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83.33% The Dragon & The Wolf / Chapter 10: Is a man worth a throne?

Chương 10: Is a man worth a throne?

Chapter 11 : 'In the Eyes of the Seven'

Chapter 12 : 'The Hand of the King'

Chapter 13 : 'The Rulers of the Red Keep'

Chapter 14 : 'The Queen and the Hand'

Chapter 15 : 'The Shadow of Arthur Stark

Chapter 16 : 'The Nastiest Viper'

Chapter 17 : ' A Game of Pain & Passion'

Chapter 18 : 'A Tale of Waters and Snow'

Chapter 19 : 'The Northern Fist'

Chapter 20: 'Double Dual'

are available here =

w w w . p a t r(e)on (slash) MonsieurLAH

Enjoy reading!

Viserys was awaken earlier than he'd expected, his wife had awaken even earlier though, and was already preparing herself for the day. Both were surprised to receive such an early visitor.

"Come!" He called after he had covered himself.

Usually when Otto Hightower entered a room, he presented a solemn figure. Today was a concerning exception as the King saw his Hand walk inside his chamber with a hesitant step.

"What is it?" Viserys asked, already worried by his father-in-law's demeanor.

"I apologize for the early hour, Your Grace. I have… discomforting news. I thought it best shared discreetly before the council convenes."

"The Sea Snake?"

Viserys had had enough of this man who kept disrespecting him and considered himself his superior despite the Great Council's rejection.

"I'm afraid it concerns the Princess, my King."

Now the King felt a chill seize his spine.

"Has she been harmed?"

Otto slowly shook his head, pulling a brief sigh of relief from his son-in-law. The Hand of the King chose his next words very carefully.

"It is no easy thing to tell a father of his daughter's exploits. I had considered saying nothing, but…"

Viserys would have none of his honeyed words, already he dreaded Rhaenyra's actions and the consequences that would follow.

"What has she done?"

"The Princess was spied last evening… beyond the walls of the Keep… in a pleasure house."


"What of it?" He dared ask.

"She was carrying on with her uncle."


"They were engaged in behaviors unbecoming of a maiden… of a Princess."


"What behaviors?"

"Daemon and Rhaenyra were seen together… in the bowels of a pleasure den. Coupling."

Viserys resisted, with all the strength that he had left, he resisted the urge to destroy everything in his room. This was a nightmare coming true, this was irremediable, this was the end.

He tried to deny it, to brush it away like it was nothing, yet his heart knew better, for he knew his brother and daughter better than anyone else.

"This is a lie." He sighed with fake amusement. "You have been lied to, Otto."

"I only wish that were true, Your Grace." The Hand responded, twisting the knife in Viserys' bleeding heart.

"Who is responsible for this gossip?" He growled, barely keeping his anger under control. "Have this rumormonger brought before me at once. And I will take their eyes."

"As your Hand, I must maintain trusted sources of information." Otto said with a calming tone. "And this one, as yet, has never led me astray. Several of the servants have admitted to seeing her, the Princess… creeping through the gates from King's Landing, disguised as a page during the hour of the owl."

This was the last straw, Viserys now knew that his daughter had ruined herself, and her claim. He felt his heart ache and his sickness gnawing his flesh, feasting on his weakness.

The King of the Seven Kingdoms would not allow it, he would not let the Realm and the Throne destroy his only daughter!

He eyed his Hand with a furious look.

"Are you so sick with ambition that you would have my daughter stalked?" He hissed. "Spied upon? Awaiting your best chance to destroy her reputation?"

Otto lowered his head.

"I am afraid there is more… Your Grace."

"There is more?!"

Viserys felt his legs growing weak and his heart beating faster, he couldn't fathom how things had escalated that quickly, in one night!

" When the Hour of the Wolf came to an end, the Princess was seen escaping Arthur Stark's chamber, -though no one had seen her entering it- she ran straight to her room… crying all the way. My reports say that when she had left the pleasure house, she had been accompanied by a man covered in dark clothes, the identity of this man could be the Princess' adviser."

