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15.73% To change your destiny and mine. (BL) / Chapter 12: 'Is That a Yes?'

Chương 12: 'Is That a Yes?'

"So...I think I should start with a little bit about myself, uh. Do you know anything about me?" 

"Azrael Celestria, the second son of the emperor. That's it."

'I figured. He didn't even know what I looked like until now.' Azrael couldn't help but laugh inside his mind as he sat comfortably on Eirian's couch while the owner of the room stood in front of him.

'Now that I think about it, I can't believe I'm actually seeing Eirian's room... It's much simpler than I imagined, but I really like it. I love the snowflakes on his wall.'

Azrael surveyed the area from his vantage on the couch, admiring its refined simplicity. Despite their fragile appearance, the snowflake patterns on the walls and ceiling gave the space a whimsical touch—a complex dance of frost captured in artwork. The atmosphere was friendlier, and the air seemed lighter.

Meanwhile, Eirian stood in front of Azrael, a stoic man shrouded in mystery. Azrael silently took in the calm beauty that surrounded him as his eyes slowly lingered on the room's details. The chilly shades of black and yellow in his own rooms appeared remote and unfamiliar in this haven of peace.

'This room has been mentioned multiple times in the novel as Eirian's ultimate safe space. I get why now.'

"Your Highness."

"Huh? Oh, uh... yes?" Azrael was pulled from his thoughts as his gaze shifted from the room's interior to Eirian again.

"Continue what you are saying." Eirian spoke with mild impatience as he ran a hand through his hair, making Azrael smile apologetically.

"My apologies."

'I've got to stop losing focus.' He thought to himself, then began talking again. "I'm sure you're not the type to listen to whispers or rumors, so you don't know, but I did mention it to you a few days ago, but I'm quite...unliked."

Azrael paused, checking on Eirian's reaction. The older prince's expression remained neutral, so he continued.

"Much like you, I haven't formally attended any events with my family despite being a legitimate heir. I can't disclose why."

'Because I still don't know.'

"But that's my life. I wasn't...even supposed to be allowed to attend the academy. I just begged my father to let me because...because..."

Azrael injected a bit of drama into his tone to convey sadness. He already knew how Azrael felt, having experienced similar emotions during his visions and upon meeting Valerian for the first time. Pretending wasn't that difficult.

"...of my brother. I love my brother very much, but he doesn't seem to like me. I've done less than dignified things to gain his favor and attention until I've just had enough. Most students know of this because they've witnessed it, and I've been insulted and disrespected. I believe if I wasn't the son of the emperor, I would've been treated just like you. We're—"

"The same?" Eirian answered unexpectedly as he walked to the single chair adjacent to where Azrael was sitting and sat down. Crossing his legs, he stared at Azrael. "I don't think we are. You said it yourself, Your Highness. Despite everything, they can't do anything to you. They, however, don't care even if I'm a crown prince."

"Luckily, I wasn't going to say we're the same. I acknowledge that you have it a hundred times worse than I ever could." Azrael assured him with a small smile on his face. 'He's still a bit hostile towards me, but I understand.'

Eirian's neutral expression wavered a bit, only a bit, but he still maintained his composure. Since Eirian didn't respond, Azrael took this as a sign to continue while absentmindedly brushing his long hair.

"I was going to say we're both going through some things that I feel can be solved at the same time if we play our cards right, and I know you're still wondering how helping you could help me. Well..."

Azrael let go of his hair and tucked a strand behind his ear. Eirian tilted his head a bit to the side, still staring at Azrael, which was starting to make him self-conscious. "You've told me something about yourself, Your Highness, but you still haven't told me what made you come to the conclusion I'm the one you should do this with?"

Ah, yes. Azrael almost forgot to mention the most important part, the part he had rehearsed over and over alone in his room. "Caelum... he's close with my brother. Everyone knows that; they grew up together. The church treats them both as if they're brothers." He said with a half-genuine bitter tone.

He couldn't help but genuinely feel bitter for Azrael's sake. One of the things Azrael used to like about Valerian, as Zak, was how much he saw Caelum as a brother.

