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23.68% Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT / Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Journey Beyond the Wall 1!

Chương 34: Chapter 34 - Journey Beyond the Wall 1!

[Chapter Size: 3000 Words.]



A few meters beyond the Wall, 290 AC, the same moment.


Soon after crossing the Wall, Jon dedicated himself to mapping the area with Caraxes and the others flying above the Wall. He had command over more than 100 birds, and Caraxes, his feathered friend, even startled the men on guard at the top of the Wall as he flew by, his size far surpassing conventional birds. Jon knew that Jeor Mormont would complain to him the next time they met, for leaving his men terrified, but Jon had the impression it would be a long time before he saw the Lord Commander again.

Now familiar with the area, Jon headed directly to the Heart Tree a few kilometers ahead, for it was there that the gods would give him the next task and path to follow. The giants seemed happy to be in their homeland as they advanced towards the tree.

A few days later, having encountered only a few animals along the way, they finally arrived at the site. Jon, without wasting time, approached the Heart Tree and felt his magic strengthen there. He thought that next time he settled somewhere, regardless of the weather, he would need to have a sacred Heart Tree as well. Unfortunately, he did not know how to create one, but perhaps he would find out in the future.

Upon touching the tree, it emitted a glow, and all who witnessed could only admire the connection between the Old Gods and Jon at that moment. For Jon, in connection with the tree, it was as if his mind was being sucked in again. He received many images, even without uttering a word. He understood what the images meant: the gods were clear, he should not only fight against the darkness of that part of the Wall but also develop the people forgotten by the realms of men on the other side.

Jon removed his hand from the tree and immediately fainted, overwhelmed by the crushing pressure he felt. When he awoke, he was in a tent, surrounded by flasks of medicine that he himself had created and brought with him. Ducken was watching him attentively as he showed the first signs of awakening. Jon sat up calmly and sighed, regaining consciousness and realizing the magnitude of the journey that awaited him.

"How long have I been out?" Jon asked Ducken.

"Two days, Jon, are you okay? It scared us," Ducken replied. Jon looked at him, his eyes reflecting a complexity of emotions.

"Ducken, I won't lie to you, everything I saw at that tree... it means I'm going to have to wage a war here," Jon said seriously.

"Against the wildlings, boy?" Ducken inquired.

"No, Ducken. Much worse things. White Walkers, Ducken. The stories are real, and they're killing everything in the North to add to their armies of the dead." Ducken grimaced at hearing this. But he believed Jon after witnessing so many unbelievable things. Jon continued, without giving Ducken a chance to respond.

"Ducken, we are going to face great risk. I won't lie if I say we have a great chance of dying on this side of the Wall. I'll understand if you and William want to leave. You're free, but I'm going to continue here with the task assigned to me," Jon said firmly. Ducken looked at him and sighed deeply.

"Jon, if what you say is true, tell me, what can a wall do to hold them back after they kill everyone beyond the North? Wouldn't it be the end of the world if the stories from 8,000 years ago are real? I don't think the Wall could hold back that army of the dead, am I wrong? Do you think I would let a boy put his life at risk to protect the South and turn my back like a coward?" Jon saw the determination in Ducken's words.

"But there's another thing, Ducken," Jon said, a bit hesitant, wondering how Ducken would react. "I'm going to build a nation here." Now Ducken was surprised.

"You're serious? You really intend to make the wildlings into a country?" He expressed more disbelief in this than in fighting the White Walkers.

"Yes, Ducken. There are really wild people on this side of the Wall, and we've rescued hostages from some of them, but there are still innocent people who need to survive, and this land brings many difficulties. I'm a bastard, Ducken, I would never have an opportunity in the North or South to command my own lands. I know I'll be hated for it, but I will ensure that no wildling ever attacks any citizen of the North without good reason. And if it goes as I'm imagining, it will be easier for people from the North to try to cross the Wall to live in my lands than the other way around," Jon said, smiling at the end. Ducken paid attention to every word. Was Jon saying he would create a

nation that would surpass the North? In this land dominated by the white of snow and almost without green or conditions for planting?

Ducken looked at the boy for a moment before showing a determined look, he stood up, unsheathed his sword, and knelt before Jon, a gesture signifying loyalty and commitment to the young man's bold vision.

"You have already proven a lot to me, even being a boy with no more than 10 namedays, so I trust you, Jon," he said and continued.