"Good! I hope Lord Arthur chastised her properly for her behavior."

Otto froze, a grimace appeared on his face as if his next words were causing him pain.

"Your Grace, I am afraid many will not interpret it that way… The Princess is a beautiful young woman, and her adviser is… a northerner. Already, lords and ladies are gossiping about them…"

"Enough!" Viserys commanded, putting an end to this torture. "Enough… those are all filthy lies!"

"I wish it was, Your Grace."

The King incinerated him with a furious look.

"You think yourself a cunning man. Your designs are obvious. Do you wish to have your blood on the Iron Throne so badly that you are willing to destroy mine own?"

"Your Grace, I understand your skepticism, but I urge you to interrogate Prince Daemon, as well as the Princess' sworn shield, Ser Criston Cole. They might help you understanding what happened…"

"I said get out!" Viserys roared. "Leave me... at once…"

Otto respectfully bowed.

"Your Grace." He said before finally taking his leave.

When the door closed, Viserys let himself fall on a chair, devastated. Alicent slowly came out to check on her husband. But the latter immediately got up, opened his door, and caught the first kingsguard's cloak he saw.

"Replace Ser Criston and bring him to me, I need to have a word with him. And find my brother at once!"

The Kingsguard bowed and quickly went to do his King's bidding.

Meanwhile, Viserys went back inside his chamber and started preparing himself for what would be a very long day.


Ser Criston had arrived earlier than he'd anticipated, his wife was still helping him with his hair when the stormlander's presence was announced. But Viserys didn't care if he wasn't presentable, he would have the truth of what happened. He commanded his kingsguard to enter and Cole did so.

"Ser Criston, I have been told some disturbing tales regarding my daughter this morning. Did my daughter leave her room, Ser?"

The knight stood straight, despite his obvious uneasiness. Alicent immediately understood that he knew something.

"Your Grace, I did not see her leave." He answered truthfully. "Had I known, I would have followed her but… But I did see her return."

Viserys stared at him in disbelief, then fury rose in his eyes.

"Why wasn't I informed of this?"

"I wanted to inform the Lord Commander but… but she ordered me not to. She said that there was no need to alert anyone for a… for…

"For what?"

Cole took a deep breath.

"For a stupid girl with a broken heart, she was crying… Your Grace."

Alicent's own heart broke when she heard this, she could only imagine her friend's pain. Viserys let out a tired sigh.

"Is there anything else, Ser? Anything you could tell me?"

The Kingsguard hesitated for a second, then another, and then he spoke:

"Your Grace… it might be nothing but… During the Princess' tour I have noticed…"

"What? What have you noticed?"

"The Princess and Lord Arthur… they have exchanged many looks. The more time they spent together, the more those looks have… increased in intensity. The Princess… she looked at Lord Arthur with affection but… Lord Arthur… When he looks at her… all I ever saw was lust."

Viserys frowned as Alicent gasped.

"What are you trying to say, Ser?"

Ser Criston took another deep breath.

"I believe Lord Arthur might have taken advantage of the Princess' feelings for him, but… I can only presume Your Grace, I have no other proof but the Princess' tears."

Viserys couldn't believe his ears, he tried to calm himself for he could not loose composure before his Kingsguard. Contrary to Otto, Ser Criston had nothing to gain from revealing such information, his only concern would be Rhaenyra's safety. On top of that, he had no proof. But Viserys knew the lust of young men for he had been one himself, and he had never truly believed that Arthur Stark had no intention of marrying his daughter, especially after he'd heard the rumors from Storm's End and the familiarity between his daughter and her adviser. The King of the Seven Kingdoms felt his own fury burn through his heart.

"I see." He simply said. "Thank you for your insight, Ser Criston. You may leave and help your brothers bring Prince Daemon to the Throne Room."

The stormlander bowed and left without another word. Viserys clenched his teeth and hissed his anger.

