're horny body agrees with me with the way your tightening around my big dick! Because you love big dick, don't you?!" Y/N went on a spiel as he continued to hump and buck his hips, smashing deeper and deeper into Ulti, who delighted in every moment.

Ulti's pussy was really tight on Y/N, it felt like a python. Which was ironic because Ulti couldn't help but compare the length of a python to his dick, which really went to show how the two of them were happy and into each other as Ulti didn't allowed Y/N to do all the work and her ass humps sent him into the bed as Ulti only grinned at him, the sight a turn on. "Don't think that fucking my pussy is enough to make me submit! That's not enough for this dino girl, so keep on going, will ya?! I have plenty of more holes and stamina for us to go through! Do you!?" she challenged back, with some of the girls cheering her own.

This obviously got some of the male crowd cheering on as Y/N bucked faster, pushing himself out of the shade and more into the sun as Y/N continued to work into Ulti, gritting his teeth as his massive meat only knew the way to keep moving on forward. "You have supporters of your own, and so do I, but I don't really care! I'm just going to make you really taste how amazing my dick is so prepare yourself! Ulti!" Y/N roared.

'T-they're really going at it!' Hiyori thought with a blush as she gripped her breasts and also started masturbating, working her pussy with her fingers and stretching it out as Ulti's pussy was wrapping more and around his cock, some of the base of the shaft still left before disappearing into her pussy as Ulti's bigger breasts were bouncing around like crazy and Ulti amazed her by having coherent thoughts against the crazy cock smashing her from the back.

Flashes of white went off inside Ulti's pussy as she loudly bellowed and gladly welcomed the cum firing off into her pussy. "That's exactly what I needed! Fire off more of that hot cum inside me! I crave it! I LOVE IT!" Ulti praised like a cock drunk size queen as her hips were moving sporadically and seemingly gaining pace as even Y/N was surprised at how active she was and had to hold her down tightly to even give her a sense of individuality as she finally settled down. "Hiyori's turn?" she sighed.

Hiyori huffed as she allowed Y/N to take the reins once again and her face cringed as her pussy stretched out. Her sweating and breathing became more apparent to her. 'How the hell did Ulti do this so easily?!' Hiyori thought, looking at the smug dino girl, who had a look that basically asked her if she could handle it. "I can handle this just fine!" Hiyori said, her comment focused more on Ulti and Y/N to a lesser extent.

"Don't regret it, Hiyori!" Y/N warned her as Hiyori's pussy already came from feeling Y/N's rod slid in with ease and became washed away with her tunnels. They were really tight for Y/N, and the male worker appeared to have a more pained face than with his time with Ulti, as his cock wiggled and grew in response to Hiyori's pussy. "This dick of mine is not losing, Hiyori! I don't know how it's getting bigger but it's doing it and there's nothing you can do about it!" Y/N warned Hiyori as the grip hardened, her face cringing in pain before it became more deformed a Hiyori's form was shrieking and acting like a rag doll as her body bounced on his dick; Y/N could tell without a shadow of a doubt Hiyori was beating in ass size, too.

Hiyori gasped as the cock had just punched her cervix and she was sure that her pussy squirted out for maybe the third time as her brow was stooped and face flushed but the smirking face of Ulti claiming victory as well as the lust that was beginning to send her body into a metamorphosis did not allow her to lose as Hiyori swore to herself to survive. "I-I'm not going down!" Hiyori said as she smacked down and down on Y/N's cock, feeling it fill her up but her pained face was mending into one of lust as Y/N was surprised and honestly a bit nervous from Hiyori's face but it partially turned him on. "Fill me up, please! More Peachy Pineapple Paradise!" Hiyori joked, referencing the meal from before.

For some reason, it worked at turning on Y/N more as he pulled Hiyori in and flushed her insides white and Hiyori's breasts, not as big, but still buxom flipped about as Y/N's cock kept on thickening, getting bigger and bigger. 'I-it's still getting bigger! This is really/kinda amazing!' they both thought as Hiyori was then removed from Y/N's cock and her body slumped, cum leaking out of the hole as Hiyori glared at Ulti.

Y/N groaned as he got up and caught Ulti by her waist, making her giggle as Y/N placed her pussy to his cock once again and pressed it forward, the bigger than before length making Ulti moan as she smugly looked down at the tired Hiyori. "Again?! You must really love me!" Ulti said as she already started speeding up her hop and bops. "The way your arms are around my waist so tightly make me all hot and bothered, so make sure to fire off plenty into my womb!" Ulti demanded.