Though initially noted as indifferent towards Caelum, when Valerian found out about Caelum's betrayal, he was crushed. He considered the man his confidant, his best friend, and his brother. They were basically raised by the priests together more than their own parents.

Despite knowing that Caelum had used him all these years, Valerian decided to help Eirian in hopes of getting Caelum back on their side. To convince him that his way wasn't the right way, and even when he had the emperor killed and basically ruined the Celestria family, he didn't care.

'I always assumed he was like that towards Caelum because he couldn't do anything for his actual brother, but it turns out he's just an asshole.'

"I've always felt something was off with Caelum. I've always tried to stay as far away from him as possible because I was envious of his relationship with my brother, but from petty jealousy, suspicion grew..."


"His smile, his actions, everything about him seemed so fake, as if he were a devil hiding under the guise of an angel. I confirmed it when I came to this academy and saw how badly he treated you. Even if you were as the rumors say you are, I'd expect the so-called saint would be the first one to come to your aid, but instead, he's the one fanning the flames."

Azrael narrowed his eyes a bit as he crossed his arms against his chest with a small huff; his annoyance towards Caelum was genuine. "I don't want someone like that to be close to my brother or be considered a saint. I want to expose him, and exposing him comes with clearing your reputation. He exudes darkness more than you ever did."

"Helping you is both out of empathy and selfishness. I don't want you to keep suffering because of him, because of one prophecy that doesn't even make sense. I don't want this empire to worship a fake saint, but I also want to do this to gain my family's approval. To become worthy of having the Celestria blood and name."

After his little speech, Azrael was done. That was all he had regarding his 'backstory' and 'motivation.' He looked back at Eirian, who bowed his head slightly as if he were thinking. Azrael waited for him to voice out his thoughts.

He still didn't seem convinced, that's for sure, but he didn't seem as doubtful either, which was a good sign in Azrael's books. None of the characters who ever got the chance to speak with Eirian got this close.

Likely because none of them were prepared nor knew anything to this extent. When it came to Eirian, Azrael was a complete fanboy. He knew everything. It's mostly because the novel was written from Eirian's eyes.

"I understand what you're saying, Your Highness. To some extent, you seem genuine enough." Eirian spoke after a few minutes of contemplating.


"But, I still can't grasp how you plan on pulling this off? You said it yourself; you have no power. That...saint, he has more power over us than anyone. I have been helpless against him since infancy. How do you expect to go against someone like him? How do I know this is real? That you do want to help me, and you're not setting me up for even more torment to get your brother's attention?"


"Forgive me for still not believing even when you've opened your heart to me, but you can't honestly expect me to just agree without knowing the risks. I've grown accustomed to how I'm treated, it still pisses me off, yeah, but there's nothing I can do, or I thought there's nothing..."

Azrael watched as Eirian's usual neutral expression twisted a bit into a look of worry, and a bit of hostility but it didn't seem to be directed towards him. "Caelum Eversly has tormented me all my life and taught others to do the same. Not even my father could do or say anything. How are you so sure that you can? Everything's just contradictory. You have no hold on others yet you think you can help me."

Eirian took a deep breath as he ran a hand through his hair and delivered his final thought. "How can you help me when you can't even help yourself?"

That caught Azrael off guard. He knew Eirian could be blunt no matter who he was speaking to, but he didn't expect him to be this blunt, but luckily he had the perfect answer for that question.

"That's...exactly why I need you as well," Azrael says with a strained tone. "As I've said, in our situation, we can't do anything alone, but we shouldn't have to bear with it forever. I'm not just offering to help you; I am also asking you to help me. At the very least, we may continue to suffer or even suffer more, but..."

Azrael looked directly into Eirian's eyes. "We won't be suffering alone anymore." That was one of the many things Azrael wanted.

For Eirian not to suffer alone anymore as long as he's in the novel.

Only he knew what lies ahead, and it was much worse than his situation now. It won't just be about bullying; people's lives are at stake. Eirian's life is at stake. People close to Eirian will either die or get hurt, and there are things Azrael knew he couldn't stop no matter how much he plans.

So, he at least wants Eirian to have someone by his side when those moments come.