"Husband." Alicent placed a hand on his shoulder. "Please calm yourself, those were just theories, nothing has been proven already. Let's ask Rhaenyra what happened, she could easily deny or confirm whatever you've heard."

"If she is enamored by Arthur Stark, she might be capable of lying for him despite what he's done. I will have to find the truth of what happened by myself."

"My King, please." She urged. "Let me speak to her. I know she wouldn't lie to me. And if it truly is as serious as Ser Criston suspects… then I will betray her trust and report it to you."

Viserys looked at his wife, unsure of what to do. His daughter could possibly be in the most miserable state she's ever been. Being betrayed by her best friend might finish her off.

He didn't have time to think this through though, for the Lord Commander of his Kingsguard made his presence known by knocking at the door.

"Your Grace, Prince Daemon is being brought to the throne room as we speak. He looks like he has been deep in cups."

Viserys' fire returned to his eyes in an instant, he finished getting dressed and exited his room without giving another word to his wife. Who could only looked at the door, with regrets.


The floors of the throne room were cold as Prince Daemon laid against it on his belly; so drunk with shame and wine that he was barely able to stand.

"My daughter," he heard his brother say, as he felt the rumble of heavy footsteps approach his prone body. "Would you even deny it?"

"I need to understand the charge before I can attempt to discredit it." Daemon grumbled

"You defiled her." Viserys roared as he gave him a hard kick in the ribs, and eliciting a heavy groan from him. "You were seen with her in a whorehouse in flea bottom."

"What does it matter, brother?" Daemon casually said. "When we were Rhaenyra's age, we fucked our way through most of the brothels on the Street of Silk."

"We were young men. She is just a girl... Your niece, " Viserys spat.

"Rhaenyra's a woman-grown. Better her first experience be with me than some whore." The Rogue Prince replied, his tone still casual, as if he was brushing his brother's fury and his niece's dishonor from his shoulder. "It could have been worse, Brother, it could have been your daughter's beloved dog."

Viserys saw red after hearing those words, he descended on him and grabbed him by the collar, "You fucking… You have ruined her! What lord would have her now, in this condition?"

"Who gives a fuck what some lord thinks?" The Rogue Prince spat. "You are the dragon. Your word is truth and law."

The King slapped his brother as hard as he could, but Daemon's smirk remained still.

"I have spent a lifetime defending you. But your heart is even blacker than I thought." He held back his tears, he wouldn't give this pleasure to his little brother. "I should disinherit her as I already did you and be done with it!"

"Wed her to me." Daemon offered, his tone filled with desire.

Viserys paralyzed himself, unable to process what the Rogue Prince had just asked.

"When I offered up my crown, you said I could have anything. I want Rhaenyra. I'll take her as she is, and wed her in the tradition of our house."

"You are already wed."

The trials of this morning had taken a larger toll on the King than he'd expect, his brother's demand confused him in his despair.

"That didn't stop Aegon the Conqueror from taking a second wife." Daemon pointed out.

"You are no conqueror." Viserys spat, unsheathing his dagger and kissing his brother's tender flesh with its cutting edge. "You are a plague... sent to destroy me."

But the Rogue Prince acted as if he had never heard him.

"Give me Rhaenyra to take to wife and we will return the House of the Dragon to its proper glory."

And now, now Daemon's plot was revealed, now Viserys saw it all.

"Of course." He breathed. "It's not my daughter you lust for, is it? It's my throne."

He wanted to cut his throat, he needed to cut his throat. But he was no kinslayer, and murdering him would only give confirm before all what had happened to Rhaenyra.

So he released him, hi brother was not worth the effort, he needed to protect his daughter from him.

"Go back to the Vale, Daemon, to your lawful wife." He commanded as he turned his heels to leave. "Strive to restore whatever scrap of honor remains in you. Or don't. Matters not to me. As long as you are gone from my sight for good."