"Already planning to! You better not complain about customer service this time!" Y/N groaned out as his fingers tightened around her waist, tongue thrown out a shriek as Y/N couldn't help but feel like Ulti's pussy was sucking him up and never going to let him go because the familiar tingling sensation in his balls propped up already as Y/N did everything he could to avoid it but it was hurting him; Hiyori could see it on his face.

"Yep! It's coming!" Y/N groaned out as his dick once again gave Ulti the man milk she so much desired as some of the girls cheered her on while others were jealous that they couldn't get a go because Ulti would just exude a demonic dinosaur aura that would send all flying back and afraid. So they only got to see from a glimpse at the pleasure and pain that was growing through both individuals.

"All done," Hiyori said as her hops slowed down, "but I'm not just done yet!" Ulti said with a grin as Ulti pushed the reader down and had him fully laying on his back as Ulti was then doing him in a reverse cowgirl position, her ass smacking hard and true down on Y/N's cock, the shaft feeling revitalized as Y/N's hands still did not let go of her waist.

Hiyori pouted. "What about—?"

"No butting in!" Ulti shouted with Y/N partially agreeing and speaking the statement together with Ulti as Ulti's energy was explosive and her influence over the two individuals was beyond but Ulti was mainly focused on Y/N's dick, the super shaft standing tall like a giant tree as her womb felt its presence over and over again, the insides of Ulti's never growing tired of the feeling but only ever trying to squeeze it into defeat as Ulti could only imagine the amount of cum it'd release. "Ah! I'm so lucky that I get to have sex with such a massive cock! It's so amazing!" Ulti gloated to everyone as her hips beat down on Y/N's body from the pure speed at which she was impaling herself on it.

Y/N watched as Ulti's bikini was flapping against the gentle breeze in the sun. "Ulti, do you know that this slutty slingshot bikini of yours is one of the reasons why I find you so hot to fuck! But why'd you wear it if you knew I wasn't around. Perhaps your a naughty girl who was planning on having sex?!" Y/N inquired with a grin as he slapped her ass, making Ulti grin down the red mark he left.

"It wasn't my intention and I didn't plan on having sex but then this monster cocked eyesore showed up and so I had no choice! It's the best way to relax!" Ulti said with a grin as her pussy made all sorts of squelching noises. 'Oh, yes! Y/N! I really, really love him! Those muscles, he's attractive, and this dick just keeps getting bigger and better!' Ulti inwardly giggled, almost sounding like a girl with a crush rather than the serious pirate that she was.

"Give us a go!" some women shouted, and Y/N was confused because he thought that he heard a man's voice too but Y/N ignored it and his focus was slapping, tapping and clapping Ulti's body with his massive monolith of meat.

"Can he even go anymore?! I could do better!" an additional group of jealous men called out from the side as they couldn't help but flaunt their egos and not admit they had been bested; even though they never got to fuck Hiyori or Ulti in the first place.

Ulti looked at the noise complaints. "Okay, losers. Girls, can you do this!" Ulti askes as her hips left the world of normal eyes and their eyes bulged out of their sockets while the limited amount of those with trained eyes would be able to see the insane rate at which Ulti was bouncing down, the noises that echoed throughout the beach was enough to tell the people it was real and that this wasn't a trick.

"Then, what about—?!"

"ME!" Y/N said with a grin as Ulti's body began floating up in the air as they soon faced the same shock that Ulti did to the girls as Y/N wasn't only just rocking his hips like mad, but shockwaves and rippling of Ulti's cheeks were visible because of how fast Y/N was going in fact. Some cum was spilling out of Ulti's pussy, full on making some of the men gasp, gape and pass out in shock as they weren't even being dealt with in words but actions, which were definitely speaking louder in this case from how fast the two were going.

"Take that, suckers! Only Y/N's dick can show me who's boss! Just what did you think all that bragging was going to do?! Ulti partially sheathed herself off of the cock to show the glistening middle marbled meat inside her as Ulti giggled and slid herself fully down, a moan escaping her lips again as her hips worked down on it.