Eirian's mouth gaped slightly after what Azrael said, his brows furrowed as he stared back in surprise. This time Azrael didn't know what kind of expression Eirian had, but it didn't seem negative.

Despite that, Azrael twiddled his thumbs nervously as he breathed deeply while giving Eirian time to think before he said anything. 'I wonder what he's thinking about.' Azrael thought to himself, trying to maintain his eye contact with the black-haired prince.

'The way he's looking at me is pretty intense. I want to look away, but it'd be disrespectful not to look him in the eyes.'

And honestly, Azrael found Eirian's eyes beautiful. In the novel, it was described that Eirian's eyes were like stars, and they were. Like two stars that were plucked from the galaxy and placed on his face.

Azrael couldn't fathom how people looked at Eirian and saw a demon. He looked much more angelic than Caelum ever could.

"Your Highness."


"I'm willing to consider this," Eirian says, and Azrael was about to cheer, but the older prince holds up a hand indicating that he wasn't done speaking yet. "...but tell me your plan first. All of this is overwhelming, and I don't know if I'm considering it because it makes sense or because of other reasons..."

'Other reasons? Is it because he feels glad that someone is willing to help him?' That was one of the things that broke Azrael's heart. In his first life as he read the novel, there were many moments that Eirian badly wanted to open himself up to someone.

Especially during his childhood, he had many people approach him offering friendship, but only to end up being betrayed. It went up to a point where he couldn't get himself to trust anyone even when they seemed genuine, like Adham and Caspian, and other future characters that will appear.

So despite the fact that Eirian had multiple allies, he never had any friends.

"I understand, Eirian. I didn't expect to gain your trust without proving anything, and I did have a plan to prove my intentions besides the plan to expose Caelum." That makes Eirian tilt his head in surprise.

"You expected this?"

"Expected what?"

"That I wouldn't trust you?"

Azrael chuckles a bit then nods. "No one should expect a person who has been through a lot to trust someone who approaches them just because they offered something good."

"Then..." Eirian frowns a bit. "Why do you trust me? I haven't done anything to gain your trust. What makes you think I won't go to the crown prince and tell him your plans to gain some favor?"

"When Caspian was getting bullied, you wanted to help, didn't you?"

"What? No, that's not—"

"You don't have to lie, Eirian." Azrael brushes his fingers through his hair, his face now serious, taking Eirian back a bit. "You're kind. I know that with all my heart, and in any case, you aren't, which I'm sure is not the case...then the blame is solely on me."

"Your Highness, you...are honestly strange." Eirian mumbles as he placed a hand on his forehead, resting his back on the couch.

"Should I take that as a compliment?"

"I don't know."

"No matter. Now, should I tell you my plan?" Azrael asks making Eirian nod slightly. 'Right. It's time for the most important part but also delicate.'

Azrael had to go through many details from the novel to think of the perfect action to do in order to convince Eirian he was being serious. He took into consideration everything Eirian needed, and then he came to a conclusion.

"In order to prove myself, I will give you a magical weapon."

"Pardon? A magical weapon?" Azrael nods. "Your Highness, I'm sorry but—besides the fact that I don't see how that's relevant to what we've been talking about all this time, I can't wield magical weapons. I've tried. My father has gifted me multiple types, and none have worked for me. The priests made it a point that because of my cursed abilities. I'm unable to hold even a magical weapon."

Azrael knew that was true but also false. Eirian, due to the nature of his abilities, cannot wield normal magical weapons, but what he didn't know was he could if the weapon was special, and no, that didn't pertain to weapons that are higher in level or made by the best smiths.

"Before I explain further, I would like to address its relevance. Eirian...you can't use your magical abilities, can you? I've noticed this when I first observed you, and I also took it upon myself to ask around if anyone has ever seen you use dark magic."


Eirian seems to be reluctant when answering, but he knew he couldn't lie, so Azrael continued. "It's not that you don't want to use it, but I'm a hundred percent certain you haven't even seen your own magical core."

"How did you know? How can you tell?" Shock was evident in Eirian's voice as he asked that, his body jolts up from the couch, his eyes wide.