"As you wish, brother." The Rogue Prince mumbled, clearly not caring about his brother's punishment, it was the worst he could do anyway and it'd never hurt him.

Or rather, it'd stopped hurting him a long time ago.


Rhaenyra had slept horribly, when she had awoken, she hadn't found the strength to get up. Her pillow was still wet with her tears, her broken heart was still bleeding.

It was only now, after he had rejected her, that she had realized how much she had wanted him. Him and no one else. She remembered when she had hugged him, how safe she had felt, how desperate to be with him she had been. Now she dreaded the moment where she would see him again, for she would not be able to look in his cold grey eyes.

She cursed Daemon in her pillow for what he had done to her, she still remembered the touch of his hands on his body, and she now felt so disgusted by her own body that she felt the urge to bath. Which she did when her handmaidens brought her hot water. She scratched her skin so harshly that she almost hurt herself. She hated herself so much that she almost did, but renounced it. If she were to do something stupid -again-, Arthur would scold her. And that was the last thing she wanted.

Exhausted, she considered going back to bed and pretend to be sick for the rest of the day. But a knock at her door ruined that plan. She sighed deeply.

"What is it?"

"The Queen demands an audience, Princess."

Rhaenyra frowned, that hadn't been Ser Criston's voice, and Alicent hadn't come in her room in years.

"Send her in." She said, she could use the distraction.

However, her friend's face when she entered immediately informed her that the matter was serious, very serious. Alicent looked even more distressed than she was. Rhaenyra sighed when she remembered what Arthur had told her last night, everyone in King's Landing probably already knew what happened.

"I know what you're about to say." She interrupted before the Hightower lady could even open her mouth. "And no, I did not sleep with Daemon."

Alicent looked partially relieved but maintained an iron figure, Rhaenyra actually felt intimidated and unease before her. Something that had never happened before.

"You look horrible." The reach woman noticed, her voice filled with pity. "Have you been crying all night?"

The Princess looked away, in shame.

"Rhaenyra… Please, you need to tell me exactly what happened last night. With Daemon and with Arthur."

She frowned.

"What does Arthur have to do with anything?"

"You were seen running away from his room at the Hour of the Wolf last night, you were in tears according to servants and guards."

It was only now that Rhaenyra realized how stupid she had been. How she had forsaken all kinds of carefulness in order to escape from her adviser's cruel words. She'd have slapped herself had she been alone.

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything." Alicent breathed. "Please Rhaenyra, tell me everything. Everything that has happened, I've heard too many things this morning, Rhaenyra, I need to hear the truth."

The Princess did not understand why her step-mother was in such a hurry to know the truth, but she supposed that rumors and gossips had reached new levels of depravity when it came to her being seen in a brothel.

"Very well." She sighed. "But promise me you won't tell a soul."

Alicent bit her lower lip while Rhaenyra went to sit on her bed, the former imitated her once her decision had been taken.

"I promise." She lied.

And Rhaenyra told her everything. Everything except Maegor's secret passages. Her escape from the Red Keep, her adventure in the streets with Daemon, how he had brought her to a brothel and tried to take advantage of her. How in the end, she had refused him before he went to far. How he had abandoned her half-naked in the middle of an orgy, how Arthur had found her and brought her back to the castle. How he had berated her for letting her uncle manipulate her so easily. How… How she had cried in his arms and tried to kiss him, how he had refused her. And what words he had used to refuse her feelings.

She hadn't realized she had been crying until she was done, and when she did realize, she threw herself in Alicent's arms and cried on her shoulder.

The latter let out a deep long sigh, she believed her. Rhaenyra's story was too detailed and her reactions too emotional for her to fake. It warmed her heart to know that her friend had not defiled herself, but now, now she dreaded her reaction when she would learn what had happened this morning.

She waited until the Princess was out of tears, and braced herself.

"Rhaenyra," she whispered "Arthur was arrested this morning."

The Realm's Delight immediately straighten herself, her eyes wide and her mouth open.