Ulti looked in surprise when she felt herself levitating only to find the sun hitting her eyes, making her close them before they both shut down in shock as Y/N was hitting her while holding her legs with his arms and further slicing into her sex with ease, Y/N's massive testicles on display. Ulti looked down to admire them. She clearly understood how and why Y/N was able to shoot off so much.

'While it's a shame I have to watch Ulti get all the fun by herself, I have to admit that she has much better stamina than me and it's really hot,' Hiyori thought with a flushed face as her blue eyes caught a peak and realized that Y/N's cock still had even a small smidgen of her luscious lipstick laced on it. 'I shouldn't expect anything less from the amazing cock. I imagine Ulit is really getting it,' Hiyori thought as she practiced stretching out her pussy while she had the chance; she was going to need it.

Y/N's cock hadn't let go of Ulti's pussy for awhile as Y/N was grinning and proudly showing off the moaning Ulti as veins flooded his body and adrenaline pumped at a maddening rate as Ulti seemed weightless in his arms and Y/N's dick was burning up from overexertion but nothing was phasing him as Y/N grinned the whole experience and was unloading and loading his whole meat rod in at paces he didn't know he could go. 'I never knew I was somehow this athletic. I'm just a chef!' Y/N thought in surprise but he moved off of the topic as Y/N only focused on the pussy.

"Harder! Do me harder! I need something more!" Ulti screamed madly as Y/N found himself losing control as Ulti somehow had the strength to lift herself off of his cock and slam herself back in as Y/N had to admit that the sudden overpowering force of Ulti really brought Y/N to what no adrenaline would lead him to.

"DOWN YOU GO!" Y/N roared as Ult was thrown down. Y/N placed her on her hands and knees. Y/N didn't know how to make his cock go bigger but he willed his body to do so, tightness of having a dick too big hit him and he was mildly surprised it was as easy as that but Y/N moved over it as Y/N told himself there was no time to be wondering on what happened; sex waited for nobody. "Don't regret it, Ulti!" Y/N told her as the penis plug removed from Ulti showed her pussy firing off enough cum that it resembled Y/N's ejaculation.

Ulti's tongue was out, making Y/N link her to more of a dog than someone super strong. Ulti's head shook at fast speeds, resembling her bouncing hips as Ulti pushed herself against Y/N's dick and worked on it. "Whatever it is, I can take it so go wild! I won't forgive you if you dare hold back on me with that massive cock on yours, Y/N! GO wild and explore every part of my body! It needs your dick!" Ulti shouted.

Whether it was relief or joy, Ulti didn't know what to feel so her body went with both as even the whole audience stared in shock when Y/N's cock got stuck inside her anus. Even Y/N had to agree that he was feeling both reactions as both their faces went off with red steam and held breaths, which they only realized a moment later as both of them, sex crazed and with an indomitable will, pushed forward, and the other back, as both of them worked together to get the massive willy into Ulti's needy anal hole; the shy but deadly opening giving both of them a challenge.

Y/N was holding in the pain very well but he felt like his body was about to explode on fire due to how hard and secure her small vault was. Y/N tried ignoring the pain but even the crowd, including those humiliated before, were feeling some sexual sympathy for him as Y/N was howling in pain from trying to press himself deeper into something that seemed like it wouldn't budge. His fingers were gripping Ulti's buttocks, making them more red and leaving fingernail indents everywhere, as Y/N's smile beamed into the sun. "Don't give me a sad look, your supposed to enjoy the show because I'm doing just"—Y/N reared his hips back, the view hot and the full sight fully showing how much different Y/N was built from the rest, then sliding forward and aiming to attack it with all his might—"fine! Because I'm here!" Y/N ended with a smile, sweat caking his body but it only made him shine like a Greek God in the sun as the girls blushed while the men were back to their jealous phases.

Ulti's toes curled as her tongue drooled and her eyes went back, grinning maliciously as Y/N gave her a look that told her to try him. "If you insist!" Ulti roared, some of the crowd looking confused while only a few realized the level of trust they had managed to gain from sex resulted in mutual understanding as Ulti's asshole clenched down on Y/N's cock, making him feel like it was being put through a flesh guillotine with the way it overwhelmed his thickness in every sense.

"T-that's not enough, Ulti! Your ass is over!" Y/N roared as even Ulti's eyes began to widen at how quickly Y/N had adapted to her anus as the filling up sensation came once again into her body, but it wasn't the ejaculation type; it was the ever-long erection.