Azrael, of course, already thought of the perfect lie as a response. "Despite the fact that I'm weaker than my brother, I have the ability to sense it. Out of everyone in this academy, you're the only person who gives off a strong magical aura and mana yet at the same time no magic at all, I figured something was just off."

"I've always just assumed it was because I'm being punished for being cursed." Eirian states, his head dropping low which makes Azrael frown.

"Caelum doesn't use his magic often either." Azrael notes making Eirian's eyebrows knit together.

"What do you mean?"

"It's one of the many reasons I believe something is suspicious. Caelum can use his abilities freely, allegedly, but he doesn't use it much. You'd think someone who was revered as him would use his light powers constantly."

"That...I never thought about that. Come to think of it, you are correct."

Azrael will smile a bit as he can tell there's progress in this conversation with Eirian, so he continued. "You were told that you can't use magical weapons because of your magical ability?"

Eirian nodded his head. "That's not completely true, Eirian. Caelum is unable to wield normal magical weapons as well."

"But doesn't he have a sword?"

Yes. Caelum's famous sword called 'Sacrumbellum' A sword that will one day kill thousands of innocent people. A sword that resembles his master, looking like a gift from the heavens, but its usage is that of a devil's.

"Mhm. He does. But that's not an ordinary sword. His sword was forged by spirits from the enchanted forest, so it is special. You two, no matter how we look at it, have unique magical abilities that no one else has. It's only natural that only special swords work on you."

"I understand that now. So all this time, I only needed the same type of sword he has?"

"Yes. That's right. They're quite rare but they exist. I plan to get you one to prove that I'm serious about this uh...partnership? collaboration?"

"But why would I need one? With all due respect, your highness, as much as I'd be grateful if you did go out of your way to get me that kind of sword, but I don't plan on fighting anyone for respect or killing that saint."

'Yes, but there will come a time you will kill Caelum only to end up dying mysteriously.'

"I know. It's for the sake of the first part of my main plan."

"Which is?"

Azrael grins, excited to explain this part of the plan. "The Academic Olympiad," he says proudly, which seems to confuse Eirian even more.

"What about it?"

The Academic Olympiad is the first arc in the novel, and it was the arc that showed how people actually saw Eirian, but it was also where he meets other characters. To Azrael, it was also one of the saddest arcs because Eirian was purposely set up for failure and public humiliation.

The only good thing about the arc was Caspian helping Eirian, and two nobles from an all-girls school end up being charmed by Eirian because he will help them in some ways.

The Olympiad is a major event where the three big academies of Celestria come together in what Azrael described as similar to a 'sports fest' in high school. The three academies are the following: Luminara, the prestigious all-boys academy; Sylvanum Sorority, the elegant all-girls academy; and the Divine Sanctum Academy, which produces the empires' finest priests and nuns.

This event brings all three academies together to form multiple teams mixed with students from each of the schools, and they will go through various competitions and contests to garner points.

'Whichever team wins the most points is granted a big prize by the imperial family.' Azrael thought to himself, sighing sadly. 'Each year the headmasters, staff, and prefects will vote on the leaders for each team...and this year...'

"I know from some sources who the leaders for the Academic Olympiad this year."


"My brother, Caelum, Marinus Aquarise, a 3rd-year student from the Divine Sanctum Academy, The crown prince of Emberfall, and..." Azrael spoke slowly and carefully; he raises his hand and points at Eirian, whose eyes widened in return.


"Me?" Eirian stands up from his seat abruptly; disbelief is written all over his face. "Why on earth would they choose me? That's impossible. Being an Olympiad leader is an important role; I highly doubt they would ever consider me."

"You have to consider who was part of the decision-making, Eirian." Azrael points out, which makes Eirian breathe deeply. "Caelum is a prefect. We've both established that he has strings attached everywhere. He's setting you up for failure. He knows no one would dare listen to you."

"That fucking—" Eirian restrains himself from cussing further, probably out of respect for Azrael, but the younger prince already knows that when it comes to Caelum, Eirian swears a lot. "It's not enough that people like him, he has to do bullshit like this?"