"What?" She articulated with difficulty, unable to process what had been told to her. "Why?! For what crime?!"

"Attempted rape…"

Rhaenyra stared at her, dumbfounded. She felt like someone had just slapped her with a fish.

That was probably the last thing she'd ever expect the Northerner to be accused of.

"On who?" She stammered, confused.

Alicent bit her lip before she answered:

"On you."

Now Rhaenyra thought she was having a nightmare, for there was simply no other explanation something like this was happening. She couldn't even fathom how people could believe such a filthy lie. When she finally processed everything that she had been told, the dragon inside her started roaring, and she roared with it.

"Who dared to utter such a disgusting lie?!"

"Rhaenyra! Please!"


"Your father…"

She didn't need to say more, for her friend jumped from her bed and ran outside her room faster than she had ever ran in her entire life. The Princess thought she had heard her stepmother call her but she couldn't care less, she had only one goal in mind, and no matter what her father was doing, he would receive her immediately or he would suffer the consequences.

She first went to his personal chamber, and did not find him. Then that only meat that she had wasted too much time drowning in self-pity in her room, and that the meeting of the small council had began.

And that is were she ran, as fast as she run earlier, her body fueled by her raging inner fire.

When she finally reached the door of the small council's chamber, she was greeted by two Kingsguards who tried to halt her by raising their hands. It did not work. She tried to ignore them and force her way through the door, but then, the white cloaks grabbed her shoulders.

"I am sorry Princess, but you cannot interrupt a meeting of the Small Council." Ser Harrold told her firmly.

"Are you sure about that?" She retorted with defiance.

She took a deep breath, and, right in front of the two dumbstruck Kingsguards who had never seen her do anything of the sort, she screamed with all her might, taking her time to articulate each of her words:

"The King had better come out of his hideout, before I start running through all the corridors of the Red Keep! And I will scream to whoever might hear me, that he is nothing but a dirty little lia…!"

She didn't need to say more before her father opened the door himself, wearing a furious expression that paled compared to Rhaenyra's.

"I see I have your attention now."She scoffed.

Viserys didn't let her the time to start another rant, he grabbed her roughly by the wrist and pulled her inside the chamber.

"My lords." He called without taking his eyes off his rebellious daughter. "We will resume this meeting at once, for now, I need to have words with my daughter."

The members of the small council rose and exited the chamber, one by one without a word. Rhaenyra boiled when she saw the smug expression of Otto Hightower, but she did her best to prevent herself from slapping him.

Once she was alone with her father, each of their fire clashed through their eyes, and hers was the most ardent by far.

"What madness possessed you…?"

"What madness possessed me?!" She screeched. "You've imprisoned an innocent man for a crime that never happened and that he would never commit! What madness possessed you to do this?!"

Viserys was stunned, his daughter had never spoken to him like this. Never. Perhaps Ser Criston had been right; Rhaenyra's heart had been taken by this northerner.

He recomposed himself with difficulty, and managed to calm his nerves with a deep breath.

"Cease your screams, Rhaenyra. And I will tell you why your friend is paying for your misconduct."

Her father's words made her froze, the truth now clear before her eyes. Her father had deliberately accused Arthur of a false crime.

"Why?" She asked, her voice shaking.

Realizing that he now had the upper hand, Viserys regained a more dignified posture.

"You have exposed yourself." He accused her. "With Daemon in that whorehouse."

"I did not sleep with him!" She defended herself. "He tricked me!"

"Cease your screams at once!" Viserys boomed, having enough of his daughter's disrespect.

She bit her tongue, still furious.

"Whether you have slept with him or not is irrelevant, you have exposed yourself, Rhaenyra. Now we must both suffer the consequences."

"Then why is Arthur suffering in my stead?"

"Because, in order to cover up the scandal of your escapade, I had to find an even more unfortunate scandal for the Court. Thus, your innocence will be preserved, and your chances of finding a good match will remain intact."