"O-oh, yes! You're really still growing, just what kind of dick is that?! I LIKE IT!" Ulti praised as her hands dug into the sand and bucked her hips back and forth, not giving up for any moment. "Even the anus wants some cream! It needs to loosen up, so hurry it up, Y/N! I don't like to wait too long for customer cum sexual service!" Ulti joked. "This dick is only fit for a size queen like me! I don't know how you are getting bigger but I don't care apart from when your giant penis is smacking into my sweet sexual spots! That pain doesn't even count; the pleasure is just too good!"

Hiyori's eyes were star-struck, as was the crowd, as Y/N kept reeling himself out and forcing himself in. 'Ulti's ass is getting opened up so wide like that but she's somehow still going! How?! It's amazing. I know it must hurt but she's not acting that way!' Hiyori clenched her fists as she thought to herself. 'I must go beyond what lies in pain and transcend my limits. From what Ulti says, it eventually gets good and the pain doesn't matter,' Hiyori observed as the torrent of cum inside Ulti was even more intense than before, some landing on her tongue but she quickly lapped that back in as Ulti tried getting up but Y/N was required to reel his rod out of the enclosed pond.

Ulti smiled as she turned around to Hiyori. "We've been neglecting you too much, Hiyori, so why don't you go and indulge yourself on some nice fat cock?! You probably can't exhaust Y/N like I can but why don't you have some fun?! I'm cheering on you and his massive, fat cock. Isn't it just so juicy?!" Ulti continued praising Y/N's thick hunk of meat while mocking Hiyori at the same time.

Hiyori presented her pussy out to Y/N with a smirk, opening up her pussy as Y/N found himself drooling at the shining glistening pot in front of him. For some reason, Hiyori was even more hotter and flustered than before and Y/N immediately took her into the shade and smashed his cock in her insides, making Hiyori groan but her face turned into a smirk and Hiyori surprised Y/N by smashing him down.

She stirred her hips to the side as her arms reached backwards and gripped onto the parasol, her fingers tightly secured on them and clutching it. Y/N was turned on by her smile as her arms were splayed out behind her in a sexy pose. "Well, don't stop, Y/N! I might just have to complain about customer service!" Hiyori joked.

Y/N stopped for a moment before shaking his head. His hands sank into her hips, enjoying the smoothness of her skin as a bump appeared in Hiyori's belly as the crowd was gobsmacked from watching Y/N pull off a seemingly impossible feat. "You're not Ulti! Stop acting like her, Hiyori! Or are you really like this?! Your bikini is pretty dirty, too!" Y/N admitted as Y/N didn't show Hiyori any mercy too and was just as excited and amped with Ulti.

Hiyori huffed, chest blowing out and swinging as she caught the gazes of all the people watching, a smug smirk on her face. 'I think I can see why Ulti loved this so much; it's refreshing to have power and a position like this!' Hiyori thought as her eyes surveyed the whole area and laughed loudly, confusing everyone about. "You're all just jealous and ashamed! I bet neither of you could even take this magnificently thick cock down, could you?!" Hiyori grunted out, riding Y/N harder to the point he was surprised, and tremors were in his chest.

While Y/N had been turned on a lot by even the trash talking and crowd commentating, Y/N felt like he might have needed to reach out to Hiyori and warn her to calm down. "H-Hiyori, your bragging is too much!" He smiled at the people around. "D-don't mind it! I'm sure Hiyori doesn't mind it, just a bit of fun!" Y/N commented as he couldn't lie to his body and it rocked harder in accordance to Hiyori's trash talking. "They're customers, Hiyori! I can't be this rude to them!" Y/N pointed out to her.

Hiyori laughed it off as she didn't even bother listening to but only moved up and down on him, the parasol, erect and strong like the dick Hiyori was riding as Y/N gazed in awe at her cheeks jiggled and how her pussy was sucking him up; the sight was amazing. "I don't care, Y/N! They are not my customers, so let me just admit to them how great this dick and your skills are! Our pussy and this penis are perfect!" Hiyori moaned even louder as Ulti smirked from the sidelines at her attitude, almost feeling a random swell of pride at creating Hiyori's current attitude. "This cock of yours!" Hiyori moaned out as she was rubbing her hands up and down the parasol, mimicking jerking off movements. "This cock keeps on growing bigger and fostering every need of my pussy! What is there not to love?!" Hiyori showered praise after praise.