'His real emotions are showing. I was wondering when he'd start speaking how he usually does in the novel.'

"Don't worry, Eirian. Like I told you, I have a plan. I don't plan on letting Caelum have his way. Not anymore."

Eirian, who had his fists clenched, looks at Azrael. "If that's true, what can you do?"

"My goal is to make sure we're on the same team. I already have information on all the other team leaders and their potential second-in-command. I want you to win this Olympiad and beat everyone else to prove that we're not useless. I have a lot of ideas in mind, but first, you need a weapon. The leader is a key figure in every successful Academic Olympiad."

"I don't mean to be negative to your plans, your highness, but you are aware that teams are chosen at random, right?" Eirian speaks with mild frustration due to the stress of finding out he has to be a leader.

"There's no guarantee we'll be placed on the same team. You might even end up under your brother, and if by some miracle, you do end up on my team, and we do our best, we'll have other members. How do you expect those people to follow us?"

Azrael feels proud of himself because, once again, he anticipated that question. Perhaps it's because he knows Eirian too much or thinking of all possible questions and answers over the past few days paid off.

But either way, the answer to the question is pretty obvious. It is the reason why the real Azrael still somewhat had a better life compared to Eirian.

Azrael adjusts himself on the couch to cross his legs; he tilts his head a bit to the side as he looks at Eirian and tucks loose strands of hair behind his ear. "Liked or not, I'm still an imperial prince." He raises a hand and gestures to his face.

"Who could ever say no to this face?" Azrael's lips curl into a confident, wide smile, an expression that radiates assurance and self-assuredness, and Eirian's eyes widen and seem to show a slight tremble for a minute.

'The real Azrael didn't have the confidence to use his status or his good looks, but that's because he was afraid of disappointing his brother. Well, I'm not afraid of disappointing his brother.'

Eirian's carefully constructed mask begins to fracture slightly at the unexpected display of charm that has left him briefly unsettled. The mesmerizing presence in front of Eirian chips away at the emotional fortress he had built, and as Azrael's appeal works its effect, the controlled façade starts to expose the glimpses of fragility he had held in check.

'He's staring again instead of answering.'

After a few seconds of awe, Eirian blinks back to reality as his eyes remain open. His spell of prolonged look breaks as self-conscious awareness comes over him, and he clears his throat. When he realizes how long he has been staring, Eirian's expression softens, and he starts to gather his thoughts, parting his lips to say what he wants to say.


'Huh?' Azrael is confused by the lackluster reaction. "Okay?"

"Yes, okay."

'Is he...perhaps?'

"Does that mean what I think it means?"

Eirian, whose face is now back to his usual expression, looks away and says. "What do you think it means?"

"Are you agreeing to my plan?" Azrael asks expectantly. There is no other reason for Eirian to say okay or act like how he is acting. Hope bubbles inside Azrael's chest as he waits for Eirian's answer.

Eirian is quiet for a moment, making Azrael nervous despite the fact that there is some hope inside his chest, but fortunately Eirian doesn't prolong Azrael's wait as he slowly nods, making Azrael's eyes wide.

"Yes. I'll give this a chance. After all, how can I say no to your highness' face?"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Merry Christmas! Check paragraph comment for a special Christmas pic. 

KazTheWriter KazTheWriter

[ PLEASE READ! ] AAAA I FINALLY POSTED THIS OMG! Honestly, once I got better from being sick. I realized that I have NOT planned any chapters beyond this one. So, I've been planning them out. I know where this story is going, I just like carefully planning out each chapter. So, I'll be taking a 4-day (perhaps shorter) break from updating to plan out chapters 13-29 (the reason I will stop at 29 is because Chapter 30 is where my first major arc will begin. The first 12 chapters are actually this novel's first volume, second volume will be chapters 13-29, volume 3 will be chapter 30 and onwards. Hope that makes sense! I hope you can all be patient with me because I promise, I have big plans for this novel! I just need to carefully plan it out (I honestly didn't expect I'd get this much views in just this month so I wasn't fully prepared to update everyday) I'm so grateful to you all, and I can't wait for everything to progress even more!

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