A heavy silence followed his statement, Rhaenyra eyed him with an incredulous look, unable to comprehend how such a thing had happened.

"You set him up." She breathed. "All of it. This lie, you did this on purpose…"

"I did." Viserys lowered his head. "That was the only way I could protect you from what Daemon had done to you. This rumor has been spread this morning, after Daemon confessed his crime to me, it covered up the story of your escapade before it went too far."

"He lied!" Rhaenyra hissed, but despair in her voice was now evident.

Viserys looked at her with a stern look in response.

"You don't believe me." She bitterly realized. "You believe this liar and not me."

"What I believe does not matter. That was the only way for me to preserve your inheritance. Jaehaerys would have disinherited you."

"Jaehaerys would have castrated Daemon had he believed for a second that he'd have dishonored me." She retorted with anger and tears. "He would have never condemned an innocent man for the lie of another! I am still a maiden! Fetch the Grand Maester if you have too and he will confirm that I am."

Viserys shook his head.

"No one would believe him, Rhaenyra. They would all say I ordered him to lie."

"But you would!" She insisted. "And then you would realize how stupid and unjust you are being!"

"It wouldn't change anything." He replied with a sigh. "The rumor has already been spread."

"Then acquit him."

"I will not."

"Why not?!"

"Because to do so would be to admit that I have lied, to admit that I covered up your scandal with Daemon. I could claim I have been misinformed, but you would lose the throne. Is that what you want? To be sullied for the rest of your life? The only two men who will know about the truth and who would potentially marry you would be Daemon and Arthur. One greeds my throne through you, and the other would not marry you."

Rhaenyra felt her heart being squeezed and her neck being grasped.

"Would you do this? Ruin your life for a man who does not love you?"

"Shut up." She replied, weakly. "Leave me alone."

"I will not kill him or have him gelded. You will plead for his mercy at his trial, and he will be sent to the Wall."

"No!" She refused. She would never betray him, he had never betrayed her, he was the only one. "I will not!"

"You will, it is the only way for me to grant him mercy. If you don't do it, I will be forced to apply the law to the letter."

Viserys had spoken calmly, but internally, he felt his own heart bleed. It pained him to do this to his daughter, but she needed to learn. She needed to learn how to play the Game of Thrones. Otherwise she would condemn herself and destroy her life. He would not let her do this. Daemon will not have her.

"I will not!"

"You will."

"I hope Mother's ghost strangles you in your sleep!"

The words came out of her mouth without a prior thought. Only her father's horrified look had made her pause and contemplate what she had said. When she finally realized the monstrosity of her words. She widened her own eyes in horror and fled the Council's chamber, leaving her father crumble on a sit, his eyes filled with fresh tears. He put his hand on his forehead and felt the cold metal of his wife's ring against his skin.

"I'm sorry…" He whispered. "I'm so sorry."

He needed wine. Yes, he needed wine. Wine would strangle his sorrow and his guilt. Wine would make him forget what he has done. What he had become.


Arthur had listened and seen everything he had needed to understand why he was in that disgusting cell. He hadn't been fed, or watered. He had kept his lower lip inside his mouth no matter how dry it was, he didn't want the result of Rhaenyra's slap to get infected. Shadow had been locked inside his room by the Kingsguard, but the moment Arthur had been thrown in his cell, he had warged into him and had him leave his room through the secret passage. Then he had led his best friend to the King's wood, where he would be safe and wouldn't starve.

The Stark was angry at the King for what he had done to him, but he couldn't help but respect what he did. Viserys had sacrificed a foreigner to protect his daughter from his brother. Had Arthur been in his shoes, and had this been the only option, he'd have done the same.

Rhaenyra's attempt at defending him had been… very amusing at first.

He'd almost burst out laughing when he'd heard her threaten her father to scream along the corridors of the Red Keep, he had to hold back however, otherwise his rat would have been discovered and killed.