Bigger. thicker, wider, faster. These four things kept on evolving into Hiyori during the sex with Y/ thrusting into her from behind as her eyes teared up several times as her body kept on consuming thrusts after thrust, banging after banging. Even the way Y/N was gripping harder on her waist was all making Hiyori's body go crazy and crave conquering cock, which is why her body moved faster than perhaps even Ulti's as the crowd watched in amazement as Hiyori put on a show for them and shivers went up her spine and in Y/N's cock as he couldn't hold it in any longer from his face.

"Hiyori!" Y/N cried out with all his might, his vocal chords feeling a bit singed. It was worth it as the crowd was able to envision how good the sex was because not only was Hiyori mindlessly twirling around on his dick and Y/N's eyes felt like they were flat lining several time but the fact that every time Hiyori bounced or twirled her hips, a gallon cum would fly out and flow to the sides, staining and not sinking into the sand. This got even Ulti's attention, eyes wide-eyed as Hiyori kept on moaning and Y/N grunting into her. A small amount of jealousy at having extracted more from Y/N.

Lust overfilled Hiyori as she spun around, getting to spurt off a bit more into her stomach once again, as a funny squishy noise hit the people as Hiyori's back was facing the crowd and Hiyori had Y/N's full attention as she licked her lips. "I can feel the veins of your massive shaft; they are bigger than an average cock in themselves. I hope you can pour more into me! Please do, Y/N! I want it!" she cried out as her hips buckled up and knocked into him over and over again for a loop that no one knew.

Y/N opened his mouth but Hiyori shut it for him as her breasts rubbed against his muscular torso, stimulating the shaft as everyone gaped at Hiyori's needy pussy grabbing Y/N's dick and stuffing it all in at once, his testicles being pressed against her big booty but that was nothing compared to the fact that Hiyori was more than giddy from her grinning and treating Y/N like her very on pet horsey as she kept on riding no matter the cost; it was all or nothing.

Y/N groaned out in the kiss as the voices of a jealous girl called out Hiyori for tiring the reader out and the fact that only two girls got to have a go wasn't right or nice. "Oh, just shut up already! This cock is the only thing that is right and fit for me! You wouldn't even last a few seconds, so enjoy what you can't handle and find someone else to fuck you!" Hiyori mocked the girl with a crazed grin as her breasts squashed against Y/N's face and she pressed them more into his face. "There, there. Drink it all up," she cooed at Y/N.

One male kicked up the sand. "Don't you dare!"

"Forget about you! I don't think I can forget anything so pathetic!" Hiyori mocked as she moaned from feeling Y/N suck and fuck at the same time; it was an interesting tag-team attack from a single stallion stud. "Those pathetic cocks of yours wouldn't even reach close to me, let alone fill me up fully!" Hiyori cried out in laughter, bonking her hips faster to make her point. "See, my hips are saying how much I love your cock; I'd be a statue if I was with you!"

Ulti laughed. "Hiyori is right. None of you men would even be given a chance if you tried to come at me with those tooth picks you call dicks. Honestly, just learn to accept it!" Ulti mocked them along with Hiyori as she awaited her turn because Hiyori had recently surprised her with how well she was going at it. "Those titanic testicles. So full of his milk and ready to burst at any time, I can hardly wait!" Ulti said.

"You're wrong! My boyfriend's cock is fine as it is!" someone called out from the crowd, making Ulti and Hiyori laugh at her, her eyes widening at the dark, mischievous lustful looks they had

Hiyori turned her head, feeling Y/N's release close. "And?! The difference between you and me is the fact that I'm a size queen! I won't put up with something like that! Try and aim higher, rather than settling for mediocrity!" Hiyori mocked as her body twitched once again at the receiving of double thick, triple heavy cum cream filling her up.

Ulti looked at the copious cum leaking out of Hiyori's slit as she remembered a time Y/N showered them with lots of cum and she threw her titanic tits about as she pressed them to the side of the thick length, waiting for Hiyori to join. When she did, Ulti grinned at Hiyori. "Are you ready for this?!" she asked, Hiyori nodding.

"You girls just keep going at it but you better not settle for anything less than you best!" Y/N told them as he smiled, his whole body felt dirty with sweat, his scent becoming musky as the two girls could smell it due to how intense their senses had been refined into from all the adrenaline that went through the two with all the sex happening.