"I, Ducken, son of Jurius, beloved soldier of the North, give my sword and swear to protect you with my life, from this day to my last day, King Jon." Ducken made the oath solemnly. Jon smiled upon hearing this; he was a bastard and now, on the other side of the Wall, he was already being called a king, which made sense, considering he had said he would build a country, but it was ironic.

After a moment of surprise, Jon got out of bed and went over to the kneeling man.

"Ducken, you will be my first member of my royal guard, but not with rules from the South. You will have your own family here and will have time for it too. But I am not a king yet, nor am I ready for it now. I will have to train to be ready someday, if everything goes as I plan," Jon explained his situation and continued: "And about our destiny, I am sending my birds now to map the area and create maps. We will stay one more day here to rest and continue our journey."

"Yes, my king!" Ducken responded, smiling at the last part, teasing Jon this time.

Jon felt a mix of pride and responsibility. He was starting a journey that could change the course of history and have an impact on the entire world, and now he had by his side a loyal and dedicated companion. Although he did not see himself as a king yet, Ducken's words reinforced the gravity and importance of his mission.


Unknown POV

Somewhere further North, 290AC, A few days earlier.


A lady was praying under a Heart Tree. Some called her a seer, forest witch, or apostle of the Gods; others, mad. But she didn't care. She spoke what her gods showed her, and, in that religious session, she had another vision. Everything around her turned dark, and she wondered if she was still near the tree. Suddenly, she saw something beyond anything she could imagine: the future of her people in an unknown land, beyond the Wall, but it did not seem to be a land beyond the wall.

She saw a city with gigantic structures, so immense that her breath stopped as she looked up and saw how high they were. Around the city, the landscape was green, unaffected by snow. The city was inhabited by many different races and animals that roamed freely through the streets. She saw how her people dressed well, how they ate well, and how happy they were.

The image changed, and she saw a young man, in one of the highest places of the city, observing it with his children by his side. He was their king, a king like no other beyond the Wall. The vision changed again, and suddenly she saw the same king, a little younger, crossing the Wall with giants in armor and animals of unimaginable sizes, also covered in metal. She knew that this image represented what was happening at that exact moment: the king, the true king had entered the true North.

When the vision ended, the old lady found herself again in front of the Heart Tree, before she had seen all those things. She got up and, as she began to walk out of the sacred place, tears started to fall from her face. She always had assistants nearby, faithful to the Old Gods. The people waiting for her did not understand why she was acting like this, but they followed her in silence, respecting her moment of profound revelation.

She turned and began to leave the heart tree, reaching outside the sacred area, she saw the camp with tens of thousands of the free folk. Mance Rayder was doing a great job gathering everyone to flee the darkness. However, she realized that someone had arrived in the North, not to flee the darkness, but to destroy it. Looking at the sky, she began to laugh, a laugh that grew louder and louder with tears on her face. This unusual behavior began to attract the attention of those around, who knew the religious woman well for her peculiarities. Now, she spoke loudly with tears running down her face.

"THE KING IS IN THE NORTH, THE KING JUST PASSED THE WALL HAHAHAHAHAHA," she exclaimed, causing a mixture of curiosity and confusion among those present.

'Would it be the king of the South? Why would he come here? Was a war approaching?' Everyone thought.

"Is it the king of the kneelers, Mother Mole?" an assistant asked, curious and with fear in her eyes. She feared a war with the southerners on one side and monsters on the other.


These words caused a stir among the free folk. The idea of a different future, led by a king who promised such drastic changes, was something they had never imagined. Mother Mole's revelation opened the doors to a new and unexpected hope among them.

The old lady's words caused a shock among the people in the camp. The idea of a king coming from the other side of the Wall was unprecedented and hard to believe. Many of those nearby began to think the old woman had finally lost her mind. Disbelief was palpable among many, but amidst them, there were a handful of people whose eyes sparkled with hope upon hearing her words.


Many of those present remained motionless, reluctant to adhere to this apparent madness. They knew the dangers that lurked outside the great camp of Mance Rayder and were not willing to risk the security they had found there to pursue the visions of an old woman. However, not everyone shared this hesitation. A group of people, moved by faith in the lady's words and by the hope of a better future, began to organize and prepare their things, getting ready to leave Mance's camp and search for the young king prophesied by Mother Mole.



Current camp of the free folk, 290AC, 3 hours later.


Mance Rayder, leader of the free folk, was engaged in strategizing for the future. He drew a map of what he knew about the true North and analyzed it along with some of his military leaders, former chiefs of the main tribes he had united. He was still far from reaching the number of tribes he wanted to gather. To cross the Wall with the free folk and win, he needed more people in the coming years. The question was whether they would have enough time.