Arthur let out a sigh, he was in deep shit. He should have punched Daemon Targaryen the moment he saw him put his hands on Rhaenyra. No, he should have caught her the moment the Rogue Prince had revealed her hair for all to see. It had been his own pride, his need to test Rhaenyra's resolve and… well, his jealousy, that had led him to his unfortunate fate.

Arthur thought about Viserys' words, and he agreed with him, the Princess should not ruin her life for a man that did not love her. It wasn't worth it. No matter what she felt for him.

He felt guilty, the words he had said to her had been unfair. The truth was that he wanted to protect himself from her.

The passion that was burning between them, this desire he kept feeling every time he looked into her purple eyes. It bothered him and it terrified him.

He knew that there was a possibility for him to truly fall for her, and he did not want that to happen, this would be nothing but trouble and misery for him. To love a woman that duty would prevent him to have, what could possibly be worse?

Arthur was not worried for his future, he had a plan, soon he would be out of this cell and out of this gods forsaken city. He would return North and keep living while hoping Rhaenyra would do fine without him. He truly hoped she would. And if his plan failed… well… Rasha was still waiting for him in the afterlife, she would probably berate him and mock him for his stupid death.

He missed her, he missed his wild Skagosi lover, the one who had made a man out of him. The one who had taught him what it meant to be a true northerner, his first and only love.

Perhaps death was not such a grim fate after all.

The door of his cell opened, and a hooded figure entered the Stark's new apartment with a torch at hand, Arthur raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"To what do I owe this honor, Prince Daemon?"

The Rogue Prince seemed a bit disappointed to have been recognized so quickly, yet he didn't let it affect him more than that.

"I've wanted to talk to you in private since I have returned from the Stepstones." He admitted while 'admiring' his cell. "But I admit I envisioned it in another decor."

"Just say your piece, will you? I have no patience for your spiel."

Daemon snorted.

"Of course, you're a busy man after all." He mocked as he fixed the torch to the wall and turned to face him.

Arthur was two inches taller than Daemon, and his growth wasn't over, the Targaryen Prince was in no position to intimidate him. Yet, Baelon's second son looked at him with an incendiary gaze.

"Your Manderlys made quite an impression in the Stepstones." He said, his tone hard as iron. "Your fellow barbarians blocked the Triarchy's escape after I slain the Crabfeeder. They sank almost all of their ships without even announcing their arrival to either myself or Lord Corlys. If you insist on being blunt, Stark, then tell me: how in the world did you manage to accomplish such a timely attack and what did you expect to gain from it?"

"I'm sure your brother had already warned you about their arrival with a messenger." Arthur replied with a smirk. "And I had anticipated that you would have gambled everything on a risky battle to secure victory, rather than let your brother humiliate you by helping you. So I told Lord Manderly to sail quickly and I pretended preparations were taking time in order to delay the King's message to you until it was too late. Fortunately for me, Lord Manderly is an old friend of mine, and he trusted my word without any sort of guarantee."

Daemon clenched his fist in anger and grabbed him by the collar, but Arthur swatted his arm away with a powerful backhand.

"Get yar foocking hand off me, ya pompous southern bitch." He snarled, his eyes turning yellow.

The Targaryen Prince rose an eyebrow in surprise, he put his hand on his dagger's hilt in anticipation.

"Interesting." He commented. "So I see I was correct when I assumed you were a dog."

Arthur gave him a carnivorous smile.

"A'm more wolf than you will ever be dragon, ya wingless lizerd."

"And you think that is something to be proud of?" Daemon chuckled.

"Oh, trust me, it is."

The Rogue Prince crossed his arms, examining his interlocutor with a careful eye.

"What were you hoping to accomplish by smashing the Triarchy's retreating forces?" He asked in a much lighter tone. "History will remember that it was me who slain the Crabfeeder."

"I don't give two shit about the Crabfeeder." Arthur shrugged. "My countrymen simply made sure the Triarchy wouldn't come back anytime soon. And when you and Lord Corlys left to parade and cover yourself in glory, we stayed to secure the islands until the Lannisters' and Redwynes' arrival."