This time, Y/N actually gripped onto their boobs each, making both of them moan, while the crowd groaned at how tightly he was gripping, and then Y/N flipped himself up and down like lightning flashing down in a rapid rage as Y/N's breath was sometimes hitched in this throat from how intense it was but that didn't stop him as, underneath the boob barricade, his giant jugs were smacking against hers and creating shocking waves as both girls moaned and continued their tit fuck, moaning and slipping their tongues out to coat and cover the tip in a shiny praise as they awaited for the moment to come.

"I'm gonna make him burst out!" Ulti said as she gave multiple pats on his dick and rubbed it with her chin before licking it ravenously. "You better work harder or I might just end up stealing it all to myself with the rate I'm going, you know?!" Ulti grinned at her as she made sure to cover the side she had dominion over completely with her tongue, the pink appendage slapping it and covering it in her silver lust lube as Ulti even went on to suck it and combine her oral techniques to lick and suck, slurping up and down on the sides.

"I'm not going to let you over take me!" Hiyori argued back with Ulti as she went on to do her best and try to imitate Ulti's movements but Ulti appeared to have the upper edge as Y/N's eyesight was more focused on Ulti than Hiyori, with his cock bending to her side and looking like it was preparing to shower her with the hot shiny, creamy cum that her body had begun to crave and get horny over as Hiyori didn't even bother trying to play fair and Ulti was calling foul on Hiyori taking the whole front tip into her mouth, sucking on it like it was a lollipop.

What came next was a hot eruption like a volcano but purer than Winter and the snow that came with it as Y/N's dick wasn't just ejaculation, ejecting, or firing off: it was exploding and reacting violently like the whole of the seabed and erupted and come up to the surface as the surface of sand, the two girls, and even the crowd was at the mercy of Y/N's cumming session. It probably went on for minutes upon end, they wouldn't be surprised if it had gone to an hour. The point was that Y/N's body was shifting and twisting like mad as even Ulti and Hiyori had to admit that this was beyond them and they instead tried to shower the super shower as much as they could but it was fruitless and hopeless in the end as Y/N's cock kept on pumping out and out, without end; these people were praying with Buddha faces for the white flash and white day to pass. Someone even commented if March the seventeenth had arrived.

By the end of it, Hiyori and Ulti had to end up going through a hot lesbian session while blinded to clean themselves off of the amount of cum firing off at them. It was pretty hot to see and even Y/N found himself partially cheering them on as the two of them kept on going until they had eaten and licked off enough cum that they could act and work just fine. It still took a bloody long time, but the act was hot enough to keep Y/N's keen cock out and hard still. "Looks like you two are done. I hope you don't keep me hanging; it's gonna get soft!"

Hiyori was like a zombie as she got off, brain dead, and went for the only thing that mattered. Her hand was stroking the cock and keeping it in place as she grinned, looking at Y/N with a look that only screamed how much she hungered for him as her mouth opened up, fragments and webs of cum splattered on the inside as the drool pooled out of her mouth and covered his dick. She treated the whole meat as if it was an entire body with the amount of times she was spitting on it and making sure to cover it. "Nice, big cock! I'm taking it down!" Hiyori said, trying to fit in her mouth, with even the crowd trying to warn her that wasn't so smart, as Hiyori ignored them and allowed something bigger than her arm to enter her mouth.

Her eyes were already with regret but Hiyori could only find the will to push on and a limited amount of adrenaline as Hiyori's pussy was flooded with cum and pooling out of her as Hiyori's jaw was making funny noises as she went with the flow but did nothing about the danger to her body as Hiyori worked like a mad woman on it, getting hornier and hornier. She was so horny that she let it overload her mind and not to think about the consequences.

"Hiyori! How the hell are you sucking so much?! Shouldn't you be in pain, or worrying about your body?!" Y/N asked her but he didn't mind it as Y/N grabbed her head and thrusted her into his musky male area, making her moan as Hiyori felt more confident with the hand of Y/N and allowed herself to go wild as even her big boobies were soaring sky high and massaging and scraping against Y/N's cock at the same time.

Hiyori was getting dizzy... Two cocks... four testicles? Hiyori felt a sharp pain in the back of her throat as Y/N continued rocking his hips faster. While Ulti was finding it funny seeing Hiyori's face like that, even she could tell that Hiyori should stop because she was going way beyond her limits and this would only end in a titanic tragedy but she got over it herself and continued to indulge in it all.