Mance was in the company of his recent young wife and her sister, Val, a 12-year-old girl who, in a few years, would be the subject of disputes, but would not be easily conquered, as she was a great warrior.

As more people gathered around, Mance thought of sending messages to the tribes throughout the North beyond the Wall, trying to recruit them. Moreover, there were the fools who tried to attack the camp, forcing Mance to wield his sword when necessary.

He was in the middle of the meeting when a man wearing a huge bear fur coat entered, interrupting the conversation. The sudden arrival of this man indicated that something important or urgent was about to be revealed, and Mance's and the leaders' attention immediately turned to him.

"Mance, we have a problem. Many members of Mother Mole's tribe and half of the Lascal tribe are leaving the camp," said the newly arrived man.

"What? How many are we talking about?" Val interrupted with her adolescent voice.

"I believe it's about 300," the man replied.

Mance, surprised, turned his attention to the newcomer. "Do you know the reason? It's not very safe out there with those dead walking through the North," he added.

"The old woman had a vision, it seems. She said it's because a boy of not even 10 years old passed the Wall at this moment," informed the man, somewhat awkwardly. The people in the tent were surprised by this. What would make a boy make such a decision to go beyond the Wall when the South is safer? They thought. Val snorted, showing skepticism.

"Why would a boy come to the North and why would the night's watch let this happen, if it's true... And why all the fuss about a boy?" Mance wondered aloud, before adding: "There's more to this, right?" The messenger seemed hesitant and then said:

"She said that the boy is the true king of the true North and comes to destroy the darkness and make this place a new kingdom." He finally revealed. The people in the tent did not know how to react to this. Mance looked at the messenger and smiled.

"If this is true, I would like to meet him then..." This statement left everyone speech

less. "Now we have work to do besides thinking about visions or ramblings of an old woman, we won't force anyone to stay in the camp, let them leave!" he roared, making everyone refocus on the meeting.


Craster POV

Somewhere beyond the Wall, 290AC, 10 days later


Craster sighed, thinking about Mance Rayder's recent movements with his tribes to the north. The Night's Watch seemed not to give much importance to the signs that the free folk were gathering. He knew Mance didn't like his lifestyle, but at least Craster and his men were safe behind the walls of his stronghold, while Mance was hundreds of kilometers to the north.

At that moment, he was eating with his family, or rather, his daughter-wives and future daughter-wives, when suddenly, during the meal, he felt a slight tremor. He quickly raised his head, trying to determine the source of the tremor that made his fortress shake. The women around were alarmed. The tremor, though light, did not stop, and Craster went out to see his men equally frightened. One of them approached hurriedly.

"My lord, there are giants, wolves, bears, and shadow cats of many meters in armor. Just by them marching, they are causing this tremor!" the man reported. Craster didn't understand what was happening and why they were coming in the opposite direction of the Wall, but he ordered his men to prepare for battle.

A few minutes later, the group arrived in front of the gate. His men prayed they were not enemies, and Craster couldn't blame them. They would be massacred by these monsters. Even he was scared. What caught his attention was the child riding a black wolf, the animal was 2.5 meters tall, larger than any wolf ever seen, who spoke representing the whole group.


Craster thought: 'Everyone knows about the ancient weirwood of legends here in the North, but no one knows where it is.'

"We don't know where the weirwood is, but we can provide a map. However, we don't accept coins here, in the true North, southern money is worthless," he challenged, curious to see what the boy would negotiate, since the boy was a southerner, even though he wondered how the south had giants in armor as he was seeing at that moment. The boy thought for a moment and then replied.

"We'll give 5 swords of 15 kilos in steel for the map, what do you think?" proposed the boy, offering a price well above the value of the map. Craster saw an opportunity for profit with the boy, who seemed like a noble from the other side of the Wall.

"10 swords!" Craster counter-offered.

"6 swords!" the boy retorted.

"9 swords and we have a deal," Craster proposed.

"Let's go Ducken, we won't get anything here," said the boy, turning to leave. Internally, Craster exclaimed: "Damn, the boy is good!"

"6 swords!" Craster quickly conceded, not wanting to lose the opportunity. The boy accepted. Craster asked for a map to be fetched and delivered outside the gate. After that, they finally departed, and Craster was relieved to be rid of them. He had gained high-quality swords, far superior to what they had locally, all in exchange for a poor-quality map. He doubted the boy, despite being visibly a powerful Warg, would discover the trick immediately. For Craster, it was a great deal.


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