Daemon narrowed his eyes dangerously.


"To assume control of the Naval routes and tax the Triarchy's ships. Meanwhile, we northerners will be given a glass garden made of Myrish glass for our help."

"A garden?" Daemon repeated with a skeptical tone. "You did all of this for a fucking garden?"

"A glass garden is a greenhouse that grows crops even during winter. A second one is a great boon to the North, it is more valuable than glory or gold to us, the North will strive thanks to it."

The Rogue Prince frowned in confusion, he processed everything the Stark had just told him, and then he burst out laughing.

"You did all of this ship to grow some fucking vegetables." He shook his head in amusement. "The North must be even more desolated than I thought."

"I don't care what you think, to my eyes, your glory and pride is not worth a carrot." Arthur replied, impervious to the taunts of his Prince.

Daemon snorted, an amused smile graced his face.

"A shame that Viserys has decided to frame you for my actions." He genuinely said. "I admit, I like your bluntness and attitude. You're very funny. Maybe one day, I will pay you a visit to the Wall."

"I won't be going to the Wall." Arthur assured him, confidence evident in his voice.

Daemon looked at him with amused pity.

"Don't expect to get away with a trial by combat. Rhaenyra's testimony will be too overwhelming for you to handle. My brother will invoke a trial by the seven, and it will be seven against one, for no one would stand by your side after such an accusation."

Arthur smiled at him, the Rogue Prince did not know if he was stupid or insane.

"Rhaenyra will not testify against me." The Stark stated with confidence, though, his tone was sad.

Daemon looked at him with a dumbfounded gaze, he almost laughed but his instinct held him.

"Oh you poor boy, you're going to be sorely disappointed."

"I won't."

Daemon rolled his eyes, it was pointless to argue.

"I suppose we will find out tomorrow." He simply said as he retrieved his torch and moved to exit the cell.

"One last thing." Arthur said, the Rogue Prince turned to face him and got punched in the face.

The Stark was almost nineteen years old, he was tall and strong, his punch broke Daemon's nose and send him staggering against the door.

"That was for what you did to Rhaenyra ya sister-fucker bastard." The Northerner spat, his yellow eyes filled with fury.

Daemon came to his senses, and unsheathed his dagger, Arthur showed a carnivorous smile.

The Targaryen Prince was ready to cut him into little pieces, but he shook his head and smiled back.

"It must frustrate you," he mocked, "to know that I have fucked her."

"You've never fucked her, you pitiful liar, I was there, she pushed you away before you could reach her cunt."

Daemon frowned in displeasure, but his smile came back quickly.

"You've just made a terrible mistake, Stark. I hope you are stupid enough to demand a trial by combat, so we can settle this matter together."

"That is what I am counting on, prick."

Now the Rogue Prince let his own carnivorous smile grace his face. He chuckled.

"Very well." He said as he sheathed his dagger. "I will see you tomorrow, Stark."

"Sleep well, Targaryen. And have a maester look at your nose before it stays like this. Or don't, this new face suits you perfectly."

Daemon simply chuckled before he left the black cell, leaving the Northerner alone in the darkness.

He went straight to his room in order to prepare Darksister, she would kiss the Stark's flesh by the afternoon.

Chapter 11 : 'In the Eyes of the Seven'

Chapter 12 : 'The Hand of the King'

Chapter 13 : 'The Rulers of the Red Keep'

Chapter 14 : 'The Queen and the Hand'

Chapter 15 : 'The Shadow of Arthur Stark

Chapter 16 : 'The Nastiest Viper'

Chapter 17 : ' A Game of Pain & Passion'

Chapter 18 : 'A Tale of Waters and Snow'

Chapter 19 : 'The Northern Fist'

Chapter 20: 'Double Dual'

are available here =

w w w . p a t r(e)on (slash) MonsieurLAH

Enjoy reading!

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