Y/N gritted his teeth when he felt Hiyori's hands fondle his big balls. It was so sudden coming from her but Y/N didn't really do well. "Y-you're gonna regret doing this, Hiyori!" Y/N groaned out, with the other crowd members, especially the ones that Hiyori and Ulti mocked, nodding in agreement as they also thought that Y/N was getting annoyed and angry at Ulti when he was actually kind of concerned about her safety because getting a cock that big pushed into her mouth should be ruining every part of her body but Hiyori just pressed her fingers more into his ball sack as Y/N closed his eyes from the mixing sensations he was feeling; Y/N's hands moving faster and faster, Hiyori's head smashing against his stomach as it did.

'Oh!' Hiyori thought as the final fucking into her mouth, with Y/N's hands on her head and putting his fingers into her hair was the final straw as her body gave in and her body was beating fast, her heart reaching a pace that made it seem like it was fucking something. In any case, Hiyori was getting fucked one way or another as Hiyori was gagging and her body couldn't take it anymore as the visions and multiplying of Y/N and people around her caused Hiyori's head to, which was very surprising considering her whole mouth was filled up, go round and round like circles against Y/N's cock.

The cumming speed and the amount also helped add another layer to it as the speed at which it was going was to the point that even Ulti and the crowd had a shocked face to find the ejaculation seemingly leave an imprint in the back of her throat and stretch out the skin. Ulti felt a bit horny at it but it was no time to be thinking about that as Ulti waited for her turn to happen and, right as she thought that, Hiyori's head slumped down and looked to have breathed its last as Y/N looked in confusion to seeing Hiyori like this.

"Hiyori! Don't sleep out on me! I'm still cumming!" Y/N joked only for him to rear his hips up, his speared shaft combined with his upper and lower body strength managed to lift her up, making some of the crowd members scream. "Oh, she actually passed out," Y/N muttered as his cock began slipping out of her mouth. "You still haven't—"

Ulti grinned as she engulfed the cock in one movement. "You called for help... I'll finish it!" Ulti said, somehow managing to talk with all the cumming in her mouth. Y/N wanted to question it but he couldn't because Ulti was busy showing why she was the best and stuffing the sausage shaft in her mouth without even an ounce of trouble. 'I can tell he's getting turned on. Well, his hard, juicy fat cock is turning me on, so I don't mind it like this!' Ulti thought with a smile.

Y/N smiled at Ulti as he laid his hands in her head, curled up his fingers in her head and looked down upon her. "If you nod your head on my dick, I'm going all the way! Screw it! Let me do it anyway!" Y/N rushed his sentence as Y/N rocked his hips back and forth, groaning at his massive erection rubbing between her soft supple lips and the way his great semen shooter sword was running in and out of her mouth like it was all over the place.

The crowd had seen more than enough. With what they had seen, they'd believe that the One Piece and more was real. An island in the sky didn't seem too improbable now that they had seen Ulti completely stuff his salmon into her mouth, his balls hanging down and menacing; two shadows over her, like it was sexually suffocating her form as Y/N's balls were mightier than before and had her chin and neck under his assaults as Ulti only seemed to giggle at the sensation that erection echoed in her body as Y/N continued to work his hips.

A sharp recoil hit Y/N as he fell to the ground, a wide spread white wave shooting out and making Ulti clamp her massive maw. All the way down, even somehow swallowing the shaft down and the big balls in one go, making Y/N groan and hold her in place, never wanting to let her go until he finished cumming. Which felt like it was going to be a long time as Y/N's toes curled in delight for the first time and his legs were high up in the air, swinging wildly before dropping down... Y/N looked lifeless.

Ulti grinned as her maw spat out the wholeness of Y/N's sex system. She wiped her mouth and licked the cum on her arm and the rest in her mouth as she grinned and stood up, arms wide out in front of the crowd. "Told you I'm the best!" she said.

In her peripheral vision, twitching caught her attention; the crowd was mumbling in shock, and her eyes locked onto his determined steely eyed orbs as Ulti grinned. "Giving me overtime and another free meal, are we?" Ulti questioned. Her tongue lavished at the thought of that, making her give her lips a long round lick. "I'm impressed, so let's continue!" she declared, opening her mouth once again.

  1. Ulti

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